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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones PT 1  CSPAN  October 11, 2019 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT

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memorial in the national mall. >> in the middle is a 12-foot stainless steel circle, and at the base of that is a fire, so you can use that to light your sweet grass and sage and things that you use and you can touch the water and use the fire. we call that the drum. >> monday, columbus day, at noon, supreme court justices ruth bader ginsburg and sonia sotomayor discussed the judicial impact of the first woman on the u.s. supreme court, sandra day o'connor. what she's saying is if you want to improve the status of women in the nursing profession, the best way to do it is to get men to want to do the job because the pay imminently will go up.
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our nation's passed on american history tv every c-span3.n emerge fromto that rally was that of joe biden and his son, hunter. here is part of what the president said. [video clip] >> here is hunter? here is hunter? you know nothing about energy. you know nothing about anything, frankly. you are a loser. why did you get $1.5 billion, hunter? [applause] and your father was never considered smart. he was never considered a good senator. vices only a good president because he understood how to kiss barack obama's ass.
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[applause] [applause] true. [chanting "usa"] >> thank you, it is true. they are always saying the same thing. we admit it, there is nothing. always that same thing. president trump made a totally unsubstantiated claim about hunter biden and his father. it is not unsubstantiated you
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, it is son of a guns 100% true. [applause] 100%. the smart guys on wall street, and i know all of them, and they are smart. they have never seen anything like that one before. i called them. has that ever happened? never happened. guy walks in, no experience, no nothing. flies in on air force 2 with his father. that is when he is vice president. like to have joe biden take over negotiations with china? i don't think so. i don't think so. meanwhile, biden allowed china
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to rip off america for 8 years as vice president and barack obama let him rob us blind. we are not doing that anymore. host: just a portion of that rally from last night. if you want to see the whole thing, go to our website, we will show you the other themes through the course of the morning. for republicans. democrats, 202-748-8000. .ndependents, 202-748-8002 also joining us to give insight and context is john mcardle. was 102 minutes that took place at the target center in neapolis, a center that holds some 20,000 people. the president appearing in the state that he has not won and
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republicans have not won since 1972. it was 1972 win richard nixon -- when richard nixon won that state. president trump declared last night he would take the northstar state and want to show viewers his campaign visit tracker from fox news. the red map shows president trump's visit on this screen. states.a on his list of compare the visits by president trump around the country. this is the democratic campaign tracker. minnesota on the list, but behind iowa. 40 visits by john delaney. 45 by tulsi gabbard. amy klobuchar, 35 visits.
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minnesota certainly on the list of candidates and amy klobuchar having the most appearances in the state. some reaction from the democratic candidates to the president's appearance in minneapolis. the man president trump was talking about, joe biden saying he spent his night at the human rights campaign forum talking about the fundamental respect every human being deserves. that was the forum put on by cnn . at joe biden saying you spent yours showing how little respect for anyone else you have. america is stronger than your weakness. amy klobuchar yesterday afternoon saying donald trump is bringing his hateful rhetoric to my home state of minnesota. join me in signing a petition to make clear we will beat him in
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minnesota and all over the heartland. amy klobuchar live tweeting during the president's comments. immigrants and refugees have helped make our state a wonderful place to live and work, which is far more than this president has done. stop using immigrants and refugees as pawns. one other democrat who pushed back on the president last night and throughout the days leading up to the president's visit is the mayor of minneapolis. he has got a lot of attention because the president has given him attention as well. this was jacob fry yesterday before the rally started saying hate day.ove trump's -- the people of minneapolis will not be baited by voices
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that promote conflict and intolerance. that was the mayor of minneapolis. we will look for more reaction to the president's rally. host: first call on the rally, philip in tennessee, independent line. you are up first. caller: good morning. good morning. i have a question i want to ask. ran for president before he got elected, he said 7 -- heot file taxes on filed bankruptcy multiple times. i heard yesterday on tv he in the thirdillion quarter for his reelection.
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histhat money be applied to bankruptcy? host: don't know the answer to that, but when it comes to the reelection, what did you think of the rally last night? caller: i thought it sucked. lied.od there and i don't know what to think of him. melissa in go to montana, democrats line. hello. caller: good morning. good morning, america. good morning, c-span. i am so grateful for you and brian and everyone on c-span. i would like to direct my comments directly to the american public. left, right, black, white, democrat, republican. open your eyes to this man. i would like to know why he span, they had another very interesting show with all the democrats. why aren't you headlining that?
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why do we have to see the trump entity spewing his lies and hatred. i have a couple more comments. please, america. cannot you see this man is putin's puppet? his wife is his handler. it is so obvious. i have another comment. please do not interrupt with people that call in. i like it better when they are allowed to make their comments and not get feedback because that distorts their view somehow. i like to hear what they have to say without any comment. host: i have to apologize only to that point, but to your previous one about his wife being his handler, why do you think that? caller: it is obvious. look at her eyes, she obviously has intelligence. i wonder if he is not doped up
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or drunk most of the time. host: we are going to leave it then. this rally was an event we took in. that rally through the 100 plus minutes, you can go to our website if you want and watch the whole thing for yourself. we will show portions as we go through the morning. maryland in middle river, danny is up next. caller: i wanted to -- first of all, thank you for taking the call. thank you for your show, it is always informative. i love the back-and-forth with the democrat, republican, independent conversation. comment is regardless of whether bang you voted for him before, whether bang you like him as a person, whether bang -- you like his interaction and policies, we have to listen to what he is saying.
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he lies habitually now. it is sickening. how dare you say something about having a job and saying he is not qualified when 3 of your 5 children are working in the white house and not qualified to do anything. host: you are saying hunter biden should not come up for conversation at all during this process? caller: at all. how can hunter's name be brought up when ivanka and beavis and butthead are in the white house right now? is next from ohio, democrats line. caller: good morning. i called in as an independent. i want to introduce myself as someone who is basically socially liberal. my interest is always in housing for the poor.
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when it comes to president trump, i love the guy, i cannot get enough of the guy. i always come up to my friends and relatives in cleveland. we love each other, we are not going to hate each other over politics. i always tell them, you cannot blame president trump, you have to put the blame on people like me. i take the blame for it and i love it. i'll beat a king, martin luther vita king, martin luther king's niece, she loves trump. host: what do you get from the rallies when you see them? caller: we have never seen a president go off-the-cuff like that. likeys things that are sales talk. it is important, i love it. it is mostly the stuff i hear from the guy is really exposing
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the swamp. i hate to use the typical word, true.amp, but it is the way washington has evolved over the years, it wasn't anyone fault, but it cannot be broken down. only these obnoxious people are the ones that can break it down. i am going to vote for him again. it is not trump's fault, it is people like me. host: let's hear from a democrat. michigan.etroit, you are next. caller: good morning, pedro. good morning, america. greetings from motown. listening to the president last night when he takes swings first that joe biden and then barack shows the lack of maturity he has and the blind hatred of those two from that
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predominantly white and undoubtably racist audience. there is no doubt about that. when i listen to him slam barack obama accusing joe biden of knowng barack obama's you what. from the moment he first laid eyes on barack obama, the green eyed monster has been eating away at donald trump. he is extremely jealous of barack obama. host: because? caller: excuse me, go ahead. host: because why? caller: i think he is upset barack obama is probably still more admired and then he is and i think it speaks volume about hatred inof rachel his predominantly white audiences -- racial hatred in his predominantly white audiences and those calling on c-span. they want desperately, desperately to not only erase
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barack obama's record, but basically erase him from the very pages of history. host: that is jerry calling on the line for democrats. back to john mcardle. host 2: want to keep viewers up-to-date on what is happening on capitol hill. theress away on recess, but impeachment inquiry continuing including today. we are expected to see another hearing behind closed doors, this one in the house intelligence committee. this is jeff bennett reporting marie yovanovitch is set to be deposed at 10:00 a.m. eastern. sources familiar say they expect her to show up despite a white house vow not to cooperate with the inquiry. she would have to quit the state department before appearing. fox news in their story previewing disappearance today
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or perhaps not if she doesn't show looks into how the trump administration has viewed the ambassador. trump and his surrogates have painted yovanovitch as a rogue employee with an anti-trump political bias. her ouster came amid alleged attempts by rudy giuliani to press ukraine into investigating joe biden and his son. those efforts triggering the impeachment inquiry. the story goes on to note the news yesterday on the ukrainian front and the former ambassador's involvement. federal prosecutors unsealed an indictment alleging two donors to a pro trump fundraising committee were engaged in lobbying efforts on behalf of ukrainian politician seeking yovanovitch's ouster. they are u.s. citizens who helped giuliani's efforts to
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pursue the investigation of joe biden and the ukraine. we are watching for that and also other news this morning on this upcoming parts of inquiry and more interviews taking place. this from axios. -- gordononlon sondland expected to testify yesterday despite being blocked by the state department yesterday appearing in a closed-door deposition. one more just to keep you updated on the latest from the wall street journal this morning. lawyers for the cia officer whose whistleblower complaint helped ignite the impeachment couldy -- their client submit testimony instead of appearing in person. the request reflects concerns about whether the whistleblower
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could testify without revering his that -- revealing his identity. that from the wall street journal. a lot of moving parts. we will keep you updated throughout the morning and the days and weeks and months to come. host: our facebook page is available to you if you want to post about the rally. judy says he has to deflect --self and his supporters joe from new york off our texting service saying the bad thing about the rally is that you actually had people standing and clapping for what went wrong .ith our education system susan saying it is the only mechanism to bring this to the public. we love trump.
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you can text us, 202-748-8003. post on our twitter feed at @cspanwj. kathy in oklahoma, republican line. caller: i am a registered democrat. i no longer support them because the lack of sovereignty they are advocating. something i wanted to clarify from last night's speech about the kurds. they are lovely people, but was redivided by the british. the british occupied the middle rdistand they took ku away. the kurdish people have not been our allies even though they certainly need help and the point trump was making was that wey were not helping us, were helping them defend their area they lived in.
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the kurdish people need to be reassigned homeland. thebritish subdivided countries and took their homeland away. i think it was after world war i . we need to learn our history so we will clearly understand what he meant. host: i want to show you what the president said from last night. it turkey and syria coming up during the course of the president's speech. [video clip] andn the case of turkey syria and the kurds, we could send in 1000 troops for a military conflict with turkey. harduld hit turkey very financially. we could mediate a deal between turkey and the kurds. i like that. let's mediate a deal. they have been fighting each other for hundreds of years and we were artificially put there in this case by president obama.
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we did our job, and i will tell you another thing, we have to be treated fairly. we have to be treated fairly. we are not treated fairly by other nations. we captured many, many isis fighters. i called them myself in many cases. take the fighters, we don't want them. i said they did you a favor, they are citizens of germany, france, these various countries in europe. take your fighters. i said how unfair are you treated? we are doing things that are pretty amazing in every once in a while you have to change course. the united states has spent $8
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.rillion in the middle east these wars produce chaos and bloodshed. all the sacrifice made the middle east -- it is less safe, less secure.and the single greatest mistake our country made in its history was going into the quicksand of the middle east. he spent $8 trillion and lost thousands of lives -- we spent $8 trillion in lost thousands of lives. the other side, we can talk about that, lost millions of lives. what did we do? we are pulling people out and trying to make good deals and we are going to bring our soldiers
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.ack home host: did the president speak about leaving kurds to die? patty saying it was the funniest and best president in years, talk about telling it like it is. as for the paid protesters, it did not seem to stop crowds showing up. if hunter biden is share game, ao -- fair game, so is ivank and jared. doesn't joe biden criticizing trump at much smaller rallies -- one would think they were both running for president. facebook available at you can post on our twitter feed at @cspanwj. stephanie in brooklyn, new york, democrats line. caller: good morning. how are you, c-span?
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host: fine, thank you. caller: i am calling because i was so disappointed about that rally last night. this president is such an embarrassment. he is not even a role model for our young men, our young ladies. he is a disgrace. aboutwhat specifically the rally disappointed you the most? caller: there was nothing exciting about it. this president has so much hate in him. he is such a mean man. he has no empathy for anyone else or anything else. he puts himself above anybody else because he is a narcissist. he doesn't care for us at all, he cares for his pockets. his family pockets. his family is robbing the country. he is not doing nothing for us
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but robbing the country. him and his bridge friends along -- rich friends along with rudy giuliani and the republican party because they are taking money from international countries. it is happening. we must put a stop to it. host: for viewers that are waiting -- to cutwn your television back on the feedback. greensboro, maryland, republican line. gabriel, hello. caller: hello, hello. good morning, good morning. i just have a couple words to say about our president and the and a littlee about what i think is going on. the president is a comedian. he is a tv show host. what he is doing on these rallies, he is just doing his
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thing, he is a comedian. you cannot really take him serious. it is dangerous because he is the president and has a lot of power. fact heike to hear the is politically correct. the second thing i want to say -- host: he directly mentioned joe biden. caller: he did -- he called his -- but he did not call directly joe biden anything. unable -- everybody can see that. the other thing is trump is a
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christian and he claims he believes in jesus christ and the resurrection power of jesus. they tried to kill jesus, but he was too pure and holy. host: how that relates to the rally yesterday? caller: this is the whole thing everybody is trying to get at and what you are trying to figure out and what people are trying to figure out how can he get away with this -- how can he get away with saying these lies and being so incompetent and saying these lies and owing all these taxes? host: darlene in tennessee, independent line. caller: i watch this morning he is you came on and just a motivational antagonistic person. this must be a campaign to get reelected. i did not hear anything he was represees veragef the usd preedis fopolitical or commerciurse eress ohibit by e hou of
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ens. the sak prore: useill bin order. he cha lays borehe hous a cmunicationro the spe. e k: thakes rooms, tor 11, 2019. iereby appointhe horable ightvans as sak prteore his day. gnednanc pos, spker of the hou of rreseivs. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will be offered by the guest chaplain, reverend alisa lasater wailoo, capitol hill united methodist church, washington, d.c. the chaplain: let us pray. o god, it's friday. as we look back on the week, we remember yom kippur, the day of atonement,


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