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  President Trump Independence Day Message  CSPAN  July 4, 2018 8:53pm-8:56pm EDT

8:53 pm
will have that here on c-span, your primary source for campaign 2018. >> today at the white house, president trump shared a fourth of july message on his twitter feed. here is a look. my fellow americans, bologna and i are your honored -- honored to i are offer you a happy. independence day. they announced to the world that america would be free and america would be independent. they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. in so doing, they forever changed the course of human history. general george washington and his army of brave patriots thought a long, tough war with the british to win america's freedom.
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win they did. from bunker hill to certain yorktown, american soldiers fought and died to secure our independence and to make a sovereign nation. today, as we celebrate the fourth of july with friends and let's never forget that our independence and freedom has been thought with the blood and sweat of american heroes. and these were great american heroes. let me share the heart of our nation with every veteran and member of the united states armed forces, truly special people. we are. eternally in their debt -- we are in eternally in their debt. be oneand will always people, one family, and one glorious nation under god.
8:55 pm
happy fourth of july and bless america. >> the author of "on holy trinity." trinity." this is an hour and 15 minutes. you a hebrewteach word. tikva means hope. it is a great hebrew word to know. three weeks ago, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the state of israel. [applause] it is a great milestone for the nation of israel, for the state of israel.