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tv   New York Gubernatorial Debate  CSPAN  October 30, 2014 9:00pm-9:58pm EDT

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the highest unemployment in 30 years. >> i am the jobs governor. >> one of the worst unemployment rates in america. corruption or incompetence? pat quinn failed that his job and now he wants four more years. >> do you know how many people work at first rounds firm -- at the roof rauner's firm? how many are african-american? when nbc news asked, he said he could not find anyone. >> we. were not finding the folks. they weren't there. sayingyou are running as how close you are to our community? did you think nobody would find out? >> i am a democrat and i am for bruce rauner because he is my husband. but when bruce says he will
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shake things up, he means it can an economichave agenda. this isn't about democrat or republican. this is about our state's future. that is why i am hope you will be for bruce, too. >> this is michelle obama and i know pat quinn. i have seen that pat has the kurds to do what is right. now pat is fighting to raise minimum wage. he is creating jobs here at home instead of shipping jobs overseas. he will never cut funding for military families or veterans to give tax breaks to the wealthy. election, barack and i are casting our votes for our friend pat quinn. c-span's campaign 2014 is bringing you 100 debates for control of congress. follow us on twitter and like
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this on facebook. >> on the next "washington discussesdiana oakley how prepared americans are to potentially outlive their america -- their retirement savings. then mickey mcintyre looks at the death with dignity laws in place across the u.s.. this comes at the decision of a 29-year-old two and her life -- to end her life after being diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. wilson centerthe hosted a discussion on oil prices. energy experts will look at the fx and what they could -- of the it could meanat for russia and venezuela.
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>> campaign 2014 coverage continues on primetime. saturday, a funeral for ben bra dlee. friday night at 8:00 on c-span 2, chris tomlinson on the story of two families, one white, one black, and the slave plantation that bears their name. saturday night at 10:00 on afterwards, james mcpherson on jefferson davis. then a three-our conversation with michael korda. friday at 8:00 on american history tv, one of the first african-american labor unions, the rutherford of sleeping car porters. 8:00,ay night at
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propaganda and america's view of the japanese during world war ii. a 1936afternoon come a film on tuberculous is in america. find our television schedule on and let us know what you think about the programs you are watching. call us. e-mail us. or you can send us a tweet. join the c-span conversation. like us on facebook. follow us on putter. twitter. >> now to the new york governor's debate. andrew cuomo, rob astorino, howie hawkins, and michael mcdermott. this hour-long debate comes courtesy of wned tv. buffalo, new york, it is
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election 14, the race for governor. sponsored by the buffalo news and wned wbfo. features rob , howieo, andrew cuomo hawkins, and michael mcdermott. for eyesrt comes from resigne and. we are proud to support this broadcast of the 2013 -- 2014 gubernatorial debate. >> from the wned wbfo studios, here is brian meyer. [applause] >> thank you and welcome to all of you watching and listening across new york state. we will learn more about four candidates for governor who are seeking your vote on election day. let's meet the candidates during
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republican rob astorino is serving as westchester county executive. democrat andrew cuomo became governor in 2011. he is running on the and tendons, working at the independents, working families, and equality lines. hawkins is aie syracuse resident and longtime activist. the rich. party candidate michael mcdermott is a former real estate developer. he ran for congress in 2012. gentlemen, welcome. the candidates will be taking questions from our panelists. they will also answer video questions submitted from voters. here are the rules. each candidate will have one minute to make an opening statement. questions will alternate and each candidate will have one minute to answer. a bell will ring when the time has expired. follow-up questions will be
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limited given time constraints. video questions submitted by voters will be submitted to all candidates who each have 30 seconds to respond. at the end of the question and answer period, each candidate will have one minute to make a closing statement. during the debate, candidates are not permitted to use any prepared notes, visual aids, or props. we ask the candidates to stay on-topic topic and not interrupt one another. time limits will be enforced. the league of women voters of buffalo-niagara will keep time. mr. cuomo, you have one minute for your opening statement. >> let me begin by thanking tonight's sponsors and the panelists. my pleasure to be back in buffalo once again. applause to all those few full in -- those people in buffalo for turning their city around. the buffalo bills are here to stay and they are winning. so i say go bills and go
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buffalo. it has been my honor to serve governor of the state of new york for the past four years. if you remember where we were and you look at where we are now, there is no doubt that the state is better off and better in general. ago,we started four years the government wasn't even working. we now have the lowest taxes in over 50 years. we have more jobs than we have ever had before and we have democrats and republicans working together again. the state is better because it is stronger, it's safer, and it is more progressive. one of the options in this ultraconservative philosophy that disrespects women, minorities, and immigrants. i reject that. i believe we should -- we have more work to do, but the hour is pointed in our direction. an organizer for peace, justice, labor and environment since the 1960's. i served in the marine corps
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said i have had working class jobs on construction sites and all loading docks. i started successful small businesses, including a co-op that built solar energy and energy efficiencies for homes and businesses. for governor to go to work for the 99% of us, the middle class people who are overtaxed, underserved and underpaid. for a green new deal for new york. it would guarantee everybody the right to a useful job, a living wage, affordable health care, affordable housing, and a good education. the centerpiece is to fight climate change by banning fracking and moving to 100% clean energy over the pet -- the next 15 years. it's time for real change. >> mr. astorino, you have one minute. >> thank you very much. i am running for governor because new york is losing and losing badly. we have the highest taxes in
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america, the worst business climate, the worst economic outlook. recovery is an anemic .7%. we have cities that are losing. poverty in buffalo is off with -- off the charts especially with children. we cannot allow for more years and 400,000 people leaving the state because of this gentleman. we need to cut taxes in a real way. that tax cut will make us the most competitive in the northeast and will get this economy moving again so people can go back to work. we also need term limits. theway is to clean up corruption of the andrew cuomo administration. we also need to get rid of cuomo's, and core and get better standards provided by our own teachers. we also need to get rid of the unsafe act. right now, the privileged and the well-connected are doing very well under andrew cuomo's term. the rest of us, not so much. that is who i am representing.
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>> mr. mick are met, you have one minute for your -- mr. mcdermott, you have one minute for your opening statement. >> i want to thank everyone who sponsored this debate. i want to give a special thanks to governor cuomo for insisting that i be here. not for him, i probably would not be here. thank you, governor. listenre to ask you to closely what is said in this debate. don't listen to democrats or republicans. listen as fellow new yorkers. you will get to a point where we can empire were -- can and power new yorkers to take their lives back, so look carefully and listen carefully. please, listen to everything that is said. the libertarian philosophy that we espouse them a one of individual liberty, individual freedom, and strong adherence to the constitution. that is what we are here to do. thank you very much and i look forward to the debate. >> the first question comes from bob mccarthy, political reporter
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for "the buffalo news." it with aet right to question on economic development. havewo major candidates outlined far different approaches to fostering economic development in new york. mr. cuomo has established targeted programs like the buffalo billion and start up new york in which he claims successes while mr. astor and no -- mr. astorino proposes lower taxes and a less real tory climate will result in even more success. -- less regulatory climate will resort in even more success. >> i think it is a very good question. i have had some experience with start up new york. i am not in favor of it. i think the idea of bringing companies and and have an -- and having a 10-year tax break is good news to me. but i have tried it with some company's i have worked with and it is difficult to deal with. it does not include a lot that
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it needs to include. so i am not a big fan of it. i have seen a lot of commercials lately. 200 millionent dollars in commercials. it sounds good but it is not working that well. i like the economic development idea. but i think we should do this as people of the state of new york, and thehe government state representatives who are telling you what they are going to do, how they are going to do it, and that not fulfilling -- and then not fulfilling those promises. >> here's is what is happening in new york right now. we basically have massive corporate welfare. 21 billion dollars in tax credits to big corporations and billionaires. it is what is happening right now. andrew cuomo benefits from this tremendously. that is how he filled his $45 million war chest that he uses to attack me with negative and false advertising all over tv. the governor gives tax credits and a wink and at
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nod. that is not economic development. that is that economic policy. what we need in this state are not gimmicks. we don't need gimmicks. you need actually reducing taxes to make us the us competitive in the northeast. we know what the problems are. the problems are in albany right now. we have overregulation, massive taxes driving our middle class, our small businesses and our big corporations out of this state. people are following those jobs for better states. we have to put that to an end and change the climate in the state. >> mr. cuomo, you have one minute. rhetoric is fine. facts are better. state are thehis lowest they have been since 1953. corporate taxes are back to the level of 1968. we just won an award from a business point of view, from number 25 to 4, from a
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conservative organization that studies taxes. so we brought down taxes and that has brought up dobbs -- brought up jobs. than itte has more jobs has ever had in the history of the state of new york. myterms of credibility, friend, mr. astorino, when it psalmisttaxes, the their 20% tax cut, guarantee there would not be a tax hike. after five years, they are the number one text county in the united states -- number one in the united states of america and the county was downgraded. >> trickle-down corporate welfare does not trickle down to working people and small businesses. plan thatbottom-up gives incentive to businesses to invest and hire.
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is best way we can do that to commit to 100% clean energy over the next 15 years. we have a peer-reviewed study from cornell and stanford that says we create 4.5 million jobs, good middle column -- middle income jobs. that is how we improve the business climate. cut the costs of doing business. cut electrical rates in half. for a single-payer system the stay and lower property taxes by restoring the progressive taxes we had in the 1970's and the revenue-sharing we had then hearin. they could lower property taxes and still pay for their schools and services. >> next question comes from karen dewitt of new york state public radio. >> mr. astor reno, my -- mr. astorino, my question is on fracking. there is an ongoing health
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study. would you continue it in a publicly transparent manner? won't be politically paralyzed like this governor is. 35 states have natural gas. their economies are booming. let's look at pennsylvania, ohio, north dakota. we can do that here in new york. president obama supports it. so do the energy department and the interior department. senators schumer angela brandt supported. -- senators schumer and gillibrand support it. the d.c. says 50,000 jobs. the 640 1000s, for new yorkers who are still unemployed right now, getting by on a second job, those are the jobs he pretends to have created. good jobs. this will lower energy costs, bring back manufacturing.
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it will be back -- it will be good for our taxes. need to gete people back to work. but make sure we protect the environment and the public health. symbolically is on my left today. he believes that fracking is very dangerous. my rightino is on today and he believes fracking is safe. i say i am not a scientist. let the scientists decide. it is very compensated. it is very controversial. academic studies come out all different ways. let the experts decide. let the department of health and the department of conversation give me a report. what the experts say is right, that is what i will do. it is too complicated for a layman.
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when he goes home to westchester, he is mark ruffolo. he passed a law that says --cking water wastewater fracking wastewater cannot be traded in his facilities or used on his roads. nott is safe of state, just in westchester county for his family. >> my position is we should ban fracking because it is a danger to the climate. you burn gas. it does pollute the water and the lamb. we already know that from what we have seen in pennsylvania and around the country. 5% of fracking wells failed in 15 years. mr. cuomo says he is waiting for the science. but when science came back from the u.s. geological survey, his administration wanted to change the results. so what is it? and then the study that you referred to is raced on
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obsoletes -- is based on obsolete science. genericlemental environmental impact statement is six years old and it is based on the environmental impact that was two years old. this is like a farce and governor cuomo should take a position before the election so people know where it he stands. i will ban fracking. >> very interesting question. listening to these guys, i don't know what the truth is. is it safe? is it not safe? be sureh is we have to it is safe. i am not willing to take a risk to our groundwater and our environment because we think it might be say. i understand the need for jobs and to bring in money and all that. i think that governor cuomo, looking at or waiting for a reply with -- a report, is a copout? it's hard for me to decide. i am against fracking until we can prove that it is safe. it is not worth the risk.
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there are other alternatives. you want to create jobs? there is something called industrial hemp. a canopy smoked but it can -- they cannot be smoked but it can create jobs. it does not need pesticides. cheaper and better clothing. we can build a huge economy and jobs just by considering that option. nobody talks about it. the libertarian viewpoint is you can do what you want with your own land unless it affects him and yells. affects somebody else. >> also on the panel is astor gonzalez. >> -- mr. gonzales. >> you appointed a's daschle -- you appointed a special panel. you suddenly abolish your own handle less than a year ago. theyhen press accounts say are assured its members to quash
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certain investigations. the attorney is now probing what happened. whodo you respond to those call this the darkest stain of your first term? can you assure us tonight and that your office never sought to interfere with the moreland commission or any internees or no investigations prompted by or even the current federal probe? >> yes, i can. thank you for bringing it up because there is a lot of misinformation and this is an opportunity to clear it up. number one, we appointed a commission. i said to the chairman of the commission who happens to be the preeminent district attorney of the state of new york and my opinion, who happens to be a republican. he says you make all the decisions. yes, people gave him advice and he had public hearings. but he has repeatedly said he made all the decisions independently hearing he has been saying that for months.
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second, i wanted the commission to get a law passed. that is why i am powered them. i said to the legislature, when you pass the law, the commission will go away. they passed the law. they redefined bribery, was applauded by all the da's, and that is what we needed, a new law so that da's could actually prosecute. and that is what we produced. >> mr. hawkins, you have one minute. governor, i would really panel of the moreland commission on corruption and let them investigate. playal with our pay to culture in order to open the doors for special interests to get tax breaks and favors, i favor a system of full public campaign financing where everybody makes reasonable
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fidelity contributions and get their petitions done and they get an equal grant. they have to participate in a series of public debates. what has been passed in the -- we have a limited campaign public financing yet unlimited time to financing. puts a little public money on top of the old system that needs to be changed. they should work full-time for us as legislators, as public servants. and i have been watching tv. i see all sorts of commercials from one side of the other. republicanscusing of corruption. republicans accusing democrats of corruption. i think they are both right. i am tired of it. i don't want to hear about the stuff. if you want to have a moreland commission, who do you trust to have the answer?
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we have to get people back into the process. new yorkers have to decide for themselves who is corrupt, who is not corrupt. i know one thing. i am not corrupt. i just want to represent the people. we just have to do this because i am tired of all these negative ads. we have so much work to do. as governor, i will make sure that not only is there no corruption, but it is not the democrats or the republicans where the solutions lie. .hey are part of the problem they are the problem. the solution lies in getting people involved. that is my firm belief, that the people have to be empowered to start deciding for themselves who is corrupt and who is not. ago, andrew cuomo pretended to be the reformer to come in, the white knight who would clean up the corruption in albany. he called it an embarrassment and he was right. unfortunately, now he assuming in the cesspool of corruption. we have a state where only in
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can the anticorruption unit be corrupted. so you are looking at andrew cuomo the rest of tonight. you will see a person who very well may be indicted after this election day comes and goes for witness tampering, of structure and of justice, failure to report crimes. we have seen this before in new york. it has to come to an end. governor, i would ask you tonight if you just talk the people directly, tell them the truth, raise your right hand and swear that either you nor your staff has been subpoenaed by the u.s. attorney with regards to the loan commission scandal. >> i believe you have a follow-up question. >> to mr. cuomo first and others can respond also. , het the interview today said in that interview the only way an investigative body can get to the root of a problem is
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if it is independent. mr. cuomo, was the handle you set up independent? do you believe a panel has to be independent to get to the root of the problem? >> yes, the chairman said that a number of times. what mr. astorino said is truly outrageous. quoting, said about mr. astorino that he has given lies. attorney says you have done numerous false and misleading statements, that is federal speak for you are lying. been charged with racketeering, which is being reviewed by the manhattan da. and he won't release his taxes. >> mr. cuomo -- mr. hawkins, you have 30 seconds. many timeso said
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this moreland panel was independent and other times it was a panel he created and he could shut it down. there has been an inconsistency there. you wonder why he shut it down when he said originally that it was independent. i hope the u.s. attorney is following through in his investigation. >> i feel like i should say i rest my case. [laughter] hear the interview today because i was speeding along from albany to buffalo because i wanted to make the debate. independent? absolutely. but who decides who the independent analyst? we have to get the people back to power. it is about doing what is right and what is fair. >> a democratic consultant for
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andrew cuomo once said that he would say anything and do anything, including lie to get elected. he -- you have heard it tonight. $20 million of completely false and negative ads. there is only one person here that has a criminal defense team. it's not me. it is andrew cuomo. why do you need a criminal defense team if you did nothing wrong? once again, would you like to tell the people of new york whether you have been subpoenaed and your staff has been subpoenaed by the u.s. attorney on the moreland scandal? >> we now have a video question by a new yorker. >> what is your position on common core and do you believe it is effective in educating the young people of new york? >> you will each have 30 seconds to respond. we will start with mr. hawkins. >>, court is a package that includes high testing and modules from the state of education department. i hear from teachers and
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students and fans who feel this whole package is a test and punishing regime, not an improving regime. that it narrows the curriculum and ignores a whole lot of things about education, and corey, collaboration, projects. i want low old parents and teachers and school boards to make decisions about curriculum assessment. they are the ones who care the most about those kids. >> common core is an abomination for our children. i have a nine-year-old. we go through three hours of homework every night. i end up doing it most of it for her because she does not get it. i don't get it either. i read it. i don't understand it. eight plus six is 14. it is not a post to is 10, take joy from six to make for, take two and at four. listen, eight plus six is 14. that may be minimizing it. we have to do a lot better than
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common core and we can do it. common core is an unmitigated disaster. the rollout was terrible. the implementation is fed -- is terrible. this is the federal government guiding our classrooms in new york. i would replace with better standards right here in new york with our own educators and our own teachers. teachers are testing automatons and that is not what they got into the field for. coreso opposed to common aat i started a common -- stop common core line. common core -- i have nothing to do with common core. it was established by the board of regents which it was established by the legislature. i don't appoint anyone to the board of regents. i had absolutely nothing to do with it. the only thing i did do with common core was to stop
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degrading a common core. i agree with mr. mcdermott. it was chaotic. stress and anxiety, too little learning. i stopped it with a five-year moratorium before the grades would count. this is election 14, the race for governor coming to you live from the wned wbfo studios. bob mccarthy has a question for mr. astorino. >> if you were governor, can you assure thruway motorists that there will be no toll hikes? >> one minute. >> what i have said is the bnt over $4 billion should be used to wrigley for infrastructure. the governor has put together the tat and c bridge. we were supposed to know what the tolls were, that would
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double or triple, but he won't say anything until after the election. he tried to swipe $5 million from the clean water fund to pay for it. yet the tolls are going to go up. we know that because he won't admit it. the thruway authority needs work. so does the air for structure. i said the $4 billion should go directly into infrastructure repairs. we pay the highest taxes in america and we have third world roads in this state. it is unacceptable. i would develop a plan to make sure that buffalo and the thruway, all of new york it's some of that money for necessary roads and bridges repairs. directed to the tap a c bridge. >> i don't think he answered the question. but for me, the answer is yes. the bridge is a great story. they talked about replacing it for 20 years and all politicians.
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they were fighting, democrats and republicans. they could not get it done. we brought everyone together. we are finally building the bridge after 20 years. everybody agrees that it had to be done. we came up with a new way to do it. we are saving a billion dollars in the construction. it will take another two or three years to build. we don't have the final cost to the bridge. we are applying for more federal the funds -- federal funds. we are looking for subsidies. we will figure out the tall -- the toll. you do not know the toll until you know the final bill. but it has to be affordable for commuters. we understand that. which is what we do with all the bridges and all the tolls obviously. that has to be a balance and it has to be affordable and it will. the can assure you that tolls won't be raised. we have an infrastructure deficit. a policy of public
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transportation before we get into private roads. we have an interstate that has to come down in my home city of syracuse. the discussion from the dot is how do we get people in and out from the hospital to downtown and nothing about the people in the city in the neighborhoods where they don't have a car and they can i get to the suburbs from their jobs. -- they cannot get to the suburbs from their jobs. to wall streetg and paying huge finance charges, we could have a state bank like dakota does. then we get the interest in principle back in the treasury. we put the state money and operate the bank as the state of long-termnd we have investments in infrastructure. >> after listening to these guys, i'm not sure what the question was. it was will you raise the toll? personally, i would not raise the toll.
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it's crowded. you know what i like about the palisades is that a little bit of it goes to new jersey where the gas is $.70 cheaper. why is that? [laughter] can have an independent commission. you can do lots of things to try to make it seem like we can raise money. we already have a huge, bloated government. we have to reduce taxes. we have to the government down to its constitutional size. the trucks that travel over these rows can barely afford it. we have people fleeing new york because they cannot afford to travel the roads. i agree with governor cuomo. we do have to take care of a lot of these things. but people have to be empowered to make these decisions. these decisions cannot be made by democrats and republicans fighting over who is going to fund what.
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>> mr. cuomo, you said in a public radio interview that people with extreme views, such as antiabortion and anti-gun-control, don't belong in new york. >> can you be antiabortion and anti-gun-control and still be in new york? >> that is not what i meant. i don't have the exact words you are referring to. the ultraconservative philosophy that is being put forth by mr. astorino i think disrespects women because it takes away a woman's right to choose. i think it is respect minorities because he is being sued for discrimination because minorities cannot move into his county. i think it discriminates against minorities -- against immigrants . i think it is a disgrace and against gays and marriage equality.
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that is not who new yorkers are. and i don't believe there is political support for a politician who has that position. you want to have your own religious beliefs, god bless you can iris fact that i happen to be catholic. i have my own beliefs. but i am not imposing my religious believes on the people of the state of new york an. is a placenew york for everybody and everybody should be represented in the political sense of -- political system. if your party gets 10% of the vote or 20% of the vote, you get 20% of the seats of the legislature and everybody is representated. redistricted, there's no competition. i have six senate seats in searches and central new york where there is no opposition. that is one way to include everybody in the process of people are not feeling alienated.
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as far as the women's equality agenda goes, i am upset that nine items were held hostage. years agoave had two the pay equity and antidiscrimination and focus election on the 10th item. then we need to expand the women's equality agenda to affect the issues of working-class women. like minimum wage. the majority of minimum wage workers are women. i don't know governor cuomo personally. i know if that was said, he did not mean that. that is ridiculous. to seize on something like that, -- nine theow libertarian platform works in a situation like this. i am personally opposed to abortion, of course. if i could adopt all those
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children, i would. but who am i to propose that i have a right or the government has a right to insist what a woman should be able to do with her own body? the libertarian platform is one of individual freedom. you should decide what you need to do. it is not for me to tell you. the women's equality party, it has nothing to do with women's equality. it has to do with another vote for andrew cuomo. same thing with common core. it's another vote for rob astorino. just say what it is. women are equal. they should have their own choice. they should say what they want for their own bodies and the government does not have the right to decide for them. forhame on governor cuomo playing the race card the entire campaign coming clooney tonight, the entire campaign, including tonight. ,helly silver used hush money cover up for sexual assault in the assembly and as attorney
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general andrew cuomo signed off and defended silver's right to do that silencing women. where was justice there? abortion is not going anywhere in new york. it was made legal way before roe v wade. that is used as a bogeyman so that he doesn't have to talk about why he is under investigation for corruption. and yes, abortion, i will not expand abortion in this state through nine months, which is exactly what andrew cuomo's bill will do and allow non-doctors to perform those risky surgeries. if you want to talk about abortion, let's get the facts out about how radical you really are and out of step with new yorkers, even pro-choiceers. public-school closing and the spread of charter schools has sparked controversy. there are multimillion dollar ad
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campaigns and protests are better funding. they want all the need to lift the statewide cap for charter schools. what is your position? what do you say to those who regard charters as a vital alternative to failing public schools? >> public schools fail because we are the most segregated state in the united states. we have concentrated poverty. those problems come into the schools and they are not getting the resources they need. failedey are assigned as by these high-stakes testing. then they turned to charter from hedge fund investors who make money even those charters are nonprofit. this is a cannibalization of our of the social system -- our public school system. we need to go back to the foundation 8 formula based on a
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court order to provide and every student with a sound basic education. we need to fully fund our schools. charters, i am not for expanding them. i am for reviewing those we have. if they are good, good and if they are not, they should be shut down. >> i don't agree with that. do you know what charter schools are? they are publicly funded schools that have no local control. the former u.s. education secretary under ronald reagan said charter schools is the end game. common core is the distraction. think about that. we cannot have charter schools expanded. we need to bring schools back to local control, the local people, the local school board. there is no local school board with charter schools. astorino seems to support charter schools.
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charter schools is terrible. it takes away the people's control of the education of their children. my little girl, gracie, she is not going to a charter school. i will homeschool her before she goes to charter control. i want control. i am the parent. my wife is a pair. i want local people -- my wife is the parent. to haveocal people control. >> i am a big believer in public education. i am a product of public education. my three kids go to public education. and my wife is a teacher of special education. i want to go back to the litany of nonsense he just talked about. i am proud to be county executive in a county one
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million people, 2-1 democrats. it is the fourth most everest county in new york and i can only get elected twice with the help of democrats, of women, of african americans, and latinos. vote ine latino westchester county. it is the only way i am going to win this election. so i asked for your support in this election because we can great again. >> facts again as opposed to a rhetoric. plan isrino's tax simple. tax cuts for the rich would decimate the budget. as far as race relations, the -- they havenment taken $20 million from mr. discriminating in
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westchester county because african-americans and latinos cannot be in the county. it has gone on for five years. as far as a woman's right to choose, all my law says is codified roe v wade. it does not increase it at all. he is against it. he has said that i am a catholic and a catholic church is against abortion and i won't let it happen. it's ghastly. i understand that. i am roman catholic, too. but you uphold the law. you don't uphold your religion. i will respect a woman's right to choose and i will respect it. >> we now have another video question. i am gary- >> walters. if you are elected governor of new york, what type of financial assistance will you provide the buffalo bills for a new dome stadium? [laughter] >> you will each have 30 seconds to respond. >> i thought the miami dolphins
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were coming to buffalo? am i wrong? [laughter] listen, the state has a role. it has a strong role in making things right. see a brand-new and beautiful stadium and i think private enterprise should be involved. not the corporations. let's get people involved that i can work on donations and that sort of thing to build the stadium. i think the buffalo bills are great. win thelike to see them super bowl and have a brand-new stadium to support them. let's face facts. people in the state of new york cap to be empowered to make these decisions. we don't need government to get in the way of. >> i think the stadium got enough upgrades with county and state money. i think the stadium looks good. i don't think tax money should go for a billionaire, who i am glad bought the team, by the way. but to answer his last question. is about theth hud
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federal government wants to take over zoning in westchester and every neighborhood around this country and put apartment buildings in any neighborhood. i am going to fight that truth -- fight that tooth and nail. >> the federal government is trying to enforce the civil rights laws that say you cannot discriminate against people based on color of skin. after martinassed luther king's death as a tribute to him. yes, the federal government enforces civil rights laws and it says you are discriminating america -- african-americans and low income people. don't want to talk about any more money for buffalo. i spent a billion. >> mr. hawkins. >> i think the new owner has enough money if he wants a new stadium. he is a smart businessman.
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he got out of fracking industry at its peak. in, we oughtgoes to have an ownership share. i can you their honor, we ought to get our share of the profits and look at the books. to make be a better way sure the bills stay here permanently like the packers. i would like to say -- to see that here in upstate new york. the races election 14, for governor, coming to you live wbfo studios. >> mr. cuomo, if elected to a second term, will you let to serve a full four-year term? >> if i drop dead of a heart attack, how does that count? does that violate the pledge? [laughter] yes. >> we now go to mr. hawkins. >> if elected, i will serve a
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full term, providing i am alive and kicking. [laughter] >> i do because it is a good question. but i want to go to another question. of course, i will stay for four years. my daughter is already planning on moving into the governor's mansion. [laughter] racet to talk about this card they keep talking about. the only racecar that counts is the red and the blue. i don't look at people as black, white, chinese, latino and all the other races that there are. we are one people, new yorkers. new yorkers have to be empowered to come back. it is the blue and the red that are the problem. the blue and the red is not the answer. it is a problem and that is what we have to take care of. we have to get people back involved. anytime you come up with something where somebody said about themething that races, start thinking about new yorkers and work on new york problem's. what is best for new york?
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whether we build a new stadium or women's empowerment or stop, core, we are new yorkers. we have the right to do what we have to do and we have to get back to be empowered to do that. >> yes, i will. let's go back to the racist stuff he is throwing out which is just despicable. i am proud to have been endorsed by the resident of the black -- the president of the black clergy in new york. and many latino leaders and black leaders throughout westchester county. i would never have gotten that endorsement or their support if we were racist. in fact, this lawsuit he is referring to was by the democratic administration before i got there. in fact, his chief of staff now was the county executive then who called a garbage lawsuit and he was right. this is the federal government overreaching, coming into westchester and they are coming into your community next. they are trying to go after
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zoning and updating it with segregation and racism with no proof whatsoever. i will defend my community and every community in new york from the federal government trying to put apartment buildings in any community they choose. >> thank you very much. karen duet it has a question for mr. hopkins. stick to thecan topic of this question. new york is in the process of setting up a medical marijuana program. will be do you think it before marijuana will be legal in new york completely and should it be? >> 60 seconds. elected governor, i will push very hard for the legalization and regulation of medical marijuana. we have an enormous problem with tens of thousands of people going to prison for nonviolent offenses for holding and using
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marijuana. it is irrational. it has destroyed communities, families, and individuals opportunities and life. it has particularly targeted black and latino communities. whites and latinos use judds at the same level. 90% of the population in our state penitentiaries are black and latino for non-violent offenses. i also call for a truth justice and reconciliation commission to examine the damages and make recommendations for how we can put these communities and families back together. >> mr. mcdermott. >> i think i can stay on this topic. the repeal of the prohibition of marijuana has been a part of the platform.
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our jails are overfilled. the war on drugs is a dismal failure. marijuana, if you want to go home and smoke a joint, that is your right. i don't care. i don't smoke it because it makes me choke, just like cigarettes do. is not a matter of legalization of marijuana. ands about nullifying repealing all prohibition to marijuana. marijuana is not the problem. we have jails cells with kids who were arrested and have the stigma. where do those kids come out? they can i get a job because they are now felons because they smoked marijuana. i am not talking about children. i'm talking about adults. adults have the right to do what they want to do with their bodies. >> i do support medical marijuana in limited circumstances. i think it is compassionate to do. i don't want the widespread recreational use of marijuana
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throughout the state. i don't want a dispensary on every street corner. i want to go back to what he was talking about taxes. he has become too so tone deaf to what the average new yorkers dealing with now. i have talked to a lot of people and they are hurting. people are looking for jobs. people are looking for a way out of new york and that shouldn't be. cuomo, taxesernor go up and up and up can he referred to westchester county. what he did not tell you, in my five years, i cut county taxes -- anyan any count that county in the state. .e should be thanking me i am his county executive. his county taxes went down. the other taxes went up because you failed on your number one issue in 2010, the unfunded mandate. when your taxes go up, it is because of a state property tax now under andrew cuomo. >> i support medical marijuana.
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i don't support legalizing marijuana. discrimination is the purview of the federal government. theas authority over states. you are one of 3000 county executives, the only one being sued, only you. $20 million fined. the taxes did not go down in westchester county. you have the highest taxed county in the state, the highest in the united states of america. taxes went up 8% for homeowners. you say that was the towns and the villages. it is a shell game. property taxes are killing this state. . reduced the state taxes property taxes are killing the date. 400 government in westchester.
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a county executive should have called them together and find a way to save money. will nowndidates deliver closing statements. each candidate will have one minute. we will begin with mr. cuomo. >> thank you very much. there is no doubt that this state has suffered for many decades, especially in upstate new york. we saw young people leaving. we saw jobs leaving. upstate new york was abandoned a albany because there it was down statement taliban that took over and upstate new york did not get the attention they deserve. we have diverse to that. that is what the buffalo billion is all about. when my opponent says he will stop it, that is over my dead idea. that would he like saying dropdead buffalo. lows.xes are at historic jobs are at historic highs. more than ever before in history. anwe


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