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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House Debate on Resolution Opposing U.S....  CSPAN  October 17, 2019 6:06am-7:00am EDT

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struck,abe, lisa president obama, brennan that is what he ought to focus on. that is what the people of south carolina want him to focus on. they do not want us to get into a war with turkey, a nato member or with syria, let them fight their own wars. they have been fighting their own wars. the people of south carolina want to see troops come home. i won an election based on that and that is the way it is, whether it is good or bad. if you look at this country, i'd be willing to bet anything that is what the country wants. on wednesday the house approved a resolution the trump administration to withdraw troops from syria. 60 republicans voted against the measure and representatives voted present.
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next, we show the debate before the vote starting with house whoign affairs committee opened the resolution. will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york, mr. engel. mr. engel: i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material 77.ouse joint resolution the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. engel: i yield myself such consume.i may the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york, mr. engel, is recognized. mr. engel: thank you, mr. speaker. since the beginning of this congress, when i became chair of the foreign affairs committee, work across the aisle to advance a bipartisan ision of what american foreign policy should be, what it can best, and 're at our that's the foreign policy rooted in our values, values like upport for human rights and human dignity, a foreign policy that projects american as a force for good in the world, a foreign policy that thrives on the power of
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and alliances. i've worked with my friend from texas, the ranking member of the foreign affairs committee, mr. mccaul, to make sure this vision enshrined in the committee's work and we do all we can to the administration towards this approach. so, mr. speaker, for me, the week has been just devastating. a week ago, president trump had phone call with turkey's against the er experts and advisors, e gave them the green light to charge into syria. this is violence against the syrian kurds. syrian kurds, he who courageously stood alongside us for many, many months and years in the fight against isis. that was a betrayal of our partners.
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it was a gift to russia, a gift a gift to isis, and a gift to assad. and it was a blow to our security. now, a week later, the same kurdish forces who fought with special forces to fighting s are now tooth and nail to survive slaughter, russian and regime forces have quickly by the he vacuum left united states. president trump's decision has allowed isis fighters in escape from a to prison, paving the way for a esurgence of the terrorist group. get out of jail free card, if monopoly from the old days. and the humanitarian crisis is staggering. of thousands have been displaced. families, women and children, gruesome stories of beheadings, torture and abuse, all set into motion, by the actions of the president of the united states. what kind of message does this
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the world? how can america be trusted to keep its word? betray one of our close partners, loyal and faithful them out just throw like an old shoe? how can america be trusted to word when we make mpulsa decisions -- impulsive decisions that have an immediate and catastrophic impact on millions of people? ongress must speak out against this disgrace. the measure we're considering unambiguous, d an bipartisan, hopefully bicameral policy in f frump's sear -- trump's policy in syria. this measure calls on the white strong, clearop a strategy on how to defeat isis now that president trump has its resurgence. it expresses strong support for forces, urdish recognizing their commitment and against s in fight isis. and it calls on turkey to
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its military op at president trump's hands, american leadership has been laid low and american foreign olicy has become nothing more than a tool to advance his own interests. oday, we make clear that the congress is a co-equal branch of government, and we want nothing disastrous his policy. so, mr. speaker, i say to our colleagues, it is on us. us to uphold our country's values, to strengthen security, to defend america's standing in the world. on both all members sides of the aisle to support this resolution and make it where we stand. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from texas, mr. mccaul, is recognized. you, mr. l: thank speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. you, mr. l: thank speaker. i'd like to first begin with
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for his chairman engel bipartisan work to craft egislation in response to this week's developments. we often say in our committee at the itics stops water's edge. in this time of crisis, i'm roud to work with him to lead the most bipartisan committee in the congress. a dark -- today may be a dark today but it would be arker if we were divided instead of standing united. mr. speaker, i rise in support resolution.t simply put, the catastrophe over unfolded in syria the past 10 days is almost beyond words. the extremeed about long-term damage this has caused in united states' interests the middle east and to the syrian people, including the kurds. united states has worked for years to prevent an armed ally ct between our nato turkey and the syrian kurdish
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partners. was resence in syria critical to countering and defeating isis, and until last prevent unnecessary bloodshed. working with the syrian forces, the u.s. and our coalition partners liminated isis' control of territory in syria, and we're ontinuing to fight isis insurgence. i understand the administration's legitimate concerns about engaging our u.s. forces in long-term military operations. to wind down our overseas conflicts and bring our troops home, but leaving syria now does not resolve the problem that brought in the first place. it only creates more. we need a residual force in place. consequences of this decision have already unfolded before our very eyes. trust of trayed the our kurdish partners who fought bravely with us against isis to and destroy the caliphate, and they paid a heavy
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lives n thousands of lost. we must remember that turkey's kurdsive affects not only but also the people of northeastern syria. have dozens of civilians been killed and over 1630,000 -- 160,000 people have been displaced. islamic state prisoners, affiliates are already breaking free, reversing defeat -fought gains to these dangerous terrorists. and now our syrian kurdish withers have struck a deal the syrian regime. and his russian and iranian backers more to itory and opportunity advance their destabilizing agendas, including their war on my colleague, eliot engel, and i drafted this resolution to show this e do not support decision by the administration and to call on turkey to end this destructive campaign in syria. we urge support for the
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kurds and call upon the administration to support our kurdish partners and stand with them just like they had stood for us for so long and give them implications grave isis would have on our homeland security. i do support the administration's decision to impose sanctions on key turkish ficials and there are more consequences. more pressure is needed. congress is only just beginning its work to repair the damage this decision has caused. chairman engel and i are working together on a bipartisan bill to sanction turkey for as long as it continues this destructive offensive. i look forward to working with the chairman to bring this bill to the floor as soon as possible
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and i urge all members to support this joint resolution. and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. engel: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from rhode island, mr. cicilline. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from rhode island is recognized for two minutes. mr. cicilline: thank you, mr. chairman for yielding. i rise today with a heavy heart. 10 days ago president trump salaried the fate of our kurdish partners in syria and gave president erdogan the gene light to invade. this callous and reckless decision will go down in history not only for disregard for human life and the strategic malpractice of placing american troops in harm's away and allowing isis prisoners to go free. and it was truly an unbelievely dangerous and student decision
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that undermines our national security and diminishes our moral authority. this resolution has widespread bipartisan support. we need to pass it and get it on the president's desk as quickly as possible. ressluges and sanctions when they come captain bring kurdish children back to life or reclaim equipment seized by the russians and can't restore our credibility, which has been squandered as we betrayed the trust. i'm sickened by this administration's actions and need to do everything we can as a congress to make this right. i urge my colleagues to support this bipartisan resolution and i thank mr. mccaul and mr. engel sending a very strong message that the congress of the united states does not support this horrific decision to betray our allies and undermine our leadership in the world and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from rhode island yields back.
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the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. mccaul: i yield do minute to the the gentleman from texas, mr. hurd. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. hurd: i thank my colleague for yielding. i'm proud to rise today in support of this bipartisan resolution that oppose the disastrous decision to remove u.s. force in syria and abandon our allies. our alies have fought side by side to end the caliphate and degrade the threat of terrorism to our homeland. isis is beaten but not broken. they remape a threat that requires continued engagement by both the united states and our partners. just as the kurds had our backs against isis, we need to have theirs. instead we are abandonning not
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just the kurds but our coalition allies. we are eroding the progress we made and showing our friends and enemies that partnership with america means nothing and providing isis to re-emerge and once again threaten the united states and allowing assad and putin to play the role of humanitarian saviors. as an undercover officer i chased terrorists and saw firsthand the threats facing us in the middle east. one of the things i learned when i was in the c.i.a., nice with nice guys, and tough with tough guys. because of this decision and inaction that led up to this decision, we have let our friends down, we have hurt our national security and we have creeded leadership in the region to russia and iran. i hope we can change our course but i fear it may be too late.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas, mr. hurd, yields back. the gentleman from texas, mr. mccaul reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from new york, mr. engel is recognized. mr. engel: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. moulton. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. moulton: colleagues, right now with president trump's permission turkey is slaughtering our kurdish allies, the only people that stand between us and isis, men and women who have died by the thousands to protect americans from terrorism. the families of our american from tuents, like shamas, my district. and as a result russian and syrian forces are taking our positions next to them.
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isis prisoners are escaping and mr. chairman, the crisis has only just begun. we must act today because the president has taken the side of dictators and butchers. the president has never put his life on the line for our country, like our special forces soldiers who have been fighting terrorists in syria, whom he mocked earlier today by saying they are shooting each other. but perhaps if he had not dodged the draft by lying about his feet, sending another american in his place to vietnam, he would know something that all veterans know well, that there are a lot of ways you can fail in battle, you can fail physically or summon the mental courage, bad tactics rgs but nothing is worse, nothing is more evil than betrayal. yet betrayal is exactly what
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this president has done and it sends exactly the wrong message to our allies, to our troops and to our enemies. our commander in chief should lead with american values. he should lead by the idea that there is no better friend, no worsen my than the united states of america. today's vote is necessary because there has been no worsen my to the kurds and no better friend to our enemies than this president. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities towards the president. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. mccaul: i'm pleased to yield four minutes to the the gentleman from arkansas, mr. hill.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for four minutes. mr. hill: i want to thank my friend from texas, mr. mccaul, nd mr. engel from new york for their leadership on this issue. mr. speaker, let me be clear, i did not support the failed obama policy in syria and 2017 and 2018, i was proud to see president trump hold assad accountable for his use of chemical weapons. i have not supported the united tates disengaging from syria since it was first proposed by the president in december. i rise in support of this resolution. a small group of american forces in northeast syria advising and assisting local forces in order to prevent instability from coming to power does not constitute an endless war.
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despite being in nato, turkey is not acting as an aleye. by our actions, turkey will pay a steep price for its provocation. i have been told by experts with contacts on the grouped that american lives are at risk directly because of turkish actions. u.s. forces have been shelled by turkish artillery, our nato ally, turkey who we allowed to conduct this mission has thanked us by shelling american positions. what a sad day for the atlantic alliance that has shouldered so many burdens and shared so much loss in men and treasure. syrian kurds announced they have come to an an agreement with the assad regime to help against the turkish invasion which entrenches russia in this conflict. now assad and his russian
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backers will bring their bloodbath over the river. we also put the gains we made against reversal. this all could have been avoided. when critical american leadership disengages, america's global adversaries fill the void. turkey must crease its invasion of syria. the united states must support the kurdish communities that have been our allies against isis and the white house must present a specific plan for ensuring the defeat of isis and border integrity. i urge all my colleagues to support the passage of this important legislation. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from arkansas yields back. the gentleman from texas reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. engel: i yield two minutes to the vice chair of the foreign affairs committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized.
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>> we are in the midst of a foreign policy disaster that will be a stain on the conscience of our nation. the situation in syria is costing lives as we speak. until recently, our strategy to defeat isis, by, through and with our allies was working. our small military presence in syria was a sustainable force that denied isis the ability to plan and launch attacks from syria or resurge back into iraq. the president's impulsive decision to leave syria has ignited a conflict in one of the most volatile regions on earth. this administration has managed to turn our middle east policy on its head in a week's time. turkey is slaughtering the kurdish forces that have fought and died on our behalf in the fight against isis. in our place, syria and russia
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have quickly filled the void of american leadership. we have betrayed our allies. this is not a foreign policy that displays america's core values. it's a shameful choice that will cause damage on america's interests and alliances around the world. i believe this joint resolution is what we need in this moment. the joint resolution will rebuke the white house and attempt to rebalance the situation in syria. and i urge all of my colleagues, republicans and democrats to support it. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas yields back. the gentleman from new york resevers. the gentleman from texas, mr. mccaul is recognized. mr. mccaul: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from, mr. reed. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. reed: i thank the ranking member and chair man for their work on this proposed resolution. but i want to remind my
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colleagues that one of the problems that we face in turkey and syria today is the failure of congressional leadership to address this issue. when i stood on this very floor during the obama administration and the question of syria came up, i remember many of my colleagues agreeing with me that we should not be in syria with boots on the ground risking our most precious assets without a clear authorized use of military force, congressional approval resolution to do so. we failed in the leadership here in this body. that is why as we go through this resolution, i understand the turkish sanctions and i understand, but make no mistake about it, by voting yes on this resolution you are authorizing the use of military force of our men and women on syrian soil. if force needs to be redeployed, i don't want to hear from any member of this chamber or the
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senate that we have not authorized our men and women to be there. it is time for us to set aside political would you ward is because we can't make the hard choice of approving a military force resolution. we should join and unite, the house, senate and white house in one congressional declaration that we put our men and women in harm's way stand by it and stand by the commander in chief with regards to that request. with that, i yield become. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. squasm new york -- the gentleman from new york, mr. engel is recognized. mr. engel: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from colorado, mr. crow. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. castro: i thank the chair and ranking member of the foreign affairs committee, mr. engel and mr. mccaul for their leadership in casting this joint resolution condemning the
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administration's decision to with dow and abandon our allies in syria and leave them to an assault by turkish forces. as a combat veteran, the strength of our nation is tied to our partnerships and alliances around the globe. during my three deployments to iraq and afghanistan i counted on the safety of our soldiers and our u.s. commitment to them. this is built on trust and the belief that our word is our bond. the administration's reckless decision to withdraw u.s. forces has undermined the value not only to our kurdish allies are fighting enemies on all sides but our other allies around the world. the american handshake doesn't matter is the message. this is a moral responsibility to the kurds and undermines the
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belief that america is a resolute partner and led to adversaries like russia, iran, assad regime and isis exerting greater influence. let me clear, the president's decision makes us less safe and further isolates from the very allies from whom we have made so much strength. the president must recommit to our kurdish allies and take a firm stance. and with that, i yield back. . the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas, mr. mccaul. mr. mccaul: mr. speaker, i to the e minute gentleman from florida, mr. gaetz. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. gaetz: i thank the gentleman. turkey is not acting like a nato ally, perhaps the sensible olution is to remove turkey from nato rather than keeping the united states inserted in
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forever.esumably this is why i oppose this resolution. i've heard my colleagues say, we should not leave syria without a strategy. wehaps it is equally logical should not stay in syria without a strategy, because in syria, we of americans stucks ofween armies of men of tens thousands who have been fighting each other for hundreds of years nd are likely to be fighting hundreds of years from now. and the help of the kurds with over $9 billion being paid to the kurds, the kurds have fighting bravely where they've lived, but they've been funded, trained and equipped by united states. we can't accept the proposition if we support a group of people align in r interests one case that this somehow morally binds our country to conflict that they have past, present, or future. o do this would constrain the utility of america's future alliances, not strengthen them. the blood of america's patriots
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our nation's most sacred currency, and it must be absolutely vital to protect american interests. we are not the world's police force. not the world's piggy bank. i support american foreign policy. oppose this bill. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas, mr. mccaul, reserves. the gentleman from new york, mr. engel, is recognized. mr. engel: i recognize two minutes to the gentleman from california, the chairman of the asia and pacific and nonproliferation, a very member of the ed house foreign affairs committee, the gentleman from california, sherman. mr. sherman: i rise -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. sherman: i rise in support of the resolution. i rise in opposition to the ecent decision of the trump administration. we had a situation in syria that was stable. of ad a modest deployment
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american troops. we were successful in limiting casualties to a very low number. caliphate.ated the our friends, the kurds, be who incurred most of the debts thousands, necessary to destroy the isis caliphate, from safe. the situation was stable and favorable to the states. action in e taken an which america is humiliated, the kurds are subject to slaughter, word means less in the orld, and isis stands to be revitalized. mistake.uch an obvious defying anyone with that is such a
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grave mistake that it makes you wonder whether it was an mistake designed to give russia territory in syria for whatever reason we might want to do that. to reevaluate our re-evaluate our policies toward turkey. we have protected turkey from subversion in the 1940's, and from the soviet union for decades. 20 ntly, over the last years, we've had a policy of in our approach to turkey. kowtowed in ankara in ailing to recognize the armenian genocide. we have taken a foreign policy normally based on truth and humiliated stead urselves through silence and
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concealment. it is time to recognize the an nian genocide by overwhelming vote here in the house. stop time for us to dishonor in our relationship turkey. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from new york his ves the balance of time. the gentleman from texas, mr. mccaul, is recognized. mr. mccaul: thank you, mr. speaker. to yield two minutes to the gentleman from illinois, mr. shimkus. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from illinois is two minutes.r mr. shimkus: thank you, mr. speaker. it's great to come down here issue.nd talk on this i've been a little bit outspoken since the decision was made by branch.utive though it's great to see the legislative branch take a stand about what this policy decision has made. ood friend with the chairman mccaul and, of course, eliot engel, who is the chairman of the committee. as someone who served for many years in the military and
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involved with the nato parliamentary assembly and our alliances and values are important. walking away from friends is a indication of policy that we support, we don't want to condone. we want america to be great, but we're also great because of our friends and our allies. not bad.s are coalitions strengthen our public world.around the and our relationship with the urds go way back to the first gulf war and the protection of iraqi-kurdish area, protecting the airspace. talk to people in uniform who protected by kurdish fighters throughout these 20 in this involvement area. our word that we will be with them. a foxhole to be in
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from someone -- with someone rom another country and the attack is coming. you don't get out of the foxhole and go to the rear and leave ally in the foxhole to defend themselves. we see what's going on. i think this could be predicted. it's unfortunate. don't know how we get the genie back in the bottle but i'm a chance to tting make a statement that we think his policy has been wrong and failed and we do it in a strong, bipartisan manner. on ok forward to voting yes it. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from texas, mr. mccaul, reserves. york, mr.eman from new engel, is recognized. mr. engel: it's my pleasure to yield two minutes to the from florida, ms. frankl. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida is recognized. you -- kl: thank ms. frankel: thank you, mr. speaker. syrian n support of our
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kurdish allies who have lost .illions a oin my colleagues on bipartisan basis to call on turkey to end its invasion of syria.n giving turkey the green light to into this area will go down and story as a moral strategic disaster. consequences, mr. speaker. ur kurdish friends, now forced to align with syrian forces backed by iran, creating an even bigger threat to our friend, israel. unleashed russian troops filling our vacuum and allies wondering if we can ever be trusted again. trump administration's weak sanctions are like an arsonist
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in the fire department. mr. speaker, we must protect soldiers, secure our nuclear weapons in turkey, provide humanitarian support to kurds, and impose crippling sanctions on turkey until they syrian campaign and, most importantly, pursue a end the c solution to conflict. and i want to end by just thanking mr. engel and ranking mccaul for your bipartisan leadership. i urge adoption of this i yield back.d the speaker pro tempore: the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman from new york, mr. engel, reserves. the gentleman from texas, mr. mccaul. mr. mccaul: i reserve, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the mr. eman from texas, mccaul, reserves. the gentleman from new york, mr. engel, is recognized. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. engel: thank you, mr. speaker. served in thisve body, i've watched presidents of tougharties make a lot of
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foreign policy decisions, many i cannot bad, but think of a foreign policy decision more reckless and this one.ed than with all the years and through ll the years that i have been working on the foreign affairs committee, frankly, i've never do something nt that's as aggravating and that hould have been -- should have never been done than what the president did last week. the president announced that we were going to it e several months ago, forced a resignation of the time e secretary at the who was upset. it was so unprecedented in american history. something that's unbelievable and could have been avoided. like to yield two minutes leader -- one minute to the majority leader -- one minute -- mr. hoyer.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is recognized for one minute. love my one minute. i love my glasses so i can read what i want to say here. much. you very i rushed up from my office. i was on a conference call. i thank you, mr. chairman, for it open. i want to thank mr. mccaul for bring this to the floor. americans, of course, knew when president trump took office that he was policy enced in foreign and national security. that doesn't mean he didn't have opinions. he hadn't been on a day-to-day work. that was alarming. but also, from my view, alarming penchant for putting his america's st ahead of national security. that troubles the world. consequences are becoming obvious to americans more and more each day as we kurdish usands of our
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allies -- and this is not an issue without some complexity. understand that. , t our kurdish allies fleeing isis gathering strength and iran assad advantaged. there's rightly been broad and tisan shock condemnation that president trump would so recklessly america's allies, permit the release of thousands of violent isis extremists, and to vladimir putin's aims in syria. short, he just opened the oor for isis to reclaim some power. any terrorist attack they now will be the direct action.f this president trump has betrayed the rust, in my opinion, of the
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american people. he has also betrayed america's friends. kurdish forces in northeastern -- excuse me -- been among ia have america's most reliable and local it was their blood and sacrifice that led, in part, to this being significantly successful against isis. of it is their young men and women in uniform who've been prisoners, who if released, have vowed to resume attacking americans and the middle east. nd in that effort, we may lose further american lives, precious to us, precious to their our our kurdish allies trusted us to have their backs. loyalty is a two-way street.
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it took years to build them into an effective fighting force and now america is turning its back and undoing years of efforts and progress. how shameful. how irresponsible. president said he took this action because he pledged to get american troops out of the middle east. ironicically, he took out about 2,000 or put them someplace else, and guess what? he sent 2,000 additional troops to the middle east. now it's saudi arabia, where isis is not hopefully doing much, at least where we are sending the troops. how ironic it is to say take troops out of the middle east and at the same time we send
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more troops in to the middle east. america's reputation as a world leader depends on the bond of our word, can we be trusted. thate we simply responsive day or that issue. if we abandon our allies we will have none when we need them to stand with us. not only has president trump abandoned the kurds, but he has refused to join the world leaders in considering the turkish attack in the united nations. he chose to stand with vladimir putin and doing his bidding once again by handing large swaths of syria to his control. he is moving in as we speak. as the post pointed out this week, russia is now the one country, front page, russia,
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they said, is the one country that every country in the middle ast talks to and trust immediately. is that an america that is great? america has abandoned that role and the power it brings. president trump has chosen to stand with assad, a tyrant who has gassed his own people with chemical weapons and murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and caused the extraordinary refugee challenge that the europeans have and chosen to play into the hands of iran. president says iran is now our friend. he is right. we plaid into his hand with this action. in summary, mr. speaker, the president's actions empower isis, betray our kurdish allies, embolden russia, reward the
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assad regime, benefit iran and endanger israel. these developments were sadly predictable. experts like brend and kirk and secretary mattis said this is not the right thing to do. this is not a partisan issue. this is about america. this is about our allies. this is about international security and stability. from the moment the president made clear he wanted to abandon america's strategic interests in syria, mcguirk and secretary mattis expressed their opposition. these developments concern the worst fear of so many americans who have long questioned this resident's wisdom. or interests to protect our
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country and keep it safe in a dangerous world. it is crill call, mr. speaker, this house, the people's house that president trump's reckless actions do not carry the support of the american people. it is critical that we condemn turkey's incursion as well and to do so in a bipartisan way. that is what this legislation will do. commend all of those from the foreign affairs committee who brought this. i know it was difficult for some. but it is the right thing to do. the house will do everything in its power to reassure our allies and remind our adversaries that america does not cut and run. that we stand by our word and hold true to our values and stand with our friends. i hope they'll hear us and understand that this action by
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this president must not marr the goodwill or erode the steadfast principles upon which our country has engaged with the world throughout our history. and surely, again, in the future. i urge my colleagues to vote yes. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. members are reminded to refrain in the engaging in personalities towards the president. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from texas. mr. mccaul: i have no more speakers. if the gentleman has no further speakers, i'm prepared to close. i yield myself as much time as i may consume. this is one of those rare moments in congress where we see both sides coming together exercising our article 1 constitutional responsibilities
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on foreign policy and i can't think of a better committee than this, the foreign aface committee, to stand unified as a congress and this is not just the house, mr. speaker. this is a joint resolution with the senate. this is going to pass the house and senate, sending a strong message about our foreign policy. i believe that we learn from history and the national archives has a saying insubscription that says what is past is pro log. history repeats itself and need to learn the lessons from history. after we withdrew a year after world war i, allowed the forces of nazi germany and hitler to rear its head and the marshal plan put an end to it. as recently as 2011, the
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previous administration, president obama pulled out 10,000 troops out of iraq and my side of the aisle strongly objected to that foreign policy decision arguing that it would create a wave of terrorism, and we were right. and isis reared its ugly head and the caliphate was formed. mr. chairman, mr. speaker, i should say, you and i have served on the homeland security committee in years 2015 and 2016, the terror threat was frightening. my external operations being plotted out of iraq and syria to kill americans in the united states. we stopped 95% of those threats and the 5% is what the american people know about. but i'll tell you this, from that experience, have not we learned anything?
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that we need a residual force, if anything to protect the homeland from terror threats. now we have over 10,000 isis in the country and over 70,000 family members that are there as part of the insurgency. we had 30,000 at the time of the peak of the caliphate and i'm concerned, mr. speaker that this will embolden the russians. the russians have already gone . our military camp sites they are mocking the united states of america. iran is there. and isis now emboldened. we need a residual force to protect us as we had in iraq. we need that syria and yes, we need that in afghanistan. we can wind down the number of troops but we need that residual
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force. will never forget talking to susan rice and she said one axiom is true in foreign policy. your allies must know, your allies must trust you. our allies are questioning us right now. we told them trust us. we have your back. and what is happening now, the kurds are being slaughtered as i speak in northern syria and she also said, our allies must trust us and our enemies must fear us. that is my foreign policy. that is susan rice's foreign policy. i want to thank the chairman for working with me, to stand up on this very important issue. with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas, mr.
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mccaul, yields back. the gentleman from new york, mr. engel is recognized. mr. engel: my pleasure to yield one minute to the the gentlewoman from texas, ms. jackson lee. ms. jackson lee: let me thank the chairman and ranking member for coming together. i was on the floor earlier and held the "new york times" saying syrian forces rush in to fill he void and battle lines shifting. we worked hard to get turkey into nato and to respect it for its secular position and its embracing of the ideals of democracy. know to be the cause of thousands fleing out of violence and bombing, now being the cause of isis supporters and families escaping, now being the cause of is fighters escaping and not
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listening to any form of reconciliation is absolutely unacceptable. and i believe that these sanctions and this rebuke in this resolution that has indicated it was wrong to green light the military incursion, expressing the strong support for kurdish forces who were our allies and calling on turkey to stop military action in northeast syria is a question of our national security. and i add there should be a no fly-zone and that would be challenging for turkey not to be flying over northern syria. we need to do to save the precious lives of those children who have already died and fleeing the violence. let us pass this resolution and let us find away to bring sum
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peace and standdown in that region and also to thank the united states military who should not have been moved. ask my colleagues to support this resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. engel: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. as i mentioned before in the years i have served in this body i have seen presidents make a lot of policy decision good or bad and i can't think one of one that is more reckless. the president has empowered isis and betrayed the kurds and jeopardized our national security. congress must condemn this loudly and clearly. this resolution sends a resounding message to the nation and the world that we ject this.
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i urge members to stand by our partner, stand by our promises, stand by our values and support this resolution. and i want to commend my partner on the foreign affairs committee, mr. mccaul who it takes a lot of courage to do what he did today and i thank him for it. and that's why as he and i both mentioned, we are proud that the foreign affairs committee is perhaps the most bipartisan committee in congress. hen we go abroad, partisanship should stop at the water's edge. we feel outrage what the president did. our allies need to be supported and i urge all of our colleagues .
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on the agenda, a bill change ofmission in effect disclosures and individual investments. in the evening, president trump hold a rally. on c-span two, the senate is back and will vote to override the president's veto of a resolution terminating his national emergency declaration at the southern border. anators will consider resolution from democrats it would reverse the administration's new epa rule on carbon emission standards. committee onhouse elections hold hearing on voting rights. coming up on today's "washington journal" chris died and rick santorum join us to discuss their -- chris


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