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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 19, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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notre dame. a little trivia. in the movie "rudy," what famous actor convinced notre dame to go for the touchdown, which allowed rudy to get on the field at the end of the game. do you know the famous actor? >> no, i don't. >> who is that? >> reporter: vince vaughn. there you go. in the movie "rudy," there you go. >> carlos diaz, thank you. >> thank you for joining us. we're out of time. >> let's hand it over to fredricka whitfield. hey, fred. >> great. thank you, guys. we'll see you again tomorrow morning. we're covering a lot today. we'll have many top stories in the next hour. florida prison officials call it a system failure. that's putting it mildly. two murderers duped that system, walking out of the door and triggering an intensive manhunt, and then, in new york, a very different kind of search, but no less frantic, in a city of 8 million, the hunt is on for
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one 14-year-old boy. he has autism and hasn't been seen in two weeks. and the president's bruising budget battle with republicans in congress may have set us up for a rematch perhaps in a couple of months. the crisis is averted -- at least for now. we'll have all of those stories for new a minute. first, we want to begin this hour in greece where authorities are trying to figure out the identity of a 4-year-old girl. this one right here. she was found thursday in a roma or gypsy community, in the custody of a couple who claimed to be her parents. but dna testing revealed she is not related to either of the people she was with, and police have no idea where she might have come from. the couple who said they were the girl's parents, they have now been charged with abduction of a minor. and now, a greek charity is
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taking care of that child, but they want to know more about her and, hopefully, find her real family. we have the communications officer for the charity called "the smile of the child," and joining us now by phone from athens were more details. what can you tell us about the little girl or what has been learned of her since being taken into custody? >> good morning, fredricka, thank you very much. yes, it was a routine investigation by the police department on wednesday morning when they enter the roma supplement on mainland greece. and they found a blond little girl within this family, and that's how the story was unfolded. right now, the smile of the child, take cares and protects the child. the child is in the hospital. at the beginning, of course, very confused and shocked, but right now, start feeling much better again and feeling safe in
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her new environment. and with the support of psychologists and social work s workers, who are taking care of her. >> you mentioned she was first in the hospital when taken from the people who claimed to be her parents. what kind of condition was she in? >> she was in bad conditions. living in roma supplement was really bad hygiene conditions, bad living conditions. she was physically and psychologically in bad shape. but until the -- until now, there's not something that concerns us in terms of her health situation. she seems to be healthy. but still looking for a way -- the results and exams be completed in order to have a full picture of her health. >> so your group, "the smile of the child," will have her until perhaps her real family is located. to what extent do you know efforts are being made in which to find her biological family?
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>> we don't have any -- any clue right now. we still -- we only making assumptions. police authorities only make assumptions right now. and there's an investigation going on. so even -- i mean, we make assumptions about the -- we think about -- we don't have the origins. we don't know anything, so everything needs to be clarified and it's being investigated now by police authorities. >> again, can you confirm with me the reason why she is now in your custody, someone saw this little girl, who just didn't seem to match the identity of the parents or the family members she was with, that raised suspicion, and somehow, then, authorities were brought into the picture? >> no, no, there was no -- there was no -- i mean, there was some information, but someone called the police, but according to some other information, it was just coincidental, the root of
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the investigation, and one of the prosecutors that observed that it was a blond, green-eyed girl in a roma family. so this is how it all started. >> mm, okay. thank you so much, of course, and the image we see of the little girl, you can see she is blond, and the tips of her hair, it looked as though the hair had been darkened or dyed to look darker, you can see it in the ponytails. and bring us up to date if you have any more information about how she might be matched up with her biological family. thank you so much. >> thank you. back here in the u.s. and the two convicted killers who may have just simply walked away from a florida prison using forged documents. they're still on the loose, and today, officials are offering a $10,000 reward for their arrest. charles walker and joseph jenkins have been free for a while now, but authorities only learned of their escape this week. our nick valencia is live for us
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outside franklin correctional institution. nick, what more do authorities know about how they managed to pull this off, and where the search is ongoing. >> reporter: the answers now are in short supply, fred. we've been asking all of the right question, we just haven't been able to get clear answers. there's a lot of finger-pointing going on. they do know, though -- or think they know -- where two of the guys are. they said yesterday at the orange county sheriff's department presser, there's reason to believe the two convicted killers may be in the state of florida, perhaps even in orange county, in the orlando area. will, one of the victim's mothers of charles walker, one of the men on the loose, she said she received a tip from the family friend they saw walker walking around in an area -- an orlando area mall just over a week ago. fred? >> so the victims' families, many have spoken out. they're obviously upset. tell us about the letter that florida officials apparently
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sent to them, informing them. >> reporter: yeah, evangelina kiers is the mother of one of charles walker's victims, and she said she received a letter from the florida department of corrections saying walker had been released early. this was bizarre for her, because she knew he was in prison for life, not eligible for early release. she got the letter anyway. it sent a red flag for her. she says she doesn't think the state officials were involved at all, or that this is some sort of cover-up or inside job by the state attorney, or even the judge who had his signature forged. but she did say she believes charles walker did not do the documents himself, and she thinks that both suspects that are on the run right now had some help from someone, somewhere. fred? >> and so, of course, part of the investigation is focusing on that. who could have helped them from the inside? >> reporter: yeah. yeah, part of the investigation is focused on that. fred, as i mentioned earlier, there is a lot of
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finger-pointing. we spent a lot of time yesterday at the florida department of corrections asking how this blunder -- how this very embarrassing blunder for all agencies involved -- could have happened? the florida department of corrections, punted it back to the courting saying they don't have legal stature to challenge the court's decision. the court said they were just processing paperwork, and it isn't some sort of high-tech legal analysis that they do when these orders come from sentencing judges, as this forged document came to that courthouse. nobody wants to take ownership for this mistake, and as they mentioned yesterday at the orange county sheriff's department presser, there is a lot of fingerpointing going around and not much ownership for what happened. fred? >> all right. thank you so much. nick valencia, appreciate that. the search for the two escapees in florida is just one of the stories that don lemon will be looking at in a cnn special tonight called "making the case," at 8:00 eastern time. don and a group of legal analysts will break down the top crime stories of the week. later on in this hour,
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edward snowden said he never took leaked nsa documents to russia. so, if that's the case, where are they? and next, new polls show the latest round of gridlock in washington could cost some incumbents their jobs. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics. but at least i can help keep their underwear clean. that's why there's charmin ultra strong. i'll take that. go get 'em, buddy! it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less
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after this week's deal to end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling, members of congress may need to start worrying about their jobs. paul says it's about more than low approval ratings. there could be a fundamental shift happening. >> reporter: folks were mad as you know what over the shutdown. >> there's justifiable anger at congress and the president for failing to solve these problems. >> reporter: need more proof? look at the approval ratings for congress. they're hovering at or near all-time lows. but here's the thing. while most people often say it's time to throw the bums out of congress, they're usually okay with their own representative, and that's why incumbents overwhelmingly get re-elected.
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two new polls suggest that the time, they may be a-changing. new four in ten questioneds said they don't want their only member of congress re-elected, highest. and the nbc news/"wall street journal" survey said given the chance to vote out every member of congress, including their own, they would. if those kind of numbers hold up as we get closer to next year's midterms elections, watch out. fred? >> all right. thank you so much, paul steinhauser. if polls are saying they could find their seats in danger, then who heads that list? i'm joined by cnn commentator and democratic strategy donna brazile and alexs cou. how concerned are some of those on the hill? mitch mcconnell, for example. maybe even lindsey graham.
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alex, you first. >> oh, i think they're going to probably be all right. paul has a point. everybody's mad at washington. but that is the point. they're mad at both the democrats and the republicans. it's not going to be so much a wave, i think, against incumbents, as it's going to be a wave where people who say they're outsiders and want to change washington are going to be running against people they label as insiders, who want more of the status quo. so even if you've been in washington for 100 years, you know, longer than methuzela, it may be their jobs survive. >> it could be people are just angry at congress as a whole. you saw the polling. if that's the case, you know, what can democrats do, or maybe republicans that matter, too, even though you're mostly a democratic strategy, donna, what can folks do, what do they say
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to their constituents to hold onto their jobs? what are we likely to see from some members of congress in. >> first of all, i think every member of congress, house and senate, should go out to try to earn the people's trust, earn their respect. >> how do they do that after what just happened? >> i agree with alex, they need to talk about what washington can do. like all governors across the country, like other politicians, they have to go before the voters. i think members of congress will need to tell their constituents what they're doing in washington, d.c., to help improve the economy. we know over the last two years that they have enacted over 2 .6 trillion in austerity cuts, but what are they doing to grow the economy? what are they doing to look at long-term issues regarding the deficit, infrastructure spending, education. so many issues they need to go back and talk to voters about, not just the dysfunction and the gridlock in washington, d.c., but what are they doing to
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change the lives of ordinary americans all throughout this country? >> and most have seen the dysfunction, the gridlock. you know, alex, some republicans, you know, are digging in their heels and saying, huh-uh, there's no division. the president, however, says he will tackle immigration, and that's one of the first things he's going to try to reach for. do republicans have a unified voice on that issue? is it in concert with the president's ideas? >> no. and the president knows republicans are divided on immigration, which is one big reason he's bringing immigration to the table. this is a political play, not a governing play. the president wants to keep republicans divided, fighting, in effect bring out the worst in the republican party, because he's got one shot left to take the house this coming election. if he can do that, he'll have the senate, he'll have the house, and, of course, the white house again, and he could run the table his last two years. this is all about politics. if the only thing republicans can agree on, i think right now on immigration, is, you know,
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ted cruz was born in canada. if there was a plan to keep canadians from coming across the border, maybe republicans would agree on that. right now, you won't see immigration legislation move in the house. >> donna? >> don't blame canada for ted cruz. i think there's something else in the coffee we need to perhaps investigate. look, the truth is that immigration reform will help our economy, and it's something that republicans and democrats have been working on, the senate passed it with bipartisan support. the congress, the house need to stop cherry picking through it and go ahead and put up comprehensive immigration reform on the table and let a vote take place. and i agree that john boehner should allow the republicans to vote their conscience, and if they're not on board, we'll know that. one other thing, i think it's important to understand, look, we've just gone through a really painful period in this country with all of the dysfunction in
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washington, d.c., and i think at the end of the day, if congress can come back next week and look at the long-term deal they're trying to put back together, focus on the economy, and quit playing the political points as if 2014 is coming up next month. no, it's next year. next november 2014. we've got a lot of time, and we should try to get something done on behalf of the american people. >> i'm hearing a whole lot of hope in your voices. >> i'm always hopeful. >> all right. very good. donna brazile, alex, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. later on, we have the "bleacher report," and in it, the st. louis cardinals. will they do it again, earning their spot to this year's world series? after pounding the dodgers? highlights from the emotional win. next, edward snowden said he never tooked leaked documents to moscow. we'll tell you where he says he left them and why.
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former nsa contractor, edward snowden, is speaking out about what happened to the secret government files he leaked to the media. he told "the new york times" that he gave the files of the nsa documents to journalists in hong kong, and that he never took any of them to russia where he fled in june. we get more on snowden's claims now from phil black in moscow. >> reporter: edward snowden has responded to one of the more persistent criticisms of his decision to come to russia, that by coming here, he has betrayed his country, because inevitably, it's become an intelligence asset for the russian government.
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because what he had in his custody is now with the russian officials. he says that's not possible, because he didn't bring any of those classified documents to russia. he left them in hong kong with the journalists that he was working with there. he said, there are no copies. it wouldn't have served the public interests to travel with them. he also is pretty competent that china hasn't been able to access any of that information, because he said he had enough technical knowledge of their capabilities to secure it and protect it from chinese intelligence. his father, lon snowden, made the case earlier this week. i asked him, what contact his son is having with russian intelligence agencies. and he said, none. he said, edward had assured him he's not been debriefed by any spy agency from any other country since he fled the united states. phil black, cnn, moscow. last night, edward snowden's father spoke to our anderson cooper. he even met with his son, as you heard phil say, in russia this
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week. and in this interview, he describes how it went. >> were you able to finally see your son. what was that like? >> oh, it was an emotional moment. it was something i had wanted desperately to do sense june 9th when the story first broke, and to see him walk into the room, i was already present where we were going to meet initial ly, t was really uplifting. >> i won't ask you details about where he's staying, even if you knew that, because you don't want to do anything that's going to endanger his safety or locate him. what can you say about his life there? >> i think it's very good. i was persistent in saying, ed, i don't want you to tell me what you think i want to hear. you know, are you okay? i've wondered, you know, where he lays his head at night.
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every night when i go to bed, you know, is he on a dirt floor? well, he's living very comfortably and has quite a support system. >> all right. coming up in a few minutes, we'll look at a new movie that chronicles julian assange and wikileaks and why he wanted nothing to do with a movie that told his story. new brakes help you stop faster and safer.
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that's why they deserve... a brake dance. get 50% off new brake pads and shoes. ? >> all right, bottom of the hour now. welcome back. here are four things crossing the cnn newsdesk right now. number one, more problems for the health care website. a health and human services official says the enrollment website is down this weekend for maintenance. it's been plagued with glitches since going online.
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the administration is downplaying the significance of the outage saying the agency has brought it down week nights and weekends between the predawn hours, since enrollment began october 1st. authorities in greece are trying to figure out the identity of this 4-year-old little girl. she was found thursday in a roma, or gypsy community, with a couple who claimed to be her parents, but dna testing revealed she is not related either of them, and police have no idea where she might have come from. the couple has been charged with abduction of a minor. and number three, nearly 100 wildfires are scorching parts of australia. many of them are burning out of control. at least one person has died and hundreds of homes have been damaged or destroyed. investigators say some of the fires were caused by sparking power lines. and number four, nba hall of famer bill russell getting arrested at sea-tac
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international airport in seattle. why? they said he was cited for carrying a gun into a prohibited yar of the airport wednesday. the former celtics star has been released but he could still face a fire of $7,500. baseball, anyone? the st. louis cardinals are headed to the world series again, and it's the team's second trip in the last three years. or seasons, i should say. joe carter is here with more in the "bleacher report." >> the cardinals are making this a habit. >> yes, they're really good at this. >> the cool story that comes out of game six is the pitcher of of waka, and he just joined the rotation a couple of weeks ago full time. >> a couple of weeks ago? >> yeah. i said he was named the season mvp. pitched up last night, didn't give up any runs. brilliant once again. the other headline is he outpitched the dodgers' ace,
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which is clayton kershaw. some thought he might win the cy young. but the karls pounded kershaw and the dodger relievers for nine runs yesterday. >> ouch. >> the other good story, because there are a lot of them, carlos beltran is finally headed to his first world series. he's played in 45 playoff games and this will be the first time he'll be playing in the big game, as they say. >> ooh. a big one. >> in the big one for the fourth time since 2004. later tonight, we could find out their competition. the american league championship continues in boston. red sox and tigers. red sox can close out the series tonight with a win. first pitch at 8:00 p.m. eastern. and we've got a really good one if you like college football, and that's happening later on tonight, number 5 florida state at number 3 clemson. yeah, both teams that are undefeated trying to possibly stay in the -- on the road to the national championship game. obviously, the winner of this game falls off, the winner stays
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on track with the alabamas, oregons, ohio states of the college football world. the implications are saying it's so big, it's the biggest game in acc conference history. >> wow, big. >> and florida state, the road team is a three-point favorite, but clemson being at home, having the fan, 81,000 in death valley, gives them a little bit of an edge. and tonight, a great story trending on "bleacher report" this morning, pushing it fashion forward once again. >> yeah, how fashionable. >> the pink helmets, pink cleats, and we're used to seeing the nfl do this. they have the accessories with the gloves and the towels, and they started this a couple of years ago, and now org organization is taking it to a whole new level with the bold, bright helmets, and they'll have the famous alum sign about 25, and then auctioned off, and the money donated. the whole point is to make sure women get checked, mammograms.
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>> and not even a powder puff. >> yeah, go ducks. i like it. >> all right. thank you so much, joe. appreciate it. all right. we've got some more stuff straight ahead for you, something you don't hear every day. you can soon by stock in your favorite pro athlete, and the first sports star offering shares of himself, houston, texas -- houston, texas, running back ariane foster. zane asher explains. >> reporter: on the field he's explosive. >> what's your favorite food? >> my mama. some enchiladas. >> reporter: if one company has its way, he'll be a publicly traded asset. >> he has attributes beyond being a pro bowl running back. his approach to life and things off the field make him an attractive candidate for us. >> reporter: star nfl running back ariane foster is the first
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to sign up with fantext, a start-up that will allow fans to buy and sell shares of their favorite athletes. fantext will pay foster $10 million up front. in exchange, investors get the opportunity to earn 20% off his future income, including money from playoffs, endorsements. fans can buy a stake at $10 a share, and have to invest a minimum of $50. the veterans sports brand tuchman is punting the foster stock. >> it's very difficult to monetize athletes' brands post-playing days. it's very difficult to monetize athletes' brands while they're playing. >> reporter: fantex says it's looking for talented athletes with growth potential. >> how you play, the performance, it gives you a platform in which to have a voice in the marketplace. >> reporter: what's in it for the athletes? >> for players, this is a complete home run for ariane
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foster. he's basically buying himself insurance in terms of his playing days. >> reporter: so why foster? well, he's one of the nfl's biggest stars, his brand has surged with the popularity of fantasy football, a great running style for investors. fantex lisks 84 risk factors, including the risk of athletes getting injured, and unforeseen issues with the trading platform. if he doesn't offer enough money in the initial offering, they say they're scrapping the deal. still, they're anxious to bring the average sports to the average joe. >> we think there is a desire for that out in the marketplace. >> reporter: zane asher, cnn, new york. >> oh, thanks for that, zane. we had to have joe stick around for the the insight. many find this to be very bullish.
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there's a lot of risk. >> fantex has something there, i think they've started out with a good idea. fantasy football is huge. we know how many people are invested in it, $8 billion business. people want to invest in a single player, but they'd like to see with my money going to a player with longevity. it's about betting on futures, and i'd rather invest in a tennis player, golf player, where i see a return on my money. >> maybe that's next. >> we'll see. >> thank you so much, joe. maybe you need to be advising them. you might be getting a call. all right. thank you so much. you know what, maybe you have a favorite athlete, somebody you have in mind, somebody you would bank on. share your thoughts on my facebook page, or tweet me @fwhitfield. i'll share some of your comments throughout the day on this. also, they're two convicted murderers now on the loose. these two men now, they're out of prison because of forged
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documents, and naturally the victims' families are furious about it. we'll have their reaction coming up next. in this week's parts unknown, anthony bourdain heads to south africa where his preconceived ideas about the country were simply blown away, he says, and now, he says he's more confused than ever. ♪ [ drums ] >> so a good friend of my, a really great travel rider, who i admire a lot, says something i often refer to, he said, "the more i travel, the less i know." i feel that particularly strongly here in south africa, a place i came in a state of near total ignorance, loaded with preconceptions. and i can't say that i'm leaving any smarter. i guess what i do think is it's a held of a lot more complicated here than i thought it was going to be, and i do feel very much that if things work out here,
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it's -- the human race is capable of getting it right, or even remotely close to right here, maybe there's hope for us all. but i just don't know. ♪ do you? >> watch more of anthony's "journey in south africa," tomorrow, 9:00 p.m. eastern time. this was the hardest decision i've ever had to make. jim, i adore the pool at your hotel. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotels' robes are fabulous. i have twelve of them. twelve? shhhh, i'm worth it& what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with
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we were telling you earlier about the lunt for two murderers who escaped from what florida prison, and it has the victims feeling victimized all over again. john zarella sat down with the family of one of the victims. >> reporter: 9 years old, he was just 9 when roscoe pugh iii saw his father gunned down during a home-invasion robbery. >> our lives would be totally different. i said that since i was 9 years old. since i was 9 years old, my life would have been different if i hadn't saw it. i saw it. >> reporter: now, he is reliving the nightmare. on september 27th, this man, joseph jenkins, serving life for the murder of roscoe's dad, was mistakenly released from a prison in franklin county in the florida panhandle. for roscoe's mom, it's impossible to comprehend. >> it seems like my whole world came down on me. i thought i would not have to see them ever again in life, because they had life sentence plus 100 years.
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>> reporter: if one convicted murderer set free by accident isn't enough, there's more. a week and a half after jenkins went free, so did charles walker, convicted of second-degree murder in a different case. get this. walker walked out of the same florida prison. how is that possible? forged documents ordered the releases, and on them, the forged signature of orange county judge belvin perry. >> so they even got letterhead. >> reporter: because he's a high-profile judge, perry says he sees how it's possible no one would question it and he's not entirely surprised. >> people. particularly people with criminal minds, come up with ingenious ways to beat the system. they have nothing but time on their hands. >> reporter: the florida department of law enforcement was only notified of the mistake a couple of days ago. corrections officials say they followed department policy and procedures. >> those inmates were released based on those court orders that
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we received. the orders were later determined to be fraudulent. >> reporter: it's a snafu that has residents of the area and the pugh family living in fear. >> and now knowing he's free on the streets, it's frightening. it's terrifying. >> reporter: so how did authorities find out? well, the family of one of the victims called the state attorney's office and said, hey, how come this guy is out of prison? the state attorney's office then called the florida department of law enforcement and the department of corrections to notify them. how the family found out, we don't know. john zarella, cnn, orlando. coming up on the next hour, the only legal guys are breaking down the intriguing questions of the week. we have a quick peek now on what's on the docket. good to see you, gentlemen. let's begin with the case in utah, dr. martin mcneil, accused
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of drugging and drowning his wife. they said he wanted to kill his wife so he could be with his mistress. avery, a tough one to take? tough to prove? >> well, it may be. it's a murder trial, fredricka, with a twist. you see, after they found mart mcneil's wife dead in the bathtub, fully clothed, coroner said cardiovascular disease, but the children protested, and came up with aekd report, cardiovascular disease and a multidrug cocktail. the question is, is that sufficient, reasonable doubt, for mcneil to beat the murder convicti conviction? we have that for you coming up. >> richard? >> shades of drew peterson once again, here the state doesn't like someone, they prosecute them when their own medical examiner does not say cause of death homicide. unbelievable. you can bet we're -- there will be fireworks when we discuss this one. >> all right. we look forward to hearing more from you, richard and avery.
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thank you very much. the programming note tonight at 9:00 eastern time, don lemon hosts "making the case," breaking down the top crime stories of the week, such as the case in florida, the manhunt with the two convicted prisoners who were released. this week will mark the 6th anniversary of the boston bombing. adrian haslet-davis is one of the people who survived the deadly attack. she lost her left leg below the knee but has vowed from the start she would downs again. adrienne agreed to film her recovery for "anderson cooper 360." here, she shows us some of what she's been going through. >> i am on my way to a prosthesisian appointment, still
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working on that word. and they're going to fit me for my leg. yea! so excited! oh, my gosh. hi. >> here's your foot. >> oh. >> look at the other size. >> this is like seeing my child walk for the first time again. it's pretty emotional, and it's pretty exciting. but she's a star. she's amazing. >> so stand up for me. did it hurt? >> no, she's standing on her own. >> so what do you feel? what i need you to differentiate -- are you okay? you're doing good, at your own speed. >> okay. okay.
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>> it feels really good just to stand up right now. i haven't stood up in a really long time. i almost forgot what it felt like. it reminds me of dancing, and i just so desperately want that again, and i'm so close. it feels really good. >> seven. eight. >> i think i'm further than i thought i'd be in six months. i remember just getting my prosthetic and thinking it would take forever, and then, also, in the same time, thinking, you know, i've got to do this. i had made a very strong point to not dwell on the people that did this. i'm a survivor, not a victim. victim gives them ownership on me. i'm not having that. that means somehow i belong to somebody or i'm suffering because of him, and i'm not suffering.
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they reached a deal on the shutdown, the s&p 500 hit an all-time high but the agreement kicks the can down the road a few months. it is part of a process that started a couple years ago as richard quest shows us. >> reporter: this latest series of can kicking, began in the summer of 2011, when congress raised the debt ceiling, the u.s. lost its aaa and a super committee was formed to sort out the budget problems. the can was kicked.
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in november of that year, the super committee failed to reach an agreement. threw the decision back to congress who not surprisingly kicked the can. fast forward, and the fiscal cliff crisis is upon us. congress still couldn't agree, sequestration came in, and as for the deficit and debt ceiling, down the road. and so we come to the budget crisis of the past few days where the u.s. came as close to default as it ever wants to. the debt ceiling was finally raised, the u.s. government was reopened, but of course it was only done by kicking the can into next year. so now there's another four
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months to try and reach a long lasting budget agreement. all involved would do well to remember an important economic fact. there comes a time when there's no longer any road to kick the can down. richard quest, cnn, new york. all right. coming up next, why julian assange is giving a thumb's down to a movie about his life and the founding of wikileaks.
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the movie "the fifth estate" hits theaters this weekend, but the wikileaks founder wants nothing to do with the movie, even called it toxic. >> man is least himself when he talks in his own person. put if you give him a mask, he will tell you the truth. >> reporter: hero or villain, the question many have asked about julian assange. holds is entering the debate with "the fifth estate." >> 12 million people have seen the video. still want to say it is a little website? >> we got along incredibly well, it was an abusive collaboration. he is so smart but so sensitive. >> reporter: the beautiful collaboration is with the director, bill conden, not the man he is playing. >> i tried to get in contact with julian and meet him, i got a firm rejection. >> reporter: firm, direct in
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writing, he e-mailed back calling the film negative, harmful and toxic. quote, by meeting with you i would validate this reched film and endorse the talented but debauched performance that the script will force you to give. >> he didn't want to condone it by meeting with me, he was nervous that it was damaging to him and his organization. >> reporter: in the e-mail with the film script is posted on wikileaks, he i am plors him to give up the role saying you will be used as a hired gun to assume the appearance of the truth in order to assassinate it. i believe you should reconsider your involvement in this enterprise. >> this is information the world needs to know. >> reporter: he tried to reason back. >> i want to represent your complexity, i don't want to color you nice or bad, i want to play something that's true to the full spectrum of how you're perceived. >> reporter: despite the star's efforts, assange, hold up at the embassy in london to avoid
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international arrest warrant remains unmoved, speaking to abc this week. >> i know he tried to emil ate some of the worst elements of the script, but unfortunately we limited success. >> reporter: as for the film's success, it hits theaters this weekend. critics have been unkind. jd cargill, cnn, los angeles. all more straight ahead and it starts now. hello again, i'm fredricka whitfield. here are the top stories we're following in the cnn newsroom this hour. who is this little girl? police in greece want to know, she doesn't look anything like the couple claiming to be her parents and they're now under arrest. florida prison officials call it a system failure, two murderers dupe the system,
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walking out the door and creating an intense manhunt. in new york, a different search but no less frantic. in a city of 8 million, the hunt is on for one 14-year-old boy, he has autism and hasn't been seen in two weeks. greek authorities are looking to help solve a mystery. this girl was spotted in a gypsy community outside athens. they were suspicious that the parents didn't seem to match up. dna testing revealed she is not related to either of them. police are trying to figure out who she really is. i spoke earlier with a spokesman for a greek charity that is caring for the little girl who talked about the confusion surrounding the case. >> we are only making
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assumptions, police authorities only make assumptions right now, and there's an investigation going on. so even, i mean, we make assumptions about her age. we think that she's four. we don't have anything about her origin, so we don't really know everything, so everything needs to be clarified. >> the couple claiming to be the girl's parents have been arrested, and they're charged with abduction of a minor. also this morning the parents and lawyer of a missing autistic teen are desperately asking for help to find him. he ran out of his school in new york october 4th, and hasn't been seen since. police and volunteers have pulled out all the stops to find him. alexandra field is live for us now in new york, you attended the press conference earlier. what are the parents saying and where is the search focusing on now? >> reporter: well, fredricka, these parents are in a profound amount of pain, you can see it
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in their eyes and they want this search to be happening everywhere. that's why they spoke at a press conference in harlem with reverend al sharpton. they're trying to recruit more volunteers to join in the effort to find avanity oh kennedy oh. she spoke about what the last 15 days have been without her missing 14-year-old son. >> it is just terrible, like a nightmare. i can't wake up from, every day waiting to see my son come home, playing that someone has found him. i don't wish this on anyone, any family, to experience this, and this should have never happened. if someone sees him, what do you want them to do, how should they handle it? >> i want them to call the authorities. i don't want them to call the next day, a couple hours later, saying i seen him, you see him,
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you know, just hold onto him, if you can, you know? follow him if you can, but make that call, make that call. >> reporter: his father also spoke this morning, he asked every single new yorker to join the search, he wants people to step outside five minutes, open their eyes, look around. this child's face is plastered everywhere. he was last seen october 4th when surveillance camera captured him walking down the hall of his school and running out the door. since then, hundreds of police officers and volunteers have canvassed the city, searched on boats, by air, on foot. the family wants yet more volunteers to join them now in again canvassing the city to try to find him. >> all right, alexandra field, thank you so much. onto florida now where two convicted killers simply walked away from a prison there, and they're still on the loose. today, officials are offering a
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$10,000 reward each for their arrest. charles walker and joseph jenkins have been free awhile now, using forged documents, although authorities only learned of their escape this week. nick valencia has more. >> there have been tips in regards to spottings. >> reporter: two convicted killers on the loose, three after they forged documents to get early release from prison. how did they dupe the system? that's a question no one seems to be able to answer and a mistake no one wants to own. >> so i am not here to point fingers at anyone. there will be plenty of that to go around eventually i am sure. >> reporter: in between the fingers her fingers is a letter from florida department of corrections about her son's killer, charles walker. it says his release was beyond their control. >> we are in shock. we are frightened. and we feel let down that the system did let us down as far as
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letting a murderer go free. i understand that the state attorney and judge had nothing to do with it. but somebody, i don't know if it was inside job, because i don't think charles did this. whoever did it helped them. i do believe that they had to have help. >> and this is somewhat ingenius. >> reporter: it was the fake signature of judge belvin perry that ordered the release of walker and jenkins, the high profile judge says he is not entirely surprised. >> people, particularly people with criminal minds, come up with ingenius ways to beat the system. they have nothing but time on their hands to think of things. >> reporter: the department of corrections which allowed the release said it was only
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following procedures and was, quote, not at fault. we don't have the statute or authority to question the court's decision, a spokeswoman said. this will be a lesson learned for all involved. the florida department of corrections has since made changes to the process of early releases. they tell cnn they will require verification from the sentencing judge before any other inmates are released early. >> nick valencia joining me live outside the franklin correctional institute. nick, what more can you tell us about where they're focusing this search? >> reporter: fred, we learned this isn't the first time a florida inmate has tried to use fraudulent documents to get out of prison early. in 2011, jeffrey forbes tried to use forged paperwork for early release, he was caught. that leaves a lot of people wondering after two years, why florida state officials weren't better prepared this time around. as far as this investigation is concerned, the manhunt is
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on-going, state officials here have reason to believe the two suspects are still in the state of florida. fred? >> nick valencia, thank you so much. the search for the two escapees in florida is one of the stories don lemon will be looking at in a cnn special called "making the case" tonight at 8:00 eastern. don and a group of legal analysts will breakdown the top crime stories of the week. later this hour, our legal guys take up the case of a utah doctor accused of drugging and drowning his wife. and next, if you try to log onto obama care this weekend, you're going to hit a roadblock. the health care website down. i was made to work. make my mark with pride. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars. ♪
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[ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everything works like never before. the new health care website, you have to wait. health and human services says the website is being taken down intentionally this weekend for maintenance. the website has been plagued with problems since october 1st. let's go to brian todd in the washington bureau who has been looking into the glitches. >> fredricka, we have been speaking to those on the receiving end of the applications, insurance companies, insurance industry sources say there are widespread problems with the applications coming in, and now they have to track back to solve them. signing up for obama care is now a problem not just for potential customers but for the insurance companies processing their applications. listen to joan button of the michigan insurer priority health.
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>> we talked to one gentleman who had not received the confirmation that he anticipated on the exchange website, so he hit submit a couple of times, and ended up, was concerned he had enrolled in multiple plans. >> reporter: another company says soon after enrollment started, one customer mistakenly applied three times for two plans. insurance industry sources say insurers are getting duplicates, missing information, data without a time stamp. we did speak to other insurers who said they had no problem with the data, got complete applications, for those that had problems. >> we're calling each member and just going over their enrollment information with them to make sure it is accurate. >> reporter: for response to those issues, we called and e-mailed cgi, the project contractor that got tens of millions from the government to design the system. we didn't hear back. the department of health and human services said as individual problems are raised by insurers, we work
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aggressively to address them. as for customers' problems, we first interviewed luke chunk who runs a database company a week into enrollment. he had been pulling his hair out with all of the glitches. now he says there are still too many screens on the website for those applying. >> previous screen gave me my name and e-mail address, then i have to come to this screen to provide user name and password. then the next screen i have to provide three secret answers to questions. >> and should it all be on one screen? >> it should be on one screen. why bother having three screens? >> how would you fix it? >> the way i would fix it would be two levels. first of all, i would have a change in management. technically i would try to get people through the system as quickly as possible, asking for as few pieces of personal information as possible to expedite the process. >> reporter: to be fair, chung has seen some improvements. on some pages they added
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questions to save people having to answer a question, save a screen, go to the next screen. and administration officials continue to say they're hammering away at glitches. >> thank you so much. brian todd in washington. hillary clinton is on the campaign trail today. is she already thinking about 2016? but first, we are shining a spotlight on the top ten cnn heroes of 2013. you can vote for the one that most inspires you at this week's honoree spent 13 years delivering babies before a back injury forced her to stop. now she's found a new way to bring babies and mothers safely through childbirth. she calls it the solar suitcase. >> there's a traditional african saying, when you become pregnant that you have one foot in the grave. there are so many women dying in childbirth in many communities, pregnancy is feared. >> in the last month recorded
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four women died from pregnancy complications. >> when i went to africa, i saw women one after another coming in with complications and didn't have adequate light to treat them. a lot of clinics don't have electricity. mid wives use kerosene lanterns, candles, use their cell phone to deliver babies. once i witnessed the things i saw, i had to do something about it. my name is dr. laura satchel. i am helping provide a simple solar lighting source so mothers and babies can be saved during childbirth. hospitals and clinics receive the solar suitcase for free. the charge controller is very important. solar suitcase provides medical quality lighting, charges cell phones, has a small battery charger for head lamps and for fetal doppler that we include.
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>> perfect, that's it! >> mothers are eager to come to the clinics, it shifted them around for the health care worker. >> this is going to bring good changes. >> thank you so much. >> i really want a world where women and their families get to celebrate birth and i would love to be part of making that happen. >> wow, that's simply amazing. lori is one of our honorees. you can help decide who will be cnn's hero of the year. go to, vote once a day every day for the most inspirational hero to you. new brakes help you stop faster and safer.
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all right, hillary clinton
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is dipping her toes back into the political pool. this afternoon she's expected to endorse terry mccauliffe for governor of virginia, it is her first public event since she left the state department as secretary of state. peter han beis there ahead of the event. they go back a long way, don't they? >> reporter: they do, fred. this is a relationship that goes back almost two decades. this isn't that surprising of an endorsement. hillary clinton and bill clinton had been raising money for terry mccauliffe, he was a top bundler for them in the white house, democratic national committee chairman and one of the clintons' best pals. they talk all the time on the phone. this is her first big public political event since leaving the state department, and this is sort of getting her back in the political game. she's mostly been giving a bunch of paid speeches, speaking at
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charities, award ceremonies. it is her first big political event and safe bet for her. terry is up by eight points against his republican opponent, attorney general ken cuccinelli. most expect that terry will probably win here, although the final result might be tighter than an eight point spread we see now. look, they're best friends, it is a good event, fairly safe. expect to see more of the clintons and bill clinton. >> it is not about herself, it is about terry mccauliffe. one has to wonder if she's taking the temperature of the political environment, whether in any way this is testing ground while she's thinking about 2016. >> reporter: of course. that's in the back of everyone's mind as this is happening. hillary clinton has said she is not even going to start thinking about maybe running for
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president until next year. no one in politics believes that, they're fundamentally political animals, think about this stuff all the time. like i mentioned, this is a good safe comfort zone for her. this event is called women for terry event, it dovetails with her 2008 campaign theme about breaking the glass ceiling for female candidates. she may drop a hint or two, but this is guaranteed to get her tons of media attention, and that's only a good thing for her with all of the buzz, fred. >> everybody knows she's clever and uses her words very wisely. peter hamby, thanks so much. we will check back with you a little later on. nba legend bill russell back in the news, this time for being arrested at a seattle airport. we're going to explain why next.
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serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. ask your health care provider about levemir® flexpen today. welcome back. i'm fredricka whitfield. here are five things crossing the cnn news desk right now. first up, a mystery in greece. authorities in athens are trying to figure out the identity of this four-year-old girl. she was found thursday in a roma or gypsy community as it is known in the custody of a couple who claimed to be her parents, but dna testing revealed she is not related to either of them, and police have no idea where she came from. the couple has been charged with abduction of a minor. we will have a live update at the top of the hour. and number two, new developments in the case of a georgia teen who was found dead
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at his high school gym. new surveillance footage indicates kendrick johnson was not alone in the gym the day he died and that other minors were there. johnson's suffocated body was found in january, rolled up in a gym mat. the georgia sheriff's office determined the death was accidental but his parents are challenging that. a u.s. attorney is now reviewing the case. number three. nearly 100 wildfires are scorching parts of australia, many of them burning out of control. at least one person died and hundreds of homes damaged or destroyed. investigators say some of the fires were caused by sparking power lines. and number four takes us to lax, los angeles police have now arrested a second person in connection with the dry ice bomb explosions that put airport security on high alert earlier in the week. both men work for a company that services airplanes, giving access to restricted areas. the small explosions didn't
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injure anyone. number five. nba hall of famer bill russell got arrested at seatac international airport. he was cited for having a gun in a prohibited area of the airport wednesday. the former boston celtics star has been released, but he could still face a fine of $7500. they seemed like they were living the american dream but now it is a nightmare. this former doctor on trial, accused of drugging and drowning his wife. find out what prosecutors brought into the courtroom to try to prove their case. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. remember, while your medication is doing you good,
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a courtroom thriller, a former doctor on trial right now in utah accused of drugging and drowning his wife so he could be
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with his mistress. yesterday, neighbors described what they saw and heard after michele macneill's lifeless body was found in the family's bathtub. jean casarez has the details. >> reporter: fred, prosecutors friday took the jury into the master bathroom of the macneill home. what they actually did was bring a tub and put it in the center of the courtroom and then neighbor after neighbor testified on how they saw an unresponsive michele macneill in that bathtub and what it was actually like to be right next to the frantic now defendant, dr. martin macneill. neighbor christie daniels described the moments after michele macneill was found unresponsive in the bathtub. she was summoned by their youngest daughter. >> i could hear martin yelling he needed help. i started running into the house, followed martin's voice. and when i came into the
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bathroom, i could tell that we needed to call 911. so i said i'll call 911. he said i already called 911. >> we have in front of us a bathtub. >> reporter: prosecutors brought in a bathtub similar to the one in the home so they could demonstrate how michele was found. daniel says she was face up, her head at the faucet, her feet inside the tub, with her husband draped over her head. she said there wasn't any water in the tub. another neighbor was in the bathroom, said martin didn't appear to be making any real effort to revive his wife. >> i don't remember him actually blowing into her mouth, i don't, and i did not see him put his mouth on her mouth. >> reporter: prosecutors say macneill forced his wife to have a face lift, supplying her with several different drugs, all so he could be with his mistress. macneill is charged with murder and obstruction of justice in the death of his wife. the defense says she died of natural causes. for months leading up to his
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wife's death, martin macneill was telling friends and neighbors that he had a life threatening disease and didn't have long to live. at the church of latter day saints where he was a sunday school teacher, he told the congregation. >> he had cancer and that he was preparing michele to take over the financials, and it was a very heart felt, tearful lesson. >> reporter: just days after michele died, daniels ran into martin macneill in their driveway. >> he told me that she died of some kind of heart problem, the doctor called, they had a conference call with the doctor, made sure the family knew it was nobody's fault, that it was all natural. and i asked him, well, yeah, i asked him, i said martin how you doing, i heard you only had six
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months to live. he said something to the effect of don't write me off yet. >> reporter: in fact, macneill was already introducing his mistress around town, saying she was the new nanny. >> at first it was very vague, then we learned she was the nanny, so we just had conversations both with jillian and martin how the kids were doing and what not, and eventually as everybody could tell the relationship was more than that, as to whether or not they were getting married. >> reporter: the next witnesses to take the stand, an officer from pleasant grove, utah police department, the fire chief, and also paramedics, all trying to save the life of michele macneill. fred, back to you. >> thank you so much, jean. some very dramatic testimony as you heard there. and that bathtub entered into the courtroom. let's bring in our legal guys, avery freedman, civil rights attorney and law professor from cleveland, good to see you, and richard herman, joining us from los angeles today, criminal defense attorney. good to see you.
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gentlemen, so much to talk about as it pertains to this case, which is shocking, disturbing, all of the above. richard, let's first talk about the fact that the couple's own children were the ones to push to have this case opened. and may testify at the trial. how damaging could that be potentially? >> look, fred, when a state brings first degree murder charges, highest charges they can bring against someone, they have to have their ducks in a row. it is very emotional when children are going to step up against a parent and make certain claims. you have to look at the objective findings and objective evidence here, and here what is clear is that this woman had high blood pressure, she had a cardiomyopathy, she was -- in 2007 they bring charges five years later, and not one medical examiner for the state of utah said her cause of death was done by whom side. that's critical, fred.
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i don't know how they're going to be able to prove first degree murder against the doctor when, number one, they don't have a homicide here, and number two, he has an alibi, he was in his office. number three, how are they going to prove he supplied her with drugs. she's a grown woman, she underwent the procedure and easily could have taken the drugs herself. there's a lot of open issues here, not a slam dunk case. >> i thought a daughter might testify to say, there have been some previous interviews with at least one daughter, who says that the mother especially immediately after that face surgery, that face lift surgery, that she was debilitated and that he, the husband, was allegedly actually putting the pills in her mouth and she got to a point where she was actually fielding the pills, she didn't know what her husband was giving her, there was that trust, but that ultimately may have caused her demise, according to one daughter that's been on television interviews
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and might testify to that. is that enough, is that critical enough, richard, quickly before i get avery's take? >> yeah, no, i don't think it is critical. i think there's a huge gap here, fred, and i think the fact they're going to bring in jail house rats who shared prison cells with him to say he told us he used bad words to reference her. >> they're not bringing in just jail house rats. >> that's who they're bringing in, that's the evidence, yes. >> here is the evidence. the evidence is that in many first degree murder cases it is circumstantial evidence. it doesn't matter whether a coroner concluded there was a homicide. it would help, but you have alexis macneill who is a medical student at the time and she actually maintained a journal of how the drugs were administered and that all of a sudden the journal is gone and also there's going to be evidence that the girlfriend of one of the other children actually was told by dr. macneill get rid of the medications, and on top of that,
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i think the smoking gun, the smoking gun is the girlfriend, gypsy willis. gypsy willis, this is out of hollywood. >> the alleged mistress or nanny. >> nanny. >> nanny. it was the girlfriend. he also claimed he was married to her. it is an awful, awful story. i think there's sufficient evidence to get that conviction and we have a long way to go. this is going to be a five week trial, by the way. so a long way to go. >> fred, when the prosecution stands up in the opening and says to the jury listen, he mislead police, he didn't even give them the right address when he made the 911 call, then the trial opens and they play the 911 call, and he did give the right address, that's a blow to the prosecution. and it starts there. >> all right. we have a few weeks to ponder over that case and dissect, it is riveting. expect that to go on another five weeks. don't go away, richard and avery, we have other cases,
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including that of a 12-year-old girl who kills herself and now we understand that two teenagers have been charged and it may be a case of bullying. was she bullied to death. and then there's yet another arrest involving one of the parents in an unrelated matter. all of that straight ahead with our legal guys next. dvair, i'm breathing better. so now i can help make this a great block party. ♪ [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition
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we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. october is national bullying awareness month and a lot of people are thinking about that right now because of an alleged
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bullying case in florida. police say it led to a 12-year-old girl's suicide. today could have been rebecca sedwick's 13th birthday. earlier this week, they arrested two classmates charging with felony aggravated stalking. and yesterday, the mother of one of the girls arrested in that case was also charged in an unrelated case. vivian vosburg faces neglect charges. the scenario may have been over a boy. chris cuomo talked to him and vivian vosburg and her husband before she was arrested yesterday. >> it shocked me, it made me mad, you know, because she should have just told somebody. >> reporter: rebecca sedwick's boyfriend also dated one of the girls arrested for bullying her
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to death. in fact, his relationship with sedwick may have been why the bullying started. >> just say something, that's all i got to say, do what you got to do, just say something. >> reporter: this is the girl that reportedly also dated borgen, a 14-year-old. she and kaitlin roman were arrested for aggravated stalking. when i interviewed the parents, they said they didn't know about the boy trouble or bullying. >> reporter: did your daughter tell you other kids were giving rebecca a hard time? >> there was this one time this one girl was bullying rebecca, but rebecca always came to her for comfort and, you know, my daughter was always there for her when rebecca needed her. >> they were friends at the beginning, then for whatever reason, you know, they stopped being friends. >> unfortunately there's an absolute total denial. >> reporter: sheriff grady judd
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says if he can hold the parents criminally responsible, he will. >> this bullying has gone on since last november. both in person at school and over the cyber world. there's a significant problem and it started at home. >> reporter: meanwhile, some lawmakers are pushing for a provision in an education bill that would deal specifically with bullying. >> the measure calls on schools to report incidents of bullying to parents and others so that we can try and prevent such conduct in the future. >> everyone agrees, so sad. our legal guys are back, avery freedman from cleveland, richard herman from los angeles. police arrested two suspects after the mother saw a message on one of the suspect's facebook page saying this, quote, yes, i know i bullied rebecca, and she killed herself, but i don't give a blank. is that what triggered or what may have triggered the arrest,
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avery? >> yeah, there's no doubt about it. by the way, there may be 15 others involved in this, but the evidence was so powerful between she and the 12-year-old, i understand what the police did, they effectuated the parents, and then they let their daughter remain on social media, and low and behold dig up evidence that the mother is engaged in other criminal conduct. i think this is a very serious case. forget the sticks and stones argument, this is cyberbullying, the evidence is overwhelming, and i think law enforcement means business. they're going after the kids and they're going after the parents. >> richard, you talk about the mother that we mentioned, vivian vosburg, in an unrelated case she's been charged with child abuse and neglect for allegedly beating a child that was caught on videotape.
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so how does that case potentially influence this suicide investigation that has already led to the charging of two teens? >> well, fred, the stepmother is charged because they have a video posted on facebook of her actually participating in the beating of one of the children, so that's why she's arrested, and does that impact the case? sure it does because one of the defenses is that i monitored my child's facebook account and i haven't seen any instances of bullying. well, now her credibility is shot. but fred, these are tragedies that are happening today. this young girl, she had a history. she tried to kill herself before, she slit her wrists before this. where do you draw the line? how far does the bullying have to go? we have first amendment issues here, is it really bullying? who knows the mental state of mind, emotional state of mind of an individual, if you tell someone they should go jump off a cliff and they do it, where do
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you hold the liability, how long, how pervasive. there are a lot of issues here, but let's face it, cyber bullying is real, due to the technology today, and the social websites out there, it is not like the old days where you spread a rumor. you push a button, it is all over the place now. >> i have re? >> there's no first amendment right to bully. >> freedom of speech. there's a tie in between the struggle that rebecca suffered before she committed suicide and it is specifically related to the bullying. this is a serious case that should be prosecuted and i see no constitutional right interfered with by these kids that were engaged in this. nothing under the constitution that this is the right thing to do. >> it is heart breaking on so many levels. >> it is. >> we have an update on another story we talked about a couple weeks ago, talking about the family feud surrounding radio legend casey kasem, by the way, great friend of yours, avery.
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casey kasem, 81 years old, suffering from parkinson's disease. his daughter has been trying to get temporary conservatorship. she says her father's wife, jean kasem, won't let her and her siblings see their father, much less make decisions about his medical care. the judge says there is no urgent need for him to get any kind of intervention in this case. jean kasem's attorney telling us, quote, the court's refusal to appoint a conservator validates the care being provided by his wife jean during this difficult period, end quote. the judge didn't dismiss the case, gentlemen, he appointed an independent doctor to review kasem's medical records and to report back to him. so avery, if i can ask you first, what are your thoughts about that? >> well, i think it's not forthright to say that it reflects the quality of care. it really doesn't. all the court did was simply
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deny emergency relief. and you know what, give credit to the judge. he is sticking to it, he doesn't care about the news coverage. he is going to send out an independent investigator and we're going to make sure that the king of countdowns is protected and he will be okay, at least i hope so. >> richard? >> initially, fred, casey's attorney is right, it does validate their position and how unconscionable it may seem that the wife is not allowing the children to see him, she has the right to do that, and if the report that comes back confir confirmsesqconfirms he is he is being taken care of properly, that's it. >> you can catch the legal guys every weekend, every saturday at this time to delve into their brilliant minds on the most intriguing cases of the day, the week, the month, you name it, they are the ones. thanks so much. avery and richard. and a programming note,
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there will be more on legal discussions tonight at 8:00 eastern. don lemon hosting "making the case." don and a group of legal analysts will breakdown the top crime stories of the week, such as the florida manhunt for the two escapees. we will have much more after this. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here. [ male announcer ] staying warm and dry
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big controversy about the picture on the cover of "elle" magazine, of melissa mccarthy. as stephanie elam reports, some are asking why is mccarthy so covered up. >> reporter: scene stealing humor like in "the heat" turned melissa mccarthy into a bona fide box office sensation. that star power lands her in exclusive company, one of six women honored with their own cover for the women in hollywood issue. all over social media, mccarthy's fans celebrate the glamorous cover photo.
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many are saying mccarthy is too covered. >> hopefully it is not a message that full figured women are not meant to be seen, which i am not taking it like that. i am happy melissa is on the cover and she looks fantastic. i would have liked to see a little more of her. >> reporter: you do see more of the other women featured on the other covers of "elle." emmy, a supermodel an activist says mccarthy is a role model. >> we love the package of who she is and what she brings as entertainment. to cover her up is a missed opportunity for celebration. >> reporter: "elle" magazine response to the criticism? on all shoots, stylists work with the stars to choose pieces they feel good in. this is no different. melissa loved this look and is gorgeous on our cover. mccarthy told omg insider she was thrilled to be featured. >> it was fun, it was amazing. >> reporter: she has yet to comment on the controversy
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specifically. last year when they got heat for making her face and head appear smaller, she laughed it off. >> everybody was like this is an outrage. i am like am i the only one thinks it is funny? it was clearly a goof up. >> reporter: to mccarthy, it is her body of work that matters most. stephanie alam, cnn, los angeles. coming up in a minute, we have a new look at an amazing space jump that you will remember. we will show you what it looked like from a helmet cam. [ male announcer ] pepcid® presents: the burns family bbq. guys, you took tums® a couple hours ago. why keep taking it if you know your heartburn keeps coming back? that's how it works. you take some tums®. if heartburn comes back, you take some more. that doesn't make any sense. it makes plenty of sense if you don't think about it! really, honey, why can't you just deal with it like everybody else? because i took a pepcid®. fine. debbie, you're my new favorite. [ male announcer ] break with tradition, take pepcid® complete. it works fast and lasts. get relief from your heartburn relief
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all right, one year after historic sky dive from the edge of space, you'll probably recall we are getting a brand new look from the jumper's point of view. red bull, which is the label of a beverage that sponsored the whole jump just released new video from cameras on felix bum gardner's body as he jumped from 24 miles above earth. take a look. oh, my gosh, if you're dizzy, you're not alone. he got caught in that spin but
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managed to straighten out. he broke the sound barrier. he described what it was like to anderson cooper last year. >> it was a very unique, outstanding moment because i have been working so hard for five years to reach that point, you know, and it was a beautiful view when you look out there, but at the same time you realize that everything around you is hostile, plus when i disconnect my oxygen hose from the ship system, i only get that from the bailout bottles, only have ten minutes, there's not a lot of time to waste. >> i heard if you got a tiny tear in the suit you could have died, been boiled alive. >> that's not true. if you have a hole the size of a dime, it will still do the job. >> what does it feel like to be traveling more than 800 miles per hour? do you feel like you're -- >> you feel like you're fast, you accelerate fast, you don't feel you're 838 miles per hour an hour at supersonic speed. all the


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