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tv   Your Money  CNN  October 20, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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but did they have help from someone on the inside? our legal analyst and former criminal defense joining me at 4:00 eastern time. "your money" starts right now. >> don't be fooled the koupt down continues. >> i want to thank the leadership for coming together. you have once again narrowly averted a disaster of your own making. yes, the debt ceiling was raised and the government reopened. >> this whole shut down was
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un-necessa un-necessary. >> everybody lost. >> the dow climbed 200 points but before you pop the champagne, remember, these dates, well now add two more of them to your calendar. january 15th, we face another government shut down. there is nop end in sight to washington's thinking while adding long-term problems. >> we have seen the bad, the worst. >> this isn't some dam game. >> i intend to speak in support of obama care until i am no longer able to stand. >> we are not going to shut down obama care. i assure you. >> the countdown continues. >> it is really something when progress is just doing your job. greg is the chief political strategist, john, this is no way
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to run the world's largest business. odds of a repeat in january? >> you don't think this is the way to run a business? c-span can be your video text book. have people watch and see. >> you have heard senator mccain. we won't do this again. the biggest motivation is the damage to the republican brand heading into those last dates you circled on the calendar. the budget committee people they are tastarting to talk. logic tells you they won't do it again. i haven't met logic for a long time. >> you predict a 40% chance. >> but it is higher than most. >> i think there is a descent chance. but everyone hates the sequester christine.
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the defense hocks hate it. liberals hate what it is doing to nih. because of this antip aathy we e going to get a deal. >> the shut down costs $24 billion. listen. >> was there temper tantrum worth $24 billion? i don't think so. the president has been pointed in his criticism for the republicans. we can't be blimmi iblaming if going to get a budget deal. >> but that is the problem. it is why we have a prospect of doing it again and having it come up to the deadline. you have the policy concerns.
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you put democrats and republicans in a room and you tell them this is the target. everybody knows the policy choice that is they have to go into a room and make. the problem is policy keeps getting trumped by politics. you heard the president's tone, yes, he is trying to get political gin here. some think it is possible that they can get the house back in 2014. do you have serious policy discussions or drive the midterm elections. they have their own political concerns. you have them saying we are going to target the republicans on this issue. there are profound policy issues that date back to the clinton administration. this week i talked to olympia snow who called them podium
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thumping beligerants. i said is ted cruz one of them? she said yes, he fits the bill. what do you think about that? >> you would like to think that the ambitions are from governors. i think they are the winners in all of this. p whether it is chris christie. i think they are the adults in the debate. let me point out one thing. despite the function and theater there are two great stories in washington for the markets. number one, the federal reserve is going to stay dovish. number two, the budget deficit is in free fall. we are going to get final numbers in a week. we will be down over 400 billion. it continues to fall and most people don't realize it. one of the reasons why you had stocks at record highs this week
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even though we know this coundown to crisis is not over. >> how do we get from gridlock to grand bargain we'll turn to the inspiration from tom cruise's iconic character. jerry mcguire. can the sports character, can that be the way to find the solution to washington's stalemate? 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. ♪ [ male announcer ] united is rolling out global, satellite-fed wi-fi to connect you even 35,000 feet over the ocean. ♪
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that's...wifi friendly. ♪ that's..♪ ♪i friendly. so you can have a getaway from what you know. so you can be surprised by what you don't. get two times the points on travel and dining at restaurants from chase sapphire preferred. so you can taste something that wakes up your soul. chase sapphire preferred so you can. make my mark i wawith pride.ork. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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debt ceiling, shut down, gridlock. already we have turned to political leaders as well as business ceo's. american's economy held hostage. we have brought you a crisis gaucne negotiator. still searching we turn to lee steinburg for the score. you want to shovel it, you turn to the man credited with aspiring tom cruise's character you are still my agent. >> we need a sports agent and attorney to fix this ne gaucgo n
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negotiation. show me the money sounds like democrats and republicans. if you are gauchetiating between a player and a stubborn owner. how do you get a deal that works for everyone. the critical key is to get to the person that looks at the person for the other side and see the world the way that they see it. it is the only way to craft a win win solution. instead of looking at each other's needs president obama stuck to their own agenda. when you take proud men and put them against a wall and push them into confrontation, there comes a point at which neither side will ever give in.
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>> you wrote a book in 1999 focusing on non confrontational gauchenating. >> i'm very disappointed with john boehner who would once again try to preserve his role at the expense of the country. >> this is a president that is not trying to do with the tools that he has got. >> what they need to do is project a future well before it comes. so the reality is that if i'm dealing with the general manager i might say let's assume that the players now had a camp, the public is angry and the owner is angry what positions would we
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take then and to take them before the actual confrontation ever occurs. and the whole concept of blaming each other there has to be again a paradigm of conversation it is going to come back over again. so no one negotiation loses sight of the long-term. and they are sitting in a little bubble in which their reality is completely screened off from the reality of people that actually out of work. >> and that is what really really hurt about this. it looked like a political fight and the american people lost in the end. nice to meet you, ni. >> you might know him as the
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owner of the dallas mavericks or on the snow "shark tanks". he dumped his share of a judge found that sale did not break any federal rules. coming up, the u.s. has avoided a debt default for now, but with the ratings downgraded. how much damage has been down to america's global credibility that is next. so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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it is time to turn to the best in the buzz though. maggie lake let's say for this
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for a moment. the government is open, there is no shut down and s&p ended the week and it record highs for the week. what could possibly go wrong. everything because nothing has changed. for the moment, we are hearing not much. you have the government hoped and you have the fed on the side lines. with washington still in dysfunction, most people think it is going to keep the people's foot on the gas. everything is talking about talks, he said that the u.s. is still the safest and most reliable place to invest. >> i want the u.s. and our businesses and the rest of the world to know that the full faith and credit to remain. >> the deal nearly extends the
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fuse on the u.s. debt bond. >> yes and no in the sense that it may have gone but it is not gone completely. where does the 600 pound gorilla sit as long as it wants to? as long as it has a vast funding requirement? what is lost is credibility? it has created frustration because as the can is being kicked down the road, and buns again the can gets kicked back again it is getting kicked backwards and forwards, everybody loses their pem ttemp they feel that it can't get it back together. if we have interest rates rise, the irony here, it will cost
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more to service the debts that we have. talking a warning of a downgrade. we had an actual downgrade in 2011, americans are they paying attention to downgrades anymore? the fact is that fitch didn't downgrade us, it would be a different discussion. everyone knew that we weren't going to default. if you look at it, fine equities did tank treasuries have valleyed rates and it has had no impact on the cost of borrowing. in terms of public perceptions, they took the most toxic mortgage backed securities. >> you are all trying to turn the tables away from where the
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discussion lies. and the discussion here is we are in a new game. it is a rising china, a europe that is getting it's act together. come on. >> look. no. europe managed to put in place the single super advisory matters and they are doing it very fast. impossible to push it and germans are going to pick up the bill. what i'm saying is, yes, you think they do matter. ratings agencies matter because the market says they matter. the market tells us they matter. ratings agencies are still used but for the basis of that funding decisions. figuring out a compromise for
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the debt ceiling. it is still stumping a lot of americans. >> do you think that the debt ceiling fan should be oscillating? >> do you think that republicans did the right thing to allow obama care to move forward? do you think that the ceiling fans need to be reapull sterred? >> what do you think the right thing to do? >> yeah, i guess so. >> of all of the see questters in our government who is your favorite are? >> bill clinton. check out jimmy kx iimmel live. >> up next, pop quiz which is the party business. republican ares or democrats. why the answer isn't always so
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economic attacks could be averted for now. damage to the economy and the republican party may have already been done. business itself is pushing back. the dysfunction washington and trade groups about the close relationship between business and the gop. >> pop quiz which is the party of business. republican are or democrats?
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>> it had been assumed that republicans were in bed together. now you see that they are not all that friendly. it has scramble d. a philosophy famously articulated by ronald reagan. government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem. >> corporations are people my friend. >> willingness by the right wing to threaten default and shut down the government is threatening the damage to shut down the alliance. they may not get their phone calls answered. those contributions have kept republicans flushed with cash. the $32 million spent went mostly to elect gop candidates.
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the majority also benefit republicans. so could democrats benefit from a split within the party. >> i think it would be a stretch to say that all of a sudden democrats will get along much bett better. it is still better representeded by republicans than by democrats. case in point obama care. >> the president's signature health care reform. now that is health care. on wall street they are not fan of the financial reforms. i did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat cat bankers on wall street. they have deep pockets. they could choose to back more moderate republicans. some trade groups have already said that is their plan. former republican sen tror
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olympia snow told me that business groups must speak up and contribute to those moderates. >> they have to be detached. it affects them and it is affecting the future of this country. so will business firmly take sides in the in term division? >> he is a former speech writer and he snknows a little somethi for the brand. david, let me start with you. >> should big business come to the rescue here? >> republican ares need big business help. was that the impending default was not so much a strike against wall street. the interest on the debt would
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have been paid in that event wallity. what would not have been paid would be the invoices. the u.s. government is the biggest purchaser of goods and services on planet earth. those are the people who would have been stiffed. businesses big and small that are federal contractors. those are businesses who want to say we want to run the government not close the government. >> we hear privately people saying that they are going to be more aggressive in primary's to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again, david. >> well, the tea party candidates in 2010 and 2012, the bad candidates probably cost five or six senate seats. and that is the difference between the republican majority in the senate and the republican
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minority today. we could have had mike castle run the government. >> will, i want to show you some polls here. the wririft within the republic party growing. in four months, the views of the tea party have dropped 19 points. they support the party's principles. so is this more a disagreement over tactics than goals? >> 100% disagreement over tactics. we need to rep the markets as a whole that is the goal. and the difference on the tea party versus brand we are looking at short-termism. they want everything to go well right now. but in the long run obama care
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and government spending have a depressing effect. you have to look at long-term implications. i will tell you that those bids le business leaders are looking long-term and how that is not good for the american economy. they are looking long-term. $24 billion is how much the 16 day shut down took out of the economy. we could be back here in three months. how bad is this for everyone? >> i don't know how everyone comes up with quantifying it. i will use the term default. it is protecting under the 5th amendment. if you don't pay the grosser you go bust as if you don't may the mortgage. the risk of that used to be
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zero. the risk of that is not zero. what that costs, i don't know. going to a universe of the united states as a riskless commitment that is an ep kal change and it happened in 2011 and it is happening now. it is disturbing and any business owner will be going over it for the long-term. >> we will be hashing it out over three of those calendar dates. >> with all of the naus flaws i american political system, it is still the best political systemen the world but we improved. >> up next what that one thing is and how it could end the dysfunction in washington. we c. at advancing safety with technology,
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another deadline narrowly avoided by a deal. the idea solve all of our major fiscal issues all at once. reform entitlements like medicare and social security. improve and update the tax code. and shrink the deficit. it may be essential to break the gridlock in washington. lock them up. lawmakers only. no aids, no press no food. in one location maybe the white
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house resorts to the woods. they can use the other plans as their guide or we should adopt a system used in israel. in our case if you don't get a budget by december 31st, a budget goes in 112th of last year's under bet. if you still don't get a budget six months later. we go to elections. you know what piers, we always get a budget. >> there you go. throw them out if they don't get a budget. that will get lawmakers talking for sure. finally, solution number three your idea what is your idea? maybe the answer cups from tcou the people. i want you to post on my
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facebook page washington needs some fresh thinking. we invited ryan a washington correspondent for the new yorker. well i like the it risraeli soln but in our system the opposition in our system oh poses. we need a political reform commission we need a commission that looks at all of the processes that comes up with solutions that are practical and stuff that doesn't require a constitution al amendment. on my list would be five things. return more money in politics. allow john boehner to buy votes. they got rid of ear marks and pork. that takes away leadership in the house to grow the vote.
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the parties need to have more money and when they don't have in frunsefluenced elections if could raise the contributions you would empower the parties more. >> we have been complaining about this for so long and then you get business as not use wall and then we are complaining about the up starts. let me give you another solution there is an idea disruptive innovation clayton christian son a pros scess by which at the bom of a market and moves up market eventually displaces
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competitors. disrupt. get rid of the status quo. you want them to get a solution. on the other hand i think tea party supporters think they are creating better change. that is right. that is the most disruptive influence since 2010. the core ideology of the tea party is no compromise. our system is promised on compromise. nothing gets done because we have a separation of powers. they are co eveniqual branchs o government. if you have a party, you can't get anything done. >> so let me bring this to you. i'm going to get screami ining raging e-mail and twitter how is
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he going to go into the next round of ne dpoegs gotiations as he going to be able to lead better than the last time? there have been two times that we have been talking about p the downgrade of the u.s. president. how does the leadership change? >> this is the 9th commission that is trying to get the bargain. his problem obama's problem is that he and the white house just don't seem to understand congress as well as previous presidents do and don't do as much reaching out. the silver lining is that maybe out of this last chaotic situation. he has more credibility with the
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radicals and canc, sell them ona deal and look, i hate to say this, but -- >> then don't say it. leave me with the silver lining and don't say anything else. cut his mike. calling for more money in politics and leave me with that. >> ryan. from the new yorker nice to see you again. all right al gore did try to buy twitter. he told bloomberg tv that he and joel hyatt went after the social network. pretty soon you will be able to buy a piece of the company. it is money time. >> a hidden cost low wages and you pay. new study finds 52% of fast food
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families get government aid. twitter is heading to the north stock exchange. the stock's november debut drawing a lot of attention. following last year's botched facebook ipo. apple hiring first people executive. she will join nine men in apple's executive suite. netflix reportedly in talks with comcast and others to make it available on cable boxes. quid pro panda, do china afavor and you could be rewarded with a bear. beijing has 50 pandas on loan around the world. cong congratulations to economist robert shiller. he won a price this week for predicting the bubble.
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at any minute... the fiber one could be a victim of fraud. most people don't even know it. fraud could mean lower credit scores, higher loan rates... ...and maybe not getting the car you want. it's a problem waiting to happen.
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check your credit score, check your credit report, at america's number one provider of online credit reports and scores. don't take chances. go to congratulations congress, you did your job. you funded the government and allowed the government to pay it's bills. $24 billion gone. for that price we could fund the national school lunch program for two and a half years. we could pay for more than half of all 2013 pell grants or make much needed investments in the country's airports. alison now joins me with more. the dpomt government is up and
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running. delaying mortgage refinancing. we met up with a connecticut mother whose rifi was shut down. i feel like i gave my checkbook to toddlers. mary brady is feeling trapped. her refinance is yet another victim to the should down. my problem may seem like a small thing. but to me it is affecting a lot of other things. the nurse and divorced mother of two was scheduled to close on her refinancing that would save her almost $600 a month according to her mortgage banker. credit history, job stability you couldn't ask for a better
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loan. furloughs at the tax agency meant this was no one there to do so. >> the form was sent in. money she planned to use to fund her masters degree and home improvements. with this kind of up in the air, i might have to put this on hold. i do everything i'm supposed to do and i pay my taxes and i'm trying to do an improvement myself to have them say you can't do that. even with the shut down lifted the irs is facing a shout
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the deal >> is a temp rir reprieve from crisis. the effects were felt far from u.s. shores in some of the most sacred places. two dozen military cemeteries closed. but grounds keepers in france kept mowing the lawn, even though they were technically off the clock. jim bitterman has the story. >> we take care of pride in our headstones. and in the grounds. we want to do the minimum here. these people sacrifice their lives for our country. the least we can do is take care of them. >> the normal time is the cemeteries which are operated by the u.s. battle monuments and
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stretch from nor nor man day to the philippines attract tens of thousands each year. but in recent days, if they didn't see the brief notice on the commission's web site or hear about the shutdown ahead of time, they were in for a disappointment. at the big military cemetery, emotions over the past two weeks have run high. >> we traveled all the way here to see this cemetery. and we get this. i am never voting for republicans again. >> and it ee's not just america who have been put out by the closings. >> this is a problem by the different parties, why should it affect a cemetery? >> drove his ailing father here to visit the d-day beaches and cemetery, one of his last wishes
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which now thinks may not be fulfilled. >> if there's time, there might be a possibility. but i doubt it. >> the shutdown felt around the world has already taken not only an economic toll, but an emotional one far outside america's borders. jim bitterman, cnn, france. >> thamgfully, that cemetery is now open. but it is little consolation to those shut out by the shameful shutdown in washington. up next, three-year-old malachai rhodes got a lesson in state government. next. so you can get out of your element. so you can explore a new frontier and a different discipline. get two times the points on travel and dining at restaurants from chase sapphire preferred.
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the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ chrs and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪
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helping you map a clear course from the job you want, back to you. go to and get started today. short term thinking, long term problems in washington. families everywhere suffer. here's an example. president obama has made it a goal to expand early childhood education. but me and secretary arnie duncan are playing defense. man anning through cuts. the forced budget cuts known as sequester shut out 57,000 children this fall from head start and day carerograms. this is malachai rhodes. he has autism. he's been getting regular speech therapy from this head start
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program in bridgeport, connecticut. he is lucky he did not lose his spot there because of the sequester. but then when the government shutdown, his school shut down, too. but thanks to a private donation, he got back to class much sooner than our elected officials were able toeach a deal. politics think short term. they think about the next new cycle. they think about the next election. early childhood investment is the best election we could make and also the ultimate long term election. >> so few people in washington are focused on the long term. and that sort of thinking prevents some parents, like melanie, a single mom, from preventing long term in her own life. she has a message for congress. >> you need to work together. start, you know, fighting amongst eep other. think about us. think about the sipgle parents.
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think about the ones that need daycare to take care of our children. >> we couldn't agree more and hope everyone keeps that in mind as these new deadlines loom. similar distaste from a republican this week, former senator olympia snow retired because the atmosphere is so toxic. she told me this new class of podium thumping belligerents is hurting the country. cheryl sandburg, facebook's chief operating officer. i wanted to leave you with this exchange. >> please raise your hand if you were called bossy as a child? keep your hand up if your brother was called bossy. please raise your hand if you're told you're too aggressive at work. please raise your hand if your male


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