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tv   Washington Journal On the Phone with William Booth  CSPAN  July 13, 2018 8:36am-8:42am EDT

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>> brett kavanaugh of the united states court of appeals for the district of columbia is president trump's nominee for the supreme court. follow the confirmation process on c-span as judge kavanaugh meets with key senators on capitol hill followed by a senate confirmation hearings in the vote. watch live on c-span, anytime on, , or listen with the free c-span radio app. >> will a bilateral meeting taking place in thewa united kingdom. a place known as chequers, equivalency you can applyer it o the united states as can't david for the british prime minister theresa may. a back-and-forth between president trump and thesa britih prime minister over many issues. this the light of integrated with the sun and joining us to give usth more perspective on that, working both of the "washington post." he is the london bureau chief. morning. >> e guest: good morning. >> could you first of all quickly encapsulate again the sent into gear and particularly what kind of impression or least
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some reactions of british prime minister or any of her staff? >> yes. the sun interview was asked under 410 downing street. we were told by white house officials that they were alertet to its presence. they thought is going to run this morning and he thought it would be sort of a more general interview and not as negative as the version that appeared last night at about 11 p.m. the reaction against, the reaction to the scientific it was pretty wild in the uk. ministers in theresa may stone party, the conservatives, the tories, some of them spoke out against it calling it rude, calling no way foror guests to behave, , a blindside, and ambu. but there was support for trump's remarks from some of the more hardline pro-brexit,,
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brexiteers. they said trump had the right to say what he said and, in fact, it's better tomp know now than later, that the president is nw dubious about making a fantastic trade deal with the uk after britain breaks out of the european union next year. >> host:t that article overshadowing this bilateral meeting with the president and athe british primers what was e nature discussions supposed to be? how couldld that interview shape those discussions? >> guest: what theresa may really wanted from this compound just sort of surviving the trump visit was that she wanted to convince the president that england, that britain would be ready for business and it really wanted a trade deal with the united states. it's too soon for that trade deal to be hammered out. they really can't even get into talks until after britain leaves the eu. but you wanted assurances, look
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assurances from trump that he was both behind her and her government, and the idea that yes, when you are away from the european union, when the divorce papers are signed, our romance can begin, right? that desperately because the here in london. both by her own party and others. so she is trying to survive as prime minister. that's not an exaggeration and she really needed trump to signal that yes, we will play ball. he didn't even exit anything specific but we will talk. that sounds good. were looking forward to it. but he didn't know she didn't get that in the event. >> host: we saw much more formal interview, activities yesterday with the primacy and
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the present first lady. scope out the rest of the trip included his meeting with the queen. >> guest:: him so the president is traveling around by helicopter picky landed out at chequers which as you in the intro, why correctly sort of theresa may or the prime ministers camp david country side estate. will them, shortly for joint prs conference. from chequers trump and the first lady will fly the helicopter to windsor castle not too far distance from chequers, and they will have an hour with queenl elizabeth ii and a nice cup of tea and probably if they behave themselves, maybe a school or a nice biscuit. >> host: when it comes to the strip, talk about the protests. we've seen some of the blimp that's in the figure of trump that was seen out in the papers.
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how close what his protesters and we get to the president or any of the team with him? >> guest: miles away. i mean, and the protests that began this morning with the launch of the same us, infamous little blimp is at parliament square right in front of the westminster palace can westminster abby. abbey. trump was nowhere near that place. that was that central london. he was out at chequers. and then the main protest kicked off at 2 p.m.. london time toda. they are expecting tens of thousands of demonstrators. last night the people outside of the official residence of the swiss ambassador to the uk. people were banging pots and pans and blowing horns. massive presence, and i'm sure trump probably slept well through the night. but he was greeted also at protest of the policy visited last night where he had the
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dinner with theresa may. the what people lining the roads and he might've gotten a look at them colonelel william booth wih the london bureau chief for the "washington post" talked about the president's visit in the united kingdom with the british prime minister and others. you for your time trying to anytime. happy to do it. well. >> earlier today british prime minister theresa may welcomed president trump on his first official visit to the uk. the two leaders met at the prime ministers country residence chequers which is located 40 miles northwest of central london. they also pose for official photographs and the comments before their meeting. [background sounds] [background sounds]


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