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tv   Lectures in History 1970s Culture Economics  CSPAN  August 29, 2019 8:49pm-10:07pm EDT

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expression on college campuses and the conflict surrounding an opinion piece she co-authored in the philadelphia inquirer . >> i think this is what ruffled a lot of people, but not all cultures are alike we were trying to tell a code of behavior as being one that was particularly functional and suited to our current technological democratic capitalist society and comparing it to other cultures which are not as functional and we gave some examples and that immediately caused a firestorm. this is one hour 15 minutes.
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>> today we are going to discuss an overview of america in the 1970s. in the beginning of the century we talked about how it takes a bit of time or historians to understand what an era is about at least 25 years of perspective. the 1970s were seen as a bit of a joke of a decade. bellbottoms, disco, bad hair. in recent years historians have seen the 1970s is very important. in some ways william more important than the 1960s which seems to get a lot of attention. one of the themes historians have talked about is calling this era the age of limits. we will get to a little bit about what that means. we will talk about that and also the?. was this really an age of limits? we will discuss the import of the decade and the influence it had on not just the 1980s but really down to our time today.
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recapping what we talked about earlier, we see in the 1970s a pretty profound loss of faith in american institution driven by nixon's resignation over watergate in 1974. the final end of the vietnam war in 1975. you see the famous iconic photo of the helicopter on top the u.s. embassy picking up the last of the vietnamese refugees out of the country. the law of the war was devastating for the united states. it really showed that one of the world superpowers had a big achilles' heel and had profound effects on the military and american home. the antiwar movement had divided the country. the third thing was the church committee hearing. there were two committee hearings in congress that looked into the central intelligence agency. for the first time americans
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got to see what this covert intelligence agency was doing behind closed doors. especially in terms of assassination attempts against figures and this was shocking to many americans. adding to the loss of faith that americans had in their government and in big institutions in general. the 70s are a time of economic trouble. we talk for much of the semester about this great postwar economic boom. how the economy after world war ii bands and grows. the middle class grows. not everyone gets taken up in this expansion, but large numbers of people do. and that really comes to an end around 1969 and 70. there is a short recession for that year plus. then there is the big recession around the oil crisis in 1973 and 75 and another big recession at the end of the 70s from 79 to 82.
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the word that defines the economic troubles of the decade was stag elation. it was a slow-growing economy and rising inflation rate. inflation was 11% and it dipped down and then kicked back up. the inflation in the united states economy begins in the 1960s. the economic pressures of the vietnam war coupled with the great society put pressures on the u.s. economy and once a country experiences inflation it can be very devastating. not just devastating economically another example of losing faith in the institution. in this case losing faith in the value of the dollar. something very fundamental. high inflation erodes the value of the dollar and erodes faith in the dollar.
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the mid-70s recession coincides with the great oil crisis when opec, the organizing nation mostly in the middle east but also including venezuela and nigeria puts an oil embargo on the united states for the u.s. support of israel in the 1973 yom kippur war. it is a retaliation for the u.s. siding with israel. we haven't talked about the middle east but it is at this time when the u.s. really comes in on the side of israel in terms of the middle east conflicts there. the oil crisis is going to limit the amount of oil we have . it will boost the overall price of oil. gas lines are seen all across the country. there will be another oil crisis at the end of the 1970s as well. i can still remember my father
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having to get up very early in the morning to go to the gas station to get the car filled up. this is when we start to see a decline of oil production in the u.s., domestic oil production. the concern of how dependent are we on foreign oil that a foreign country can close this picket on oil and severely damage our economy. this is the start of the energy conservation movement. maybe we need to conserve or cut back on our use of energy. this is the time. when you get the 55 mile per hour speed limit. the idea that we need to conserve. conserve energy. the other economic issue of the 1970s is economic deregulation. the idea that the economy needed to be opened up. government regulations needed to be lifted. we tend to think of that with reagan in the 1980s but the
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reality is it begins in the 1970s. under carter but also with congress. it is clear that during this economically troubled time that somehow congress needed to lift some regulations to boost to the economy. the airlines are one of the biggest places where we see the effects of deregulation. it was one of the most highly regulated industries in the country. banking, trucking and many other smaller industries as well thought economic deregulation beginning in the 70s and going into the 1980s. i find tom wolf decade on the me decade. we read tom wolf book, the electorate kool-aid acid test. this essay is a continuation of the same theme. that is what he calls in this essay from the 1970s the third great awakening. we talked about religious fervor and from the electric kool-aid acid test, he talked a lot about this idea of the
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mary franks engaging in a form of religious experience. not in a traditional judeo- christian sense but in a very experimental sense. and wolf continues talking about that here by talking about the 1970s as the decade of me. the decade of rampant narcissistic individualism. let's talk about me. that is one of the lines from there. this is a quote from the me decade. once the dreary little pastor and started getting money in the 1940s, they did an astonishing thing. they took their money and ran. they discovered and started building on me. they created the greatest age of individualism in american history. all rules are broken. this focus on the individual and the individual self fulfillment is central to it begins in the late 1960s and
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continues on into the 19 60s. wolf begins the essay by discussing a daytime talk show or what would soon be seen on daytime talk shows where an individual talks to the public about their hemorrhoids. something very personal and private all of a sudden gets expressed and discussed in the open and public. why? i want to talk about me and my problems and my needs. to this day, people often refer to the 70s as the me decade. there's another famous book which is by christopher called the cultural of narcissism which is a more academic look at the similar theme. historians have also qualified that as well because there is also a lot of political activism and immunity based activism during this time. but, we definitely see changes in society.
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greater casualness. jeans, polyester suits. thankfully we don't have those so much anymore. pointy callers. an opening up of society. a society that had been buttondowns prior to the 1960. drug usage increases. marijuana increasingly not just seen in san francisco or new york but throughout america. it becomes a right of passage for teenagers. the number of people supporting the legalization of marijuana doubles during this time. by the middle of the decade cocaine becomes a popular drug, especially among more affluent americans. there were also legal drugs like valium. the idea of self fulfillment and introspection goes mainstream. a famous book of the time said looking out for number 1. how to be your best friend. in 1970 a man named phil donahue introduces a new type
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of national tv talk show where one gets on and confesses one's private sins, shares feelings with viewers and it had many imitators, oprah, jerry springer, all different kinds. flip on your daytime television. that opening up of people talking about all kinds of private things but now in a public audience is a child of the 1970s. transcendental meditation. yoga comes popular. more americans are looking to the east. the eastern religion and the rise of new age. the counterculture was putting itself in opposition to mainstream american culture. here in the sense they are looking not at traditional judeo-christian religious values but looking to the east. this idea, this self
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fulfillment that becomes an emphasis of the 70s leads to an emphasis on fitness and health. from hippie to yuppie. the classic character of the 1980s a young urban professional. we have a picture of two of the most famous tv stars in the 1970s. farrah fawcett and lee majors. lee majors was the $6 million man. farrah fawcett, many young boys had posters of farrah fawcett in their rooms in the 1970s. charlie's angels. they were jogging. the jogger is the 70s as what the antiwar protesters were the 60s. americans were increasingly taking up fitness and health and taking to the roads and jogging. seeing people on the road running would now become a much more common . coming out of the counterculture we see the rise of natural food
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movement which now has become totally mainstream. you go into supermarkets and see rows of organic foods. this comes out of this period and comes out of the counterculture looking for ways to improve one's health. you see the popularity of racquetball which i think has declined. i remember playing when i was younger. i don't think it is popular anymore. it becomes a big sport in the 70s and early 80s. and bodybuilding and weightlifting and symbolized by the documentary pumping iron. is anyone ever see met with arnold schwarzenegger as the star? it really made him into a star. and there is increasing understanding in the 1970s of the harm of smoking. it is when the surgeon general announces that smoking is dangerous. smoking ads are banned on television. part of this move toward self fulfillment, self-improvement,
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looking inward is a move to improve one's health and fitness overall. the sexual revolution, you can argue when that begins but in the 70s is when we see the sexual revolution flourishing and moving out into mainstream american society. so much of what the 70s is is taking those trends from the 60s and moving that into mainstream america. the joy of sex becomes a national bestseller. there is a show loosening attitudes towards premarital sex and extramarital sex. pornography, this is the era when -- there has been pornography since man existed, but pornography in terms of movies. times square in new york, many of the movie theaters get turned over to shore to show pornographic
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movies. deep throat is the classic pornography movie of the early 70s. we have clubs in new york like plato's retreat, sex clubs. wife swapping becomes more common. there is a very famous incident in baseball history in the early 1970s. two pictures from the new york yankees in spring training decided they would swap lives. one pitcher was going to take the wife of the other and families were going to switch. one of the couples ended up staying together and the other didn't. this is a huge scandal in the early 1970s. it was shocking. there was no punishment for the players. i think one of them was traded within a year. there's also change in divorce laws. people got divorced before the 1960s but you see changes in law. it made it easier for
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couples to get divorced. they had no longer to clean faults. it could simply be incompatibility. you see a rise in divorces in america in the 1970s. american family life will become more fractured from the 70s onward. rights also really comes into bloom in the 1970s. most historians update the rise of the rights movement to the rights at stonewall in new york city in 1969. the next year is really the firstliberation's day parade in new york city. there's also a pride parade in los angeles. importantly in 1973 the american psychiatric association takes homosexuality off of its list of mental
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disorders. prior to that it was seen as a psychological problem. states begin to get rid of their sodomy laws. some of them. harvey milk in san francisco is elected in 1977 to the board of supervisors. san francisco becomes a hub of the community in the castro district. the rainbow flag which we see today is created in 1978. also part of this is seeing the rise of the culture of disco. disco in terms of clubs and parties around dance music begins in the community in the late 60s and early 70s and begins to flourish by the mid- 1970s. studio 54 in new york is probably the quintessential most famous of discos. there were discos all over and there is a style of music which becomes incredibly popular in the early mid 70s.
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probably made most famous and most mainstream by saturday night fever. dance music, neared walls, flashing lights, people in outrageous outfits. a lot of people using drugs. this is a classic example of a personal liberation. freedom from restraint. letting go on the dance floor. the music itself was a blend and a culture blend of african americans coming out of black dance music. donna summers, the most infamous of the acts was the village people. which i think are still around to this day. there is also the backlash against disco. when we meet next class i will show you a clip from the most infamous backlash against disco which happened in chicago at a chicago white sox game.
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disco sucks becomes a model for other americans. there is some underlying cultural tension there. are you a disco fan or roxanne? roxanne? that will tell us about your ideas. the 1970s is when we see feminism and the women's movement making strides and coming out. you could argue the early 70s is probably the high point of the women's movement. in the 1960s the book the feminine mystique is marked down as one of the most important turning points. it is a book about women at home. it is a book of the late 50s and early 60s. it is about wives and mothers at home who feel something is missing in their life. she turned at the problem that has no name. women read the book and would
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often read the book in groups and reading groups and recognize those problems in their lives. you begin to get more political action the late 1960s . the national organization for women is created. you have two kinds of women rights movements. one is a more middle-class movement of a political movement like now. it is focused on the political system. it is focused on things like workplace equality and anti- discrimination. focused on issues like maternity leave and child care. there is also another more radical group, women's liberation which takes a more radical view of politics and of the relationship between the sexes. we see more women moving into the workforce. in 1960 only about a third of women for the workforce. 20 years later more than half were working.
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another famous book of the time which is still in print today is our bodies, ourselves comes out of boston. comes out of the boston women's health book elective. it was a professor at emerson who started it with a focus on women's health and sexuality. it starts off as a pamphlet, a booklet and it was incredibly popular. i 1973 they were publishing as a mass-market book. i don't know what edition it is in today. we are seeing in the 1970s these movements of liberation of rights and filtering down and filtering out in terms of women's rights, the big political issue of the 70s was the equal rights amendment. there was an amendment to the constitution that equality of rights should not be abridged on account of sex. it passes congress. more than two dozen states
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ratified. it looks like it is going to easily become an amendment until political opposition gets formed and the woman who is credited for that is the woman at the top, phyllis. she leads the soft e.r.a. movement. this stop e.r.a. movement is tied to the growing conservative leaning political and social movement in the country that will culminate in reagan's election in 1980. phyllis and her allies framed the opposition to e.r.a. around much more traditional gender roles. her opposition and organizing will prevent the necessary two thirds of states from ratifying the amendment. there is a time limit in which the states have to approve or
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ratify the amendment. they don't meet the deadline in congress extends the deadline into 1982 and it is never past. on the bottom is the pro e.r.a. forces. the woman with the hat is named bella who is a congressman from new york city famous for her hat and famous for her political activism. so, this shows us as well not only the strength of the women's movement but also the limits and the opposition that are going on here which will foreshadow future political trends in coming years. a famous incident regarding the women's movement, not the most important but symbolic, did anyone see the movie battle of the sexes with emma stone and steve carell? i haven't seen it yet. a man left with a 55-year-old former tennis star, he thinks
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that there are too many differences between men and women and no way a woman can beat a man on the tennis court. there's the element of money in this. he challenges a number of women tennis players to a match. he challenges billie jean king to a televised match $100,000 to the winner. there are estimates of 90 million people worldwide watching this match. king easily defeats rigs in three straight sets. one could argue that riggs is over the hill and not in great shape. there have been some arguments recently that he likes to gamble and he threw the match. not sure if that is proven as well. however there is a scene this is seen as a victory for women
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over men. especially for riggs who was vocal in his chauvinism. the term chauvinist pig was popular in the 70s and riggs came to be identified with that. do we have questions? feel free to raise your hand. we are trying to cover a lot of ground here. feel free to raise your hand if you have questions. >> i have a question about the 1982 e.r.a. i have that section in america in the 70s. when it was extended to 82 did it totally die or was it passed? >> this is to get the wreck you it's it states to ratify it. it was passed by congress and then had to go to the individual states to ratify it. two thirds had to ratify it to become part of the constitution. there was a time limit among which the states needed to adopt it. in 82 it was the final limit with the number of states, 30 states.
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>> it never was amended? >> it never was added to the constitution. >> people just keep proposing. it is the most proposed in history. >> since then some states have voted on it but i don't think it qualifies. they have to go through the process all over again i am fairly sure. another interesting part of the 1970s is an increasing emphasis on ethnic identity, racial identity and family roots. today we call this multiculturalism. increasing emphasis on differences. for the decade prior to the 1970s assimilation was seen as an important social value. especially if you are looking at the children and grandchildren of european immigrants. the notion of putting aside one's path. putting aside the
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immigrant path and becoming americans was important. in the 1970s you are seeing a resurgence of ethnic identity among these groups. if you look at tv or movies prior to the 1970s not a lot of racial differences. not a lot of ethnic differences either. now in the 70s you see more and more. the godfather is seen as one of the classics. a classic of italian-american literature. it comes to the screen and becomes not only one of the greatest movies of all time but it comes into the american culture where you have americans identifying with a mobster. an italian mobster becomes the hero of the story in many ways. and this is an overly identified as heavily ethnic. other movies as well. this is
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also the era of roots. finding african ancestors who would come over as slaves and the book is published in 76. it becomes one of the most popular series of all times in the popular year. it turbo boosts the importance of genealogy. tracing your family's roots. has anyone ever seen the ads? taking the dna test. has anyone ever done one of those test? they become very popular. is popular. genealogy is booming. both for whites and blacks and other ethnic groups as well. prior to this time genealogy was for the descendents of the pilgrims. those who came over on the mayflower. it was used as a way, is very
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popular in the 19th and 20th century. you wanted to prove i had ancestors come over in 1630s. protestant nativeborn groups were those groups were doing genealogies and set up organizations like the new england historical genealogies society. the fact that now in the 1970s it became mainstream and popular. all kinds of groups now want to know what was grandpa's life over in the old country. where are my african ancestors? what part of africa are they from? what experiences do they have? there's a great interest in family background as a way of promoting pride in one's own heritage and differences. differences between various racial and ethnic groups become celebrated in that sense. >> the issue of is there a link
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between the breakdown of religious identity and increasing racial identity. i'm not quite sure. it certainly is a time in the 70s where you start to see, we will talk about evangelical christianity going up. many mainline protestant religions in the catholic church tend to go down at this time. it could be a substitute for that. because people here and just down the road in dorchester, the identity of most dorchester residents up until the 60s or 70s was routed around what church they were from. mostly irish catholics. as church attendance declines, i think the irish part of the irish catholic takes prominence and the irish part goes down a bit. good question.
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another important trend is the rise of the sunbelt. if you look at the map of america, the sunbelt, there is no strict definition. florida, georgia texas, arizona, california maybe including las vegas in that area of the south in the southwest. you can see from this map population trends of people moving away from what becomes the sunbelt. to be called the dark green part up there? the rustbelt or the snow belt. the rustbelt implies the industrialization and factories closing down. and jobs are starting to open up. because of the promise of air conditioning it becomes a much more pleasant prospect to live in south florida or arizona or
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las vegas. >> we see population growth in america highlighted in those areas. the carolinas, georgia, florida. alabama and mississippi, it is interesting to see the states left out. alabama, mississippi, new mexico. those are states that aren't usually prosperous or growing but all around it. what is driving the growth in the sunbelt. does anyone know what is driving the growth? >> some of it is moving down to the south. the carolinas get a lot of the textile manufacturing. that is part of it. what else? >> the prices in new york or
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boston or chicago were very expensive. you could get things cheaper in texas or florida then you could in new york city. housing prices would be cheaper. taxes were cheaper. >> one reason people moved to florida is because they don't pay state income tax. the weather is better. who else is moving down especially to florida. >> if you look at florida, it is often said the east coast of florida populated those coming from new england and new york and the west side, it is midwestern people coming down from the west coast. you have retirees down there. you also have a lot from the south and the west. lots of military bases. if you take a look at military bases in america, most are in the south and the west. the ones in the north, especially those around us
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closing down. even though this is not a great time. ink about oil. the oil industry in places like texas. southern california, aerospace. jobs, even factory jobs are in these places and they are attracting people who are leaving places like new york and illinois. this is a trend that continued to this day. politically the top three states are california, texas and florida. states like new york, pennsylvania, ohio, and illinois. every 10 years they lose congressional seats because population is moving down to the south. i think our states population stayed roughly the same and grown maybe a little bit. the population growth is so much bigger in the sunbelt. there are so many more people moving down and they will continue to move down.
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you look at the biggest cities in america today. they are in texas and los angeles and phoenix. this is a trend that i think will continue as people continue to move out. high taxes in the northeast continue to push people out of the northeast. another interesting and somewhat odd trend in america renewed southern culture. it is interesting if you think about the 50s and the 60s american politics and american news society. in the south in the 50s and 60s it was mostly looking at the civil rights movement and especially the white opposition to civil rights that we saw in the 50s and
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early 1960s. especially television begins to focus more on the civil rights movement in birmingham. you start to see an ugly side of america. and how whites were treating african-americans. highlighting the jim crow laws in the south. as legal jim crow ends in the 1960s we get this renewed interest in the south and southern influences begin to seep into american society. something we also see to this day. southern rock becomes popular. the band leonard skinner, the song sweet home alabama which is an answer to neil young song, southern man which is very critical song about white southerners and the opposition to civil rights. lynyrd skynyrd is the answer to that. the southern man doesn't need
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neil young around anymore. sort of praising alabama and george wallace. other bands like the marshall tucker brand. you also had country rock. the eagles are not really a southern band but there are a lot of rock music bands that become countrified of it. country music which is been around a long time is known in the 50s as hillbilly music. now it hit mainstream. part of it it is the outlaw culture. if you are going to explain why there is interest in the south and popularity in the southern culture, i think it had something to do with the individualism. the idea of the outlaw culture. smoking and abandoned, dukes of hazard. these are kind of rebels. rebels in the south have specific meaning in terms of the civil war. in the 70s rebel has a
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different terminology. the rebellion against the system. there is an appeal to that. outlaw country music, willie nelson, waylon jennings. and more mainstream figures like dolly parton. emmylou harris. country music is all over. it is popular everywhere. it is not my cup of tea. i'm always amazed at the number of people who live in the north enjoy country music bands. you start to see that in the 70. race car driving, nascar has deep roots in the south going back to prohibition. hugely popular. not my cup of tea and what i spend my time on. you see nascar fans in the south. you see nascar fans all over in pennsylvania. this is an influence of the south. and movies i mentioned, one of the big american movie stars
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of the 1970s is burt reynolds. a player from florida. does anyone remember cvs? i have a board game from the 70s, acb board game. radio communication between truckers. 10 for, good buddy. smokey and the bandit helped to popularize that. here you have burt reynolds as a rebel fighting against jackie gleason. and then the dukes of hazard which premieres in 1979. you can see the confederate flag in the background. the car is called the generally. one of the more popular shows of the late 70s and 1980s. there is little boys now being mainstreamed in american society. now no longer meaning racial
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oppression or jim crow. but representing a much broader rebellion against authority figures. i think that is how the seeping into american culture of the south. it has always influenced american culture and always had an important place especially to look at our literature. people like faulkner and flannery o'connor had great influence in american letters. here we are talking about pop culture. americans are absorbing this very specific southern culture. as we look to civil rights with the upswings in terms of women's rights and rights. but civil rights is a different story in the 1970s. i will also put this powerpoint up on blackboard so have no fear. after the civil rights act of 64, after the voting rights act of 65 they question what
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comes next. the supreme court begins to take up hearing on certain issues. many of them having to do with schools. one that does not have to do with schools has to do with employment. the duke power case deals with what kind of tack can employers give to potential employees. intelligence testing, what kind of requirements can we make? can they require a high school degree? and the plaintiff argued that the power company was using the high school degree requirement and that was adversely impacting african- american applicants. because african-americans have lower rates of high school graduation. and the court argued that any kind of test a requirement for a job and to be essential, irreplaceable and directly related to a job. if there was disparate impact, if some requirement impacted
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the races differently that could be seen as discriminatory. so now you see we are getting into more complicated territory. we are beyond the issue of segregation on city buses or segregated pools or libraries. we are getting into complicated issues about how employers hire. this is the place where there was no evidence of outright discrimination but the use of these tests could be seen as discriminatory if they impacted applicants differently. the issue with schools also the supreme court will take up these issues. in swan versus charlotte. the supreme court said busing to achieve desegregation is constitutional. you can bus students across the district in order to fully desegregate the school system. that will be important in a couple minutes when we talk
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about boston. keys versus denver looks at northern cities. for the most part charlotte is in the south. but denver is in the west. and it did not have jim crow laws. it did not have de facto segregation. they were segregated based on residential patterns. the supreme court said that a city couldn't say we didn't have specifically black and white schools so therefore we can't be under a desegregation order. but the supreme court said de facto segregation could come under a court order which is what we will see in boston. but then in 1974 the court put the limit on this and put the limit on busing in milliken versus bradley. here we have a case in detroit
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of a northern city that in the 60s and 70s experiences a white flight out of the city and becomes majority african- american and schools are heavily african-american. and the whites that are in detroit school tend to be a mostly white schools. so the solution was let us children across the city lines. let's bus african-american children's across the suburbs and white children from the suburbs into the city. this metropolitan desegregation order would link the suburban schools with the urban schools as a way to balance the schools racially. and it is here the supreme court said no. you can't do that. these are separate school districts. and a court cannot order, because remember schooling is
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at the local level. locally controlled and run by local boards of education. the court said no, we are not going to destroy that. we are not going to create one huge metropolitan school district. and that will put a limit on what courts can demand in terms of busing that will have an impact here in boston as well. the other case dealing with african-americans and civil rights is the bakke decision. he was a white applicant to the university of california medical school davis. he was rejected and he claims that minority applicants with lower scores were admitted. goes to the supreme court and the steels with affirmative action. the supreme court in one of the most convoluted decisions and i won't even get into the details, but basically it was for people voting one way and for voting the other way.
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and then justice powell was the lone decision that was able to garner five votes. in their bakke was allowed to enter medical but the court said that schools could use race as a plus factor in looking at applicants. however, the rationale for that was not compensatory for past discrimination. it was to benefit the diversity of the student body. and this is something that the court has continued to use as a criteria for using race in terms of school applications. this is a way schools for educational purposes need to have diverse students and it is good to have a diverse student body. you can use race as one factor. we are in the middle now just across the charles river.
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we are in the case where harvard is in the court being challenged by asian-american students. they are using race but not as a plus factor in terms of agent americans. they opened up the harvard admissions process. but this is tricky. we are moving from earlier civil rights movements. we picked up the civil rights act which barred the use of race in terms of job discrimination and hiring. we are now getting into race conscious remedies like busing and like affirmative action. it is here where the legal issue he comes much trickier in terms of how much can government use race as a factor. and racial quotas for a company to have a certain percentage of african- americans or minorities. do we do that? the other problem is of course political.
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once we get to the issues of affirmative action and busing we are getting greater and greater political opposition. not just from the south but also in the north as well. in boston it is one of the most famous examples, in the 1970s of the controversy over school busing to achieve racial desegregation. here we have a photo of school buses rolling into south boston with african-american schoolchildren coming over from rock sperry. the quick background on the case, the racial imbalance act of 1965 was a state law which said that any school that had more than 50% minorities was deemed out of balance. and therefore needed to be desegregated. there was one problem with the law. if a school is 100% white, that was not out of balance. so what that meant was the only schools that were in
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violation of this law were boston schools and i think a couple schools in springfield and worcester. it was only geared to city schools. as we get into the 70s with milliken, the supreme court said you can't bus across city lines. it has to be within the city. boston has a program which comes up during this time as well which is a voluntary program in which african- american children in boston are bussed to suburban schools. suburban schools agree to accept a certain number of students every year. but that is a voluntary student busing plan. the naacp is fighting the boston school committee throughout the axes and early 70s arguing that boston city schools are segregated. especially in rock sperry and parts of dorchester. mattapan. those areas become more african-american. fewer whites live in those neighborhoods.
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whites are living in east boston and south boston and hyde park. the naacp is arguing that the boston school committee is triggering around with the neighborhood school district lines in order to keep schools majority white. they are playing around with feeder schools. what elementary schools feed two middle schools in order to keep as many white students in majority white schools. finally in 1974 in morgan versus hannigan in a federal court case, judge arthur garrity declares that the boston schools are segregated and orders busing to desegregate boston schools. he basically takes control over boston school and begins to redraw district lines and decide who will be bused where. a couple problems, one is that because white flight had been happening in the 60s and early
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70s there were fewer and fewer white students to bus. another problem, the most famous problem with the plan was that he paired south boston , predominantly irish catholic with rock sperry and bus the students into the two schools and this created a lot of tension. especially in south boston as white residents in south boston opposed the busing decision. south boston, some of you know a very close knit community. proud of its community and heritage. they did not want to be told that they had to accept black students or that their own student had to go over to roxbury. you can see the police escort. very high tension. there is a growing feeling as well that right bostonians, working-class bostonians asked
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why are they made to bear the brunt of integration of schools when mostly white suburban schools are completely exempt from this? it was seen that it was a white working-class that was carrying the burden for this which only increased their anger and their opposition to it. you have here the group created in boston to oppose busing. restore our alienated rights, roar. stop forced busing. on the right is a famous photo to come out. one of the most famous photos from recent boston history. the title is called the soiling of old glory. the man on the right is ted who is a prominent architect involved in civic affairs in boston. the man on the right is steve. if you look at the photo it looks like he is taking the flag and is about to spear the other man.
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the man on the right is holding him so he can spear him. he was being attacked here. but the picture doesn't quite tell the whole story. the man on the right is trying to hold up lands marked because he tripped. he was trying to hold him up. in one picture you see the racial divide between white bostonians, working-class bostonians and african- americans and the anger is created. boston schools will be under the judges control until the 1980, i think 1983 is when garrity turns back control of the schools. garrity is involved in a lot of various small decisions in schools. one of the more famous ones was in south boston where he is deciding how many balls the gym and the high school should order. more importantly is looking at teachers and what teachers are being hired.
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pushing for more minority teachers to be hired in the schools. busing will continue in boston until just a few years ago when officially busing in boston was ended. >> was homeschool an option in? >> i don't know. not like it is today. i don't know what the law was. if you could keep the child home in the 1970s. that i am not entirely sure. the options were and many white parents did this, either parochial school, send your kids to catholic school. there are a lot in the boston area. that became a big option and the archbishop of boston had to declare the boston catholic schools would accept no transfer students anymore. if you are starting in kindergarten that was okay but you couldn't transfer from fifth grade in to escape busing. the other thing is a lot of white students just left boston and moved to the suburbs. they moved elsewhere in the
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greater boston area. >> did this larger implementation of race conscious action, did that have an effect on the resurgence, and not directly, i don't think a lot of people would say that it was, but it did have some effect on the interest in the confederacy? >> perhaps in some ways there was. remember, a number of people who were affected by busing was pretty small. >> i mean just in general. the implementation of affirmative-action programs. yeah. i think that probably is part of it. but i don't think it is a direct relationship. it is more like a broad cultural one. something that is interesting about the anti-busing movement
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is how much the anti-busing groups use civil-rights tactics to oppose busing. they use sit ins and protests. there's a great photo of an anti-busing protester with a piece medallion. in many ways they have antiauthority movements, this broader feeling of antiauthority goes down to the busing decision. who are you higher authorities that can come into our community and tell us where my kids should go to school? we are not listening to you. the idea of the loss of faith in institutions and that will impact this as well and broadly speaking this southern culture, this outlaw rebel cultural, that will appear appeal to people as well. i'd don't know if there is
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something direct but it is in the culture and in the air. >> was it intentional that the affluent communities were left out? did they make a conscience choice? that had to be south boston? >> the supreme court said you couldn't force them into busing. they had it in a small scale. the original law in 1965 exempted them. it only looked at schools that were 50% or more minority. it did not say a school that was 99% white was out of balance. in that way all of the suburban, most suburban legislators voted for the racial imbalance act, they supported it. had it impacted suburbs they probably would not have voted for it. >> i was curious about, actually looked it up. i was looking at a southern poverty law center graft
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showing the enacting of confederate monument statues and things like that. it wasn't abnormally high in the 70s it was pretty normal. the 60s in comparison because of the civil rights movement is five times as high. that does make sense, the reaction. the earliest one was the foundation of the naacp is the highest amount. >> in the south, as a way of putting up confederate monuments it is a way of expressing your support for jim crow and your opposition to desegregation of the south. >> let's move to new york. 1970 is another crucial event and that is the fiscal crisis of new york. i will tell a complicated story as quickly as i can. new york city almost went bankrupt in 1975. america's largest city, the financial capital wall street could not pay its bills and
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came that close to going bankrupt. historians argue about the white often. in impact of the economic recession in 59 and 70, it really hit new york. new york loses a couple hundred thousand jobs during this time. at the same time going back to the 60s which had been a good time economically, new york institute a city income tax. new york has lots of revenue coming in in the 60s but they also increase city programs. there is greater demand for city programs, greater demand for welfare. new york city has its own hospitals. hospital costs are going up during this time. new york is becoming slightly poorer. white flight, you have white middle-class residents leaving the city. that impacts negatively the
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tax base. people who remain tend to be slightly poorer. greater demand for social services. what the city does in the early 1970s, it had done this in the early 60s and resumed in the early 70s, a lot of borrowing. it is normal. how do you think the buildings got built, borrowing and bonds? there is nothing wrong with that per se. but the city borrowed a lot and a lot of its bonds were short-term. interest rates were going up. what happened in 1975 is the banks are not confident enough in new york city for variety of reasons to lend them more money. by the way, these notes are due at the end of the month. what happens is new york state for all intents and purposes takes over the physical control of the city. they create the emergency financial control board to take over the city budgeting. they also create another organization called mac which
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sells bonds and that was a state created organization. they were able to raise money that way. the city couldn't raise money. >> raised money. what this leads has been called that era of austerity, tight budget. york city has significantly cut its budget. having said that, city budgets since the mid-60s had gone up very dramatically. city hiring of workers had gone up dramatically. they will be cut after 1975 and city workers, police, fire, all down the road, and you will see that impacted in daily life in new york. the parks already had been in bad shape, things like central park, they get worse after the fiscal crisis and money to upkeep the parks. the city will continue to hemorrhage residence there will be a net loss of 1 million residents during the 1970s. more importantly, for new york city,
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there is the culture of new york, the social welfare culture which had going back to the 30s had created a kind of urban safety net, three city college, the city had its own hospital. support for that would increase in the year of austerity, the idea that the city spends too much money and there's a famous headline for the city drop dead at the new daily news headline. when they turned president ford for money, initially fort said no, we will not lend you any money, you got into this on your own and we will not lend you money. hence the headline. as it turns out two weeks later ford would release some funds for new york city. still a bigger problem in new york as well, in 1977, there is in the summer of 77 a blackout. massive looting in neighborhoods, especially poor neighborhoods in new york. this, have you seen the movie the bronx
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is burning? it deals with in october of 77 during the world series, the yankees and the dodgers are playing the yankees in the bronx and outside of the stadium, there are fires going. the bronx had seen dating back to the late 60s, much especially the south bronx was affected by arson. they had rows of burned-out abandoned buildings in the bronx. in 1977 president jimmy carter goes to charlotte street in the bronx to survey the urban damage here. it became kind of the door for their the rigor to go to see the signs of urban decay and reagan would go and 80. and then there is the mayor, on the positive note, that area where carter is now, is very different today. single-family homes , very nice area, it's kind of rebuilt in the 1980s and early
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1990s. crime in new york but also nationwide becomes a very serious issue. in new york, the incident of son of sam killings in 1976 and 77, david worker was who was the son must son of sam killer called killed 6 and wounded seven others in mainly young couples. this is what makes serial killers take , that's the question we ask ourselves today. and berkowitz is a classic case of a man who was frustrated and did not do well with women. harbored hatred of women. the satanic cults, the dog, yes there was a side story about a sultana cult with the dog and messages, some people would argue that there are other people involved in the shootings by berkowitz, these cult members but the story was that he acted alone, based herbed individual. he
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lived in yonkers and the killings were in new york city trigger crime itself in new york dramatically increases. looking at murder rates, although robbery rates, car theft rates, they will be the same that in 1964, 182 murders in 1970, 1100 murders, 1800 on the city that is much smaller, about 10-50% smaller than it had been 20 years earlier. so the murder rate will go as high as 2100 a year in 1990. today to give you a sense, murders in new york are in the 300s, but in it's a much bigger city. the declining crime rate, we will see that in boston as well, most big cities. the period from the early 1960s down to the early 1990s, the period of pretty steady rate, especially in urban areas of urban crime . we see two of the
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famous movies of the area, the bottom was a death wish what was remade with bruce willis but the original was charles bronson in new york and the family was murdered. you might not be able to do that, vigilante city style, judge, jury and executioner. the idea that he takes the law into his own hands to deal with criminals. and then more famously is martin scorsese's taxi driver, 1976 with robert de niro. who is again kind of a disturbed loner. but more complicated, he tries to to save jodie foster who was a young prostitute. he said he was filmed on location in new york in 1975 in the summer. so he elms or these are filmed in new york and you can feel what is going on in you are, you feel the tension and the problems when you watch taxi driver. you can sense that, you can see the dirty streets and you can see the
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graffiti. you can see how the city is pushing this man who already is in stable to begin with, pushing him to the edge. but, at the same time all of this is happening, if you look at new york, there is stuff going on under as well. one thing that is happening is the creation of hip-hop culture. which is occurring in the bronx in the 1970s, at the same time you have arson, high crime rates. people like dj cool and african obada and others are creating the style of music in big block parties in the bronx. it is not until the 1980s that we will start to his seat seep into the broader culture. graffiti becomes part of that as well . one of the complaints about new york another big cities was the graffiti on everywhere, on subways, on buildings, on bridges.
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in the beginning of the 90s, in new york city made a great effort to clean up the graffiti, to clean up the city. you see here we now know graffiti artists and there's a greater understanding of graffiti art and its length to hip- hop culture. the other thing that's going on in new york is down in lower manhattan at a club called the cbg being. where bands talking heads mama blondie, television, the ramon's are playing in this which is going to usher in the era of punk new- wave, college alternative, whatever in the 1970s and all these cultural things are going on underneath there were not readily apparent at the time. that we can see today. going back roughly speaking we also see and we talked about the array, arrives in the conservative move and in america. often started with
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william f. buckley, creator of the national review, he was on the left. the journal dedicated to conservative thought, pushing the opposing new liberalism.barry goldwater in 1964 runs against lbj and loses in a landslide and he runs is kind of an ideological libertarian conservative. against government programs, he's a hawk and he's also opposed to the civil rights law and that is a complicated story in many ways. but goldwater n64 was he put it into the can conservative movement but the lace of the late xts going into the 70s will provide more fodder for the republican party to. kevin phillips in 1969 writes a book called the emergent emerging republican majority. and he looks at the sun belt and looks at the white south, blue-collar whites in the north and says, this is part
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of the future republican majority. he was right. often nixon silent majority speech that was talked about was part of that. in addition, this trust of institution this anti-authority feeling, greater emphasis on individual will fuel the political conservatism, ironically because of its criticism of the government. ragan will come into office in 1981, he said the problem is government. the government is a problem. disbelief that government isn't effective and doesn't do the job well is fueled in part by this mistrust of institutions that we see coming in from the 1970s. we talked last time, what else is driving the conservatism of the 70s and 80s, prop 13 of the politics of texas.
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the rise of the moral majority, the increasing number of evangelical protestants. as mainline churches decline, evangelical protestantism is on the rise. roe v. wade in 1973, we will talk about that on thursday. puts abortion or turns it into a political issue. northern white ethnic democrats, they begin to support republicans like nixon. they don't necessarily leave the democratic party but they're more likely to vote for a republican candidate and known as reagan democrats in the 80s. then and foreign- policy, we will talk about this and coming classes, a backlash against d'etat which was the ussr and the u.s. needs to rebuild its military and re- challenge the soviet union. in some form some former democrats who were hawkish on foreign policy will move to the republican party, these are called neoconservatives. we see in the 70s at the end of a
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new deal coalition, the birth of the reagan coalition, the traditional republican voters, farmers but in addition evangelical protestants just southern whites in 1964 when he finds signs a civil rights act, he was alleged to have said upon signing it he handed over the south to the republican party. the democrats in the south had been solidly democrat going back to the civil war. it is more complicated than that, going down to the late 70s and early 80s a big majority of congressional southerners were still democrats. but as we see over time, or the decades down to today, the south is, some exceptions, it became increasingly republican. that the same time the democratic party is changing. there's a new democratic majority some people argue,
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a deemphasis, forget about the old labor unions and the bosses, forget about the political machines of. focus on minorities, african- americans as well as college-educated white liberals. and water kate babies are the congressmen and women elected in 1974 in reaction to watergate. they are the new style politicians, they are liberal, upper-middle-class, college educated, and the different constituency than the old democratic party. finally, what does it mean to with the age of limits, the end of postwar optimism. the political fragmentation and polarization and politics. the weakening of the american military, the deindustrialization that we see in the economy, the beginning of economic inequality. and the possible of limited natural resources. we saw with the will crisis. yet, there's an increasing emphasis on personal freedom and rights in the 70s. there is expanding opportunities for minorities and women. there's a cultural flourishing in the
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70s, disco, hip- hop, punk, elm, the golden era of american film. and we have the picture here steve wozniak and steve jobs in 1976 start apple computers. there they are in the garage of bill gates in 1975 will start microsoft. no limits. mostly young men who are working in anonymity in the 70s, building and starting and creating the technological revolution that will have great impact down to our time today. this is the age of limits and qualification on their, we will see beginning in the 80s, that changes in american society and economics. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> we are featuring american history tv programs is a
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