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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 17, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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now i'm pete medina, reagan national airport this morning, a defining moment in donald about a critical phone call how much will it impact the jury? deadly storms in texas for people killed and several states in the south now facing life-threatening flooding and hurricane force winds and supreme court justice samuel alito reportedly flew an upside-down american flag. representing the stop the steal movement at his home. after the january 6 insurrection right, 6:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at the white house on this friday morning. it has been all
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week. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. >> it's wonderful to have you with us. donald trump had a pretty good day in court. the former president's sat back and watched his former fixer struggle on the stand for several flowers on thursday, michael cohen facing an intense cross-examination about his past lives and a more recent possible inconsistency. trump lawyer todd blanche zeroing in on testimony, cohen gave just three days ago in this trial, and it's centered on an alleged phone call cohen had with trump. here is the trans scrapped todd blanche trump's lawyer says, on tuesday, when you are under oath and testifying you were certain it was accurate, you had a phone call to president trump, but now you are saying you are not certain it was accurate cohen responded based upon the records that i was able to review, i believe i also spoke to president trump and told him everything regarding the stormy daniels matter was being worked on. and it's going to be resolved blanche we are not asking for your belief. this
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jury doesn't want to hear what you think happened trump had nothing but praise for his legal team sounding hopeful after court i think there's a very interesting day fascinating and it's yeo's scam herself thing is all right, uh, panels here, retired new york supreme court, state supreme court judge diane qizan, david from staff writer for the atlantic republican strategist, sara long. >> well and meghan hayes, former special assistant to president biden. >> judge, i'd like to start with you about the significance of this moment. >> how significant do you think it was that this inconsistency was revealed? why do you think it happened and how are the prosecutor is going to deal with it? >> good morning. well, any inconsistency in a significant part of a witness's story is always significant because it leaves the jury with an ability
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to find that there is perhaps a reasonable doubt here that mr. trump has committed the crimes which is charged however the prosecutor, after clutching his or her heart, can certainly work to ameliorate this by showing that there were many phones halls at this particular time, that this was a conversation that could have happened in the midst of that same phone call and certainly can point to all of the corroborating evidence. it may have to support other aspects of the testimony of mr. cohen do you think the prosecutors made a mistake and not raising this initially if these text messages existed well, if they
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knew about them yes. >> i can't imagine there were not a number of the text messages. i can understand why they wouldn't have known about them but again, i'm not privy to all of their evidence. so if they knew about them and didn't raise them, yes, it was probably a mistake not to take the sting out of that and again, it's hard for me to fathom that they didn't know all right. >> david, from what is your sort of big picture view on michael cohen and how, how this is all playing out. >> the trump defense is that everyone in the trump organization was a criminal and a liar and a crook, except for the boss who was not. that seems like kind of a hard case to argue. but here's the thing i really worry about. but as as you watch the cut and thrust of day-by-day, donald trump is both a squalid tabloid sleaze ball and a dangerous constitutional criminal.
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>> and the mechanics of this trial drag us into squalid tabloid sleeves, ball world. and if he went, i think the jury retires to make its deliberation the question they're gonna faces, i can say, obviously trump is a liar and michael cohen is basically telling the truth. >> obviously the records were tampered with. does anybody care? is this just a payoff? and the mechanic that resulted in a mistrial for john edward, which is of course he did it. we're just not going to send him to prison for it is it seems constitutionally unimportant. it seems like a tragedy in the man's personal life leave it alone. the trial was punishment enough. that's the that's the mechanism that i worry that as we ponder these lines by lines were missing the big task. it seems to me that the jury faces is deciding whether these squalid tabloid sleaze ball antics amount to anything that the public should care about. >> you and sarah long been dying to get you away and on that very question, yeah. >> i mean, the public is honestly confused. we've been asking voters and focus groups for the last couple of weeks, you know, if they're following the trial and one of the most
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interesting answers i got was from a to time trump voter, who has been trying to follow the trial. if she says well, i turn on fox, the five on fox, and they say this is going to get thrown out, but there's nothing there. and then i turn on abc and they say trump's going to prison. and i feel like i'm watching because, because they can't watch what's happening in the courtroom is being filtered through the media. and so i think that the opinions about what's happening are so all over the place at the voters can't get a grip on it. and one of the things that the core the cases do is they directly people to look backward about trump and focus on things that people have more or less processed as opposed to looking forward about trump and who he's going to be potentially be as a second term president and as a constitutional threat and very dangerous. and so instead of talking about that, we are talking about these tawdry details and the public is baked in the trump is tawdry and asleep ball. and so i'm not sure it's introducing new facts and so yeah, i haven't they are just not able to
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follow the back-and-forth day-to-day on this clearly, yeah. i gotta be honest. i mean, i'm doing it in real time. i'm literally listening and watching from our reporters in the courtroom. and it is tough to do it you are paying super close attention to every single tiny little detail. is this how the biden campaign team is looking at it too? >> i mean, i think that they're trying to focus on the president and his campaign and what he's doing. i think he has enough going on as we all can see, i do think though to your point, like we are, this is just noise. we're just focusing on this trial, which is very important. it's not i'm not saying it's not important, super important the trump family, but they've been helping us make a decision if he's to be president or not. this isn't looking at his agenda. we're not getting anything to have a contrast with what, what president biden is out doing. so it's like you're comparing something he did in the past is something we're trying to move forward and it's just it's not fair to the american public judge. before i let you go how do you think the prosecutors should handle the redirect for cohen around this i think they should i think they should continue to
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focus on everything he has said that has other corroboration and they have plenty of it. >> they've got the weisselberg note. they've got the checks they've got the statements of mr. cohen that are already corroborated by david pecker and that's what they should be focusing on. and remember you know, you're all talking about how the public is getting in the weeds, you know, or shouldn't. it and can't focus on where this leads us. in november, we've got to be careful at a trial two, there's a lot of weeds you can get stuck in and what you want to be sure you're doing is present. this is showing the jury that when you put all the pieces of the puzzle together if you're the prosecutor that they spell conviction, whether the jury will believe that or recent or whether that will be the result remains to be seen
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all right. >> judge. case all for us. i thank you very much for joining us this morning. i really appreciate your time all right. >> coming out with how did the coming up u2 coming up next supreme court justice samuel alito, under considerable scrutiny for reportedly flying a flag representing the stop the steal movement outside of his home after the 2020 election, after the insurrection. in fact, plus deadly storms in texas, several other states now, bracing for life-threatening flooding and hurricane-force winds plus oh, girl, baby girl, really don't even play aoc and mtg. i think all we can say is omg you, know, what's brilliant think about it. >> boring is the unsung catalyst for bolt. what straps, mould, du rocket and hurdles and into space oren guttman boring makes faith occasions happen, early retirements possible, and startups start
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scene t welcome back. >> an upside-down american flag. it used to mean sos, but it's become a symbol of the stop, the steal movement. and it was seen hanging outside the home of supreme court justice samuel alito. you can see it in these pictures obtained by the new york times just days after the january 6 insurrection, the new york times reported this overnight under the by-line of jodi kantor, who described how it evolved nabers word also filtered back to the supreme court. and all they're seeing is this upside-down flag, which at the time was one of the symbols of the stop the steal campaign. the first thing people felt was really just very great surprise. >> and this wasn't up there for just ten minutes. >> what neighbor say is that it was there for a few days so
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justice alito responded to the report in an email to the new york times claiming had quote, no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. >> he was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs this new reporting by the times possibly you're going to result in calls for alito to recuse himself from high-profile pending cases david from the blame, the wife excuse is everywhere to these days, but this is been i'm not sure what a better excuse would be. i have a real processing difficulty that makes me mr. up for down. it was the 2020s. they were a crazy time. >> but here's a series matter. >> there is no wade reviewed the behaviors of supreme court justices and one of the things we've learned, i hope from the scandals and allegations of azure is some the court can't be subject to congress. it can't be something to the executive, but it needs to find some way to convene its own disciplinary body that actually can enforce rules on judges and give them some advice and advanced that's where you can
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say, i'm thinking of flying the flag of a protest movement. is this, okay. i mean, there are things that presumably you can't fly a pumpkin flag and halloween that would be okay. is this okay? there? to be some way to do that? but it's going to raise a lot of doubts about the legitimacy on the court with alito with thomas, especially if the court decision in the trump cases is not unanimous may not be yeah. >> i mean, it is this is the second justice, right? we've talked a lot about clarence thomas and his wife, who was we know from records involved in some of these efforts in the wake of the 2020 election? i it does. i think sarah raise these significant questions that david alludes to, and how can americans i mean, there are about to decide spring course. i've got to decide whether or not donald trump is immune from prosecution from what happened on january 6. >> yeah i want to ask a different question which is why are multiple supreme court
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justices wives showing direct sympathy and support for insurrectionists like ask yourself for a moment, like, how crazy this is that the people who are going to be in charge of deciding things about donald trump. >> and the next election i mean, the spouse, whether or not it's alito's wife. we don't know, but people who are in marriages are quite close. they know what the other is doing. the idea that ginni thomas or justice alito's wife are acting entirely on their own, like at the barest of minimums, it shows the worst judgment qizan dispute over guard signs with neighbors. that was are and these people are in the most important role and the least accountable role in our system of checks and balances. and now you have two of them. where there are direct signals, direct sympathies with the insurrectionist that is outrageous, that is an in saving. and it feels like we are actually under reacting. oftentimes to these moments and
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part of the reason we under react, i think it's because there's what do we do about it? >> no. >> yeah. i mean, it does seem like in the statement he's, blaming her, but he's also kinda defending her, saying, well, she did this because this yard sign was really frustrating well, so it's a defense that actually so yeah. >> i mean, yards, a neighbor's yard sayyed might be irritating, but fortunately, you have a judicial temperament, right? and you can overlook the little bumps and glitches as of life and not lose your cool over irrelevant tiny things so no, actually, i don't have a judicial temperament. i've got a hair trigger temper well, maybe this maybe you should go into a different line of work like prize fighting or he swartz and wrestling commentary. but if you're going to be a judge, an a justice of the united states, you need to have some ability to keep your cools, be dispassionate and, you know, maybe invite the neighbors over for tea instead of yelling out and take about the perception of themselves, right? one of the highest order of things that should matter to them as or we perceived to be
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impartial. and when that is a high order for matter, you don't you make clear to your spouse. it's not cool for them to fly a flag upside down in solidarity with insurrectionist . and it's not cool to text the chief of staff to the president who's currently instigating a coup and say, hey, make sure their cooing harder the idea that that perception is part of a very important reality here is i think a critical point you guys are making. >> all right up next, here's a question. where in the world is rudy giuliani a better question? will you show up today in court and arizona because at is birthday party is actually tonight. in florida, so probably not plus people in houston are picking up the pieces after deadly storms how we'd really happy with jesse l. martin sunday's at night on cnn life is better with the
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help them feel more calm, try feel away. >> optimum developing story this morning, hurricane force winds and torrential rains carving a deadly path through parts of texas and louisiana. in houston, at least four people are dead as crews are working to rescue others. wow crazy holy moly these. >> limbs are just hold it all together yeah, winds up to 80 miles an hour left. >> scenes like this one in the suburbs and this downtown, several skyscrapers with parts dangling. this morning this is all left more than 800,000 customers across texas the still in the dark according to powder power outage that us officials say several school districts are closed as well because of the damage. >> are meteorologists, elisa
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rafah is here with more on this. >> elisa. what are you seeing? >> just incredible images of the damage that's coming in this morning. traffic lights toppled in parts of downtown houston, holes in the skyscrapers were windows were blown out from wins that we think could have been an excess of 80 miles per hour. the weather service will need to to survey the damage today to figure out just how intense the winds where power outages a huge problem. people in the dark, they're in costco yesterday winds up to 84 miles per hour at the new orleans airport, gusts 75 to near 80 miles per hour or across parts of texas and that's leaving many in the dark this morning nearly million people without power, most of which more than 800,000 of those people are in texas. and we've got some heat ahead in the next couple of days, so that could be a burden as well. here's the rest of that line of storms. it has weakened some still intense lightning just off the coast of panama city, but it is dumping some heavy rain we will continue to find that severe
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risk as we go through the day today, that slight or level two at five is a little bit less than what we had yesterday, but it could still pack a punch with some damaging winds, large hail, and a couple of tornadoes from new orleans up into mobile, and then up it to montgomery, as well as the storms continued to push their way east, reignite with the daytime heat and they could have additional storms going into saturday. so still a busy couple of days ahead, casey. >> all right. always refer for us, lisa, thanks very much for that coming up next here to the potential trump running mate, just make a very public pitch for the job. plus why time brady regrets that rhonchi netflix roast led to an ard what is singular dot and high noon has become has become an icon of modern design a dial to
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back, donald trump has the day off court. he's attending his sons bear in graduate barron's graduation, but his ally and former election attorney john eastman will appear in an arizona court today where he'll be arraigned on nine counts for his role in the arizona 2020 election subversion scheme. eastman, the so-called architect of the fake electors plot, is one of 18 trump allies indicted. there along with rudy giuliani. >> he is doing court, but unlikely to show because prosecutors strangely say that they have not been able to locate him to serve him with a notice of indictment surprising. >> they can't find rudy because he hasn't exactly been discreet about his whereabouts. this is how we started as twitter livestream yesterday afternoon. this is hurting giuliani with the rudy giuliani show live from palm beach yep. from palm beach, just a mile from mar-a-lago.
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>> just 40 steps from the intercostal and about third of a mile from the i'd radical ocean arizona prosecutors are watching. i'm 25 feet east of the tuple layoffs app dixie highway cross the street from our red toyota camry. i'm waving my hand out the window. do you see me know. okay. i'll drop a pen okay if this is helpful, david, from page six actually reports on his whereabouts tonight. they say one party will be hosted, that one's gonna be in new york at a mata in midtown. >> that's in a few days, but the florida bashes tonight, hosted by giuliani, confident ted goodman and gop consultant caroline ren if you'd like to know where rudy is going to be tonight, apparently there's a gift registry what's going on here and you full disclosure. you did volunteer for giuliani when he ran for president 2007. i wrote some speeches for him and volunteered on his campaign like many people had been in
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new york in the 19 i was grateful to him for the turnaround of that city between 19, 92,000 new yorker cards, maybe the steepest decline in crime ever recorded anywhere in the history of the human race. obviously, not giuliani sold doing and it didn't happen only in new york and happened and other cities too. and he was the symbol of something. and there was a time when he was a symbol for me of what socially moderate patriotic stand up against it for america in the world, balance the books protect people in their homes, conservatism could look like. and so there's a lot with this squalid and a lot that if you read that page six story is pretty funny, but there's something kind of heartbreaking here too. but he was not one of these weirdos and ganim that are otherwise around trump. he was a person of character and importance in american history. >> well, i was i mean, i'm a child of september 11th. i was, you know, graduate from high school and in 2003 and i still have the time cover when he was named person of the year in the wake of his leadership after
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those attacks. and now sarah long while he is reduced to, he's selling coffee, you started selling coffee this week. let's rudy. rudy coffee. maybe we should should get some on the set and try it out but to the serious point, i'd like i mean, this man has fallen very far you are either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain i like it is, it is actually deeply sad. i remember desperately wanting to be on that campaign. rudy giuliani was the one that i wanted. and also because i thought it was his leadership on nine 11, but also is really this thing that i thought he was the future of the republican party that i wanted to belong to. to moderate focused on real results and focused on character and leadership. i mean, after nine, 11 he was just as towering figure and watching his decline it just corresponds almost perfectly with the decline of the republican party from the one that i wanted to be a part of to what it is now, which has
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been reduced. he's not the only one hawking stuff. hawking products now whether it's trump's sneakers or whether it's kristi noem's teeth, stuff, or i mean, the most confusing one, but in my pillow guy like this is what the republican party is now it's a it's a tawdry cadre of common and salespeople just trying to sell, like get another one over on the american public and there's, there's, there's nothing serious in it anymore. >> it's like how low can they go? it's like each person's trying to outlaw the next person and it's like we are talking about earlier. it's really sad because these are people ways to be looking up to these supreme court justice as we should be looking up to these politicians. and they're not giving people anything to look out for. and it provides a lack of hope and a lack of bears our country going, how are we, what are we doing for our children? >> when gerald ford left the presidency? he put his name to a series of commemorative coins for the franklin mint and this was a national scandal. it was shocking. know, nobody in high office had ever done anything
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like this before. and it was one of the reasons why ford was not able to be the republican nominee in 1980, because people were so shocked by the way he had monetized and he had his justification is by the way, and the commemorative coins were kinda classe in their way but this used to be something that senior people in politics just did not do. they practice law are they sat on boards? they've been presidents of universities, not that anybody wants that job anymore but they had a reputation and they protected it. >> yeah no longer apparently all right. let's turn now to this story the motion passes pursuant to this boat, the committee here adopts the report recommending that the house of representatives find attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress for refusal to comply with a subpoena, duly issued by this committee to house committees moving forward with contempt charges against the attorney general merrick garland for refusing to turn over audio from president biden's
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interview with special counsel, robert hur, her ultimately decided not to charge biden for mishandling classified documents. >> in his report, he called the president a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory and you may remember that angered president biden. he is now asserting, asserting executive privilege to prevent the release of audio tapes from the interview with her. many news outlets, including cnn, are suing the department of justice to get those tapes released. hours before the committee moved forward with those contempt contempt proceedings. we heard from the attorney general himself. we don't usually hear merrick garland talk like this. listen there have been a series of unprecedented and frankly, unfounded attacks on the justice department this record west, this effort to use contempt as a method of obtaining are sensitive law enforcement files is just the most recent the effort to
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threatened, to defund are investigations at the way in which there are contributions to an atmosphere that puts our agents and our prosecutors at risk. these are wrong david from merrick garland, has come under some criticism from democrats for not being aggressive enough in how he handled the trump prosecution and other things. he was put in there as someone who is viewed and who has really safe, guarded his own reputation for trying to bring the justice department back to a place where it is viewed as the impartial nonpartisan, independent body that it is supposed to be. >> i was really struck that he went out and made those comments yesterday let's just for five seconds, pretend that there's a series principle at stake here and not just showmanship, but it is almost, it is not the case that you are allowed to see potential material that was gathered in the course of an investigation that resulted in no charges i mean, nobody would be safe. i mean, it happens all the time
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that a prosecutor's investing the investigating somebody on suspicion of a crime and they find they've done something kind of embarrassing that they lied of a graduating from college or they she had an affair, cheated on their spouse, and you publish that now because those are not criminal actions, we have the awesome powers of law enforcement are used to find crimes not defined, but someone, whether someone was forgetful or not make any difference if it's the president, the united states, it totally, but it's the same thing because i mean, do we want to go riding around through all the trump trans scripts for every kind that he was mean to somebody who said something racist and the white house, which i'm sure he did. and i'm sure when i think democrats would probably want to fight to get that stuff released. >> yeah. but but when the attorney general said no, you can't have it. they would understand. okay. he's when the attorney general's probably right. we'll make a faucet biden, but it's not real. and that's why there isn't a principle here. and this isn't going to go very far because in the end, we're looking for stuff that might embarrass the president approval that he's old, and we want it from a criminal investigation. and that means we want a crack open the file and show everything
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that is embarrassing to anybody who's investigated and not charged. >> yeah. i mean, the end of the day he didn't do anything wrong. they're not prosecuting him for anything they've found him that he did was not at fault for anything he they've already released the transcripts. that's already out there, like everything he didn't say that he mishandled the classified material. they then said that they don't think they'd want a case against him because of the quote that we read about being a great, they decided not to move forward charges. i mean, at the end of the day, that's all that really matters here. they've released the trade and scraps like why, why do we need to go for a step further? they're asking for the tapes for an impeachment trial for him, which it's found to be also baseless. so it's sort of like these are just political game. and i just think republicans and be really careful because the tables turn very quickly in washington as we all know. and if david's point, this is not a good precedent to be setting if they're likely to turn in the house at this point anyway alright, coming up next i think you're fake eyelashes or messing up whoa marjorie taylor greene igniting fireworks at a
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house hearing, tangling with aoc, we will it's a pretty well will show to you. >> we'll talk about it. plus the vatican talking to the faithful about supernatural phenomenon your morning roundup coming up today. and america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be we made a whole new way. thanks to you. >> we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back, we can use less new plastic. bottles or need to be remade when it comes to investing, we live in uncertain times. some acids can evaporate at the click of a button. others can deflate with a single policy change savvy investors know that gold has stood the test of time as a reliable real asset. >> so how do you invest in gold
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brought to you by guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it house. >> the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day curry, there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so of today 45 minutes past the hour. here's your morning round up later today. the man who brutally attacked former house speaker nancy pelosi is husband in his home home is set to be sentenced. prosecutors are recommending a 40 year sentence. >> could ohio senator jd vance join the trump presidential tickets i wanna help me, dad, however i can. and so certainly if he asked me i won't help g you think that was vance on donald trump juniors podcast. trump said he may not announce his pick until the convention in july the president of morehouse college says he will allow silent, non-disruptive protest during president biden's speech at sunday's commencement but he also says this this will not be a place
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where there will be a national photo-op of individuals being taken out of the morehouse campus in zip ties his comments come after school is called in police to clear demonstrations nationwide. >> those protesters protesting the war in gaza the vatican offering insight on super natural phenomenon today as they released guidelines for the doctrine of faith, it comes after social media lead to new claims of unsupported visions and apparitions i have many questions about this all right. >> it's been 32 years and seven election cycles since american voters last saw this just far as not to democrats, not republicans somewhere out there, there's an extra terrestrial is doing this to us. i guess. >> speaking of aliens, three candidates have not appeared on a presidential debate stage together since ross perot join
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bill clinton and george hw bush in 1992 it seems unlikely to happen this year, even though independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy, robert kennedy jr. claims he will meet the qualifications to participate in the two recently coordinated debates between president biden and former president trump. instead, we're likely to get more of this i'm going back to what you are you in fact, let people know. he doesn't want to senator russia. i'm not going to answer the question because the question, the question of justice left. >> would you all right, joining me now, is michael smerconish? >> she is the host of cnn smerconish and also a cnn political comment michael happy friday. wonderful to see you. >> rfk jr. and you're not happy about these debate requirements. this is what he says president biden and trump are colluding to lock america into a head-to-head matchup that 70% say that they do not want what is your take on this?? should he be allowed on the
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stage? >> if you meet the criteria, i think that he should be i think that the only thing that former president trump and president biden agree on is that neither once rfk jr. to be on that stage can say that he'd be fine with it. actually, but i take it font and biden. >> yeah. i i think that the data is mixed, right? i mean, in philadelphia a month ago 15 kennedy family members came to town to stand on the stage with president biden, either five or six of them were siblings of rfk that's how vehement they are in opposition to rfk junior. and then within two days and nbc survey came out, which defied conventional wisdom, conventional wisdom, that if bobby is on that stage, he's gonna pull from joe biden all of a sudden here was a poll that said, wait a minute, he actually pulls from donald trump i think it's determined on a state-by-state basis, but biden and trump both view him as a wildcard that night there wants to deal with can i also say that i think donald trump was outmaneuvered by president
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biden in the last two days on this whole issue, they're going to be two debates, not three. there won't be an audience trump feeds on an audience even when it's an audience in opposition to trump and the removal of rfk jr. that's a really interesting point. i mean, do you think that biden's push on this, his insistence on doing these debates and the way it came together, does that signal that the campaign recognized he was behind and basically to do something to shake it up totally i think that the times sienna philadelphia inquirer pole, there's sedan many poles, but i think that that poll which came out earlier this week hit like a thunderclap would show that in the battleground states, it continues to be donald trump's lead, the national polls i'm mesmerized by them like everybody else, but it's those six or seven if you include north carolina, a battleground states that matter. >> and i think that was a wake-up call for them and they said, let's get to it sooner than later there was some reporting this week on the polling question that president
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biden himself simply doesn't believe the polls and that that's a part of the explanation for his and the campaign's kind of stay the course, strategy. >> the debates may argue them decided to do these debates this way may argue against that, but there is kind of the flashback to the primary in 2020 when he seemed really down, he'd been written off by a lot of people and he's still came back and one that lesson seems to still be there for them. how do you see that? and is it the right way to look at it? >> so there's time on the clock, kc, but there's not as much time on the clock as there used to be like we've got to disabuse ourselves of the idea that they're six months left in this election because people vote in september, you know, it's, it's really going to be game on. here. we are now memorial day weekend is coming. lot of folks are going to tune out for the summer. and when we regroup group as a society, it's labor day weekend, it's not really the start of the 11th hour the campaign, it means people are actually casting their ballots by mail.
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so i have to believe that also was a factor in the biden decision to try and snooker, frankly, donald trump into agreeing to two debates and not three with no audience it's pretty remarkable so my guy, no, i know you also have been following and i can't believe we're still talking about this after how this was a while ago now, but this roast of tom brady has had some serious legs and he says, he regrets it. watch i loved when the jokes were about me. >> i thought they were so fun. i didn't like the way that affected my kids. >> i wouldn't do that again because of the way that effect actually the people that i care about the most shubi not done this. i thought it was hilarious. i mean, i haven't very soft you hit. >> okay. thank god. i have a very sophomore sense of humor. i can't decide if caddyshack or animal house or slap shot. we're the best movie of all
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time i had sally jenkins from the washington post on my program last weekend, and she's got a great sense of humor comes from dan jenkins. and she said, michael, i wanted to laugh, but i just thought it was crude. i think brady's mistake was that he should have recognized if chisel is on limits, then so too are the kids. and by extension, she probably should have been off limits, but that would have been 50% of the materially and that special yeah i mean, i will say i think i think some of it was a little over the top. i can understand why they're this kind of fallout i think he made a lot of money off of it. so who knows how michael smerconish? i thank you very much for being with us. i always appreciate having me and don't miss michael show tomorrow morning on cnn. thank you. see you soon all right. >> let's turn now to the august house of representatives happy, bright your popcorn lawmakers definitely should
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have brought popcorn yesterday as they watched this at a house oversight committee hearing during a hearing on attorney general merrick garland's contempt resolution, conservative firebrand marjorie taylor greene, went head to head with democratic congresswoman jasmine crockett and alexandria ocasio-cortez the three hurling insults at one another. >> it was nasty and personal watch do you know where here for, we're here you know what you're here for. >> well, you don't want to talk about i think your fake eyelashes or messing up order. >> i do have a point of order and i would like to move to take down ms green's words that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you are your feelings, her words down oh, oh, girl, baby, girl. >> oh, really don't eat play
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baby girl. >> i don't think you're going to move and we're going to take your words down who wants to, who wants to take a whack at i mean, these people are elected. i this just goes to the whole thing. >> we're talking about all day today, but where where, how far have we come and like why is this, why are these people even acceptable? this is like me it's disgusting that this is how they're behaving and why are they attacking each other personally there they have enough to attack each other on their views. they don't need to attack each other on their eyelashes and their hair. >> here, what's depressing about this is that it's not that unusual for the house these days. i mean, whether it was kevin mccarthy's many rounds to get elected speaker, people getting in each other's faces almost started hitting each other during that it's not just these three women. i've watched the men behave on believed calling each other names the house is in absolute chaos and we have been electing a lot of clowns in this country and we are getting a circus i'm sure that it has always been true there. how clouds in the house of representatives, there also used to be a career
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path where you put your head down, you did the work, your mask, some seniority, you build a staff, you build reputation, you build partnerships, and you pass laws, which is what you were there to do. and this is the comic and i kept side of the problem with the congresses in the past few years, which is they're remarkably unproductive. >> and when you think about problems that americans have from the cost of nursing home care to how do you get health insurance to climate change to our the taxes too high to the debates as we have this all party consensus building in favor of more protectionism and tried to enrich ourselves by keeping up foreign goods. >> these are things that you would think that the house of representatives should be having a voice on. but laws don't get past this stuff happened and so this, you can see and it gives you an idea. it's important as occlude all the things that you don't see because they're not happening one thing about this too is that it does come down to leadership. >> i mean, james comer, this was his committee that devolved into this back-and-forth here is how he tried to explain what
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happened i don't know if you've noticed that i have two hearing aids very de i'm not understanding everybody's yelling. >> i'm doing the best i can. can we not recognize ms green and let her because of the rules of the committee, mr. chair i sort of wonder how he didn't hear this piece of it. watch we're not gonna we're not gonna do this like you guys earlier, literally get up a case like a gallon down, you please call me to calm down you are adding troll has if five sorry, it's i mean, i guess, comer can blame his wife because he didn't think about excuse fast enough to solve this problem that seems to be what we're going from say. i just don't understand how this is like a acceptable behavior
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from our lawmakers who need to be passing laws. people actually have issues in this country and we need to have actual laws. >> you don't want to fix an interesting about voters. we ask about congress a lot, yeah, and it's funny. they very much want results, but they do not want compromise. and voters in this country, i seem to have lost the plot that it requires compromise to get results, which is i think why you now see people reaching for the strong man authoritarian types because they have forgotten that actually the way this body is supposed to function is by doing the hard work, putting their head down, reaching a compromise that makes everybody a little bit unhappy. you in a little bit happy, and ultimately you get something done for the american people. and so people want things done. they don't want them to compromise, they want them to be an opposition like that. and that's why we have all this dysfunction. yeah. well, i mean, until what you were saying, david two, when celebrity seems to be the goal of coming to congress, you end up in situations like this i'll kendrick cousin code has sort of an example of this because what marjorie taylor greene has no choice but to be marjorie
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taylor greene. >> that's just there's no upper floor of the building there. but ocasio-cortez has potential to go into numbers of different ways in her career and that the incentives are pulling her toward the instagram influencer and the viral moment than the note. no big bills path. >> all say she ocasio cortez is not always like this in committee hearings, but she was jumping in defending someone and she actually was the one who knew the rules of the committee was using them to her and she's usually very prepared for these hearings, but i take continue. okay. so she has she has a path. i mean, i think we're also coping with this. is this is a congress that doesn't have a majority in the house of representatives. and the inhibitions, what might happen under different political culture is the speaker would put together a working the majority, half of his party, a third of the other party, and build a majority from the center out. but that is completely prohibited by the culture of the modern house of representatives. that's how action things were often done in the past, especially in the 50s and 60s when partisanship was little more blurry, you
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would have these functioning coalition of the center of moderate democrats are usually with the democratic speaker. and those days always with the democratic speaker. yes. but put it putting some of the democratic members out in the margins, putting many of the republican members out to the margins. but our political culture doesn't allow that middle-out coalition anymore does not. >> all right, because it's friday, we want to leave you with this one more example of the power and influence of the one and only taylor swift was supposed to be a god the national football league, the nfl confirms they took swift arrows tourist schedule into account when they wrote their own schedule for the 2024 season, for example swift will be performing at the heart rock in miami on sunday, october 20. >> so yeah, i fell, made sure that dolphins are on the road and indianapolis, so there's no conflict there. the league also made sure that the same saints and the cults are on the road when swift is performing in new orleans. and indianapolis. >> i mean,


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