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tv   State of the Union With John King  CNN  July 6, 2009 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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"american morning" will the very latest on the situation in hon dur russ. i'm don lemon. "man in the mirror" start right now.
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[ female announcer ] looking for a stronger bath tissue that leaves fewer pieces behind? fortunately, there's charmin ultra strong. its diamondweave texture is soft and more durable, so compared to the ultra rippled brand, it holds up better. fewer pieces left behind. charmin ultra strong. could someone toss me
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an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem! - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper.
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what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal! i'm showing my helping hand by partnering with hamburger helper®. our goal is to help feeding america deliver more than three and a half million meals to food banks. more information is available at so, april... yeah? you know, your charger is still using energy when it's plugged into the wall, right? yeah, but that's not my charger. i don't even have a cell phone. [ballad ringtone playing] uh-oh. um... [music stops] heh. announcer: millions of kids are using their energy wisely.
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ask the experts. [ male announcer ] best shampoo, self magazine. experts at good housekeeping agree. they gave it their seal. [ male announcer ] pantene delivers damage protection results leading salon brands can't beat. [ stacy ] beauty experts agree. [ male announcer ] best beauty buys, instyle. and the real experts, women like you, agree. [ male announcer ] readers' pick, glamour magazine. [ stacy ] no wonder pantene's won more awards than even the leading salon brands. you be the expert. experience pantene. healthy makes it happen. now every drop of shell gasolines... contain a nitrogen-enriched cleaning system... that seeks and destroys engine gunk... left by lower-quality gasoline. it protects engines from performance-robbing gunk.
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try new nitrogen-enriched shell gasolines.
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this haircolor is a washout! try nice 'n easy... with color blend technology. in one step get a blend of 3 tones...
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highlights, lowlights and shine. it makes a fresh, light-filled frame for your pretty face. (announcer) nice 'n easy your right color. the place that inspires her to go faster... and slower, elk mountains, colorado. where's yours? 100% natural nature valley granola bars. the taste nature intended.
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