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tv   Libs of Tik Tok Creator Activists Speak at CPAC  CSPAN  March 3, 2023 2:00am-2:27am EST

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the place you call home. at sparklight, it is our home to and right now we are facing our greatest challenge, that is why we are working around the clock to keep you connected. doing our part, so it is easier too yours. >> sparklight support c-span as a public service, along with other television providers, giving you a front row to democracy. >> conservative leaders and republican lawmakers are meeting this week for the annual conservative political action conference. next, discussion on the mainstream media, then senator is ted cruz and j.d. vance talk about the changing gop electorate. later house homeland security committee chair is part of a discussion on border security and immigration issues. >> ladies, don lemon is past his prime time. please welcome townhall senior
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columnist, founder and president of media research center. lives of tech talk and your host larry o'connor. ♪ >> they are giving is nearly enough time to talk about the media. i think this is great that it's named after don lemon because we happen to have someone on this panel kirst lichter who has a very important historic distinction, he was kicked off and banned from the don lemon show. what did you say? >> i'm on the show and this is in the run-up to trump and he says this is terrible, this is the worst thing ever, do you
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know what donald trump said? i'm like i don't know. he said he said that hillary got schlonged when she was running against barack obama. i said i don't care. hillary clinton literally stood by while her husband used an intern as a humidor. you can't say that. i said she sat there and literally stood by as her husband used an intern as humidor. boat. off of cnn. best thing that happened to me. >> meanwhile talking about canceling people and the media attacking individuals, what a hero and incredible courageous creator of -- of tiktok where
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you let them use their own words without any commentary to say look what they said. even today you got attacked for sitting on the stage. >> yesterday vice put out this insane hippie zombie. to me it looked like a very impressive resume. a huge part of it in the captions on twitter and in the article, they were so mad that i and at cpac today. it's great to be here because because those will been following me for a while they will note there is nothing i love more than to mock and cloud the liberal media. [applause] they deserve every bit of it. >> as my friend and mentor andrew breitbart, 11 years ago yesterday he left us. he would say she pieces off all
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the right people. >> hopefully the people advice can survive until the end of this panel and the fact that i'm sitting up here right now. thoughts and prayers. >> you started media research center in 1987. in a weird way, all you did and you still do at media research center's make a record of everything that is said in the media then repeat it so everybody can see what they are saying so we know what they are doing. back then it was a quaint notion of media bias. we have come a long way from media bias haven't we? >> yes first of all i want to say i identify as he/we and if i ever transition, i want to be known as chaya. >> i thought something was going
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on with the transitioning. >> can you explain what just happened? >> he identified as -- i will tell you later. >> when we started in 1987, we went after the same liberal media bias. it doesn't exist anymore. we're not talking about liberal media, you are talking about a media that could care less about the news. they don't report the news. if they are marxist. any of them are marxist. they are projecting the far left in america. if you want to do that as an opinion writer, go ahead but for the news to say that they are cnn, they are cbs news, nbc news, abc news, that is an insult to america to do this. i do find them insulting. i also find them idiotic. look look there's a leak,
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something happens where a virus comes out and kills half of humanity or whatever and there's a lab in wuhan and donald says there was a leak in that lab, no you don't and that's racist. come on, folks. it was so obvious all along where it came from. so now they are saying yeah i guess we should have reported on hunter biden. i guess we should have covered 1001 biden scandals but they don't want to do it. >> what you have done in the last five years is ship -- shift most of your focus on big tech. thank god elon musk bought twitter. [applause] he was able to expose to the world what we all saw in plain sight what was going on. the silicon valley media bias, the use of big tech as a weapon to silence and censor us, and yes we will get to you in a minute, it is again 100 times worse. >> far more serious because what
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you have, they are doing now censoring speech not just in the united if you want to talk to 2 billion people on facebook, you should not talk this way. if you want to be on youtube with a video, you must do it this way. in the history of man, we have never seen this. this is what happens to you, you, you. >> one of the great things they are doing in media research center in terms of focusing what is going on in big tech, they repeat a very important thing you all need to year, digest and make this a part of your dna when you talk about censorship. when donald trump is removed from twitter, it is awful for him, but it is really an attack on you. his right to free speech, means you have the right to
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hear. that is a terrifying motion in a constitutional republic. let's talk. i want to know -- what came over you sitting there watching all of these videos on tiktok? what made you think, you know what, i am going to grab some of these videos and put it out there and let people see what is happening over here. it was brilliant. it was just a simple notion. >> was how outrageous it all was. the fact that they were so proud of it. to have these kindergarten teachers and they are actually really proud that they are talking to kindergarteners, they are really inappropriate things. >> things of a sexual nature.
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complicated gender and confusing issue. >> they are proud of it. i am seeing all of this content. the public needs to know about this. >> how many twitter followers did you have when you started? >> zero. . how many do you have now? >> 1.9 million. [applause] >> did you go to journalism school or technical school? >> no background in media, politics, journalism. >> i am just a woman who saw a problem and decided to help and do something about it. [applause] >> i was persecuted by twitter. i think i might hold the record for most temporary torture suspension. -- twitter suspension.
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tiktok was mentioned in the twitter files. the employee was saying she is not violating a rule, but we need to suspend her because i am threatening their narrative. they ended up suspending me for something called a indirect violation. i do not know what that means. it is a indirect direction which are similar to what they used to censor president trump. they kept on suspending me. i saw that it was just so invalidating. i was like him i know i am not breaking the rules. i am just sharing them in their own worlds an -- words and they cannot handle them. >> it was a anonymous account. you could have been a man, nine-year-old boy. >> i lost another point.
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>> you can be anything you want to become a larry. >> you did not want people to know your name, you wanted to stay anonymous you do not want to be on the stage at cpac. they wanted to hurt you as a individual. >> their weapon they use silence their opponent, critic, one of their strongest weapons is name calling, insulting, bullying, using slurs. we see this all the time in the media. i have been called everything in the book. they have made up a new slur, just for me. i'm still not sure what it means. when that does not work, when they saw that they cannot silence be like that, they actually showed up to my house to try to scare me and
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intimidate me to silence? >> they were the washington post. more investigators investigating them the washington post put on the hunter biden laptop story. they wanted to scare you, intimidate you. hear you are. here she is. it did. [applause] >> are you a columnist and a great broadcaster, you are a trial attorney in los angeles and a retired colonel for the united states army. [applause] >> oh, please. in other words, you know what a adversary looks like? >> i identify the opponents and enemy. that is what the media is.
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i remember we are out in the middle of the desert. the sergeant goes, if we have any reporters around, can i shoot them? >> i always listen. >> you are not advocating? >> no, i would never advocate hunter the media for sports. one thing we have to understand, the media today is not the blue-collar guys out there hassling dudes with topcats. they were on the side with the top hats. they all come from the same colleges, the group in the connecticut suburbs and introduced themselves with pronouns. we have to understand how unimpressive these people are. they are not smart.
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i go nuts watching ukraine coverage. another ukrainian tank is destroyed. i am like, it is not a tank, it is armored personnel. it may not sound like a important distinction, but it is and it is important. they are two different things. they do not know anything. they are not good at their job. they are dong unimpressive -- dumb unimpressive people who get off making a difference in people likechaya. >> i hope you're getting all of this. they are a adversary. they do not have our interest in mind. they want to win. they are used effectively by the left because they know what is
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against us. how is conservative media doing right now? >> if you want to look at the power of the media, only have to do is envision a world without them. what would be the world if the left was not using the media? if the media was reporting the news objectively. nothing that is happening today in this country would be happening. nothing would be happening. in show of hands if anyone thinks that cpac is going to be reported fairly. this is the way of media today. they were in the information age. we have to be starley tellers -- storytellers. do not assume people know what you know. look at the survey people took after the election, were we asked democratic voters in the
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battleground states, did you know about the hunter biden laptop? of course they all say come of course they knew. did you know that 54% of his voters did not know about hunter biden. then when we told them about its, 9.4% said they would not have. put that across the board, donald trump would have one, nevada, georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, 317 electoral votes they landslide. my answer to you is, they all have to be storytellers. we all have to tell our neighbors what we know because our neighbor is not getting it if they are watching nbc news. [applause] >> it is so true. you are the storytellers. i remember before i started writing. i was going back and forth with mexican food and alternative
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music. i came across a story that i thought was interesting. i said, you may want to have somebody write about this. he said, you do it. he sent me a writers package and i never stopped. you are the storytellers. it is up to you to use social media and other outlets to get the news out there. you're the poster lady for it, chaya. how many twitter followers do you have now? >> 1.9 million. >> you want to know where they really hate you? chaya: gets more views than santa. >> to be fair, that is a lobar. i did not mean it rudely, i am not searching my phone, i did this on purpose. i wanted to see maggie in the new york times.
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she is the -- for political reporters of the new york times. 1.6 million followers. i think she has been doing this for 75 years. she started when she was 40. this is why they hate you. they are jealous of you. >> they lost all of their credibility. nobody is interested in mainstream media and people are turning into independent journalists like myself and others. >> as a observer of the media, 35 years now, 36? >> that is amazing. i would love for you to talk about the impact this woman has had on the national conversation right now when you look at governor glenn youngkin when anchored in virginia, a state that we were told.
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we were told that was a blue states now. republicans can't win again. what was the major issue? where the parent should have a seat at the table to talk about how our children are being taught by the teachers that this woman highlighted on her account. may go to any school board meeting right now, you look at what congress is focusing on. it is all about the teachers and their impact and gender issues with children. that is you. that is what you did by showing what they did. >> it is a perfect example of this. the story was, because of the policies that were put in by the radical teachers unions, a boy dressed as a girl went into a girls bathroom and ray pay 14-year-old girl. was transferred to another school and attacked another girl. the father protested.
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reporters, doing their jobs in washington dc, a few miles away covered it. they knew their story was there. they deliberately chose not to tell the story because it destroyed the whole narrative of what they're trying to do to the school system. what happened? some people had headphones and cameras and they went in there and talk about it, to to the, and youtube. some of them got censored. jitters because of that, someone said to glenn youngkin, something big is happening. he is now the governor. >> in his first year and a half as governor, he is actually following through. imagine that to a republican politician following through on what he said he was going to do. in 2010, in your pocket right
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now, you have the equivalents of a television studio from the late 1980's. you have the kind of video editing and distribution power that a cable news network in the 90's would be envious of. 1.9 million people waiting to see your video. >> it shows the power of the individual. someone like me with no background or experience with any of this, i had no network no connections or nothing. i started it and grew to what it is in have such a impact. every single person in this room could do the same thing. every single person should stand up. if you see something you should say something. it is so easy with social media. you're a reporter by having a cell phone and a twitter account, instagram account. >> that is how you beat the
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media bias. i know this panel was going to be a discussion about how bad they are, we can do that all day. how about the springtime, how we can beat them or fix it. >> when they hate about you, they know this from the experience. we have the other density to challenge them. besides hollywood, the most arrogant institution in america. these people who went from college, and to the job in the network never really held a real job, had no real idea about the real world, never visited idaho, never talk to anybody here. you guys come and you speak up and speak your mind. it goes against their narrative. they despise you. they want to be gatekeepers. that is why they went to
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journalism school come also the fact that they are too dumb to do anything else. they want to set the agenda. we are messing with him. the unlimited can't shut me up about hillary clinton empowering her -- don lemon cannot shut in the up about hillary clinton empowering her husband. >> that his wife -- yeah. significantly. it lets give out to don lemon. this career ending mistake he made, saying that nikki haley was past her prime. it is my favorite video ever because his hands on his hips. >> google says the exact opposite. the real story here, he only did that because he was so craven in his desire to find something to criticize, a republican woman
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who was running for president. >> if you are employed by cnn, if you are, you made that statement, you probably would not have finished the sentence before you got fired. don lemon, let's punish him a little bit. they are scared to death. if they believe in economics you and i would have a show. it is very expensive. that is the thing, larry. they could be successful, they choose not to. >> it is more important to pursue their creepy agenda.
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>> a couple of years ago, there was a president, i told him all you have to do is let rush limbaugh have a show. he said, do you have any other ideas? >> how much do you love chaya and what she did for tiktok? chaya: thank you. >> nobody makes money with a twitter account. she has been able to change this country and shape the conversation and of the nation because of what she was able to do. they try to destroy her. she is the author of reframing children's book. >> it is called no more secrets. it is a tool for parents and kids so that children can be able to spot predatory behavior from trusted adults. >> we agree that we love what
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she has done for us, right? >> you're probably thinking how can i help her. remember her book is a number secrets, it is a children's book. the name of her book is a number secrets. what is a member of her book? "number secrets" -- no more secrets. by a copy. come on, guys. chaya: we can use mine. >> are you ready, everybody? wave? . 1, 2, 3. we are going viral. take care. >> thank you. ♪


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