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tv   President Holds Rally in Michigan  CSPAN  April 29, 2018 1:58am-3:26am EDT

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president talks about the -- the accomplishments of his administration, the upcoming midterm elections, and the recent controversy surrounding his pick for veterans affairs secretary, among other comments. this is just under an hour and a half. ♪ ["god bless the usa" playing] ♪
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"usa."hanting : thank you very much. hello, michigan. say thank you to the people of this state and thank you for being here. thank you. you may have heard i was invited
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to another event tonight. the white house correspondents dinner. but i would much rather be in washington, michigan, then washington, d c [applause] pres. trump: great people. a lot of support. you want to see a lot of people? oh outside. we could've probably will displace five or six times. a beautiful building but i said, convenient gotten one larger? that would've been nice.
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we could have built this place up five or six times. you see what is going on. thank you. [applause] pres. trump: this is a beautiful building. i said, couldn't you have gotten one larger? that would've been nice. you are inside the you made it. good job. tonight we are especially honored to be joined by a great friend of mine and a great attorney general, the next governor of michigan. where is bill? bill? [applause] pres. trump: where is bill? where? all right. wherever the hell he is. we also welcome members of congress, paul mitchell, john moolenaar. where i think -- are they? these are great people. i wanted to thank those who will soon as tonight. thank you. [applause] pres. trump: i wish you could have given us a larger arena but what are you going to do? right?
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right? thank you, fellas. finally we have to think a very special person in all of our lives because -- they shouted out melania. [laughter] [applause] pres. trump: that is true. our amazing chairwoman, the republican national committee ronna mcdaniels. she has done some job. she ran in the state of michigan won the state of michigan after decades. [applause] pres. trump: i remember that night. it has been a long time since the republicans won michigan. they said, donald trump has one -- won the state of michigan. and we won a lot of other states also. that was some night. i want to thank her for the great job she is done. she has done it right from the beginning. in fact, when we needed someone at the rnc, i said get that woman that ran michigan. we need to elect more republicans so we can protect our cities, defend our borders, grow our economy, and continue to make america great again.
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[applause] pres. trump: and that is what we are doing. we are doing -- we are doing some job. we're all doing it together. you see what is happening with regulations, with massive tax cuts, with the judges. we are appointing judges like never before. great conservative, republican judges. we're setting records. by the time we finish i think we will have the all-time record. you have no idea how important that is. and then of course we have justice gorsuch who has been fantastic. [applause] pres. trump: he has been fantastic. everyone here tonight is united
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by the same timeless american values. we defend our constitution. we support the rule of law. and we support the heroes of law enforcement. [applause] pres. trump: we have pride in our history. we respect our great american flag. we defend our flag. and we honor our flag. and if others honored our flag, they would be a lot better off. off,d be a lot better wouldn't they?
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we put our hands on our heart for the pledge of allegiance. we do that proudly. we stand for the national anthem. [applause] pres. trump: we believe that a strong nation must have strong borders. [applause] "build thating wall"] pres. trump: are you watching that mess with the caravan coming up? are you watching this? our laws are so weak, so pathetic, given to us by democrats, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer. [crowd booing] pres. trump: let me tell you, we have gotten mexico to work with
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us on stopping a lot of what is pouring in. we have the worst laws anywhere in the world. we don't have borders. we are going to build the wall. we are getting it. ready started. seen.t know if you've know, san diego is being overrun. they are being overwhelmed by people. they are begging us for a wall. we have the money. it is all funded in san diego. those people really want it. i said, let's not do it there. let's let them put pressure on governor jerry brown. moonbeam. [crowd booing] pres. trump: we started the wall. it is being built in san diego. they are doing a great job. all the people in san diego are going to put a lot of pressure. i said, let's see about that. stopsaid, how much will it
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-- will it cost to stop building the wall? i can't pay the extras. i hate extras. we are building the wall. san diego wants the wall that is going up. honestly, they would have put a lot of pressure in california if you look at what is going on with think chewers cities now. all over california. the home of sanctuary cities. the home of century cities. you see what is going on. big areas don't want sanctuary cities. they want to be safe. they don't want them. so we started. billion dollars. we had to fund our military. our military was depleted. we are ordering brand-new
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airplanes. we are ordering brand-new everything. billion approved. next year we have $716 billion for military. we had to do it. mad dog mattis could not be happier. cannot be happier. i sent him yesterday, you think we really needed this much? we needed it, sir. we really did. we needed it. by doing that the democrats don't care about our military. they don't. they don't care about our borders or crime. if you look at it, and ms13,
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they pour through. they want in. we are getting rid of ms13 in record numbers. record numbers. [applause] pres. trump: liberal politicians who support criminal aliens and support them over american citizens. nancy pelosi and her gang. [crowd booing] pres. trump: they have to be voted out of office. you have a senator in michigan, debbie. she voted against tax cuts. she votes against borders. she wants people to flow into the country. you people just keep putting her back again and again. it is your fault. we have some great people
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running. the primary is going to be over with soon. but we have some great people. and honestly, if you want the borders be secure, if you want to keep those big taxes -- how have you done with the tax cut, by the way? [applause] pres. trump: the jobs that have been created. unemployment, let me tell you. our country is doing great. you know, the stock market, not the all-time indicator, the country is doing much better than the stock market. but the stock market is up almost 35% since the election. but the country is doing even better than that. you know what bothers the stock market? 60% but ive been up have to do things?
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you know what i have to do? i can't let other countries take advantage of us. [applause] pres. trump: i can't. we are doing trade deals. a lot of these folks in washington, please don't do that. we have a horrible deal on this one, that one. i won't even mention. man: i love you, trump! pres. trump: i love you too. [applause] crowd chanting: usa, usa, usa, usa! pres. trump: we have to renegotiate these deals. last year, with china, look. he has been of great help. president xi, he is a friend of mine. but he likes china and i like the usa.
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but he is a friend of mine. but you know what? he has been a great help on the border with north korea. a lot of good things are happening there. i'm not going to give you what is going to actually happen. we don't really know. i will tell you one thing. we are not playing games. [applause] pres. trump: that is very nice, thank you. nobel. i just want to get the job done. [applause] chanting] very nice.: that's nobel.
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[chuckles] i just want to get the job done. [applause] pres. trump: if we would have said where we are today from three or four months ago, they were saying he is going to get us into nuclear war. no. strength is going to keep us out of nuclear war. it is not going to get us in. [applause] pres. trump: so, we're doing very well. i spoke to the president this morning of south korea for a long time. they had a very good meeting. he gives us tremendous credit. he gives us all the credit. president moon of south korea, you know -- it started with the olympics. the olympics was not going to have a lot of people. all of a sudden, north korea called in and said, we would love to participate in the olympics. everyone said, excuse me? but that was a good thing. it was a great thing.
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and they went from having a real potential disaster, they worked on it for 15 years to make a great. they did a great job. south korea did a great job but they had no people. who was going to go? all of a sudden they had a tremendous olympics. we are doing things that are good. we will have a meeting over the next weeks. the denuclearization of the korean peninsula -- de nuke! de nuke! but we will see how it goes. whatever happens, happens. it may not work out. will leave.t -- i i'm not going to be a john kerry who makes that horrible iran
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deal. horrible. one of the worst deals. how do you make a deal like that? $150 billion, $1.8 billion in cash. they got nothing. we are going to have a very successful negotiation over the next three or four weeks. we will be doing the world a big favor. we will be doing the world a big favor. let's see how it goes. i think we will do fine. i think we will do just fine. [applause] pres. trump: i had one of the fake newsgroups this morning -- [crowd booing] pres. trump: they were saying, what you think president trump had to do with it? i will do you what. how about, everything -- i will tell you what. how about, everything? [applause] pres. trump: even president moon said that. he has been great. i will tell you what. it is going to be an
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time.sting period of we had an interesting thing happen over the last few days. the senator of montana who voted in favor of sanctuary cities, who was weak on the border, he took a gentleman who was a truly high-quality human being and what they said about him, what they said about this great american doctor ronnie jackson. an admiral in the navy. he served three presidents. he'sdent obama said fantastic. he'sdent bush said fantastic.
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i think he is fantastic. this is a high-quality individual. like they would love in montana. he just started throwing out things yet heard. i know things about the senator i can say, too. if i said them, he would never be elected again. it was sad. i watched admiral jackson, both admiral,and an high-quality. i suggested it. we are taking care of our pets. oure are taking care of vets. withe doing a great job our vets.
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we could have had it in the last budget but it was not good enough. we are getting choice which is a big deal. it is going to be a big deal. i have five great people that want to run the v.a. we have great people. what john did to this man is a disgrace. admiral jackson started studying and he was working so hard. i suggested it to him. war hero, a leader. he is an admiral. a great guy. 50-years-old. he started studying. and then, he started getting hit with vicious rumors, vicious. the secret service told me coming in, we checked out all of those things, they are not true. sir, they are not true. they tried to destroy a man. they are doing it with us. they are trying your damnedest. i want to thank the house intelligence committee. [applause]
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pres. trump: ok? they do it with us too. russian collusion. you know? i guarantee you. i am tougher on russia, nobody ever thought -- have you heard about the lawyer? a woman lawyer, she said, i know nothing. now she supposedly -- you know why? government.with putin and the group said, trump is killing us. why don't you say you are involved with government so that we can go and make their life in united states even more chaotic? look at what has happened. look at how these politicians have fallen for this job. russian collusion. if me a break. -- give me a break. [crowd booing] pres. trump: i'll tell you, the only collusion is the democrats colluding with the russians, the democrats colluding with lots of
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other people. take a look at the intelligence agency. hey, what about comey? did you watch him in the interview? uh, uh, uh -- how about that? comey, how about this guy comey? [crowd booing] pres. trump: he said the other night, the faint, dirty dossier., dirty the other night on fox, he said very strongly -- i didn't know that it was paid for by the democrats and hillary clinton. [crowd booing] pres. trump: they start something based on a document that was paid for by the dnc and hillary clinton. [crowd booing] pres. trump: honestly, let me tell you. let me tell you. it is a disgrace. we have to get back down to business. it is a disgrace what is going on in our country.
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and they did that -- they did that to admiral jackson. they are doing it for a lot of people. in the old days when the newspapers used to write, they would names down. today they say, sources have said that president trump -- sources. they never say who the source is. they don't have sources. the sources don't exist in many cases. the sources in many cases don't exist. these are very dishonest people, many of them. [crowd booing] pres. trump: they are very very dishonest people. [crowd booing] pres. trump: fake news. [crowd booing] pres. trump: very dishonest. [crowd booing] pres. trump: you watch comey and you watch the ways he lies. i wonder when he wrote the memos. he puts them up. watch the way he lies. it is the most incredible thing. you remember john lovett?
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the liar. well, comey's worse. leaker.a liar and a did you a great favor when i fired this guy. i'll tell you. i did you great favor. [applause] pres. trump: when you look at what was going on at the top of the fbi, it is a disgrace. everybody in this room understands it. the two lovers. lisa. lisa and peter, the two lovers. what they said what was going on, look at how many of those top officials were fired or removed. they should be out of here. what about the guy who took $700,000 for his wife's campaign, nobody even talks about. nobody even talks about it.
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[crowd booing] pres. trump: i will tell you why. i've been talking about it for a long time. if our justice department was doing the right thing, they would be a lot more tougher on those people. there is tremendous crime and corruption on the other side. we need to drain the swamp. cheering] trump: we need to vote against guys like jon tester who can destroy a man with innuendo. we have to be very careful with the press. same damney do the thing. we love our country. we believe our citizens deserve a government that is loyal to them in return. for too long the loyalty of michigan workers was repaid with pure and simple betrayal. you were betrayed. for decades, you were dealt one devastating blow after another.
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disastrous trade deals, which i'm straightening out -- and i'm not saying, hey -- there may be a little pain for little while. ultimately, i love my farmers. they are great. [laughter] pres. trump: don't forget, the farmers have been doing lousy for 15 years. ok? let's face it. if you look at a graph it is been like this. i am negotiating nafta and if they don't make a fair deal i am terminating at, they're going to do much better. when we take on china or the european union, which has tremendous blocks. it is very hard for us to sell stuff into the european union. it was put there to take advantage of the united states. ok?
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not anymore. you are right. not anymore. we told them that yesterday, actually. i think the same words. not anymore. those days are over. we have to open up these markets. it is not there. with china and president xi, when he was at mar-a-lago six months ago, i sent him, would you do me a favor? would you take our cattle? because, remember, in 2000 they would not take our cattle for whatever reason. after a short discussion, he said, i will. the cattle is not going to -- now going to china. [applause] pres. trump: and plenty of other things. last week in a speech he said, he's going to start opening up china. it is not enough. it is not enough. when we lose $500 billion in year in a trade deficit. when we lose hundreds of billions of dollars in
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intellectual property theft, not only china but others, we can't allow this to happen. it is short-term, you may have to take some problems. long-term, you are going to be so happy. you are going to be so happy. we are going to get it opened up or we are not doing business with these other countries. right? [applause] pres. trump: with the european union, last year, it sounds so nice. the european union. you know why? like i said, they formed to take advantage of the united states. and i don't blame them. you know what? i don't blame president xi. i don't blame prime minister
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abe of japan. i don't blame the heads of these countries for taking advantage of us. i blame past presidents and past leaders of our country. [applause] pres. trump: i was making a speech in china talking about how bad it is. how unfairly we're treated. in front of thousands of people from china. i could see the mood was getting dark. i have president xi over here. i was going point after point out that it is present how good it is for them. they became a major power since the world trade organization, which is a horror show for us. horrible. looked ated -- i he's the guy-- -- he's the boss. said, it is not your
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fault. it is not your fault. it is the fault of the representatives of the united states will allow you to get away with it. i don't blame you. right? [applause] pres. trump: i don't blame you. it went out and that is the way i feel about it. i told the prime minister of japan, they send us millions of cars. we send them cattle. they charged us 50% when we send them cattle. 35% on farm products. they don't take many. their farmers don't want it so they don't take your products. when they send their cars over, we charge them almost nothing. let me give you an example. china. car intothey send a the u.s., of which they send parts.cluding
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you people know something about the car industry. i'm bringing it back to the state of michigan. [applause] pres. trump: i am bringing it back. chrysler is moving back to michigan from mexico. you saw that. some of you are beneficiaries of that one. thousands of jobs. we have many car companies. many companies are opening up in michigan. cars are coming back to michigan. the plants are coming back. they're being expanded. by the way, do you remember, about six years ago, i wasn't even running. the republican of the year award. maybe they knew what was going to happen. i wasn't running. i made a speech in michigan thanking them for the award. saying how horrible, how did you let this happen? they build cars in mexico and sell them across the border. no tax, we lose the jobs and taxes.
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we lose everything. happen?they let this it is not happening anymore, folks. they are moving back. [applause] pres. trump: now they are moving back. china, great people. great people, great country, great leader. when they sell a car into the united states, they pay 2.5% tax. when we sell a car into china, they don't want it. number one, they have barriers. if they took it, it is a 25% tax. think of it. think of it. they have a tax that is 10 times higher. what they say is, we don't want your cars. we have a barrier. 25%.f we take them, it's they say, we want you to build your factories in china and build the cars there.
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why are they wrong? [crowd booing] we're doing that. build your factories here if you want to have cars in the united states. let them build them in michigan. and ohio and pennsylvania. you see what is happening. there really coming back. i have only been here for 15 months. we have a lot of things happening. [applause] pres. trump: i don't say this in a record of his way. i say it as fact. even the people back their agree with this one, although they tried with -- like hell. nobody in the first year of office have done what we have done. it is not me, it is we. [applause] pres. trump: regulations, tax cuts, judges.
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nobody has done what we have done. do you know what the -- are? they are going to hell, you know that. we are going to get them fixed up. [applause] pres. trump: for the farmers, ok. it is going to get good. we are going to let your guestworkers come in. we are going to have strong have to let we your workers come in. workers. be guest we have to have your workers come in. the unemployment picture is so good, so strong. we have to let people come in. they are going to be guestworkers. they're going to work on your farms. we are going to have a lot of things happening. then they have to go out. we are going to let them and because you need them. you need them. in wisconsin, i was very instrumental in getting foxconn to come. a good friend of mine and a
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great guy. fantastic, they make a lot of that apple iphones. they are incredible, and incredible company. they are building a fantastic plant, it is under construction now. they are recruiting a getting people, they are doing it professionally. but we need people to be able to come in to our country, do your jobs, help you on the farms, and then they go up. they can lead. guestworkers. don't we agree? guestworkers. we have to have them. after years of rebuilding other countries, we are finally going to rebuild our country. ok? it is about time. [applause] chanting "usa!"]
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trump: the number goes up and up and up. remember this. we have spent 7 trillion dollars in the middle east. you know we have for it? nothing. nothing. we have wiped out isis. there is no military like we have. no military like we have. [applause] pres. trump: now i have asked some of the richest countries in the world, sorry folks, you have to pay for this. you know, we're tired. we don't want to pay. we will work with them and stop the trip to the mediterranean for the enemies. people have to pay. they have so much money they don't know what to do with it. they are rolling in money. i have been asking them -- i told a story the other day but nobody reports it.
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so, you know i said we are going to move the embassy to jerusalem. [applause] pres. trump: a month ago they come into my office with an order. sir, i have an order. sir, we're going to build the embassy. i say, where? in jerusalem, sir. good. how much? $1 billion. i said, whoah, whoah. i put a big x over the donald. we are going to send a billion dollars building a one-story building. i called my guys. the ambassador to israel, david friedman. [applause] pres. trump: you know him? he was one of the biggest
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and smartest lawyers in new york, represented me over the years. he is incredible lawyer. he loves israel. he loves our country. he is very proud of israel, very important to him. i said, let's see if you can make peace. part of it is, let's see about this. i called him, i am not spending a billion dollars on an embassy. he said, i think i can do it for $150,000. he said, yeah. we have a great site that we are going to buy. the best site. it has a building on it. i can take a corner of the building and i can spend that $150,000 and i can build a beautiful embassy. we can have an open in three months. [applause]
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pres. trump: big difference, right? big difference. we went from a billion dollars to $150,000. i took the liberty of saying, david, you can spend a little bit more than that and that is ok. it is temporary. at $1 billion, most of us would not be around to see it. here we get it open immediately. and it is opening in like a month. about it.een reading we had the best site. some genius said, we are going to sell the site and then take the money and build an embassy.
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so they sold the site for like i -- they sold the site i think for like 250 million, they geniuses. are they go by a horrible location and they build a new embassy. that is the bad news. -- good news. the bad news is the embassy cuss cutost -- i was supposed to a ribbon. i did not do the deal. it was the bush-obama special. but, it could've been stopped by obama. it would've been stopped by me. so what kind of deal was that? site in london, literally. they were so happy they got $250
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million, whatever. but they spent all of that money plus a lot more to build an embassy and a lousy country. so i don't know fowlkes. we need a whole new thinking here. we need a whole new thinking. we're going to finally put america first, ok? applause]d pres. trump: since election, we've created more than 3 million jobs, including 300,000 new jobs in manufacturing. we love manufacturing. they wanted me to cut the ribbon on the new embassy and in the and i said -- i'm not going. i don't want to go. i'm not cutting that ribbon. i said, i'm not going.
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all right. hey, we will have many years of success with that embassy. in our country, jobs are forming and confidence is soaring. they are talking about a celebrant the world. they are talking about our incredible success. lincoln, if i did not get elected, if the opposition party, the obstructionist party, that is all they are good at. if they got elected, they would not have cut regulations. they would not if cut taxes. you would've been down to a gdp that was negative. you would've had a negative gdp. latent till you see of the coming quarters how good it will be. our countries are ready to soar. they are ready to soar. wages, for the first time, are raising at the fastest pace in
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many, many years. 18, 19, 20 years. i would always go around and say, people have jobs. they made more money 21 years go then they make today. in some cases they have two or three jobs. terrible. african-american unemployment has reached the lowest level in history. in history. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: hispanic unemployment, any hispanics in the room? hispanics? fairness,, in all kanye west gets it. he gets it. he gets it. and he saw that. thathe sees is african-american unemployment is the lowest in history.
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is a very important thing he has done for his legacy. it is a very important thing. but hispanic unemployment, lowest level in history. women, female, unemployment. lowest level in 18 years. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and wages are going up for the first time in many, many years. that's great. as a result of our massive tax cuts, which by the way debbie voted against. they get in, if the democrats get in, they are going to take the tax cuts away and they are going to raise your taxes to a much higher level than you ever thought possible. that is what they are going to do so they can give the money away.
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millions of americans are receiving large bonuses and bigger paychecks than they have ever received because they have so much money that they did not even know they were making. you see what has happened is a february one. right after the cuts, the corporations gave massive bonuses and they continue. in michigan, chrysler handed out $2000 bonuses to 60,000 workers and are now planning for a $1 billion investment creating a minimum of 2500 jobs. applause]d pres. trump: they are now leaving other countries and coming back to michigan's. remember i told you that five or six years ago? they are now coming back and there come back a lot faster than you think. them theon't give
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incentive to leave anymore. they use to give them attentive to live. we are not giving them an said. no, we are giving them an incentive to stay and to pay our people. but, to protect our families we must secure our borders. the good thing about the caravan , people are watching. people are watching. you watch how horrible. there are coming in from honduras. they are coming in from other places. they are taking this long trek up mexico. we want mexico to help us. and, mexico is going to help us but there are still hundreds of people, still hundreds of people. so'saws are so corrupt and to put. i call them the dumbest immigration laws anywhere on earth. if a person puts her foot over the line, we have to take them into our country.
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we have do register them. we then have to ask them a couple of questions. lawyers are telling them what to say. how unsafe they are. once they say that, we have to let them go to come back to court and like one year. only one problem. they do not come back. ok? that's the end. welcome to the united states. this is the law. we have the border the greatest people. ice agents. corrupt, theyo are so corrupt. you know, one of the reasons they do it is because the democrats actually feel -- and they are probably right -- that all of these people coming across are going to vote for democrats. they are not going to medford republicans -- vote for republicans. a lot of times they don't know what they're doing. they don't even know why they
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are doing it. we have to have borders and we have to of them fast. we need security. we need the wall. we're going to have it all. we of 1.6 billion. we come up again on september 28. of we don't get border security, we will have no choice. we will close down the country because we need border security. [cheers and applause] don'tent trump: so we have a wall, but a big portion is being built. a lot of it is being fixed. we have wall with big holes in it that is old. and, a lot of it is me fixed right now. we are putting a brand-new, gorgeous stuff. we're putting an we told you in san diego another places but now we want to see the big job so we will see what happens. we have to border securities. of the big thing, watch the
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caravan. watch how sad and terrible it is, including for those people it is athey come up and horrible, dangerous journey for them. for them. but they come up because they know once they get here they can walk right into our country. we have the greatest people on earth. we can't do anything because the laws are corrupt. the laws are corrupt. so we fought to secure our border but democrats in congress, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, they have opposed us at every step.n they have opposed every effort to close the loopholes, to keep the violent criminals like ms-13 the hell out of our country. to stop the flow of illegal into ours coming
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country. we've done a great job. the numbers are great. you know come up part of the problem is people are smart. they see how ridiculous these laws are. they know once they touch our it is called, i'm in the united states. how crazy is it? how crazier we to allow this? the republicans are working hard. theie stevan know is one of proponents for letting these people in. i don't understand how she gets elected. a vote for a democrat in november is a vote for open borders. it is very simple. it is also a vote for much higher taxes. it is also vote for, be careful of your second amendment. ok? be careful. the careful of your second amendment if they get in. the open border policies of the
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democratic party are not just wrong, there dangerous and they are in fact deadly. they are deadly. they make no sense. they are deadly. the policies let gangs, some of the most vicious gangs in the world pour into our country. they pour into our country. you know online island you have gang members that are so tough that we send in these incredible ice agents but you know what? the ice agents are much tougher and they are grabbing them and i tell you what -- a doctor please -- takea doctor please your time. take your time, darling. [cheers]
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[yelling in audience] >> thank you for everything! >> love you! trump!ove you, >> love you! >> love you! >> we love trump! >> we love you!
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[whistling, chanting attempts] >> you're are the boss, donald! >> great man! >> we love you donald trump! [indiscernible yelling]
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[applause] [applause] [indiscernible yelling] pres. trump: those are the people we love. those are great people. and, the doctors! thank you, dr., thank you. amazing, what people we have. what people we have. so, we have to keep going the way we are going.
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you know what? we did, they called it america. i don't think he was american. to remember on election day because it was really the day before but it was 12:00 in the evening. i started taking, grand rapids. was i said and it thepected but i heard opponent was going out with the president and they were going out also unexpected and they had a very small crowd but when i heard that, we left where we weren't at present, let's go to michigan, right? grand rapids. but love :00 in the evening. remember that? isaac, how's that grab? we could not even get near the arena. there were 32,000 people.
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i finished speaking at 1:00 in the morning on election day. remember that? you are there. already 2000 people. michigan had not been won in many, many years. i said, wait a minute. we have 32,000 people. i got home at 3:00 in the morning and i said, tell me, why are we going to lose michigan? we have 32,000 people. 1:00 in the morning and even beyond. nobody left. everybody was -- we had a great time, right? and i said, so -- why are we going to lose michigan? they said, because republicans lose michigan and i said wait a minute, i'm bringing the cars back, i am bringing the plant back, i am bringing the jobs back, i think we won michigan pretty easily.
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right? remember that? [cheers and applause] pres. trump: that made that speech. that was my last speech. i made that speech on election day because by the time we finished it was 1:00, it was election day. this november, every american will face a choice. now, they say, if the house -- we have great congressman, these are great people. these are great, great people and thank you. but we have to keep the house because if you listen to maxine waters -- [crowd booing] pres. trump: she goes around saying, we will impeach him. we will impeach them. the people say, but he has not done anything wrong. that does not matter. we will impeach the president.
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we are going to have a lot of happy people at that happens. i think it will be a little but tough but she goes around with some others, we will impeach him. doesn't matter if you're right or wrong. we have to win the house. and you know what? we're going to win anyway. but we're going to wind the house. we're going to win the house. historically, when you would never presidency, the person that winds, the party that wins, is in the midterms. the reason is i
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pres. trump: thank you. i saw them back there. they work hard. these are great people. ok, ready? we need more republicans. we have to get more republicans. they say we have a majority. we need more to get it done. we will get it done one way or another but we need more. with your help, we will elect more republicans and we will deliver even more. now again, other than health care, which frankly we got rid of the individual mandate, the worst part of obamacare. we are doing association health care very soon. it's coming out over the next couple of weeks which will be incredible where you can buy great health care, highly competitive. i used to talk during the debates -- get rid of the state lines.
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we are getting rid of the state lines. you will be able to go out and buy great health care at a very low and competitive price. and essentially, we are getting rid of obamacare. some people would say that we have essentially gotten rid of it. but you no longer have the individual mandate. you remember what that is. that's when you had the privilege of going out and spending a lot of money so that you had the second privilege of not having to buy health care. so, you paid for the privilege of not buying health care. we got rid of it in the tax cut plan. big things. big things. that was so unconstitutional. that was the worst part of obamacare. we got rid of that and you see what is going on and we are really producing. and except for one vote, remember the one vote? 3:00 in the morning, thumbs down. what a vote that was.
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what a vote that was. that was some vote. but despite that, it is going to come out great. we have gotten rid of a lot of obamacare. we will get rid of the rest. we got you the tax cuts. we want every american to know the dignity of work, the pride of a paycheck, and the satisfaction of a job well done. there's nothing like it. together, we can lift millions of americans from welfare to work, from dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity. [applause] we're supporting job training and we're supporting vocational schools, right? vocations. i said to the guys -- i said -- these community colleges are wonderful but no one really
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knows what a community college was. when i was growing up, we had things called vocational schools and i would go to a school and i would be sitting next to a guy -- i never looked at his papers because he did not do well. and on the other side, i would have someone, not too good. but you know what? they could take an engine apart blindfolded and fix it. they could build a brick wall better than all of the guys in the class together. they could do things that nobody else could do. and nobody knows what a community college is. we're going to start using -- and we had this -- vocational schools where you learn trades and you'll do it, and you will love it, and you will make it more money than anything else you can do. right? [applause] and those are the people we need in our country right now.
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we need skilled people and when people come across the border, we want to take them in but we want to take them in based on merit and not based on a lottery. lottery. lottery. we want them to come in based on skill and merit so they can love our country, they can help our country, they can do things for our country. not come in based on some random lottery system. and that will happen. it's all happening. we're going to build new bridges, airports, and highways and waterways all across this magnificent land. and you know what we are doing with your locks? we will do that as soon as i get back. i told your congressman -- write that name down for me. the army corps of engineers. we're going to be calling them. it could be tonight.
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depending on the time i get back. it might be tomorrow even though it's a sunday. can i call them on a sunday? your lock is not working too well. it hasn't been fixed in 50 years, in all fairness. it would be nice to fix it. after spending all of that money in the middle east and we cannot fix the lock. we'll get it fixed. we'll put new steel into the spine of our country and breathed new life and hope into our beautiful communities. and in everything we do in every decision that we make, we will stand up and we are going to be proud. you know what? we are going to be proud of america again. we are going to stand up for america. and we're not going to apologize anymore for america. you know, i told you before that we've done a lot, more than anyone in a year.
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we are here for 16 months. honestly, it just feels like we have been here a long time together because the fight has been a long fight. but did you ever think we would have accomplished what we have accomplished in this short period of time? you know, part of the problem the country has and why we are doing so well in wages are going up is because we had regulations which were staggering. it would take 20 years to get a highway or a roadway of approved environmentally. it would take years and years to get the simplest permits. i got rid of those rules and regulations. by the way, we will have crystal clean water. we are going to have beautiful, clean air. we are going to be great. we are going to reject people if they do not have the right project. but projects are not going to take 18 years to get approved. and then in many cases, it is
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thumbs down after working 18 years. no, we are going to get it done. we're going to stand up for places like detroit that need help. we're going to stand up. and we're going to stand up for great states like michigan and we've done that. this is the state where henry ford invented the assembly line. this is it. it's the state that gave us motown, the mustang, and the might of the american midwest. it's a great state. [applause] it is where generations of proud workers at general motors and chrysler and kellogs transformed our nation and changed the entire world. we were the leader and we are the leader again and everyone is being it. -- is seeing it. and don't forget this. we have increased the values
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over the last 16 months tremendously. we are almost twice the size of the next largest economy. remember that. don't forget that. don't forget that. and we are going to be growing very fast. it's time to look past the old divisions, the tired thinking, the stale debates of the past and finally come together as one nation under god. one nation under god. [applause] pres. trump: we are one people with one home and one great american destiny. remember what i said. they're looking at us all over the world. when chancellor merkel came in to see me, she said congratulations, mr. president. what you've done is incredible
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with your economy. when the president of france came in to see me, president macron, wonderful guy. emmanuelle. we like shaking each other's hand. he's a great guy. and she's terrific. but, you know what? she's from germany. he's from france. i'm from the usa. does that make sense? [applause] [chanting, "usa"] pres. trump: but when emmanuel came in and when angela came in they said amazing. congratulations. what we've done in a short period of time is incredible. so regulations. we've cut more regulations in these 15-16 months than any other president has cut in four years, eight years, or as you know, fdr, in one case 16 years
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and it's not even close. we inherit the legacy of the great americans who constructed the railroads, tamed the front years, built the highways, carved out the panama canal, and put a man on the face of the moon. [applause] and by the way, excuse me, do you see how our space program is going? a little different. and we're letting those rich guys that like rockets -- go ahead, use our property, pay us some rent. you can use cape canaveral. just pay us rent and spend that money. pretty amazing, right? it wasn't going up. that was great.
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but how about when the engines come down? they come down and they land so they can use them again. that looks like futuristic, beautiful stuff. we have reinvigorated our space program to a level that nobody thought possible in this short period of time. nasa is back. nasa is back. [applause] and mars is waiting for us. you know that. great. you know what it is? it's great. it's science. important. very important militarily. we have the best military. we now again we have the best military in the world. we are going to have a military the likes of which no one has ever had. the best we have ever had by far and these are the times when you want to have a very powerful military.
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you don't want to have to use it but you have to have it. [applause] we stand on the shoulders of patriots who poured out their sweat and blood and tears for our country, for our flag, and for our god. [applause] as long as we are proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, there is nothing beyond our reach. there's nothing. look at what happened to us. here we are. look at what happened to us. you know, a poll came out the other day. rasmussen. i was at 51%. and then they said -- you don't read about that. you don't hear them talking. you watch this fake cnn. well, the polls. you ever notice? have you ever noticed cnn -- well, you know, he is not very popular. they were saying that before the last election victory and now we
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are much higher than that. then they said 51%. and then some genius analyst said -- but he has at least 10% of the people that don't want to say they are voting for him. do you know what i say to that? we'll take them anyway. whatever it takes. i don't know if it is an insult or not but you know what? we love those people because those people came out in the last election. and they said -- don't talk to us. we want to know -- how are you voting? don't talk to us. remember the exit polls? the exit polls. they come out and say --who did you vote for? none of your business. 100%, those people are for trump. we love those people. we love them. we love those people. [applause] you know, there was a mayor of a certain city -- [applause]
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[chanting] way, by the way, by the way. is this better than that phony washington white house correspondents dinner? [applause] is this more fun? i could be up there tonight smiling like i love when they are hitting you shot after shot. they hate your guts. shot. andthen i'm supposed to -- you know, you've got to smile. and if you don't smile, they will say you are terrible and if you do smile, they will wonder , what is he smiling about? there's no way. we are proud to be american. and the future belongs to us. the future belongs -- remember this -- the future belongs to us. the future belongs to all of you.
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this is our moment. we've never had a moment like this. the economy is raging. our military is strong and getting stronger every single day. we're ordering the greatest equipment in the world. we make the greatest military equipment in the world. look at what happened in syria. boom. boom. bing. [applause] pres. trump: you know, after the attack, we had to do that. people cannot use gas. frankly, they should not use anything, but they cannot drop the gas and it was gas. but you know, when we did it, it came out that they had 23 of our missiles. then they said they shot 43 and they hit 40 three of our missiles. we shot about 110. you know how many they hit? none. zero. none.
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you know how many of our missiles hit their targets? 100%. 100%. and the british and the french were great. great team. it's a great team. but this is our chance. we've never had a chance like this. we're taking our country back. you just have no idea. so many people come up to me and say -- thank you, sir. thank you. and i say -- for what? you're taking our country back. so many people say -- thank you, sir. and i always say -- for what? they say -- sir, you are taking our country back. and it's true. we're all taking our country back. [applause] state of and the great tennessee, a congressman, wonderful guy.
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he came up to me. they have very early voting. he came up to me and the voting had just started. i was in pennsylvania making a speech. he's the friend of a pennsylvania congressman and they were together in pennsylvania. and he comes up to me and goes -- i wasn't president then, we were campaigning. election hadn't started yet. with the early voting he says to me -- you know, mr. trump he called me -- i don't know what is happening in the rest of the country. but tennessee, early voting. i've been doing this stuff for 25 years and i have never seen anything like it. people that are great americans but they never voted before because they never had anyone that they wanted to vote for. they work hard. they pay taxes. they're coming out of the hills and coming out of the valley. they have the red caps on. they have the "make america great" on. they have the trump on. and i don't know what is happening. but if every place is like tennessee, you are going to win
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this election, mr. trump. true. [applause] so true. he said i've never seen anything like it. and you know what? we're higher now than we were on election day. we're higher now. because now, people are seeing the results. it's actually easier because people are seeing the results. before, i said -- i am going to do this. i'm going to do that. we are going to get a tax cut and get rid of the individual mandate. judges. regulations. now, i have done it. [applause] pres. trump: someone from the news. i want collett in this case fake news because he turned out to be right. he said trump accomplished more than he promised.
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and it's true. i accomplished. i'm a politician, i guess. but i accomplished more than i promised and i am doing it for you. our great journey together is just beginning. so, with love in our hearts and hope in our souls, i say these words again. you've heard them before. you've liked them before. we cannot say them too much. together, we will make america strong again. together, we will make america wealthy again. together, we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. thank you, everybody. thank you. >> [playing: "you can't always get what you want"] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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[playing: "you can't always get what you want"] this weekend,rs our guest was mac thornberry. he talks about the korean peninsula and the deadline for recertify in the iran nuclear agreement. he's also asked about veterans and the president's search for a new v.a. secretary. >> after watching what happened with president trump's nominee, what is your advice, if you could give it to the white house, about the kind of v.a. secretary who would do well for the services that you could still feel comfortable about the department going forward. >> my advice would be someone
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who knows veterans and someone who has good management experience and someone who is willing to shake things up. that's the combination of characteristics that we need. i can tell you there is a lot of frustration in congress because if you look at what we've done with the budgets going into the v.a. the last few years, they've gone up quite a bit. and yet the output has not been going up with the increased money. and there's a lot of frustration that we keep trying to make reforms and they keep putting more money into it and yet we are still not serving the veterans the way they should be served. so that's why i at the characteristic of you have to be willing to shake things up and congress has to be willing to work with that secretary in order to shake things up. >> watch the rest of that interview with mac thornberry today at 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span.
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study to the new york times and washington support -- washington post. it restricted the government's power and broadened first amendment reductions. our guest are two of the nation's top litigators, floyd abrams representing the new york times in the case against the nixon administration, and ted olson, a solicitor general under president george w. bush. atch landmark cases monday 9:00 eastern on c-span. join the conversation. tag is #landmark cases. we have a book, a link to the constitution's centers interactive constitution, and the len marquesas podcast at >> the republican national lawyers association recently held its annual policy conference in washington


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