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tv   Atty. Gen. Garland Speaks to Reporters Ahead of Contempt of Congress Votes  CSPAN  May 17, 2024 3:37am-3:41am EDT

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attorney general garren spoke to recorder reporters. >> mr. turnage out your professional capacity view suggested to the president to invoke executive privilege? he invoked the extra prilege of protection both personally, is that a conflict of >> the justice department is a fundamental institution of our democracy. people depend on us to ensure our investigations and or prosecutions are conducted to e law without political. we have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure the committeea get responses to their requests.
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but this is not one. to the contrary this is one that would harm our ability in the future to successfully pursue sens investigations. now, there been a series of unprecedented and frankly unfounded attacks of the justice department. this request, this effort to use contempt as a obtaining our sensitive law enforcement files is just most recent. the effort to tund our investigations and the way in which there are contributions to whaere that puts our agents and or prosecutors at sk, these are wrong. the own thing i can do is continue to do the right thing. i will protect this building and people. >> you kind answered this. i was wondering the a kid
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and the attacks on biden illustration officials. the broader effort to discredite department how did you that? what can you do about that is attorney general? >> with the go about our work filing federal brusquely file the facts and the law. we screenside inappropriate influences. that is what we're doing here. a protecting our ability to continue to do high-profile and sensitive ies to do that. >> it now seems to federal cases are going to begin trial l alone finish trial this year. what does that say about that pa on the justice department?■h
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>> special counsel had both cases eriate requested a speedy trial. that manner is now in the hands icry i'm not going to go, any further.■r


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