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Mike Pence
  Campaign 2020 Vice President Pence Speaks in Duluth MN  CSPAN  August 29, 2020 8:00pm-9:11pm EDT

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politics. pencevice president campaigns for the gop in duluth, minnesota, a state president trump narrowly lost in 2016. after that, our c-span cities tour features prominent u.s. politicians of the past. then president trump towards recent hurricane damage in louisiana and texas. journal,'s washington every day taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day, and we will discuss policy issues that impact you. sunday morning, a senior elections analyst discusses campaign 2020. then a foreign policy analyst and author talks about his latest book on the importance of american dominance in space. watch washington journal, live at 7:00 eastern sunday morning. be sure to join the discussion
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with phone calls, facebook comments, text messages, and tweets. >> vice president mike pence made a campaign stop in duluth, minnesota, where he talked about the administration's efforts to bring economic prosperity to the state in the wake of the coronavirus. president trump narrowly lost minnesota four years ago. congressman pete stauber. [applause] rep. stauber: thank you very much. it is great to be here. joining us today in the beautiful city of duluth in the eighth congressional district of the great state of minnesota. i see so many friendly faces out there. this rally is about you, the
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workers, the people of this great congressional district, the fabric of our country's blue-collar workers. ners, manufacturers, farmers, police officers, firefighters. we know that this president and the vice president support and will defend the men and women in the blue and brown. [applause] months ago, a few short months ago, this economy was turning -- churning. all-time high, record unemployment, small businesses were opening. it was because of the progrowth policies of this administration. then the pandemic struck. it came to our shores through no fault of our own, but we will deal with it as one nation. we will come out of it stronger, more prosperous, more self-reliant and resilient than ever before.
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[applause] our best days are yet to come for this great nation. [applause] you know, with the trump-pence administration, the progrowth, pro-jobs policy, it ignited a blue-collar boom not only in northern minnesota, in this great nation. if you wanted a job, you could have a job. this administration brought mining and manufacturing back to the shores of the united states. [applause] proud and privileged to serve minnesota's eighth congressional district. i am fighting for your way of life every single day and so is president trump and vice president pence. [applause]
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night included the republican national convention. optimism, hope, prosperity, making sure that next generation has it better than we. it is our obligation as elected leaders and as members of our community to leave this earth better than the greatest generation gave it to us. [applause] i want to thank you all for , to invite vice president pence here. i wanted him to see the men and women, the blue-collar men and women, that have built this nation and will build it again. [applause] so it is my privilege and my honor to introduce to you the
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next senator from the great state of minnesota, jason lewis. [applause] lewis: well, hello, north land! how are you? what a crowd. there is more people he than -- more people here than at the democratic national convention. and you are awake! it is so great to be here. thank you, pete stauber. what a great job congressman stolberg -- congressman stauber is doing for the eighth congressional district. he is doing such a fine job in his service in law enforcement before that. pete, thank you for your law enforcement service. [applause] speaking of that, there is somebody else i need to mention when it comes to law
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enforcement. i like to tell people i never knew much about cops until i married one. i married into a law enforcement family. my father-in-law served 28 years in the st. paul pd, and my lovely wife leigh served the st. paul pd for eight great years. when you stand up? i guess you are standing up, right. i kid her a lot. she is so short, when she stands, nobody knows. it is so great to be here and welcome the vice president back to minnesota. how about that? man, oh man, what a convention. i mean, it was four days of optimism. i'm telling you, you look at the democratic national convention and it looked like an hr meeting on zoom. if you had trouble sleeping, that was the thing to watch. their we were, the republicans, celebrating america, celebrating
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with people who still think there is more good things about america than bad. [applause] politician is based with a first big decision, and it wasn't any different for president trump. president trump's first big decision, as you know, was to pick a running mate. and, boy, did he hit it out of the park with mike pence. [applause] and i know from first-hand experience, one of the great honors of my life was serving in the 115th congress and working with the trump administration. i can tell you no one, but no one, was more engaged with congressman vice president pence -- with congress than vice president pence. what do i mean by that? when there was a tough vote, when you needed to rally the
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troops, when we needed to get over the edge, the president sent vice president pence to the halls of congress and he got the job done. and, boy, did we ever get a job done. in the first two years of the trump administration, the first tax reform and tax cuts in 30 years. deregulation for miners, energy independence, and criminal justice reform, including my bill, the juvenile justice authorization bill, signed into law by the president. imagine when we flip minnesota red -- [cheers] second we can do in a trump-pence term. that's why i can hardly wait to work again with vice president pence in the united states senate.
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[applause] friends, here we are in beautiful duluth, a city defendant on the future of the iron range. as we get energy, logging, and yes, mining, rolling again like ever before, the fortunes of this town are going straight up and not coming back. we are talking about an energy pipeline. we are talking about getting en bridge built. we are going to get it done. we are talking about opening up twin metals. [applause] and we are not forgetting our loggers. we are going to get logging going again as well. [applause] biomass would be a nice renewable fuel. there is so many things we can get done and so many things that
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will get done by the democrats in the wrong direction. public order is the first duty of government, and that is why we need to restore it and restore it now. we saw what happened in minneapolis the other night. these folks are not going away with democrats who coddle them. we all want justice. a riot is not the way to get it. [applause] the fact is, when it comes to public order, putting minnesota first and ending these overreaching lockdowns once and for all, this is the administration that will get it done. [applause] public order, get the economy going again by ending the lockdowns, and putting america and minnesota first. that's the trump-pence administration right there, which is why it is my great honor to introduce to all of you
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the vice president of the united states, mike pence. ♪ >> ♪ vp pence: hello, minnesota. great to be with all of you today. and join me in thanking a man who has represented this state with great distinction in one chamber of the congress, and i know he is going to be the next united states senator from minnesota, jason lewis! thank you for your leadership
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and for those stirring words. [applause] ,o congressman pete stauber mmer, it is tom e great to be in the northstar state with all the hard-working men and women of workers for trump. [applause] great to be with so many friends. i will have more to say about all of them in a minute. speaking of friends of mine, allow me to bring greetings from another friend of mine, who i spoke to just after i landed in minnesota. and when i told him i was back in the northstar state, i don't know about you guys, but i thought he sounded a little jealous. let me bring greetings from a man who loves the state of
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minnesota and believes in november we are going to carry this state. i bring greetings from the 45th president of the united states of america, president donald trump. [applause] and i am really honored to be with all of you today. i don't know if you heard about it, but we just finished up the republican national convention. with a south lawn address by our president that was incredibly stirring, incredibly inspiring. contrast that with the democrat national convention. jason lewis and i were talking about it. he said to me there convention seemed more like a zoom hr meeting. celebrationon was a of american greatness. [applause] and i am here to talk about all
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of what we have accomplished and what we can yet do, but to be honest with you, i am here for just one reason and one reason only. and that is that minnesota and america need four more years of president donald trump in the white house. it's on, minnesota. [applause] >> four more years! four more years! four more years! vp pence: you know, the president in that address last night really laid out a vision and a choice in this election. as president trump's said, we have a vision for our second term -- better jobs, more wages, more support for our heroes in uniform at home and abroad. as the president said, voters have never faced a clearer choice between the two parties. it is a choice between whether
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we allow joe biden at the democratic party to advance a socialist agenda that would demolish our cherished destiny, or whether we stand and fight for the american dream. [applause] that's what this election's all about. so i thank you for coming out today. and you can sit down, please. it's great to be back here in duluth. i will never forget we were in duluth on november 7, 2016, and we came just that close to winning minnesota, and i just know that the day after our convention ended, the right place to start was right back here in duluth. the road to victory begins in duluth, minnesota. we are going to win this state on november 3. [applause]
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i'm excited to be with all of you today. but like all of you, let me also say our thoughts are with all of our fellow americans in the louisiana, texas, and states that have been impacted by hurricane laura. you have seen the images of the devastation. the worst storm to strike that part of our country in 150 years. we grieve for the loss of lives and those families are in our prayers. the president will be traveling to the region to review the damage and ensure the families and communities have all the support each one of us would want to make sure we have. our message to the people of louisiana, texas, and all those areas affected by hurricane laura's we are with you today, we will be with you tomorrow, we will be with you every day until we rebuild bigger and better than ever before. that's our promise. [applause]
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so thank you. like all of you, i am here because i stand with president donald trump. [applause] president stands up for faith and family and the american flag, i stand with president donald trump. [applause] president stands up to the radical left and their socialist agenda, i stand with president donald trump. [applause] and when this president stands up for american jobs, american workers, and american miners, we stand with president donald trump. [applause]
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four years ago, a movement was born, and it looks like it is doing pretty well here in minnesota today. it is a movement i just heard about of everyday americans, from every walk of life. here in minnesota, you people, you believe we could be strong again. you believe we could be prosperous again. america said yes to president knowd trump in 2016, and i that minnesota is going to say yes to four more years of president donald trump in 2020. because with this president, for this state it is about jobs, jobs, jobs. [applause] the choice in this election couldn't be clearer. the stakes couldn't be higher. you have got a president who has done more for this country's
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economy, for our rights, our liberties than any president in my lifetime. and i have to tell you, as the proud father of a united states marine -- [applause] -- and the father-in-law of a united states navy pilot, i couldn't be more proud to serve alongside a president who cares so deeply about the men and women of our armed forces and their families. [applause] trump,resident donald our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard are finally getting the support they deserve to defend this nation. [applause] military,built our revived our economy, and this president has also stood, without apology, for all the god-given liberties enshrined in our constitution, like the
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freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, and the second amendment right to keep and bear arms. [applause] and this president has stood, without apology, for the sanctity of human life. [applause] in our first three and a half years, this president has appointed more than 200 strong, conservative judges to our federal courts at every level, and president donald trump has stood for law & order every single day and will stand for all these things for four more years. [applause]
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made great progress. we made great progress in this country in the first three years of this administration. i am here to tell you none of that would have been possible without the strong support of jason lewis, tom emmer, and pete stauber in the united states congress. they have stood strong with president donald trump, and would you join me in thanking them one more time for principled, conservative ,eadership that pete stauber tom emmer, and jason lewis have done for america? [applause] thank you, men. it's amazing to think in those three short years, the strong support of our partners in congress and with your support, we created the greatest economy in the history of the world. we restored the strength of our
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american military. we are respected in the world again. and strengthen the constitutional foundation of this nation. in a word, we made america great again. [applause] then the coronavirus struck our nation from china. but i am pleased to report to you, before the first case of coronavirus spread happened within the united states, president trump took unprecedented action. he put the health of america first. he suspended all travel from china and he saved countless american lives. [applause] firsthand,ell you the president's unprecedented action, before the month of january was out, bought us in valuable time to launch the
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greatest national mobilization since world war ii. at the president's direction, we marshaled the full resources, not just of the federal government, but of the entire american economy. we forged a seamless partnership with governors across america in both parties, and we called upon our great, private-sector free enterprise system in america. we reinvented testing and produced billions of supplies that we delivered to our amazing, doctors, nurses, hospitals, and health care workers. [applause] in fact, i don't have to tell you in minnesota, a great health care tradition in this state, the work of our doctors, nurses, health-care workers throughout this pandemic has been nothing short of heroic. join me in thanking all of those who have been there for the families struggling in this pandemic.
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thank you for your care. thank you for your professionalism. we are grateful and proud of you all. [applause] and while joe biden said the other day that no miracle cure is coming, i'm proud to report to you, because of american innovation, because of the relentless drive of this president and the expectation of the american people, we have been developing treatments, therapeutics from day one. we just approved convalescent plasma that was developed right here in the great state of minnesota, and we are on track to have the world's first coronavirus vaccine before the end of this year. [applause] say, from my heart to all the families, the more than
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1800 families in minnesota who have lost loved ones, and those who are struggling with serious illness today, that you are in the prairies of the american people and we are going to continue to work every single day to make sure our health care workers have the resources and support to give your family the support anyone of us would want a family member to have. thanks to the courage and compassion of the american people, we are seeing positive trends across the country. even in the wake of the outbreak in the sunbelt, we are seeing downward trends. we are slowing the spread, protecting vulnerable, saving lives, and we are opening up america again. america's opening up schools. [applause] the strongecause of
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foundation that the president inered -- president poured those first three years, we have seen 9.3 million jobs added in the last three months, including 56,000 jobs right here in minnesota. upthe days ahead as we open america again, i promise you we will continue to put the health of america first. as we work to bring this economy back, we all have a role to play, and i know you will, but we also have a choice to make come november 3. i know you have early voting starting, so it is real soon, so it is time to make sure people ask a fundamental question. i asked it at fort mchenry the other night. as we see the economy coming back, as we see america regaining economic strength, you
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got to ask your neighbors and friends -- who do you trust to rebuild the american economy? presidedpolitician who over the slowest economic recovery since the great depression? or do you trust a builder, a job creator, a man who will lead america to all new heights? ofneed four more years president donald trump in the white house to bring america all the way back, and then some. [applause] so we have gone through a time of testing, but we are coming to the time for choosing. on jobs, on values, on safety and security, the choice could not be more clear. you know, i watched as much of that democratic national convention as i could. [laughter]
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near as i could tell, they didn't talk too much about their agenda. they were mostly spending their time attacking america and attacking our american president. they haven't talked too much about their agenda. frankly, after i looked at it, i don't blame them. [laughter] [applause] why -- ihat might be was told on the way here, that might be why joe biden hasn't been back in minnesota for 1000 days. i mean, think about it. think about it, men and women. in the midst of a global pandemic as america is starting to recover, joe biden wants to raise taxes by $4 trillion. president donald trump cut taxes across the board for working families, businesses large and small, and we are going to cut taxes again with four more years. [applause] joe biden wants to bury our economy under an avalanche of
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redtape. got his own version of the green new deal. to trillion dollar environmental -- to trillion dollar environmental boondoggle. president trump signed more laws cutting environmental redtape than any other president in history, and we are going to keep cutting the burden of redtape off american businesses. i don't have to tell you here in minnesota, joe biden and barack obama tried their best to shut down mining in the iron range. remember, joe biden told a group of coal miners they would have to "learn to code." president donald trump stood up to china's steel dumping, imposed tariffs, and opened up the iron range. and president donald trump will always stand for the way of life of the hard-working men and women of northern minnesota and
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the iron range. [cheers and applause] where joe biden wants to hang , president trump has made america energy independent for the first time .n 70 years [ [cheers and applause] joe budden actually wants to go back to economic surrender to china across the board. he said not long ago he wants to repeal all of the tariffs that are leveling the playing field for american workers. president trump stood up to china, will keep standing up to china to put american jobs and american workers first. [cheers and applause]
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joe's record on trade goes far beyond our relationship with china. he voted for nafta, and i don't have to tell all of you all across the heartland we know what happened there. back in the hoosier state, we literally saw almost entire communities shuttered as factories closed and moved jobs south of the border. did you know, since nafta, literally 60,000 actors -- factories closed all across this country. president trump -- he said we could do better. as i stand before you today, usmca isgone, and the the law of the land. [cheers and applause] the experts tell us that the usmca, the deal that puts
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american jobs and american workers first, could create up to 589,000 new jobs across this country, including 50,000 manufacturing jobs. [applause] manufacturing, remember the last administration? about this time four years ago, the last president was asked about manufacturing jobs. they had lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs under their administration, and he said, i don't know how you are going to bring those jobs back. he said, what do you have -- a magic wand? remember that? we did not need a magic wand. we just needed president trump in the white house. 500 thousand manufacturing jobs created in just three years. [cheers and applause] been -- it's been about
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our security. it's been about prosperity. as i said, it's also been about our values, and this president, from very early on, has stood for the religious freedom of every american of every faith. [applause] the freedom of religion is called our first freedom. even a casual study of the american founding, you understand people came here for many things, and chief among them was the freedom of religion. that's why this president took such strong steps early on. he's the first president in american history to ever convene an international conference -- not once but twice -- on religious liberty. he spoke to the united nations about america's commitment to freedom of religion.
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we ended the enforcement of the johnson amendment so that pulpits around america could he free once again, and we ended the assault on the little sisters of the poor. [cheers and applause] i mean, you think of a group of nuns taking a pledge of poverty. helpingeir entire lives the poor, but under joe biden and barack obama, they became a theet, or target of obamacare mandates, and believe it or not, joe biden actually that he would work to inose those mandates
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obamacare back on the little sisters of the poor, but we are not going to let it happen. we are going to reelect president trump for four more years, and we are going to liberties religious of every american. [applause] -- joe biden biden actually supports taxpayer funding of abortion all the way up to the moment of birth, i could not be more proud to serve alongside a president who stands without apology for the right to life. [cheers and applause] where joe biden is calling for historic increases in funding for planned parenthood, the
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largest abortion provider in america, it was my great privilege as president of the cast the deciding vote to allow states across america andefund planned parenthood president trump signed the bill. [cheers and applause] the choice in this election could not be more clear, especially when it comes to the safety and security of the american people. this president knows that national security starts with order security -- border security. as a president has often said, you don't have orders, you don't have a nation. joe biden is for open borders, sanctuary cities, that joe biden wants to give free lawyers and
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free health care to illegal immigrants. by contrast, president trump has stood strong for the rule of law , and we have already built more than 300 miles of that border wall on the southern border of the united states, and with four more years, we are going to build it all, and we are going to fix this broken immigration system once and for all. [applause] from the first day of this administration, this president and our administration has stood for law and order, and we have stood with the men and women of law enforcement every single day. [cheers and applause] usa! usa!
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usa! mr. pentz: like one of our strongest allies in congress, who was actually a police officer here in dilute for more than two decades before the people of minnesota sent him to washington, d.c., he was injured in the line of duty, and now he has brought a perspective on law enforcement at such a time as this that could not be more valuable, not just for minnesota, but for america, so join me in thanking congressman pete stauber for his service in the uniform of law enforcement and his service to america. [cheers and applause] i could tell you, our president knows, you're vice president knows what pete knows -- that
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most men and women who serve in law enforcement on the best people in this country. -- are the best people in this country. [applause] my uncle was a cop in chicago, illinois, for 25 years. nobody hates bad cops more than good cops. and i don't have to tell you people in minnesota, there's no excuse what happened to george floyd in minneapolis, and justice will be served. also no excuse for the rioting and looting and violence that has followed. [cheers and applause] president trump and i will always support the right of .mericans to peaceful protest it is one of our god-given
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liberties, but rioting and looting is not peaceful protest. tearing down statues is not free speech. perpetrating violence against innocent civilians and law peaceful.t is not those who engage in these actions will be held to the fullest account of the law. [cheers and applause] at the democratic convention last week, joe biden did not say one word about the violence and chaos engulfing cities across this country, so let me be clear kenosha, portland, or minneapolis, the violence must stop. [applause]
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as president trump made clear when he called our governor months ago to send in the national guard in minneapolis, whenid again this morning, states ask for help, the federal government will act quickly, and the violence on the streets of our city. too many american heroes have died defending our freedom to see americans striking down americans. we will have law and order on our streets for every american of every race and creed and color. [cheers and applause] the american people know we don't have to choose between supporting law enforcement and standing with our african-american neighbors to
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improve their lives, improve their schools, and create new pathways to live the american dream. from the first day of this administration, we've done both. president trump has demonstrated you can stand unwaveringly with the courageous men and women of law enforcement, and you can fight for jobs and opportunity and educational choice and ourllence for members of african-american community. we have supported law enforcement. we have supported our minority communities and we will continue to do both for four more years. [cheers and applause] know, by contrast, joe biden says that america is systemically racist and that law --orcement in america has and i quote -- "an implicit bias
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" against law enforcement. when asked if he supported cutting funding to law enforcement, joe biden replied, "yes, absolutely. , weunder president trump will always stand with those who stand on the thin, blue line. we are not going to defund the police, not now, not ever. [cheers and applause] as the president said last night on the south lawn of the white house, when you look at their agenda, joe biden would be nothing more than a trojan horse for the radical left. that wouldda literally take our nation on a path to socialism and decline. americahy minnesota and
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need to vote again to send a president who will continue to lead our nation on freedom and opportunity for all. we need 4 more years of president trump in the white house. [cheers and applause] >> four more years! years!re four more years! pence: not only has the choice in this election never been clearer but the stakes have never been higher. you know, last week, joe biden on theat democracy is ballot. that decency was on the ballot. but i think you all know, our economic recovery is on the ballot. law and order are on the ballot.
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as i said at fort mchenry, there are things on the ballot far more fundamental and foundational to our way of life. in this election, i think it is will beuch if america more conservative or more liberal, if america will be more republican or more democrat, more red or blue. the choice in this election is if america remains america. [applause] if in this moment in our generation, we will stand up for everything that has always made america unique and exceptional -- our commitment to freedom and liberty and justice for all, but i have to tell you, looking out at all of you, i know we are going to choose the path of
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freedom. we are going to choose the path of opportunity. 4 moregoing to choose years of president trump in the white house. [cheers and applause] and i believe it is going to happen because i see faces like yours everywhere i go. just like 4 years ago, when the pundits were all counting him out, i never did. because i was out traveling among the american people. in 2016. our campaign he would go to cities and literally draw tens of thousands of people. i would go to places and literally hundreds of people would show up. [laughter] same. was all the it was people who knew we could be strong again, who knew
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america could be respected again, could be standing tall again, and the great news is, as we travel across this nation, more americans of every are understanding what the stakes are in this election. best some of my information from the c-span call in line. [laughter] apparently one other person here in, too. personrently one other here does, too. [laughter] i heard a woman, a lifelong democrat call in. a lady like lifelong democrats, many of you are standing here today. she called in and said after listening to them for a week and listening to this president, she said, i know what i'm going to do. she said i'm going to cast a vote for freedom. i'm going to cast a vote for
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america. i'm going to cast a vote to reelect president trump. [cheers and applause] it's happening. you know, you may not know that i actually started in politics as a democrat. partythe youth democrat coordinator of bartholomew county, indiana, back in 1975. >> [inaudible] [laughter] but, you know, i heard the voice of my second favorite president, who talked about a strong national defense, talked about american prosperity built on less government, less taxes, and america grounded in our highest ideals and timeless values, and i knew the party i belonged in. i'm seeing people come our way every single day. an immigrantr was to this country. he drove a bus in chicago, illinois, for 40 years, but --
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and he was a proud democrat, but my grandfather would not recognize this democrat party today. i want to say, all of my fellow republicans gathered here today, i'm honored to stand with you. all the independents gathered here at this workers for trump rally, we are grateful for your support. but i want to say to all the democrats here today and all -- and gathered across minnesota, join us. if you believe in freedom and a boundless american future built on timeless american ideals, join us and reelect president trump for four more years. [cheers and applause] we are seeing people come our way every day. we are joint here today by a small business owner who served for 12 years as a democrat, .armer, labor mayor of duluth
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today, like so many democrats across the heartland, he is supporting president trump for four more years. will you join me in thanking gary, his wife, marcia, and their granddaughter, kennedy? we are honored to have your support. [cheers and applause] thank you. thank you, mayor. thank you. thank you both, and your granddaughter is wearing a trump-pence shirt. i've got to like that. [cheers and applause] in fact, six mayors of traditionally democrat parts of minnesota -- i learned on the way here -- are actually .ndorsing president trump today
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[cheers and applause] ofust met the mayor virginia, minnesota, and the mayor of two harbors, minnesota. democratboth former farmer labor party supporters, but now they are supporting president trump for four more years. will you join me in thanking them? come on up, guys. [cheers and applause] >> vice president pence, it is an honor to have you here today. what a wonderful treat. there is manyid, people in northern minnesota -- who truly are republicans. they truly understand what's going on.
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job is to reach those people and bring them over from the democratic farmer labor union from the democratic side to this , vice president pence and president trump. [cheers and applause] i don't know that mayors from minnesota have ever gotten together. this might be an historic moment -- to step up on a stage. i want to have the virginia mayor present just a small token of our appreciation. [cheers and applause] >> 4 more years. [cheers and applause] good afternoon, everybody. as the mayor of virginia, i've been tasked in the honor and
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privilege of not only being here today and meeting the vice president of the united states, mr. mike pence, and supporting president trump for the next president, 2020 and beyond. [cheers and applause] i've been asked to read this letter, and i think we all need to know we -- what we have to say and who we as mayors have to say that support donald trump and mike pence. as greater minnesota mayors from democratic cities on the iron range, we write today to formally endorse the reelection for president trump and vice president pence. [cheers and applause] like many in our region, we have voted democrat for decades. we have watched as our left not onlyjobs
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the iron range but our country. by putting tariffs on their products and supporting people like jobs, joe biden did nothing to help the working class in the last eight years. we lost dozens of jobs and generations of people have left the iron range in order to provide their families with good paying jobs elsewhere outside the state of minnesota. today, we don't recognize the democratic party. it has been moved so far to the left it can no longer claim to be advocates of the working class. it has been moved so far to the left that it can no longer claim to be advocates of the working class -- i repeat that. the hard-working minnesotans that built their lives and supported their families here on the iron range have been abandoned by the radical democrats. leave the choose to
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democratic party. the party left us. [applause] beforeid not realize that we were really republicans in democrats' clothing. [laughter] [cheers and applause] yet, for four years -- something wonderful happened four years ago. donald trump was elected president of the united states, and he stood up china, implement to tax cuts, and not for the working class. four years later, the iron range is roaring back to life, and for the first time in a very long time, locals are hopeful because this president's policies and willingness to fight for us is real. [cheers and applause] lifelong politicians like --
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i'll say just "the other candidate" are out of touch with the working class, out of touch with the country needs and out of touch with those of us here on the iron range and in small ours like owners -- like across this great nation. there's a lot at stake, but the biggest risk is our jobs, our economy, and our way of life. president trump delivered best economy in the nation's history and president trump will deliver it for us again. he will continue to fight for every american regardless of party affiliation, and continue to stand up for the working class, so today, we write to formally endorse president trump and vice president mike pence for four more years. [applause] four more years!
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[chanting] it is signed by six mayors. the mayor of evelyn. chuck novak. [applause] andriy is upon since, the mayor of babbitt. reelect donald j. trump and mike pence for four more years. thank you very much. [applause] v.p. pence: wow. thank you. i'm humbled by your support. i can't wait to deliver that letter. [applause] thank you all for being here today.
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thank to the mayors for their support. just as important, thank you for your support. men and women of minnesota, it's on. [applause] it's time. [applause] i came here today to make sure we all understand the choices that we face. all that we've done for this country over the last 3.5 years. rebuild our military, reaffirm our commitment to our highest ideals and values. the way this president has led us through this time of testing. as we approach this time of choosing, we need to do our part. i want to encourage each and every one of you to do like these mayors have done. step up, just like you have today. stand out. reach out to your neighbors and friends. i'll always believe in the most powerful media in the world.
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it's not your big television networks, it's not your social media. newspapers orbig people driving influence on the airwaves. today and always has been word-of-mouth. that's what happened in 2016. the american people talk to each other. they turned down the sound and picked up the phone. there is more compelling than to hear from someone who knows you and respects you about an issue that you believe is most important. i would like to personally ask you to reach out to your neighbors and friends, send out an email, make a phone call. at work and worship, say, iran into mike. [applause] [laughter] he got up there and talked for like an hour just about everything we've done.
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he told us, we are just getting started when we get four more years of president donald trump. we will make minnesota more prosperous than ever before. [applause] saferl make minnesota than ever before. [applause] support, and with god's help, we will make america great again. [applause] again. [applause] thank you very much, minnesota. god bless you. god bless america. let's go get it done. [applause] ♪ [applause] ♪
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♪ ♪ >> campaign 2020 coverage continues with candidates campaigning and debating. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. ♪ ♪ convention will come to order. republicans held their convention this week where delegates met in charlotte to nominate president trump and vice president pence. other speakers took part remotely from washington, d.c. sunday at 10:00 eastern on c-span, watch speeches from mike conway,kellyanne pence, andmp, karen acceptance speeches from vice president mike pence. >> i accept your nomination to
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run and serve as vice president of the united states. >> and president donald trump. >> i profoundly accept this nomination for president of the united states. if you missed any of our coverage of the republican national convention, watch anytime on-demand at bidens wreckage is a shameful rollcall of the most catastrophic the trials and blunders in our lifetime. he has spent his entire career on the wrong side of history. >> our current president has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. he has failed to protect us. he has failed to protect america. my fellow americans, that is unforgivable. >> the first presidential debate
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between donald trump and joe biden is tuesday, september 29 at 9:00 eastern. watch live coverage on c-span. watch live streaming and on demand at or listen live on the free c-span radio app. the u.s. has been home to the house and senate since 1800. it is their home districts and states that send members to washington, d.c. over the next 90 minutes, a look at pivotal u.s. politicians as we travel the nation in search of their stories. coming up first, former wisconsin governor and 1924 progressive party presidential candidate robert fighting bob lafalce. >> there is work for everyone.