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tv   Early Start  CNN  October 18, 2013 4:00am-6:00am EDT

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country. >> it may not be. >> it doesn't benefit the united states of america. >> i have to leave it there. fascinating debate. thank you very much, star jones and e.d. hill. that's it for us tonight. what are you promising this morning? >> the world. i will give you the world. >> the government is at least back for work but for how long, bermm berman? what do officials need to do to avoid another shutdown. >> edward snowden has broke his secre secrecy. why he thinks he has helped for leaking the nsa documents and guess what he says he has in his possession now? for anyone who has him, please be kind and let him go. >> if you haven't seen this, pay
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attention. this is a desperate plea. the mother of a autistic child begs for his return. police are stepping. their efforts to try to find this boy and bring him home. >> the city has immobilized and trying to find this boy. >> welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. it is 4:01 this morning. this morning, washington is waking up to what is next. the shutdown is over. the government is operating again and congress and the president have work to do but after the intense fighting over the last few weeks with they find common ground to work for the people again? jim akos to tells us the road ahead may not be easy one. >> reporter: listening to president obama chatting with the italian prime minister it sounded as if he was ready for a vacation in tuscany. >> you don't have to twist my
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arm to come to tuscany sometime in the near future. >> reporter: the president doesn't have room on his plate for pasta not after passing a budget for immigration and farm bill in less than 90 days. >> we could get them done by the end of the year if our focus is on what is good for the american people. >> reporter: a task the president may have made more difficult for himself after railing against republicans over the shutdown. >> you don't like a particular policy or a particular president? then argue for your position. go out there and win an election. >> reporter: but he may get help from senate minority leader mitch mcconnell who told oil the hill" newspaper the following. former gop vice presidential candidate paul reyan called for bipartisanship. tell that to texas senator ted
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cruz whose office told cnn he is not ruling out another shutdown. the president could also have a fight on his hands over his next pick for secretary of homeland security, jay johnson, a former military lawyer and obama campaign fund-raiser said at a conference earlier this year, the day will come when the world must consider the war against al qaeda over. >> we must no longer consider ourselves against al qaeda and affiliated groups and i think benefit ghazi is what i'm talking about. you can't label the benghazi attack as something conducted by al qaeda and associated forces. it was more of a mixed bag. >> reporter: and that is not all. the administration still has to fix the health care website glitches. >> nobody is more insistent on that work being done and the experience be proofed than the president. >> reporter: jim acosta, cnn, washington. federal workers are now getting back to work today that
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the shutdown is over. many have returned but, of course, being gone for more than two weeks means there is quite a backlog to catch up on. >> there's a lot of e-mails and a lot of things i have to do as far as closing out last year performance wise and starting up the new year. quite a few things we have to do to get back to order. it will probably take a week where we should be and then take care of the new stuff we have to handle. >> tourists are said to be flocking back to the national park and museums now that they are open. some report their traffic ka down a lot by the shutdown. they too are ecstatic this whole thing is over. >> a as jim acosta mentioned one person pledged to continue to fight is ted cruz. he was a proponent of the shutdown arguing it was the right tool to help bring an end to obama care. his popularity among tea party supporters is soaring.
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but in texas, the feeling is decidedly more mixed. ed lavandera has that. >> reporter: ted cruz is either a gallant fighter of conservative values or a disruptive political scoundrel, just depends on your point of view. >> i think he is an idiot and no not on the side of voters and not for the state of texas. >> i like his stance. he doesn't care what anybody thinks and you know where he is coming from and that is refreshing. >> reporter: cruz is the most talked about politician in texas right now but when the dust settles how will the shutdown and debt ceiling standoff affect ted cruz's popularity in his home state? >> people don't know what to do about ted cruz especially those around plxs for a long time. >> reporter: the fight has alienated some. the houston chronicle newspaper endorsed ted cruz for senator last year but in a new editorial, the newspaper says
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cruz is a part of the problem in washington. the is not who is in washington one year is unfazed. >> that was remarkable to see the house engaged in a profile in courage. >> reporter: that doesn't sit well with joe barton of texas. >> i respect ted cruz, he is my junior senator but i agree with you. >> reporter: he is controversial and brash and even those cruz's reputation might be scarred on a national level, some say it only helps cruz with texas voters. >> ted cruz has a lot of support among hard-core tea party supporters and a lot of them in texas so he has long support in republican pry maerms where the hard-core come out so he is likely to be senator a long time. >> reporter: ted cruz was elected senator by right winging tea party supporters. now consider this. every texas republican in congress voted against the budget deal to reopen the
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federal government, just like ted cruz. for many texas republican voters like francisco gonzalez, ted cruz in your face style makes him popular. >> he has awakened the people and whether they agree with him or disagree with him, it's conversation that needed to be had. >> reporter: other republican voters like ron shipp are angry at cruz. >> he has done real damage to the country and our economy and our standing international and the republican party. >> reporter: an old texas politician used to say there is nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos. ted cruz doesn't play in the middle of the road. workers for one key part of san francisco's public transit system. members of two unions have served bay area rapid transit walked off the job after last-minute negotiations failed to reach a deal over salary and benefits. a similar walkout in july left
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b.a.r.t. viewers. some san francisco viewers are tweeting about this so they are up late watching the show. >> how do they feel about this? >> not pleased. >> can you repeat what they said? >> no. big tie-ups there and they also said they liked our sew. you're missing the big picture here. >> thank you for sharing. 8:00 minutes past the hour. new developments in edward snowden. former nsa contractor is breaking his silence and giving an extensive interview to "the new york times" from russia about leaking his documents and talking about what he has in his possession right now. phil black is live in moscow this morning. what does he have? >> reporter: he is responding what has been one of the most consistent criticisms of his action. by traveling to russia and seeking asylum has become an intelligence asset for russia. the documents he has in his possession or information he knows would have been available to russian spy agencies.
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in an interview to "the new york times" he says that is not possible because he didn't bring anything with him. he said all of the classified documents he had were left with journalists in hong kong. and he says that those documents were left there. there are no copies and no value in that and to quote, he says it wouldn't serve the public interest. he also said that information wouldn't be available to china's spies because he knows the technical capabilities so he was able to secure that information from them. so he is sure that russia and china have got zero information from him. it fits what his father said to me here in moscow when he was visiting his son earlier this week. i asked him what contact his son had had with russia spy agencies and he said none, he said that edward had assured him that no security or intelligence organization from any country had debriefed him since he fled the united states. >> phil, what happens now with
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snowden? >> reporter: well, he still here in russia. his location is a secret. his father says he intends to remain here for some time, at least he says he is safe, happy, free. he says he doesn't have to work because he has a strong support network here, both people here in russia. he talked about other people in other countries as well but he couldn't go into details on that. he said his son will no longer do any more leaking. he is done with that but he wants to remain part of the ongoing conversation in electronic surveillance and privacy situations in america. >> phil black, thank you. a federal air marshal is under arrest accusing to take pictures of young women under their skirts as they boarded a plane. the man admitted taking the
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pictures and barch has been ordered with disorderly conduct and taken off the job. a mother's voice now the key tool in trying to locate that little boy. he is a missing autistic boy. avonte oquendo disappeared in new york but people hope he will come when he hears his mother's voice. >> hi, avonte. it's mom. >> vans playing that particular message have spread out across the neighborhood where he disappeared. these surveillance images were taken moments before he disappeared from school. he has not been seen since. >> i got to say there are signs, posters up everywhere. >> that's is what we were talking about in makeup this morning. they said everywhere. the train stations, you cannot walk around here without seeing a picture of that little boy. >> you hear people talking about it too. you have a city on the hunt
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right now. let's hope they find him soon. another story out of new york city that is troubling. police say a suspected sh shop-lifter what she was carrying around in a bag appears to be the remains of a baby. a security guard stopped the 17-year-old and a friend and called police. responding officers made this gruesome discovery and say rodriguez told them she had a miscarriage the day before and the medical examiner is investigating. a bill to compensate the victims of ariel castro is one step closer to being law now. the survivors abduction act passed a committee vote in the ohio statehouse on wednesday. it was introduced after michelle knight, gina de hjesus and amana
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berry. measure would provide each $25,000 for each year of captivity. this man now faces 293 counts, including murder, rape and kidnapping. police say he strangled pamela pemberton in 1974 and indicted in the murder of an 18-year-old christina atkins who went missing in 1995. the family hopes this will now bring them some closure. let's get an early look on the our weather with karen maginis. >> you know it's a friday. if there is any kind of a weather hiccup that will influence the delays at the major airports like that i-95 corridor, new york's metro airports in chicago, boston all going to be affected by some wind or maybe visibility problems. even denver could see a little bit of snowfall. a little bit. maybe an inch or less. but we have got these reinforcing shots of cool air. they are making its way across
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the midwest with temperatures 40s, 50s, kansas city, 49 and chicago 45 and wind gusts new york city 25 miles an hour and 67 degrees coming up. >> let's hope for good weekend weather. i have a nice story to report right now. about midnight last night it all happened the red sox now just one win away from the american league pennant. they beat the tigers 4-3 in the fifth game of the alcs. look what mike napoli does to a baseball right there. cool and unusual punishment. he sends that thing 460 feet into the ivy in dead center field. that is is crushing a ball, folks. that put the red sox up 1-0. they were actually up 4-0 at one point in this game but the tigers fought back. this was a really, really tight game and really tight -- this is a high level of gamesmanship going on and thick beards to boot.
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game six is tomorrow night, game seven will be sunday night in boston, if necessary. red sox win one of these games they are going to the world series. >> that is exciting. you have twin boys. >> i do. >> i believe they are going to be sports broadcasters in the future? >> they are practicing their broadcasting. >> which one is this one? >> play this but not that. >> this one? >> yes. >> o- >> i am joe berman. this is cnn! >> that is going to be my new co-anchor. >> he can class up the joint let me tell you. >> i, joe berman. this is cnn. >> thank you, joe. am i playing it again? i appreciate that, joe. you can come hang out here and fill in for your dad any time. >> please. can i get a break and sleep in one morning! 15 minutes past the hour. coming up on the run, two murders who tricked a jail into two murderers who tricked a jail into setting them free. now the manhunt is on and the family of their victims are
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worried. and check your medicine cabinet. a popular hair product now the subject of a lawsuit. look at that! we are going to tell you why some are now saying this product left them badly, badly hurt. [ ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter.
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welcome back. an intense manhunt under way for two convicted killers mistakenly set free from a florida jail. as john zarrella reports for
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those who have had their lives turned upside down by these men, it's a horrifying prospect to know they are back out on the streets. >> reporter: 9 years old when roscoe saw his father gunned down during a home invasion robbery. >> our lives would be totally different. since i was 9 years old, since i was 9 years old, i said my luck would have been different if i didn't saw it. i saw it. >> reporter: 15 years later, roscoe is reliving the nightmare. on september 27th, this man joseph jenkins serving life for the murder of roscoe's dad was mistakenly relieved from the prison in the florida panhandle. for roscoe's lom it's hard to comprehend. >> i thought i would never have to see him ever in life because they had a life sentence plus a hundred years. >> reporter: if one convicted murderer set free isn't enough there is more. a week and a half after jenkins went free, so did charles walker
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convicted of second-degree murder in a separate case. get this. walker walked out of the same florida prison. how is that possible? forged documents ordered their releases and on them. forged signature of orange county judge melvin perry. >> they even got -- >> reporter: because he is high profile judge, perry sees how it is possible no one would question it and he is not entirely surprised. >> people, particularly people with criminal minds come up with ingenious ways to beat the system. they have nothing but time on their hands. >> reporter: the florida department of law enforcement was only notified of the mistake a couple of days ago. correcttions official say they followed department policies and procedures. >> those inmates were relieved based on those court orders that we received. the orders were later determined to be fraudulent. >> reporter: it's a snafu that
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has residents of the area this family living in fear. >> having to know he is free on the streets is frightening. it's terrifying. >> reporter: so how did authorities find out? well, the family of one of the victims called the state attorney's office and said, hey, how come this guy is out of prison? the state attorney's office then called the florida department of law enforcement and the department of corrections to notify them. how the family found out, we don't know. john zarrella, cnn, orlando. today in phoenix, another hearing ahead of a new penalty phase trial for jodi arias. convicted in may in the stabbing and shooting death of her boyfriend. today the judge is hearing arguments over whether the jury will decide if arias should be put to death for the crime should be sequestered. a popular hair product is against unilever that its product suave keratin infusion
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soothing kit burns scalps and causes permanent hair loss. i last week, a judge rejected unilever's request to dismiss that suit. >> that's not good. coming up when james bond drove his car into the water, the world went wow! but was it just a trick? now a big-time inventor is doing it for free. ing through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories
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7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar.
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25 minutes past the hour. welcome back to "early start." >> ain't no wrerest for the wic. love that. >> anybody recognize this song? i've never heard it before. have you? >> never. "money time."
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>> the labor department says september jobs report will be out next tuesday. it was supposed to be out october 4th but a delay because of the government shutdown. during the shutdown only three staff members were working at the bureau of labor statistics. the october jobs report will be release a week late. on friday october 8th, the unemployment rate put at 7.3%. good news for federal workers who were furloughed. they will start seeing back pay in their october 25th paycheck. the exact timing depends on each agency's payroll provider. even more good news for federal workers they will be getting a 1% cost of living pay raise in january. there has been a pay freeze on cost of living increases for federal workers for three years. the raises are part of the deal that the congress passed late wednesday. what kind of toys do rich men buy?
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he bought a james bond car here. a spokeswoman says musk who bought the car from 007 classic "the guy who loved me." the sports car sold for more than $900,000 in september at an auction in london. we didn't know who the buyer was but the car was a movie prop and wasn't capable of driving under water but musk says he will install a power train and make it transform into a submarine for real. boys and their toys and got to love those bond classics. >> i would go along for a ride on that. >> good to be that rich. maribel aber, thanks so much. coming up, they restarted the government with a little green to grease the wheels. why some are now saying it would have cost the qcountry more to not spend billions in pork.
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packing in the pork. at least what people are calling fork. new details this morning on the extras added to the budget bill.
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why some people are saying they were necessary. others are outraged. an elementary school bus hijacked and a man takes the 11 students on board on a wild ride. >> the young pakistani girl shot in the head by the taliban getting the royal treatment this morning. boy, is she ever. malala gets a special honor from the queen. we will have the details. welcome back to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. 31 minutes after the hour this morning and it is the morning after, everyone. euphoria in washington is starting to wear off now that the government has been reopened and the debt ceiling raised, the hard work really only now just beginning. the heads of the house and senate budget committees met thursday to discuss the negotiations to come over a longer term spending deal. they want to have this done by early december. and president obama is now pushing for even more to be
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finished the next 90 days including a farm bill and perhaps immigration reform. >> all of my friends in congress, understand that how business is done in this town has to change because we have all got a lot of work to do on behalf of the american people and that includes the hard work of regaining their trust. >> with the time line we start talking together and reconcile our differences, proo emature h to do that. >> reporter: mitch mcconnell realized it was a losing strategy and claims not another one in the new year, but we have had promises like that before and the relate is only clear this next deadline january falls around. the reaction to the deal that reopened the government is pouring in and not all is positive. we told you yesterday the compromise bill was loaded with
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extras. some people call this pork. jake tapper has been looking into that. >> reporter: great news! panda cam is back. more importantly, the federal government is open for business. but in order to get that compromise bill done, there were, of course, some shoehorned extras. some conservatives cried pork after a $2 billion authorization for the homesteady lock and dam project was added to the bill. >> we are here on the ohio on the project. >> reporter: the money will continue to pay for this massive army corps of engineers product on the ohio river along kentucky's border. blaming it on the kentucky's senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. mcconnell has long supported the
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dam project and here he is on a visit in 2009 but he fired back on critics on wvlx radio in lexington. >> there was no army ear mark. both house and senate passed an authorization for it. every single member of the senate had a chance to review it and none asked for it to be taken out. >> reporter: mcconnell's counterpart hey reid agreed. >> tht no, sir an ear mark and saves the taxpayers lots of money. >> reporter: it turns out stopping and restarting the project would have cost over $200 million if the authorization had not gone through and president obama had the same provision to continue the project. in his 2014 budget. >> rather than talking about shutting down the government, it's time to talk about shutting down the -- >> reporter: tom schatz. >> any provision to fund a dam opens the door for similar
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projects in the next cr. this project has tripled in cost and behind schedule and if regular order had prevailed it's unclear whether that would have been funded all. >> reporter: other addition to the bill to reopen the government include $175,000 which will be paid to the wood of senator frank lautenberg who died last year. payment of that is standard practice but roll call reported that he was worth $250 million when he died. the edward snowden effect. 1.3 million oversight will get that much. to guard america's right to privacy against overreach by government cyberintelligence research. jake tapper, cnn, washington. a meeting of two powerful women today in london. queen elizabeth playing host to
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malala, the teenage education activist who survived being shot by the taliban. the 16-year-old will take part of a reception honoring youth and education at buckingham palace. the queen is said to have been very impressed by the teen's bravery as the rest of the world is. very impressive to say the least. testimony now under way in the trial of a utah doctor who is accused of killing his wife so he could keep seeing his mistress. prosecutors alleged that the doctor gave his wife deadly prescription after she came home from surgery and surgery they say he forced her to have despite her misgivings. michelle macneill's death was because of heart problem the defense is maintaining. 20-year-old decarlo bennett is charged with two counts of
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destructing a blast in a public place and say he set off the blast for his own amusement. he could face up to six years if convicted. adrian peterson is back after attending his son's funeral. the star running back went to south dakota wednesday for the private service. the 2-year-old died last week in an alleged case of child boous. peterson only found out he had a son two months ago. the first time he saw him was in the hospital last thursday. the boy died the next day. in oregon a 3 moned joled baby is in state custody after an man tried to surrender him to a convenience store clerk. the man apparently walked in, told the worker to call 911 and said the baby's mother could not care for the child. he handed over the baby. then walked out. oregon does allow parents to legally turn over newborns but only hospitals and doctor's offices and birthing clinics, and police stations. a safe haven law to address
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this and everybody can go on their website and figure out in their particular state where you can drop off that baby. i'm to see that somebody says i can't take care of this baby but i'd love for that place to go to somebody who can take care of the baby. this could have been prevented. 13 people hurt when the swing ride at a connecticut festival stopped in mid air and causing riders to crash into each other. the manufacturer of the ride says the ride had not been properly maintained. the ride's owner disputes that. a man in custody after allegedly hijacking an elementary school bus near little rock, arngs. 11 students and a driver on board and all were unarmed. >> look at the parade of police officers behind that bus. >> miller told police apparently
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somebody was after him and he needed to take the but to save his live. >> it was an incredible scene. i'm glad that ended well, right? >> unharmed, everyone on board luckily. toyota is recalling 870,000 vehicles because of a problem that could disappoint air bags without any warning. the bug to be worked out? guess what? it is an actual bug. it's a spider. apparently they build webs in drainage tubes coming from the ac unit causing a blockage there. that triggers a leak that shorts out the air bag, opening it up. the cars involved, 2012 and 2013 camrys and avalons and venzas. a bug that is a bug. a real mystery from kentucky. who made off with 65 cases, just under 200 bottles we are talking now of one of the world's rarest bourbons? my mouth is watering this this morning. that is 20-year-old happy van winkle that goes for hundreds of
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thousands of dollars a bottle. theft was only discovered earlier this week. investigators think who did this knew where the bourbon was kept and took it slowly over time. >> this was secured in a warehouse in a separate port behind a second lock and key. it would lead you to believe it was an internal job. it's highly coveted and as a result of that it makes it a lot easier to help track. >> so someone in the industry believe having these cases go missing means the prices for other bottles will only go up. >> i don't even like bourbon but i'd love to taste that just to see what it tastes like. >> that is a great idea. >> send it our way. >> i second that. 40 minutes past the hour. not unusual to spot whales off the florida coast p.m. come on over to your tv.
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the whale is normally found in deep alaskan waters. the 15-foot, 2,000-pound carcass was intact and safe from bite marks from sharks. the second time this week a rare sight turned up in california. remember this one? called an orr fish 18 feet long was discovered at catalina island all over the weekend. what is going on in those waters? >> strange thing are a foot, folks. south flrks drying out this morning after floodwaters inundated roads in miami beach in hollywood. the water gushing in. not from rain but high tides. apparently this happens a few times a year. the moon and sun align with the earth. and called springtime. even though it's not the spring. residents drain poor drainage and say the flooding could happen again through saturday. yikes. what else is going on with the weather? let's check in with karen maginnis for that.
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>> you know it's a friday. if there is any kind of a weather hiccup that will influence the delays at the major airports like that i-95 corridor, new york's metro airports in chicago, boston all going to be affected by some wind or maybe visibility problems. even denver could see a little bit of snowfall. a little bit. maybe an inch or less. but we have got these reinforcing shots of cool air. they are making its way across the midwest with temperatures 40s, 50s, kansas city, 49 and chicago 55 and wind gusts new york city 25 miles an hour and 67 degrees coming up. back to you. >> thank you. the story of one lucky dog from st. louis where neighbors say a man moved away deserting his two dogs. both apparently fell into a storm sewer in the street. one got away but the other got stuck! look at this! for days that doggie was stuck! animal control wasn't able to get the animal out.
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residents were actually feeding the animal, worried it would starve. that's when a local rescue group stepped in and sedated the dog and coaxed him toward the manhole and as you can see, pulled him out. >> when he comes out, he is wagging his tail. he'll be fine. he's just scared. so we will take him back and to our shelter and put him in a room where he can chill out a little bit and give him a couple of days just to chill and i think he'll be fine. >> i think a couple of days of chillin' out are in order. what a sweetheart. the dog is at the shelter chillin' out as she said and eventually put up for adoption. >> somebody needs to give that dog a great life. he deserves it. coming up next, new revelation from a former vice president dick cheney saying he was much, much sicker than most people realized. the inside story when we come
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♪ i'm waiting for tonight >> i like this music. i don't know if it's morning music but good morning to you. welcome back to "early start." time for the prime time pop. the best from cnn's prime interviews in caved you missed it. erin burnett spoke with a missouri girl who says she was raped by a prominent high school football player. >> the charges were dropped last year, but now the prosecutor has asked for an independent review.
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he says that daisy coleman 14 at the time refused to testify. this is her mother's response. >> that conversation happened at the end of may and it was only for the misdemeanor and they did come to us and say since it was going to be pretty much like a traffic ticket, that maybe we shouldn't put the girls through it and, you know, at that point, daisy had just been in the hospital again. she had been suicidal so initially it seemed like a good plan at the end of may. after i thought about it, i decided i didn't want to do it so i went back the next day and talked to them about it and we did actually do a deposition for even the misdemeanor. >> i'm very, very it has been reopened and it is being reviewed again and i am very grateful to all of my supporters for helping that happen. >> anderson cooper spoke to glenn greenwald who spoke on nsa
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program and leaker edward snowden. they announced a big change in leadership in the next six months. >> alexander is stepping down as is one of his top aides. how much do you think that is as a result of the snowden leaks? >> you know, whenever there's a major scandal in washington and then the top officials implicated then leave, they never say the government does that they are leaving because of that, so it's impossible to know. usually the phrases they are spending to leave for more time with their families. someone remarked yesterday that the general is leaving to spend less time with your family? i think clearly a connection. he is viewed as one of the most powerful military officials in the world. he really set the nsa in his image and phrase he use as collect it all which is pioneered during the iraq war so it will have a major impact on this agency i think clearly one
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can infer not just him but his dispute there is movement inside the reform inside the nsa in washington and their departure. on piers morgan the shutdown is finally over but will it happen all over again in a few months? newt gingrich doesn't think so but you wouldn't call him optimistic about washington. >> this was a fight in which the house republican party, at least 90% or 95% of it, was committed as a unit and you had one of the three constitutional parts of how we make law engage. this was not the act of a handful of individuals and i think that that is very unlikely to happen again. steve king, who is a congressman who as conservative as ted cruz, said to us on "crossfire" the other night he did not think that could happen in again. it takes an enormous amount of energy for a fight like that and you can only do it once and that is over. so my guess is that they will
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muddle through. i think we have to look at it as a much more fundamental question. we need to break out of this washington model. i mean, this is a system that isn't working. and it's not working in the bureaucracy, it's not working in the congress, it's not working with the presidency. you're going to now see the budget committees come together for the first time in four years and we are expected to magically produce something by the 13th of december. i don't quite know how that is going happen because all of the habits of the city right now are exactly backwards. 50 minutes past the hour. deck cheney says he felt so close it dying three years ago he actually said his final farewells to his family. the doctors were rushing to implant a device in his chest to keep him alive. our dr. sanjay gupta sat down
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with cheney for a rare and emotional interview on cnn. you can see it coming up on cnn later this weekend. it was a very good night to be a red sox fan. the sox beating back the tigers with that smashing blow from mike napoli. joe carter will have all of the highlights when we come back.
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the seattle seahawks flying high. they are good off to the best start in franchise history. joe carter here with the "bleacher report." good morning, joe. good morning. seattle is dominating the nfc west and a great week two win benefits san francisco and night win last night over arizona cardinals. did you know marshawn lynch likes to eat skittles during games? he has done it since he was 12.
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his mom calls them power pellets and say it helps her baby run fast and play good. he ran for one score and 91 yards last night and his teammate russell wilson made his nfl debut one year ago on this same field and what a difference a year makes. in that game he lost to arizona. last night he threw three touchdowns and led his team to a 12-point win and seattle off to best start in franchise history, 6-1 start. another guy with extra pep in his step this morning, the boston red sox are one win away from the world series and they beat the tigers last night 4-3 in game five of the alcs. mike napoli helped boston score a lot of runs. four of them to be exact. detroit did fight back in this game but could only cut the lead to one. series goes back to boston. game six is tomorrow night. if the red sox win, they are going to the world series. if not, there will be a game seven on sunday. later tonight a little nlcs action game six between the
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cardinals and the dodgers. st. louis can punch its ticket to the world series with a win. first pitch is 8:30 p.m. eastern on tbs. talk college basketball. that time of the year. kentucky is ranked number one in the coaches's polls. the reason it's news the first time since they start this poll in '91 that a team that finished last season unranked starts this season number one. this is just the second time in school history that the wildcats are ranked number one to start the season. the other time was back in '95 when kentucky won the national championship with a roster that featured 11 future nba players. kentucky, guys, if i got this correct here, has six five-star freshmen coming in. six! it's going to be hard to see all of those guys get a lot of playing time. john calipari, the coach, wants this team to go 40-0. no team has ever done that. just to make a note, michigan state is second in the poll and
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defending national champ louisville is third. >> it will be great to watch. thank you, joe. >> you bet. coming up is a big-named actress being hidden in plain sight? the controversial magazine cover has a lot of people talking that is after the break. . \
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controversy for a comedy star. the latest issue of "el" magazine she is covered up by a large trench coat. critics say the magazine was scared to put a plus size woman on the cover. the magazine responded that mccarthy loves the look and they think she is gorgeous. >> the cover is fantastic. i saw it and i thought it was just really tastefully done. there have you it. >> zoraida has spoken. ear"early start" continues right now. up and running! this is what it looks like when the government is back to work. the question is for how long? what our elected official need to do to avoid another damaging
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shutdown. how about more jobs? edward snowden has broke his silence. what he says he has in possession now. for anyone who has him, please be kind and let him go. >> the desperate plea. the mother of a missing autistic teen begs for his safe return as police step up efforts to bring this boy home. >> he is nonverbal and she is so worried about him. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. great to see you. even better, it's friday, october 18th, at 5:00 a.m. in the east. >> we begin in washington where there are real questions this morning. if the end eof a government shutdown might spark a new era of cooperation. no doubt congress and the president have a lot of work to
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do but after this intense fighting the last few weeks can both sides find common ground to work for the people again? as senior white house correspondent jim acosta tells us, the road ahead is not easy. >> reporter: listening to president obama chatting with the italian prime minister it sounded as if he was ready for a vacation in tuscany. >> you don't have to twist my arm to come to tuscany sometime in the near future. >> reporter: the president doesn't have room on his plate for pasta not after passing a budget for immigration and farm bill in less than 90 days. >> we could get them done by the end of the year if our focus is on what is good for the american people. >> reporter: a task the president may have made more difficult for himself after railing against republicans over the shutdown. >> you don't like a particular policy or a particular president? then argue for your position. go out there and win an
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election. >> reporter: but he may get help from senate minority leader mitch mcconnell who told "the hill" newspaper the following. former gop vice presidential candidate paul ryan called for bipartisanship in upcoming negotiations. tell that to texas senator ted cruz whose office told cnn he is not ruling out another shutdown. the president could also have a fight on his hands over his next pick for secretary of homeland security, jay johnson, a former military lawyer and obama campaign fund-raiser said at a conference earlier this year, the day will come when the u.s. must declare the war against al qaeda over. >> we must no longer consider ourselves against al qaeda and affiliated groups and i think benghazi is what i'm talking about. you can't label the benghazi
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attack as something conducted by al qaeda and associated forces. it was more of a mixed bag. >> reporter: and that is not all. the administration still has to fix those health care website glitches. >> nobody is more insistent on that work being done and the experience be approved than the president. >> reporter: jim acosta, cnn, washington. what might come up next is even more political drama. many republicans admit they lost this fight badly. still there are signs perhaps both sides my finally decide to work together. this report from our chief congressional correspondent dana bash. >> reporter: these bipartisan images and conciliatory words may not be much but they are a start. >> we had a good conversation over breakfast this morning. >> we want to look for ways to find common ground to get a budget agreement. >> reporter: after a 16-day government shutdown it's understandable if you're skeptical. these are the first official budget negotiations in four years and only forced to start as part of the deal to reopen
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the government. still several house republicans tell cnn there is reason for apt mitchell. ted cruz may not have regrets over a losing strategy to fund obama care but others do. >> this is the right cause to be fighting for but probably not the smart pick and i think we learned some lessons. >> reporter: house speaker john boehner never thought it was a smart fight but he stuck with it any way. gop sources are near unanimous. >> i think they are are going to be more willing to listen and because he was proven correct and, quite frankly, without rubbing anybody's face in it, a lot of other voices were proven to be wrong. >> reporter: tom cole is not one of those tea party-backed voices. he calls himself a pragmatic house republican or as it's called. >> the same caucus. >> reporter: whatever you call them they make up the majority of house republicans.
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>> i think you'll see more of us become much more vocal and not taken for granted when it comes to always counting on our votes. >> reporter: house republican leaders are notably silent intentionally lying low and no statements responding to the president's remarks like we normally see but privately house gop sources say they wish the president struck a more unifying tone in the immediately aftermath of the crisis instead of giving the gop a lecture. dana bash, cnn, washington. >> lets taurn to russia and edward snowden. big news on this. he is breaking his silence giving an extensive interview to "the new york times" about his reasons, what he says are his reasons for leaking secret documents. he says he has none of those documents in his possession now. that is very interesting. phil black live in moscow this morning. phil, what is snowden saying here? because there have been all kinds of speculation he could
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turn over a treasure trove maybe to the russian government. >> reporter: that is one of the criticisms he has become an intelligence asset for the russian government. that whatever classified documents he came in here with and now in the possession of russia's spy agencies but edward snowden says that is not possible because he didn't bring anything with him. he said what classified documents he were left with journalists in hong kong. there are no copies and he said that would not serve the public interest in any way. he is confident that china's spy agencies haven't been able to access that information because he said he knew their technical capabilities so he was able to protect that information from him and fits what his father told me in moscow earlier this week when he was visiting his son. i asked him what dealings his son was having with russia's intelligence and security service and he said absolutely none. his son assured him he had not been debriefed by any spy agency from any country since he fled the united states. >> a very interesting interview
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in the "the times" this morning. snowden circumspect now about the impact of his leaks. >> reporter: he says the impact has been greater than he expected. he argues he believes he has enhanced america's national security. he argues that he believes allowing wide ranging highly secretive electronic surveillance and intelligence gathering operations to continue in the dark. he is ultimately more damaging to national security than exposing a few examples he believes crossed the boundaries of the law. his argument goes with the trigger of national debate. >> what does he do now? sits in russia the rest of the year that he's got there? >> reporter: well, his teenager told me he plans to stay here for the moment. his location is still a secret. apparently his father says his life is pretty comfortable here. he is happy, healthy, free to move around and he's got a network of people supporting him.
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he says, though, he is done with leaking. he is not in that business now more but he does intend to remain a voice in the ongoing discussion about privacy and electronic surveillance in the united states. >> quite a discussion already. phil black in moscow for us this morning, thanks so much. >> his father also says he doesn't know if will he return to the united states. >> except in custody. >> exactly. federal air marshal under arrest in nashville accused of using his phone to snap pictures up women's skirts as they boarded a plane thursday. there is picture there. he is adam barsh. police say a witness grabbed his phone and when requested he admitted he took the pictures. he is charged with disorderly conduct. the tsa has taken him off the job. >> i'd say so. >> this used to happen in high school. we wore skirts. i went to a catholic school and that is what boys would do. very high schoolish. >> but not the tsa. >> no.
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director michael bay recovered after attacked on a movie set in hong kong. police say two brothers approached him and commanded mon -- demanded money and when they assaulted him, he refused. he was in hong kong filming the fourth installment of "the transformers" series. >> it is friday and it means the weekend. what is in store in the weather department? >> a cold front came through yesterday. did you get rain? >> overnight. >> can you handle that this weekend. you can see the remnants of the system now making its way in through new england. light and scattered rain out there so kind of the story. we will have a couple of these waves moving through. do want to show you the temperature difference we will start to see. yesterday this is yesterday's high as we saw 70s in new york, philly and d.c. today you'll feel milder air out there but nothing too traffic.
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we are going to have a series of these cold fronts making their way through the next several weeks so a big change. today if you're on the carolinas look for a little bit of rain there. the tail end of the same system that went through in the northeast last night will bring showers in through texas and comes another system that by the northeast come about saturday and sunday give awe couple of sprinkles again and similar to what we saw yesterday. also keep in mind we are talking about a couple of flurries in colorado still right now talking about a little bit of snow out there. next week i'm taking you ahead right now. a third system that is going to bring a lot of actual, you're not going to contest this, actual cold air coming in from canada and drop our the plaintiffs sunday or monday. one cold front and then the next. we will start to get highs in the 50s so get ready for it. >> really? >> now i need the ah! join the party. >> maybe lows. the lows will be a lot lower, right? >> focus. the weekend is going to be good. >> we will focus on that. what is the name, folks? the oregon zoo asking that
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question and wants your help this morning. these five adorable lions cubs. the choices for the names are three sisters. the smallest mara. the middle is zone for his mildness and the lars and most outspoken lion is mashbu or angalia? pretty names for adorable lions. >> i will call you mashbu. >> you can vote online at the oregon zoo's website. they are watching "early start." they like an early start and something you might not know about lions. a search for a missing teenager and they are trying to find that boy there. an old rock, millions of
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years old, knocked down. the men who did it facing possible charges but was there for the right reasons? plus, it is time for your morning rhyme. tweet us with your own original verse #early start or #morning rhyme and we will read the best ones on air in our next half hour. >> we got some candidates already. you have to send them in to beat the one on top right now. [ woman #1 ] why do i cook? ♪ because an empty pan is a blank canvas. ♪ [ woman #2 ] to share a moment. ♪ [ man #1 ] to remember my grandmother. [ woman #3 ] to show my love. ♪ [ woman #4 ] because life needs flavor. ♪ [ woman #5 ] to travel the world without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. whatever the dish. make it delicious with swanson. [ woman #1 ] that's why i cook. it's not a candy bar.
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130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. once wrote something on a sheet of paper and placed it in his factory for all to see. ♪ four simple words where the meaning has never been lost. the challenge always accepted. and the calling forever answered. ♪ introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. [ dings ] ♪ [ male announcer ] every thought... every movement... ♪ ...carefully planned, coordinated and synchronized. ♪ performing together with a single, united purpose. ♪
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[ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. welcome back to "early start." 16 minutes past the hour. a desperate citywide search continues for a missing autistic boy in new york. the 14-year-old, a picture there. he van issued from his queens school more than two weeks ago. he has not been spotted since. now police are trying a new cool, his mother's voice. here is don lemon. >> reporter: inch-by-inch, street corner by street corner, seemingly everyone in new york city looking for missing 14-year-old avonte oquendo.
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>> hi, avonte it's mom. >> reporter: in queens near the school where the autistic boy was last seen two weeks ago, search vans broadcast his mother's voice in hopes he may recognize it and come to them. how did you come up with that message? >> that is something that i tell him when he comes home from school. i always say, hi, avonte. because i want him to give the response hi mom. sometimes he tells me hi mom. >> reporter: this surveillance video was the last anyone was seen of avonte. he can't communicate veshl verbally. investigators say after approaching a security guard who didn't let him exit the school, he found a monitored side door and vanished. >> he is not supposed to be walking out the door and you're not stopping him. >> reporter: new york city police commissioner ray kelly does not believe the security guard is at fault easement you
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see the security guard on film and also statements by the security agent and other people that we believe there wasn't any ongoing -- >> reporter: a source close to the investigation tells cnn searches are concentrating on a five-block area around the school with particular focus on a marshy landfill thinking cameras don't show the child headed to the neighborhood but he headed toward the water but his father sees it at something else. >> i look at part of their job to do that but i'm pretty sure he is not there. he doesn't have about water. >> reporter: water an fear for these parents. they are trying to find one young boy among millions. >> a lot of people out here that feel my pain and a lot of mothers and families who have autistic children. it could happen to them. it could hpen to any kid,
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whether you have a special needs kid or a regular kid, it can just happen. >> reporter: one family want entire city behind them. don lemon, cnn, new york. >> the entire city is indeed helping right now and let's hope it makes a difference. in oregon a 3-month-old baby in state custody after a man tried to surrender him to a convenience store clerk. this happened sunday night in eugene. the man apparently walked in and told the worker to call 911 and that the baby's mother could not care for the child and the man walked out. oregon does allow parents to legally turn over newborns but only at hospitals, doctor's offices or birthing clinics own police stations. >> that is part of the safe haven law. if you go to your particular state, it will tell you exactly whether or not they have that law in the state and where you can drop off a baby if you cannot take care of that baby. was it vandalism or a move to protect the public? investigation under way to three men in utah who intermediate
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themselves pushing over a 200 million-year-old boulder in a state park. state officials are concerned someone would knock over a prehissic wok formation. one man says the police was barely in place and could have easily rolled and hit someone. >> yea! >> they admit they probably should have called the park ranger rather than doing the moving of that rock themselves. >> wow. frightening images from the philippines as part of 450-year-old church came crashing to the ground during an earthquake. it is the oldest church in that country. 144 people are said to have hit in this sqearthquake which hit tuesday. a protest in san francisco, surrounding a bus and carrying people and slated to be deported. it's not clear how many people are on board. the protesters want federal action on immigration reform.
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the stalemate lasted two hours before the bus was allowed to leave. coming up, records set on the markets. why investors are happy with washington's debt deal. "money time" is next. as a working mom of two young boys life could be hectic. angie's list saves me a lot of time. after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation -- an irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested.
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[ passenger ] airport, please. what airline? united. [ indian accent ] which airline, sir? [ passenger ] united. whoa taxi! [ british accent ] what airline, then? [ passenger ] united. all right. [ spanish ] what airline? [ passenger ] united. ♪ [ mandarin ] which airline? [ passenger ] united. [ arabic ] which airline? [ passenger ] united. [ italian ] where are we going? [ passenger ] united. [ male announcer ] more destinations than any other airline. [ thai ] which airline do you fly? [ passenger ] united. [ male announcer ] that's great, big world friendly. ♪ this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. ♪ money >> it is "money time." we are joined by cnn's freshly named supreme ruler of chief
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money correspondents, christine romans. >> thank you. but you can call me old beautiful one. that will be all right. >> my agent couldn't get that in my contract. i really like that. >> your highness will also work. the market celebrating a reopening of the u.s. government with gnaw recora new record! i want to show you how we have done this year. the s&p is up 22%. the dow is up 17%. the nas dask up 28%. what a year. after the close, google a big now flirting with a thousand dollars a share. why? google had the best profit growth in more than a year. google able to offset lower mobile ad rates by selling more ads. ge a key reading of the industrial sector and morgan stanley another important report after goldman sachs surprised wall street with a big drop in
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revenue and that slide forcing the ceo to cut back on the compensation put aside for each employee down to 320,000 from 336,000. that's look at money. it is a metric the company uses when figuring out how much pay to give its nearly 33,000 employees. how badly did all of the shutdown craziness in d.c. scare investors? investor pulled $43 billion out of money market funds the latest week and spooked because of the budget fiasco and biggest one-week decline since august of 2011 and a good read to show you how washington craziness were affecting how people were moving their money. one last point. the jobs report comes out tuesday. finally delayed. we will know with the september jobless rate was and i think the next jobs report will probably be delayed as well and that is where you'll see the impact of the budget shutdown and the washington fiasco on job
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creation. >> delayed pain. >> it's really important to have a jobs report and shows you how crazy it was. government shutdown. you wouldn't know what the jobless rate was. insanity. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. now the shutdown is over, could there be a new era of cooperation starting in washington? what do you guys say? some say it's on the horizon but reality could intervene. pricey ski missing from a distillery and why some think it's an inside job. [ commins ] the alarm went off after 1:00 in the morning.
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the government back in business this morning and president obama is demanding action. could the lessons learned mean both sides are finally working together? an elementary school bus hijacked and a man with a knife and takes the students on board on a wild scary ride. the young pakistani girl shot in the head is receiving a special honor from the queen herself. we will take you live to london for the latest. >> it is malala who is royalty. >> welcome back to "early start." i'm john berman. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. around the nation this morning and washington the question is what is next now that the government is back in operation. the debt ceiling has been raised. funding restored. at least for now. but as tory tells us it may not be the end of the fighting that just could paralyze the nation again. >> without objection, the motion
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is agreed to. >> reporter: near the stroke of midnight, it was dubbed a done deal. the debt ceiling raised until february 7th. government funded through january 15th. just hours later, signs of normality across the country and many monuments and museums are open for business and the panda cam is back up and running. >> welcome back, everybody. >> reporter: furloughed workers return back to work. >> i'm thrilled. really thrilled. i'm happy just to be back. >> relief. it's been three weeks. >> reporter: relief the shutdown showdown is over. >> let's be clear. there are no winners here. these last few weeks have inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy. >> reporter: now congress has to come up with a broader budget deal by december 13th. the hope? it's not another 11th hour deal. >> in the coming days and weeks, we should sit down and pursue a
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balanced approach to a responsible budget. >> reporter: that means congress has to get back to work. >> we are going to try to find out how we can reach common ground and reach a budget process that can achieve that, and what is what we are doing. >> we wish them the best of luck on that. frightening images to show you from arkansas. a school bus hijacked and 11 students and driver on board and happened not far from little rock. police say nicholas john miller ran on a stopped school bus and wielded a knife and took the kids for a wild ride. all of those on board this bus were unharmed thankfully. miller apparently told police someone was after him, he needed to the bus, he claims, to save his life. look at that chis. >> police say he tried to carjack a woman before and she
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didn't have a car and he decided to stop on the bus instead. look at the massive police cars behind that. let's get a check of the weekend forecast. good, bad, indra? >> it's okay. i'm going to go with okay. you guys are going to say brilliant. a little cloudy and maybe light rain out there. temperatures in the 60s. okay. generally speaking, pretty nice. you can see the remnants of the system that made its way offshore that went through overnight. still seeing a little bit of over in new england. light rain with that first system. we are still going have to watch the tail end with a couple of showers through texas. i think the biggest thing we notice in the northeast is the temperatures switching a little bit. these were yesterday's highs and the 70s well above normal. beautiful out there yesterday. d.c. 77 degrees and now that cold front did make its way through overnight and you will see the temperatures back off to more seasonal so a lot more 60s out there. the big story you're seeing that pattern change. we have a series of colt fronts that are out there so every time one of these goes through we cool off a little bit more. here is one that went through overnight and hanging around new
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england and the tail end bringing a couple of showers through texas and carolina seeing a little bit of rain and here comes the next one. the one that will make its way through probably saturday into sunday if you're into the northeast. then we are going to be talking about the third one. this is the biggie you'll feel like the big change. all of this cold air comes in from canada and i kind of want to jump you all the way toward to sunday into monday. by the end of the weekend. look at the temperature change. watch chicago about 61 and minneapolis already in the 40s by the time we hit the third cold front. the temperatures dropping down so these 40s and 50s ooechlt by the middle of next week all of that cold air comes our way. we have time, guys. you can prepare for this. >> that's not bad. is that pretty average for this time of year? >> right now, we are talking about temperatures above average. >> summer will officially be over. >> from one extreme to the other. thank you. i have a series story to tell but from kentucky. authorities on the hunt for
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whomever made off with 65 cases under 200 bottles talking here of one of the world's rarest bourbons. happy van winkle a brand that often goes for hundreds and even thousands dollars a bottle. the theft was discovered this week. investigators think who did this knew where the bourbon was kept and took it slowly over time. >> this was secured in a warehouse in a separate port behind a second lock and key. it would lead you to believe it was an internal job. it's highly coveted and as a result of that it makes it a lot easier to help track. >> you heard him say it. an inside job going after this bourbon. liquid gold they say. some people believe having these cases go missing means the other prices for the bottles will go up. this affects all of us. >> have you heard had one of these? >> i've heard about it but never
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had it. >> i'm happy to try papi van winkle's bourbon. a remarkable young woman heads to buckingham palace to meet the queen herself. malala and the monarch when we come back. ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance,
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welcome back. a special meeting it happened today in london between two of the world's most notable women. the 16-year-old activist who has shot by the taliban in pakistan will be at buckingham palace and max foster is live in london with the details for us. what brought this meeting about? >> reporter: it's interesting. a reception for -- on education and from the commonwealth but, obviously, the headline act is malala coming here and it is extraordinary, isn't it?
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to think how she has had this journey since she was shot a year ago. the queen is arguably one of the few living icons, but also malala is an icon. image of an elderly lady and young girl who had a huge impact on the world and it will be a moment in history but a nerve wracking moment probably for marc ala malala as caskhristiane amanpou asked her about this moment. the queen of england has invited you to the palace. you're going, aren't you? >> yes, i am. because the order of the queen. >> reporter: how do you feel about going to the palace? >> i have to learn how to -- >> curtsy. >> no, it's going to be great.
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>> reporter: let's hope it's a bow but it doesn't matter. the queen is excited i'm sure to meet malala. she has the view of these figures. it was a week ago that malala met president obama and having an extraordinary time in her life. >> and some thought she would win the nobel prize. very wrote we realize the importance of our voice when we are silenced. that from the lips of a 16-year-old. i know you have some other royal news for us this morning. so let's talk about duchess kate. >> reporter: she has just arrived at the olympic park looking as if she never had a baby. and wearing these tight jeans. it's a sports event. she has been there before. you may remember last year, she
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played hockey at the olympic park ahead of the olympics. a huge press there seeing how she is going really since she had prince george. the first time she has been on out her own since she had prince george and next week is the big christianeni christening so we will be back here next week. >> that will be really nice and looking forward to you joining us for that. >> asking him all of the tough questions, max, about prince george. a touching story out of tennessee. preston brian has cerebral palsy. he is he a member of his high school football team. he told his mom he wanted to score a touchdown and his teammates helped this dream come fru. they allowed him to score last
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saturday and pushed by his father. he made it to the end zone as his teammates ran along. you can tell this is meaningful for all of them. i love seeing things like this. it makes you realize these teams and these games is much more than about winning. >> lifelong lessons you take from that. that is fantastic. >> congratulations to everyone involved in that. it's time for our morning rhymes. the tweets of the day. first up one from robert mcmahon. life is good for this fell. >> there is this one from julie. wake up! >> kitty porn? a zoo in oregon launch ago contest to name niece beautiful baby lions. >> john berman rivered to it as
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kit -- referred to it as kitty porn. to me it is just sweet. >> visit oregon zoo's website and vote on a name for the lions. you can tweet us any time with your morning rhymes. your alarm went off. >> apparently i have something to do. >> while she is checking in had her calendar, let's see what is coming up on "new day." >> i'm sorry. i apologize for that. >> what is on your calendar is talking to us. >> exactly. good reminder. >> good morning. >> can you see me right now, berm berman? >> you're in trouble. >> do you see the disappointment on my face? >> how so? do you know why i'm disappointed? >> your pants are too tight? >> i'm doing that every day. i like them a little snug in the seat but that is not the point. i sent in a rhyme of the day and you know that because i ent is it to you. >> you sent it yesterday after the show! >> where is the love? >> you sent it after the show! >> we broadcast it on the third
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howard of "early start." if you send another one in next week we will put at the time on tv. >> you said send it in and you used your power. i want you to know that. >> noted. >> tell the rhyme. >> hickory dickory dockery, congress is a mockery. >> it is pretty good. >> enough said. >> i like it. >> zoraida, i think you're great, by the way. >> thank you. >> the guy next to you? >> not so much. >> i reserve judgment. speaking of reserve judgment. we do not reserve judgment about the cause for concern just one day after the shutdown ends. supposed to be the new normal and time to work together. why? already drama brewing in washington, d.c. over things as we see the pictures of people coming back to work. they are moving the barriers and everything is supposed to be good again. is it? we will take a look this morning and take another side on what may be to come and how we can all come together to avoid a shutdown and it may take
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everybody. >> we are learning more -- much more this morning about former vice president dick cheney's health problems while he was in office and also the close calls that he had and how serious his heart surgery was just three years ago. it was so serious he was telling his family good-bye before the procedure. we will look that fascinating story and the lessons can you take away from it. our dr. sanjay gupta sat down with cheney and we will have a look at that interesting interview. >> looking forward to the show. then the weekend. you guys have a good one. >> see you. >> thank you. coming up for us next, the red sox getting the job done. they are taking the lead in the alcs. thanks to this home run by mike napoli. boom! joe carter is going to have all of the highlights, many, many of them next in "the bleacher report." ng about this bar it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein
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the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today... and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. make a my financial priorities appointment today. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome.
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the seattle seahawks are very good at football. they are off to their best start in the franchise's history >> joe carter is here with "the bleacher report." good morning. >> i'm partially not because i feel bad for berman that wernts starting with the boston red sox. by now, most of us now or at least watching the show that boston won last night so we start with football. what is scary about seattle is not only are they dominating the nfc west but quietly flying under the radar at 6 -1. did you know that marshawn lynch likes to eat skittles during games? he has done it since he was 12. his mom calls them power pellets and say it helps her baby run fast and play good. he ran for one score and 91 yards last night and his teammate russell wilson made his nfl debut one year ago on this same field and what a difference a year makes. and seattle off to best start in franchise history, 6-1 start. another guy with extra pep in his step this morning, the boston red sox are one win away
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from the world series and they beat the tigers last night 4-3 in game five of the alcs. series goes back to boston. game six is tomorrow night. if the red sox win, they are going to the world series. if not, there will be a game seven on sunday. later tonight a little nlcs action game six between the cardinals and the dodgers. st. louis can punch its ticket to the world series with a win. first pitch is 8:30 p.m. eastern on tbs. college basketball news. kentucky is ranked number one in the preseason coaches' poll. the first time since the poll started in '91 that a team finished last season unranked starts this season number one. this is just the second time in school history that the wildcats are ranked number one to start the season. leave it to oregon football. this week's game they will wearing pink helmets and pink cleats in support of breast
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cancer awareness month. we are used to see the nfl players with pink accessories but oregon is taking it to another level. they will auction off 25 of those pink helmets afterwards and the donations will go towards the breast cancer awareness foundation. all for a good cause. very loud and cool pink helmets for oregon. >> a great reminder for women to get their mammograms. thank you for bringing that to us. we appreciate it. >> we will be right back. [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance
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so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today... and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen.
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he was a matted messiley in a small cage. ng day. make a my financial priorities appointment today. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at
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welcome back. 56 minutes after the
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taking a look at the top cnn trends. it might be the end of the show "glee." the cast include the high school singing drama is still dealing with the death of actor cory monteith and has him a different way to come up with the conclusion of the show. no word on what happens in season seven is yet to be made. >> tough to watch that. have you seen this camera? it's worth $500,000 and went missing from the parking lot of an atlanta area restaurant. the camera rah being used to film the "dumb & dumber" sequel and set to be mounted to a helicopter. $5,000 reward is offered and the camera is said to weigh more than a hundred pounds and would have required at least two people in order to move it.
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that's awful! >> someone with an expensive krae camera. you wonder if they knew what they took there. >> chris and kate, it's all ours. >> tgif. let's give you the top news. understand that how business is done in this town has to change. >> back to work? the president tries to jump-start his agenda pushing for immigration reform and a new agenda but a new fight may be headed his way. we have the latest. >> new criticisms this this morning on obama and some calling for health he and human services secretary kathleen sebelius to resign. our dr. sanjay gupta goes one-on-one with dick cheney as he talks about how close to death he came. your "new day" starts right now.
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this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. good morning. welcome to "new day." friday, october 18th, 6:00 in the east. good to have you here. good to have you back. listen to this. you stopped the shutdown for us. >> you're welcome. >> the lawmakers saying it's time to work together. already a battle brewing over the president's choice to run the department of homeland security. there are questions about his qualifications and we'll tell you why. >> a big story here in new york that we're following. this 14-year-old boy has been missing for two weeks now. he's autistic and unable to communicate verbally. his family and people helping in the search have come up with an interesting way to try and find him. they're driving around, playing a recording of his mother's voice, to try to coax him out from wherever he is


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