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Mitch McConnell
  Senate Majority Leader Mc Connell Meets with Judge Amy Coney Barrett  CSPAN  September 29, 2020 5:48pm-5:51pm EDT

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tables. because of his negligence and selflessness. watch the first presidential debate live from cleveland tonight on c-span. at am live or on demand or listen app.on the c-span radio trump's supreme court nominee judge amy coney capitol hill today. she mountain with vice president mike pence, majority leader mitch mcconnell, and other republican senators. enator mcconnell: well, we are pleased to meet with judge barrett. as you know she will be visiting interested who are in talking to her during the course of the next few days. we're glad to have her here nd glad to get the process started. >> on behalf of -- vice president pence: well, on behalf
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trump, i want to thank the senate majority leader and your colleagues in the senate committed to meet with n extraordinary american in judge amy cone barrett. e have someone of great character, great intelligent, who has a judicial philosophy will uphold the laws of the united states. nominated judge barrett to the vacancy on the supreme court of the united states. forward, our k entire leader, working with you, senate, and n the we hope democrats in the senate your l, as you discharge duty to advise and consent. judge y do believe in barrett represents the best personally, merica in terms of her great intellect, her great background. have every confidence as the american people learn more
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judge amy coney barrett. we believe the senate has an pportunity for a fair and respectful consideration, a hearing. urge our democrat colleagues in the senate to take the judge nity to meet with barrett. as the hearing goes forward, to respectful kind of hearing that the american people expect. forward to a vote in the senate in the near future to seat on the supreme court of the united states. because the american people like judge amyce coney barrett and the american nine justices on the supreme court of the united states. so thank you, leader, for the warm welcome today. working with d to you. mr. roth: