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tv   Hawaii Governor Delivers State of the State Address  CSPAN  April 12, 2024 1:47am-2:37am EDT

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[applause] jamie, lieutenant governor, speaker, senate president, colleagues, governors, mayors, consulate generals, c. j., dignitaries, cabinet members have been so wonderful, state leaders, and all the people of hawaii, aloha. >> aloha. >> our state sovereignty tragic and devastating loss when fires swept through lahaina and other areas of mode. i would like to take a moment to honor the memory of those we lost that day, , august 8, 2023. please join me in a moment of silence to honor them.
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we have come together as one to recover and heal. i here to report that the state of hawaii is strong. [applause] first, response to the maui fires. we lost 100 of our loved ones in the fire in the lives of thousands more were changed that day. hurricane force winds fanned fires over the islands of maui and away causing the worst natural disaster in our state's history. words cannot adequate describe the devastation caused by the fires that scorched thousands of our acres and destroyed nearly all of lahaina. at this moment, to recognize maui mayor bisson who strength in the face of this disaster has been most edible. please stand, mayor. [applause] two of the brake mode fibers are also here with us today, koa kei
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ho and koa bonnell. please stands we can recognize you and all of your fellow firefighters who put yourselves in harm's way. [applause] >> chief of police pelletier, who can't be with us today was work, who was alongside the firefighters and first responders and you let his police force into the disaster to help rescue people. few people other than the survivors from lahaina can fully understand what it's like that the on the ground for firefighters. we are honored to know you. one more round of applause for these heroes. [applause]
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these men and women knew what they're facing when he went into the fire. many of their own homes would be destroyed and some did know if the family was safe, so that is what they're facing anyone in any way. what they did was so truly a rock. i don't know if the reports of we will able to capture that. and then commute across the street quickly joined them, join together in support of the thousands of displaced visitors and survivors. archie and his ohana were among the very first to mobilize community members across maui to rg, you are also one of our heroes. please stand. [applause] another individual stepped up more than anyone could possibly imagine and that was chad buck and his ohana. and if the witness us generosity in my life and the kindness you
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brought to this disaster. please stand and be recognize, chad. [applause] the entire hotel committee on maui including jeff wagner, jerry gibson my dear friend muffy kahneman, thank you for stepping up when a a committee need you the most to house people could been displaced. mahalo for your incredible work. [applause] >> as he zeroes worked on a fire, or state agencies including hi-ema, department of education, health, fema services, all begin immediate wake alongside fema and maui county with the red cross to provide meals, temporary housing and new schools as well as support services for disaster relief program which included financial recovery, , medical ad mental health care which was so
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critically important. concerned citizens and relations such as as a hawaii committee foundation, the red cross, cnha, so many others immediately mobilize donation drives and brought tens of maids of dollars the effort. report from an all over the world. so working with these partners in the first two weeks after august 8 we relocated over 1000 of our displaced people in total rooms and condos across maui. [applause] and a few short months regarding dispersed over 100 millions of dollars of housing system to those who needed were affected and this is just beginning of the effort. disasters as severe as this one can take years to recover from. i'm especially grateful to other individuals that have become local leaders and probably in our state helping years past refusing religious right now i'd like to recognize our micah kane and kuhio lewis. let's give them a round of
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applause. [applause] and providing leadership alongside all of our government and then today fema is rigid over 17,000 survivors for services and begin to provide them the long-term housing that they need. 18-24 months the rental assistance well into 2025. the american red cross also in full partnership with the sisterly helping to house over 2300 families, more than 5000 individuals, in individuals, in more than 30 hotels across maui. it is a team effort. as governor i authorize an additional $100 million million dollars from a temporary assistance for needy families, tanf, to match with others would donate, effectively doubling the power of the contributions help those affected families pay for housing, transportation, food, clothing, and any need that arose. [applause]
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because of legislature stepped up we also provide relief to local businesses the form of emergency grants to be distributed by the maui economic opportunity team, aimed at preventing bankruptcies. so working with house and senate leaders and a partnership with maui county when the $12.5 million available in a form of grants of up to $20,000 each to a local businesses survive and recover. [applause] what does this all mean? the road to recovery will be long. healing will take time. it's going to take courage and commitment from all of us we will get there as we come together as an ohana to help support the maui community. [applause] now, we have discussed in the
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recovery effort to mug. we set aside up to $60 million for recovery cost of the continued well into 237. work with president by and visit administration directly to ensure that federal funds will pay for 100% of debris removal and emergency protective measures in the disaster areas, for six and 12 retrospectively, support which will save us hundreds of millions of dollars as we recover. in november we brought a coalition together additionally too great a maui recovery fund which will rapidly provide funds to families have lost a loved one or web been severely injured in the fires. participation in this fun as i should before would be completely voluntary. the goal is to guess much money as possible to affected families as quick as possible. we've already secured $175 million for the fund for initial partners including the state, maui county, kamehameha goals,, hawaiian electric, charted communications and hawaiian telecom. [applause]
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to operationalize this fun with pro bono services from first hawaiian bank and of the king and my and professionals can leaders across the country don't for example, with 9/11, and we expect to have this fun set up and running by march 1 to offer support to families in maui who have lost so much. [applause] now most central on the peoples mind and maui is housing. ..
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[applause] here is where i have to make a humble appeal, every owner of the short-term rental property on maui, join us in our mission to house those displaced by the disaster. right now we need your help to care for them. [applause] let me break down how it is on maui, if we can dedicate just 10% of these homes, we can house
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everyone. the value of each rental for two years and providing property tax exemption the mayor and his counsel very thoughtfully passed just weeks ago for an exemption for property tax for 18 months. [applause] if you want to participate in
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this program, e-mail us today at maui housing 2024 at to join in this effort. maui housing to join us in the effort, it's critically important we care for people and put them in housing. in addition, a rental assistance and rent, they are currently in the process of 1500 homes for survivors. 1367 and that's an estimate to the great work is team. they are planning and designing to housing sites on maui to has up to 500 additional families. this operation along totals for 50 additional dollars. mike in many cases, i'd like to
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recognize the leader at fema and bob of the big guy over here to my left is been a great working partner. [applause] [applause]
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urgent shortage of affordable housing and impolite among most expensive in the nation. the most desirable destination in investment for so many people from around the world purchase property and before times they would if he rented the property. and they are owned and 20 or more units, take a minute to
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digest, 52% in someone we love. i cannot, there are so few houses that they affect for those who earn too much to have help. they are being squeezed out of the housing market and approach 7%. (are way too high. the process of building homes so obligated and costly our state the last three decades unnecessary due bureaucracy, permitting processes and zoning rules we had to take immediate action. to do that, aside the proclamation -- appreciate our
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office proclamation formed a committee of the housing expert and improvement housing projects. immediately approved new housing for struggling income families and return our attention to the rail. [applause] make no mistake, we have to not provide housing for people. i listen to the leaders across our state and affordable housing and build more affordable housing in protecting resources and preserving need for all and am grateful insistent we have
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approved the project teachers, nurses, firefighters work with families across the state for years. [applause] we have to have an honest moment. we need to find new ways buying a home or more affordable. further action the local housing market. [applause] challenge of this magnitude will
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have multiple solutions and approaches. enforcement of the laws we have are important. the measures we've been taking, all of these can and should for local long-term housing markets, today i am humbly calling the legislature to help us implement policies and reforms which will turn housing to the market for our people and supply and bring down prices to unfairly the business and state, i will sign into law any bill legislature said to me will help short-term rentals and bacon properties owned by nonresidents and to local housing markets.
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this will increase supply and cost for families. [applause] in addition, my time crafted the legislation someone who terms the home into a long-term rental and will be exempted from tax. this program is when you give it to me and --
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[applause] let's talk about the cost of living. families in our state despite working multiple jobs, paycheck to paycheck and even before the pandemic. 44% of families in the state were barely getting by the present of families fall into the same category. 44% of families are living paycheck to paycheck is seeking you present are hawaiian families fall into this category. it's too high, especially the cost of home. families moving to vegas and affordable housing, lower cost of living.
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[applause] i'm grateful for the legislature and the legislator session one of the plants in the first year alone provided 100 million a year and impacts. this phase one package for working families for earned income tax credit and food tax credit. the next phase of the plan is to go for the provide tax relief to families who are struggling including a child dependent tax credit, $87 million annually. why is this important? working families can afford to live in hawaii next generation
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in planning proposals and tax provide all taxpayers leave from inflation. you have to do this. all the families of hawaii. dq. [applause] it is important for the affordability plan across the board and will are in the in its decreased 2.9% in october last
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year, this is the lowest rate of unemployment since the pandemic so with the closure, i am concerned the aftermath for all the families we have. jobs, small businesses and i know this is difficult, incredibly difficult decision for many impacted by the wildfires in housing people are concerned and many others believe it is necessary. all i can tell you is this -- i care deeply about every time, i listen to people's concerns and i'm sensitive about their peers.
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sometimes the government has to make certain decisions and for the health of our entire state.
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[applause] it's been a roller coaster ride covid with the economy falling in the crisis in a no that's me jobs it should be difficult including from the future. last year i made cuts and vetoes and hope i did it respectfully enough, we are able to balance our budget and more importantly 1.5 billion dollar rainy day fund, these projections for our economy allowed to invest more critical issues and access to healthcare and homelessness so thank you very much for understanding. [applause] [applause] homelessness. just over a year ago we face the
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second highest homeless rate in the country. 2023 homeless community, 6223 people in our state living without a home. our state rate of homelessness is more than double the national rate of 1,810,000 for many reasons. many struggle with mental illness and addiction and they suffer on the street and a shorter life span averaging only 53 years. maybe our goal to reduce homelessness by 50% for years. january 23 last year right at this stage of the state address assigned an emergency proclamation on homelessness to cut through the red tape preventing much-needed action we had to take allowing us to begin proper construction of villages in the coming year.
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for those who haven't heard before, modest housing units, homeless individuals and households, shared space for cooking and eating, recreation and engaging unity activity together. lifespan increases back to normal and cost drops 70%. this is the reason the right humanitarian action to take it at me reopen the partnership to care for the homeless on our street and they are coming out discharged located in the backyard between capital and department of health in washington place and it was a great success.
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i would tell you they are going to revolutionize how we deal with homelessness. please stand and be recognized, i would like to think the legislature last session and $32 million this year, it's very thoughtful. thank you for that. [applause] we extend our deepest hollows and efforts for the heart and thoughtfulness over the last year end now we place our trust friend and legislature in cali.
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[applause] joining me in our administration after decades of punishment and commitment, i can't wait to see this mission. as we continue to invest in permanent solutions, you're going to see the results. let's turn to healthcare, for years there are a shortage of healthcare professionals so september 9, we announced payment program. the healthcare association of hawaii state department of health in 19 hundred by you, hawaii education loan repayment
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program provides unprecedented $30 million educational loan repayment, health professionals bring them to and keep them in hawaii. [applause] why we do this and why does it help? qualify for loan repayment in our states up to $50000 a year. some $04,500,000 of debt in exchange for minimum service of two years while they are getting to practice in caring for patients that need them the most and fellowships are targeted providers who care for those who are usually on medicaid. the first batch and we receive dozens of education applicants. we have already received thousands of applications.
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this is just weeks into it and with party announced our first 585 healthcare champions. [applause] as i look at the concerns of the freshman class coming in, they were focusing on mental health care. this year but putting an emphasis on mental health and addiction treatment to address the heightened concerns we have and on value. the solution is making sure underserved communities and healthcare providers they need and within five years hawaii will be the only state in the nation with a shortage of doctors and nurses and social workers. [applause]
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again, an initiative also bring an end to disparities many in our communities have suffered for too long. two days ago a young doctor shared with me she's about to complete her training. because she received scholarships, she will be able to settle here for that. she grew up in white and is still with her high school sweetheart and now she can deliver a lifetime of care to local families and practice medicine. last year we strengthen our healthcare system with hundreds of millions of dollars in world facilities. this will help extend commitment for underserved communities and those who suffer. i like to think the chapter making the hospital. you guys are wonderful. talk in summary, also
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communities need help in the community has been most likely ten years earlier and an average of eight years earlier, compared to other populations as we passed these programs, ongoing disparities in hawaiian community, fiscal department with the department of hawaiian homeland to approve $600 billion in homestead lands and beneficiaries, it goes hand-in-hand. thank you for your extraordinary work. [applause] talking about gun violence. gun violence is a growing problem in hawaii and across the country. the tragic shooting of a
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18-year-old moved and hosted our states gun buyback event last year and it was unprecedented. in a few hours department of law enforcement public safety almost 500 firearms our street with no questions asked, no id required. thank you. , collecting ghost gun, semi automatic weapons likely from the streets. alaska director continue holding gun buyback on a regular basis to get more guns on our street. this initiative went on an
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island wide rampage into a bar grade police officers both of whom will survive. we must do more to protect our communities and those who know business to firearms. [applause] will not let this issue divide us. means taking lots of action on both sides of the political ideology, incarcerating violent criminals, preventing a single people from having guns in the first place and providing much more healthcare access to those suffering mental illness and drug addiction which is too
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often to tragedies. thank you for helping me protect. [applause] public education demonstrated support costs people negotiated for your contract the 13500 they represent his contract which was the first thing who prioritize was important. essential pay raise for new braces and professional teachers. paid dividends already, i want you to understand how successful it's been. we are not being pure teachers retire and you are the classroom. [applause] investing in education full help
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succeed we have requested $25 million think the education chairs with appreciation scheduled funding for the department of education and essentials classroom, his food service and transportation and education for our taking. i want to thank you and i want to take a moment. extraordinary work and education. [applause] >> i took this advice to heart. we are friends colleagues and
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making preschool available to all children that are profoundly positive impact on our states to come. thank you for your great work on this and many others. it is recognized and critical. [applause] as characteristics committed across the board. hawaii must continue to invest in this culture, reduced dependence on fossil fuels and this is why i joined the crime and alliance on the 25 governor securing the future by advancing led high-impact climate action. we have to do more to protect beaches in hawaii natural
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treasures go by climate change. without raising fees will talk to you about how i hope we can do this. his responsibility to protect hawaii preserve visitors to our island from i'm excited about this session coming up. the climate impact will provide needed resources to protect our environment and awareness of the impact of climate change. this legislative session renew efforts to cause a calm impact to to dongle on impact changes. imagine how the program would have been. we need to do better this year so today i am simplifying proposal for proposing $25 fee when they arrive and check into a hotel.
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[applause] we already collect modest fee, generate approximately $58 million figure from visitors. invest the funds the way you feel we should invest. i believe in my heart it's not too much to ask visitors to achieve the same goals and accommodation tax. we will find a way to compromise on these issues because we are surrounded by everyone who cares about the state may have one position or another doesn't mean we will come to so to preserve
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natural resources, this is an essential part of our way of life. thank you for considering this proposal, i know it will help in a can be found they shut down for good. military again october 165 months ahead of schedule and drink 104 million gallons in the tank from another 9.5% of the total will close facility permanently so never again poses a threat to our health or safety of our water.
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[applause] we agreed to continue to take every necessary action to protect natural resources, especially water and hold those accountable so thank you for coming together in thank you for bringing all of us together as one family on this issue. [applause] a few new opportunities, focusing this year on noise recovery, affordability will be easy to forget other important aspects to support our economy. this year we launched proposals
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so we move forward on the stadium and discussions with japan to create open trouble and actively seeking right now to expand states industry with a greater emphasis on local discussion and developing our own kids to become professional. a special thanks to senator of illinois and prioritize energy research and development with the goal of becoming hydrogen with these important discussions and partner with our own university and provide pathways to build a sustainable energy state for our beautiful hawaii. a new university president 2024 will continue to rely on
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economic integration. [applause] finally our path forward. we never forget the day i was to our loved ones who change the lives of so many married. the people of maui have shown strength in the face of adversity but the days ahead will not be easy and they will continue to meet support and we will be there for them as long as it takes. over the past five about months shown the rest of the country and world the spirit of a local. we have come together and found shared values and common purpose to support maui and recover and heal the house people and make
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life and why more affordable our next generation given build future here at home. [applause] again, i want to express my deepest gratitude to the people of hawaii for your resilience and commitment to each other, it is an honor to serve as your governor. [applause] [applause]
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