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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  May 20, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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58 years old she was a regular voice of course, across cnn programs. and on this show for many years, alice was wise witty, and she never lost her cool as an analyst. she navigated contentious debates with authority and class and even as the political discourse became more and more enraged and pejorative alice never wavered and being who she was a person of decency is not reality. and i've said from the moment the election was called on november 3, the election was valid. we need to accept that. we need to congratulate joe biden and the democrats all those who won. and we need to stop spreading misinformation. we need to restore the integrity and our election process alice had such incredible integrity and she was also personally deeply kind to all of us always remembering things about everybody's personal lives an incredibly kind person and she will be deeply missed by everyone at
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cnn. >> and of course, viewers two. and we are sending our care to her family tonight. thanks so much for watching this room with wolf blitzer starts now breaking news tonight in the trump trial fireworks in the courtroom as the defense begins presenting its case, falling, a witness who was reprimanded by the judge for snide remarks and i rolling this at the star prosecution witness, michael cohen admitted on the stand to sleep healing from the trump organization. other regular news this hour, the us is denouncing the international criminal court as it seeks war crimes, arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin designe out in addition to hamas leaders, president biden saying it's outrageous to suggest any equivalency between israel and a terrorist group. plus there's even more uncertainty in the volatile middle east after the uranium
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president's death. in a helicopter crash, that's raising concern there's about a potentially very dangerous power struggling welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm will flits her with a special report in the situation room, the trump trial today donald trump's criminal trial is nearing its historic conclusion with new jokes are very high drama. we're following all the breaking news on michael cohen final hours of very high stakes testimony, as well as the defense witness who prompted the judge to briefly clear the courtroom, cnn's kara skin when i was outside the courthouse worse in new york, qarrah, take us through this dramatic de and how it wrapped up about an hour or so ago well we'll donald trans teen called two witnesses to the stand in his defense. one of those witnesses, a lawyer, robert
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costello, who had once advised michael cohen, he were counted to the sorry that he met with cohen just days after the fbi raided cohen's apartment and other premises and that cohen had told him, i don't have anything on donald trump but this became the point of contention, this back-and-forth, the questioning of this witness, robert costello. now donald trump's legal team also tried to focus on michael cohen's credibility bloody. that was the point of calling costello. and it's also a point of why they were asking the judge at the end of the day to dismiss this casing outside of the presence of the jury, that michael cohen could not be trusted. and the only way for the jury to get a conviction of donald trump would be if they believed him coming after the historic de the final witness in this case by the prosecution as they rested after four weeks of testimony prosecutors rested their case and former president donald trump's criminal trial just after their star witness trump's former fixer, michael cohen, concluded more than 17 hours of drugs dramatic testimony over four days
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trump's attorney, todd blanche, intensely attack cohen's credibility over multiple days, trying to paint him as a liar who is motivated by money. >> i just want to get through this so that i can start my own life. again. >> blanche got cohen to admit that he stole from the trump organization cohen confirmed he paid a tech company $20,000 instead of the $50,000 it was owed by trump. but cohen asked trump to be repaid the full amount, which was doubled to cover taxes ultimately, cohen admitted he kept around $60,000 for himself, blanche asks so you stole from the trump organization? yes, sir. cohen replied. cohen said he was angry about getting a low annual bonus earlier in the trial cohen told prosecutors he requested the full reimbursement because that's what was owed and i didn't feel mr. trump deserve the benefit of the difference. on monday, cohen admitted it was wrong to have taken the money. cohen defended his character during testimony to congress in 2019, i understand i have lied but i
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am not a liar i have done bad things, but i am not a bad man after cross-examination concluded, prosecutors tried to clean up some of the damage done to cohen's credibility prosecutor susan hoffinger asks about repayments cohen received from trump for the $130,000 in hush money he provided to adult film star stormy daniels, which is the crux of the case. >> this is why i'm here because we called it a legal expense payment to a lawyer cohen testified that despite the 11 checks referring to a retainer agreement, he said no agreement existed because there was no legal work that i was to be paid for. prosecutors played in audio clip for the jury of cohen talking about trump to daniels lawyer keith davidson, about the payment and i can even see how many times he said to me, you know, i hate the fact that we did it and my comment to him was but every person that you've spoken to
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told you it was the right move? >> after the prosecution rested, the defense started calling witnesses, including robert costello, who once served as a legal adviser to cohen costello was visibly frustrated as the judge sustained several objections from the prosecution, audibly thing gs and rolling his eyes judge. merchan became so angry, he briefly cleared the courtroom and address costello now costello will be on the witness stand again tomorrow and trump's lawyers said, at this point, they don't anticipate calling any other witnesses a clear sign that former president donald trump will not be testifying in his own defense. and because of the holiday coming up and some time off, the judge said closing arguments in this case will be next tuesday. well which tuesday india cara, stay with us house. want to bring in our legal and political experts or care let's start the questioning with you though take us inside this heated moment between judge merchan and robert costello, the former legal advisor to michael cohen, as you noted and that forest
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you and the rest of the press and the jury for that matter out of the courtroom. tell us about that well, if it was an extraordinary moment robert costello was on the witness stand and trump's lawyers are asking questions of prosecutors had objective repeatedly in the judge was sustaining those objections that point costello was rolling his eyes and at one point, he said loud enough for us to hear jesus. >> so the judge excuse the jury, and then turn to costello and then had said to him him, he wanted to talk to him about decorum in the courtroom saying, you don't give me a sayyed i and you don't roll your eyes when there's a witness on the stand. if you don't like my ruling, you don't say jeez, you don't say strike it. and he asked him, do you understand me, costello had glared at the judge, causing judge merchan to say, are you staring me down? then he said clear the courtroom so the court security officers were then all shouting at the media and the public to get out of the courtroom. we were escorted out. we waited around outside the door and were rotten back in. nothing was said after that
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moments about the exchange that happen once we were all removed from the courtroom, but the jury was called back in and the direct examination i've costello continued. so things continued after that as they were, but certainly a dramatic moment with the judge throwing everyone out of the courtroom because he needed to speak with costello very dramatic not a good deed. >> standby. qarrah, i want to bring in elliot williams, eliot it was really interesting. your heard, judge, were sean's anger there that costello, how risky of a movement was it for the defense to call costello to testify, perhaps the last witness for the defense. >> oh, quite risky and not a great idea for the defense. since if they didn't have a sense as to how this was how the witness was going to behave. look, wolf. there are jurors that don't personally like prosecutors are particular prosecutor. there jurors that don't particularly like a defensive attorney, believe it or not, there are jurors that didn't like me personally when i appeared in front of a car, doesn't my hard as hard as that might be to believe. but you know what i've never once talk to a juror manager that
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did not respect the judge in the courtroom. they see a witness mouthing off to a judge, and they and they almost take it personally because they regard they seed the robe and regard the judge as a thing. your of authority when you have a witness behaving that way, even if even if the jurors did not know what they talked about, when once they what the judge and the lawyers talking about when the jury was sent out? they know that this was a scolding coming, and it did not play well for the defense. they probably shouldn't have called him. >> let me get william brennan to react all of that. william, do you think todd blanche trump's lawyer, defense lawyer in this case was effective today. would you have approached this case differently? >> i really don't want to go down the rabbit hole of second guessing him. but from the cheap seats, wolfe, i wouldn't change a thing. this guy is knocked it out of the park i mean, mr. blanche has knocked it out of the park for him to close today with this $60,000 client theft it is a grand slam and on the other issue, i agree with elliott. most jurors and in fact, it's been uniform and my 35 years look up to the
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judge, respected judge. it's like a father figure, but in this case, having spent a lot of time in front of judge merchan, myself his out of central casting. this is spielberg's version of a judge he say very decent man. i mean, it was foolish for that witness to make it about themselves. it's not about that witness. it's about the defendant. and this case. >> a good point in our qarrah well, let me get to listen to this conversation and listen. let me go to you how do you think donald trump is feeling after today's very dramatic court events well, listen, i think we've been judging how he's feeling about how the day went by, how long he speaks afterward, and he gave very lengthy, glowing remarks outside the courtroom citing right-wing figures who are praising him, but left-wing ones as well and listen, i think that the day went very well for him. >> this stunning moment of michael cohen admitting to essentially dealing money from the trump organization. but, but, but donald trump is so often his own worst enemy. and i think it was a huge misstep to bring forward castello in
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this matter in this manner. i think it could have really hurt the defense but i think there was an audience of one that wanted it. i think donald trump wanted the chaos. he wanted someone to be outraged on his behalf so it's really all it's going to ultimately be he up to how that played in the courtroom and what the jurors see. does his lack of credibility, you know outweigh that if michael cohen's it's really an open question at this point. >> pure. i want to dig deeper on that specific moment that you were inside. you saw it firsthand unfold. michael cohen admitting to stealing some $60,000 from the trump organization. what was the reaction inside the room, right? >> well, that's fury has been poker face, so they don't show anything they've never reacted that i've seen. i look at them repeatedly. they've never reacted any of the testimony, but it was a moment when on cross-examination, trump's lawyer had asked michael cohen about these payments and this reimbursement and getting cohen's to acknowledge that he did just keep the $30,000.
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remember, this is at $50,000 payment. cohen said he made 20, but he said he didn't just keep the $30,000. he allowed the trump organisms station to double it for tax purposes. and so he ultimately stole $60,000. cohen agreed with that. he gave his explanation saying that he was upset, that his bonus it was cut and he had done a lot of work for donald trump, including the stormy daniels payments. so that was the reason why he kept it, but he did acknowledge as the defense has been trying to do to show so that michael cohen has lied at times that he has stolen in this case from the trump organization and try to undercut his credibility is someone that the jury can believe you. >> it's interesting hello, yet the $60,000 that cohen has now admitted to stealing from the trump organization, that $60,000 was from the hush money repayments at the very heart of this case, how much of an impact du you see that admission having on the jury bleed or not? i don't think a ton wolf because of the fact that the jury has already gotten plenty of evidence about credibility issues with this witness, and it's just
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there's evidence been submitted that he lied to the irs and his family and so on. he also why did the trump organization so given that so much of his testimony is corroborated by other evidence really, what the jury chooses to believe. michael cohen isn't really going to change. you're the best way i've seen this all explained and someone on this network earlier today is the prosecutors and essentially building a house of bricks and each brick is a piece of evidence. now you take some out, maybe the building will fall down, but maybe it will not. and this certainly cast out further on his credibility, but it does not devastate the case in a way that some may think it might. >> william, i don't know what more you could do the well, i mean, perjury, lying lying to this jury stealing from his client in the world of attorney discipline. that's like first-degree murder. but the only thing he hasn't done is an animal sacrifice or a violent crime? no, but all i'm saying at this point, the wet i think we're in agreement on this at this point, the witness has virtually everything out of the
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texas. i mean, come out of the arm on the origin and a certain point they've added on another fact that does speak to his credibility, but does it change anything is overkill, your elliott's, right. all right. guys, stick around. alyssa, the defense case defense's case is all about painting michael cohen as a liar and a cheat. and even worse, but he was trump's lawyer and fixer. what for about ten years. >> how does that flicked on trunk that's what i think is really interesting in this to the degree that the voting public is paying attention. >> is this is laid out that donald trump's himself by very shady people on top of michael cohen, unknown perjure are convicted felon. he's also got someone from the hell's angels arriving with him in court today. it's sort of this star wars bar cast that he showing up with. and i'd also remind you separate from this case, he has former white house advisors like peter navarro in jail right now. you've got allen weisselberg at rikers. you've got others who've been indicted like mark meadows who are weight awaiting trial for a man who prided himself the
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surrounding himself with the very best people. this is kind of been a masterclass in showing, in fact, he did not important points indeed, guys, thank you very, very much. just ahead. michael cohen's former attorney standing by to join us live we'll get his reaction to cohen's admission under oath today that he stole money from the trump organization and later, cnn has an exclusive interview with a top prosecutor for the international criminal court on the decision to seek work. grimes warrants for the leaders of hamas and israel, including the israeli prime minister, benjamin. it's time fashion moves fast so we partner with verizon to take our operations the next level with a custom private 5g networks, we get more control with production efficiencies and greater agility. that's enterprise intelligence. >> it's your vision, it's your version. hi. >> a new group this assignment
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about the theft, and i don't think we've learned through enough testimony to determine whether he had criminal intent or not. >> i know something about what happened and not going to discuss it, but it's engineers. interesting, there's so much time spent by everyone, not just you wolf, as if it's michael cohen has been indicted. donald trump is has been indicted and all the time is spent. that prosecutors have succeeded as donald trump usually does, in changing the subject he's indicted in the evidence in the case corroborates michael cohen. so whatever attacks on his credibility, which are certainly justified for a prosecutor to present cohen and for the defense to attack his credibility. i still point to actual evidence that the jury will be looking at, which shows that donald trump could be convicted beyond a reasonable doubt. and it's up to the jury to overcome the presumption of innocence, but we're spending all of our time i'm talking about michael cohen who hasn't been indicted and very little time talking about donald trump as you well know, michael cohen
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is the star witness for the prosecution. well, i agree that it's fair to criticize michael cohen as the star witness, but you have to add to this is there corroborating evidence? and a judge in new york state after the financial fraud civil charges by the attorney journal found michael cohen to be truthful about the charges. and so in this case, there are two issues that jury has to do. decide and there's plenty of evidence besides michael cohen to corroborate. the first is did donald trump have political motivation to wait to the very end of the campaign and pay stormy daniel's $130,000 and we certainly have corroborating evidence of his political motivation. david pecker said that hope hicks said that two friends have trump and the second question is, did he think he was paying legal fees when he wrote michael cohen? 12, $35,000 or a month checks eight on his own signature two with his son and mr. weisselberg's did he have any understanding that those checks
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were for legal fees or were they for reimbursements? and we know from the weisselberg handwriting, as i've said to you before that document, the jury is going to look at and say, wait a minute, this is about the math stupid. he took four 20 divided by 12 and got to $35,000 a month that he paid michael cohen. if the jury believes that he lied when he said they were legal fees and they were really reimbursements, it doesn't matter what kind of charges are played or attacked. michael cohen has to take. this is about evidence against the man was indicted, and it will be up to the jury today. >> decide the $60,000, though that he stole from the trump organization was part of the overall payment at issue in this whole case, the $420,000 reimbursement which allegedly included covering the payments to stormy daniels, how problematic lanny is that? but you just proved my point. >> do you notice in your sentence and in any sense in the weisselberg document, the word legal fees don't appear
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where you didn't mention legal fees, you did mention expenditures that he got reimbursed for maybe improperly in that case, but that's all that was involved as $420,000 divided by 12 nothing about legal fees. now, if the jury decides that trump lied when he called them legal fees trump repeatedly, including today, call them all legal fees. legal risks. they weren't. >> and if that is the jury's verdict, which i think beyond a reasonable that they can conclude just looking at the weisselberg document, it's a number divided by 12, has nothing to do with legal fees. they can convict beyond a reasonable doubt that he was defrauding the company. but by putting them down as legal fees and intending to lie about them, which is why we can say that he gave campaign contributions by paying off above the campaign finance that miss that took crime and that he lied about legal fees and that makes the felony into a misdemeanor. now, that's what the jury is going to do, where
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everybody talking heads in my comrades on the station. du is to attack michael cohen and that's their right. and maybe there's some justification, but the jury is going to be looking at actual evidence, not when a lawyer shouts, you're a liar. here's a big headline that's not evidence and yet that everybody was so astonished and so dramatic. did you hear the lawyer yellow, you're a liar, excuse me. a laurie is yelling isn't evidence. so i think the evidence here needs to be up to the jury. and if the jury decides that beyond a reasonable doubt, there isn't evidence. i respect that verdict. >> lana gave us, so thanks very much for joining us. thank you. >> thank coming up, global reactions coming in to an exclusive cnn report, the international criminal court seeking a restaurant florence for leaders of hamas and israel, including prime minister benjamin atan. you, what the white house is now saying and whether anyone good actually face charges, stay with them if you're shopping
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spies premier sunday noon, second attempt bomb cnn tonight the president biden this, slamming the international criminal court after the body announced that cqi war crimes warrants for israeli leaders, including the prime minister benjamin, the time you, the president's saying there's no comparison between israel and hamas, which the icc is also seeking warrants against. listen to this we reject the icc's application. arrest warrants against his will whenever these warrants may imply there now equivalence between israel and hamas that's clear there isn't once all do all it can to ensure civilian protection i can, but let me be clear contract allegations against israel made by the international court of justice. what's happening is not genocide to reject i want to bring and see as chief international akre christiane amanpour. she's joining us live from the hague in the
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netherlands right now. as well as cnn's kayla tausche. she's over at the white house for us. christiane, you broke this news earlier today. what are the icc, the international criminal court chief prosecutor, tell you about the charges against israel and hamas we'll first of all, let's just say that there are two different trials. the president was referring to the international court of justice. this is not that this has nothing to do with the crime of genocide and the moment they alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. and they also said to me, the eye, the icc that this is about not putting the alleged perpetrators, either israel or hamas leaders in the same place or any equivalent. it's about putting victims in an equal place of equal rights for justice. so their mandate, he said, is all about solely being focused on the victims. and this is the list of charges he he has asked
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for arrest warrants. here we go charges are extermination, murder, taking of hostages. >> so rape and sexual assault in detention will apply for warrants for prime minister netanyahu and also minister of defense gallant for the crimes of causing extermination causing starvation as a method of war, including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies deliberately targeting civilians in conflict. >> you have and, so there you have it. >> this is what is the first step towards trying to actually make sure now that the panel which is approved, this first step is then backed out up by the pretrial panel of judges at the icc to give the actual arrest warrants and then it's
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not clear what happens next because israel is not as signatory, the icc has absolutely no enforcement or apprehension methods israel is a democracy, could in fact actually, do this itself, but he tells me that in fact he's tried many times to get israel to take up these issues and he's never had the kind of meaning before. cooperation from the israeli judiciary or law enforcement that he had hoped for. and obviously, when i also about the hamas leaders who either under tunnels still in gaza or in the case of isma'il hernia is involved in indirect negotiations with israel in order to try to work out this ceasefire and release hostages. there was no feeling that at this time any members would be arrested at this time wolf, kayla, you're over at the white house was more can you tell us about the biden administration's response? well, if the biden
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administration is focusing on what it calls the outrageous nature of this. again, focusing on its steadfast support of israel and its selling defense and its security. >> and essentially reiterating what many members of congress and saying that it believes that the icc has christiane was just noting has no jurisdiction in this particular situation. >> now, there is an apparent discrepancy because just today that secretary of defense talked about how the us was working with the icc to die he meant war crimes committed by russian president vladimir putin in ukraine. and i asked nsc spokesman john kirby, just to lay out exactly what he sees as the differences with the administration sees is the differences between those two situations. and he said quite simply, it's one of intent that it's vladimir putin stated strategy in ukraine to target civilians and their infrastructure and to cause mass destruction. there. whereas in gaza, he said there have been civilian casualties. there's no doubt about that, and any civilian death is too high, but he's he said that the idf does not intend for
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those to happen and those civilian deaths or inadvertent. now, notably wolf national security adviser jake sullivan, was in the region when this news broke. he was meeting with top israeli officials, including defense minister gallant, getting briefed on israel's military strategy reiterating the us is concerned about a major incursion in rafah. it's unclear exactly what type of support sullivan committed to golani in those conversations and whether the us would support a nascent an effort by republicans to issue their own sanctions against the icc officials. tell me they're just keeping in touch with lawmakers at this point. >> thank you. christiane, you pressed israel's fierce opposition to this move. here's what he told you. let me play this clip look at the evidence, look at the conduct, look at the victims and airbrushed out the nationality and if a crime has been committed, we should move forward nobody is above the law. >> no people by jim to birth or
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passport, religion, nationality, or the color of their skin? >> have a get out of jail free card, have a free pass to say what the law doesn't apply to us christiane, explain what he means by that and the reaction. >> this is sparking in israel and indeed beyond well, look, i put to him all those reactions i went to him an open letter that had been sent to him by members of the senate, republican members of the senate which and i don't have it right now in front of you, but it paraphrase basically said, you better not do this, you better not issue these warrants. >> we will sanction you. we will prevent you from coming to the united states. i mean, really quite stiff and you believe that those were the definition of threats and he said, you know, there's a lot of politics going on on as you said, there are a lot of hotheads, but my mandate is the evidence and the evidence has led us to this backed by an independent panel of a wide
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ranging and diverse panel of international juries and so he said, this is the first step maybe who knows it might not be agreed by the a panel of judges. he believed it would be. but again, i think in terms of intent to go back to what was just said, they believed that there isn't intent to so cause starvation. and as you know, as you know, i do use it as a weapon of war. and as you know, the united states has told israel to be careful about villian casualty. so even united states is concerned about israel's staying within the boundaries of international rules of law and war christiane amanpour, thank you. >> kayla tausche at the white house. thanks to you as well. just ahead, we've got back to our coverage of donald trump's criminal trial, how michael cohen's admission kind of stealing from the trump organization is just his latest bad decision to go public with car gurus do as much or as
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moments of his 17 plus hours of testimony. >> i want to bring in cnn's bryan todd bryan. >> this was another reminder that for jurors out there that trump's longtime fixer as he was called is no stranger to bad and potentially even criminal behavior. he's not a stranger to any of that wolf. michael cohen has a long track record of lies and misdeeds, some of which i've sent him to jail many of those episodes have been examined during this trial. and the question now is whether the jury can still find him credible donald trump's shook his head and smirk, according to cnn's reporters in the courtroom, when his former attorney, michael cohen today admitted heat stolen money from the trump organization trump's defense attorney todd blanche, pinning cohen down on how cohen had once overbuild trump's company for a reimbursement of money cohen had paid to a tech firm you did steal from the trump organization based upon the expected reimbursement blanche asked. yes, sir. cohen said the testimony that michael cohen pocketed for himself the
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difference between what he was given in what he paid was actually brought out and a very low key way by the prosecution on their direct examination. obviously, todd blanche hammered at home much harder using the term still, it's cohen's latest admission to a growing pattern of misdeeds and lies michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. in 2017, cohen lied to congress about a trump tower deal in moscow goh that he'd been involved with. >> he later pleaded guilty to that two years after lying to lawmakers, cohen came back to congress and gave a mere culpa. >> i have lied but i am not a liar. and i have done bad things but i am not a bad man. a few months before his dramatic turnaround before congress, cohen had pleaded guilty to eight counts, including campaign finance violations related to the stormy daniels hush wish money payments, and tax and bank fraud related to his taxi medallion business. michael
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cohen background was in the taxi industry. he bought and treated taxi medallions in new york city is very volatile. taxi market. >> cohen was disbarred in 2019 that same year, went to jail for those campaign finance and fraud charges. cohen claimed he'd committed all those misdeeds at the behest of donald trump the boss who cohen turned on it in 2018 partly a trump biographer says, because of a smoldering grudge, cohen resented the fact that he was not brought into the white house. cohen became more and more resentful fact that he was being kept at arm's length, distance by donald trump, but even his history of lies and misdeeds, one veteran attorney says doesn't mean michael cohen can't be convincing to the jury. >> we all know bad people. and even liars can tell the truth all the prosecution has to say during their summation is yeah, michael cohen is a deeply flawed person, but you know what? we didn't pick michael cohen, donald trump picked
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michael conte. >> and michael cohen also testified today about how he stands to possibly benefit from his past misdeeds and from his testimony of the trump trial, cohen discussing on the stand how he's pitched a tv show called the fixer, how he's considering writing a third book and saying he thought about a potential run for congress. wolf, interesting bryan todd, thank you very much for that report coming up, we're getting new details on the into the into that helicopter crash that killed the president of the rod as the country sets a date for the election of a new leaving with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of that armor all west work more clean by $20, get five back through may 31st. >> ocd is more than what you see on tv. and in the movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive imagery just thoughts
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windsor i'm even macaj in washington and this is cnn tonight, iranian authorities are investigating yesterday's helicopter crash, which killed the country's president and other government officials our senior international correspondent, ivan watson, has more iran in a state of morning commemorating the shocking death of iranian president ebrahim raisi he was killed along with the foreign minister and seven other officials and crew members when they're helicopter crashed in remote mountain sunday in the
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northwest of the country during the frantic hours when rescuers searched for the missing president the most powerful figure in the iranian political system, supreme leader ayatollah coming e, declared the government stable and strong hello, my dear people. whether you are sitting here or we'll hear my speed to later, do not worry. there will be no disruption in the countries to work inside iran highly polarized reactions to the sudden death the leader, ryan racy has been a face of repression in iran for a very long time. >> i'm not surprised that many will celebrate its demise raisi was a regime hardliners say thank you, by the us government for allegedly overseeing deadly crackdowns on iranian protest movements. >> and the us and rights groups say he took part in an alleged death commission that ordered the execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988,
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which raisi has never responded to. >> i see more contiguity then change. regardless of what happens next. >> according to the iranian constitution, the little-known vice president muhammad mokhber, has now become interim president, paving the way for elections to be held within 50 days. >> this is a system that has managed this kind of turmoil in the past. so in the short run, it can certainly manage a choppy waters but in the longer run it's a system that is ideologically bankrupt messages of condolence are pouring in from longtime allies like syria, as well as russia, which launches iranian shahid drones against cities and ukraine well, not yet, also publicly morning, right? >> eecs loss iranian-backed militant groups such as yemen's, who ties hamas and lebanon's, has bulla. >> meanwhile, few tears likely to be shared by iran, sworn
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enemy, israel the two countries long-simmering shadow war exploded into direct for tat long-range strikes just last month. i don't need to shift anything in the region or in terms of iran's relationship with its neighbors are neighboring powers. that's because most of the power iran lives with supreme leader ali khamenei, who's still in power and he's the one who is calling all the shots how the islamic republic deal with this deadly crash may set the stage for a much bigger future challenge. >> the question of succession for ayatollah khamenei ii the country's 85-year-old supreme leader ivan watson, cnn ivan watson, thank you very much. >> and we'll be right back. >> what if we don't get down in time to get a first they gift for zoe, don't panic with etsy. we can find the perfect gift and center a preview right away thanks, guy don't panic.
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beloved colleague. >> we have lost unexpectedly and far too soon. cnn political commentator alice stewart, she died over the weekend suffering and apparent medical emergency she was 58 years old and as many of our viewers know, alice was a veteran republican political advisor who worked on several gop presidential campaigns. she brought political savvy and straight talk to all her appearances here on cnn, including right here in the situation room, where she joined us. this past friday night discussing a house committee meeting that erupted an insults and chaos. >> now is childish behavior all around, and i think members of congress are there to lead this country, legislate and get laws passed? asked and are not there to provide real housewives of new jersey kind of behavior on in congress i want to bring in another friend and colleague of alice, who, who knew are very, very well worked with her often here on cnn, cnn political
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commentator maria cardona maria, that's is so sad for all of us. >> i know she was it's like a sister to you. you work together, you get a podcast together. how do you think she will be remembered and what, what do you think she would like us to remember about her? >> well, if i just want to say thank you to the cn and family because everyone has just been so wonderful and can we uplifting the core of who alice was. and she was anyone who came into contact with her knows this one of the kindest, most generous, big hearted smart, witty, funny people that you could ever, ever meet and i think that's exactly how she would want to be remembered wolf when one met alice, she didn't just get to know you as a person. she got to know your soul. she got to know what you wanted in life, what made you happy. >> and at every opportunity that she got, she would try to make you happy whether you liked flowers. she would bring you flowers. >> whether you like pictures of
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puppies, you would send you pictures of puppies. my daughter got to know her very well and was very close to her and her dear doggy sammy. and i just found out yesterday, my daughter told me she's super my daughter super super sad about this, that alice would send her random pictures of sammy during in the day. and i didn't know that i had no idea that they had made that connection, but that's who alice was for me and her. we really forced this unique friendship and connection and report about having these really in-depth spirited conversations which he had many times on your shows will if you know this for a fact, we wouldn't pull any punches about our own positions on whatever political issue of the day was. but we always did it with civility with respect, with friendship, with warmth many times, she would start her sentences with well, my dear
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friend maria, and i would start my sentences with well, you know, i love you, alice, but that was real. it was not for show, it was not for tv. we started a podcast together after cnn went dark. >> at the pandemic because we thought it important people who would see us on your show would reach out to us and say, and say, you guys need to have your own show because the kind of conversations do you guys have? >> have are sorely needed. and so that's why we started the past and that's how that's how she would want to be remembered that she was smart and she had incredible analysis, unique points of view, but that she brought heart and soul and spirit to her conversations into everything. >> and i always saw that when the two of you were here in the situation room with me and that was very, very often as i said, just friday night just before she died, i want to play a little clip and i told you i was going to play this. the two of you chatting just before the interview that i did with both
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of you here, listen to this did you hear that be concise? >> concise, alice? sure. you're talking about you don't want to be more be concerned be brilliant what goes through your mind seeing that? >> what goes through my mind is the connection that can i had that was funny and it was light and she would tease me about going on way too long and filibustering so that she wouldn't get it chance to talk and i would tease her about the same exact thing. but, you saw that we just had this connection that was so special and i am i am going to miss her dearly and she's going to leave a huge hole in my heart and i know in the hearts of everyone here at cnn, so i want to thank you and everyone here for everything that you're doing for her in the family? does two, they are overwhelmed and over the moon about how you all have treated her here. so she was really, really special woman and we loved her very, very much. >> maria. thank get very much. and i'll give you a hug after the show. thank our


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