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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 20, 2024 2:54pm-3:00pm EDT

2:54 pm
with them byy going up to manhattan. another element, it's been beneficial former former president because he is under strict gag order. one his viotoumbe of locations and the judge icasease violates it again there's a ibily he could face jail time. for example, the former president is unable to talk about the witnesses, disparage the witnesses in public on social media, whatub you. we have seen the republican lawmakers serve as surrogates fornd slammed those witneother parts c ways the for cannot. for example, speaker johnson went after michael cohen when he was in manhattan week, that something former president trump is unable to do. itugh this gag order and see edwin a former president likes public support. he's a man who made his money and came up the ranks through reality television. he knows how to work the camera.
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he know something more support and he wants more support beside him whennt of the camera, another reason why these lawmakers are marching at because they know this on . whether or not he continues this week we will h and see. both chambers are in session. i will note will to work around th floor schedule and a washing to get up there. was a number of lawmakers last week. it's possible it will continue. >> host: mychael schnell thank you for the details prehearing congress thi you can follow her reporting if you go to rorter with the hill. thanks, greta.lways thank y >> host: we will spend 30 mincing fromck and then we'll opened up to everybody else and also take your temperature on camping 2024, your choice this november. that's a conversation oith some
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this is fromm the "new york times." in these ste it shows the matchup between president biden and former president trump.rm in this state of michigan with the president was last evening he trails 49-42%. he began the day yesterday inore with commencement address. in that state is also trailin p. you say today referencing "new york times" poll this morning and they are reporting polling shows biden-harris vastly underperforming his 2024 performance amongng black voter, reliably democratic constituency as some dri to donald trump the former president of presumptive republican nominee. i "new york times" poll of six idenas supporttates including y from 60% of black voters and
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trump while trump isrs backed b% of black vot biden one black voters in the 2020 election by 87-12%. ay yesterday evening at aacpven. >> i just came from atlanta where i delivered a commencement at morehouse truly inspiring. over 400 black men who will do extraordinary things. told themd them, and the nation needs them. they are the fut os country. i'm here tonight to say the nation also needs all of you, and i mean that sincerely. you matter. yoma clear. because of yourot only reason i'm standing here is president of the united states
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of ameripe [applause] that's not a joke. that's a fact. you are the rea kamala harris is historic vice president. you are the reason donald trump is a defeated former president. [cheers and applause] you're the reason donald trump is going to be a loser again. [cheers and applause] >> host: former president bide excuse me president biden in michigan talking about the former president. this morning black voters only. your choice for camping 2024. reaching out to black voters in the state of michigan, in georgia yesterday. and many political observers noting in a paper there is an enthusiasm problem as wellidate. here is the "washington post," bl they are certain to vote down from a 2020 poll. this is june of 2020f black voters said they absolutely were certain t vote,
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and now in april of 2024 that number d from the "washington post" article, they also note younger black americans are less certain to vote this year that 2020. president biden reaching out to young voters at morehouse college yesterday in georgia with that commencement address. and then thes from the pew research. they found that the president against the psident in a virtual tie in the presidential race, but when they break it down by gender in a recentl, me, race and ethnicity in a recent poll, they found a black voters lean, voting for president biden or lean to president biden7% with 18% voting for t former president or leaning toward voting for the former p
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and they "new york times" said in 2020, 95% of black w 87% of black men voted for mr. biden, -- >> we will leave this here to take you live now to the u.s. senate where today lawmakers will be voting on the confirmation of a u.s. circuit court judge. live coverage and out of the senate here on c-span2. the presiding officer: the senate will come to order. the chaplain dr. barry black will lead the senate in prayer. the chaplain: let usy.


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