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tv   Campaign 2020 President Trump Rally in Manchester NH  CSPAN  August 15, 2019 11:04pm-12:44am EDT

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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> following those remarks to the press, president trump held a campaign rally in manchester, new hampshire, where he talked about the wall at the southern border, the economy, opioid addiction, china's trade deal, gun laws and eradicating aids. this is one hour and 40 minutes. ♪ god bless the usa ♪ [applause]
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ god bless the u.s.a. ♪ ♪ ♪
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'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ [applause and cheers]
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[chanting "usa"]
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[applause] pres. trump: thank you very much, everybody, thank you. i will never, ever let you down, that i can tell you. [applause and cheers]
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amazing. and i want to thank manchester and new hampshire, very special. remember those primaries? that primary came around, and remember what happened during the primary? trump should come in third or fourth and we came in easily number one, and that was the beginning. that was an easy one now. great to be back in a state that i love with thousands of hard-working patriots who are the heart and soul of america, and that is what you are. [applause and cheers] and we are actually here today to officially launch our campaign to win the great state of new hampshire in 2020. and i saw some fake polls put out by the fake news media.
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[booing] and it said i am tied, i am tied with three of the other candidates, the democrats. i am tied in new hampshire. i don't think so. i mean, maybe. one of the rallies got 100 people. this one is 12,000. we are full. we could fill it up four times. we could fill it up four times, but i want to thank you all. going to be a tremendous -- four years, we are going to have a tremendous four years. we only have a little more than a year to go. we are all sorry. the greatest movement in the history of our country, the greatest political movement in
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the history of our country. and even though we had fake witchhunts on our back and all of the other things, we have taken this big, beautiful ship, and it is being turned around very quickly. [applause and cheers] three years ago we campaigned against the country -- across the country on a pledge to make america great again, that is exactly what we have done. [applause and cheers] i think we could honestly say it is the greatest slogan in the ' greatest slogan in the history of politics in america. "make america great again." if you don't mind, the other candidates, they spend millions and millions of dollars on this question i am going to ask you.
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they spend millions -- remember the first slogan from our opponents? neither do i. neither does anyone. [applause and cheers] nobody remembers. the only thing i remember is the first night i went out after i heard it and i said, see? it is all about her. they immediately changed it after spending like $1 million. all about her, that did not work out too well. that wasn't good. we have to do this. we have to make a decision. do you give up the greatest slogan in the history of politics, make america great again, do we give up make america great again for a new slogan, because look, our country is doing great. we are doing very well with china despite the fact that they want to have you believe to the contrary. [applause and cheers]
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all you have to do is say china, how are you doing? they are not too happy. they are losing millions of jobs. the tariffs are working and they are eating the tariffs, there is no price increase. you got to talk to these people, the fake news. do we give up? [booing] and by the way the biggest beneficiary, you know who have been great? our great farmers have been so incredible because they have been targeted by china. frankly they have been targeted for a long time, including by incompetent politicians that have run this country for a long time. we are making up for a lot of lost ground. but do we give up make america great again for keep america great? [applause and cheers]
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[chanting "usa"] [applause and cheers] ok, you ready? i love this because it is free, and we have all the time in the world, right? is there anything better than a trump rally? what about a sleepy joe biden rally? [booing] some beauties. [laughter]
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i sort of hope it is him. i don't mind any of them. you got pocahontas is rising. [booing] you got kamala, kamala is falling. you got beto. beto is like gone. but we will see what happens, you know, whoever it is, i don't know it matters but different, different people. i think sleepy joe may be able to limp across the finish line. but the day's they announced that they are going to cut way back on his appearances because he is such a disaster, they are going to have fewer appearances. they are going to cut back on his appearances.
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could you believe it? if i ever did that, it would be over. the fake news would get us, but we don't let them get us because it is fake. and today the deputy editor of the new york times was demoted. isn't that beautiful? [applause and cheers] all the news that is not fit to print. all the news, fake, failing new york times. so what do we go -- it is really we, not me. we are doing it together. it came from the hill, from the mountains, the rivers, the cape, all over the place and they showed up and they voted like nobody has seen before. and it was 306 to 223. remember?
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[applause and cheers] and we won with wisconsin and they said we never thought of that. got to think about those things. we won michigan and now we have a lot of car companies coming into michigan, and we have a lot of big farming events in wisconsin, and we have incredible things going on in pennsylvania which opened up a $10 billion plant. we have many of them going up. a lot of jobs. [applause and cheers] and louisiana, and lng plant, $10 billion, could never have happened. could never have happened. pennsylvania would have never happened. they wouldn't have allowed us to frack. what a place that is. it will be open in a little more than a year. but i have to make a decision.
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do we give up the greatest theme, phrase, logo, whatever you want to call it in the history of politics, risky, for a brand-new one? because make america great again, we are really sort of there and we have a little time left. [applause and cheers] and now we have a group of socialists or communists, could be, not far away. [booing] the fake news will hit me on that. how dare he say that? they are not far away. they are not far away. 95% -- does anybody want to pay 95% taxes? i don't think so. i will not go in to that plan because as far as i am concerned, the green new deal is a beautiful thing. no, it is a beautiful thing.
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we want it to continue onward until about a month before the election. i will let them have it like you have never heard before. [applause and cheers] too early. like elizabeth warren. [applause and cheers] i did the pocahontas thing. i hit her really hard, and it looked like she was down and out, but it was too long ago. i should have waited. we will revive it. it can be revived. right? it will be revived and it can be revived very easily and very quickly, and we are going to have some fun in the state of new hampshire. what do we do? let me have first make america great again, then keep america great. just applaud like crazy for the
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one you want to use in this campaign and there is a problem that they keep we will use both -- possibility we will use both. because i hate like hell to give up the one. is a possibility we use one, we could use one less good start with make america great again and then keep america great. ready? who is in favor of the campaign theme being make america great again. [applause and cheers] who is in favor of our theme being keep america great? [applause and cheers] [chanting "usa"]
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so just wait a minute, this is your hat. i was going to keep it actually. thank you. thank you. that has really been the reaction. i have done this before, big crowds, and it really is keep america great. because we have these socialists want to keep it away from us, taken away from us. no one wants them to. because until a couple of days ago, -- by the way i never said china would be easy but it is not tough and they want to make a deal.
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we just spoke to them yesterday. they want to make a deal. they have to make a deal. it will be wonderful to make a deal. i don't think we are ready to take this we are taking in billions of dollars in tariffs. china is devaluing their currency, pouring out money, the prices haven't gone up, we are taking in billions of dollars, we are not paying for it and they are devaluing which will hurt them badly. they want to make a deal and there should. when you listen to the fake news, look how many there are. [booing] i mean i actually had something today. i had something today.
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[indiscernible chanting] are we sure that we are in new hampshire? [applause and cheers] you know, you have a reputation -- i know it is not true because i know you too well. you have a reputation of being very elegant, staid, and incredible people. you are not acting it tonight and that is a good thing. [applause and cheers] we love our country. we have enthusiasm for our country. that is what it is. that is right. that is what it is.
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before the election, our factories were closing -- hey, who knows it better than you? you are like central casting for the closing of factories. our jobs were vanishing, the military was depleted. when i took over, the military was sad. we were not flying half of our planes. they were old, they were tired. our equipment was tired, our people were not tired though. but everything we had, it was depleted. now we have rebuilt our military like ever before. [applause and cheers] and all made in the usa, just so you know. our nation was weakened at home and disrespected abroad. they don't disrespect us anymore, folks. [applause and cheers]
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i got nato to pay $150 billion they were not paying, they were delinquent except for seven. many nations were not paying what they were supposed to be paying. we are supposed to protect them, they kill us on trade call all sorts of barriers and everything else. the taxes are unfair, the tarrifs were ridiculous what they did to us in europe and we protect them but they don't pay. i said i am sorry, you have to pay. you have to pay. they were delinquent. they were delinquent. and my biggest fan is secretary-general stoltenberg of nato. until president trump came along, we were going -- they would have been finished quickly. i am tired of paying for other nations anyway, i have to be honest with you. [applause and cheers] today our nation is stronger
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than ever before. we are now stronger than ever before. [applause and cheers] you saw we ended the iran disaster. how about that? we pay them $150 million in cash. we got nothing. and they also want to make a deal. china wants to make a deal. i will tell you, iran wants to make a deal because the sanctions are not good for them. they are not happy. we will see how it all turns out but it is in good hands. the united states right now has the hottest economy anywhere in the world. we are rebuilding. awesome might we were just talking about. our united states armed forces, america is working again.
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america is winning again and america is respected again, respected like never before. [applause and cheers] they respect us again and you see it. a recent poll came out where it showed president obama was more popular in germany and other places than i am. and i said of course he is more popular. he is not demanding that they pay for their protection that we provide. he is not doing that. i am doing that. if i was the most popular, i am not doing my job right. [applause and cheers] so true. we have created over 6 million new jobs since the election. if i would have said that during
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the campaign, those people back there would have been headlines, headlines. [applause and cheers] more than 7 million americans have been lifted off of food stamps. [applause and cheers] since my election, the number of new businesses starting in the great state of new hampshire has skyrocketed by almost 25%. and you can't really go by my election. you got to go by november 9 because you know, the markets have gone through the roof since november 9. that is the day after i won the election. the markets went up thousands of points, things started happening, you started doing things he would have never even though i did not get sworn in
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until january 20. but they refused to do that. let me tell you, if for some reason i would not have won the election, these markets would have crashed. [applause and cheers] and that will happen even more so in 2020. see the bottom line is, i know you like me and this room is a lovefest, but you have no choice but to vote for me because your 401(k)s, down the tubes, everything will be. whether you love me or hate me, you got to vote for me. [applause and cheers] i had a businessman, one of the most successful guys in the country, never liked him, he never liked me, i never liked him.
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i see him in the white house. i said what are you doing here? he said i am working to make sure you get elected. i said, you got to be kidding. i don't like you. what is this all about? he said that is right, we have our differences. but to be honest i have no choice. i said you are right. first thing i have ever heard him say i agreed with. he has got no choice. he has got no choice. unemployment in new hampshire has reached the lowest rate in actually 31 years but within a short time, it will be the lowest rate in the history of our country. [applause and cheers] so think of that.
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the best unemployment, the most successful state in the history of your state, and in the history of our country, then you are going to vote for somebody else? great. let's vote for elizabeth pocahontas warren. [booing] we have the best numbers we have ever had. let's vote for somebody else. i don't think it will happen, folks. i don't think it is going to happen. only with fixed polls does that happen. unemployment for african-americans, you have heard me say this, i am proud of it, hispanic americans and asian americans have reached their lowest rates ever recorded in the history of our country. [applause and cheers] wages are rising quickly. remember when i used to say people have been working two and
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three jobs making the -- making less money than they did 21 years ago? i used to say it all the time. now for the first time in 20 years, wages are rising. you know who is the biggest beneficiary? blue-collar workers. [applause and cheers] my administration is fighting to expand opportunity for citizens of every background and every race, religion, color and creed, very important. because we are all americans, we all share the same home, we all share the same heart. we all share the same dreams. we are all children of the same almighty god. [applause and cheers]
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but at the very moment when our country should be coming together to enjoy these wonderful blessings, the radical democrats are trying to tear america apart. [booing] they vilify anyone who doesn't share their extreme views, slam law enforcement heroes. you see what they are doing. has anyone ever seen anything like the water being thrown on new york's finest? have you ever seen it? [booing] and i know a lot of new york's finest, they are not happy either. these are great, great, crowd
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people. it is a disgrace. they view everybody as fascist and nazis. they use that term. it was a term you could not use it, now they use it on a regular basis. he is a nazi. he is a nazi. you could not use it. now they do. they accuse our heroic border agents of running concentration camps. and they do an incredible job. democrats don't want to fix the loopholes. they look down upon the hard-working citizens who truly make our country run. but while the democrats rage and resist, -- [applause and cheers]
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[chanting "usa"] [applause and cheers] that guy has got a serious weight problem. go home, get some exercise. get him out of here, please.
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got a bigger problem than i do. got a bigger problem than all of us. now he goes home and his mom says what the hell have you just done? we are continuing our incredible movement, the greatest political movement in the history of our country. there has never in a movement like this, never. our movement is built on love, and it is. and we love our family. we love our faith, our flag and our freedom. that is what it is about. [applause and cheers] and add to that the fact that we love our neighbors and we love our country. [applause and cheers] together we are all united by
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one fundamental principle, a nation's first duty must always be to its own citizens. we got to take care of our own. you have not heard that from a politician or political leader in a long time. it is called america first. america first. [applause and cheers] we are thrilled to be joined tonight by many tremendous republican leaders, great friends of mine, a man who is doing an incredible job as your governor. i want to take 100% of the credit for the incredible turnaround of new hampshire, and i remember it not so long ago, things were not looking good, a lot of bad things were happening, but we have to give him a lot of credit. he has been a great governor, chris sununu with a great
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father. [applause and cheers] with a great father. his father was tough. for somebody else in the primaries, then one by one, here and there. and then when i won, his father said this guy kills me, he is so tough. he said president trump will be the greatest of all time. what happened? he went from being the toughest critic to the best there is. i want to say hello to your father. you will tell us, great guy, what a family. thank you, chris. new hampshire senate republican leader morris. thanks.
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new hampshire house republican leader. thank you. thank you. great job. a man who was with me right from the beginning, and he had a meeting at his house. his house has never been the same. his house is a disaster now. somebody said he just sold it but because of the trump economy i bet he sold it for a beautiful profit. where is steve? steve and his wife, who is incredible. did you make a lot of money on the house? and we destroyed the house. this was the beginning. he held some kind of a meeting , but has a nice house. hundreds and hundreds of people showed up as they destroyed his house. never been the same. no wonder you sold it or they
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finally gave up. that was four years ago. thank you very much, both. what great people. great job. i hope the buyer of his house didn't hear that. steve, i hope the buyer didn't hear what i just said about you. that is all right. he will sell it to somebody else. republican party chair ronna mcdaniel. [applause and cheers] you know, ronna went to michigan. for many years nobody won michigan as a republican but i used to complain. i would go there and say for years -- five or six years before i thought about running for whatever reason, they made me man of the year in michigan. i said how come? i wasn't even political.
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i was always complaining our car business was being stolen. sort of obvious, mexico has 32% of our car business. it all left. we are bringing it back at a level nobody has ever seen before. but i went to michigan and my opponent was told, the republicans, no way you can win, you just can't. we had a campaign manager named ronna mcdaniel. and ronna wouldn't stop. can you be here next week? i don't know. she says can you come back in three days? i don't know. on election night, she said to her, 6:00 the day before, in
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other words, a short while before the election, she calls me, can you be here tonight? i said tonight? i was in new hampshire. [applause and cheers] she said, sir, can you be here tonight? i said are you sure? i started speaking at 1:00 in the morning. now it is election day. we had 32,000 people show up. it was like this. the crowd, they want to see things happen in our country. they love our country. it went crazy and i left and i said i don't know why we are going to lose michigan. look at this. the opponent went there with barack obama and michelle obama. [booing] and she went there much earlier,
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prime time, 1:00 in the morning is not exactly prime time. we had 32,000 and they had a tiny little crowd. i looked at my people and said i know we are not supposed to win the great state of michigan but i think we are going to. we did, and we won wisconsin. wisconsin was a great victory. and we won pennsylvania and we won north carolina and south carolina, and we won florida. and i hate to tell you, we should have won new hampshire. that was taken away. new hampshire was taken away. it was taken away from us, but we should have. we did great and we should have won new hampshire, but that is ok. i am not holding it against you because it was not your fault. but we had a woman in michigan,
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and i said, when it came time to choosing the head of the republican national committee, i said, who the hell is that woman up in michigan that got me in to keep coming there and explaining that we can't continue to lose our car business? 17 companies coming back, who is that woman? it was ronna. we put her in charge of the republican national committee, the job she has done is incredible. thank you. [applause and cheers] the same with another man, our campaign manager. he started off as a computer genius. when they used to say the hillary clinton campaign is highly sophisticated, highly sophisticated? [booing]
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she did a lot of bad things, folks. 33,000 emails, deleted, after getting a subpoena for the united states congress, 33,000. [booing] remember she said it was her daughter's wedding and yoga classes? 33,000. [booing] it was disgraceful. i will tell you this. we now have a great attorney general. [applause and cheers] a fair guy, a great gentleman. another man who is here tonight
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is the world's tallest campaign manager. he is an unbelievable talent, but they were saying about our opponent -- i will not mention the name again because we will never get it finished here. i will say my opponent. is that better? they were saying how sophisticated her campaign was. i was was far more sophisticated, and we had a man that did an incredible job. and he is now our campaign manager and he is one of the tallest human beings i have ever seen. his name is brad, he is fabulous. nice when you don't have to look for anybody. you look over and see a guy twice as tall as everyone. great job, brad. how are we doing, brad?
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got great pol lnumbers. got great poll numbers in a lot of states, ohio, iowa. you know, iowa, every week they campaign, our numbers go up. we gave them ethanol which is very important. every week we seem to be going up as they are campaigning in iowa. wherever they go, our numbers go up. somebody will have to explain that one to me, but we like it. a man who is a friend of mine, the greatest mayor of the history of new york city. [applause and cheers] who -- [applause and cheers]
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stand up, rudy. rudy giuliani. [applause and cheers] man, he did a job, the first year i have never seen anything like it. new york was crime infested. we had problems. we had problems like nobody would believe. rudy went in and did the job and people loved him for it. it wasn't like he is a horrible person. people loved rudy giuliani. he was a great mayor. thank you, rudy, for being here. [applause and cheers] and the first person i put on the campaign, he was driving, saying you can win, you can win. i am telling you, you can win. he loves the state, he is from this state. i'm just telling you, i had him
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on month after month, think you can win, you can win. and finally we said let's give it a shot. and i had corey, i had just a couple of people. we had a lean and mean staff. but corey lewandowski loves your state, loves new hampshire. he was the first one that talked about us possibly winning the whole big ballgame. and he is tough and he is smart, and i am hearing he is thinking about running for the senate from new hampshire, i don't know. [applause and cheers] i think it would be tough to beat. he will go in to washington and he will have you in mind. he will do a job if he does do
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it. we will see what happens. he has not made up his mind yet, but he would be fantastic and i guess something you go back and talk to your family, talk to your wife and make a decision. they are all saying are you going to support him? i don't know if he is running. corey, let us know, please. let us know. [applause and cheers] let us know. our shared republican agenda is pro-worker, pro-jobs, pro-families, pro-growth and 100% pro-american. [applause and cheers] for decades and decades, the politicians in washington pursued the very opposite. they sold out our workers. you see it, you know it better than any place. when i talk about the horrors of
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trade deals, i usually refer to new hampshire. nobody took it worse than new england and nobody took it worse than new hampshire. here is the good news. i would never let that happen and chris would never let that happen again. [applause and cheers] is there a doctor, please, doctor in the house, doctor in the house. please, doctor, please. thank you very much, take your time. take your time. [shouting]
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take your time, fellows. plenty of time. you know, people got here 2.5 days ago. many of these people in the front, 2.5. 2.5 days ago. you can understand it is pretty tough. thank you. thank you. [shouting]
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that is ok. [applause and cheers] these are great people. these are great people that love our country. [applause and cheers] thank you very much. thank you. pretty good. pretty good.
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so our politicians ship away our jobs, shed our sovereignty, surrendered our dignity, and saddled our nation in one foreign debacle after another and we are still here. we are still here, you better believe it and we are here stronger than ever before. all of that ended the day i took the oath of office. the american people are in charge of their country again. [applause and cheers] we cut a number of job killing regulations that were strangling our country. we cut more regulation in 2.5 years than any other president in their full terms.
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four years, eight years or in one case, more than that, more than anybody, to get relief to working families. we passed tax cuts and tax reforms. the largest package in the history of our country. you are making a lot more money. you are making a lot more money and you see it and you know it because you see it in your paycheck every week. we ended the last administration's cruel war on american energy and we are delivering a policy of american energy independence like you have never seen before, and in fact -- [applause and cheers] if you look at the straits, they are not playing with our ships, they are taking them from this country, that country, that country, but you know what,
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importantly we have very few ships going there because we don't need that oil as bad. and the united states is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world. [applause and cheers] every leading democrat has pledged to abolish the american oil, coal and natural gas industries that are fueling our economic boom. can you imagine this? we are sitting on great wealth. they want to take it away from us and the alternatives don't have the power. they don't have the power. they want wind. wind. wind is so beautiful as long as you don't have to stare at a
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windmill and your house goes down in value like to nothing. if you had a windmill anywhere near your house, you would not get one third the price you got there that is true. steve is too smart to let that happen. we won't let them take it away from you. we are reversing decades of calamitous trade policies that shattered new hampshire and your factories. they shattered your communities and american power and prestige all around the globe. new hampshire lost one in four manufacturing jobs following nafta and china's entrance into the world trade organization, two of the worst deals ever in the history of our world, not just our country. election after election, politicians came to your state pretending to have the courage to stand up for the american worker, then they went to
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washington, and let other around, andsh them special interests buy them off, steal jobs. we want to do a job, we want to do a great job and we are setting records. you know who was -- who is sending money? small donors. we have big donors but we have small donors are sending us the money for the elections. pretty amazing. that is not supposed to happen to a republican, but it is happening to this republican. it is happening to you. [applause and cheers] every vow that politicians make de was broken, every hope
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dashed, and every promise turned into a total betrayal of new hampshire and of our country. but in this administration we have something those sellout politicians could only dream of. it is called strength and commitment. we don't play games. after years of building up other countries, we are finally building up our country, standing up for our jobs, our workers and standing up for our dignity. [applause and cheers] [chanting "usa"] the forgotten men and women of america will never, ever be mr.n and women of america will never, ever be forgotten again.
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you were forgotten. [applause and cheers] the last administration with sleepy joe and obama tried to ram through one of the worst trade deals ever negotiated, worse than nafta, worse than wto. it was called the transpacific partnership. it would have been a disaster. it would have gutted the american auto industry, would have been in shambles. it is coming back so strong. would have gutted, would have destroyed the industry. but i withdrew the united states from that job destroying catastrophe. [applause and cheers] and we are opposing beautiful, well-placed tariffs on foreign
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countries that sheet our workers, steal our jobs and break all the rules. i am sorry. by the way they have been changing and charging tariffs on us for years. we have countries that charge us 100%, 200%, 297% in the case of canada with foreign products. we are not going to stand for it and man, did we turn things around. [applause and cheers] and we have just started. if companies don't want to pay tariffs, i have one simple solution, come make your product
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in america. come make your product in new hampshire. zero tariffs. zero. no tariffs. [applause and cheers] together we are restoring this nation's industrial might and we are doing it with american iron, american aluminum and american steel. we are doing steel. the steel industry is hot. they were dumping steel all over. they were destroying our properties. u.s. steel now, all of them, they are all expanding. the steel industry is back. we are opening up mines in minnesota. magnificent mines that have the best iron ore in the world and president obama closed them down. [booing] maybe we can get representative omar to open them up but i don't
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think so. she will open them up. i don't think so. representative omar, that is another one. we are replacing nafta with a brand-new usmca, that is mexico and canada. great deal. it will create countless jobs for farmers, manufacturers all across the state. we need congress to pass the usmca immediately. we will make it a bipartisan deal. the unions benefit, the non-unions benefit, everybody benefits. it brings it back to fairness and it makes it very hard for our companies to leave our country, go to mexico or canada. we lose all of our jobs, all of our taxes, and up with empty
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factories and plants. that was my one rule i had to have. you got to be hard on companies to do that. i have taken the toughest ever action to stand up to china's chronic trade abuses. earlier this month, the u.s. government officially labeled china for the first time ever a currency minute later, another promise kept. while others allowed china to loot the u.s. economy, 500 billion dollars a year, not million, not million, billion, with a b, we have made it clear the theft of american jobs and american wealth was over. yet today, the wall street journal editorial board and some
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others continue to publish foolish articles that demonstrate that they understand nothing about trade or business, nothing. they advocate only economic surrender. they say go to china, take off the tariffs, make a deal. i lose all the cards we take off the tariffs. think of it. they say go to europe. the european union is worse and than china. just slower. it treats us horribly, barriers, tariffs, taxes, and we let them come in. it is worse than china. many of us come from there. i do. that is what it has got going. that is about it. they treat us really badly and many others, many, many others.
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india, tariffs us higher than any nation anywhere in the world. we have tariffs of 100% on products and much more than that, india. we are working on all of them. prime minister modi has said -- we got to change, got to change, and we are talking to them very seriously. we are talking to a lot of places, but when the wall street journal says go and talk to china, they have been trying to talk for 25 years what they really have not. the leaders that were in my position didn't do a damn thing. past leaders followed the terrible advice of these editorial boards that are totally inexperienced, and our industries were utterly devastated. globalism enriches foreign countries at our expense. globalism. i love our country. i am president of united states of america and not the president
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of the world. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and as long as i am president, america will never bow to a foreign nation, likely work for so many years. as we restore our prosperity, we are also restoring public safety. we are fighting to reduce violent crime. you see so much of it over the last 25 years, so much crime. and to ensure every american can live in safety and peace, and yet with all that you see, we have had one of the best years of crime prevention that we have ever had. would not seem that way, but it is one of the best years, because those gentlemen that we
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just saw, the law enforcement, they do a great job. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and you have been reading about this a lot. we are working very hard to make sure we keep guns out of the hands of insane people in those mentally sick and should not have guns. [applause] pres. trump: but people have to remember, however, that there is a mental illness problem that has to be dealt with. it is not the gun that pulls the trigger, it is the person holding the gun. [cheers and applause]
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pres. trump: years ago, many cities and states -- i remember it so well -- closed mental institutions for budgetary reasons. they'd let those people out on to the street. i can tell you in new york, they closed so many of them and let really seriously mentally ill people out on the streets, and you see plenty of them today and even today. we are going to have to give major consideration to building new facilities for those in need, we have to do it. [applause] pres. trump: and at the same time, we will be taking mentally deranged and dangerous people off of the streets so we won't have to worry so much about that, a big problem.
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[applause] pres. trump: we don't have those institutions anymore, and people can't get proper care. they are seriously ill people and they are on the streets. we can't make it harder for good, solid, law-abiding citizens to protect themselves. we will always uphold the right to self-defense, and we will always uphold the second amendment, we will. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: so important. one of the most powerful promises i made to the people of this state was to confront the opioid and drug epidemic. [applause] pres. trump: i used to go around
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new hampshire, more than any state, and you say, sir, the state is infested. you said, sir, we are like a drug den. i didn't really see it, then i met with the police officers in the fire departments and you just seem to have a bigger problem -- and by the way, the wall is being built. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: that is going to stop a lot of it. the wall is being built. [chanting] [microphone feedback] [applause] pres. trump: it is being built.
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you know, we have the fake news, you know about that. a wall lying on the ground in a very important section, so we pick up the wall in pieces, literally, it is gone, and we build a brand-new 30-foot steel and concrete wall. [applause] pres. trump: and the fake media said, he did not build a wall. that is just renovation. there it was lying on the ground. people walked right over it, rotted, arrested, gone. we take it away and put a brand-new wall up. they give me no credit. you know why? because they are fake news, that's why. [applause] [booing] pres. trump: we are building a lot of wall. the army corps of engineers is doing a great job. they are doing a great job. since i took office we have attacked the challenge with
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everything we have. we have secured a record $6 billion in new funding, opioids. we have vastly increase the distribution of overdose drugs, which is amazing. we have given them to your police departments, fire departments, pretty amazing. we have reduced the total amount of opioids prescribed by 34%. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and the department of justice has prosecuted more than 3000 defendants in opioid-related cases. in our public awareness campaign about the terrible suffering that drugs inflict has already reached 58% of all young americans. i said that, you have to show them we are doing ads, beautiful ads -- and i don't want to describe them. they are bruttle.
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we are doing ads for children, so they can see it, because the best thing we do is not get them started on drugs, right? [applause] pres. trump: it is hard to get off. we can get them off. it is hard but it is being done. if they never start, it is really easy. it is real easy. we are trying to get young kids -- we won't see the fruits of this paper for a while, because it takes a while but we are working so hard on advertising and promotions to tell young kids, children, how bad drugs are, how dangerous they are and how horrible they are, how they destroy your brain, how they do so many bad things, and they are really very tough ads. they are hard-hitting ads. over time, you will see, you will see. [applause]
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pres. trump: but we still have much work to do, but as a result of these efforts, last year, we saw the first nationwide decline in drug overdose deaths in 31 years. [applause] pres. trump: pretty amazing. and at the center of america's drug crisis is the voter crisis. vast quantities of drugs are being smuggled across the border, including methamphetamine, heroin, and part of my trade deal with china, very important, and president xi said he was going to do it -- so far he has not done it, but i said you have to stop sending us -- and have to criminalize the making of it in china. so far, he has not come through, but i think he will.
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you will know. you will know. yet, democrats want to open borders and republicans want strong borders. that is your difference. one wants open borders -- who can even think about open borders? even though many people come into our country are wonderful people they are still coming in illegally. they are not coming in through merit. we have serious criminals that want to come in, and if we had open borders but they would be flowing in like you have never seen before. democrats want open borders. they don't mind crime. we do mind crime, and that is the way it is. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: democrats also support deadly sanctuary cities. [booing] pres. trump: last year alone, sanctuary cities declined, more
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than 17,000 requests from federal authorities to hand over criminal aliens already in the custody, in other words, 17,000 criminal aliens were released by the cities directly into u.s. communities. [booing] pres. trump: you don't understand even what the hell they are doing. 17,000, republicans think our cities should be sanctuaries for law-abiding americans, not criminal aliens. we are always for ice, the border patrol, and we will always support law enforcement. [applause] pres. trump: every democrat candidate also wants to give
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illegal immigrants free welfare. [booing] pres. trump: republicans believe public benefits should be protected for truly needy americans, not for illegal aliens, and we should reduce our taxes and many other things with all of that money we are talking about. [applause] pres. trump: we need to elect a strong republican majority to end sanctuary cities, stop human traffickers, stop drug smugglers, and adopt an immigration system that puts the needs of american workers and families first. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: it is also time for democrats to join with us to protect the sacred integrity of our elections by supporting voter id, voter identification.
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[cheers and applause] pres. trump: it is incredible. they are constantly saying, oh, we need to protect them. they are not looking for that. they are not looking for that. we say, what about voter id? in other words, you have to have a picture. what about voter id? but we need voter id. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: the democrat party has never been farther outside the mainstream. [applause]
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pres. trump: where do they come from? [laughter] pres. trump: you know, you say you want low taxes, good education, strong military, strong borders. you want safe homes, low interest rate -- hey, you got low interest rates, the lowest ever. it is a good time to refinance your house by the way, great time. you have got everything and then you see these people, they have no idea what they are doing. they have no idea what they are against. every major democrat running for president supports a massive government takeover of health care that would raid medicare and destroy the private health insurance plan of millions of american families that they love. my administration is defending her right to choose the plan and the doctor that is best for you.
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[cheers and applause] pres. trump: the individual mandate is gone the most unpopular part of obamacare, and we almost have obamacare gone. we are close. we would have had it before, but we had about that was a little bit surprising. i'm sure none of you knew who that vote was. repeal and replace. it is going to happen, and in the end it is going to be better. you watch. so we got rid of the individual mandate, which was the most unpopular part of obamacare. you know, i had a political decision, do we run it well and sort of say, hey, we run it well, or do we want it badly and have everybody upset? we have to run it well, but it is too expensive. it is lousy health care, but we got rid of the worst part of it,
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individual mandate, individual mandate, where you have the privilege of buying the right to not have to pay for expensive insurance that is no good, health insurance. and we won't -- you have to remember this, republicans, and i speak for every one of them, we will always protect pre-existing conditions. we are going to protect, always. [applause] pres. trump: right? got to do it. our campaign to reduce the price of prescription drugs has produced the largest decline in drug prices in 51 years. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and the only decline in 51 years. we have launched a historic initiative to require price transparency, empowering you to choose the lowest price for yourself and for your family. believe it or not, you did not have the right to go on and
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price your drugs. who can believe this. i wonder if big pharma had something to do with that? [booing] pres. trump: so we are going to have transparency. virtually every democrat also supports late-term abortion, ripping babies straight from the mother's womb right up and until the moment of birth. [booing] pres. trump: and in the case of the virginia governor -- he is having a rough time -- in his case, the baby is born, then he goes to talk to the mother -- the doctor talks to the mother. the baby is now born, wrapped, as he said, and then they decide whether or not to execute the baby. [booing] pres. trump: that is why i have asked congress to prohibit
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extreme late-term abortions, because republicans believe every child is a sacred gift of god. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: hard to believe, isn't it? democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, and socialism. [booing] pres. trump: the republican party is of freedom. we are the party of the american worker, the american family, and the american dream, and i am fighting for you each and every day. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: so importantly, we have confirmed more than 140 federal judges.
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within 90 days, it will be 179 federal judges. thank you very much, president obama. thank you very much. [applause] pres. trump: i don't know what happened to him, but i came to office and i had 138 judges not appointed by president obama, so i say, thank you, mr. president, very good. they will say he was a great president. if he was a great president, how come he left me 138 judges to appoint, when everybody set that is the single most important thing a president of the united states has to do. great president. he was great. he was a great president. and these judges will apply the law as written, including two great supreme justices, neil
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gorsuch and brett kavanaugh. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and to help patients with life-threatening illnesses, we also passed something i am so proud of -- 44 years they could not get passed -- right to try. you can use our newest and best medicine. incredible what is happening. i am so proud of that. [applause] pres. trump: forever, five decades. we passed for our great veterans v.a. choice and v.a. accountability. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and one of our great friends who is a veteran who has been with me in new
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hampshire -- i don't know where you are. where is our guy? where is he? so, so i walk in -- he has been with me from the beginning. he liked trump. and i came in and he said, sir -- he is a great veteran -- he said sir, i have cancer, and sir, i went to the -- they were late. they had problems. they gave me the right to go out and have a great cancer surgeon. you look much better than you did three years ago, al, much better, much better. v.a. choice, right, al. thank you for your loyalty. he has been in every rally.
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got so tired of looking at him. now, look at him. that's good. i appreciate that story. i appreciate -- v.a. choice just makes sense, right? doesn't it make sense? we have achieved record funding for the united states military, $716 billion, $700 billion, and $738 billion, and it is almost completely rebuilt, including -- and we hope to god we never have to use it -- we have the finest, most powerful nuclear capability anywhere on the face of the earth. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and i hope to god we never have to use it. we are investing in the future of human spaceflight, and
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someday soon, american astronauts will plant the stars and stripes surface of mars. [applause] pres. trump: and i told my guys at nasa -- you know, nasa was when we took it over, it was exhausted. the runways and grounds had weeds growing through the cracks. you would not recognize it now. it is beautiful. it is the best place anywhere on earth. you know, i hear all these rich guys -- for some reason they love space. i said let them send the buckets out. why the hell do we have to do it, right? so i see jeff bezos and elon musk putting rockets up. i think that is great. they pay us rent. they use our facility. that is good. but we are also doing it, and nasa has some of the greatest plans we have ever had, great
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people, great scientists in the but we also let the private sector put up rockets. the one that recently went up and you see the engines coming back down. there are no wings, no nothing -- it is and was like, what are we watching? is this fiction when they come down? and they say all of the propellants, really the most expensive parts, they are able to save it by bringing it back. who would think they could do this? i never saw this before six months ago come they are doing it now more and more. they are saving a lot of the most important and expensive parts of rockets. so we have a lot of rich guys paying a lot of rent, but we are also doing it ourselves, to protect america's security. they withdrew the united states from the horrible, one-sided iran nuclear deal. i realized israel's true capital
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and opened the american embassy in jerusalem. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: just three months ago, we also recognized the golan heights as being part of and protected by israel. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: for years you watched as her politicians apologized for america. now you have a president standing up for america, and we are standing up for the people of new hampshire. thank you. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and you must never forget the 2020 election right around the corner. 2020, right around the corner, and it is about one thing.
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you know with the one thing is? you. it is about you. it is about your family. it is about your future. it is about the fate of your country. so, when we ran to get the last time -- we had to turn it around. this country was going bad. you see what happened then venezuela was socialism. venezuela 15 years ago was one of the richest countries. now they don't have water. they don't have food. they don't have anything. this was one of the richest nations in the world. they don't have anything. we are working on it. we are helping people but it is very sad. it is never going to happen to us because we will never, ever be a socialist nation. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: no matter what label they use, a vote for any democrat in 2020 is a vote for
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the rise of radical socialism and the disruption of the american dream. we have a dream. it is a great dream. this is the destruction of the american dream. we begin this campaign tonight with the best record, the best results, the best agenda, and the only positive vision for the people of new hampshire and for the people of america. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: together, we will lift to millions of more citizens from welfare to work, dependence to independence, and poverty to prosperity, millions and millions of people. with your help, we will elect a republican congress to create a safe, modern, fair, and lawful system of immigration. [cheers and applause]
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pres. trump: we will enact trade deals that are already happening that ensure more products are probably stamped with the beautiful phrase, "made in the usa." [applause] pres. trump: we will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine, ending the aids epidemic in america and finding new cures for childhood cancer. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and it's something i never thought i would be able to say, within one decade, the aids epidemic in the united states will be gone. think of that. did you ever think you were going to hear that? nope, did you ever think you're going to hear that? the work they have done on aids is incredible. it is an incredible thing.
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they told me that, i said it is shattering. it breaks your heart what has happened, but think of it, in 10 years, the aids epidemic will be eradicated. so great. who thought that was going to be happening? [applause] pres. trump: who thought i would be able to get to say that so early in what we are doing together. we will defend privacy, free speech, free assembly, religious liberty, and the right to keep and bear arms. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: above all, we will never stop fighting for the values that bind us together as one america. we will support, protect, and defend the constitution of the united states.
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[cheers and applause] pres. trump: we will stand with the incredible men and women of law enforcement. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: we believe in the dignity of work and in the sanctity of life. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: we believe that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the true american way. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: we believe that children should be taught to love our country, honor our history, and to always respect our great american flag. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and through every day and every challenge, our
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hearts beat to the words of the new hampshire state motto, "live free or die." [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting 'usa'] pres. trump: we are fighting for every american mom and dad wants to protect this land of liberty for their precious, beautiful children. we are fighting for every young boy and girl who deserves to grow up in a nation of builders and dreamers, pioneers and patriots. we are fighting for every citizen of the greatest republic on the face of this earth. [cheers and applause]
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pres. trump: every day, my presidency, we will never forget that we are americans, and the future belongs to us, the brave, strong, proud future -- it belongs to us. it is up to us. we control our own destiny. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and with your help, your devotion, your drive and we are going to keep on working. we are going to keep on fighting. we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: we are one great movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation
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under god. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and together we are making america wealthy again. we are making america strong again. we are making america safe again. and we are making america great again. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: thank you, new hampshire. thank you. [cheers and applause] [you can't always get what you want plays] ♪ >> ♪ i saw her today at the reception a glass of wine in her hand i knew she would meet her connection
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at her feet was her footloose man no, you can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you find you get what you need
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>> ♪ i saw her today at the reception a glass of wine in her hand i knew she would meet her connection at her feet was footloose man you can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you find you get what you need i went down to the demonstration
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to get your fair share of abuse singing, "we're gonna vent our frustration if we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse" sing it. you can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes well you just might find you get what you need i went down to the chelsea drugstore to get your prescription filled --
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♪ the pros andway cons in modern propaganda and gold rhetoric on voters -- political rhetoric on voters. night -- >> thank you. i will introduce the panelist, hal hirschfield, a behavioral psychologist at the ucla school of management, where he studies cognitive bias and how people imagine their future selves. he also contributes op-ed's to


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