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tv   Washington Journal Emily Brooks  CSPAN  October 9, 2023 1:14pm-1:31pm EDT

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tonight live at 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile video app, or online at be sure to span the q.r. code to listen to our companion podcast, where you can learn more about the authors of the books featured. >> the office of speaker of the how was of the united states house of representatives is hereby declared vacant. >> on tuesday at 5:00 p.m. eastern, the house republican conference meets to discuss potential candidates for speaker of the house followed kevin cart cart's removal with a party vote expected on wednesday morning. and the house democrats have announced their plan to again select minority leader hakeem jeffries as their nominee for speaker. stay with c-span as the battle over house speakership continues. follow every moment from capitol hill as this historic election unfolds. watch on c-span, c-span now, our
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free mobile video app, or online at c-span, your unfiltered view of government. joining us now, emiy brooks from the hill to talk about the events of the week including an election for speaker of the house. thanks for giving us your time. guest: thank you. host: you wrote a story recently that says, curveballs keep coming up in this speaker's race. can you talk about some of those? guest: absolutely. aside from the fact it is unprecedented, the first time in history the house has ousted a speaker, the house is dealing with a lot of curveballs and trying to figure out who to replace kevin mccarthy with as speaker. house republicans are not only operating on a condensed timeline, they are trying to elect a new speaker this week. that is very condensed versus
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what we saw when former speaker boehner left and there was about a month before that next speaker's election. this election is happening on a condensed timeline. usually, there is months of jockeying behind the scenes before that election. then, you have the factor of former president trump weighing in on the race. he is very much still a leader and player in the republican party, holds a lot of sway. it is unclear whether he will sway people to support jim jordan for speaker over steve scalise, the majority leader. but, the fact that he weighs in -- usually, we do not see presidential candidates weighing in on house leadership elections. of course, you have this interesting scenario where fox news is going to host what they called a joint interview with the candidates for speaker. that was announced on friday.
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very quickly, there were republican members who said they did not think that was a good idea. they wanted to hear from the candidates first. if the candidates asked the candidates pulled out of that and that was highlighting the unusual nature of this and how much of a national spectacle it is becoming. host: we have gone to two major candidates. do you have a sense of where the conference is about overwhelming support for either of those men? guest: both are getting a lot of endorsements. i would say jim jordan is getting a lot support from his fellow ohio members, a lot of his fellow members of the house freedom caucus of which he was the founding chairman. steve scalise is getting support from the south and many other members. they are both powerhouses in the republican party. both of them bring different
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flavors of leadership. right now, there are some members who are talking to reporters last week that think this is far from settled. they do not think either one of them has enough support to win on the house floor right now. that is one reason why republicans are very intent on trying to settle this internally within the republican conference before heading to the house floor and potentially having another multi-ballot, public speakership election. they do not want a repeat of what happened in january. they want to figure that out behind closed doors. host: if you want to ask questions about the process as it plays out, (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. independents, (202) 748-8002. text us at (202) 748-8003. emily brooks, representative jordan was on the sunday shows
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yesterday. made the case for himself about the support he thinks he seems to be getting. we will get your response to it. [video clip] >> steve scalise is asking colleagues -- can you give us a sense of whether or not you have those votes? >> we have got amazing feedback, incredible feedback from our colleagues across the spectrum in the republican congress. we've got conservatives, more moderate members, three committee chairman. i feel good about that support. it boils down to those fundamental questions. who can unite our congress? who can tell the country why what we are doing here -- the things we are working on, how it impacts them and their family, that is what we are supposed to do in politics. we are supposed to do what we told the people we were going to do, help them, their families and communities. that is our job.
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that is what we need to focus on. host: emily, that is representative jordan on the air. factor that into what you might see play out this week. guest: both candidates are pitching themselves as someone who can unite the conference and unify the conference, which is something republicans are definitely looking for. so, jim jordan is an interesting character to think about. getting so much support right now, particularly when you think about a couple of years ago back in 2015 and 2018 when he was challenging house leadership a lot more. since then, he has become a lot more of a useful ally of house leadership. he has stood by former speaker mccarthy throughout his speakership race and the challenges here. right now, you are seeing at least one moderate that i can think of supporting jim jordan for speaker.
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he has shifted, he is not a cap line anymore. that is definitely something he is trying to portray in that interview. host: walk us through the technicalities of what the process this week -- those who can't see it play out in person. guest: tomorrow, tuesday, the house republican conference will hold an internal candidate forum. they will hear from both candidates making their pitch to the conference about why they should be speaker. wednesday, we will have that internal house republican election for the nomination to be speaker. usually as we have seen in the past, this is simple majority winner will be the nominee. that is why you see in january, former speaker mccarthy had gotten not quite universal
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support for his speakership. they end to the house floor -- went to the house floor and had those 20 members voted against him. republicans are trying to avoid that this time. there is a push. there were 94 house republicans who signed a letter asking for temporary change in internal rules so they could only nominate a speaker with enough support to get majority support on the floor, which right now, that would be 217 house members, assuming that every member is present in voting. that should be interesting to see if they change that to avoid that public floor fight. host: let's hear from callers. perry in california, republican line. you are on with emily brooks of the hill. though ahead. caller: good morning pedro, good morning emily. guest: good morning. caller: my thought is, i do not think republicans have somebody who really gets the message.
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i think that is what we need to look at. i would like nothing more than to see hakeem jeffries go up there and say, buckle up, this is going to be a long one and they have the speaker say, we now recognize the gentleman from florida. donald trump will be up there and he can do the same thing the democrats are famous for. being unreasonable. c-span, would be obligated to carry it all the time. as long as he keeps it off the campaign -- the funny thing is, we will see who the real insurrection act's -- insurrectionists are in this country. i am telling you, it is the media and the left. host: we have coverage of every house proceeding that will take place. what is the likelihood? guest: it is not likelihood -- likely. there were a few house
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republicans last week pushing that very thing, saying i would nominate former president trump to be speaker. give him that platform, have him lead the party. a couple issues with that. there are a lot of members that think while there is technically not in the constitution preventing a non-house member from being speaker, realistically, that it should be somebody who is an elected member of the house and understands that internal process. there was a question about whether they would have to change internal house republican conference rules which prohibit anybody who has faced felony indictment from serving in that leadership capacity. there was a debate about that. of course, one of the things that added drama to that speaker's race was former president trump did indicate he was open to serving as a temporary speaker -- overnight on thursday night, he did say he
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was going to endorse representative jim jordan for the spot. definitely, would be a wild scenario for sure. i think he is focused on campaigning right now. host: florida, democrats line, randy. hello. caller: hi, it is randy. host: go ahead. caller: my ex-husband who has a nickname -- he has never been arrested for felonies, criminal activity including abuse, mental . host: how does that relate to the work of congress, especially if they have to choose a speaker this week? as a segway, emily brooks -- a lot happening in israel. already initial reporting about what to expect from congress.
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what sense do you get how they will react in the house and senate this week? guest: there is strong bipartisan support for showing support for israel right now. we have heard that from both sides. the big question is, how does a lack of a speaker right now affect that? that is adding pressure for house republicans to go ahead and choose a speaker, because right now the general sense is congress can't do much without a speaker. there are some procedural theories that the house could vote to empower that acting speaker, patrick mchenry, to do more if it wanted to. there does not seem to be a strong desire to do that now. we are in uncharted territory, legally and procedurally, about what the house can do. one of the things foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccaul has said is he wants to as soon as possible
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bring a bipartisan resolution to the floor to show support for israel during this time. host: from michigan, our independent line, denise. caller: thank you for taking my call. ms. brooks, i would like to ask -- do you think jim jordan is qualified to run for speaker since he participated in the january 6 insurrection? it seems to me he would not be qualified. thank you. guest: i think that is not a question that i can answer, whether he is qualified or not. this is something the house republican conference will have to grapple with. he is getting a lot of support right now. i will say both representatives jim jordan and majority leader steve scalise voted against certifying some of those election results after january 6. either way, that is going to be a factor and probably a line that democrats .2.
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jim jordan is a higher point trial -- profile name. former representatives liz cheney over the weekend said she did not think jim jordan should be speaker because of matters relating to january 6. definitely will be something i am sure we will see from democrats, although they have not weighed in yet on that topic or participated in that internal republican discussion. host: you can text us at (202) 748-8003. call us at (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. independents, (202) 748-8002. i want to play a little bit from representative matt gaetz on the sunday show yesterday about his take on what the speaker's race and his thoughts on it. after that, get -- answer a couple of questions on that. [video clip] >> i think in a two man race, it
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is easier to get someone to 50% plus one then in a race where you have seven people. the fact it has been a constrained race -- you are watching the plan player. if we have any speaker, jim jordan or speaker steve scalise at the end of the coming week, there will not a single republican sands may be kevin mccarthy who does not believe we have upgraded the position. this is about ensuring long-term stability financially for our country from a leadership standpoint and with either steve scalise or jim jordan, we will undeniably have an upgrade. i am looking forward to it. host: that was representative gaetz yesterday. in this case as it plays out this wee, is mr. gates a playmaker or a troublemaker? guest: i do not think he is weighing a lot of his republican colleagues to vote for one or the other. he has that power to call that motion to force a recall vote on
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speaker mccarthy, but there is a lot of anger directed at representative gaetz right now for forcing that move. there have been calls to remove him from the conference over this. to remove him from committees, and a lot of residual anger that house republicans are being forced in this position. i do not think necessarily he is going to be a kingmaker in that sense. it is interesting that he has appeared to be ok with either option. we saw another one of the eight members who voted to oust speaker mccarthy, nancy mace of south carolina did endorse jim jordan over the weekend. it will be interesting to see if there is a trend among those who voted to read the conference of kevin mccarthy. host: one of the discussions that came out after speaker mccarthy's ouster was the changing of rules to change the
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