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Mike Pence
  Campaign 2020 Vice President Pence Campaigns in Peoria AZ.  CSPAN  October 8, 2020 11:01pm-11:44pm EDT

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>> vice president traveled to arizona, following his debate with senator kamala harris. he talked about the trump administration's response to the coronavirus, judicial nominations and the economy following a brief introduction from his wife. >> ladies and gentlemen please welcome the second lady of the united states, ms. karen pence. ♪ that's ok ♪ mrs. pence: how low arizona!
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a story of you getting involved in politics. i know you will be standing and cheering and all of that. when mike and i were dating, ago, hes about 37 years told me that he wanted to run for congress, someday in the far future. got married, he went and asked the county chairman, what should i do if i want to run for congress and represent my hometown in 20 or 30 years? the guy said, run for congress. the best way to get prepared to run for congress is to run. we decided that we are going to do this. we ran for congress in 1988.
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we decided to run on the theme of faith, family, and freedom. [applause] and we lost. [laughter] we were young back then. two years went by. we are going to do this again and 1990. we are going to run on faith, family, and freedom. [applause] and we lost. know, navye, you this was our idea, and may be a was not god's calling on our life. we built our dream home and started our family. mike started a radio show that was all over the state of indiana. i started a watercolor business. we were very comfortable. usually when god puts her life in a blender. that is what happened to us.
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2000, we felt a calling on our lives to run. mica said that the seat he would run for is open. he said let's ride. we did. he faith,on the theme of family and freedom. , and we won. from 2000 to 2012, unless there was a delay in the flights, we work together on sundays and we worshiped together as a family. mike would go back and forth to indiana all the time. on sundays, we were together as a family. the principles of freedom and the united states congress. highestto the third
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position in the house of the representatives. hill and come the toour son's lacrosse game go a violin lesson. or he would go and see audrey in a school play. we go to the hill and said on the steps of the capital and have tacos. he made family a priority back then. 2012, we decided that it was time to go home to indiana, and mike ran for governor. faith,on the theme of family, and freedom. and we want. -- we won. mike was the governor of indiana. four years later, we were getting to run for reelection. when we were doing that, somebody called and had another
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idea for us. and after we had met with president and melania and had time to figure out what they to do, -- what they wanted to do the president called and this is , what he said. mike, it's going to be great. i'll bet you can hear him saying that can't you? mike said, well if there's a question there the answer is yes. we ran again on the theme of faith, family, and freedom. and for four years president donald trump has been fighting for your faith, your family and your freedom, yes. [applause] and somebody else has been standing right next to him. ladies and gentlemen, welcome the vice president of the united states, mike pence. ♪
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[applause] ♪ hello arizona! man i'll tell you what it's , great to be with all of you today. to congressman david swygert, congresswoman debbie lesko jane
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-- jane and jason back and all two the men and women here, fellow americans from near and far it's great to be back in the , grand canyon state. [applause] and i've got to tell you, it's a special joy to be here with the marine corps mom, a champion of military families. she teaches at a christian school, and you just heard firsthand how blessed i am to be married to 35 years for to the wonderful karen pence. would you thank our second lady one more time? she is doing an amazing job for america. are excited to be here in arizona today. we are here for one reason and one reason only. and america need four
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more years of president donald trump in the white house. it is on, arizona. away from another great victory for the american people. in the road for victory runs right through arizona. [applause] is great to be with all of you. thank you for coming out here in the cool and breezy arizona desert. [cheering and applause] our son is stationed at the air force base yuma, arizona and we are proud of him. [cheering and applause] karen and i just got back from a little stop in salt lake city utah. [cheering and applause] and we had a little debate with kamala harris last night. [cheering and applause] some people think we did all
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right. [applause] thank you. let me be clear, folks. it was a privilege to be on that stage and i think last night's debate was not so much a debate between two candidates for vice president, but a debate between two visions. joe biden and kamala harris want higher taxes, open borders, socialized medicine and they want to abolish fossil fuels. they want to use taxpayer funding to pay for abortion all the way up to birth. if you did not figure out i will tip you off they want to pack the supreme court and defund the police. president donald trump, we've rebuilt our military and we cut taxes and rollback regulations and we unleashed american energy and we secured our border , supported law enforcement and we stood for life and liberty
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every single day. [cheering and applause] so when you compare the biden-harris agenda with all that president trump has done these last 3.5 years i think there is no question it, president donald trump won that debate hands down and we will win again in 26 days when we reelect president donald trump for four more years. [cheering and applause] four more years! vp pence: four years ago a movement was born in a moment of everyday americans from every walk of life. here in arizona you believe we could be strong again and you believe we could be prosperous again. i heard that joe biden and kamala harris are both in arizona today.
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[crowd boos] i've got a feeling it's because arizona said yes to president donald trump in 2016. and i know arizona will say yes to four more years of president donald trump. come november 3. [cheering and applause] it is because of what we've done and all we've accomplished. four years ago we inherited a , military that was hollowed out by devastating budget cuts and an economy struggling to break free of the slowest economic recovery since the great depression. terrorism was on the rise and we witnessed a steady assault on our most cherished veterans. -- our most cherished values. in three short years we rebuilt that military and we restored the arsenal of democracy and we are finally giving our soldiers and sailors, airmen, marines and coast guard the resources and the support they deserve to accomplish their mission and defend our nation.
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[applause] now we are standing here a short drive from luke air force base, pride of the nation. i'm proud to report the president donald trump has signed the largest investments in our national defense days of days of ronald reagan. [cheering and applause] we stood with those who serve but we've also stood with all of you who have warned the united -- who have warned the uniform of the united states. when joe biden was president america saw years of scandal at -- when joe biden was vice president, america saw years of scandal at the va that shocked the conscience of the nation. we all remember those days. some of the worst abuses happened not far from here in phoenix at the va. veterans were literally dying while waiting for the medical care they needed.
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medical care they earned in the uniform of the united states. when president trump came into office that all changed. we passed the veterans accountability act of the most sweeping reforms of the va in 50 years and we fired thousands of va workers for not giving our veterans the healthcare that they earned an veterans choice is now available for every veteran in america. [cheering and applause] you know, i know this close to the air force base, i know there more than a few that served in are uniform so if you are able would you mind standing up or raising your hand and let us thank you one more time for your service? [cheering and applause] thank you for your service. god bless you. so it has been about security and supporting our veterans. in our first three years, it was about restarting the engine of
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the american economy. where joe biden wants to raise taxes in our first three years president donald trump cut taxes across the board for working families in business. we rollback more federal red and american history. in just three short years businesses large and small , created 7 million good paying jobs, including more than 250,000 jobs right here in arizona. [cheering and applause] wages were rising across the board and what meant the most to the president and me was that wages were rising rapidly for the middle-class america. when joe biden was vice president, i may have brought this up last night. when joe biden was vice
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president, america lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs, and the last president said that those jobs are never coming back. four years ago he said and i quote, what magic wand do you have? we did not need a magic wand. we just needed president donald trump in the white house. 500,000 manufacturing jobs in just three years. [cheering and applause] that means you don't need to look further than right here and i just heard back stage from jason and jane that it was because of president trump's tax cuts that they were actually able to expand the facility we are standing in right now and they are building another facility that will create 80 more good paying arizona jobs.
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can we give jason and jane a big round of applause? [cheering and applause] thank you for growing in peoria. we stood for our national defense. our veterans and jobs. and every day this president donald trump has said for the rule of law. we've appointed more than 200 principled conservatives to our courts at every level, including two supreme court justices and i will tell you, they are all men and women who will uphold the god-given liberties in our constitution like the freedom of religion and the second amendment right to keep and bear arms. [cheering and applause] last month we paused as a nation to rightly honor the life and service of the late justice ruth bader ginsburg. when the memorials were over
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, president donald trump fulfilled his constitutional duty and nominated a principled experienced brilliant conservative woman to the supreme court of the united states, judge amy coney barrett. [cheering and applause] i've got to be honest, i'm a big fan of judge barrett and not just because she's from indiana. [laughter] judge barrett is exactly the kind of judge that president trump promised the american people he would appoint and that we've appointed all along the way. judges will interpret the law as written and not legislate from the bench and who will uphold the constitution of the united states and that is why we need , judge amy coney barrett to the -- to be justice amy coney barrett. i promise you after the senate does their job of advise and
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consent, we will fill that seat. [cheering and applause] --phil betsy x mission point fill that seat! vp pence: we stood for the rule of law and strengthen the constitutional foundation of our republic and president donald trump has stood every single day with the men and women who serve on the thin blue line of law enforcement and we always will. the president and i know what jason just said that men and women who serve in law enforcement across america are some of the best people in this country and they deserve the , respect of every american, every single day. [cheering and applause] could
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you join me in thanking all of the members of law enforcement who are gathered here today? [cheering and applause] president trump and i will always support the rights of americans to peaceful protest. rioting and looting is not peaceful protest. burning businesses is not free speech. last night in salt lake city i had with me a wonderful woman. an african-american business owner from minneapolis. it was just a few days after the killing of george floyd. let me say again there is no , excuse for what happened to george floyd and justice will be served. [applause] but in the days that followed,
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westbrook watched as the protesters and rioters and looters moved closer and closer to a business she had built in the largely african-american community 35 years ago and they burned it to the ground. men and women of arizona, let me be clear, violence against innocent civilians and the destruction of private property, violence against law enforcement will not be tolerated and those who do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. [cheering and applause] for months, all joe biden talked about were peaceful protests. right? the american people literally watched businesses in their communities burn in our major cities. the truth is, joe biden would double down on the very policies that led to violence in america . when you suggest that you will
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withdraw support from those who protect and serve you embolden , those who would harm our families. now, joe biden justifies it by saying that america is, in his words, systemically racist. [crowd boos] and he has actually said and kamala harris repeated it last night that police have an , implicit bias against minorities in this country. when joe biden was asked if he would support cutting funding for law enforcement he replied , yes, absolutely and his running mate has said that we need to reimagine law enforcement and she recently applauded the mayor of los angeles efforts to cut $150 million from la's budget. [crowd boos] let me make a promise. under president donald trump, we are not going to defund the police, not now, not ever and we
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are going to back the blue. [cheering and applause] and here at this great company when every single day, not only employees people across the region but makes equipment for our heroes in law enforcement i'm proud to report to you that under president trump's leadership, we are fighting more funding for law enforcement, more training and more resources and we will keep supporting law enforcement for four more years. [cheering and applause] now, the president and i know that we don't have to choose between supporting law enforcement and supporting our african-american families and other minorities in our major cities. the truth is we have supported law-enforcement with new resources and deployed personnel to cities struggling with violence and all along the way
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in this administration we saw the lowest on the plemons ever -- the lowest number of unemployment ever for for african-americans in the highest investment in historically back colleges and universities and this president was a champion of educational choice for all our families and we passed prison justice reform. [cheering and applause] the truth is, we can support law enforcement and support more opportunities, better education, better public safety and african-american communities, and we have done both for the last three and half years and we will continue to do both for four more years in the white house. [cheering and applause] it really is an honor to be here at a family-owned business that is literally saving the lives of our men and women in law-enforcement every day. under this president's
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leadership i'm told that he created more than 120 new arizona jobs and every year this company make some 20000 protective vests that are worn by law enforcement across america and american forces stationed all around the world. would you just give one more round of applause for the incredible family that is all about faith in god and law for and love for country, jason and jane beck and all their boys. ,we love you. [cheering and applause] great people. under president donald trump i , promise you we will have law and order in every city in this country for every american race and of creed and color. we revived our economy. we stood for life, liberties and law and order and just three short years we made america great again. [cheering and applause]
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and none of those would've been possible with our incredible partners in congress. would you join me in thanking two of the most principled conservatives in washington dc, people who have stood in the gap and stood by this president every step of the way, congressman david schweikert and congresswoman debbie lesko. [cheering and applause] thank you for your incredible support. i will just ask you right now we need you to return. congressman dave, congresswoman debbie to a new republican majority in the united states house of representatives and we need to retire nancy pelosi once
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and for all. [cheering and applause] so we made incredible progress and it was a wonderful three years under this president's leadership. promises were made, promises were kept. then the coronavirus struck from china, but i'm here to report to you before the first documented case of community transmission president trump's leadership , shone forth and before january was out, our president did with -- did what no american president had ever done in history of this country and he suspended all travel from china -- the second largest economy in the world. [applause] joe biden, joe biden says that
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was xenophobic and hysterical and said it was fear mongering and wrote an essay in usa today that said it would make things worse. i want to tell you as the head of the white house coronavirus task force president trump's , actions of suspending travel from china saved untold american lives and bought us time to stand up to the greatest national mobilization since world war ii. it's true. [cheering and applause] we reinvented testing. over 150 million tests done so far, and we saw the manufactured delivery of literally billions of medical supplies to our amazing doctors and nurses and healthcare workers. we partner with major research companies in this country and developed medicines that are literally saving lives every day and we are on track to have the first safe and effective coronavirus vaccine and tens of millions of doses before the end of this year. [cheering and applause]
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incredible. let me say on behalf of president trump how moved we have all been in the outpouring of concern and prayers for the president and the first lady over this past week. we are all grateful. i spoke to the president this morning and told him i was headed to arizona, and i got to tell you president trump and first lady melania are doing just great and he will be back , on the road and in the fight before you know it. [applause] the outpouring of concern for our first family, president and i know it's emblematic of the love, care and wonderful medical treatment that every american family impacted by the coronavirus is having. it really is incredible. so would you join me in just
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taking a moment. can we say thank you to our doctors, nurses, first responders and everyone who has kept america moving forward. [applause] healing our sick and comforting those who have suffered loss. [applause] here in arizona after the outbreak this summer and all across america, we will stay on it. we will keep slowing the spread and keep protecting the vulnerable and keep saving lives. we are going to keep opening up america again. [cheering and applause] the truth is because of the strong foundation this president poured into those first three years because of the support direct , payments to families and a paycheck protection program that saved 50 million american jobs the american economy is coming , back stronger than ever
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before. we lost 22 million jobs at the height of this pandemic and because of the support we provided i heard that they took , advantage of that program to keep people on that payroll or -- we are thankful for them. in the last five months alone we've already seen more than 11 and a half million americans go back to work, including 172,000 right here in the grand canyon estate. [cheering and applause] an arizona's unemployment rates is already cut in half. the arizona and america -- american comeback is underway. [applause] let me say that none of that would have been possible without the seamless partnership and the strong and compassionate leadership of governor doug ducey, would you join me in
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thanking governor ducey for the strong job he is done putting the health of america's, arizona's people first. we could not be more grateful. [cheering and applause] we have gone through a time of testing. in i came here today because 26 days, there is coming a time for choosing. the choice in this election has never been clearer. the stakes have never been higher. i can tell that you all know that. joe biden actually wants to raise taxes by $4 trillion in the midst of a global pandemic . president trump, we not only cut taxes in the last three and half years but we will keep cutting , middle-class taxes for four more years. [cheering and applause] president donald trump rolled back more radical federal red tape and unleashed the american
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economy. joe biden and kamala harris want to pass a $2 trillion version of the green new deal and put us back in the paris claimant -- paris climate accord. [crowd boos] it will stifle american jobs and disadvantage american families. joe biden is for open borders, sanctuary cities free lawyers , and healthcare for illegal immigrants. and i think you here in arizona no what that has meant and would mean. madedent donald trump has record investments and border security, mexico is doing more to secure our border and there's than ever before and we've already built more than 300 miles of that border wall. with four more years we will build it all. [applause] four for years!! four for years!!
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four when it comes to jobs and opportunities. where i come from out in the heartland we saw entire communities shuttered and factories closed and sold off . 60,000 factories were closed and jobs were shifted south of the border and overseas since 1995 when nafta became law. joe biden did not lift a finger to reform nafta, president donald trump renegotiated our trading relationship with mexico and canada and the usmca is here to stay. it's a huge win for arizona in a huge win for america. [applause] and finally, joe biden and the democratic party support abortion on demand. they support using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion all
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the way up to the moment of birth. [crowd boos] and i will tell you, i cannot be more proud to be the vice president to a president who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life. president donald trump is the most pro-life president in american history. [cheering and applause] when you look at their agenda, it is clear. joe biden, and the democratic party have been overtaken by the radical left. joe biden will be nothing more than a trojan horse for the extreme agenda of the radical left. joe biden says democracy is on the ballot on november 3. i think our economic recovery is on the ballot. i think law and order are on the ballot, but also think there are
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things more foundational to our country that are on the ballot. i think in this election year when it is all said and done it will not be whether america is more republican or more democrat more liberal or more conservative, more red or more blue, but i think the choice in this election is whether america remains america. it is whether we will let joe biden and kamala harris steer our nation on to a course of socialism and decline. or whether we will keep america on a path of freedom, free markets and all the ideals that have made this country great. that has been our choice. [cheering and applause] that is why we need to decide right here and right now that joe biden will never be president of the united states and we will reelect president , donald trump for four more years.
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[cheering and applause] >> four more years!! vp pence: four more years means more jobs in former years means -- four more years means more judges and more support for our troops. it will take at least four more years to train that swamp. -- drained that swamp. men and women, i have been serving alongside this president. every day for the last three and half years and i've known him longer than that and some people think were different. -- that we are different. to be honest with you, we become close friends. i have seen him up close when the cameras are off and no one
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is looking. and to my heart, i can tell you that there has never been a day gone by that president donald trump gotten up and fought to has not keep the promises that he made to the people of arizona and it is our turn to fight for , him. [cheering and applause] it is on, arizona. we need you to bring it. we need you to bring all this enthusiasm and keep voicing your support and talk to your neighbors and friends in worship and work all across the grand canyon state. say that i ran into mike at peoria and he talked for 40 minutes out in the hot blazing and -- sun and just talked about what we've just begun to do for the american people and how this president has led our nation through one of the greatest challenging years in my lifetime. go and tell the story. when you do i want you to have faith.
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have faith in the people of this country and the truth is i think a careful study of american history shows that every time the american people have been given a choice between more freedom and less freedom they choose a future of more freedom every single time. so talk to your neighbors and friends and have faith. just like they did before in 2016, they will choose american greatness again. if you're inclined to bow the head and bend the knee from time to time, i would encourage you to exercise that other kind of faith two. -- that faith, too. jason was talking about that from this podium and he was talking about it with us backstage. you turn on the television these days and it's like that little girl asking a question in the debate last night.
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it seems like on tv it looks like there's more that divides us in this country then unites us. i've got to tell you i've , traveled all across america the last four years and i can tell you, there will always be more that unites the people of the united states of america than will ever divide us and chief among those things is faith. this is a nation of faith. [cheering and applause] so in the next 26 days, i would encourage you to pray for america. pray for all the american people and when you pray, pray with , confidence. if his people, who are called by his name will humble themselves and pray that he will do it like he has always done in the long and storied history of this great nation, he will hear from heaven, and he will heal this land. this one nation under god
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, indivisible with liberty and , justice for all. so pray for america. it will make a difference. [cheering and applause] and i just know with your continued support and with the , energy i see out here in the arizona sun today and every day between now and november 3 we will make arizona and america stronger than ever before. we will make arizona and america safer than ever before. and with congressman david schweigert and congresswoman debbie lasko and the new republican majority in the house of representatives and with donald trump in the white house for former years, and with god's help we will make america great again. again. 2020 coveragen continues with candidates
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debating. sees and, at your unfiltered view of politics. your unfiltered view of politics. day weton journal, every take phone calls live on the air for news of the day. we discussed policy issues that impact you. coming up on friday morning, bradford kane will be here to talk with us. we will then talk about law and order issues and campaign 2020 with law enforcement and former republican congressman bob barr. who speak with marsha blackburn. this will be a discussion of the upcoming hearing with judge amy coney barrett. watch at 7:00 eastern on friday morning. join the discussion with your phone calls, texts, and tweets.
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you are watching c-span, your unfiltered view of government. america's cable television company as a public service and brought to today by your television provider. president joe biden joined his running mate kamala harris for an in phoenix. this is the first time that they campaigned together since the democratic national convention back in august. ♪ >>