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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Cornyn on DHS Secretary Mayokas Impeachment  CSPAN  April 9, 2024 1:38am-1:53am EDT

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needs to be submitted to the federal levels by 2044. >> in your generation the interest in this and the willingness to discuss it, the eagerness to learn about it, the desire to normalize it is really important. >> if we all can be in it together, we can raise the tide of our common experiences and become something of the path. >> we teach about the past and how not to repeat it but it's time we teach about how. >> the sooner the better so let's get started. >> the senate impeachment trial
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of alejandra and a bach of public trust for hisdling of the u.s. south border. a full trial proceed on the senate floor b is possible senators could vote to dismiss the metal to a speately or refer committee. watch as the p unfolds on c-span2, our free mobile app or online on >> as we all know, two months ago the house representative impeached who lived at the department since the beginning of the biden administration. for three years, the secretary
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has overseen the record-breaking crisis at the southern border. during that time, 7.4 million migrant encounters the end of more than two previous administrations combined and that was over a period of 12 years. lawus enforcement response has caused security missions including drug interactions to take a hit staffing shortages led the agency to temporarily close international bridges and ports which have had a severe and negative impact on texas border communities. and cities across the country including those painted thousands of miles from the
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border are being crushed by caring for migrants. that is a reflection on the secretary's tenure. throughout the tenure rather than acknowledge the reality he essentially tried to gloss it over and ignore it. american people have watched as he downplayed the severity of the crisis using watered-down language like it's a challenge or a situation. they disputed the claims as they saw footage of migrants walking unimpeded and fill in shelters to capacity and beyond. the american people have raised
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their eyebrows although there are no laws in effect or less in effect then there were during the trump administration. nothing that prompted the dramatic spike in illegal immigration. theat truth is the secretary is bad at his job that isn't news to anyone. incompetence by itself is not an impeachable offense. we've had a number of cabinet secretaries who had the stay of impeachment. despite what some of our democratic colleagues have
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claimed, he was not impeached because he is unpopular or because he's incompetent. he was impeached for two serious offenses in my opinion the first of which is the willful enforce our immigration laws. he's consistently divide the law that congress has passed and which have been signed into law by the president of the united states. he said what means main. he told patrol agents that the current release wait for migrants caught crossing the border illegally was above 85% so you had a 15% chance of not
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being detained even if you were caught. apparently he's proud of that. catch and release is the de facto policy of the government which is in direct contravention of our immigration laws and we can't ignore the secretaries unprecedented abuse of a process known as parole designed to give temporary entry from nationals in rare and dire circumstances such as experiencing a medical emergency of the port of entry or donating a kidney or being a witness.
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it's intended for urgent circumstances and should only be granted in extraordinary individual cases. but the secretary violated that and to waive broad classes into the united states. less than two years the administration used the case-by-case to grant parole from more than 1.6 million. that is clear and blatant violation of the law but that's okay with the secretary apparently. the failures extend far beyond policy decisions. as i know he was impeached for two offenses the second which is the public trust.
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he testified under oath for congressional committees. it doesn't take an expert to see that this claim has no basis in reality. the american people will seeou footage from the roughly 15,000 that set up camp in del rio to the hundreds that brushed the national guards inar el paso lat month there's been no shortage of evidence about our insecure border. on more than one occasion the
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secretary lied under oath. he told members the -- and the secretary must be held accountable. the house of representatives was completely correct to impeach the secretary and now the senate has a duty under the constitution to hold a trial. unfortunately, this has become a familiar process for a majority of our senate m colleagues. 2019 and 2021 the house impeached president trump.
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those didn't impact the process. despite the personal views about the house actions, the republican led the senate still carried out. in both cases they were sworn in as jurors and we listened patiently to both sides and presented as they presented their arguments and we had a fair guilty or not guilty vote. prior to the impeachment. in the three cases all federal judges, p the person resigned before the senate could devote. the senator was expelled before
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his trial. there has never in the u.s. history been a case where the senate dismissed or table impeachment articles have gone on not once but that is likely to change this week. the house is expected to transmit a this thursday. the majority leader is expected to take an unprecedented step of voting to table the impeachment articles and eliminated trials entirely in violation of the constitution. to allow senators to vote guilty
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or not guilty. it would give the future senate carte blanche. the majority leader must not brush these articles under the rug. i understand why you may want to because the evidence that will be introduced at trial will be damning both for the secretary and the biden administration's policies which are essentially open border policies. but at least house impeachment managers into the secretary's
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defenseea team deserved their opportunity and the majority leader shouldn't prevent that from happening. i'd like to remind the majority leader of some words he spoke himself back in 2019. at that point to the balance of power in washington was completely the inverse of what it is today. we had a democratic majority in the house and republican in the white house. after houser democrats and impeached president trump, the majority leader the senator from new york came to the senate floor to talk about the process you would like to see in the republican led to senate. he said, quote, to my republican colleagues, our message is a simple one. democrats want a fair trial that examines the relevant facts.
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a message from leader mcconnell at the moment is that he has no intention of conducting a fair trial or intention of getting the facts. but contrary to what senator schumer predicted, the senator went on to fulfill its constitutional responsibility to hold a trial. we spent more than two weeks hearing arguments from both sides so the american people could judge from themselves who are -- now i would like to echo the senator's statement from a few years ago but with a few small changes. to my democratic colleagues, our message iss a simple one, republicans want a fair trial that examines. she has no intention of
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conducting a fair trial, no intention of acting impartially or the house voted to impeach the secretary in the senate and hold a trial. i urge the majority leader to take his own advice and to give the senate an opportunity to hold for a fair impeachment trial and let the chips fall where they may. v


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