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tv   Senate Majority Leader Holds Press Conference on Impeachment Trial  CSPAN  April 17, 2024 7:30pm-7:49pm EDT

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want it he was going to use it for his republicans that the republicans shouldn't push it. but you know what, mayorkas said what he said because that's what he has to work with. republicans do not wants to win the border crisis they want to use it as a campaign. and that's for trump. now, the republicans know trump is going to be convicted and they're doing everything they can to push it on biden for everything that's going wrong in this country. biden is out there doing his best for everyone. republicans and democrats. and it's a shame that it was a circus today with the republicans. especially at the end when that man ranted two hours after it was adjourned and just kept on going. thank you for listening to me.
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>> senator mike lee was the republican senator from utah. .... we'll continue doing their jobs to keep america's safe pursue actual solutions at the border and congressional republicans should join them instead of wasting time on baseless political stunts while killing a real bipartisan border security reform. priscilla alvarez tweeting that statement out at the white house. two hour lines for all others
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this is grenada hills, california. good evening. >> hello, thank you. everyone else is been so coherent i've never been able too: before. did watch most of today. i believe mayorkas is doing his best they keep talking about his lies and where he was act can't really be called a lie. but also in the statements after the impeachment section was over, one of the senators said he had spelled out the law the way it is for immigration. you come across, you get
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deported, you go to court and everything else wrong. and he forgets to mention that's not happening there's not enough court and judges we have a lot of extra people that's the biggest problem but they don't mention all sides that goes for democrats as well. which brings me to my major point that all the statements that were made after the impeachment proceedings the republicans went on and on and said all of their stuff. democrats had left. they were not there to counter
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what was being said. that is really disappointing to me. now everyone has heard all of that side. and not say taking these point in arguing against them. >> is under ted cruz pointed out democrats had left the chamber except of course the chair being occupied as a member of the majority. you would like some democrats to stick around and tried to engage in back-and-forth with them during the two and half hour. or so? a disingenuous stuff. just saying things and not seeing the whole story giving the opposite view generally it will be the opposite view of why this was done. and there statements of how it got to this point be able to
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counter the other side information which helps us. we get to see as it is and decide for ourselves how we feel about it. if we are changed one way or another as opposed to listen to the pundits on the news and their interpretation of its. it only showing certain parts of it. >> thank you for your call a few more calls here at the united states senate. this is kerri has been waiting in alabama republican line. kerri good evening. >> before the lady of pennsylvania the two latest on california give me a break. the secretariat lied it. there's no doubt about it, he lied. i remember as a kid on the
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democrats were in florida people republicans it wasn't. and boy has that changed. the bible says to pray for those who have authority over you. i do pray for the president. i pray for his cabinet part even though i do not agree with them and i don't like them. we have to pray for those in charge. but me just put this out, 2028 trump one, have a good day. >> one more call this is steve from freeling, american line for democrats, good evening. >> caller: good evening. the legislative branch of the united states of america has bankrupt the greatest nation in the world it's been going on since the beginning of time. so deep in debt across this
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nation, spending money like it's richman. senator mike lee i think everyone missed his points. the point being he spoke about the legislative branch. not only is the house out to give him the responsibility but the senate is out to given the responsibility. and that is happening because we are having more and more executive orders. you can go back to bill clinton. executive orders, supreme court decisions and as mr. lee said the legislative branch has castrated itself. if you watch the hearings over the years they have discussed the fact they continue to advocate the responsibilities. that is because of the money. and let's all be honest. is the money and politics that is destroying this nation. you can see the two party system is a complete and utter failure.
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the constitution of our founders spoke about a system that could become what it has become. so here we are. and today we are looking at an immigration and open border where as we were going to send money to, all of the countries ukraine, israel, and taiwan, sending money, 90 billion to defend their borders and here we sit with our borders wide open. >> in maryland. more of your calls tomorrow morning on the "washington journal" starting at 7:00 a.m. eastern, 4:00 a.m. pacific. you couldn't really watch the impeachment proceedings on our or later this evening on the c-span networks. right now we are going to take you to that press conference immediately after the proceedings the impeachment
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proceedings against alejandro mayorkas ended in the united states senate. a few minutes later chuck schumer spoke with reporters at the united states capitol part here's what he had to say. >> and like all of that travel. [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] and did not think this to be so full. okay, good afternoon everybody. well, as suspected the republicans approve this afternoon this whole impeachment
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wasn't nothing more than a political show. the problem was they were not prepared. we had offered to have an open and public debate and votes on multiple resolutions by republicans. rather than taking that time to hold the debate republicans is imperative they denied their fair and reasonable offer did not seem to know what to do. since day one how frivolous we felt very strongly we had to set a precedent and impeachment should never be used to settle policy disagreements. i felt that very strongly. you will recall. there policy disagreements.
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in disastrous precedents to congress. to throw our systems and balance and shoot cycles of chaos. any time the house would want to shut the senate down they can send over another impeachment resolution. and could create frivolous impeachment trial after impeachment trial. the dangerous precedent south on the republicans are talking about. one of letting impeachment take the place of policy disagreements. cabinet and person after cabinet person could be subject to this. that's what the senate had to do to keep it response to step up to its responsibilities. we are supposed to have debates on the issue hi, misdemeanor
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that would degrade governments. it is clear. republicans are not interested in work with democrats to fix the problem in fact if they wanted to pass the bipartisan proposal we put together and have a debate on it about policy, fine. if republicans instead of spending so much time and energy on this meritless impeachment, work with democrats on border reform that we might have actually gotten something done. everyone knows that happening at the border is terrible and needs fixing. that is not a secret. the president knows it. secretary mayorkas knows it.
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both parties in congress know it. that is exactly why we had a bipartisan bill to fix it. democrats worked worked for four months the drug strongest security built in 30 years. to asylum and reform parole provides tools for addressing the fentanyl crisis. a bill that provided new resources to border patrol agents. if our republican colleagues would allow it to come to the floor here in the senate and down the hall over in the house i am certain it would have passed and gone to the president's desk. we all know what happens. donald trump told his to kill the border bill before we can even debated. former president explicitly took credit for that going down blame it on me he said. his words. so let me say it just one more time. if republicans instead of
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summoning so much time and energy on this meritless impeachment on this very serious issue questions on the subject's first. [inaudible] future republican led senate would you the president dismissed impeachment trial quest request of the parliamentarian ruled the president said the president done here. don't use impeachment for policy disagreements. whether it's with the president or anyone else. next we have made it clear, clear that you do not use policy disagreements for impeachment. i do not care who it is a period president, cabinet secretary or
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anyone else. we did not make that clear it would be much worse considering else on the subject? point of order did not allege "high crimes and misdemeanors." the allegation the fact of the. >> ever know caesar policy disagreements. never risings with the founding fathers intended with impeachment with high crimes and misdemeanors it was clear as day. that is why the parliamentarian ruled in our favor on impeachment. anyone else? >> mike lee is very upset. he said is going to retaliate by slowing this like he did earlier the motion to table the motion
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to proceed. what is your response to his threats? >> we have so many things we have to get done for the future of this country that i don't think that is an appropriate reaction. yes? >> home of the senate take up the house foreign aid bill? their version of it yes. >> let me just say it three things. first, it seems that what they are sending to us is very similar to the supplemental the senate passed with a strong bipartisan majority 70 -- 22. but i have not seen the language. i want to see the language and what has happened when they posted it i've been on impeachment all day before making any final judgments. i would like to get it that is quickly as possible. next question.
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>> what the status of that thenegotiations around the amendment post? >> i am filing culture tomorrow. to move forward on pfizer. we still do not note on each side. we cannot specifically lay out what's going to happen until we see with the amendments are. but amendments different members went. >> you expressed the house will shut the senate down with impeachment. >> if the president at any time's a policy disagreement and patient sent to the senate you had a long and consuming trial that would been a bad precedent. >> at the trial instead? >> a trial committee then it relates to having a trial on the floor but makes it even longer and more stretched out. if it is a real "high crimes and misdemeanors" their arguable claims that it is, obviously is what the founding fathers
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intended in impeachment. if it's a policy disagreement that is never what they intended yes. >> from the standpoint you will be on recess and next week are you going to stay in and try to do this? >> you don't know when the house and sending it to us. once they do will plot out where we go and we have to do it as i said as expeditiously as possible. >> is going to ask you what members to be on standby? >> same answer to i gave to your friend from nbc. last one. >> is part of the discussion side that supplemental. >> the house put in. i have not seen the language i'm going to study it. [inaudible


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