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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. President Trump Campaigns at the Iowa State Fair  CSPAN  August 16, 2023 11:30am-11:55am EDT

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governor kim reynolds. on friday night, florida governor ron desantis. fair side chats with republican presidential candidates from the iowa state fair. this week at 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span and online at c >> donald trump was among candidates for both parties attending this year's i was state fair. former president spoke briefly with the press before introducing many of the congressional guests. this is about 25 minutes.
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[indeterminate conversations] former pres. trump: i'm very honored. we do have a beautiful day in iowa. this is a record crowd. reporter: will you comply with the reflective order? former pres. trump: they should really try to get this country
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back together. we need to try to get our country back together. reporter: do intend to comply with that? do you intend to comply with the protective order? >> let me know how you are doing if you need me.
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>> duncan! duncan! >> donald! >> hi, donald. [cheering] >> do you want a hat signed by
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the president? [screaming] >> we love donald trump! [chanting] >> trump, trump, trump.
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[applause] former pres. trump: the other candidates had like six people. we the iowa, $28 billion from china. i just want to thank everybody. we have some very special people. some of the most important congresspeople from washington, d.c. that came up. they wanted to be here. they wanted to say a couple of words. come on up. >> iowa.
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[indiscernible] 2024, we are going to repeat. [indiscernible] [applause] former pres. trump: thank you, very much. one of the most popular people in congress. >> he is the best guide to bring our country back. what do you say? why risk it? we had four great years.
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we have to think this man for putting our country back. god bless you. >> let's do this again. which president secured our borders. >> donald. >> which president took care of crime? >> traut. >> which president had our economy on fire? >> trump. >> which president took care of the u.s. military? >> trump. >> which president is going to win on january 15 in iowa? >> trump! >> go kick some ass.
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former pres. trump: [indiscernible] thank you very much. >> thank you. i'm so happy to be here. i can tell you there is only one person that has thought of the future of this country. we have a big problem with china, right? do you think any other candidate in the republican party could take on china like trump? [indiscernible] [applause] former pres. trump: thank you.
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it is an honor. [indiscernible] canada and mexico want to renegotiate the deal. they should not do that. come on over here. a great veteran. we love the veterans. >> how you guys doing, iowa? [indiscernible] who secured our borders? >> trump. >> who is going to win iowa? >> trump. >> let's go. [applause] former pres. trump: thank you.
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look at the build on this guy, i'm never going to mess with them. he is a real friend of mine. he has been from the beginning. he carries a lot of weight in washington. they respect him greatly. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is the most important election we have had in generations. we need every single person in this room to show support. if we don't do this, we will lose our country. i have a very good feeling with the people here in iowa, we are going to do just fine. god bless you. [applause] former pres. trump: thank you. , on up. one of the most popular people -- and i can say my friends.
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>> thank you. who is going to save our future? >> trump! >> who is going to save america? >> trump! >> take it from a guy who lost his country, we need donald trump to save this country. former pres. trump: good luck, carlos. this is a man who in the game between the republicans and democrats, the baseball game, hit the ball out of the park. he hit it out of the park. that is a hard thing to do for an amatory but he is no amateur and certain no amateur with politics. he is respected like very few people. he has a big future. greg. come on.
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>> thank you. yesterday, i filed an article against joe biden. [applause] >> how many of you think he is going to be joe biden? [applause] >> i'm honored to be on team trump. [chanting] >> trump, trump, trump! former pres. trump: he hit it out of the park. you know what hat he was wearing? the same how you are wearing, make america great again. a man who is very quiet, works behind the scenes, very nicely. i love this guy. you know matt gaetz? ever hear of matt gaetz? [applause] former pres. trump: very special guy. >> mr. president, i cannot stand
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these people that are destroying our country. they are opening our borders. they are weaponizing our law enforcement against patriotic americans who love this nation as we should. we are having a great time at the fair. we know that only through force do we make any change in a corrupt town like washington, d.c. all of my friends here in iowa, when you see them come for this man, know they are coming for our movement and for all of us. as hard as you see him work, i need you working 10 times harder, 100 times harder. we are going to win iowa, get the nomination [indiscernible] [applause] former pres. trump:, on up. -- come on up.
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this is a man who people love. everybody knows and loves him. he gave up a lot. he is one of the most respected congressman, and ibis want to thank you very much for coming. -- i just want to thank you very much for coming. >> that is how the president holds of our veterans. i mean that for real. he does not turn his back on our veterans. he takes care of our veterans. that is our president, donald j. trump. we had him before and we are going to have him again. we salute you, sir. [applause] former pres. trump: thank you, brian.
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this has been -- it is all over the country no matter where we go. there has never been enthusiasm. 2016, we won. we did much better in 2020. the election was rigged. we got millions and millions more votes. i will say, 2020 was fantastic. 2016 was fantastic, but we have never seen love and enthusiasm, some of the people where we stop, we stopped in 20 and 2016. we set a record for people today. you are very special. you are very special to me. we are going to take care of our country. we are going to take care of iowa. you will be proud of our country again. right now, our country as a laughingstock all over the world. what we are doing to our country with millions and millions of people pouring into our country with no voter id, with so many things. it is just so horrible.
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you see the taxes going through the roof. i just feel so strongly about the farmers. you had somebody say we don't really care about the farmers. and they don't care about the farmers. i don't even think they are coming here to campaign because they know they are not going to be able to beat us. nobody has done what we have done. i'm not just talking about those dollars. you have a man that just came up, i saw him at two of the other stops, matt whitaker. he has been such a great friend of mine. [applause] former pres. trump: he is a good guy, isn't he? >> welcome to iowa again. everybody, as trump's favorite attorney general, i want to make sure you text iowa. are you going to caucus for donald trump on january 15?
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is iowa going to win -- donald trump going to win iowa by 30 points? 40 points? or can donald trump set the record and win iowa by 50 points? [applause] >> you have my full support, mr. president. let's go win. [applause] former pres. trump: we will be back. we are way up in the polls in iowa and around the country by over 50 points. we don't want to take any chances. we will be back. we love you very much and take care of yourselves. stay healthy. stay strong. we have bad people from within. there are problems on the outside and inside. we can handle the outside, but the inside ones are very bad. they are destroying our country. what they are doing to our country is unthinkable. stay strong. we are going to win big and we
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are going to make america great again. thank you all very much. [applause] [chanting] >> trump, trump, trump! reporter: president trump, in georgia -- president trump. in georgia, do you defendant stand by the actions of your allies in georgia after the 2020 election? in georgia, do you defend the actions of your allies following the 2020 election in georgia? former pres. trump: to be honest, we had so many allies [indiscernible] right now, our nation is going down.
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our nation is going to hell. we have a lot of allies that i don't know but they are allies none of -- nonetheless. i can tell you one thing. there's a lot of shenanigans going on with the election. whether you look at fuel [indiscernible] whether you look at twitter and the fbi and the doj. take a look at what happened to the doj, what happened with twitter. a lot of bad things took place during that election. we all have allies. i was winning by more than 50 points because people believe in us. we want to make america great again. reporter: have you spoken to ila governor kim reynolds? [indiscernible] former pres. trump: [indiscernible]
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i came and did a rally when she was very far behind. i like her very much. i actually did a couple of rallies for her and she ended up winning the election instead of losing the election. i like her very much. that is why i came to do rallies for her. reporter: you have a debate coming up. how can the other candidates stand on the same stage as you and try to roll out a better plan to save america when you already have -- i feel they have already lost without even getting on the stage. i want to get your thoughts. former pres. trump: that is a question i happen to like. [laughter] former pres. trump: thank you very much. you are a real pro, by the way. we appreciate that. the fact is, we had a great four years. we built the greatest economy in the world. it has been corrected
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unfortunately by china and covid and it never happened. we built the military, we gave the largest tax ever, largest regulation cut ever. we beat isis, defeated isis. we did more than just about any president has done. i think when you ask the question, i'm honored by it. they are losing by tremendous numbers. all of you were there, i assume and they set a record. there were thousands and thousands of people. for the other candidates, some of them had one and two and three people. nobody was there. maybe a wife and son. we set a record in the history of the state fair, which is probably one of the biggest in the country. it was the biggest crowd they ever had. there are a lot of people.
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we are way up in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina. more than anything, we are way up all over the nation. thank you for that question. thank you, everybody. i will see you very soon. reporter: is there any chance you take a plea deal? is there any chance you take a plea deal in georgia? former pres. trump: we did nothing wrong. we don't ever take a plea deal. that is a wiseguy question. we don't take plea deals because i did nothing wrong. it was election interference. this is joe biden. he cannot win the election by himself, based on votes. they had to convince the attorney general to do it and then you see how stupid they acted yesterday with the appointment of the special counsel. they call it special counsel. what a crazy thing that was and
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it is being laughed at all over the world. the fact is that we have a country that is in serious trouble. we have a country that is in major decline. i mean major decline. we are going to straighten it out. we are going to make america great again. you are a wiseguy. thank. [laughter] reporter: thank you, mr. president. former pres. trump: thank you. >> thank you so much. [applause]
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>> more live coverage coming up on c-span. at noon eastern, a conversation on political violence such as the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol. and whether improved prevention and the radicalization strategies can help address the situation. a number of rand corporation researchers who interviewed former extremists and their family members will present their findings. president biden will mark the one-year anniversary of the inflation reduction act with remarks in the east room at the white house at 2:30 p.m. and tonight, david gergen, advisor to presidents nixon, ford, reagan and clinton talks about the state of the nation. hosted by jews united for democracy and justice, watch the conversation live 8:00 eastern on c-s


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