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tv   President Biden Celebrates Jewish American Heritage Month  CSPAN  May 20, 2024 6:46pm-7:04pm EDT

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charter communications. >> a charter is proud to be recognizes with the best in and we are just getting started. building 100,000 miles of n infrastructure to reach those who need it most. c-span is a public service for lump these other television providers appeared giving it a democracy. >> it next, president biden to l criminal court seeking arrest warrants for israeli leaders including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. president abdul also comments on the allegations israel's actions are genocide. the president's remarks came during an event celebrating jewish heritage month at twhite. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ distinguished guests, the president of the united states accompanied by the vice president of the united states. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> have got a wait for the song to end. good e. it is my honor to be standing here with the president biden and vice president harris. they have sto strong with the jewish community time and timega there is no one fighting harder to combatate and to unite our country. to all of our esteemed guests, it is so great to join you for eight jewish american heritage month celebration at the white [cheering] tonight we haveome together to celebrate our heritage and hono. to reflect on the invaluable contributions of our and jewish leaders of today. but it is also a challenging
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time for our community. it's been a dark and difficult seven months. a lot of us are feeling alone, afraid and in pain. there is an epidemic of hate including a crisis of anti-semitisnd and around the world. we see it on our streets, our college campuses and our places of worship. i know it is difficult to get help and to feelim right now. ally challenging for me tooits rk publicly.ut here and d and i know it is hard for you too. we keep fighting because we have no choice but to fight. [cheering] jewish leaders on the front lines fighting anti-semitism
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through education, advocacy and building bridges with other communities. it is because of your that we will dismantle prejudice and ensure jewish saf [applause] i also want to acknowledge the today. [cheering] you have stood up to hate and anti-semitism on college campuses on behalf of our nation thank you for your courage. let me be clear we have your back.■0 ever since the horrific day of october 7, i have been reachingh students all across the country just to check in and see how they are feeling. are my message is always the same. we still need to find and embrace the jewish joy. joy is what i remember most
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p jewish is what i have felt in some of my favorite moments ason gentleman. like returning to my jewish summer camnd reliving the memory of being voted on most athletic. [laughter] or when i attended. [laughte [laughter] >> thank you. when i attended international convention and leaders about how proud they are of being jewish. when the vice president, my wife the first ever on the door the vice presi residence with our entire family there. i think it's one of the only times i've ever seen my fathey . ameeeling of joy i want everyone to experience
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pecily our young people because we cannot live in fear. we c aaid. we must always raise our voi openly and proudly as jews. [applause] last year before my trip to recognize holocausstaypresidento the oval office. with me his memories of visiting the concentration campit angry his fate allies had not bombed the train tr leading to the concentration camps. of october 7 i stood president biden as he condemned the pure evil staunchly proclaimed his support jewish people and israel.
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he reaffirmed ironclad commitment to israel's security andas not changed. president biden invited - vice president harris are steadfast in their support of israel and the entire jewish community. [applause]o grateful for their leadership. especially duringse times. please join me in welcoming president [cheering] [applause] it is an honor to be introduced by the first ever glass of attorney general, members ofnd y leader chuck schumer will be here soon repsentative debbie scholz is responsible for this occurring having sponsored us
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early back when she was 12 years old. all of you here welcome to the white a coronary contribution of jewish americans and our n, the story h people is a story of resilience but absent resie or persecution, to help in the light the darkest times. the story endures jewish people help to find and expand the single idea tha us together as americans it's not hyperbole it isre of the bedrock principle upon which this nation was built they fought since the 1600s. island s back a long way. 1790 america was 14 years old the local jewish leader to president george washington.
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the nation of religious freedom not just for juice but forll citizens. bigotry no and persecution no assistance. help laid the groundwork in the dmt and our constitution. ever since jews have been in the forefront of helping to recognize the promise of america for all americans. jewish artists, poets help define vision of a liberty for millions of people whoe to our shores. look, and advocates fought for women's rights every right we. crease civil rights and civil liberties were led by jewish communities where i come jewish faith and citizens civil rights for all. jewish scientists and engineers aned breakthroughs in innovation, technology.
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cross government jewish governments probably serve our nation. in a civil service in our 's hhest courts. that is why jill and i hope for the first ever high holiday holy reception at the whiteouse. [cheering] it's important permanent mindoro made with original wood for the white house building. to make cleartoancyf the jewishs woven into the very fabric of america. and it is permanent. it is permanent. but look,md i know today's receptions falls on hard times. the trauma o october 7 the aftermath of the deadliest day the jewish peo h since the holocaust is still you.h and growing with many of we have parents of stone being held hostage right now we are g. we are going to get them home.
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[cheering] [applause] people were slaughtered, massacred a music festival brutally raped, mutilated, sexually assaulted, takenage ane wounded. the scars and memory of what they endur kno someone directlyr indirectly fy, who were stolen from you. they are in harm's way on the safety of the jewish people and security of israel' e is ironclad. [cheering] no, really is. working round-the-clock to freee the remaining hostages. hirsh colbert poland he is not here with us but he is being ld hamas rachel and jon are with us. an [applause]
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their love compassion inspire the entire world. a pledge both to you i mean it and i know you know, mom, that i that i will not rest until we bring your loved one home paired with got to bring them home. folks, let me be clear i will always ensure israel has everything it needs to defend hamas. and all around me just i did when las month. we stand with israel and the rest of the butcher o hamas. ofsrael to make that happen and consistent wit j compassion, kindness, dignity and human life my team also anitian assistance and palestinian civilians were becse of the war on hamas. it is heartbreaking. but to do this to bring in that
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region together. a two state solution to private security, prosperity and ceor israel. and palestinian. [cheering] let me be clear,eject the icc application and arrest [cering]against israeli leaders. whatever the apply the soap silk equivalency between israel and hamas. [cheering] it is clear will do all they can to ensure civilian protection pair but let me be clear, contrary to allegations against israel made by the justice what is happening not genocide. we reject that. [applause] tandith israel with the threats against its compounding the pain and the viciousge of anti-semitism around the world and hear an american well and their streets andin the social media and colle campuses. it's amazing what isng.
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it's and it must stop. it must stop. inri were's effect and protect fundamental right of fr speech to protest peacefully. that is america. there is no place in any c in america, any place in america for for hate speech that threatens violence of any kind against jews or [cheering]e. nobody it should fear gng synagogue, school or walk down the street waking wearing a symbol of yourai that is wrong, simply wrong. that's by long before oauncd tht strategy to counter as mobile as a full force of the federal government to crack down on antsemitism wherever you find it. recently secured additional $400 million a largest increase ever and physical security for nonprofits going to consider god coming jewish to be dissenters, je s nonprofits. my department of education for colleges on notice anti-
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semitism is discriminat prohibited under title vi of the civil rights act. [cheering] the department has to investigate discrimination and an address civilly. that's my special envoy to anti- semitism is deborah here? [applause] deborah, thank you. [w
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>> and you check our troops and youor being here. [applause] [applause] ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪♪♪
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>> iran's president countrsoreign minister, iranian president ebrahim raisi have but i did n helicopter crash from according to reuters of the see whether in the mountains or the border and iran's first vice president but also as the interim president. and of republic constitiosidentt be over that nifty days. seasons washington general involving the issues and government, politics and public policy from washington and coming up tuesday morning they simpson, discussed federal and l


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