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tv   U.S. Senate U.S. Senate  CSPAN  May 20, 2024 7:05pm-7:06pm EDT

7:05 pm
>> iran's president countrsoreign minister, iranian president ebrahim raisi have but i did n helicopter crash from according to reuters of the see whether in the mountains or the border and iran's first vice president but also as the interim president. and of republic constitiosidentt be over that nifty days. seasons washington general involving the issues and government, politics and public policy from washington and coming up tuesday morning they simpson, discussed federal and local crime enforcement policies
7:06 pm
in missouri was when emmanuel cleaver, talks about the israel hamas work inlack motors and campaign 2024, immigration, and congressional news of the day pretty cspan's washington journal about 20 conversations of alitern on tuesday morning on c-span cspan l free app or online at >> cspan is your unfiltered view of government about funded by these and more including comcast. >> are you thinking this is just a community center, no, is way moren that summa contest bargaining with a thousand community centers createfi enabled - for students of rental income families can be ready for anything. comcast support cspan come as a public service along tse other television providers giving you a front row seat tooccy.


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