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tv   AM Wake Up Call  CNN  December 2, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EST

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honey, i'm home! herman cain heading back to atlanta to see his wife for the first time since another woman accused him of a 13-year affair, and his campaign could hang in the balance. an american missing in pakistan and al qaeda's most senior leader claims they have him. this is your "am wake-up call." good morning, everyone. this is your "am wake-up call" for friday, december 2nd. from the time warner center in new york, i'm christine romans. carol has the morning off this morning. here are the morning's top stories for you. herman cain heading home to atlanta today, and he says the decision about whether to continue his campaign could come by monday at the latest. it's a decision that could be in his wife's hands after another
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woman accused cain of having a 13-year affair. with a $1,000 tax hike looming, congress can't get it done. the senate defeating competing payroll tax cut bills, one from republicans and one backed by the president. president obama warning that failure could deal a "massive blow to the economy." and the west coast blown away. the santa ana winds on a war path. 140-mile-an-hour gusts ripping trees out of the ground, knocking out power and crushing homes. let's get a first check of today's weather. rob marciano is with us in atlanta. >> the big winds out west continue, although they're a little more calm than at this time yesterday. the threat will continue over the next couple of hours. you mentioned 140-mile-an-hour wind gusts at mammoth mountain, sierras, highest peaks seeing the strongest winds. some of these numbers are at the lower elevations. centerville 102. so utah, nevada, california -- it's not just southern
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california with this event. that's what makes it extraordinary even in downtown salt lake city, 69-mile-an-hour wind gust yesterday. and also, winter storm with this system as it pulls through the four corners region, new mexico through southern californkryt k eventually pulling into the plains. everybody east of the mississippi for the most part is fairly quiet and warming up a little bit. 55 degrees for the high in new york city, a chilly 43 in chicago and 60 in memphis and 64 degrees in atlanta, georgia. we'll talk more about the winter effects of this storm coming through the southern rockies and some flight delays if you are traveling on this friday a little later on in the broadcast. >> all right. see you in a few minutes. thanks, rob. countdown is on for herman cain. he's heading back home to atlanta, and the decision about whether to continue his presidential campaign could be in his wife's hands. yesterday, for the first time, cain admitted that getting out is an option. cain acknowledged that he gave money to the woman who says she had a 13-year affair with him, and last night on fox news, cain
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says his wife only found out about this long friendship with this woman, ginger white, when the rest of us did. >> that is correct, and she was hurt that she didn't know about this friend that i was helping financially. she was aware of many of the other friends that i have helped. >> ginger white spoke to lawrence o'donnell on msnbc last night and again insisted it was a lot more than a friendship, and she talked about why they texted each other dozens of times over the past two months. >> at the end of the day, i know that i am telling the truth. i would never come out with something like this if it wasn't true. honestly, i didn't want to come out with this, and i know that travel was involved and sex was involved. i would never lie about that. our sexual relationship had faded out a bit, which i was
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very fine with. and so, the last 2 1/2 years, yes, we would text back and forth, he would help me monthly. most times, he would be traveling, and when there were several texts, it was just he and i trying to get our schedules together to where we could meet, and he would, you know, help me out with money for bills and various things. >> cain says we'll know by monday on the latest whether he's in or out of the presidential race. it's business as usual this morning in washington, and this time, it could cost you about $1,000. competing plans to extend the social security payroll tax cut for millions of americans, both of those bills died in the senate last night. the average worker could see a $1,000 tax hike when it expires. the president's plan called for a new millionaires tax to cover the cost of extending the payroll tax holiday for working
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americans. the republicans wanted to extend a pay freeze for federal workers, and many in the gop say the payroll tax cut is sapping social security and hasn't done enough to boost jobs growth. the president released a statement last night saying, in part, "senate republicans chose to raise taxes on nearly 160 million hard-working americans because they refuse to ask a few hundred thousand millionaires and billionaires t pay their fair share." former hedge fund boss raj raj rad ham is heading to prison in an insider trading case. he lost the bid to be free in an appeal. he's been fined by the securities and exchange commission in relation to the case, the largest fine against an individual in s.e.c. history. spying on the spies. wikileaks at it again. this time, the website is exposing the dark secrets of the mul
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multibillion dollar surveillance industry. the database contains hundreds of documents that shine the light on methods used by secret services around the world, including hacking software and wiretapping technology. wikileaks warned that systems to infect every facebook user or smartphone owner of an entire population, they're already on the intel market already. new developments in the death of a florida a&m drum major. the university has excelled four students for their alleged connection to the suspected hazing death of 26-year-old robert champion. he died shortly after the florida classic football game just before thanksgiving. 911 tapes are out showing students' desperate attempts to get him help. cnn's david mattingly has the latest. >> reporter: florida a&m university has announced that they have dismissed four students in connection with the alleged hazing that cost the life of their drum major, robert champion, after a football game. we're also hearing now for the first time the tragic 911 tapes
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as champion collapsed and had trouble breathing. >> are you with the person right now? >> well, i'm outside the bus so i can hear you. >> okay. so, he's inside the bus? >> yes, he's inside the bus. >> okay, how old is he? >> he is 25. >> okay, is he awake? >> he's not even -- he wasn't responding. we thought he was breathing. he was making noises. but i don't even know if he's breathing now. >> okay, is he awake? do you know? >> his eyes are open. his eyes are open. he's not responding. >> okay, but is he breathing? >> i have no idea. i cannot tell you that. >> okay. >> he just threw up. >> he just threw up? >> yes. >> okay, well, like i said, i do already have help on the way. i want you to keep -- was he like shaking or anything like that prior to this? >> no, he wasn't. he wasn't shaking. >> the investigation into his death continues. governor rick scott, meanwhile, getting more involved by the day as this goes on.
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he's telling all universities in the state of florida now to re-examine their policy regarding hazing to make sure that every student knows that it's a practice that is completely condemned. david mattingly, cnn, atlanta. >> you know, authorities are still not releasing exactly what type of hazing they're talking about or investigating, but in the past, they've investigated things like paddling or drinking a lot of water, things like that that have been hazing incidents in the past. we just don't know what this one particularly was yet because authorities haven't told us. all right, wall street protesters desperately trying to stand their ground in two more cities this morning. anger boiling over at occupy san fran. police moved in and barricaded some screaming protesters as a new deadline to leave their camp came and went. the city offered to move them to a new site, but many refused. in oklahoma city, occupiers filed a suit to stay in their park. they asked a federal judge to stop the city from imposing an overnight curfew.
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protesters have been camping out at kerr park in downtown oklahoma city for almost two months but were recently denied a new permit after there was apparently a drunken brawl that trashed the camp. the city gave them until 11:00 p.m. last night to clear out. still to come, a 13-year-old boy is demanding change, this after he's denied acceptance to a private school simply because he's hiv-positive. the salvation army under fire. one group is calling for a boycott. it's a topic the organization says it's not going to budge on. and an al qaeda leader sending a strong warning to president obama after an american man is captured in pakistan. it is nine minutes after the hour. this is your "am wake-up call." pretty quickly. so i like control in the rest of my life... especially my finances. that's why i have slate, with blueprint. i can make a plan to pay off big stuff faster... or avoid interest on everyday things. that saves me money. with slate from chase, i'm always in control.
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stage collapse at the indiana state fair. sandra chapman of affiliate wthr reports. >> looks like about 30 minutes or less before weather comes in. >> reporter: for the first time, confirmation that state police were awaiting the storm's arrival moments before the stage collapse at the indiana state fair. they say so in emergency dispatch tapes obtained by 13 investigates, capturing marin county dispatch communications with emergency responders. the warnings began at 8:38 p.m., five minutes before the collapse. >> all units, all units, severe thunderstorm warning until 9:45 for marin county. use your best judgment. find shelter when needed. >> reporter: two minutes later, a voice of concern. thousands of people were still awaiting the sugarland concert, standing right in front of the stage. that's when we hear the call inquiring whether fans had been moved to safety.
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>> go ahead. >> have they released fans from the grandstands yet? >> i have no information on that. i will check and advise. >> reporter: three minutes later, a lone radio call of sheer panic. >> go ahead. >> the stage just collapsed! >> the grandstands are going. fire control, grandstands, ems, i'm calling a mass casualty. >> reporter: that was at 8:43 p.m. seconds later, reports of the human toll began trickling in, some trapped, others going into critical shock. those wounded were code reds, walking wounded greens and yellows, the dead tagged in black. >> multiple reds, multiple reds, unknown blacks. i need everything to the grandstand. i've got at least one with a head injury. >> reporter: at 8:48 with more heavy wind and rain expected, a scramble to evacuate.
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>> unknown the type of weather. we may need to expedite evacuating the rest of the major grandstands. >> copy that. working with state police on evacuations at this time. >> reporter: and thin the first descriptions of the chaotic scene, the devastation and the need for help in a hurry. >> the situation is this. the stage framework and the speakers have collapsed on to the rows of chairs just in front. >> can you estimate the total quantity of patients? a lot. >> do you think i need to start more than five units? >> absolutely. >> i've got one behind the stage. black tag done. >> reporter:. >> that was sandra chapman of wthr reporting. it's 16 minutes after the hour. here's what we're following this morning. gop presidential hopeful herman cain heads back home to atlanta today. he's taking the weekend to reassess his campaign. cain's expected to announce whether he'll move forward in his bid for the white house by monday.
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a young boy turned away from a private school in pennsylvania because he's hiv-positive. the 13-year-old is suing milton hershey school for discrimination after it refused his enrollment because of his status last february. it's a residential academy aimed at helping students from low-income families. the school says it made the right legal decision under the law. the salvation army's red kettle bell-ringers are under fire. the lesbian and gay community is calling for a boycott, urging people to skip their holiday donations. they say the organization discriminates against the gay community because it supports the belief that marriage consists of one man and one woman. a salvation army representative says the organization and the gay community are enter goineveo come to an agreement on the topic. 72 waters under water. that's what it will take for florida diver alan scherr yod to break the world record for the longest saltwater scuba dive. he's going for it. this is sherrod's second
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attempt. last time, rough waters forced him to bail out early. let's get a first check of today's weather. meteorologist rob marciano's in atlanta. good morning, rob. 72 hours under saltwater, whoa! >> that will get you some wrinkle toes, won't it? winds will be an issue again today and actually again tomorrow morning we'll have a brief encore presentation, i guess, of the winds out there in los angeles, the biggest of which were yesterday around this time. winds today not quite as bad, gusting 40 to 60 in the more populated areas, the higher terrain. we'll see higher wind gusts than that, and it will extend eastward into the four corners region as well, as will the winter side of the storm with winter storm warnings posted for parts of new mexico, even parts of the texas panhandle as this thing begins to pull out into the plains, and that will create its own set of problems. relatively quiet wet weather east of the mississippi as the temperatures begin to moderate after a chilly past few days,
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especially across the south. 64 in atlanta, it will be 56 degrees in d.c., 55 degrees up there in new york. we'll talk more, we'll highlight some flight delays in about 15 minutes. christine? >> all right, rob, we'll look forward to that. thank you. an al qaeda chief is taking credit for the kidnapping of an american man in pakistan this morning, this according to some radical websites. 70-year-old warren weinstein was abducted in august, and now, al qaeda is posting demands in return for his release. zain verjee is live in london. good morning, zain. what's the latest on this? >> good morning. well, he was a contractor working for the u.s. government on an aid program in pakistan, apparently, according to these militant sites. and essentially, the demands, and there are eight of them, are totally unrealistic. i'll just give you an example. the speaker on the site, which is believed to be ayman al zawahiri, says the u.s. bombing of pakistan, somalia and yemen needs to come to an end. all prisoners at guantanamo bay
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need to be released. and it goes on and says anyone that's been arrested and charged with having any kind of links or contacts with al qaeda or the taliban needs to be released. and the speaker on the tape, again, believed to be zawahiri, says that he will only be freed if these demands are met, and it really is up to president obama. christine? >> all right, zain verjee this morning. thank you, zain. still ahead, a warehouse filled with billions of dollars worth of luxury items, just some of the treasures that belong to the department of justice. we're going to get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look. and general motors is taking another big step to ease concerns about the chevy volt and its safety. you won't believe how they're going to back up how they feel about this car. it's 19 minutes after the hour. this is your "am wake-up call." d the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios.
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stocks ended the day mixed yesterday after that big rally a couple days ago. the dow dropped 26 points, ending a three-day streak. the s&p slipped by two points, but nasdaq closed up with a six-point gain. look, that's essentially holding on to that huge rally. so hey, bulls will take it, right? investors, though, continue to worry about the eurozone debt crisis and how long the dow can be above 12,000 with all the worries around the world. gm comes up short, admitting it will miss its target goal for sales. meantime, gm says, look, it's going to buy back the plug-in electric car, the volt, if drivers fear for their safety.
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wow, that would be really called a money-back guarantee. feds are investigating the car after batteries caught fire after three crash tests. if you missed out on black friday or cyber monday, oh, don't worry, i told you so. the best sales are ahead of us, folks! you're going to still be able to save some great buys. industry experts predict retailers will continue cutting prices, offering big discounts, you know what? because they have to encourage people to keep the shopping spirit alive through the end of the year. they want your money and will continue with the sales. i didn't even think the cyber monday sales were very good, to be honest. there are better sales now than they were on monday. it's the kind of rich most of us just daydream about. fat cats living in extreme excess, but as the economy collapsed, many of them were exposed as total frauds, then it's all over. so, what happens to all their stuff? well, deb ferrick found the place where the government hoards some absolute treasures, and it's a good time to be in the seizure business. take a look. >> reporter: name any luxury
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item, yachts, mansions, art collections, race cars, diamonds, even ancient artifacts, and chances are, the u.s. government likely owns it. that's right, your government. it's all legal. in fact, it's justice. >> whether they're narcotics traffickers, arms traffickers, terrorists, publicly corrupt officials or your standard securities fraudsters, in every single type of case we bring, we try to make sure that we are looking at ways in which we can take the profit out of the crime and to return money to the victims. >> reporter: it's called asset forfeiture. this year alone, the justice department made $1.6 billion seizing property. almost half of that money, $800 million, came from cases prosecuted in new york's southern district run by u.s. attorney barrara. >> in the last year alone, we have brought in through forfeiture approximately $8
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million in property, which is 16 times our annual operating budget, which i believe is better than most hedge funds these days. >> reporter: prosecutions of white collar crimes, epic ponzi schemes and financial fraud are at an all-time high. gi give the caliber of criminals you're going after, are you ever surprised at simply what certain people own? do you think, oh, my god? >> you know, not much surprises us these days. oftentimes, the motivation for engaging in some of this criminal conduct is greed. and the fact that some of these items are so ostentatious is a reflection of what the motivation was for engaging in those crimes in the first place. >> reporter: this is just a small sample of what the government has right now. want a bentley? a new one will cost you up to $250,000. like most everything here, these two will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. ponzi schemer bernie madoff's beach home sold for over $9 million. jewelry given to anne hathaway
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by her currently incarcerated ex-boyfriend sold for more than $63,000. >> some people may wonder, do you ever think about the cases you're going to pursue based on the amount of money you're likely to bring in? >> no. we pursue cases for one reason and one reason only, to hold people accountable for their crimes. >> reporter: the $800 million will be distributed to victims and different law enforcement programs. u.s. attorney barraro expects next year to be an equally good year financially, but with the government hiring freeze, it's going to be a bit more challenging to keep up the current pace of these intensive investigations. deborah feyerick, cnn, new york. all right, still ahead, decision day nears for herman cain as his campaign suffers a big setback. still ahead, cain's attorney makes a passionate case explaining why the media is to blame. plus, wikileaks at it again. this time, the website is exposing the dark secrets of the multibillion-dollar surveillance
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industry. 27 minutes after the hour. of any small business credit card. the spark card earns double miles... so we really had to up our game. with spark, the boss earns double miles on every purchase, every day. that's setting the bar pretty high. owning my own business has never been more rewarding. coming through! [ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one. get more by choosing unlimited double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? it's good. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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all right, more gridlock in washington with a fatter paycheck on the line. lawmakers butting heads over the payroll tax holiday, and time is running out. this is your "am wake-up call." morning, everybody! this is your "am wake-up call" for friday, december 2nd. i'm christine romans. carol costello has the morning off. here are the morning's top stories for you. presidential candidate herman cain, he says his wife did not know about his friendship with the woman who alleges that she had a 13-year affair with him. cain admits giving ginger white
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money, but he claims they never had sex. cain says he's considering dropping out of the race. he's meeting with his wife and his family today in atlanta, and a decision on his future in this presidential campaign is expected by monday. the senate has rejected plans to extend your payroll tax cut that's due to expire at the end of the month. republicans and democrats are divided over how to pay for the extension. it's expected that both sides will try to reach a compromise. if they don't, it means your tax bill will rise by about $1,000 next year. they're picking up the pieces this morning in southern california. powerful winds knocked down trees and power lines, they ripped roofs off buildings, cut off power to thousands of customers yesterday. los angeles county declared a state of emergency. four other states also affected. let's get a first check of today's weather. meteorologist rob marciano is in atlanta. good morning, rob. good morning. quite the wind storm out there in southern california, but usually we talk about santa anas
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and specifically southern california, but this is extended through northern california, in through the desert, through the four corners region, and actually, parts of utah really getting hit with this, and now the snow is coming in across the rocky mountains and freezing rain, potentially, across parts of the texas panhandle. those east of the mississippi, relatively calm and warming up some. these were cold santa ana winds, by the way. today, relatively calm this morning, but 40 to 60-mile-an-hour gusts later today potentially, so delays, yes, but shouldn't be as bad as yesterday. los angeles, san francisco, wind, vegas as well, and dallas, some showers, 55 degrees for the high temperature there in new york, a little bit warmer than yesterday. christine, enjoy. >> thank you. will do. talk to you soon, rob. the countdown is on for herman cain. he's expected to discuss the future of his presidential campaign with his wife back home in atlanta today. cain says the decision could come by monday at the latest. yesterday in an interview with the "new hampshire union leader," a paper that just
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endorsed newt gingrich, cain said his wife only found out about his long friendship with his alleged mistress, ginger white, when the rest of us did. >> my wife did not know about it, and that was the revelation and the surprise that my wife found out about it when she went public with it. her text messages to me were asking for financial assistance because she was out of work, had trouble paying her bills, and i had known her as a friend. she wasn't the only friend that i had helped in these tough economic times. >> cain denies that the relationship with ginger white was ever sexual, and he says he doesn't know who put her up to making these allegations. herman cain's attorney, lynn wood, went at it with piers morgan last night, blaming the media. >> why are you doing the interview talking about the scandal? >> it's a good question after
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sitting here for the last 15 minutes, but i came here to try to put what was going on in herman cain's life and his candidacy into perspective, to try to bring attention to the fact that i don't believe that he's been treated fairly, that i don't believe that many people, particularly in the media, have utilized their common sense in approaching these accusations, and i'm also coming on to say that i believe that if you're going to attack and impune someone's character, then do it with facts, not unfounded, unsupported accusations. in your example, if, hypothetically, it were to be proven that any political candidate had, in fact, engaged in a longtime extramarital affair, if that is a proven fact, then use that fact to judge that candidate's character, but don't judge that candidate's character simply because somebody has made an accusation, for whatever their
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motive may be, and they aren't in a position to prove it. >> all right, let's talk about these developments with cnn political editor mark preston. mark, is it over for cain, or can this campaign reboot and survive these latest allegations? >> well, there is no question that he's probably considering keeping his campaign motoring on, but the fact of the matter is, he has absolutely no shot at winning the republican nomination. i should say, christine, he probably had no shot at all anyway from the outset. he has been an interesting candidate. he rose in the polls very quickly. the problem was, is that even before any of these harassment allegations came around, he didn't have the infrastructure nationally to really run a national campaign. then you have these allegations, and it really has knocked him out. >> you know, a lot of people have said that they feel like this started as a glorified book tour, and then at some point, he started to do really well in the polls and he began to really take it seriously. i mean, do you think this was ever really a serious campaign?
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>> i think anyone that's running for president somewhere deep down in the back of their brain, they think they can be president. in fact, we see that all the time with members of congress, senators who decided to run. they think that they can run the country. in many ways, it's a vanity tour for these folks because that's what the reality of it is, and then you see someone like herman cain come on, shoot up to high double digits in the polls, and that's around the 20s, and then all of a sudden, he thinks, my god, i can become president. fact of the matter is, it takes a lot to run for president, and that's not just support from grassroots supporters in the polls certainly before anyone has even made a vote. we haven't even seen the votes yet from iowa, new hampshire, south carolina or florida. >> we'll watch carefully, because it sounds like there will be some developments and a real determination here in the next -- in hours, if not days, once he goes back to atlanta and sees his family later today. all right, rick perry is out with a new ad, mark, and you know, he admits he's not a great debater.
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listen. >> now, if you want a slick debater, i'm obviously not your guy, but if you want a clean house in washington with a balanced budget amendment, a flat tax and a part-time congress, i'm your man. i'm rick perry and -- what's that line again? i'm rick perry, and i approve this message. >> so, does it work? does this kind of self-deprecating, you know, acknowledging your weaknesses, does that work? >> yeah, you have to do that. what else can you do? the fact of the matter is, we've all had brain freezes, especially in our business, right? you and i in front of the camera, you stutter, you stop, you freeze. if you don't make fun of yourself, you don't look human. but what's interesting about that ad is that the code word "i'm not a slick debater," what rick perry's saying is i'm not mitt romney, and he's still trying to run against mitt romney, even though we've seen newt gingrich really climb quickly in the polls. it's really right now for rick perry, rick perry versus mitt romney race, and that's exactly what he's trying to do in that ad. >> mark preston up early for us,
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sharp as ever at the crack of dawn. thanks, mark. >> thanks. >> talk to you soon. it's business as usual this morning in washington, and this time, it could cost you $1,000. competing plans to extend the social security payroll tax holiday for millions of americans both died in the senate last night. the average worker could see a $1,000 tax increase if this expires. the president's plan called for a new millionaires tax to cover the cost. republicans wanted to extend a pay freeze for federal workers. many in the gop say the payroll tax holiday is sapg social security and it hasn't done enough to boost growth. the president released a statement last night, saying in part, "senate republicans chose to raise taxes on nearly 160 million hard-working americans because they refused to ask a few hundred thousand millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share." the former hedge fund boss raj rajaratnam is heading to prison, sentenced to 11 years for insider trading back in may.
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it's the longest sentence ever in an insider trading case. yesterday, he lost his bid to remain free during his appeal. raj rajaratnam has also been fined $93 million by the securities and exchange commission in connection with the case. it's the largest fine against an individual in s.e.c. history. all right, spying on the spies. wikileaks at it again. this time, the website is exposing the dark secrets of the multibillion-dollar surveillance industry. the database contains hundreds of documents that shine the light on methods used by secret services around the world, including hacking software and wiretapping technology. wikileaks warned that systems to infect every facebook user and every smartphone owner of an entire population are already on the intel market right now. the reverend billy graham has pneumonia. doctors say the 93-year-old is responding well to treatment and is in stable condition. this is the second time graham has had pneumonia since may, but
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his spokesman says he's in good spirits. graham has met with 12 presidents, of course, dating back to harry truman. he began missionary work back in 1994. wall street protesters desperately trying to stand their ground in two more cities this morning. anger boiling over at occupy san francisco. police moved in and barricaded some screaming protesters as a noon deadline to leave their camp came and went. the city offered to move them to a new site, but many refused. in oklahoma city, occupiers filed suit to stay in their park. they asked a federal judge to stop the city from imposing an overnight curfew. protesters have been camping out in kerr park in downtown oklahoma city for almost two months now but were recently denied a new permit after there was apparently a drunken brawl that trashed the camp. the city gave them until 11:00 p.m. last night to clear out. all right, it's 41 minutes after the hour. let's get a check of what's coming up at the top of the hour on "american morning." my friend alina cho joins us now. good morning, alina!
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>> hey there, christine. good to see you. good morning. coming up in less than 20 minutes on "american morning," secretary of state hillary clinton soaking in history on her visit to myanmar. what is the future between the two nations and for political prisoners there after that historic trip? we are awaiting the crucial november jobs report. that's coming out in less than three hours. expectations are high, but will it be enough to knock down the unemployment rate? that's the big question. and do you have proper mobile manners? when is it just plain rude to answer a call, respond to a text or fire out another e-mail? we'll go to etiquette school for the modern aid. we'll also talk about holiday etiquette with anna post, the great-great granddaughter of emilie post. i'll be back at the top of the hour with christine and we'll be right back after the break.
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can i help you? yeah, can i get a full-sized car? for full-sized cars, please listen to the following menu. for convertibles, press star one. i didn't catch that. to speak to a representative, please say representative now. representative. goodbye! you don't like automated customer service, and neither do we. that's why, unlike other cards, no matter when you call chase sapphire preferred, you immediately get a person not a prompt. chase sapphire preferred. a card of a different color. (phone ringing) chase sapphire preferred, this is julie in springfield.
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it's 45 minutes past the hour.
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here's what's all new this morning. gop presidential hopeful herman cain, he'sxpected back in atlanta today. he's taking the weekend to reassess his presidential campaign. cain's expected to announce whether he'll move forward in his bid for the white house, at least by monday. you're looking here at 32 tons of pot that's worth about $65 million on the street. the pot was discovered when the feds busted a secret underground tunnel that ran from mexico to san diego. the smuggling operation was so sophisticated that the tunnel was equipped with elevators and rail cars. six people were arrested during the raid. in money, us airways fare for a nonstop trip from pittsburgh to philadelphia is about to skyrocket. right now, that 45-minute flight costs about $120. in january that same trip will spike almost $600. that's because us airways' competitor, southwest, is ending its pittsburgh-to-philadelphia service. in sports, football fans
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will get a chance to own a piece of the green bay packers. the organization is offering a stock sale for only the fifth time in its 92-year history. the stock carries no real value. it doesn't pay a dividend. the packers will initially offer only 250,000 shares. that sale begins tuesday. so, let's get a first check of today's weather. meteorologist rob marciano's in atlanta. good morning, are be. >> do you have a pe ratio, any sort of earnings per share? >> no dividend. i'm not interested. >> yeah, i have a feeling the stock price may go up and down depending on the weather in green bay, which by the way today not too shabby. good morning, again, christine. some quiet weather for the eastern half of the country, western half, don't have to tell you, that's been a mess across the four corners, really the southwestern third of the country, as that storm continues to pull into the rockies. snow and freezing rain into the texas panhandle. winds will continue today across southern california, but not nearly as bad as they were yesterday. then they'll pick up again tonight. this storm will accelerate towards the western great lakes as we head towards the weekend
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and some rain will slice across parts of the mid-mississippi river valley. temperatures today a little bit milder than they were yesterday. 55 in new york, 43, still chilly in chicago, and 64 degrees here in atlanta. christine, back up to you. see you on "american morning." >> yeah, see you soon. thanks, rob. secretary of state hillary clinton wrapping up her historic trip to myanmar. she's meeting for the second time with the nobel peace prize winner aung san suu kyi. that meeting is today. but this time at suu kyi's lakeside home, the same place where she spent nearly two decades as a political prisoner. our zain verjee is live in london with this story. good morning, zain. >> good morning, christine. aung san suu kyi is a really big deal in myanmar and around the world. she won the noble peace prize and she is seen as the biggest democratic reformer in mmean ma and secretary of state hillary clinton meeting her for the second time. first time they had a wide-ranging discussion from political canndidaciecandidacie
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philosophy, history. obviously, they had important things to talk about and it wasn't enough time, so this is round two at aung san suu kyi's lakeside home. this is a really big deal trip. it's the first trip the secretary of state has made to myanmar in something like 50 years. the u.s. is saying that they will only re-establish formal diplomatic relations with myanmar and send in an ambassador unless and until myanmar makes even more changes. the fact that hillary clinton is there, it's because there have been some good signs of progress and change in myanmar, but it's not enough yet for the u.s. >> so interesting to watch history unfolding there. it really is. okay, zain, there's this other story that's also super interesting this morning. a swedish woman claiming she is elvis's daughter. what's this about? >> yeah, this one's actually pretty -- it was a bit weird, actually. lisa johansson says that she is elvis presley's daughter and that when elvis presley died in
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1977, she was exiled because there was a fear that she would be kidnapped, and she's saying that lisa marie presley is actually an imposter and priscilla presley is the swedish woman's real mother. so, why this is significant today is that she and her lawyers have filed a $130 million lawsuit against elvis presley's estate and the relatives for emotional stress and defamation. she's actually created trouble, too, for the presley family. she had gone to graceland with her own kids from sweden and then kind of said that she knew the family really well and said that she was lisa marie presley, kind of impersonated her, started removing things from the property, and that set off all these security alarms. so, this is kind of a weird story. the presley family is saying that this is just not true. >> weird is exactly the right word. all right, thanks so much. talk to you soon, zain. here's what we're working on for the 6:00 a.m. hour of
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"american morning" for you. for the first time, the chilling calls for help as rescuers are called to the scene of that stage fair collapse in indianapolis. the tapes showing that emergency crews were concerned way before the storm struck about the weather. and when we come back, the story that is dominating entertainment headlines. can you guess? it starts with the level "k." mm-hmm. 50 minutes after the hour. this is your "am wake-up call." ! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a mace, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet? i wonder what it could be?! a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal.
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that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia. will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to
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good morning, everyone. 53 minutes past the hour. welcome back. mitt romney had a pretty, pretty testy interview on fox news this week, and it's what he said during the interview that has comedian stephen colbert up in arms. here's your punchline. >> you're wrong, brett. the tape out there -- continue to read the tape. >> come on, brett! did you not read the tape? i bet you just watched the tape, because that's how tape works. you've got to read it, man. the rule is -- [ cheers and applause ] i was going to read the hell out of that thing. the rule is, you stop grilling romney after he gives you the laugh. that's his safe word. he uses it all the time. [ laughter ]
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available on dvd. ha ha! >> let's get the rest of your entertainment headlines this morning. hln's "showbiz tonight" executive producer dave levine joins me on the phone. good morning. you know, kris humphries fighting back -- >> good morning, how are you? >> i'm great this morning. you have to start the day with the kardashians is all you have to -- i say it all the time, you know. i check my stocks, stock futures and the kardashians. what's the latest? >> my two big "k" stars in the morning are the kardashians and kellogg's cornflakes. those are my two big ks every morning. but hey, i've got to tell you something, christine. i know you don't follow this as closely as i do, but this "keeping up with the kardashians" thing is exhausting. it's unbelievable. it's one thing after the other and now i want to tell you the latest. last night, "showbiz tonight" obtained, and i hold it in my hands right now. you can't see it, but i hold in my hands, we obtained the
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annulment papers that kris humphries has just filed in response to the divorce petition from kim kardashian. for those people who don't follow this, kim was married to kris for 72 days, they had a $20 million wedding. 72 days later, she's saying, no, i'd rather not stay married to this guy. now, of course, when they first got together, and they hadn't known each other that long, about six months, then they got married. and again, there was this big tv spectacular. everybody was saying, oh, this is just a big publicity stunt, it can't be real, this whole thing has got to be a fraud. well, guess what? in the papers that kris humphries just filed in response to kim kardashian's divorce petition, christine, guess what he cites as the reason for why he wants his marriage annulled? >> fraud. >> fraud. you got it. i'm looking at it. section 8, subdetection "d," number 4. i see this big "f" in there, it says fraud. he explains that in retrospect,
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he was just a big pawn in this whole reality show mess and that he was used. there had been reports, which kim kardashian has denied, that she actually went looking and casting for the right husband for the show, and she has, to be fair, has told close friends she never defrauded kris into marrying her and she still loves him, but basically, she claims he's a jerk and i'm not staying married to him. >> all right, dave levine, thanks so much. i mean, starting with your kellogg's cornflakes and kardashians this morning. thanks to, dave. that's it for this friday edition of "am wake-up call." "american morning" continues right after a very quick break. have a great morning, everybody.
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