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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  May 17, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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lunch break. try now for free visit, ai or download the app i'm someone's are 40 in washington and this is cnn
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welcome to bleed. >> i'm jake tapper this hour. this is what the house oversight committee looked like last night i think your fake eyelashes are messing up nothing. >> oh, oh, girl, baby girl. oh, really don't even play if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde bad built butch body that would not be engage in personalities, correct. what now is this? >> the congress for the future plus the loyalty test on full display at the new york hush money cover-up case today, we learned to codefendant of donald trump in his georgia case. was also up in the manhattan courtroom this week. >> why? >> we'll talk to anthony scaramucci. he was briefly trump's white house communications director and leading this our their horrific new shocking video obtained exclusively by cnn's los angeles bureau showing sean diddy combs on a rampage in 2016, barely holding onto his bath towel as he attacks his
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then girlfriend, cassie ventura, coming after in a hotel hallway in a lawsuit settled last year. bint your alleged that combs paid that los angeles hotel $50,000 for security footage of this attack. a warning to our viewers that the surveillance video we're video we're about to show you is violent and disturbing. let's bring in an entertainment lawyer at least a bonner. and cnn's josh campbell, josh walk us through this video and how it fits into all of the allegations against diddy from cassius lawsuit to the other lawsuits? >> yeah, jake, this video obtained exclusively exclusively by cnn very disturbing, quite stunning as you see these images and as you pointed out, what we're about to see matches allegations that ventura made in a lawsuit that was filed in november. now, as we play this video, again, the warning, this is disturbing. this was from march of 26 it's td at the inner khan hotel here in los angeles. what we see is ventura exiting a hotel room and walking towards a bank of
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elevators. now combs is holding a towel. he then starts running down the hallway after ventura at one point, we see him grab her and then by the neck and then throw her to the ground. there's this ongoing assault that's happening. she's sitting there motionless. now. he retrieves a purse and some other items and then proceeds to again, kick her now, she is then seen a bit later trying to reach for a phone there on the wall he appears again and then starts a strikes or there's another vantage point of this video where we see him seated and then grabbing an object off a table and then throwing it at ventura. so really, really stunning disturbing footage here. it's worth pointing out that we've reached out to attorneys for combs. we're waiting to hear back from them and attorney for ventura said that the gut wrenching video is only further confirmed. the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs and pointing out, jake, there are also questions for the intercontinental hotels and resorts group about what, if anything, they did with this
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video, whether they called police to file a report after seeing this abuse. so a lot of unanswered questions there and then finally super to note for any of our viewers who may be experiencing domestic violence, there is help available. you can confidentially reach out to the national domestic abuse hotline by texting the word start jake 288 so lisa the question is josh just raised one is the intercontinental hotel responsible? should they have reported a crime, are they liable for not reporting the crime? it's obviously a crime and also what about selling the footage? >> is that legal this whole thing is so unusual. >> i mean, surely they should have reported it because domestic abuse appeared took place on their property. so the fact that they did not report this is very concerning. they should have reported at anytime somebody he is abused on your property, you absolutely have a duty to report that to the
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police. and i i think everybody is kind of scratching their heads trying to figure out what is going on here. why wasn't this turned over what happened? was this? paid for did somebody pay them off? and then now what next? this is very unfortunate and very disturbing. >> josh diddy had denied cassie ventura is claims of assault in the lawsuit that she filed but now we see the video backs up her story. she wasn't like she was telling the truth. he and his lawyers relying other lawsuits have accused him of additional heinous behavior. will this video renew the spotlight on their claims and what's the status the dhs homeland security rated? his miami and los angeles homes, and then i never heard anything else after that yeah. >> for all the denials that we've heard, there's nothing like seeing this disturbing video actually for yourself, it's hard to refute that when you could see the actual assault taking place, as you mentioned, jake, he's now facing at five other separate
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civil lawsuits accusing him of sexual misconduct, other illegal activity he has denied all of those allegations. but of course, the big question here pertains to that dramatic raid that we saw at properties in late march, both here in los angeles and also in the miami area where federal agents from homeland security investigation went in, conducted a search warrants at these properties alone enforcement source told me that that was pertaining to a sex trafficking investigation. and of course, what we're all still waiting to hear is to what end did investigators find anything during the course of those searches that will potentially lead to federal charges. and of course, how the victims statements and other allegations actually play into what the fed's ultimately do. sometimes these investigations take time. this is quite rapid to see the end of last year. some of these allegations and the now the fed is actually going into these properties. but again, we're waiting to see whether this actually results in any type of criminal charge at the federal level, j leaves. >> are you surprised that john combs hasn't faced any charges? yeah.
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>> no, i'm not because it does take time to build a case like this. you have so many different accusers that have come forward. you he has several different houses across the country, apparently when they rated it, they took they took tons of video footage, surveillance footage, computers other kind of electronics. so they really have to comb through all of this evidence and really try and build a case that does take some time. so i do expect, especially with the corroboration in the release of this, but other i'm sure this man the allegations pretty much word for word in the complaint, so i'm sure there are many more allegations similar that that she has made in other people have made that could be backed up by the blank of footage and the other electronic surveillance they've taken from his house. >> all right. looms actually, yeah, at least a ban or josh campbell. thanks to both. if you again, if you or anyone you know, is a victim of domestic violence and you need help, you can call the domestic violence
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hotline and then the number is 80799 safe. 80799. safe in our sports lead, the world's top golf or had to play with something of a handicap today, scottie scheffler was handcuffed, arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer while big mass based on what scheffler is calling a quote misunderstandin g which ended in a hospital visit for the detective involved, the law enforcement officer and a mug shot for the world's number-one golfer. >> still scheffler ended his second round this afternoon with a solid five strokes under par, tying for third place. here he is right after his round i feel like my head still spend. >> i i can't really explain what happened this morning i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell that was a first for me. patrick snail of cnn, world's board, and luke occurred the nin of golf digest, join us now patrick
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exactly what happened that god scheffler in so much trouble. what, what exactly went down jake absolutely surreal scenes having covering golf majors for three decades, never of a full app. >> i witnessed anything like this. it all started in the 6:00 a.m. our eye scheffler, the world's top-ranked men's player in the world, trying to get to the course ahead of his second round? but the previous hour that been very sadly, jake, a fatal fatal traffic accident, loss of life, or one individual. so there was increased police presence isn't already on scene. a scheffler tried to circumnavigate the crash scene to get to the course to begin his warm-up place. typically, you need about an hour to find in june, their game and get into the swing of things before they actually start play. but it really was a surreal chain of events as to what happened with the police. this is espn. the police officer in question yelling and shapleigh to stop the vehicle, scheffler per cnn continuing for about another
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ten per espn put continuing formula ten to 20 yards towards the entrance. and then this really, really hard to imagine scene where are the officer in question purportedly attaching himself to the vehicle. and this is where the injury is came into play here scheffler detained the rest of the video of him in handcuffs images that went global or went viral that shocked the world. jake, he then was released though in time to play and make his tea time the second round of play here, having me delayed by some one hour and 20 minutes, it gets to the tee box in time to play and can ai really impressive round, i will say of 66, but his play today is not the story is what has been happening off the course luke scottish scheffler is a brand new dad. >> he has a very squeaky, clean image. use a devout christian. does this risk tarnishing his image at all i don't think so.
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>> you know, sculptor chef has built up a lot of goodwill among his fellow players. the fans were out there in full force with him more funds may have been following him today than tiger woods and they were screaming his name there, supporting him the minute he walked on property, rickie fowler with it's the first person to come up through them and wish them luck and shock is hard. there's been a lot of goodwill i think the entire golf industry really sees this as something that started as a horrible accident. and scottie scheffler says that ended in this big misunderstanding that resulted in him being detained today. >> patrick, what is next for scheffler legally? i'll that is the big question remains to be seen, jake, but i will say to echo looks point massive support out on the course for him, legal step scheffler's attorney telling cnn that he does plan to plead not guilty to all charges, and we can also reveal jake that there is an array payment hearing scheduled for tuesday of next week. >> it is not clear though at
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this point, jake whether scheffler himself will be required to attend loop golfers? >> i mean, it's such a mental sport as i don't need to tell you. >> are you surprised that scheffler had such a strong performance today after this? this ordeal absolutely. >> you know, shuffling said this was maybe the best round of his career. certainly one of the best rounds of his curia. and it's amazing. shuffle has this reputation mission of being a really unflappable, very calm, even killed demeanor. it's something that is fellow players respect so much about him. and he said that he was so rattled and conflict here's processing this incident that he was shaking. he was shaking all the way to jail. he was shaking on his way back. he was taking i was watching him on the driving range, who was taking these big, deep breaths? because he said his heart rate was just through the roof. he was trying to calm himself down and he said he didn't start to feel comfortable and calm until 234 holes into his round today it was just a constant battle. and for him to put up the number that he did today. it's incredible in a few different
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patrick and luke. >> thanks so much. appreciate it. former trump white house communications object to anthony scaramucci is going to join us next. what does he say went wrong and the relationship between donald trump and michael cohen when what does he say that could have been avoided to prevent this new york hh money case against the former p president. stay wih us university of maryland global campus, getting a bachelor's degree doesn't have to mean starting from scratch here, you can earn up to 90 undergraduate credits per relevant experience. >> what will your next success speaks you hope we don't every family moves at their own pace. it's not the snow that's why we have you logs. >> we can store it, worship it. thanks. >> like how and when you want him reserve today at on the left, your mouthwash with the burning sensation in on the right closest the alcohol-free gentle mouthwash that works
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hands-free slip ends step in the future like i did when new hands-free skechers slip is the secret is slip ends have an invisible field thinned two horn to your foot slides into place to try skechers slip in and the trump trial, we are arriving at the moment of truth. >> if truth was an easy to get commodity in this trial, michael cohen is set to return to the witness stand monday when defense attorneys will finish their cross-examination of them. this common says we've seen a slew of trump's supporters prowling to new york to attend the former president's trial to name just a few, we've seen how speaker mike johnson and north dakota governor doug burgum, former presidential campaign rival vivek ramaswamy, congresswoman and lauren boebert, congressman matt gaetz now we're learning that jeffrey clark was in the courtroom yesterday. clark, you might remember, had been indicted in georgia for aiding trump in his efforts to overturn the 2020 elections in that state and possibly would be part of a second trump administration if donald trump is reelected this november.
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former trump indications director anthony scaramucci joins us now. anthony good to see you. what do you make of all the support we're we're seeing donald trump get in the courtroom from these high ranking republican officials well, it's a section of phi ranking republican officials, but it's an obligatory loyalty tests by all of them. >> they're using the same hadn't singles is donald trump. they're wearing the same alphas is donald trump but it never be enough for donald trump. and so unfortunately for all of those guys, michael cohen has learned is other people myself included that have worked for mr. trump. there's no pleasing him and he's incredibly transactional. and so if he has to run you over the bus or hit you with the car five minutes after he shook your hand and smile that you're charming lee, he'll do that. >> so michael cohen has testified about his years of loyalty and looking up to donald trump that changed around the time trump one to the white house and didn't bring michael cohen into the
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administration. what do you think ultimately went wrong in that relationship that leads us to this moment? >> well i've said this j, it's a groupie thing michael, by his own self admission, he was in love with the atmospherics around donald trump. he was, he was in love with the access to the television stores and the apprentice in a result of which he went overboard. >> and i think this is a learning lesson for everybody, particularly those politician standing outside the courthouse don't be anybody's groupie because once you become somebody's groupie, you start to lose your judgment and you start projecting. >> so when michael said i'll take a bullet for the guy, he was really hoping from a projection point of view that, that donald trump was thinking that about him. but of course trump thinks that about nobody. so what went wrong is when michael got in trouble for something he did for donald trump and trump walked away from them that started the
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loyalty break. it remember, for viewers and listeners out their loyalty is symmetrical. love may be unconditional that you as a parent with your children, hopefully you with your spouse but loyalty is symmetrical mr. trump believes in asymmetrical loyalty. this is why all of his relationships. and in this type of darkness, during michael cohen's cross-examination, mr. trump's defense attorney todd blanche rattled off a list of people whom cohen has blamed for his wrongdoing, for his guilty plea. blanche said, quote you blame a lot of people over the years for the conduct that you were convicted of cohen, i blame people, yes. blanche, you blame your accountant cohen, correct blanche, at times you blame the bank cohen? correct. blanche, you blame federal prosecutors cohen? yes, sir. blanche then add, uh, judges and donald trump to which cohen also responded. yes. yes there are a lot of people who think yesterday was a good day for donald trump in court that michael cohen, his credibility
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was really undermined. what do you think? >> well, as i read through the transcript and i think with trump's defense attorney was trying to do is show the grievance and he was trying to position michael as having a pity party for himself and the problem with all of this is michael is under oath. he's already had a problem with perjury before and so it would have been impossible for him to answer those questions any other way than the way he answered them. and i'm sure on redirect, the prosecutor is going to bring out that mr. cohen through this testimony, even the rough parts of the testimony, has been extremely honest and of course, it'll be up to the judge to explain to the jury that is third job to look at the facts of the case. and if you believe the veracity of the case and michael cohen has brought the receipts that it's your job to opine on the law as it is written, not your opinion. and so i think it was a rough day, optically, but not
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a rough day substantially so you're not a lawyer, but you did goh harvard law do you have a prediction? how do you think it's the jury is going to find you know, jake yada, remind my mother that i'm not a lawyer. >> i mean, you know i mean, i got i got a i got to call my agent, answer this what i would say here is that mr. this it until proven guilty. >> so we'll give them the benefit of doubt. let the jury decide that, but his guilt, but he's guilty on the facts of the case. what i worry about as it relates to justice, is there one, possibly two maga types on that jury that can't be persuaded by by those facts. that's the case. it's a hung jury and life goes on. mr. trump is the presumptive nominee, where there is guilty or not. and the battle will begin when the case is over. it's the battles there now, but i'm talking the heightened level of combativeness will happen when this case is over
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but what what do you think is going to what does your gut tell you is going to happen? i've spoken to people who support donald trump and are rather clear-eyed about this trial who think that they're probably will be at least one or two jurors who will say that they have reasonable doubt what what do you think yes. >> so then that hung jury, he he gets effectively acquitted. >> he'll try to use that in his fundraising, i'll try to suggest that this was a political, theatrical and a stunt but then the country has a short attention span will be moving on to the issues related the campaign if he is guilty though, and there are people that are better aspect experts at this than me. >> i can honestly see how he goes to jail. jake i don't think that us marshals are the secret service are going to want to see that from a logistical point of view. and so he probably ends up with some level of confinement and a
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fine that may slow down the campaign a little. but i don't see any permutation or outcome here where this is a real marker in the campaign. many he's found guilty. judge says, okay, you gotta go to jail for three years, something like that. i don't see any possible the ability of that happening. so we'll see what happens, but here's one thing i will say if he is found guilty and it's a felony and that's harp done in november. there are independence have said that they would drop any potential support for him. and i know his campaign, i know the people there very well. i know they would be bummed out about that. >> yeah. >> anthony scaramucci. thank you so much. have a great weekend just in the last hour or donald trump says, his campaign has accepted the invitation to yet another debate, this one for a vice presidential face off, but we're not hearing the same from the biden campaign. we'll dive into that next rising costs selective coverage for
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. goh two, for >> now i'm alex harb, board in washington, and this is cnn
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time for are 2024 lee. >> let's get some election music going on in here soak it in president biden is trying to rekindle support among black voters, voters. he absolutely needs if he's going to be relaxed did here, he is speaking today at the national museum museum of african-american history and culture the progress we've made is still had more to do to and there's still groups are trying to erase it. >> i predecessor to extreme maga friends are now going after diversity, equity and inclusion all across america they want a country for some, not for all after meeting with prominent leaders of historic black fraternities and sororities at the white house today, biden helps heads to atlanta on sunday where he will give a commencement address at morehouse college. >> historically black college, followed by a speech at an nwa cp fight for freedom dinner in
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detroit. let's bring in my panel, ashley, according to a new york times sienna survey of battleground states released this week 63% of registered black voters would vote for biden, right now 23% would vote for donald trump. now, trump one, 12% of black voters nationally in 2020. do you really think that, i mean, these are really bad numbers for biden among the black community is you're going to be able to improve them i think you have to put that poll and to contexts. first, we can't take any vote for granite particularly the black vote and the black vote is not a monolith. people say it all the time, but issues that are important to young black voters and black women may be different than that issues that are important to black men. our older black voters. but those poles, this nir can whole and most polls in general, usually the sample size of black folks that they talked to is so small, it doesn't really paint that diversity of the black
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community. there are other pulls out there that only are talking to black voters like black pack or the work that poster all right, my friend terrance woodbury does that his strategies and those numbers are not aligning with what some of the poles and then new york times are saying. so does he have work to do in the black community absolutely doesn't need the biden harris administration and campaign to tell black voters what he has done and not just what he has done, what he will do in the future yes, but i not sitting hey, my hair on fire because of this new york times deanna poll right now, ramesh earlier this week, president biden and donald trump agreed to a debate here on cnn in june. and another on abc in september. the biden campaign also agreed to a vice presidential debate on cbs, just a short time ago, trump said he accepted a vice presidential debate invitation. from fox. >> he's also said he'll do a third presidential debate on fox and a fourth on nbc the biden-harris campaign is not accepted. >> the third or fourth presidential debate that mr. trump has, or the fox vp
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debate, what the strategy here i assume we're mesh is that mr. trump just thinks debates. hello? pam and hurt biden well, at the very least, trump thinks that it helps him to appear to be more eager to have the debate than biden is and it helps portray him continue his theme of biden as decrepit and unable to handle the job so i think it's it's really it's more pre debate positioning than it is a matter of necessarily wanting to have all of these debates. can i just remind everyone that this was the same fellow who wouldn't debate during the primary he was offered a seat or a podium and every single one of those primary debates, and he declined and now suddenly he's decided he's going to be the great debater. >> yeah. i mean, if i were dean phillips, i would note that biden did the same thing, but let's see, let's move on.
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because house committee house oversight committee markup. last night held to hold us attorney general merrick garland in contempt for not turning over the audio of that special counsel interview with president biden this evolved into complete chaos personal jabs started flying started. i think with congresswoman marjorie taylor greene insulting congresswoman crockett. let's roll the tape you know, we're here you're here for what you don't want to talk about. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up order. mr. chairman, need evening. >> i would like to add to move to take down ms greene's words that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you have another person? >> are your feelings her words down? >> oh, oh, girl, baby girl. >> oh, really?
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>> even play if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built butch body that would not be engaging in personalities, correct. >> what now? >> just to just to answer the chairman's answer, it was a bleach blonde, bad built, butch body by the way, is that like crazy? that like is that like a term? is that like a thing or was it coined? i'm asking ashley because she's a young person on the panel here is that lays that like a thing no. >> that was jasmine crockett's just came up tails yes it's the most prominent in i can politics and warren harding ever cried out, or may bob's of negativism? yeah. was that i thought that was harding. i thought that was agnew. all right. let's just get your reaction to all of this. first of all, ashley, congresswoman crockett called congresswoman marjorie taylor greene a
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racist. but let's just go down the line. ashley, then rematch then than gloria what do you make of it all? okay. so the reason why they were even in that hearing is four and impeachment american garland, that's ridiculous. it was at night because the the house were parading, doing political work with donald trump in court the next day and then marjorie taylor greene did what she normally does and she paid it play petty and jasmine crockett's said, i have time for you today and i'm going to match your energy and so you're going to insult me. i'm going to get it on the record of how the republican chairman is being hypocritical and letting you say insulting things to not just representative crockett, but to representative ocasio-cortez also either strike banker from record or we both have to be able to play this game now, is it the most professional way to approach a house hearing now? but marjorie taylor greene's behavior, this is not the first time she is
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performed like a child and representative crepitus and not today romesh? >> yeah. first, you were right. agnew not harding. my mistake look, i think in the modern division of power in the government, the president makes laws, the supreme court vetoes laws and congresses there for entertainment. and that is what we are seeing the logical consequence of that kind of decay of what supposed to be the first branch of the federal government into something that's just just a matter of empty theater. >> so gloria, it was high school. i mean, this it was it was high school. people fighting. and what was remarkable to me was the chairman both the ranking and the chairman seemed to not know what was going on or how to handle it. and they just kind of sat there and scratch their heads and didn't know how to put a stop to it. and it's absurd and it's ridiculous. and it reflects badly on the entire congress and marjorie taylor greene's words should have been taken down and there
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should be some sort of punishment for what she did steven hayes tweeted something along the lines ashley of this is what happens when the incentive structure in the house is for clicks and viral videos and not for legislating any, any. >> do you agree with that at all? actually well, i think there definitely are members and i'm putting marjorie taylor greene in this category. >> there are members that are clickbait congresspeople, but they're getting their lead from their leader, donald who everyday goes out and makes a clickbait speech after he's in court. so yes, i think that the house should get a little more serious and focused on governing right now, the republicans have the house and this is what their leadership delivers for the american people. >> all right, thanks one and i'll really appreciate it. have a great weekend on top of the new york hush money cover-up trial. donald trump faces another state-level case in georgia ahead, the extra
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scrutiny on the prosecutor and the judge in fulton county, georgia. that's the atlanta area right now. and folks keeping tabs on there every single word sure. >> i'm a paid actor and this isn't a real company, but there's no way to fake up work can help your business so much talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills, you may not have more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upward because this is how we work now i can zoom or cellular this is sam palmy healthier. >> this is a bad dial. >> well, somebody's but just thought i'd let you know that would consumer cellular, you i can get the same exact coverage as the leading carriers but for half the price you've waited
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bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn in our law and justice lead the future are foreign president trump's election interference case in the state of georgia is effectively at a standstill. as a georgia court of appeals it's considers trump's request to disqualify district attorney fani willis for alleged misconduct and the us supreme court is weighing its decision on presidential immunity. meanwhile, trump is not the only one juggling the trial with the trail the campaign trail, both the judge and fani willis are also facing voters this year. cnn's sara maria takes a look now at how these elections could impact the case in a criminal case against donald trump in georgia, it's not just the defendant whose campaigning, running. group, just mcafee in an election year oddity, both the judge when i got into this job, it wasn't for the spotlight and the prosecutor, i think campaigning is going great, are also on the ballot. >> their campaigns adding
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another layer of uncertainty to the politically charged racketeering case against trump and his co-defendants what has taken place here as a travesty of justice the incumbents and georgia are favored to win, but juggling reelection bids and the trump case is proven a high wire act for fulton county superior court judge scott mcafee, and district attorney, fani willis will is balancing community appearances. >> little nervous they might all these speeches and then i say when i want to say and intense public scrutiny, i'm sorry that folks get mad when everybody in society can be prosecuted. the threat of being disqualified from the trump case still hanging over willis with an appeals court set to take up the issue. part of the continuing fallout from previous comments she made about the case and our past romance with this former fellow prosecutor who was forced to resign workplace romances are as american as apple pie, and i'll talk about that willis faces democratic primary challenger christian wise smith on attorney who struggled to
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gain traction in prior bids for office now some democrats worry his bid to oust willis could endanger the trump case. what i'll drop the case let me say this. i think the case is in grave jeopardy right now. now we're going to take a deep dive in and look at the best way to go forward. >> judge mcafee also hitting the campaign trail, we all honore the presence judge. >> scott mcafee and his family. and far out raising his opponent with help from several players in the trump case. former democratic governor roy barnes, a witness in the disqualification matter, appeared at a fundraiser for mcafee with governor brian kemp, a republican and possible witness in the case. defendant ray smith, a former trump attorney donated to the judge before smith was indicted, the donations aren't banned under ethics rules, but mcafee is opponent defense attorney and talk radio host robert padilla said, it makes it seem like we're running a kangaroo court do you think there has been a fairness issue in this case so
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far? >> i think there's a public perception of that and i think they want the public have the perception that there's not fairness of the trial. that's how you end up with system i mean, broken mcafee told cnn patella, miss the point of the fundraiser. i believe it reflects a bipartisan appreciation for fairness. he donated smith's campaign contribution to the boy scouts, patella, who's primarily running on criminal justice reform, also criticized mcafee for the pace of cases, including the trump matter. the judge defendant has done pocket at a recent campaign appearance. >> it's not as simple as just setting a trial date. there's so many things that go into pretrial. >> whoever prevails in the nonpartisan race is likely to inherit the trump case now we will see who wins in this judicial race on tuesday, may 21, whoever prevails in the democratic primary for district attorney is set to take on republican attorney courtney kramer, who served in the trump white house in november. >> jake, but in deeply so fulton county, georgia, it's really the democratic primary that's the one to watch there then what is the status of the
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case in fulton county? >> just on hold. >> i mean, it's kinda stuck. the judge is going through pretrial motions for the other defendants in the case. but when it comes to the main defendant, donald trump, there's this question of presidential immunity. we're waiting for this prim court to weigh in on that, which could come later on this summer. and there's this disqualification matter when it comes to fani willis that the georgia court of appeals says they're going to take up there's no stay on the case with the lower court. judge mcafee could move ahead, but based on previous comments. he's made about the case and how he's conducted himself so far on the bench. i don't see him going to trial while this question hangs out there. >> all right whales of justice buildings very slowly. >> sara marie, thanks so much. >> the upcoming documentary that peels the page is back on the largest bribery scandal in the history of the us navy. the military contractor who offered big ticket items in exchange for navy ships dock that is ports. he's known as fat leonard. >> don't get mad at me.
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that's what he was called. his stories next this is a secret, war, secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attempt bond to cnn when you're the leader, disaster clean up and restoration how do you may like it never even happened, happened sir? >> ever even happen it's really been a gift having mom live with us. >> but as a nurse, my training told me she needed more help than i could provide so i connected with the place for mom. my senior living adviser. understood are unique situation she quickly recommended communities and set up tours please, for mom helped us get to a decision and now mom is so well cared for talk to an expert senior living advisor today at no cost your family, i'll show lay and i lost 75 pounds of gullo i went from my
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healthy urinary tract with you, cora. >> eight utis in one year. >> this inspired my husband and i to start your flora it truly works miracles. the peace of mind. i've been looking for tried today. you he was referred to disparagingly by many as fat leonard and he was the mastermind behind one of the most disastrous scandals in the history of the united states navy. this week, a brand new book was published detailing this unbelievable scandal. craig, what locks fat leonard, how one man bribed built in, seduced the us navy and for the very first time and cnn has obtained footage of the only on-camera interview with leonard francis, aka fat leonard, taken days before he chopped off his ankle monitor and fled to venezuela. but before being returned to the us in a prisoner swap it was the largest bribery scandal in us naval history. >> cigars, line and women. >> that's all it takes concert tickets, lavish parties, prostitutes, luxury hotels, and
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thousands of dollars in travel. >> all bribes taken from foreign defense contract dirt leonard, glenn francis, a towering 350 pound businessman known as fat leonard for the first time in exclusive interview with francis, the only on-camera interview he's ever done is being provided by a documentary filmmaker taken while francis is on house arrest before fleeing to venezuela in 2000 it's been 20 letter to legend. >> that was what i was called the derogatory name that they call me as fat letter. now, that was just after i got locked up in 2013, leonard francis owned glenn defense marine asia a company with 200 million in us contracts servicing navy ships and asian ports for more than a decade, leonard francis was wining and dining naval officers convincing them to steer ships into ports. his company controlled in gaining access to classified information about their ships whereabouts. >> they information i had was
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priceless and they just sold out for cheap it wasn't difficult. you don't need a nuclear bomb. >> the corruption scandal reached the highest ranks of the navy, wasn't just the junior officers, it was all the way to the top. greg whitlock of the washington post has spent the last decade investigating the scandal. >> now in a new book, fat leonard, how one man bribed bilked, and seduce the us navy he always had an eye for what people might. >> there vulnerabilities he, he, he would brag that every sailor has a weak spot. >> you just have to find it some of the details are mind-blowing. there was one navy admiral who is an intelligence officer. he had given his his business card which identifies himself as an intact elegance officer, to one of leonard's prostitute, the prostitute kept the business card, gave it to leonard francis, even leonard couldn't believe that an intelligence officer would be so dumb is to set them up for potential blackmail like that. >> francis was busted in a federal sting in 2013. he gave
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this interview while on house arrest gps bracelet, kinda like the diamond rolling friday, then cut off that ankle bracelet briefly hiding in venezuela until his capture and returned to the us in a prisoner swap last year, he's scheduled to be sentenced this summer. i'm being made a scapegoat. i'm gonna be doing life sentence in the end, 34 people were charged in the scandal. >> that's only the tip of the iceberg that almost 1,000 people were investigating this case. and most of them the navy and the justice department close the cases without taking action. so there was a real effort by the navy to hide the scope of this scandal. >> and leonard francis agrees, tip of the iceberg, because a lot mortar put out there, but i've kept because so that i'm doubled cross. this is what's going to come out fat leonard is scheduled to be sentenced this summer. >> craig whitlock, new book, fat leonard, how one man bribe built and seduce us navy is out now the prison sentence justin today for the man who attacked the husband of speaker of the
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plastic dr. bottles array to be remade this situation with wolf blitzer next one, cnn our lastly, it's now a 30 year prison sentence for the man who broke into the san francisco home of then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi in october 2022 an attacked her husband, paul with a hammer speaker. pelosi was not home at the time. paul blow see suffered a fractured skull when the attacker hit him with that hammer, he is still covering from that and the statements, speaker emerita says the pelosi family couldn't be prouder of their pop in his tremendous courage policy herself did not comment on the case due to continue you in legal proceedings powerful storms last night left a big mass in houston, texas. the national weather service says wins downtown likely hit 100 miles an hour. in this video, look across the room, you can see debris swirling around in the wind outside. the broken window
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hundreds of thousands of residents are without electricity. it might be weeks before all our is restored and our pop culturally today onetime beatles, sir paul mccartney is now the united kingdom's first billionaire musician. a new list in the sunday times says the at year-old mccarthy is worth 1 billion pounds or $1.3 billion due to his long career and continuing appeal, including musicians like beyond say, who did a version of book parties blackbird on her latest album. just remember, of course, money can't buy you love coming up sunday on state of the union, democratic senator john fetterman of the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. donald i'm trump's former hud secretary, dr. ben carson, who is being considered as a possible gop vice presidential pick and democratic congresswoman at jasmine crockett of texas star of the house, oversight committee may lay last night that sunday morning at nine eastern and again at noon here on cnn. you can follow the show on x or twitter at delete get cnn if you ever miss an episode of