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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  October 21, 2011 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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the rebels caught and kied like a rat, same rebels in a filthy sewer. 42 years, gadhafi ruled through fear, torture and terror. tonight, not just libya, but the the world is a safer place. good night. breaking news tonight and in just a minute, an exclusive account of moammar gadhafi's last moments on earth. this comes just outside sirte where gadhafi was born and where today he was flushed out of hiding. this is new video that we got it a few hours ago. it's a better angle. you're watching the chaos. that is the first time that we are seeing this video.
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gunfire >> what happened in the next few moments is unclear, he was finally killed. how he died, we do not yet know. didn't take long for the death photos surface. we want to warn you, they are very graphic. gadhafi is indeed dead. the photos come from misrata where he was taken and killed possibly while trying to escape, possibly in a fire fight between captors and support toers or in crossfire or possibly executed. you can see he is surrounded by onlookers, he is not being mourned, certainly not there his death and of his son being celebrated in libya and in the west. >> faced with the potential of mass atrocities and a call for help from the libyan people, the united states and our friends and allies stopped gadhafi forces in their tracks.
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a coalition that the united states, nato, and arab nations persevered through the summer to protect lybian civilians and courageous libyan people and broke the back of the regime. >> we'll have video as well and a much more impromptu of secretary clinton. a aide showing her a blackberry with the news as cameras just happened to be rolling. >> wow. >> unconfirmed. >> unconfirmed. >> yeah, unconfirmed. >> unconfirmed reports about gadhafi being captured. >> really? >> unconfirmed. we've had a bunch of those before. we've had, you know, have had him captured a couple of times. >> as we mention, you'll hear from a western reporter with an up-close account of gadhafi's demise and an in-depth analysis of america's role in bringing in the end game. dan rivers is in tripoli,
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joining us, fran townsend, bob bear. here's what we know about the dictator's demise. we now know why pro-gadhafi forces fought so hard to keep control of gadhafi's home town of sirte. he might have been hiding there since the capital of tripoli fell two months ago. revolutionary fighters closed in on sirte this morning, reportedly unaware that the colonel was there. gadhafi boarded a convoy and attempted to flee. his convoy was disabled as it sped out of sirte. nato officials say they were unaware that they were firing on the former leader. gadhafi and a handful of bodyguards survived and took refuge in this drainage pipe underneath the road. they were surrounded by revolutionary fighters and they wrote the place of the rat on
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the outside. someone said, my master is here, he was reportedly to see gadhafi. he told the bbc the colonel simply looked up at him and said, don't shoot. this cell phone video taken shortly before his death shows gadhafi injured, but captured alive by fighters who screamed god is great. he was wearing an undershirt and trousers when found and he did not resist the arrest. fighters also show off a golden pistol which they say they took from gadhafi after his capture. what happened next is unclear. some reports say gadhafi was shot while trying to escape. another report says gadhafi's own golden pistol was used to execute him. this video appears to show
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gadhafi's dead body laying on the street, blood running down his face from an apparent head wound. the libyan prime minister says that gadhafi was shot in the arm after he was captured and was taken to the hospital and was shot in the head during a gunfight between his own supporters and captures. they say gadhafi died a few moments before arriving at the hospital. there were no orders to kill gadhafi a lybian official told reuters and there's no evidence that he was executed. we can't independently confirm that, however. in the early days of the uprising, gadhafi said that he would fight until the last bullet and never leave libya. in the end, it seems he got his wish. ben farmer is with britain's daily telegraph and traveling with revolutionary forces outside of sirte. we spoke with him earlier by phone. ben, what exactly happened? >> reporter: the convoy tried to
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break out of sirte in the morning at about 8:00 and there were 15 or 20 vehicles that tried to break out to the western side. and they parked up after they got about two miles outside of sirte and they seemed at that point were hit by a nato bomb. [ poor audio ] he survived and he fled with a handful of survivors and a drain that was going under a road and it was there that the rebels found him and captured him. >> what was the drainpipe like that they found him in? >> it was a nondescript pipe, a concrete tubing, about 70 feet long passing under a carriageway and about three feet wide. inside was full of rubbish and trash and rocks and sand and so it was really quite a
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nondescript piece of drain. >> the videos that we have seen, it's clear that he was alive when captured. you have seen videos. how did he appear to you? >> yes, when he was captured he was alive. and the video was taken by rebels on mobile phones. he looked bloody. he looked as if he had a wound to the upper body or head. he looked confused. he is definitely alive. and the rebel said that he was talking as well. he was saying -- he was pleading for his life, according to some reports. he was confused. he was saying, what are you doing? what's going on? >> the national transitional council is saying that gadhafi was killed by crossfire. does that make any sense to you or are they just trying to play
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down what happened that killed him? >> well, i think certainly there is a suggestion that he was executed. the national transitional council says that he was taken to a vehicle and being driven away when it was caught in crossfire. now, they cite an autopsy report saying that he was killed by one bullet wound to the head but there have certainly been suggestions that he was, in fact, executed and the british foreign secretary has raised that possibility. >> do you know what has happened to his body? he was taken to a hospital in misrata. do you know what will happen to him? >> i expect that the national transitional council will avoid creating any event or burial that could provide any focus for the pro-gadhafi forces or any
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scene of pilgrimage. >> thank you, ben. be safe. >> you're welcome. >> we got that video three or four minutes before the top of the hour. let's go to the libyan capital, tripoli, where dan rivers is. the regime used to stage their rallies in green square. a lot of opposition blood was spilled. today, people were celebrating. what has the mood been like in tripoli, dan? >> reporter: well, it's been one of complete jubilation and celebration here, anderson, as you can imagine. a lot of gunfire in the air, a lot of people dancing in the streets and car horns being blasted. when the news first came out earlier today, the ships in the harbors were sounding their horns in celebration. the news spread very rapidly. to start with, it was about the fall of sirte and then suggestions that gadhafi has been captured and then
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confirmation that he had been killed as the videos started spilling out on tv and online. >> dan, this video we got about 12, 13 minutes ago, clearly gadhafi was alive after he was captured. there's blood over his head. it's very graphic. at one point, he's wiping the blood away. he looks very confused. we heard a report from ben farmer who said that according to the reports that he had heard gadhafi said, what's going on? don't shoot, at another point. is there a sense that this conflict is over? >> whether they can keep all together on the path towards democracy, all of the militia and faction, that's a much more complex question. there are a couple things that occurred to me seeing that new
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video. certainly in this new video, you see -- to appear him being hit with his own shoes, which is one of the gravest insults you can make in his capture. he's holding up his boot, it looks like, and then it looks like he's being hit with his own shoe. on one of the other videos, you hear in arabic, we want to take them alive. someone says that repeatedly. there was an effort at the time to try to take him alive. now, whether they just lost control of the situation and someone came up and shot him, we don't know. i mean, the ntc are insisting he was shot in the crossfire, as you mentioned. we see somewhere online someone who appears to have been at the scene, yes, we shot him with a 9 millimeter. which contradicts what the ntc was saying, he was hit in the
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crossfire as clashes continue between pro and anti-gadhafi forces. >> it's always hard to tell on the video, there's also a lot of blood on the face. with head wounds, they bleed a lot, even sometimes if they are not life-threatening or potentially fatal head wounds, you could still have a lot of blood. so, it could be misleading. we're not clear at this point, dan, the extent of his injuries prior to being captured, correct? >> no. i mean, the ntc is saying he was shot in the arm, up here somewhere. but you're right. in that video, he's clearing bleeding -- it looks like he's bleeding from the head. now, whether that's just as result of being repeatedly hit around the head, he was being battered, and in some of the other videos as well, you see arms and fists going in, looking as if he's being batted around the head. i'm not sure whether that blood is from simply being hit repeatedly or whether he was grazed by a bullet on his head.
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but we're then told by the ntc, at some point when they are trying to get him to hospital, he receives a shot to the head that kills him. we haven't gotten the formal postmortem results. we spoke with the chief pathologist here that was supposed to go look at the body and he hasn't done that. so all of the rumors about him being shot in the head is in the early stages. we haven't had an official pathologist look at yet. but it appears that he was shot in the crossfire. >> dan, i appreciate the reporting. thanks very much. stay safe. let us know what you think. follow me on twitter @andersoncooper. next, from the video that launched gadhafi and finally his
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we are building insurance around you. now sirte will be known as the place where his 42-year rein of terror will be remembered. libya is no longer fearing the brutal force used against them. behind the violence, gadhafi was an unbalanced leader whose odd decisions and curious life left the rest of the world scratching their head. tom foreman takes a look back. >> reporter: in a country with little to brag about in recent years, the libyan rocket was an exception. a sleek, odd-looking automobile. when this prototype was unveiled in 2009, the libyan government called it the safest place on
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the planet, designed by moammar gadhafi himself, feeding the image of a leader who was colorful to the point of quirky through all four decades of his rule. gadhafi always grabbed headlines, and often in the strangest ways, whether relaxing with this theatrical celebration of his 40th year in power or ranting during an hour and a half speech at the united nations, calling swine flu a biological weapon and demanding further investigation into the assassinations of john kennedy and martin luther kind. and he always traveled with a nurse at hand and for a time, he had an all-female core of bodyguards. despite displaying himself as a simple family man, his home and the homes of his family, there
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was a long life of huge excess, especially as pictures seen or captured by rebels in recent weeks. a seaside villa, complete with a grand piano, an indoor pool, a golden mermaid sofa, overstuffed closets, a bedroom on his private plane. an ever-changing wardrobe kept the world guessing how he would show up any public affair and showed up in a litany of peculiar likes and dislikes. gadhafi loved horse racing and flamingo dancing, hated flying over the water or being in the air over eight hours or staying on the first floor of any hotel. indeed, even in the biggest city such as paris and new york, he insisted of bringing a tent along of which to greet visitors, sometimes with a camel as an accessory. at home, there was a culture war with western influence and rumors circulating that he said william shakespeare was an arab.
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and once his son was accused of assaulting a maid in switzerland, he called on the united nations to divide it up between germany, france, and italy. his occasional interviews only confused matters even more. he told cnn two years ago he was not the leader of libya any way. >> you are not the leader of your country? >> translator: i am the leader of the revolution, not the leader of the country. >> there's still a revolution going on? >> translator: yes. >> now it appears a revolution was indeed brewing. he was and is a leader no more. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> it's been a remarkable day,
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an historic day. let's bring in a fellow at stanford, let's bring in robert baer, a former cia officer, fouad ajami, and national contributor, fran townsend. fouad, i'm curious all day, i've been wondering about your thoughts as you watch -- as you heard the news today, in drips and drabs, and now you see these very bloody videos of this man that ruled so long, what were your thoughts? >> well, you know, it's very interesting, anderson. i forget this person mentioned. i just wrote a piece for "the wall street journal" for tomorrow, that on the one hand it's a moment of exhilaration and there is a disappointment, anticlimactic that when you find out that this figure that we thought about and was actually cowards. that moammar gadhafi came out of
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this rat hole and his request was, don't shoot, don't shoot. and this is a replay, exactly, of what suddam hussein did several years ago. it's a familiar story that the despots is fraud until the bitter end. >> and also, fouad, they live with such grandeur in their life, the pomposity in the interviews that they give and history shows time after time, they end up, you know, their bodies bloated with a bullet in their head. >> that's the life that moammar gadhafi chose. there was a saying when he came into power in the first year of the nixon administration, we have to say, when he came to power, the libyans were then saying that they preferred the devil to the king and i think it rhymed very well. how little did they know? they got the devil and they got him for 42 years.
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and i think the oil and the power of oil and the supplication of oil that other people came to libya and gave this man what what he wanted, it was really a crime against the libyan people. >> and, fran, yet for all that oil and all that money, he spent very little on improving the health system, on the school system, all of which are pathetic in libya. and there's no excuse for that. there's 6 million people until libya, smaller than the population in new york city. with all of that money, they should all be living incredibly well and they are not. >> that's right. the thing that struck me in 2007 and i was back in 2010 is the crumbling infrastructure, the roads, the lack of good water, the sanitation, schools, as you say. this is an incredibly rich country, which out to give us some hope for the transitional council. they will have the money that iraq and other countries don't have. they all the to be able to take advantage of it.
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unlike gadhafi, they are willing to put it to the gadhafi people. >> bob, at the top of the hour the video that we received, it's right there, the video of him saying, no, no, no, we want him alive. what do you think happened? do you think we will ever known what happened? >> i think someone walked up and shot him because gadhafi did run the country into the ground. everybody is happy that he's gone, except for his tribe. for the cia, it's good, too. in the '80s, i was assigned to khartoum. he fired a bomb but missed it by five miles. but the man, i think was insane
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and we're better off today. >> you think he was insane, bob? >> i think he was. i think there is little doubt that he was part of the pan am and bringing it down, probably other parties. but the terrorism, it was just slaughter. he lost his country, as he should have. >> fouad, i wonder, i know you're watching that video, too, what does assaud and syria think watching that video? what message is that bringing to the middle east? >> that's exactly what -- a man for his security, he posted a note on an al jazeera blog and said congratulations what happened here in libya happened in syria. so i think in both syria and
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yemen, there were two tyrants, surely al assad, must think of the spectacle that he is seeing and think about the justice that has come. there is a wonderful cartoon, drawn by a syrian cartoonist and he was beaten up severely for it. it showed gadhafi driving a jeep and hitching a ride with him. this is the fault of the despots this is what they and do this is the end they deserve. >> fran in terms of libya moving forward this is obviously a huge milestone. >> it is a huge milestone. libya has money challenges, the money from oil revenue, and in north africa, training along the border near to libya. there will be those around them that will seek to take advantage. so that's a concern. there will be tribal differences. there will be gadhafi loyalists
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that will look for an opportunity perhaps to launch an insurgency like we saw in iraq. >> this fight in northern najair? >> that's exactly right. you've got these groups outside the borders of libya that will have an interest to see if they can take advantage of the chaos and then the internal strife bound to happen from loyalists and tribes, transitional council has its work cut out for them. of course, they want to be better than gadhafi, they've got to submit to civilian law. >> fran townsend, thank you, bob baer, and fouad ajami. ron paul is claiming that he didn't get enough talk time. we checked the clock. keeping them honest. and this wild animal trang yes dmi ohio could happen again. how are people able to hold exotic animals in their backyards? we will talk with jack hanna, ahead. [ man ] i got this citi thank you card
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our keeping them honest tonight is focusing on ron paul. the campaign is alleging he was ignored and they are doing this to fire up his supporters and raise money for his presidential campaign. it's a fundraising effort. normally, we would not respond to these sorts of fundraising complaints but the campaign is making statements that are not true and we're getting a number of tweets and e-mails from
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viewers. like this one, the land of the no longer free. is the ron paul coverage soviet propaganda? he won most internet polls. here's the complaint from the ron paul complaint itself in a fundraising email under ron paul's name sent to supporters yesterday. dear liberty activists. at one point in the last hour of the cnn debate, blacking out almost took on a whole new meaning, meaning the blacking out of ron paul. they went on to say, you see, it goes on, it can be awfully hard to be on stage for nearly 40 minutes between speaking. yes, 40 minutes. that's how long the mainstream media tryied to keep my views out of the debate at one point. candidates can have whatever opinion they want on the issues or the media. but ron paul is simply wrong on the facts. we went back and looked at the tape and the clock. we're timing these things during the debate but we spent the last two days recounting. we didn't count the introductory
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statements which each candidate was allowed to make. to keep things simple, the clock started when the first candidate answered the first question. so ron paul's first answer was 6:22 into the debate. >> it raises revenues and the worst part of it is it is regressive. a lot of people aren't paying any taxes. and i like that. i don't think we should even things up by raising taxes. so, it is a regressive tax and it is very very dangerous and it will raise more revenues. >> now, that was part of ron paul's answer which ran about a minute in length. it ended at 18:46 past the hour and the clock on the screen is the amount of time since the congressman last spoke. so take a look. fast forward a bit, more than 19 minutes. here's his next answer. >> he's just adding on more government. there's been a lot of discussion about medicine. it seems to be talking about which kind of government management is best. our problem is, we have too much.
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we have had it for 30, 40 years. we have medicare, prescription drug programs, medicaid. there's a pretty good support up here for getting rid of obama care as a democratic proposal and we want to opt out. i think we'd all agree on this. >> so that's 38 minutes and 4 minutes past the hour. or 19:16 from the end of his last answer. from there, zoom ahead another 14 minutes or so and ron paul speaks again. take a look. >> i think some people do believe that. i think a fence is symbolic of that and i can understand why somebody might look at that. but when we approach this immigration problem, we should look at the incentives and the mandates of the federal government saying you must educate, you must give them free education. you have to remove these incentives. >> from there, it's another 4 minutes or so and then he got another answer. and then 11 minutes, the next. then 8 minutes, then a minute and so on. so there's no gap longer than 19:16. certainly nothing like the 40-minute gap that congressman paul claims in his fund-raising
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letter. it just didn't happen. we also calculated how many times he spoke and for how long. 11 times he spoke. just under ten minutes total. cain spoke 16 times but spoke shorter time, just nine minutes. michele bachmann spoke 12 times and for a few seconds longer. mitt romney and rick perry monopolized most of the time with their back and forth confrontation about jobs and immigration. and then continued jabs at mitt romney which then by campaign rules, necessitated him having more time to respond. newt gingrich, it turned out, did the least amount of talking than anyone. ron paul finished squarely in the middle of the pack when it came to how much time he had on camera. middle of the pack. we have no bias for him or against him or any of the debaters. out of fairness, we asked the paul campaign how they square in this fundraising letter, the
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40-minute figure they are throwing around and the information that we have. the entire statement says, dr. paul has top fundraising, strong polling and the best organization in key early states. it is time for the mainstream media to stop writing their own self-fulfilling prophecy and give equal time to all of the top candidates. that's it. that's all. fwhog their nonfactual claim. just that. as for the notion that there is a hidden bias towards ron paul, congressman paul has been on this program seven times. that is more than all of the republican candidates and president obama combined. he's been on seven times more than everybody else combined. he's been open, he's been accessible to us, and is always a welcomed guest. and for the record, he's always welcome back, any time in the future. out of fairness, we should mention one other complaint from that fundraising e-mail. closing statements? well, some of the candidates got them.
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i will give you one guess who didn't. >> in fact, no one was asked to make a closing statement. everybody was asked to make a closing statement and they did. there was no plans for closing statements. all of the candidates agreed on a 90-minute campaign. they insisted on 90 minutes, no longer. two of the candidates, michelle bachmann asked for more time. the ron paul campaign may have a justified complaint with other reporters or network's treatments. i do not believe their attack is fair or accurate, just for the record. he's welcome back any time. lingering questions after the events in ohio. a man setting dozens of wild animals free and then shoots himself, most of the animals are dead as well. we'll show you some of the animals that did get rescued. why was he keeping so many bears, lions, and tigers on a
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farm? we'll take you to another place in ohio where wild animals are being kept. i'll talk to jack hanna. and at political battle over one country's budget is turning deadly. the latest from greece, when we continue. s still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] yes, it is. so if i didn't know better i'd say you're having some sort of big tire sale. yes we are. yeah. how many tires does ford buy every year? over 3 million. you say you can beat any advertised price on tires? correct. anywhere? yes. like this price? yes. riously? yes what about this one? i'll beat it. this one? s we will. right, i only have one more question for you...this one? (laughing) yeah. get $100 rebate when you buy four tires. 100 bucks! only at your ford dealer. 3 million tires. 11 major brands, fiona's kind-of-nice. i don't know why you're not here. whoa.
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well, in ohio tonight, the crisis is over but the shock remains after a man freed dozens of wild animals from his farm and shot himself. 49 of the animals, wolves, bears, lions, tyingers were killed by deputies. six animals were captured and taken to the columbus zoo.
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this is one of the animals. a monkey is still unaccounted for but one of the cats may have eaten that monkey. the issue of private citizens owning exotic animals has its controversy. >> reporter: it's feeding time at tiger ridge exotics, a private game reserve just outside of toledo, ohio. leo the lion is about one of a dozen cats, two grizzlies and two wolves getting lunch from its owner. do you ever get nervous when you're feeding the animals? >> no. >> reporter: ever had a close call? >> every day. >> reporter: he's been keeping exotic animals without any violations for more than three decades. >> it's just something i like to do. i've done it for so long, it's part of me. >> reporter: he knew terry thompson, the man who owned and released 56 animals from his own
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farm and then took his own life, 49 of them had to be killed. he says he doesn't know why thompson snapped, but he worries about what the repercussions will be. >> one bad apple ruins the whole barrel. you have heard that before. that's what we have going on here in ohio. >> reporter: he says that it may be rare but when they do happen, it can be both violent and tragic. in 2009, a pet chimpanzee attacked a woman in connecticut. >> reporter: in 2005, a 911 operator responds after a man is attacked by two chimps at a private sanctuary in california. >> reporter: and in 2003, a man is injured in new york by a
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tiger that was being kept in an apartment. no people were hurt after terry thompson released his animals in ohio. the story drawing attention to laws on keeping wild animals. ohio is one of eight states with the least restrictive laws with regard to owning exotic animals. the few requirements to owning these types of animals in ohio include, need for entry permit into the state and certificate of veterinary inspection. it's illegal to own exotic animals in 21 states. >> me and the other deputies were forced to doing it due to the lax laws in the state of ohio in reference to exotic animals. >> reporter: the state legislature promises tougher legislation. kenny hetrick hopes that those who do take care of their animals are not punished.
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urge they have this blown way out of proportion, ohio is the wild west. there is not a word of truth to that >> that was jason carroll. animal expert jack hanna was on the scene soon after the release of the animals. i spoke with jack just a short time ago. he is the director emir rut us it of the columbus zoo, where six of the animals were taken. jack, ohio is a handful of states that doesn't regulate the owners of exotic species. should animals be allowed to own exotic animals, potentially dangerous and large animals? >> large cats, tigers, bears, the answer is no. if they are owning them for a pet or some people use the word hoarding or just having something different, the answer is they should be -- the animal should be taken right away. for instance, there are breeders. i'm in texas, rhinos, hoof
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stock, have to have the gene pools for the world to succeed. this law is going to be passed in ohio very quickly. the law will exclude some of those folks that can afford permitting. your question is very good. we need to permit this thing. i'm not saying permit people out of business. but if you're going to pay $100 for permits and inspection for a tiger, that ain't going to fly. we're talking about, to get a lion or a tiger as you've seen at an auction, it costs about $1,000, that's great, isn't it? but to make a correct habitat, it's 2 or $3 million. >> owning potentially dangerous animals like this guy thompson had, it not only puts people at risk, in most cases it's not fair to the animals themselves. >> that's right. you saw what happened to the animals yesterday. did the animals ever want this? of course they didn't. if you saw some of the enclosures, they had some leopards in a bird cage.
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you're talking about all types of different enclosures. not just, i went over to this dump and got this. that's what we had yesterday, which wasn't fair to the animals whatsoever. >> is there a large market for some of these animals? >> i know the media says that the market is growing. it has grown but not as bad as it used to be. it used to be beyond comprehension in this country. ohio is in the bottom five or six of the country. the question i'm getting asked from all over the world, australia, everywhere. the fact that -- how did this happen? the man was cited for many things. but it's amazing. there are no laws for all of this stuff. i'm sitting here going, i can't believe this happened. >> you actually heard from the man who killed himself and released the animals, you heard from his sister today, right? >> she called to explain that
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they loved animals, but you love animals yourself and this is carrying the extent that they loved them enough to know how to clean and then send another tiger and this is a problem tiger. by the way, i forgot to mention this. some of these animals could have been problem animals that people didn't want. now all of a sudden we have a problem animal mixed with all of these other animals. they have never been together before, throwing them out in the wild. this thing, anderson, could have had persons, not be with us today if this thing went through. she's relied on light relief to ease the pain of reconstr
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we'rworking on it. so you're seriously proposing we change our name to sun life valley. do we still get to go skiing? sooner or later, you'll know our name. sun life financial.
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his roommate says evidence of his possible depression is not relevant to this case. it cannot be presented in court and the trial is said to start february 21st. the labor department reporting a small drop in the number of people filing for first-time unemployment benefits last week but the total is still above of 400,000 mark where it's been hovering since april. the world scrabble championship. it's all good until a letter "g" goes missing. the ridiculous is next. there's only one bottle left ! i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony ? sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno. growing businesses use machine-to-machine technology
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from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool bike. because the business with the best technology rules.
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time now for the ridiculist and we're at the world scrabble championships. baseball had steroids and ice skating had the tonya harding scandal. now look no further to the 2011 scrabble tournament. i know what you're thinking, scrabble tournament, double word snore. a letter g during one championship went missing and a player actually demanded that his opponent be stripsearched. this man was sure that he was hiding it in his nooks and crannies. at a scrabble tournament, it's one person's word against the other. thank you very much. i'll be here all week. the judges declined to do the stripsearch but looked all over
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the floor and emptied the pockets of both players. so they entered another g into the game. crisis averted and, yes, they do have referees. it's not like the game that you play at the kitchen table. it's a heart-pounding action. just ask this guy. >> they play very hard, specifically words that will be useful for them in the game and the strategy as well is absolutely amazing and once they get down to the end game, the calculations are just as complicated as they would be in chess. >> as complicated as chess, which is twice as exciting to watch. new zealand's nile richards won. played omnified. well played indeed. nigel was not in the nigel was not in the cheating accusations.
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this is not the first time for cross words when someone accused another player of eating a tile. i'm telling you, these word nerds, they mean business. i think the concept of cheating at scrabble started, like all things, with "the simpsons." >> hey, no abbreviations. >> no i-d, id. it's a word. >> as in this game is stup-id. my turn. kwyjibo. 22 points. plus, triple world score, plus 50 points for using all my letters. game's over. i'm out of here. >> that was from the first season in 1990. they looked so weird, don't they? saving the best category for last, let zak galifinakis have the last word with live with the purple onion. >> i hate to be gross but the only time to yell out, i have diarrhea, is when you're playing scrabble. >> he's right, of course, the world is only worth 12 points but you get 50 t