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tv   STUDENTCAM 2024 WINNER TWO SIDES OF THE STREET  CSPAN  April 9, 2024 8:46am-8:54am EDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ on wednesday president biden and first lady jill biden post a state dinner on a japanese prime minister fumio kishida. watch guest arrivals why begin at 5:30 p.m. eastern on on a website or she's been out our free mobile video app. later at 11 pdt on c-span will feature highlights from evening including the prime minister's white house arrival and toast given at the dinner. watch white house state dinner wednesday on the c-span networks. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more including sparklight. >> the greatest town on earth is a place you go home. at sparklight it's our home, too, and now with all facing her
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greatest charms because when sparklight is working around the clock to keep you connected it with doing our part to its little easier to do yours. >> sparklight support seat that as a public service along with use of the television providers giveou privacy to democracy. >> more than 3200 students from across the country participant in a 20 year anniversary year anniversary of c-span's studentcam documentary competition. this year we ask students in the next 20 years and what is most important change would like to see in america, or over the past 20 20 years what's been the most important change in america? all this month we're featuring our top 21 winning entries. this year's secretary price middle school winners are eighth-graders from eastern middle school in silver spring, maryland, were seized in this label through comcast. their winning document which talks about inequality in federal representation and related arguments for d.c. stated is titled "two sides of
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the street: the fight for d.c. representation." >> everyday us cool must start on the board between the silver spring, maryland, and washington, d.c. statehood for the peoplef d.c. and cars with taxation without representation license place parked alongside the road. "new york times" were an afterthought but after passing by the everyday from old when e decide to look further. we wondered why it did from both sides of the strait a taxes and certain military white is only one side of the street a full federal representation while the other doesn't? as student at a suburb of washington, d.c. our lives are filled with national politics so we set out to learn more. we learn that for decades politicians have been fighting for and against d.c. stated without come to consensus now resolve the issue. so we are left wondering, is there a chance things will never change? i will always be stuck with
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inequality at the heart of our nation? ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the origins of the creation of a federal district go back hundreds of years. >> it was set up by the framers of the constitution to ensure that the federal government would not be overly dependent on any single state and no single state would be overly influential on the federal government. >> at the time of the writing of the constitution, d.c. was only that they deserve as a seed of the government. however, the population of d.c. has increased by hundreds of thousands. that proposition doesn't still apply today. >> people living to see her just like you and me. we've got doctors and lawyers become come my wife is a fourth-grade teacher. we've got people who work on the metro system and just are doing normal day-to-day jobs, and
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happen to live on one side of the d.c. border from you all. and because of that we don't have representation in congress and it's crazy. just reminded remindin. isn't just a magical place where it's only people that you see on the national news, but its people are just living their day-to-day lives just like in your community. and because of where we happen to fall on the map we end up being, being treated completely differently. >> 1973 home rule act about the city's population to have some control over themselves the council did the full authority to do anything until we got home rule. so now were able to pass laws on a complete range of issues that governments have to deal with. >> home rule in 1973 n important start in the fight for d.c. residents but it didn't completely resolve the issue. congress still has the ability to override any decisions made
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by the capital of the residents of d.c. still have a vote in congress. the past 50 when you step into to be a struggle for d.c. residents trying to get their voices heard on a national stag stage. >> i think the movement has transferred directly into the statehood movement and hands-off d.c. movement. >> and so while we have home rule and don't have a say in congress, congress still has the ability to tell us at our local officials have been elected by us what they can and can't do on decisions that impact all ofur lives. >> a significant part of what d.c. stated is unnecessary is the racial justice factor. >> d.c. is currently or 6% black and brown, formerly 76% black and brown and what we understand is the new offices of systemic racism here in the country has led to places where black voices are normally just not heard. and so things like a cease and desist on the block was not
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allowing you to have a voice in our nation congress. d.c. will be the largest black voting around in congress if it were a state. so there's just no question that this is a form of racism against black and brown. >> additionally, the people of the district of columbia largely want to become the 51st state. >> and so we ran another ballot referendum on d.c. stated in 2016 so we would have a nice recent one there. and folks voted overwhelmingly, 86% of people in d.c. who voted yes, we want to be a state. >> there are many reasons for d.c. to become the 51st state, crank stated to the people d.c. will be an incredibly hard challenge. >> but our biggest challenge has been people in thinking about it. >> the foremost challenge would be the rubric that our founding fathers left with the creation of d.c. >> the challenges that there are 50 states and we need at least a majority of the states to pass
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legislation in the house and in the senate. >> we need people who are in d.c. to care. >> that's the struggle and that's a resident of d.c. need to come out and vote for stated. the council should not be over writable the congress and a resident of d.c. deserve congressional representation the same as those who don't live in d.c. >> i would love to see d.c. not being a colony anymore, right? having earned decision-making authority, our own powers and not having to really bow to the whims of people who we didn't elect, people who don't live here, people have nothing to do with d.c. and don't have our best interests in mind. everybody deserves the right to self-government. everybody deserves the right to vote and everybody deserves the right to decide their own future. >> to watch this and all winning
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entries visit our website at of homeland security secretaryil alejandro mayorkas set for this wednesday. when house impeachment managers were formally deliver the articles of impeachment to the city. which charges a sector with willful andm refuse refuo comply with the law aach of p trust for his handling of the u.s. southern border. a full trial within proceed on the senate floor but it's also possible that senators could vote to either dismiss the charges in italy or refer the matter to theal committee. watch as the process unfolds live onn2, c-span or for you have or online at >> madam president, as you all know too much ago the house of representatives impeached homeland security secretary


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