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tv   Senate Democrats Hold News Conference  CSPAN  March 21, 2024 8:03am-8:16am EDT

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congress like no other. since 1979 we have in your primary source for capitol hill providing balanced unfiltered coverage of government. take you to other policies debated and decided all with the support of america's cables. c-span, 45 years and counting, powered by cable. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer was joined by other democratic leaders to discuss this with government funding deadline for the remaining fiscal year. he talks about president biden's announcement of a multimillion dollar grant for production with intel and continued to defend his recent speech calling for new election in israel. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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>> hello, everybody. on io want to thank senators murray, , stabenow and senator schatz joining us today. well, we've had a productive lunch in the midst of a very busy week. right now if repca good faith td the government, i'm hopeful we can avert a shutdown. we're not quite thereç! yet, but as you know we are close. earlier this week i joined the other congressional leaders in the white house to t announce an agreement on final six funding bills. these bills will make significant investments for the well-being of our service■i
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competitive against the chinese government,, his government, and more. more importantly there's speedy pass and damaging shutdown. though we're still waiting for tax and then house passage we're good progress and as soon as the bill passes the house, i will put it on the senate floor. it's no secret that is going to be a a tightqu get these funding bills passed before the weekend deadline to ask all of my colleagues, democratic and republican government ■÷ o be flexible and prepared so we can finish the appropriations process. i want to thank my senate ay, vice chairman collins and leader mcconnell and the speaker and all the appropriators working in good faith to finish also today presn made a massive announcement in arizona to rollout a historic
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$5.8 billion grant for dollars grant for intel to expand chip production here in the u.s., thanks to the chips and science# that something as you know i care a lot about and that pushed it hard for four years to come up with, to get it done. but now all the hard work we did on this bill i feel vindicated because we are seeing manufacturing, chip manufacturing, chip sites, sites investments come back to america. this investment alone men's 10,000 jobs, 20,000 construction jobs and thousands and thousands of indirect jobs with over $100 billion of private investment. and today's announcemout one mol foundries in your procedure to 1.5 billion award to expand her legacy chip production and fu global hub of chip manufacturing. one announcement at a time.
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ce is delivering for the american people. i ritually called as you know endless frontiers. i loved that name. that's what i named i thought it was -- people thought it was about covered wagons for changed the name to chips and science. but it's bringing a promise of manufacturing back to america, makingleader in microchip produn which will be great for both our economic and our national security. now sen long and hard on appropriations bill. >> well, , it is been a very log road b a bipartisan, bicameral funding agreement, and we are finally nearly ready to close the book on fy '24. these are not the bills democrats would've written on our own. there are the result of very tough negotiations. we have had to stick to some very difficult■p off literally f
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republican poison pills. not to mention some really harsh almost unthinkable cuts proposed by house republicans. but now we have a good bipartisan bill that protects investmentsssential in american people. as you all know we've been working overtime now to finalize the package and believes text as soon as possible. i t will have a lot more to say soon but these bills reflect input and priorities from nearly every senator. bottom line, we are talking about six bills that help determine how we invest in9] america's future, funding everything from childcare, pre-k programs, k-12, public schools to programs and workforce training programs. they determine how much we invest public health infrastructure, efforts to treat addiction, stop the flowuc of fentanyl, how much we invest in$
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cutting-edge research that literally saves lives, how much were going invest inrs our serve members and in d defense and diplomatic programs that are essent america's security and global leadership. and that's just scratching the surface. with so much on the line does na pointless and costly shutdown. and let me be absolutely clear. with bipartisan cooperation we a deadline. know what you want to shut down. no one should costly shutdown. let's pull together and get this done. democrats understand that and we have been ready every time to move quickly and responsibly to fund the government. so excuse the former preschool teacher in me, but here's the lesson i hope learns when we pass these last six bills. when we listen to each other and to the american people instead of the loudest voices onhe
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right, we can work together and we can actually pass meaningful bills that p help people. thank you. >> first, thank you to senator schumer, senator murray, all the appropriators and the staff who have been working literally 24/7 to be able to get this done. the american people sent us to washington to govern, and that's what this is about. and democrats are always willing to work with republicans to be able to get things done for peop right thing for people. the important work of funding the priorities of thehe american people is what's in this omnibus that we've been pushing so hard to get done. these bipartisan appropriations make significant investments in peoples quality of life, in our national defense, and supporting our service members, ensuring that we can compete with communis china, and they invest
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in health care including mental health. i like to say health care about the neck as well as health care below the nk. critical servicess well. we must pass these bills quickly to avoid an unnecessary and shu. these investments also reflect the continuation of a promise democrats make to the american people when the affordable care act was passed 14 years ago. time 46 million americans now have affordable health care. 46 million people. 100 million americans with pr conditions are protected because of the work that we did as democrats. an■[ expanded medicaid for low income families, for the birth of babies, about half the babies in
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medicaid health care. so it's critical. and now democrats continue to lead onption drug cost, comprehensive funding in mental health care. we are going to see more and more of his coming out, community care that is very exciting to me. and a commitmentto to protect medicare and medicaid. meanwhile, republicans continue to want to repeal the affordable care act.i i feel like it is groundhog day every time i hear donald trump talking aboutut for 100 trillion americans that a pre-existing conditions and areeaicare and social security. the american people deserve better than that kind of a health care agenda, and that's why we continue to put americans first. senator schatz. >> thank you leader schumer. thank you chair murray and chair stabenow. nobody wins the shutdown.
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we'vee seen this before. it weakens the country and weakens our national security special urgent right now with two ongoing wars and humanitarian crisis. it hurts people and families who essential support whether by delaying medicareed enrollment r preventing kids from getting an news is that we can avoid a shutdown by working together on a leader schumer and senator murray and myself and all of us are weekends hard as weor can to get these bills pasd before the friday. and we need to do our jobs, recognize what's at stake, and just get it done. part of that for me means not voting for any amendments, even the ones that i like. this is not a political or policy equation for me. it is■f basic tom keatinge, a mi
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this bill will take up time that we don't have, all but guaranteeing a shutdown. so again no one wins a shutdown and everyone knows what we need to do. we are almost there. we can do this. yes?hank you. >> leader mcconnell's said today the democrats don't have anti-bb problem. they hav basically about netanyahu underfloor -- >> let me say this. i care deeply his long-term future. when you make the issue partisan, , and hurt because of helping initial. yes, yes? [inaudible question] >> as i said when you■issues pae cause of vitriol. yes? >> specific accusation that you arere interfering in a foreign
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election, any distance between the united states and a close ally at a time of -- >> let me s this speech out of l love for israel, and if you read the speech recalled only for th an election after hostilities have declined, after hamas was defeated. yes. >> why haven't you called for moveo senator menendez? >> as i said,ce senate has cert. we are deeply disappointed in him. yes. [inaudible question] >> i'm talking to the members of my caucus to decide the best path forward. thank you,ib


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