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tv   Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Milley Defense Secretary Esper Hold Pentagon...  CSPAN  October 28, 2019 6:56pm-7:15pm EDT

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communicators, when it comes to facebook, we recently find the company, headed to come up with $5 billion awareness of mexico. >> update your second question first the u.s. taj treasury and in terms of the monetary, obviously the monetary is only one aspect of the relief that we obtain from facebook yes $5 billion penalty but also brought injunctive relief that constrains the way in which facebook can handle consumer data moving forward. after interviewer tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. on the communicators. i cspan2. now the secretary and more and joy chief of staff and more millie, reveal new details that ended with the death of the isis
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leader bobby. whose is just over 15 minutes. >> good afternoon everyone is president trump announced yesterday, united states jointed a successful raid on saturday night, resulting in the death of abu, the founder and leader of isis. whose operation was the combination of a multiyear interagency effort to find him, then capture or kill him. backdating and the folks who follow him are responsible for some of the most brutal atrocities of our time. his death marks a devastating blow to the remnants of isis. they're now deprived of their leader. following the destruction of the physical fate earlier this year.
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i want to thank our brave servicemembers who took part in the steering rate along with our interagency his partners who supported the mission. there is no guarantee of success and operation of whose difficulty. president trump knew whose when he may the bold decision to make the raid and confident in the expertise of our forces. our servicemembers conducted themselves with incredible skill and professionalism. they executed the rape and all of its facets, brilliantly. but a single united states service member, with skill in whose high-risk operation. despite making ace death, the security situation in syria, reminds complex. multiple state and nonstate actors continue to buy it for control and territory resources within the country. is we learn from our recent history in the middle east, it is very easy to get drone into continued conflict if our objectives are not clear. acting is a police horse out to solve every dispute has brought our mission. our mission in syria today,
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remains the same is it was when we first began operations in 2014. to enable the enduring defeat of isis. our mysteries positioning of forces within the country, is intended in the top continue whose mission and to give the president options. while returning the balance back onto the united states for those who remain will continue to execute catechism operations while staying in close [applause] with the forces alongside us who fought there. additionally, united states will retain oil fields in northeast area. at the height of the rain, the soil feels provided isis used to fund his terror. u.s. troops will remain to deny isis to those vital resources. we will respond with overwhelming military horse against any group that threatens the safety of our forces there. oilfields also provide a critical source of funding to the spf. which enables the ability to
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secure isis present camps and conduct. nato defense, and i spoke with our allies about the situation in syria. i reiterated our committed to the defeat of isis. . . .. >> upon the american people go
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saturday's operation is just one example of the incredible determination and great skill of the united states military. will now asked the general to provide additional details on the operation. thank you. >> as secretary esper stated the operations forces under command and control of united states central command general mackenzie had a counterterrorism operation resulting of the leader of isis, aku bakr al-baghdadi. intelligence for numerous organizations from department
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of defense and interagency identify the target location for miles from the turkish border in modesto the province of syria. but to reduce the risk to us forces and prevent miscalculation and escalation, and action consistent with operations in the past, we coordinated with proper military in the region to establish deacon flexion mechanisms. us forces were infiltrated by helicopter and once on the objective to go after the compound the threats were quickly eliminated. the forces isolated the compound to isolate the noncombatants forces discovered aku bakr al-baghdadi hiding out on top and then he detonated a suicide vest. 's remains were transported to a secure facility has confirmed identity with forensic dna testing the disposal of his remains have spent done it is complete and has been handed appropriately. this is a complex operation in the testament to the professionalism of the men and
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women of joint forces of their courage and bravery they put themselves in harm's way time and time again to protect our country we will now answer questions. >> you mentioned the oilfields. has the deployment of reinforcement begun quicksand can you explain quick. >> we have begun to deploy a additional assets. that is mechanized forces. that will continue until we have sufficient capability and those other actors are denied access to the oil spill. >> have you had any indications of challenges quick. >> not at this time. >> do you have video of aku bakr al-baghdadi final moments
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you partnering with the kurds on the ground? can you explain how difficult this operation would have been if you did not have troops on the ground in syria? >> when you have video and photos they are going to the declassification process. what you will see is we will set up some briefings by central command and you will be provided some photos and video. >> would it be difficult to carry out without troops on the ground quick. >> from our standpoint we can strike any target at anywhere. >> we have incredible reach we can strike anybody anytime anywhere. that harris should be aware of that and now have seen that after multiple times with regard to your question we stayed in continuous contact with them.
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>> what was used to destroy the compound? that you have video from inside the tunnel? do you have something else. >> the name of the canine pleas please. [laughter] >> there are multiple types of items used including hellfire and small arms fire. used a variety of munitions and the bombs were used at the tail end from the various videos for the second question about the video what we do have known at this time i have seen a lot and i will wait till things are declassified
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in the coming days. we are not releasing the name of the dog right now. he is still in theater. he is a military working dog who performed a tremendous service as they all do. he has been one wounded and he will return to duty so we will not release just yet we are protecting the dogs identity. >> t nines aku bakr al-baghdadi remains were disposed within the terms of armed conflict. >> with those procedures how much material did you take away quick. >> and don't want to characterize what or how much but as a matter of course, we
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do expect to do that. with his headquarters is an area in which he was staying conducting business. >> whose custody are they in quick. >> they are in our custody in a secure facility. there were two adult males and they are in our custody. >> thank you for your time today. the president alluded to materials being collected from the site itself. can you in any way elaborate on what has been collected or is being booked quick. >> that information needs to be explored properly for any follow-up missions.
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>> and we will continue the mission to and isis in the region. >> we have seen reporting there were the location took place quick. >> is somewhere in the region. >> going back to the question of the oil field and the military's role in the mission. so you will protect them from potential adversaries is it a possibility to be prepared to deny access to the oilfields to syrian forces?
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is that the mission denies them access? and in my follow-up is then how do you know if you are done with the oilfields? >> so that question in the way is the military question so i will send that over to the secretary specifically for that but another task we have been given is to secure continually down along the tri- part area and to secure the conoco oilfields. that is in the vicinity of the euphrates river valley and the purpose to secure those is to deny access to isis in order to prevent isis from
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resurgence because we have committed to the counter isis campaign. >> as i consistent with what you want to do in the oilfields? are they denying access to prevent russian or syrian force forces. >> the short answer is yes. in that case because we do have access to resources in order for the prisons for their own troops and assist us with the isis mission. that is our mission. >> general milley president trump said yesterday he was begging and crying before he died can you elaborate quick. >> the secretary was asked the same question. i know the president had
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planned i assume that was topped directly to the unit but i don't know. >> i have not talked to unit members i've talked to commanders and centcom the commander said there was one part of the raid talking about the intelligence provided can you confirm those details? also with the oil field can you talk about after these last couple weeks protecting the oil field will though will there be more troops in syria than befor before? >> as i said we are positioned
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and are given the earlier directive to retain forces. at the end of the day we will be sending troops home. but in the meantime we will reinforce and make some other moves to make sure we can accomplish that mission to secure the oilfields and deny access to isis. at the end of the day my expectation is it will be futile and they will be going home. >> first question was. >> yes. us only operation for personnel on the objective. i know what you are referring to there was a comment in the media that soldiers are troops or someone on the objective i will not comment on what may or may not have happened but
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with those actions on the objective. it was a us only operation. [inaudible conversations]
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>> when it comes to facebook at&t find a company how did you come up with $5 billion and where does the money go quick. >> it goes to the us treasury. in terms of the many obviously the monetary finding is only one aspect of the relief we had from facebook as a penalty also injunctive relief to constrain the way in which they handle consumer data going forward.


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