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tv   Alabama Gov. Delivers State of the State Address  CSPAN  February 27, 2024 10:43pm-11:19pm EST

10:43 pm one stately senate judiciary committee holds a hearing on the recent spike in deaths and federal prisons mostly by suicide, abuse, or accident testimony from federal bureau of prisons director colette peters justice department inspector general michael horowitz. live coverage of the 10:00 a.m. eastern it's easy and free on the c-span now video app or online at ♪ c-span issue unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more including comcast. >> are you thinking this is just a community center? it is way more than that. comcast is part of the 1000 community centers ticket wi-fi enabled so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. comcast support c-span as a public service along wit these other television providers.
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giving you a front receipt to democracy. >> the first republican woman to service alabama's governor. she has held the position since 2017 up next to her state of the state address from earlier this month of the capitol building in montgomery she highlighted efforts to increase bold choices and stays over the alabama supreme court ruled embryos create through in vitro fertilization should be considered children which sparked. [applause] [applause] [applause]
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>> thank you so much. please be seated. lieutenant governor, president pro tem reed, speaker, speaker pro tem pringle, members of alabama legislature, justices of alabama supreme court, distinguished guests and my fellow alabamians. [applause] it is an honor to address you all as we begin what will be a consequential legislative session. in just one month will mark -- on march the fifth we will head to the polls to vote at
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alabama's a primary which is significant this year as we are now one of the earliest states in the nation and included among those with super tuesday. all the more reason to get out and proudly cast your vote. any chance i get i remind young people that voting is a single most important civic duty that we have. from delivering this message each year to speaking with her fourth grade learners about the alabama history. i am always proud to share with our students having the right to vote should never be taken for granted. when talking to a group of seventh graders in preparing for their school elections, i'd told them if you don't vote, you
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can't. the same is true for us adults. as alabamians one thing i am really most proud of is that after the polls closed, no matter who we voted for we all still treat each other with respect. whether it's selecting your class president or the president of the united states. and even though we may vote differently we all agree of protecting the integrity of our elections in alabama. that is why am proud to support legislation that prohibits ballot harvesting in our state. we would put a stop to any manipulation of our elections by closing loopholes that allow unaccountable paid political operatives to pressure throat folks to the absentee process.
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this year to outlaw ballot harvesting that also protects folks who truly need assistance in having the voices heard. what word about picking their favorite candidates for thete balance. i am grateful secretary alan is focused on making sure alabama selections will always be free in fair. [applause] >> thank you. this year when alabamians make their way to the ballot box, i hope they will be voting on another issue, gaming. i believe the current proposal being contemplated by the legislature is good for alabama.
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i will be carefully watching you move through the process. it will crackdown on illegal gambling. it will responsibly regulates limited forms of legal gaming including a statewide lottery. thank you speaker and his leadership team for their hard work on this. [applause] now is the time for alabama voters to have another say on this issue. in more ways than one, we can contrast what we're doing here in alabama with that of washington d.c. or even other o states. i am confident that because of our work together republicans and democrats alike come alabama
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can be the model of the nations. we all recognize the responsibility in the role of state governments. that means standing up for alabama values with areas of education, economic development, workforce, infrastructure, and public safety. and we will always, always make sure our government is working for our fellows alabamians. i believe because of these efforts and because we are on solid financial footing, alabama is in the most competitive position we have ever been and inour state'se history. ladies and gentlemen, the state of our state is strong. [applause]
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and together we are prepared for the alabama of tomorrow. [applause] fostering safe communities is a paramount responsibility on any level. and it begins with protecting the future of our states, our children. that is why i'm calling on the legislature to once again invested in school safety through 100 million-dollar grant program we must continue investing in mental health for our students. unfortunately children across our country including right here in alabama have been victims of human trafficking. we must continue educating the public onth this. we must take action against it where we can.
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for a mandate, the movie sound of freedom was a wake-up call. thedo proposed freedom act won't mandate life in prison for those who traffic minors. and i am proud to put my support behind this important legislature. [applause] [applause] this ever evolving world ensure insurernew technology of safe ad effective is an important public safety measure. today that new technology is artificial intelligence. maybe better known as ai. and look i am not going to stand here and preach like i know blooming thing about ai. [laughter]
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however, i do know that new technologies can have benefits. but if not used responsibly they can be dangerous. we are going to ensure that ai is used properly. this week i will sign the executive order to establish a task force to better understand artificial intelligence. and to prepare the state to safely and effectively use this emerging technology going forward. the alabama department of corrections certainly remains a key focus of our states public safety. and i will be frank, running a correction system is a hard job. i know everyone here has an opinion on how they can do it better. there is noon one more capable o lead that effort here in alabama then commissioner john.
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[applause] prisons around the country and on every level of federal, state, and local are experiencing challenges. but we remain committed to doing everything in our power to make improvements where we can in our state system. we are moving forward and our ir mission to build two new facilities. at the same time we are working to stop contraband coming into existing facilities and we are doubling down on our staff recruitment efforts in seeing a record graduating classes because of it. alabama proudly backs the blue including our correction officers we steadfastly support our military. [applause]
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i am thrilled to have recently tapped david pritchett to serve asd a new general for that national guard. already in his short time on the job, alabama national guard is stepped up in times of need firm carrying the torch on important missions like the f35 to eight inc. portions of the state impacted. he also continues to support the hundreds of alabama soldiers deployed at the southernol bordr to protect our country against illegal immigration. pwe are proud of these men and women and we thank them for their service. [applause] is supported active military men and women we also care deeply
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for our veterans who have served. last november i had the opportunity to visit dovetail landing in lincoln. their vision is to create a place to support veterans. especially those struggling with a challenging transition back to civilian life. it could be emotional support or by helping these folks develop a new skill set to enter the workforce. i wasmp impressed and moved. this evening i am calling on you to advance in the instruction of this new endeavor. oh veterans carried us and now it's time we help carry them. [applause] alabama is a pro life states.
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i am more committed than ever to protect the sanctity of life. as i have set on this occasion last year our work is not done. this evening i am proud to declare alabama a culture of life. we must refocus our efforts to do more support life after birth. last year the alabama department of human resources had great success in foster care adoptions accompanied by relentless focus on enhancing childcare quality. i am proud to double down on these efforts. to foster a better culture of life. we must also do more to support alabama families. an early onset of medical care is a necessary for both mothers
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and children. while we are making significant strides we are still facing challenges especially in rural alabama. that is why i am proud to support a pilot program that will start hosting checkups for pregnant women and nine county health department in the areasea of need. folks, there is nothing more important than her alabama families. we must come together to find common ground on amending the me ways to support them. the success of any state hinges in large member upon the ease and speed of the transportation of commerce. alabama's roads, bridges, ports have always played a major role in driving a growing economy.
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just as our roads and verticals are critical to our success, our digital highways and broadband connectivity are equally vital. ensuring our entire state has the ability to connect to high-speed internet is the most significant thing we can do to support a modern economy. just yesterday i was in wilcox county to announce 21 plans across the state totaling $188 million. we are talking 4600 miles of infrastructure. in total, alabama investment and broadband expansion will be a whopping 2 billion dollars. i am really excited about this and there is even more to come. [applause]
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[applause] i believe we have the best broadband deployment in the country and over the next three years every out will see the difference we will be more competitive for as we work to connect alabama. our state has experienced tremendous success and economic development. i am confident we will be able to build on those efforts with the new commerce secretary. i am proud to report to you all during my tenure as governor alabama has seen investments is 48 billion with a beat dollars has created 86000 new jobs.
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[applause] and as i like to say we are just getting started. secretary mcnair and her team are developing a brand-new strategic plan, one that will meet our goals for economic strategies through the 2030s today. if alabamians in alabama businesses achieve we must s make sure our development match what we are doing to recruit and retain business in industries. last july i wrote an op-ed to eliminate help wanted signs we must shift our focus to labor force participation the administration remains committed to doing that.
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[applause] >> in 2015, major reforms within the state workforce in the government sector, i'm committed to take these reforms a step further so we can remain laser focus to ensure government works better for alabamans. there are two customers, job seekers and employers. while unemployment rate remains historically low our labor force heparticipation rate stands only at 57.2%, one of the lowest in the nation. our state will not reach its full potential with nearly half of its population sitting on the
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sidelines. alabama can do better and it will take making alabama's workforce programs for effective and efficient. the mission of workforce development must be to recruit, train, employ and retain alabamans into high-demand jobs. we need more people to fill just about every kind of healthcare job out doctors, nurses, techs, you name it. last year i introduced the idea that alabama school of healthcare sciences. we used our successful school cyber technology in engineering as well as other specialty schools ashe the blueprint. this school would directly expos young men and women from around
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alabama and particularly rural students. maybe they want to gobe to colle and become a nurse or even attend medical or dental school. we want to give an opportunity in state of the art school to attend. only last year we had finalized the plans i am proposing we locate the schooling monopolies. [applause] already we have received tremendous support and health care is just a few steps away
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from the proposed site where the students will learn and on top of all of this, the feasibility report commission by the legislature last year has once again dominated for the ideal location for this important school. [applause] >> showed him that hard work could help him achieve anything
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he put his mind to it and, boy, were they right. today dr. dickers is one of the top doctors in theic world. [applause] while currently serving as president and ceo of memorial catering center in new york, students in every alabama county have the potential to benefit from an education just like dr. bickers did and we will accomplish that through the alabama school of healthcare sciences. investing in this project is one of my top priorities this session and i'm calling on you
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dr. dickers once had an interview that education is the great equalizer and i could not agree more. thank you for your contributions to our state and our nation and thank you for being with us today. will you please stand it be recognized. [applause] [applause] during my inaugural address i
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promised the people of alabama that ensuring every alabama will receive a high-quality education will be my number one goal in this term. members while i'm always delighted to be with you all i'm especially proud we are joined by many of our young people tonight. we heard the beautiful music from mark jasper high school students who hail from towns. thank you all for being here. [applause] please stand and let us recognize you. [applause]
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[applause] this last year one of the highlights for me personally was visiting her 15 turn around schools. 4th-graders from one of these schools, abc elementary in my home county of wilcox are here with us this evening. folks of these boys and girls have the highest rating gains in the entire state of alabama. [applause] [applause] this deserves to be celebrated
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so abc elementary please stand ami recognized. [applause] [applause] i believe in every single one of our students in alabama and when you set the bar high for them these boys and girls can wage their fullest potential. progress being made at abc elementary and effector turn around schools initiative. their classmates back home their parents and their teachers we must double down the success of
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our turn around schools initiative. after i was sworn in by second term to establish the governor's commission on teaching and learning. we have the a report that will serve as the blueprint for approving student outcomes over the next three years. chief among those recommendations is funding a numeracy and literacy act. our teachers are being trained in math and reading and we are preparing them not only to teach our kids today but also in the future. what we have done to the -- is critical to our success and i will say this again crystal clear, if you want to see any
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delay of the literacy act on my desk i will veto the bill. [applause] and sharing our students are proficient readers is simply too critical and these kids have proven when the right resources and curriculum are in place they can do it. i'm very proud of the fact that during my time serving as your governor together we have invested a new historical amount in our public schools each year. this year we will once again have the largest education fund in our state's history. we must also fulfill a promise to have the highest salaries for teachers among our neighboring states. let's get this done this session. improving your state education through the process we have to
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meet the needs of all students. as governor i realize the way to do that is to make sure their opportunities available for our children. for some families that means having the chance to send their child to a charter or a magnet, private school or home-school. student choice is needed in last year we recognize to expand the options of alabama we have to first improve our existing schools and the alabama accountability act. you accomplish that. thank you. next, our next step now is to begin with those in need. education savings accounts which will further us honored journey
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to become a school -- the most school choice friendly state in the nation. [applause] passing an education savings account that works for families and for alabama's is the number one legislative priority and i am proud to have an education budget chairman. once we get this legislation across the finish line we will prepare for the 2025-2026 academic year. for the first two years we will help families that might not have otherwise have the option to send their children to school of their choice.
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these education savings accounts. for it the third year and beyond all families will be eligible for the program. as additional families choose to participate in the program and as their revenues increase we can grow the program responsibly so it can be fuller -- fully universal for every alabama and family that wants to dissipate to this program will be effective and it will serve as a catalyst for making alabama the most school choice friendly state in the nation for years to come. my goal is to put us on the trajectory to make our program fully universal while also maintaining our total support for public education. at the end of the day i believe
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the choose act providing our k-12 teachers the highest starting salaries will help our public schools become even stronger. i believe we will continue working towards our goal of being in the top 30 nationally when it comes to student outcomes. folks, i am confident in alabama's future because i am confident in our students. i have met thousands of these young people and i'm more encouraged every day. i'm also proud of alabama and i'm proud of our citizens and i'm proud to continue leading our state forward. the people of alabama deserve our very best. future generations of alabamians
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deserve our hardest work today. this is our opportunity so let's not it. may continue to each of you and the great state of alabama. thank you all so much. [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause]
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>> more state of the state addresses coming up next. in just a moment we will hear from michigan governor gretchen whitmer and jay insley and mike dunley of aska. watch the oral aument live benning at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span and you can watch on the c-span now video app or online at citizens are truly informed.


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