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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 29, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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today. >> lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now than i can join the call one while watching the game
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coventry direct redefining insurance. >> i'm zachary cohen and washington. and this is cnn university is on edge right now, pro-palestinian protests continue to erupt across campuses nationwide with tensions reaching a boiling point. >> are reporters her on the scene and secretary of state, antony blinken is in saudi arabia right now for talks on a possible ceasefire in gaza secretary blinken, urging hamas to accept what he calls israel's. >> and i'm quoting him now extraordinarily generous proposal i'm donald trump's hush money criminal trial
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resumes tomorrow as we're still waiting on a ruling from the judge on trump's alleged violations of the gag order hello, and welcome to our viewers. whereas in the united states and around the world, i'm wolf blitzer in washington and urine the cnn newsroom there is a major new development unfolded thing over at columbia university in new york. the epicenter of college protests over the israel-hamas war and the growing civilian bloodshed in gaza just a short time ago, columbia officials said talks with student organizers have failed to come to an agreement. columbia is asking that protesters break down their tents at the encampment and voluntarily please leave over the weekend. more protests and anger have erupted across the country. i ucla is set campus yesterday demonstrators breached the security barrier, meant to
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separate opposing protest groups police quickly scrambled officers in riot gear on the virginia tech university campus. protesters were detained as the crowd chanted at police. shame on you university officials say the on-campus and cabinet had worsened with the potential to become unsafe. arrests have been made at campuses nationwide as more schools turn to police, to rein in the demonstrations some schools are threatening to suspend students and could cancel upcoming commencement ceremonies. let's begin our coverage this hour with cnn's omar jimenez. he's breaking all the news for us out of columbia university in new york. omar, what's the latest? >> well, for just learning right now that the university has set a to pm eastern deadline for students to clear the encampment. otherwise, they will face suspension and ineligibility to finish the
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semester on good standing out part of the documentation that as we understand what's just distributed over the last hour or so once the students to sign onto an agreement that they will fall university policies. and in particular, i want to read a quote from this document saying in bold, if you do not identify yourself upon leaving and sign the form, now, you will not be eligible to sign and complete the semester in good standing if you do not leave by 2:00 p.m. you will be suspended pending further investigation. now, this comes as columbia university president minouche shafik released a statement this morning saying that essentially negotiations between students protesters and the university hidden impasse effectively the end of negotiations, one of the headlines from that letter that she put out is saying that club university should he will not divest from israel, which of course was one of the central points of why this in kammen actually began at this university. now, also well, as part of that letter, it said
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that they would invest in health and health care and education in gaza, but also that while they've tried to foster an environment, four disruptive conversation and even provide a space for protests that some of the encampment and some of the tactics around it in and around the campus have created an on environment that was not welcome for jewish students for many jewish students, and so much so to the point that many chose to leave campus, a dynamic that the president called absolutely tragic. the p this morning a commencement and part because the graduating class was virtual when they came in, their freshman years, but making the point now to say they will have a commencement at the very least, indicating that they plan to have this encampment resolved by the time
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we get to that point, how it is resolved, and in what way we still do not know we're just now seeing those let's first steps again, university setting that afternoon deadline for students to leave this camp or face suspension will omar jimenez over ucla? >> from the university in new york. omar, u very much. let's continue our conversation right now with cnn security correspondent josh campbell. josh police as you well know, have arrested hundreds of protesters. students, professors, activists across the country, do police need to have a tactical game plan when they wade into these protests on college let's campuses. >> yeah. well, if it is essential, the police have obviously been thrust into this ongoing issue and regardless of what side protesters are on and how righteous there cause might be, there is no first amendment right to protest on private property, and that's where the police have often been brought into some of these universities to try to clear them of trespassing asters. but as you mentioned, of course wolf, it's important for authorities to have a game plan there's a
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big difference between crowd management and crowd control. and crowd management, you have officers that are there on standby just in case something happens. sometimes they'll facilitate first amendment activity and crowd control. you're trying to get the protesters to do something that you want to do. and when these dispersal orders go wow, when the campus is one, their campus is clear. that's not time for debate and the view of the police, but of course it's important for them to do that work. optics are obviously very important to do it in the way that requires the least amount of force possible. wolf how warranted josh, are the criticisms that some of these police departments are facing well, some of the actions we've seen have certainly raised serious questions, including this incident that recently happened on the campus of emory university involving an economics professor. >> have a look at that get get on the ground now just for
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context as that professor was being taken away in handcuffs, she said that there was this officer on the ground who was trying to arrest someone. she came up to that officer and quote, lightly tapped him to try to get his attention that of course, objectively unwise and it's certainly a crime in georgia two touch, a police officer and it provoking way as it's a crime. in most states across the us. of course, the big question here that forceful take down to the ground was that warranted, was that necessary? was there another way that they could have done that in a way that de-escalate the situation while still getting her into custody. but we have seen instances wolf or police have done just that, including last week here in california at usc, that was just really volatile situation where a protester was put into a squad car. believe we have video of that. that's squad car surrounded by other protesters, resulting in this very tense
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situation are for nick watt was right there on the scene as this was happening. what authorities ultimately did was have that person it's been released. they made the decision the on-scene commander, that that was the way to de-escalate and you actually see that individual as he stepped out of the crowd actually helping push people back, telling the crowd to go away. that obviously a good resolution. there's a question about whether that could then it looked as capitulation to this crowd, but of course, for authorities, their job is to try to reduce the tensions in this very volatile situation. we will of course, continue to see more of these protests. wolf and the police will certainly be under the microscope. >> yeah, the way that police officer took down that emory university professor that was so, so terrible there's other ways to deal with problems like that and not deal with it the way that police officer did, josh campbell. thank you very, very much for that update also happening right now, the secretary of state is in saudi arabia with the potential ceasefire deal between hamas and israel. now on the table this morning, antony blinken
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said, israel has presented the militant group and i'm quoting him now, within extraordinarily generous proposal adding that hamas is the only thing standing between the people of gaza and a ceasefire. cnn's jeremy diamond is joining us live from jerusalem right now. so what are the details of this latest proposal? jeremy? >> well, well, if the next few days are going to be really critical to determining whether or not a deal is even possible or whether instead the israeli military will move forward with a major ground offensive into gaza's southernmost city of rafah. and as it stands, there is a new egyptian framework on the table that has been crafted in cooperation with israeli officials with significant input from the israelis, although they haven't agreed to all of the terms. but here are the details, 20 to 33 is hostages would be released over the course of several weeks in exchange for palestinian prisoners as part of a first phase of this agreement. but there is also a second phase here that we're talking about, which is a one-year restoration
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of sustainable com, effectively diplomatic speak for some kind of a permanent ceasefire that would see israeli troops withdraw from the gaza strip. and that would also see the release of the remaining israeli hostages, including the bodies of those hostages who are now dead. now, hamas officials are currently in, cairo discussing this proposal, the proposal is also in the hands of yahya sinwar. hamas is leader in the gaza strip and his response is expected over the next day or the next several days, israeli officials are working level delegation, expected to travel to cairo tomorrow to pursue these negotiations. there's no question that the israeli position has really shifted significantly over the course of the last month. they have been willing to accept now fewer hostages for that first phase of the agreement. there also in this framework allowing for the unrestricted access of palestinians to return to northern gaza. something that the israelis had refused to do so far. and that has been a major you're sticking point
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for hamas. but the question now is will it all be enough for hamas to be able to move forward? or will we instead see israeli troops beginning to move into rafah in the coming weeks jeremy diamond in jerusalem for us. thanks for that update. let's discuss all of these dramatic developments with the former democratic congressman, the ceo now of the american jewish committee, ted deutsch shick. ted, thank you very much for joining us. what would a potential ceasefire mean for the rising tensions were seeing dramatically across college campuses? here in the united states we're going to fix that. we're going to fix this audio. let's take a quick break. we'll continue our conversation with ted deutsch right after this a florida man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax. >> sunday. >> this became the bureau's number one crying to solve.
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called car shield now, waiting until your car breaks down is two lake called car shield for coverage and up to 5,000 parts and get the car shield guarantee where your rate never goes up in your coverage, never goes down no matter how many claims you have called, 805, 778986 i mourn liebermann at the pentagon. and this cnn we've reconnected with the former democratic congressman from florida, the ceo now, the american jewish committee, ted deutsch ted, thanks. >> once again for joining us. what would a potential ceasefire in gaza mean for the rising tensions we're seeing all across these college campuses here in the united states well, well, if i appreciate the question, it's due time that we connect. what's happening with hamas. the fact that they're holding 133 hostages, six americans for now, over 200 days, that they
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have control of ending this if they return the hostages and they serve render and on college campuses, the reason that jewish students are at risk is because the protests are so many of the protesters aren't calling for the release of hostages. they're not making demands of the butcher. sinwar, who slaughtered over 1,200 people on ten, seven they're calling for more ten seven, they're taking their calling for action against zionists. they're calling for intifada and more terrorism. >> we need to get to a point where the hostages are released. >> hamas needs to do that. that's significant step forward. on college campuses these protesters need to be held to account when they violate the code of student conduct on their campuses universities must hold them accountable and putting jewish students at risk and targeting one group for harassment and
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intimidation is a violation of any student code. and there has to to be accountability i tend i want to play a little clip of how senator bernie sanders yesterday characterize the turmoil on college campuses during an interview with my colleague dana bash, listen to this do i doubt for a moment and anti-semitism exists and it's growing in the united states. >> that is part that exist among some people in the protest movement. of course but here is the reality right now, what netanyahu's right-wing extremist and racist government is doing, is unprecedented in the modern history of warfare, right now we are looking at the possibility of mass starvation and famine in gaza when you make those charges, that is not anti symmetric, that is a reality i want to get your reaction to what senator the senator said yeah. yeah.
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>> i don't need senator sanders to lecture me about the reality of what's happening on college campuses. >> i spent time with students from columbia, from rutgers, from brown last week. and it is not peaceful protests that has people screaming for more ten, seven to ten, seven every day, 1,010 seconds. 10000107. it's not it's not political discourse to, to tell jews that they should be gassed. >> its nothing, it's no free speech expression to say that jews should go back to poland, where 90% of the jewish population was slaughtered during the holocaust with all due respect to senator bernie sanders, what happening on college campuses right now. >> so many of these protesters who are out advocating on behalf of the hamas terrorists, who slaughtered 1,200 is absolutely danger dress is inconsistent with the very things that senator sanders says that he actually cares about, which is free speech and
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the ability for everyone's voice to be heard. there is not another group, there is not. let me be clear about this wolf. there's not another group that will be the target, the focus of this kind of harassment and intimidation where people would look for some justification for it. it would rightfully be condemned. that's what we all including senator sanders. that's what we all need to do right now about what's happening on campus. so that the campus can be a place where every student is respected and no students are silenced certainly not just because they're jews toward israel. >> senator sanders says, he was emphasizing his many others outrage over the enormous civilian casualties in gaza. many of these students are peaceful protesters. do you support first of all, students rights to peacefully protest this war? >> of course, peaceful protest. peaceful protest is, is central to what happens in a free democracy of course, that's the
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case. but when these students, and let's be clear, they're not all students. a lot of them are outside agitators as well. >> when anyone takes a position that puts an entire group at risk, that calls for terrorists. >> terrorism that, that applauds what happened on ten, seven, and applauded literally, there was applause heard when the announcement was made that iran was launching close to 300 britt and 50 missiles and drones at israel when they're learning to say death to israel in farsi, when they're celebrating the houthis, a terrorist group. and they don't spend a second calling out hezbollah or the houthis or the militias in syria that iran-backed militias or the militias the militias in iraq, and they don't say a word about the genocidal regime in iran. that's bent on real genocide, which is the destruction of israel and
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hamas, which caused all of this which exists wolf for the sole purpose of destroying israel and slaughtering jews when they are silent on all of that, and they seek to incur violence against jews that is not the tradition of free speech that we celebrate on college campuses. it's anathema to that, and it does great harm to all of us who believed that college campuses must be safe for everyone and speech by every group must be heard ted deutsch are the american jewish committee, ted, thank you very much for joining us thank you meanwhile, in new york, at any moment, judge1 were shawn could rule on whether donald trump violated the gag rule order in his historic criminal hush money trial. the courtroom is dark today, giving jurors an extra day to digest what they heard during the first full week of testimony on friday, the defense finished its cross-examination of former tabloid publisher, david pecker tomorrow, a banker, gary farro,
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will continue his testimony. he he's expected to walk the jury through the paper trail at the center of this trial, joining us now, for baur analysis on what's going on. cnn senior political analyst, senior editor at the atlantic, ron brownstein, and cnn legal analyst and former chief assistant manhattan district attorney, karen friedman, agnifilo. she is currently counsel for a firm that represents michael cohn, but she does not work on that case. and there are no restrictions on what he can say about it let me start with you around. let me get your takeaway. first of all on the first week of actual testimony in this historic trial, the first time a former president of the united states has ever faced a criminal trial yeah. >> it was kind of a look under the hood at the cd world of the tabloids and catch and kill and the cozy relationship between trump and the national enquirer in 2016. from a political perspective, i will leave a
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legal questions to my my colleague here from a political perspective. this has been from the beginning, the case that fewer americans of you as fundamentally serious, trump broke the law, or that it reflected on his fitness to be president. i think that the impact of this case really will come one we get to the finish line. i mean, given that voters are less likely to think this really reflects on his fitness to be president. they do though, continue to express concern about electing someone who may be a convicted felon to the chief law enforcement officer of the united states, and i think it will be that binary choice at the end. if in fact there is a eviction where voters have to grapple with the magnitude of putting someone in the president. presidency. he was in that position where this case will have a political impact if it is two at all. >> let's get the legal analysis from karen right now, karen, what are you anticipating when the trial in new york resumes tomorrow morning?
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>> so what starting to take shape in new york, it seems like the prosecution is trying to put forth as many facts as they can that are indisputable. that can really set the stage for when michael cohen ultimately testifies. because as we know, he has issues involving who he is, the fact that he's been convicted of lying. he has a perjury conviction and he has changed his tune. right. so i think it's going to be what they're really trying to do is put as many witnesses to set them straight, right now. so that when michael cohen testifies the facts are not in dispute run. >> maggie haberman, our friend and colleague at the new york times, has a new story up around this trial and she writes this, let me put it up on the screen. the question of what is true, or at least what can be proven is that the heart of any trial. but this particular defendant? it's been
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five decades spewing thousands and thousands of words sometimes contradicting himself within minutes sometimes within the same breath with little concern for the consequences of what he said. what are your thoughts on that? >> yeah. i mean, i feel like all of the legal proceedings that we've seen with trump, the defamation case with e. jean carroll, the civil fraud case from the new york attorney general, just underscores the difference between his potential vulnerability in the legal world and in the political world. the political world there is, there in his electorate, there is essentially no consequence for lying in the political and legal world. >> there can be there obviously is kind of a fog of misinformation that surrounds him that will make it more difficult in any in any case, but ultimately there are consequences. >> and by the way hey that's why you ask me one of the most important thing that happened last week in trump's legal, it really was this incredible
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spectacle of 05 republican appointed justices on the supreme court getting every indication that they will protect him from going to trial before the election on the case that american voters have made clear is the most serious in, their is the argument that the allegations that he tried to overturn the 2020 election. so we have multiple, as always with trump, there are multiple things going on at the same time, but i do think that his tendency to change his tune to mislead, to flat out lie ultimately is more a liability in the legal context than in the political context. >> karen, while all of this is going on, we're still waiting for judge juan merchan's ruling on whether trump violated his gag order. and we will know there will be another hearing this thursday over more potential violations. listen to this david pecker said somebody so far been very nice and he's been david has been very nice and nice guy.
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>> that's yogi was pick so fast 95% democrats the areas mostly old democrat. >> you think of it as just a purely democrat area? it's a very unfair situation that i can tell you what did you think of the david pecker's testimony, at least so far and when was the last time you had a chance to actually speak to him? >> david pecker, you never get him. >> all right. well, that was my mistake. sorry. but let me get your reaction to what was just said by trump. >> yeah so so essentially the thing about david pecker and really why he was so important was he really is the linchpin, i think the key to proving that this is all about the election and not about melania trump, and not about hiding information for personal reasons because they're embarrassing. and i think that was what was so critical about
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what his testimony was, what trump has been doing, however, is he's been violating the gag order multiple times, including what you just played about saying, oh, he's a nice guy and what the prosecution has said is that that is a message to other witnesses to be nice and to potentially intimidate them. so they're going to have another hearing this thursday on the gag order to essentially build more of a record of these violations. but the judge has yet to rule on the gag order violations. both hearing that we've already had and these continuing violations. so it'll be interesting to see when the judge chooses to determine whether or not he is in violation, but in the meantime, it does seem to be having somewhat of an impact on donald trump. he is get it. he is de-escalating his his rhetoric and his comments so it is having an impact one way or another. >> politically speaking, ron,
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do you think if the judge rules that trump did violate the gag order you it's going to have to pay a few thousand dollars in penalties. you think that'll have any impact politically? >> i think, as i said before, i think the real impact here is going to be at the at the finish line. i think trump has successfully frame this to enough of his electorate as an unfair targeting of him that you know, these, these intermediary steps probably will not have a big impact. and as i said, you know, the supreme court seems determined to protect him from a trial before the election on the most important allegations to voters. and that's why i think the impact of this case will be less from the specifics then from an effect that generic, which is our if he is convicted on america he's willing to make a convicted felon. they're president. there's polling suggests there is resistance to that idea, but we'd have to see when, if and when we get there. >> yeah. good point. that ron
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brownstein, karen friedman, agnifilo to both of you. thank you very, very much. still ahead. >> there's breaking news coming in from columbia university right now. a jewish student is now suing columbia university saying the school is closed failing to provide a safe environment will go live to columbia. that's next for the very late we have a contest here competition level, as good as it gets. we give ourselves another lifelong one game sears celtics, he, lakers, nuggets. coverage begins tonight. it's seven nba playoffs presented by google pixel. we'll round one cupboards presented by nerdwallet. don't lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now going like enjoying the coal one while watching the game who's willing? >> we are my friend we are today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you.
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university this hour at columbia university, as you know, has been the epicenter of the nationwide college protests over the israel-hamas war and the civilian casualties please in gaza, let's go back to cnn's omar jimenez. >> he's joining us from columbia university. so what's the news? what are you learning? ohmar yeah, well, for falling a lot of developments for one and anonymous jewish student has now filed a lawsuit against columbia university alleging that it is now a campus not safe for jewish students. >> in particular saying, quote, it is become a place that is too dangerous for columbia's jewish students to receive the education they were promised. now, in particular, it takes issue with the university his decision to go to a hybrid learning model. last week, as they said that safety was a number one priority. and amid the encampment, lead pro-palestinian protests that we have seen on campus for almost two weeks, straight now, now all of that comes as a university is now setting a 2:00 p.m. eastern deadline
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today. you're for students to leave the encampment or faced suspension at the very least, ineligibility to finish the semester on good standing. and as university announced that student protesters are now rallying folks that we start on campus to show up beforehand and to not leave what by that deadline. so we're going to tenure to monitor how that plays out as we get in the next few hours now, at this point negotiations between student protesters and a university had stopped as we found out this morning. and of course that's significant because with graduation and a little bit over two weeks from now it really has put the university in a position where they are saying definitively they will have a commencement, implying that they plan to have this encampment resolved in some way. we do not know which way or what that solvent resolution will look like. but we're at least starting to see the beginning portions of it now will columbia university, the
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leadership has enough, they will not suspend or end. there are connections that relationships with israel. is that right? >> correct. correct. as part of their announcement this morning, universities says they will not divest from israel, which of course was one of the central points that these protests since i've been asking for from the beginning. >> so i assume that means that columbia university students, if they want to spend a junior semester abroad at tel university or the hebrew university of jerusalem. they will still be allowed to go and receive credit for their studies in israel is that right as it stands, that would likely be the case. >> it would not change whatever the picture is right now for this point. and that was one of the things that the student protesters had been asking for, as well as part of that divestment to essentially sever at the very least decreased ties with partner universities in real that have partner programs back-and-forth there. so what the university making this commitment, they will not divest from israel, essentially
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putting a stamp on where the null associations have finished or at the very least stalled from the university standpoint that does not appear to be going away, but obviously it is put the students in a position to either clear the can't meant face suspension or we will see what comes after that. >> i will stay in close touch with you, omar jimenez over at columbia university in new york. thank you very much. i want to go to washington right now. she and that correspondent gabe cohen is joining us live from george washington university here in the nation's capital. what's the latest there gave well-fed is day five of the camp here at gw, but tension seem to be hitting a new high overnight protesters ripping apart and piling up all of these barricades. they said it was to liberate this section of the camp right here that was surrounded by those barriers. there were only about 20 protesters or so left here on gw's campus. and the early hours of this morning. but as we give you a one at view of the university yard here, you can see all of these new tents
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that have popped up. it appears that dozens of them. and this is all gw's property, then there are more than a dozen tents that have been erected on h street, which of course is the district of columbia, not gw property wolf. the big question this morning is when if at all, will dc's police department, metropolitan police, come in and clear out this protests and potentially arrest many of the protesters. a sources for days told me that police really don't wanna do that. they don't want the optics of arresting protesters, given that so many of told me and others that they're going to stand their ground and they are not willing willing to leave until gw divests as omar has mentioned, from israel and the israeli government, take a listen. here's what one of the organizers told me just about an hour ago when i asked what could happen today if police to come here to the protest we are refusing to leave until are divestment until divestment. husband matt were refusing to leave until our demands have been met period even if that
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means getting arrested 100% a lot of us went into this knowing that risk and we are putting the fact that a genocide is happening over our own individual futures and gw said it will at least temporarily suspend any students who remain here the camp i was told by one of those students who is still protesting hear that as of yesterday, at least seven people had been notified that they are suspended from gw but you can clearly see as you look around, does not appear to have deterred so many people we know though it is going to be very hot here in dc today, wolf tensions again are rising we will see if the posture from police changes, but as of this morning, that source telling me nothing, not even this escalation that we're seeing has changed the way police are handling this all gabe cohen at george washington university here in washington. thank you very much. still ahead world central kitchen is resuming its operations in gaza nearly a
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month after seven of its aid workers were killed by an israeli airstrike why its leader? as the organization is critical for the region, will update you on that when we come back beyond says new album is breaking records gets to say what country is call me country beyond, say a nashville's renaissance streaming exclusively on mats no application fee. if you apply by may 31st at university of maryland global campus and a university, that's transformed adult lives for 75 years you're not waiting to when you're ready to succeed again at un, lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now than like enjoying a coal one while watching the game who's willing? >> we are my friend. we are raw sparks engineered for the
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as israel it's a military calls it a grave mistake the idf dismissed two officers had formally reprimanded others after the incident. cnn spoke to the charity's founder chef jose andres last month before the attack, he told us what he wants president biden to know about the crisis in gaza and what his organization was trying trying to do to help said that humanitarian crises should stop. >> that food and water is a universal, right? at that, no person should be going hungry. i hope that he will push for a ceasefire. i hope, yes, you can say we need to be protecting our partner israel, but you can be also be protecting the man and woman are children of palestine. today. more needs to be done. we need to make sure that more trucks are able to flow in. this should be a very simple solution. if israel allow other entry points, all of this and we can bring enough tracks to make sure that everybody is fed, that everyone body has seen that everybody
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has access to water. what's in your kitchen, obviously, we have 64 kitchens with community organizations plus one more on our own. we have a plan to build a total of hundred kitchens all the way to the north. but in order to fulfill all the food needs that those kitchens need to keep making sure that debris kitchen is a hub to feed the people to run in that kitchen. we need a constant sen. flow, food, constant flow of water. and this unfortunately is not happening. sunday's has been the case that not track has reached into gaza, and that puts us behind the non-profit is opening another kitchen in gaza right now, named after a polish aid worker who was killed in that israeli strike world central kitchen says it continues to call for an international investigation into the strike still ahead, four people are dead, including a four month old baby. >> after a string of tornadoes ripped through multiple states the threat continues today hey,
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the coventry your house, solomon and new york cnn knew this morning at least four people are dead after multiple tornadoes rip through parts of oklahoma. >> this weekend. see you then meteorologist derek van dam is joining us right now. derek oklahoma saw record number of tornado for warnings during these weekend storms and they're still i take it a possibility of more severe threats in the coming days. what's the latest yeah. >> this is saying something wall two because this is really in the heart of tornado alley, norman, oklahoma, the national severe storms laboratory is located there. the national weather service, the local
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office issue in 59 tornado warnings. and that is the most they've ever experienced and ever issued in a single day. and this was the resulting damage. this is coming out of sulphur, oklahoma, which by the way, was ground zero for two violent large, and destructive tornadoes that moved within this area causing the damage you see behind me within the span of an hour, you can imagine the emotional toll, not to mention the physical toll on that community, 139 tornado reports over the past three days or so and that extends across much of tornado alley. and we're advancing this to tomorrow. so you see that the severe weather threat continues and ramps up again through the course of the week over some of the areas that were hardest hit within this past round of tornadoes and outbreaks this weekend, we're nearing that average to date. but look at what's happening across the deep south. we've been tracking this line of storms from houston, galveston through lake charles all the way along the eye ten corridor. it's largely fizzling out, but still a flash flood threat remains across
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this portion of southern louisiana. it's about to impact new orleans with the potential for another one to one-and-a-half inches of rain, severe threat diminishing? definitely not as high as what we experienced yesterday at through the course of the weekend, but i want to put forward and put this in your ear because this is where we need to focus their attention for tomorrow and in the days to come as more tornadoes are possible. >> well, all right. derek van dam will stay in touch. thank you. and to our viewers, thanks very much for joining me here in the cnn news there's i'm wolf blitzer. i'll be back later tonight, 6:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room inside politics with dana bash is next after a very short grade so this playoffs, great teammates trust each other. we're going to do a trust. stand up, trust what you sent me, up doc. >> i've told you use a dummy from friends coming over it's coming over so many ways to
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