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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  October 18, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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there is no hiding from it. you do. in order for me to achieve what i want to achieve and that's helping kids and getting recognition for people who need it, i have to tell my story. >> we hope he always will. "ac 360" starts now. a 360 exclusive, edward snowden's father speaks out, back from russia from seeing his son face-to-face. does he think russia is best place for his son? >> two convicted murders serving life without parole walked out of prison easy as pie. they used phony documentations. the latest on the man haunt and outrage. we begin with something that most likely passed you by this week while most of the country was focused on the shutdown, boston marked the six months
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since the bombing. the city came to a standstill but not for long. it's moving on and hasn't forgotten and won't. a temporary memorial to officer sean callier was revealed. half a year later the survivors are trying to put their lives back together, refusing to be defined by that day. they are truly all boston strong. one of them is andrin davis, a professional dance instructor we met in the days after the bombing and agreed to let us film her recovery. she lost her lower left leg in the bombing and vowed she'll dance again. her husband adam was also injured. tonight we want to show you how far andrin has come. she told us she didn't want to sugarcoat her story so some of the video she shot may be hard to watch but andrin wants people to really understand what survivors of the bombing are really going through.
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>> do you want me to tell you each time i'm going to poke or not to tell you? >> no, no. >> okay. >> ouch, ouch, ouch. >> okay. we'll take a break on that one. >> how am i doing, adam? >> you're good, baby. >> is it scary looking? >> not at all. >> you know, i'm realizing that -- oh, this is going to be my leg now once the stitches come out, that means that it's all permanent. >> uh-huh. >> it's okay. it's okay. you're alive. >> yeah. >> and strong. >> i'm on my way to a prosthesis
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appointment, still working on that word, and they are going to fit me for my leg, yay. so exciting. you and those two legs walking all fast. i'm so going to race you. later. [ laughter ] >> all right so i'll grab you leg. >> oh my gosh, she said leg. i'm so excited. oh my gosh. hi. >> here is your foot. >> look at the other side. >> this is like seeing my child walk for the first time again. it's pretty emotional and it's pretty exciting but she's a star. she's amazing. >> so stand up for me.
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does it hurt? >> no, she's standing on her own. >> so what do you feel? i need you to differentiate -- are you okay? doing good. at your own speed. >> okay. oka okay. >> one. >> it feels really good just to stand upright now. i haven't stood up in a really long time. i almost forgot what it felt like. it reminds me of dancing and i -- i just so desperately want that again and i'm so close. it feels really good. >> love you. >> love you, too, thanks. >> pretty sexy.
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>> is it sexy? navigating the streets of boston for the first time, it was really tough. i thought everybody had a bomb. i hate even saying things like that out loud because it sounds crazy, but i would just -- i had horrible anxiety. obviously, i know now that the, you know, majority of the population isn't like the two bombers, but it's hard. i mean, i don't know when or if that will go away. they lit fireworks over the
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harbor and i heard explosions. i thought we were going to die. i started screaming and crying and called 911. >> can you please have somebody stop setting off fireworks? please. [ bleep ]. >> we keep calling stop with the fireworks. >> the fireworks in the harbor, stop them. okay. was your foot blown off like my wife's was in the [ bleep ]
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bombin bombing? >> i have gone through many, many stages not only of ptsd but also of mourning the loss of my leg. i remember waking up many mornings and just bawling and just crying and just being so sad. i've never felt that feeling of sadness. and i'm on the other side of sadness. i'm coming close to acceptance, but i'm not there yet. today adam and i are going to talk to the prosecuting team about the case, and we are going through every grew some detail leading up to the moment of the bombing, everything from what it felt like to the injuries.
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they want to know how it's impacted us, how has it not, really? they want to know if we would like them to seek the death penalty, which has been weighing heavy on our hearts. i always questioned whether i would be able to be in the same courtroom as him, but, you know, if they need me there, i'll be there and justice needs to be done. i don't think about him often, but today is the day i have to. seven, eight -- i think i'm further than i thought i would be in six months. i remember just getting my prosthetic and thinking it would take forever and also in the same time thinking, you know, i've got to do this. i had made a very strong point to not dwell on the people that did this. i insist on being called a survivor and not a victim. a victim gives them ownership on me. i'm not having that.
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that means that i somehow belong to somebody or i'm suffering because of him, and i'm not suffering. i'm thriving. >> she and her husband have come a very long way in six months. as you just heard, adrianne and adam are helping investigators build their case. there is a lot to bring you up to date. susan joins me now. what is the latest on the case against the bomber? >> anderson, i hope you don't mind but i had a chance to meet adrianne the first time she got out of rehab and saw the memorial for a first time, and that was such a powerful story, what a remarkable young woman she is. >> amazing. >> she sure is. here is where the case stands, tsarnaev who is accused of doing this to her, passed one birthday in jail so he's now 20 years old and faces the 30-count indictment and we're slogging along in the investigation. the federal government, the prosecutors are still waiting to decide by the end of this month whether they will indeed seek the death penalty, ultimately
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it's up to attorney general holder to decide that. however, the defense gets to weigh in. they wanted more time, and just today, a federal judge said i'm not going to get involved in that dispute. >> and what about kathryn russell, the widow of the other brother? >> well, she is living quietly with her parents in rhode island. she has a lawyer and as far as we know she continues to cooperate with investigators. we know that her inlaws have testified before a grand jury, spent about four hours there just last month. so, we're waiting to see what else might develop with her -- >> at this point no charges against her? >> not yet. >> susan candotti, thanks you. a special report on the one-year anniversary of the bom bombin bombings, we look forward to sharing that. tweet me at anderson cooper on
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twitter. i'll speak with edward snowdenest father after he said there is no chance documents he got ahold of ended up in russian or chinese hands. his dad saw him for the first time, the first time they met face-to-face and talked. we'll talk to lon ahead flgt the man haunt for these two convicted murders who simply walked out of a prison because of forged release documents and breaking news about the death of 17-year-old kendrick johnson found dead in a georgia high school gym. new information about the footage from the school. the latest on that. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts,
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we got breaking news tonight, the kendrick johnson case. his death was initially called an accident, the body found rolled up in a wrestling mat in a georgia high school. his parents never bought that story and had another autopsy done and found he died of blunt force trama. we have surveillance footage from the high school. what did you find out about the footage? >> anderson, cnn confirmed kendrick johnson was not alone inside the gym the day investigators say he died,
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coming to us from an attorney for the school district. the johnsons do not believe the story officially of how their son died and want to see the surveillance video, we've also asked for that surveillance video. we've been told by the school district they don't have to release it because it contains educational records of students and we asked the obvious followup question and i'll read it in the letter i wrote to the superintende superintendent. are minors for whom the county schools has not received consent to release educational records depicted in the surveillance images recorded inside the old gym, and that's where this is at the high school on january 10th, 2013 between 1:09 p.m. and 1:20 p.m. we chose 1:09 because that's the time this picture was taken. in a response for the attorney for the school district. i answer your pointed question with yes so confirmation that kendrick was not alone in the gym. >> so the school was saying the
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students were in the gym, but authorities have not been clear on this, right? >> they have not been. lieutenant stride jones is the face of this investigation for the sheriff's office, at least for the media and we have the official record from the georgia burro of investigation from the medical examiner's office and they recounted conversation with stride jones on january 16th and here it is, the decency dent was seen on the school video going into the gym around 13:00 hours alone. the video did not show any other children or staff in the gym with the dee see dent at the time. they said kendrick was alone and there was no one else seen with him at that time. here is what he told the times on may 4th. he comes down the hallway and essentially enters the gym. he's following another kid. the first kid comes in, goes to the left, kendrick goes in and off to the right towards the corner where the mats are, a clear discrepancy between those
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two statements, but if you look at the pictures, anderson, of kendrick supplied, kendrick is not running off to the left. he's running -- he's in the runs to the right i would say, he's running to the left in those corners, so we're waiting for clarity from the sheriff's office but tonight app answer for the johnsons, their son was not alone in that gym. >> victor, thank you very much. fascinating development and so many questions remain unanswered in this, why authorities didn't test the blood found on the walls, possible blood on sneakers, as well. tonight, authorities in florida are searching for two convicted murders, mistakenly set free and offering a reward at $10,000 a piece for information leading to the arrest. charles walker and joseph jenkins were confined to the same prison serving life sentences without the possibility of parole but phony documents with phony signatures, including a judge's ordered their release. so effective immediately state prison officials will not set
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free annen mate whose sentence is reduced unless there is a release order and both men went to the orange county jail to register as felons. they are reviewing prison records to see if any other inmates got out. so everybody is looking for these two guys, what is the latest? >> reporter: the latest, anderson, is really that was the height of arrogance within days of their release showed up here registers with the state they were here so they would deflect any potential attention towards them. now, the sheriff here in orange county a couple hours ago held a press conference and said, he does believe that both men are still in the area. they have also put up billboards now with that $10,000 reward on those billboards, and the sheriff says it was their intelligence they have that leads them to believe that the two men are still here. anderson? >> it's so obvious you think a judge should independently
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verify a faxed document or letter sent to a prison. what are authorities saying about this, because it's still stunning they were able to walk out? >> it's what authorities aren't saying. other than the sheriff, nobody is talking. the state attorney's office refused an interview, the department of corrections refused our interviews. we talked to the clerk of the court here and the clerk said listen, we just file the paperwork. the clerk's concern to us is we don't know how the paperwork got in the system. it could have been put in a drop box. it could have been brought from the judge's office, or from the state attorney's office. but they, they said, don't know how it got in the system. >> could there be other people, other prisoners who have had forged documents and gotten out? >> yeah, big question. the day before the second of the two guys was released, the state filed charges in an almost
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identical case against an inmate in another prison who tried to pull the exact same scam filing paperwork that basically said that there would be a motion to correct an illegal sentence. so that paperwork was filed but it was caught. so they are certainly concerned that there are others trying to pull the same scam. up next, my exclusive interview with the father of edward snowden who just returned from a visit with his son in russia. the first time they talked face-to-face. he'll tell me how he believes his son is doing. in the trial of dr. martin macneill, who is accused of murdering his wife. but with a mortgage. and the furniture's a lot nicer. and suddenly, the most important person in my life is someone i haven't even met yet.
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tonight a 360 exclusive, in a moment i'll speak with the father of nsa leaker edward snow done who just returned from russia speaking out six "the times" published documents. he said he gave all the classified documents he got his hands on to journalist and did not keep any copies. snowden says quote there is a zero percent chance the russians or chinese received any documents. he didn't give details of what his life is like in moscow other than he's not under government control and is free to move around. his father came back since he spent time with him. i spoke earlier this evening with lon snowden in a 360 exclusive. you were able to finally see your son. what was that like?
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it was an emotional moment. it was something i wanted desperately to do since june 9th when the story first broke and to see him walk into the room, i was already present where we were going to meet initially, it was really uplifting. >> was this the first time you've actually been able to talk to him directly? >> yes, yes. >> i'm not going to obviously ask you details of where he's staying or if you knew that because i don't want to, obviously, you don't want to do anything that will endanger his safety or locate him, but what can you say about his life there? >> i think it was very good. i was persistent in saying ed, i don't want you to tell me what i think i want to hear, you know, are you okay? you know, i wondered, you know, where he lays his head at night, every night when i go to bed is he laying his head on a dirt floor? he's living comfortably and has a support system unlike many
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people suggested he's under the control of the russian government, that's absolutely not the case. >> he made clear in recent interview in the new york times he said he absolutely did not give any information to the russians or have classified documents on him when he left hong kong, he did that consciously and gave them away and he is confident chinese aren't able to get ahold of them because he himself was involved into looking into chinese intelligence capabilities. did he talk to you about that? >> yes, he did. i ask about that, and i can tell you on day one when my son -- the news broke on june 9th, june 10th, the fbi was in my home and i specifically told them that there was no question in my mind, of course, this is a father talking but i know my son. i said my son would die before he would sell secrets to a foreign government that would harm his country. i know that for a fact. you know, his intention, if it
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was to profit, he would be in a much different circumstance now. if his desire to profit from this, he would have already signed a book deal. he's not interested in doing that -- >> he could have gone on television programs and been paid by television programs around the world and done stuff and he hasn't done any of that. >> absolutely. absolutely. he told me through other communications long ago and again, as dad, i did not do this to be safe. you need to let everyone know don't worry about me. i didn't do this to be safe. i did it because it's the right thing to do. i could not live with what i've been exposed to, you know, live the rest of his life with that knowing that he did not share that. >> does he have any regrets at this point? >> he says he has absolutely no regrets, none. >> it sounds like your son or that the information your son has given to glenn greenwald and others, that there is still a lot more still to come.
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glenn greenwald said it on this program, i think last night, that there is a lot more information he's still goi ing through, a lot more information that will surprise people. >> glenn has that "the new york times,"" the guard quinn" there is much more to come. >> there is still people out there that believe your son committed treason or done something that's done real damage to the interest of the united states of america after seeing him. what do you say to those people? >> i would say yo have a right to your opinion, but i would ask that you make sure that it's an informed opinion and the problem is at this point is they don't have all the facts, nor do i but i know i spent hours upon hours every day researching articles, avetting the truth, researching companies. there is far more to this. far more to this that will be
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touched. >> are you proud of your son? >> i'm absolutely proud of my son. it could bring me to tears i'm so proud of my son because i know what he sacrificed. i know who he is. i held him as a child. he's the same person, and he's a man of character and no matter what happens, i know he loves his country. i know he's a humanest, i know that he's not so centric or blinded by nationalism that he looks at people in other countries as something less, that he looks at us as we are exceptional to the degree that others are lesser than us. >> what did you say to him when you left him? how do you say good-bye. >> it occurred pretty quickly. again, it was the same way we left back in april when we were in the shadow of the nsa, the last time we seen in the states. we hugged, i love you dad, i love you son, but i know i'll see him again. >> lon snowden, thank you for
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talking to me. >> thanks very much anderson. the latest in the trial of a utah doctor accused of killing his wife to be with his mistress, what neighbors say they saw the day michelle macneill died. the rise and fall of lance armstrong, how he was able to hide doping for so long and pull off what authors call "the greatest sports conspiracy ever." that when we continue. i'm tony siragusa and i'm training guys who leak a little,
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dr. martin macneill is charged with murder and obstruction of justice in the 2007 death of his wife michelle. at the time it was attributed of natural causes due to cardiovascular disease but some of her children didn't buy it and they reopened the case and it started to unravel. at the sent e of case involving multiple bizarre twists and turns, they say dr. martin macneill was living a double life and his desire for the murder was to be with his mistress, gypsy. his neighbors described the day and what they say when michelle was found dead. >> reporter: christi daniels recalled the tragic moments after michelle macneill was found unresponsive in her bathtub. she had been called to the macneill home by her youngest daughter ada. >> i saw that michelle was in the tub and martin was over the tub. her head was right here and her feet -- her legs were over here.
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>> was there water in it? >> no. >> did you see any blood? >> no. >> no blood but the prosecutor says definitely murder. prosecutor sam peed said michelle was dead because her husband of nearly 30 years, dr. martin macneill killed her and used his medical knowledge to pull it off. the motive, macneill was carrying on an affair with gypsy willis who moved into the macneill home as a nanny shortly after michelle's death. macneill he says was so determined to move forward with the murder plot that he forced his wife to have a facelift, so he could kill h with a mix of drugs and blame it on the surgery. michelle went ahead with the surgery on april 3rd. eight days later, her husband was calling 911. >> my wife has fall p in the bathtub. >> who is in the bathtub?
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>> my wife. >> is she conscious? >> she's not. i'm a physician. >> sir i need you to calm -- sir i can't understand you. okay. can you calm down just a bit? >> i need help. >> okay your wife is unconscious? >> she's unconscious. she's under water. >> reporter: prosecutors brought in a bathtub similar to the one in the macneill home so witnesses could demonstrate how macneill was found. mark instructed him. >> he threw his hands in the air twice and say why, why would you do this? all because of a stupid surgery and he would say okay, continue. so i continued to -- doing chest compressions. >> reporter: medical examiners found several powerful drugs in her system, including volume, percocet and ambian.
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dr. scott thompson who performed michelle's facelift told the court macneill had great influence on michelle's p prescriptions and the combination of drugs given to her could be dangerous if taken together. >> was it your intention that michelle take these drugs together? >> no. >> would you have prescribed this combination to her if martin was not a physician? >> no. >> for months leading up to his wife's death. macneill was telling neighbors and leaders of the church he had chancer and didn't have long to live but prosecutors say it was a roost, one he continued at his dead wife's funeral. >> prior to the funeral, the defendant was seen unloading boxes of michelle's memorabilia and walking around without difficulty. however, when following the casket, the defendant exhibited a profound limp and walked with a cane. >> what did he tell his neighbor just days after her death? >> he told me that she died of
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some kind of heart problem like the basketball player that just died over on the court. i asked him, i said well, martin, how are you doing because i heard you only had like six months to live? and he said something to the effect of, you know, don't write me off yet, i'm still here now. >> in fact, macneill was already introducing his mistress around town saying she was the new nanny. >> at first it was very vague and then we learned that she was the nanny and then eventually, as everybody could tell that the relationship was more than that, as to whether or not they were getting married. >> jean joins me live from utah. he sounded so frantic on the 911 call. how did the neighbors describe his mood when he arrived? >> they really said he was frantic. they said he was instructive as all the neighbors started to help with the cpr. they said as he had his head buried on temperature of michelle's mouth, aljly giving her cpr he would stop and raise
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his hands and say why did you have that surgery? about those medications? one of the first responders said that he was absolutely lly err and concerned about his safety thinking he had to defend himself at some point because dr. macneill was so frantic. the other side to that is this is a man losing his wife and although he had that other life, he's still losing the mother of his eight children. >> were the witness accounts the same as how they found michelle in the bathtub? >> they were. they really were. all of the neighbors said when they got there, michelle's face was next to the faucet in the bathtub and her feet was laid out to the end of the bathtub, but here is what could be significant. the prosecution has dr. joshua perper who believes the immediate cause of death was drowning, one neighbor said her clothes were dry and her hair was dry except for the tips of
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her hair was wet. another neighbor said her clothes maybe could have been damp. the officer says her clothes were drenched. so you have eyewitnesss all over the happen here. >> appreciate it. joining me now is criminal defense attorney danny and paul lender son. none of the medical examiners that inspected the wife's body concluded she was the victim of homicide. how badly does that weaken the prosecution's case. >> a report, obviously, that the prosecution will have to deal with but obviously, what they will be doing is putting those witnesses on that made that report and presenting to them new evidence or evidence in a different way that may not have been considered when that report was drafted. so for instance, i'm presuming that what they are likely to do is talk about what the medical examiner and ask him look, we know that these drugs influenced her death. would it have made a difference to you at the time if you were aware that someone else was directly responsible for identifying which drugs that she
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was going to be taking and those were drugs that that doctor would not have normally ordered for her. these are all things that the new -- that the medical examiner will be commenting on. >> right. >> that will be different from the evidence that he evaluated when he first made the report six years ago and now they are looking at this with fresh eyes. >> danny, the defense is saying you may think this guy is a jerk but it doesn't make him a killer. is it difficult for juries to make that distinction? >> i'll go a step further, and we've seen cases like this. this doctor is guilty of creepiness and happy his wife is dead to engage in shenanigans with his mistress. can the prosecution get by the biggest problem they have is not one, not two but three of the prosecution's medical examiner experts concluded that cardiac arrhythmia may have caused the death and you wonder if that will get them to the reasonable
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doubt the defense needs. the on thing is recently in other cases, we've seen similar evidence be enough for conviction. so it is a question of whether the science will be enough for this jury. >> paul, the prosecution says their plan on calling it several inmates will testify macneill told them he was responsible for his wife's death and the cops wouldn't be able to pin it on him. i mean, does testimony from inmates hold a lot of weight? >> well, it matters. it depends. each case is unique but as a juror, when you hear information like that, you have to weigh and consider it. you have to push this jury to try to present evidence to them to show them just how much influence he had on her exact death. it wasn't just that she had a heart attack. it was she had a heart attack because of these drugs and when they make the connections and connect the dots to show how he was involved and not just what drugs she took but how she actually took the drugs, i think they are going to weigh and consider that and it's going to hurt him and the statements like
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that that come in against him are certainly not going to help him in his defense. it's got to be something they have to consider and makes a difference in the case. >> what about the presence of this mistress, gypsy? >> we've seen many defendants, unfortunately, in america it's a fact of life people engage in nonsense with mistresses and whoever and we've seen a lot o defendants, that's the prosecution's chief motive here and the prosecution has to hope that motive is so powerful and his behavior is so odd and kpun plainble it will get them over the fact they do not have since in the favor. you look for the defense to hammer home the fact that each of these medical examiners never conyou sievely really said that cardiac arrhythmia could be ruled out as a cause of death. at most, the first medical examiner said natural causes. up next, a new book documents the extent of lance armstrong's doping scandal. it's an amazing book, been
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reading it and not only about lance armstrong but about all the other people that helped the disgraced cyclest cover it up for so many years. we'll talk to the arthuthors ah. thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above.
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fall will go down as one of the tragedies in sports. an olympian that battled and beat cancer and admired around the world for his incredible athletic about tips and cape crashing down when he finally, finally admitted to rumors, some of them that he had been doping all along. armstrong's amazing career, what we were led to believe was an amazing career ruins, his reputation, a new book called lance armstrong the tour de france and the greatest sports conspiracy ever explains how he got away with doping so long and who helped him. it's written by vanessa o'connell and more. i want to play a little bit of who he said. let's play that. >> yes or no, did you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance? >> yes. >> yes or no, in all seven of
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your tour de france victories, did you ever take banned substances or blood dope? >> yes. >> so he said a lot, but there was a lot he didn't say. what were some of the major things that he didn't go into? >> well, i mean, i think he didn't talk about the people who around him who helped him for 14 years cover up this massive doping conspiracy. >> he didn't talk about how -- how it all transpired? >> right, people who helped him, the enablers, the people who, you know, the governing bodies of cycling, like the uci that took donations from him. you know, that is -- to us that's really the interesting thing about this story is it's not just the doping, it's all the stuff around the doping. >> and that's -- i mean, you really get into this in the book. the sheer number of people who had an interest in protecting lance armstrong and protecting sort of lance incorporated as you refer to it. >> yes, we've always viewed this
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as a business story. it's more than just doping and cycling or doping and sport. we view this as a story about a business enterprise, essentially, and cheating was at the heart of it. >> did the fact that he also had this charity, did he use that to kind of blunt criticism of him or suspicion of him? >> absolutely. the lance armstrong foundation, which is now known as the live strong foundation after this scandal really was his shield. i mean, he was fighting cancer. he wasn't just an athlete. he was above all that and that really in the minds of so many of his fans and followers protected him over those 14 years. >> he would even say, sometimes, you know, i survived cancer, why would i take drugs? and people believed it. it gave him a special status in the eyes of the public. >> what happens to him now? he's still facing at least one lawsuit, correct? >> and it's a big -- >> floyd -- >> floyd lannis filed a lawsuit
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as a whistle blower, essentially blowing the white l on the u.s. postal service violation of contract. lance armstong's team violated the contract by doping and the u.s. department of justice has joined that lawsuit to the tune of potentially $120 million. >> the lawsuit really points to business themes i think we bring up in the book for instance, armstrong argues that the u.s. postal service should have known it got this marketing benefit by sponsoring the team because he won so many times. the postal service had the benefit of the media exposure of his victories and he's arguing in the lawsuit that the postal service should have known he was doping. >> it's obviously incredibly important to him to be able to compete in triathlons and that's one of the things he cannot do now, correct? >> correct. >> was he doping in triathlons after his cycling career? >> i think there is allegations he was. he was working with mckelly.
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he said he wasn't doping but helping with the training regular minute. >> when lance started working with him, when he starts working with him, there were allegations about him even then. so the fact he chose to work with that doctor was highly suspicious. >> highly suspicious and came out in the news and lance's story was the same at the time. i'm not working with him for doping purposes. i'm working with him just to train. >> and that was also a brazen move that was very kind of characteristic of lance armstrong. he was working with a doping doct doctor or alleged doping doctor but thought he could control the criticism and deflect it criticism and for awhale it worked. >> is there a lesson to be learned? >> we think one of the morals to the story is that, you know, yes, cycling was a mess and armstrong was the master of it and others were doping and cheating, as well, but when you win at a rigged game, you're going to pay the steepest price in the end and so that's
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essentially what we're seeing now. >> how much money in endorsements was he making? do you know and how much did he lose? >> 20, 20 million a year at times. >> he lost about 75 million in endorsements in october when all of his sponsors fled. >> $75 million. >> that's what he -- that's his estimate. >> there was also always this belief that which i think what i read in the book he promoted that his heart was bigger or his ability to process oxygen -- i mean, there were all these stories about how he was this incredible freak of nature and that's why he could do these things. >> he's certainly a great athlete, there is no question about that but the measurements, the vo max measured in the low 80s, that's normal for high-level athletes in the tour de france. he wasn't some physical freak that could just win without drugs like everyone else. he was good, but it was more of
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his mental toughness and demeanor. now we know the doping program. >> it's a fascinating read and even if you're not interested in cycling or think you're not interested, it's a really compelling. so congratulations. >> thank. >> the book again is called "wheel man." up next, a 16-year-old girl was killed after she was run over by a fire truck after the plane crashed. the decision if the firefighter at the wheel will be charged. new developments ahead. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro.
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pamela brown joins us with the 360 bulletin. >> good evening. the california firefighter that ran over and killed a 16-year-old plane crash survivor will not be charged in the case. the d.a. announced the decision today. the coroner ruled she was still alive when she was flung from the airliner. the new york police department denies it is actively searching for the mysterious street and graffiti artist known as banksy. he's been revealing new works of art and are announced on his website. the pakistan 16-year-old has been


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