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tv   World One  CNN  April 14, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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nato members come together. their goal, to help rebels oust moammar gadhafi. >> despite all his offers of peace, the libyan leaders' army continues to shell the city of misrata. >> hello, it is 5:00 a.m. in washington, 11:00 a.m. in tripoli. i'm monita rajpal. >> i'm zain vergee. you're watching "world one" live from london. also ahead -- >> to meet our fiscal challenge we will need to make reforms.
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we will all need to make sacrifices. >> barack obama says those sacrifices will save the u.s. $4 trillion in the long run. can he convince his opponents? >> caught on tape, dramatic video shows ivory coast soldiers capturing former president laurent gbagbo after a lengthy siege. an a chilling task. police search for a suspected serial killer terrorizing long island, new york. we begin this hour in berlin where nato members are weighing up the process of military action against libya's moammar gadhafi and what part they should play. foreign ministers are holding two days of talks to discuss strategy. the big question will be whether to ramp up the military pressure on colonel gadhafi. france and britain are pushing for stronger action but with 28 countries at the debating table, finding a position acceptable to all will be a challenge. one decision has already been made, though, an international summit on wednesday agreed to create a means of getting money to the rebels.
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but the idea of arming the opposition is still dividing nato members. britain and italy insist it's the right thing to do. >> we understand the resolutions to mean that the arms embargo implies to the whole of libya but in certain circumstances it is possible, consistent with those resolutions, to provide people with the means to defend the civilian population. >> but since we cannot make air strikes, air-to-ground, in the streets, in the squares, in the cities, in the populated area, either we make it possible for these people to defend themselves or we withdraw from our obligation to support defending the population of libya. >> the berlin meeting comes two weeks after nato took charge of military operations in libya. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton will be at the talks
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joined by her european, turkish and canadian counterparts. we go to berlin for more on that. diana? >> reporter: hi, monita. there are deep divisions within the nato military alliance about whether or not to push ahead with the intensified military action which is the uk and the french position. they have been calling on other member states to contribute more to strike action, contribute more fighter jets as the british have on the other hand, you have countries like germany who's been citing the attorney general. there is also the question of how to assist the rebels, whether it is financially where that money comes from, does it come from unfreezing the assets of the regime which is also a legal question about whether that is the right way to subsidize the public secretarier
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in rebel controlled territory. and then also whether to arm the rebels. italy obviously saying we cannot bond densely populated areas, therefore, we must supply arms to the rebels very much an open question here. one that will be discussed around the table and the british saying that they are providing nonlethal assistance, so, for example, telecommunications, satellite phones. they will be providing body armor to the rebel. a lot of questions that will be discussed here at the table. and as much as there is this stalemate on the ground, monita, there is also an impassion here in nato between these very contradictory views across the alliance. that's a big question about the entire credibility of nato at this stage and whether it can find the agreement within its ranks to push forward and actually achieve something on the ground in libya, monita? >> adding to that, i want to talk about germany's position. they have been very vocal from the start about any involvement,
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any european involvement in libya in terms of now this conflict that's taking place now in that country and the divisions that are taking place within nato. how much cloud does berlin have? >> well, berlin has certainly by abstaining from the u.n. security council res rugs in the first place against military intervention, certainly caused a lot of criticism, internally in germany from the ruling coalition itself and also really damaging possibly key relationships with its allies within europe and transatlantic relations. a lot of calls about the fact that this may damage germany's chances to secure a permanent seat on the u.n. security council if it chooses to ally itself with russia, china, india, rather than key allies here in europe. it obviously is pushing for a political solution here but how that will pan out is at this
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stage, unclear. monita? >> thank you very much for that. let's turn to what's happening right now inside libya. cnn has spoken to someone who lives in misrata who says government forces have been firing rockets at the port, destroying a cement factory and cargo containers. to the west in the capital tripoli, the signs of civil war are not always so evident in some parts of the city. life seems almost normal. as we have this report. >> reporter: several dozen die-hard gadhafi supporters gather at tripoli's green square to voice support for libya's leader. apparently this demonstration has been going on every day since nato's air campaign started against libya. a lot of the people we've been speaking so say they want the campaign to end immediately and want other countries to stop meddling in libya's affairs. some claim they fled benghazi in eastern libya and the west wants just one thing. >> you're pumping up to tate
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oil. we will not leave the oil. we will die for the oil first. >> all the people in libya, we want moammar gadhafi only. >> only gadhafi? >> yes. >> women and men, one for all. >> reporter: you're willing to fight for gadhafi? >> yes. >> reporter: government minders did not bring us to this location. an we were able to choose those we spoke to. it's inconceivable that the regime's opponents would have been able to take to the streets like this. some 130 miles to the east, it's guns doing the talking. the city of misrata continues to endure heavy clashes between pro-gadhafi forces and rebels. while nato aircraft target the regime's heavy weaponry. this was a british tornado targeting a libyan tank. in tripoli by contrast, it's business as usual. well, almost. the shops seem packed with goods and people insist there are few, if any, shortages. this 83-year-old man tells me he
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wishes the conflict would end. "we want peace and security," he says "that saul we want." of course in the tightly controlled environment of the libyan capital, dissent would be dangerous. international pressure is having an effect. government minders did not allow us to film gas stations where drivers often have to wait for hours to buy fuel. and the port in tripoli is idle, not least because nato is enforcing a blockade. to some residents, libya's civil war may seem far away, yet it's effects are too close for comfort. fred likeens, cnn, tripoli, libya. let's take a look at what newspapers around the world are saying about all of this. in turkey, this headline "doha's ministers' meeting --" take a
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look at the daily telegraph here. "gadhafi is not getting the messesage to go." it says the coalition's cliche about protecting civilians is too vague to make an impression on someone like gadhafi. if he agrees to protect civilians will that be enough? and then in the united arab emirates, this is what the nationalist is saying, got son is no longer libya's best hope for reform. in a guest editorial, a libyan analyst is writing this, the only player in whose name everything is done is the libyan people, yet no one has been trying to gauge what the libyans want. they are not all against colonel gadhafi, nor are they all supporting him. one issue many views, you can go to our website, read all those articles in full. i'll be chatting with you in just a little bit. you're watching "world one" live from london. spend less and tax more.
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the one kids want to eat hi, this is "world one" live from london. here are our top stories. the u.s. secretary of the state hillary clinton has arrived in berlin. she'll be joined by foreign ministers from europe, turkey and canada. along the key issues whether to increase the military pressure on colonel gadhafi. france and britain are pushing for firmer action but not every country agrees it's the right step forward. protests are heating up again in yemen. five people including three soldiers have been killed in
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clashes between rival forces in the capital sanay. hospital staff say two people were killed in the city of aden. economists are warning that they have been getting louder and those warnings have been getting louder, u.s. debt is mounting ominously. president barack obama has laid out his plan to chip away at the mountain of ious. he's calling for a mix of spending cuts and tax increases which he says will reduce federal deficits by trillions of dollars over the next dozen years. >> any serious plan to tackle our deficit will require us to put everything on the table. and take on excess spending wherever it exists in the budget. a serious plan doesn't require us to balance our budget overnight. in fact economists think that
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with the economy starting to grow again, we need a phased in approach. but it does require tough decisions and support from our leaders in both parties now. above all, it will require us to choose a vision of the america we want to see five years, ten years, 20 years down the road. >> republicans have slammed the plan. they're pushing for deficit reduction based solely on spending cuts and forecasts a future economic growth. paul ryan, the republican chairman of the house budget committee says he is very disappointed in the president. ryan says barack obama should be building bridges rather than poisoning wells. another republican said his proposal amounted to class warfare. well, the united states is more than $14 trillion in debt. dividing that by a population of more than 300 million, it represents $46,000 of debt for every man, woman and child. now, the congressional budget
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office predicts by 2020 the debt will be equivalent to 90% of u.s. gross domestic product. zain? >> monita, let's catch up with the weather outlook from the u.s. right now. in so many places there are severe storms on the well. jen delgado has been checking out the satellite pictures. >> you forgot about the radar, really tracking that right now. things are quiet. we'll see things pumping up as we go later in the day on the radar. we have a storm system out toward the west. that is fairly quiet. a little bit of rain and snow there. that will be moving towards the east. as it does, it's going to be triggering strong winds today. the area you're looking at in yellow and orange, this is the area we're dealing with the extreme fire danger. we're talking from parts of texas as well as northern mexico as well as new mexico and even areas including southeastern colorado.
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the problem is, again, with the low relative humidity values, we're talking wind gusts up to about 75 kilometers per hour, that is going to fuel once again, another day of wildfires burning. i have video coming out of texas and western texas has been taking it very hard over the last several weeks. it looks like 230,000 acres or 93,000 hectares burned over the last several weeks in parts of texas. and as i said, yes, it's been happening there. the problem is with the storm system coming through, it's really going to be kicking up those winds. that means the fire danger threat is going to be extremely great for today. as i take you back over to our graphic, the same storm system ahead of that front we'll be dealing with some storms, producing large hail as well as strong winds and the possibility of tornadoes anywhere you're seeing in orange, we're talking about kansas, arkansas as well as areas including that northeastern part of texas. as i said, it's not just texas and the u.s.
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we're talking about northern mexico. look at the drought conditions, anywhere from severe to extreme. that spridz up to areas even as well as western parts of louisiana. we really need to get rain in this region but the fortunate thing is, that storm system as it pushes through will not be producing much rainfall anywhere near the area that needs it for texas as well as new mexico. it will start to produce more rain as it moves over towards the east and bring another round of severe storms as we head to friday for parts of the southeast as well as the northeast. as we look across parts of the middle east, we have a stationary front. we've been dealing with rain and sandstorms. want to leave you video coming from one of our i-reporters. it was a bad day in kuwait. we're looking at, yes, dust storms, sandstorms. you can see by the color in the sky, the man wearing a mask, zain, that's the right thing to do when you're dealing with a sandstorm, dust storm.
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limited visibility and more sandstorms today. >> wow, jen daal gaelgado, than >> you're welcome. they like the look of green. >> if you want a green company you have to live those val use meaning you have to be in a companies around the world, we have a special report on that, just ahead. and a hollywood a-lister seeks help after a pretty bruising year. that story when we come back. tf. hey, you can't take allegra with fruit juice. what? yeah, it's on the label. really? here, there's nothing about juice on the zyrtec® label. what? labels are meant to be read. i'd be lost without you. i knew you weren't allergic to me. [ sneezes ] you know, you can't take allegra with orange juice. both: really? fyi. [ male announcer ] get zyrtec®'s proven allergy relief and love the air®.
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aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's never been easier to get the whole grain you want from your favorite big g cereals. from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white check.
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forget the ego wall, our jim bolden met up with the ceo of scanska in the uk.
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>> reporter: as you walk through skanska's uk headquarters outside london, you can't miss the green awards, including its prize as top green construction firm last year from the "sunday times." or the green wall with skanska's own shades from light to deep where uk's ceo mike putnam explains where each construction project falls on its own green scale. is it your company can go deep green or is it more realistically to say we're here, we're moving this way but the projects themselves will be a different shade of green. >> a combination ever that. the journey is to deep green. that's how we describe it internally and externally. when we look at our business plan to 2015, we say we want a certain percentage of our projects at this end. >> reporter: the middle is for the projects not quite able to meet the carbon neutral status.
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a goal for a growing list of firms and governments. the goalposts are moving all the time. >> a project we do today which might be here, slips backwards with time. >> reporter: because of regulations and -- >> regulars, technology, solutions, they all move on. >> reporter: so we look at the project in brent. are we up here somewhere. >> brent is up here. >> reporter: brent project is a civic center near london. beyond things like rain water recycling and a green supply chain, brent includes using vegetable oil for heating. >> obviously there's regulations you need to follow. that's the minimum. why do you go beyond that? is this about employee retention, is it about making money? does it make you money or does it cost you money to move toward
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the deeper greens. >> yes, it costs us money. we've had pretty significant investment in recent years. our clients tell us that it differentiates nuts marketplace. >> reporter: the newest area for skanska retrofitting a building or even just a floor to be near carbon neutral. skanska did just that for its own offices on the 32nd floor of the empire state building. >> we're convinced in the coming years it's going to be big business. >> reporter: a big business if other firms follow. >> if you want to be a green company, then you've got to live those values, which means you've got to be in a green building. >> reporter: a challenge to companies around the world. jim bolden, cnn, england. you can find out more about the innovators businesses that are becoming kinder to the environment and changing how we behave as consumers. it's green light for business, a week of special coverage here on cnn. >> let's take a look at some of the other stories we're talking about here on cnn.
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some gay rights campaigners say u.s. basketball player can eer bryant still hasn't taken responsibility for using a homophobic comment on court. bryant says his outburst came out of frustration during the heat of the game. the human rights campaign says not good enough. after helping her husband with cancer, zeta-jones is spending time in a clinic for her bipolar disorder. you have about $5 million, skip the presidential bid, instead, why not buy the white house. no, you don't get the famous one but this live-in replica about
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ten kilometers away in the state of virginia. the man who designed it originally came to america as a vietnamese refugee. zain? >> you're watching "world one" live from london. when they found the man who had been defined for five months refusing to give up his claim to the presidency, they pull a bullet proof vest on him to ensure he'd be taken alive. look at that dramatic video. that was from the ivory coast. we're going to show you the moment former president laurent gbagbo was captured. plus the search for a missing new yorker leads to a gruesome discovery. ah! fiber one honey clusters cereal!
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this is "world one" live from london, i'm monita rajpal. >> i'm zain vergee. here are our top stories. in libya, government forces have been firing rockets at the port in misrata, destroying a cement factory and cargo containers. that's according to someone who lives in the c s is in the city cnn. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton will be among those at the berlin meeting a key issue will be weather to increase pressure on colonel gadhafi. the brics are calling for the united nations to make its security council more representative. brics leaders ended their meeting with a join the statement pointing out they represent 3 billion people but only two of their members, russia and china are permanent
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security council members. barack obama outlined his plan to reduce his country's crippling debt. republicans savaged the plan saying they'll fight against any tax increases. the treasury secretary tim geithner says he is confident an agreement will be reached. >> this is a moment where we have a chance to get both sides to come together and lock the congress in to a comprehensive, balanced, responsible plan to bring our deficits down over time. everybody recognizes this is the necessary thing to do. it's something we can do, something we have to do. >> the former president ever ivory coast may have to face international charges for alleged crimes committed during his time in office. the country's new president alassane ouattara has addressed the meeting saying laurent gbagbo must be treated with consideration and respected as a former leader. but he says reconciliation can't be done without justice.
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he has stressed that any of his troops found have committed crimes will also be punished. human rights watch published a scathing report by abuses carried out by pro-ouattara forces. gbagbo has been taken to an undisclosed location while the new government decides what to do next. senior international correspondent dan rivers is in the city and has new video showing the dramatic moment gbagbo was captured. >> reporter: the moment laurent gbagbo's enemy arrived at the gates of his palace. this dramatic new video shows troops loyal to alassane ouattara storming the final hiding place of gbagbo. heavy weapons explode as the men enter the compound and shoot their way into gbagbo's last refuge. when they found the man who had been defiant for five months refusing to give up his claim to the presidency, they put a
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bulletproof vest on him to ensure he'd be taken alive. he was led away by triumphant troops. now he's in a villa awaiting possible trial. and those same pro-ouattara troops are taking up key positions around abidjan, here occupying a totem of gbagbo's regime, his republican guard headquarters. inside, defectors from gbagbo's army are signing up for a new force as the ivory coast power struggle comes to an end. this commander fought his way here from the north. now he shows off the weapons given him by local who have a two-month amnesty to hand over their guns. this is where gbagbo's troops staged a last stand and took a pummeling from u.n. helicopter gunships who are still patrolling the sky. elsewhere, officers are trying to instill discipline into an exhausted and ragtag group of
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fighters. who now suddenly have the eyes of the world on them. the big challenge for ivory coast now is integrating these rebel fighters who have taken abidjan into the regular army that, until now, has been fighting them. even here, among the soldiers, it's clear tensions are still very high. this commander says it hasn't been easy and they've lost lots of men in the battle. but now they're busy trying to restore security. president ouattara is also trying to strike a conciliatory tone. >> translator: mr. laurent gbagbo is a former head of state. we should treat him with regard. it's for that reason he's remaining under surveillance and residence in a villa. >> reporter: u.n. peacekeepers are helping to restore calm. these soldiers are from jordan. but the humanitarian situation remains difficult. these people have been here to buy rice for five hours. those that arrive too late have
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to buy it on the black market. this woman complains that a kilo of rice is 1,000 franks, four times the price it used to be. for now, there is enough food. these people are fed up with the chaos, the instability and the violence. they hope the worst is over now. dan rivers, cnn, abidjan, ivory coast. even as libyan opposition forces met with their supporters in doha, moammar gadhafi's forces showed no sign of stopping their offensive on the ground. gadhafi's tanks pounded misrata today. we are joined from benghazi with the latest. reza, you're in one part of the country. you've been able to get information on what is happening in misrata. what are you hearing? >> reporter: during this conflict, most of the nightmare story have been coming out of misrata and those stories continue to come in and there's more and more accounts that
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gadhafi forces are now looking to target the city's port, which is the city's only life line. a res den in the misrata today telling cnn that gadhafi forces are shelling the port area with rockets, destroying a mobile cement factory and shipping containers. not clear why those places were hit. perhaps rebel fighters were hiding nearby, perhaps there were random hits. it's not clear at this point. there's also reports that eight people were killed today in the fighting in misrata. we're working to confirm that. this follow's yesterday's fierce fighting in misrata and word from a rebel spokes penn that gadhafi forces were looking to target the port of misrata by sea. they were getting on boards shipping trowelers, perhaps in an effort to impede and obstruct humanitarian vessels arriving at the port.
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we haven't been able to independently verify this. if this were true, this would create more problems for misrata. their only life line is this port. this is how they get food, medical supplies. the doctors go there from all the way here in benghazi. yesterday in doha, the big summit on libya's aim, misrata is one of the cities the opposition pointed to as an example of why they need help and why they need it now. >>hat specifically do they want nato to do more of? if there's more nato pressure, is it from your vantage point on the ground, from what you can see and hear, really going to be something that gets gadhafi out? >> yes. i mean, i think if you look at the doha summit, it sums up what they've been calling for. that's more air strikes, more pressure militarily from nato. more arms on the ground and more money. and when you talk to the opposition officials, they say yesterday was a positive
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meeting. the summit in doha, they said it was a boost for the rebels but still not clear exactly what they achieved, what type of help they're going to get. they did say outside states agree to sell them some weapons. it's not clear who is going to do that and when. they also said outside states have agreed to release frozen regime funds and funnel them to the opposition, perhaps for humanitarian aid, perhaps for weapons. but when pressed for them to reveal which countries and when, again, they were short on answers. so the summit yesterday, perhaps, it went further in establishing themselves as a legitimate body of government in talking to heads of state but still not clear who's going to help them and how, zain. >> thanks, reza. you're watching "world one," live from london. zain, not long to go now. >> oh, no. how many days? >> two weeks, i think. >> it's almost upon us. not long to go, distinguished
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wedding guests will soon be on their way to london. meet one of them in a minute, prince williams's godfather and he happens to be a king. in football, the crown for european's champion club is sure to be changing hands. our sports update is just ahead. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers.
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the champions league continues to hold at tension of football fans around the world. you have all the details. >> you've got that right. manchester united. there were no miraculous recoveries for tottenham.
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real wins 5-0 on aggregate. they are in the semifinals of the champions league for the first time since 2003. the champions league will crown a new winner next month at wembley, that's for sure. intermilan were sent packing by schalke. they beat them 2-1 on wednesday in germany. former real madrid striker raul was on target for the fifth time in europe this season and the 75th time in the champions league as schalke moved to a 7-3 aggregate victory. convicted major league baseball home run king barry bonds on one count of obstruction of justice. did he escape conviction, though, on three counts of perjury after the jury failed to reach a unanimous decision on those charges. the jury's partial verdict came after nearly four days of
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deliberations. all of the counts against bonds were a result of the baseball players' testimony to a grand jury in 2003 looking into steroid use in the game. the verdict shows jurors believed bonds lied when he testified that his trainer never injected him with a needle, however, they couldn't agree that he lied about knowingly using steroids. attorneys will return to court next month to discuss if there will be a retrial on three perjury counts. there's no doubt about one thing, that the legend of barry bonds has been tarnished by the trial. >> big time. so it's sad when you see someone who has that legendary status to go from that. it's almost as perhaps people's memories -- >> his record will be tainted. he has the record for most home runs in a career and a season as well. >> on a lighter note, are you excited about the wedding? >> from a scale of zero to ten, considering a hear about it every minute of every day, about a three right now.
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>> maybe next week you'll get into it. >> maybe i will. >> all right. thanks. young, good-looking and in love, they're all the necessary ingredients for a smashing royal wedding. that's accord together former king of greece, constantin ii. he's going to be at the wedding of prince william and kate middleton. as a grom's father he has a key role and he spoke to cnn's richard quest. >> you'll be there at the abbey? >> yes. >> the evening? >> yes. >> you have all three tickets. what will your thoughts be? where will you allow your mined to go? >> my mind will go to one specific place, this young couple remains a happy couple. and always keep in the back of your mind you are there for one
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purpose, service to the people. that's all you're there for. >> are you surprised at the amount of interest that there is in this wedding? >> i really am not surprised. there are many aspects why. first, they're both young, good looking, happy, in love and, of course, he will one day succeed his father to the throne. so that makes it -- the mystique and makes everybody very excited about it and makes people happy. >> when you heard that they were going to get married, let's face it, they've been going out for a very long time. it wasn't a huge surprise, what was your initial reaction? >> i always hoped that this would happen, that he would find somebody that he really loved and most importantly, that she really loved him. that they'll live together for the rest of their lives, especially in this difficult job he's going to have to take up one day. >> you've known him all his life, since he was born. >> that's correct.
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absolutely. i was very, very touched and thrilled when his father rang me up and asked me if i would indeed be his godfather. what impresses me about the young man, he takes his life seriously but he has a fantastic sense of humor. it's important today, because he's a young man, and his father's ahead of him, he can't waste his time. he has to do something constructive. he's done that. >> it's not just he has to wait, god forbid, when her majesty passes on, he has to wait for the next generation after that to pass on. >> that's the way the system works. >> kate middleton has to learn this. and she has to learn, doesn't she, that her role may not come to be for another 20 odd years or so. >> that's correct. >> is that difficult? >> as long as she is able to understand that she has to give all the support she can to her husband, to see him through this whole transition that's going to happen in his life, it's beginning to be vital for him. i don't believe for a moment she
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will have any problems with that. she really is a very intelligent young lady. >> it's quite interesting. it's not often we've had an event like this where you have ordinary commoners with royalty, a big wedding. it's very different in that sense t. makes it more fun. it makes it more fun. and at this point, it's more humane, the whole thing. >> millions of people are expected to pour into london for the royal wedding but many britains can't way to escape the city for a good old vacation. now, according to one online travel agent. the portuguese coast is the most popular of all the destinations out there. bookings are actually up to about 90%. and the average costs have fallen 28%. thanks to the country's economic woes. that's why that is happening. let's check out malta. you can see here, bookings are
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up 22%. people are headed in that direction. it's a beautiful place. dina magnate pointed out some of the fabulous restaurants you can go to in malta. let's talk about spain, gross and turkey. vacations in places li s like s. it's half price compared to 2010. these are for three of the countries in spain, or the beautiful islands of greece. >> remember you can always go to for all our coverage and the latest videos, including a day in the life of kate middleton. [ woman ] bathing suits! shorts! tanktops! [ female announcer ] grab a box of multigrain cheerios. get a code to...
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...a 7 day plan to get going on your summer weight loss. get the box. get the code. get started!
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welcome back. this is "world one" live from london. >> we're coming up on 6:00 a.m. in new york, noon in berlin, 7:00 p.m. in tokyo. we take you outside new york city where police say they fear a serial killer may be on the loose. they've found the remains of eight people, some of who have a lot in common. joe johns reports. . >> officers discovered 96 feet north off the parkway what appears to be a human skull. appears to be a human skull. >> reporter: a human skull, another grisly find, fueling the fears of the people in this small town on long island, new york, fearing the speculation that a serial killer is on the loose. eight sets of human remains have been found. investigators are desperate, searching by water, by land and by air, using the crime profilers unit of the fbi.
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>> in suspected serial murder cases often the hardest part is figuring out it where it all began. in the cases of the young women whose bodies were found on the beaches near long island, police don't even seem to have even the beginning of the time line. the dead were found here, a tinily line of bodies concealed just off the rub in a scrub covering the area miles long. last december 11th, a police officer out training his dog finds a woman's body on gilgo beach in suffolk county. december 13th police find three more bodies, the four women, some found in burlap bags, all this anywhere 20s working as prostitutes, advertising their services on craigslist. >> the business that they were in indicated that whoever was targeting these individuals was doing it because of their business. >> reporter: march 29th of this year, another body is found. then on april 4th, the remains of three more people were found.
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who these four are and how they died is still a mystery. one of the most vexing questions of all is whatever happened to shannon gilbert? she's in her 20s, she worked as a prostitute and advertised on craigslist but authorities do say she is not among the unidentified dead. may 1st of last year, around 2:00 in the morning, according to a family member, a driver brought shannon gilbert here to oak beach to meet a man. she ran from the house a couple hours later, came here to a neighbor's place. >> reporter: the neighbor went to call 911 and when he came back she was gone. the neighbor says the woman was frantic. coletti doubts this has anything to do with the bodies founded so far. do you think she was the victim of a serial killer. >> no. i'm not even sure she was murdered. >> reporter: the man shannon went to visit this morning has been questioned by police. he's been cooperative and that he is not a suspect.
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we visited his house today but no one answered the door. another disturbing piece of this story goes back two years ago. it's been widely reported that taunting telephone calls which may have come from the alleged killer himself, went to a sister of melissa barthelemy, one of the victims. the calls were too short to trace and came from crowded places. to some, that kind of boldness and planning suggest police are dealing with a very organized killer. there's been some suggestion that the killer may have law enforcement experience because he seals to know how to make gathering evidence more difficult. but police say as far as they're concerned, that's not more than speculation. >> you can go with it if you want but it's not coming from us. >> reporter: the only thing we know for sure, there are bodies turning up on the beach and police fear there could be more. a quick recap of the top stories right now.
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the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton is in berlin for talks on nato's role in libya. she'll be joined by foreign ministers from europe, turkey and canada. a major sticking point is whether to increase pressure on colonel gadhafi. the u.s. house of representatives is due to vote on legislation to cut government spending by almost $40 billion in 2011. it's a short-term spending bill that's -- to slash u.s. deficits over the next 12 years. republicans condemned a plan, the president outlined wednesday saying they wouldn't support any move to raise taxes. no doubt this will be a big story in the u.s. today. it sure will. you're watching "world one," live from london. i'm zain vergee. >> i'm monita rajpal. thank you for joining us. we want to give you a look at these pictures from texas now. >> wildfires burning out of control, despite efforts from the local forestry service. these are the pictures and we can bring them to you. we will follow all these developments. you're watching "world one" right here on cnn.
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ahead on "american morning," we we've been here before. another air traffic controller sleeping on the job. the incident took place while a medical flight with a sick passenger on board was desperately trying to laned. >> more on that. president obama laying out his plan to cut $4 trillion of u.s. debt. he said he's counting on joe biden to sell it. during last night's big speech, vice president didn't appear to be listening. >> and heartbreak for the parents of a college football player who was shot and killed by a cop in suburban new york. that cop has just been named officer of the year. can kobe bryant fined $100, for something he said to a referee. we also have the verdict in
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the barry bonds trial. all of that ahead on "american morning." [ male announcer ] surprisingly priced at $15,995, the 2011 jetta has arrived. discover german engineering and premium style on the jetta s with best-in-class rear legroom, as well as no-charge scheduled carefree maintenance, all standard. that's great for the price of good. hurry in, and for a limited time while they last get a 2011 jetta for $179 a month. visit today. i don't know, something. [ mom ] something... ♪ mexican. [ female announcer ] thinking mexican tonight? hamburger helper has five festive flavors like crunchy taco. hamburger helper. one pound. one pan. one happy family.
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