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tv   C-SPAN Looks at House Speaker Election  CSPAN  October 11, 2023 2:31pm-3:00pm EDT

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round table later this afternoon? karine: as you know the president has to do drop byes on the day of. the president's schedule has been busy over the last couple days as you know with the situation currently happening in israel. making calls. meeting with his n.f.c. team. he believed because the leaders were coming in he wanted to drop by and have a conversation and say that we are there with them. this happens all the time. it's not unusual for us to announce a drop by. this is what you're seeing today. we believe this is going to be incredibly important for the president to be there with the jewish leaders in the community. it will be an important moment. reporter: is there anything you can tell us about this event that happened with congressman van orton and white house staff? apparently he was belligerent during the briefing on the attacks of israel? is there anything you can tell us. karine: i don't have anything to
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share beyond what you're reporting. we are going to go. we have to get ready for the jewish leaders. thanks, everybody. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2023] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy visit] >> tkpwao*pbl from capitol hill, not long ago republicans in the house voted steve scalise, louisiana congressman, to be their nominee for speaker of the u.s. house of representatives. it was a see get ballot behind closed doors with rank anne file members -- rank-and-file members. scalise scored 113 votes while 99 republicans voted for congressman jim jordan. three voted present. we'll get your reaction to the latest from capitol hill this afternoon. here is how we are dividing the lines today. republicans, 202-748-8001 --
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202-748-8901. democrats, 202-748-8902. text 202-748-8903. post on s with the handle at c-span or slash c-span. congressman steve scalise the nominee for speaker for the republican party when this vote comes to the floor. for a public vote. he addressed reporters after that closed door meeting earlier today. here's what he had to say. mr. scalise: i want to thank my house republican colleagues for designating me as the speaker. obviously we still have work to do. we are going to have to go upstairs on the house floor and resolve this and get the house opened again. we have a lot of work to do.
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not just in the house for the people of this country. but we see how dangerous of a world it is and how things can change so quickly. we need to make sure we are sending a message to people throughout the world that the house is opened and doing the people's business. making sure that we are unequivocally standing in our first resolution that we pass under speaker steve scalise will be to make it clear that we stand with israel, the mccaul-meeks resolution will be our first order of business. but obviously there is a lot more work to do. the conversations we have been having with my colleagues over the last few days leading up to this show that there is a resolve that we need to get back to work. there is a lot of business to take care of. families are struggling across this country. we passed a lot of legislation to help families get back on track. to address our border crisis. to get our economy moving again. to address the spending in
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washington that's driving inflation. high energy costs. all of those bills that we passed and we are going to continue to pass that are sitting over in the senate need to be taken up. we passed over 70% of the bills to fund the government. dealing with appropriations and set the priorities of this nation's spending. and the senate has taken up zero. the senate has to start doing their work. by the way, in that legislation including the state foreign ops bill, the defense appropriations bill includes funding for israel. things like iron dome, precision guided missiles. things that could be used today to help them in this war. so there is a lot to do. i'm also going to be calling on president biden to sit down and talk about the crisis at the border. as we have an open soften border -- southern border. we have seen millions come n including people on the
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terrorist watch list from all over the world. if he doesn't know now after what happened, we cannot have an unsecure border. we have to secure america's border. we passed legislation to do that. it's time we sit down and have a conversation about how to secure america's border. it's not a republican or democrat issue. there are democrat mayors all over the country who have been calling on the president to do this, too. that's a conversation we need to have today. there is a lot of busy work to do. a lot of important work to do on behalf of people struggling not only here in america but who are concerned all around the world. we are going to provide that vision. we have a lot of work to do. host: congressman steve scalise strongly urged today after his rank-and-file republicans voted, 113 them, to be the nominee for u.s. speaker. 99 voted for jim jordan. next stop is the floor.
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eric of bloomberg joining us from capitol hill right now. eric, what can we expect this vote for speaker on the house floor? eric: there was some talk from the republicans that came out of that closed door they would vote at 3 p.m. we are hearing knows to the going to be the case. the house will come in at 3 p.m. and recess t looks like it could be beyond today when they come in for the speaker vote. scalise needs to get those 99 people who voted for jordan on to his team. we are hearing from jim jordan's people he's offering to nominate steve scalise on the floor, a sign he's going to back him. we are hearing from individual members who voted for jordan that they are not yet prepared to go with scalise until they get certain concessions. host: what sort of concessions do they want? how many people are we talking about at this point? eric: it could be as large as 99. there were eight that voted for others. thomas massie, on the rules
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committee, he tells us he wants steve scalise outline a plan to deal with the looming government shutdown that's coming on november 18. he does not like the way that scalise behind closed doors on tuesday answered questions about that saying we'll see what comes over from the senate. in massey's words that opened opens the door to the house republicans accepting a large omnibus package. he preferred the idea that jim jordan put forward which was a long-term stopgap bill into april. which point an automatic 1% cut is expected to be scheduled under law come into effect that. would give republicans some leverage. those are the policies that will happen behind closed doors on capitol hill. whenever that gets resolved scalise will help make that decision to go to the floor. i think republicans want to avoid the spectacle 15 rounds they saw with mccarthy. a lot of attention to their internal division live on c-span.
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host: how many -- what's the magic number that steve scalise needs on the floor to become speaker? eric: he needs 217. he's not going to get any democrats. they are going to vote for hakeem jeffries, the minority leader. normally it would be 218. we have two vacancies in the house. very little room for error. 221 republicans. very small number could prevent him from becoming speaker. host: what do you expect that they do when it comes -- when this vote comes to the house floor, how does it look? does it look like it did in january? are there rules for how this is conducted on the floor? eric: very much like in skwrafpblt it will be a man -- january. it will be a manual vote. jeffries come interesting the democratic side. a lot for scalise. perhaps some jordan still. we are just expecting a lot of angling for concessions.
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if they miscalculate or very close, they might decide to run it and see if they can change the last hold outs or pressure them. there could be drama on the floor again. host: what were republicans doing behind closed doors today? they had a couple of motions they put forward to the conference. what were they? what happened? eric: one put on my buy chip roy of texas. he's become a conservative negotiator, and brian fitzpatrick of the problem solvers. they had the idea let's decide who has 217 votes behind closed doors. this sort of multistep process before going to the floor. that was defeated. 130-88 i believe the tally was to defeat that idea. this could create a secret veto. early stages would be secret ballot. resulting in more of a public
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within the conference vote to pressure the hold outs. it was tabled a motion by steve womack. that was an early sign of scalise would have significant report. he would try to prevent this from getting into the rule. host: steve scalise has been serving as majority leader. if he becomes speaker of the house, what happens with the rest of leadership? eric: we are hearing tom emmer, majority whip is interested in moving up. my eye on elise stefanik, an ambitious, talented, and trump loyal conference chairwoman who could try to go for that position. kevin hern is also someone who could go for that position. he was considering a run for speaker. he's head of the republican study committee. more perhaps of a fresh face. more recent member of congress. there could be a very big race
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for majority leader. there are a number of positions such as deputy. controls the calendar. play as major role in deciding the direction of the conference. host: what is the mood of the republican party after emerge interesting that closed door meeting today? eric: i think they are still divided. jim jordan himself coming out of steve scalise's office. divided conference. there are people who certainly felt that rushing to the floor today for a speaker vote was inappropriate. they want to get their bearings and see what their move s scalise is looking to that and decide the not to quickly rush for a vote. there is a lot of scrambling. a lot of sense of can they finally come together? we have a big test for the new speaker whoever it is in november we have the funding deadline. continued inability to finish the fiscal 2024 bill which were due on october 1. a shutdown looms. we also have the need to have israel and/or ukraine package
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that republicans are certainly very open to aiding israel. $2 billion iron dome, missile defense system bill introduced on a bipartisan basis. there is an attempt from the white house and senate democrats to tie ukraine aid, which is more controversial among republicans. that could cause another major battle. and the white house saying ukraine can't lapse a month or more without additional support without encouraging russia to turn the war against them. host: eric watson -- wason, very generous with your time this afternoon given how busy a day it is for you and other reporters on the hill. thank you very much. let's turn to get your reaction to this latest development on the little. gorge in -- george in st. louis, missouri, independent. it appears steve scalise, his nomination for speaker, is headed to the floor for a vote at some point. what do you think?
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caller: well, i've been listening to c-span all day today. unfortunately i am cowardly shocked at the amount of people, the anti-semitism that is flowing around the world and in this country. it's a shocking and dismaying situation. let me also say if i ran my business when i was in business like the government runs their business, i would have been out of business. there are a tremendously amount of smart people that get into the congress. and once they get in there they lose all consciousness. it's everything pointing their fingers at one another. look, steve scalise seems like a nice gentleman. let's call it what it is. nothing is going to get done. that's the way washington, d.c. and i think people are really getting tired of the pwhruftery conversation--blustery
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conversations, pointing fingers and one another. if they want to get things done they can get them done. host: they have very few days left to deal with the government funding situation. they have passed a c.r. when kevin mccarthy was speaker. he was then ousted. now the days are ticking down until another deadline, mid november, to pass a government funding bill or another continuing resolution. louisiana, democratic caller. albert. caller: hello? host: steve scalise from your home state. got the most votes. behind closed doors today. for the republican party to be speaker. caller: yes. can you hear me? host: yes. caller: the president of the louisiana coalition for change ink. i want say in reference to the scalise, i think mr. scalise will make a great speaker. i think there is still internal
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fractions of disorganizing themselves together. i think can he bring it together. we have a lot of problems. my heart goes out for israel. especially in the united states. i hope and pray that mr. hakim everiries would have been my choice. i hope they can come together. pull congress together. house and senate get together and do what's right for the people of this country and get away from that foolishness we have, in-house fighting and all these frivolous investigations. i think mr. scalise is a guy that could pull it together. he's a moderate sense he can move in that direction. he's from louisiana. he knows the politics of helping someone. he's been good. when president obama got elected it was him that gave several of the clergymen invitation to go and be at the inauguration. he has good marks, bad marks.
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overall he's the person that will reach out and help people he come from a state when we devastated we don't work republican, democrat, we work as human beings. people to get people back live to normal. i think he's quite for t my prayers are for hem. i know bob livingston could have been one. i think mr. scalise is a good guy. i think he made the state -- certainly have all the democratic support down here. i hope he would. host: albert, all right. a couple of text messages from viewers. here is one of them. would some republicans vote for representative hakeem jeffries? we must remove the chaos. driven by the house g.o.p. members. you have another viewer, nathan, nashville, tennessee. if the g.o.p. conference can't come to an agreement, democrats need to abandon the tribalism and help elect the speaker. the house needs to be up and running. then you have this from josh in
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cleveland, ohio. whoever is elected speaker is in a no-win situation. hopefully they can wrangle the tkpwa*euts -- gaetz wing of the house g.o.p. on that some reaction from capitol hill. marjorie taylor greene, not part of the so-called gaetz wing, she was not part of the eight that voted to oust kevin mccarthy. i will be voting for jim jordan, on the house floor. i like steve scalise. i like him so much i want to see him defeat cancer more than sacrifice his health in the most difficult position. she goes on to write, in heroin post, on x, that that was the reason she is supporting jim jordan. largely because of steve scalise's lung cancer diagnosis. she believes that they need somebody who is in a position health wise and other to lead their conference. henderson, nevada.
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republican. kyle. hear from you. caller: yes, thank to you c-span for covering this. i'm just really frustrated because i do not see, i don't think anybody has been able to identify as of yet any substantial policy difference between jordan and scalise and mccarthy. and i think the whole removal of mccarthy, which all house democrats were there that day seemed to have happily supported was fruitless if the gaetz faction is not going to get any -- there is no substantial policy difference between the three. and the other thing that i'd like to say about all that is, i am worried about the prospects for house republicans because you saw some of these divisions several congresses ago when we had a larger majority. and now we have probably the smallest majority you could possibly get with so many warring factions within the
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g.o.p. that it's just becoming impossible to come to any agreement because as soon as you make an agreement with one faction, the other faction is going to not be too happy about that. it's going to go around and around and around. i'm not optimistic. i don't agree with the decision to remove speaker mccarthy at all. i don't see what could be gained out of this at least from a policy perspective. certainly not from a political perspective. host: kyle's thoughts in nevada. the reporter for punch bowl news reporting at 2:24 the house is coming in at 3 then recessing. no roll call -- role call for steve scalise as speaker yet. we'll be watching these capitol hill reporters to see if we get any developments on that front, if this is scheduled at all today. some of those members, those 99
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members who voted for jim jordan, they want to hear more from steve scalise, eric wason told us. they want concession from him before they would agree to vote with him on the floor. you heard eric tell us that steve scalise, if he's nominated on the floor, it looks like he will be, needs 217 republicans to vote for him because all the democrats plan to vote for their leader, hakeem jeffries of new york. alan in kansas city, democratic caller. caller: yes. i believe that all of the stuff that they saying about the democrats, they are not going to vote for them. they are going to vote for hakim is nonsense. if they came across the aisle and sat up there and made an agreement, that's why they voting straight democrat because nobody is honoring their word. i think steve scalise, if he
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promised something, i think they are going to deliver. i have seen him do it before. he wants to work with democrat, republican, independent. he just wants the job done. let's give the man a chance. let him see. don't go back and break your word like some other people did. host: all right. punch bowl news tweeting, it's official, guy reschenthaler is running for whip. if emmer wins, leader, tom emmer wins majority leader, taking over for steve scalise now, and scalise wins speaker, lots of ifs these days writes jake. there will be a leadership shuffle if steve scalise can get the 217 votes to become speaker. reggie in minnesota, independent. hi. caller: hi. good afternoon. thank you for taking the time to
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let me speak. yeah, hearing what's going on with the current climate in the g.o.p. my concerns is more or less about the threshold for the motion to vacate. and the freedom caucus. from what i see with how they handled kevin mccarthy as the speaker i honestly don't see, unless they make a drastic change to rules, i don't see the path going forward, i don't see steve scalise with respect to him and his work, i don't see him succeeding as a good speaker with that dangling over his head like a carrot. i'm concerned about that. whereas if -- even if steve scalise tries to work with someone on a bipartisan basis, that the freedom caucus is going
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to try another motion to vacate and it's going to set him up for failure. host: reggie's concerns there in minnesota. ind-- independent. james a republican in being north carolina. hi, what do you say this afternoon? caller: i say they like keep kevin mccarthy, but they can't vote scalise or jim jordan. host: jim jordan -- you would be happy with either one of them. caller: yes, ma'am. host: all right. kevin hern, who is heading up the republican study committee, from eric's reporting just moments ago, he's announced that he's running for majority leader to replace steve scalise in that spot if steve scalise becomes speaker. reynoldburg, ohio, democratic caller. caller: hi, thanks so much for taking my call. thank goodness we did not get
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jordan. leave him in washington. scalise is a fair man. we think he will do a good job. jordan has not adoctorsed -- addressed the issues here at ohio state u on all the things happening here in terms of the -- he is just not an appropriate person for speaker. host: why do you think, as a democrat, why do you think steve scalise is a fair guy as you said? caller: he had tried to work across the aisle. we have seen him for many, many years. i worked for the nixon administration in washington, the white house. and i worked all over washington. we think scalise is the man for the job. host: all right. richard in new york. independent. hi. caller: yes. good afternoon. thank you for taking my call. i'm really glad that scalise has
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been -- looks like he's going to be the leader. because jordan is, i believe, more of a mouthpiece for donald trump. and i think scalise will be middle of the road leader. i think he will work with democrats more than jordan will. i think the country needs -- democrats need to get behind scalise. i think they need to work together. i think if jordan was in there, there is no way the democrats would work with jordan. another comment i would like to make is i'm extremely worried about what's happening in israel. i'm sure that president biden has sent those aircraft carriers over there.
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and i hope we don't get dragged into that war. host: all right. louisiana, republican. caller: hello. host: what do you think of steve scalise from your home state? caller: i'm not really familiar with him or everything where we can trust him as speaker. but we are family, i am, with jim jordan. he has done so much for the g.o.p. and a lot of people trust his judgment. and i believe and i know that he would be great for the democrats and the republicans. host: all right. ka*l in oklahoma, democratic caller, hi, cal. caller: good afternoon, how are you? host: i'm doing well. we are listening to you. your reaction to the nomination of steve scalise to be speaker for the republicans.
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113-99 for jim jordan. caller: hardly resounding unified. that's ok. they would be wise now that they have made this statement to give him time to bring the jordan element as much as he can to his side f that takes a few days -- side. if that takes a few days. it would be worth t i understand what's going on. but the worst thing he could do would be try a failing effort on the floor and go through a series of votes. that's not what the public needs or wants. the problem is not with the public giving scalise a chance. we folks will give him a chance. it's internally within the house politics as to whether he has the chance or not. i just listening to his remarks and he would do a great service by not just going back to talking points of getting the economy going again, let's talk about all the terrorists coming
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through the border. all that has been said over and over and over. the language that works now is a signal that he also made that their first order of business will be the mccaul-meeks resolution in support of the activities in the middle east with israel. that's not a hard vote. they have over 400 co-authors in that. that's the proper message there. he's the right guy. he knows how to make a deal. he's from louisiana. they know how to make a deal. overall, i'm a democrat, but they have taken the first correct step. but it was the easy one. now everybody, it seems to me, let them catch their breath. let everybody let the air out of the situation, take the time to get the votes


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