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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  October 18, 2023 10:15am-10:45am EDT

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this is what democracy looks like. c-span,owered by cable. >> the u.s. house is still without a speaker, a full two weeks after representative kevin mccarthy was removed from the position. lawmmet yesterday to vote on his potential replacement no candidate received the 217 votes that are n 11:00 a.m. eastern when weday at expect a s round of voting to. as it stands, ohio representative jim jordan remains 17 v short of 217. after republicans voted for someone else in the first ba follow the speaker election live c-span when the house returns. you can also wy using the free c-span now video app or online to can post iy that president biden landed in israel.
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saying he's visiting israel in the we the strike on the gaza hospital. the president on the comments he made african landed. here's a portion you made. [video clip] >> it seems to me that that had to continue to ensure to defend themselves. and we want to make sure that occurred. we have to also bear in mind that it does not represent all the palestinian people. years ago, i asked her secretary
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of state -- asked the secretary. thank you. the point is this. we are saddened and outraged by the explosion of the hospital in gaza yesterday. there's a lot of people who were not sure. helping people caught in the middle of this. we are. host: that was from earlier. the president in israel to address those topics.
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you can comment on that and the house speaker race. punch bowl news with their assessment of what to watch out for when the house starts the process. we are watching the following lawmakers who may abandon jim jordan. republican representatives dave joyce of ohio, and wagoner of missouri, ferguson of texas. we expect more of that today. representative has switched his vote. punch bowl adding that if mr. jordan loses support, it would all but doom his effort despite the strong backing he's getting. it then asks if he cannot be speaker, who can? there's talk of the majority whip making a run. consensus candidates have been suggested. mike johnson, frank lucas, and
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tom paul. adding the easiest answer is for the house to formally elect mchenry to the post. speaker vote today at 11:00. you can see that on c-span and c-span now. you can comment on the president's trip to israel. the lines (202) 748-8001 for republicans, (202) 748-8000 free democrats, and (202) 748-8002 for independents. on facebook, this is john mcnally saying as far as the hoe eaker vote tod, i have my popcorn ready and am anticipating the republican clown car will crash and burn. as far as president biden and israel, this is what leerip looks like, doing what is expected as leader of the free world.
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that is some of the ways you can reach out to us on facebook, x, and you can text us at (202) 748-8003. cynthia in detroit, michigan starts us off, democrat. go ahead. caller: good morning. first of all, i don't see how the republican candidate qualifies to be in congress. they have an oath to take under the constitution. he failed that. a subpoena. he failed the court order and the rule of law, so they need to stop and look at another candidate. host: ok. that is cynthia. jeremy in madison, wisconsin, independent line. caller: this is me.
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the weather report. the israelis are really going at it now. yes or no? host: what would be your assessment? caller: i'm talking to you. host: ok. we will go to wally, democrats line. caller: hello. i love c-span. i'm a big c-span supporter and almost always watch. i have a take on the house leader dilemma i have not heard expressed that i would like to share. the house republicans ousted mccarthy for compromising to avoid. should -- to avoid a shutdown. compromise should be encouraged. mccarthy reached across the aisle and for doing so a small percentage of republicans got him fired.
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at the same time, all democrats, some of whom at least should have respected him for compromising, voted to oust him for giving the democrats some concessions. so compromise seems to now be demonized in the legislature. they clearly did not think about what's next and now interesting that the house republicans will not be forced to compromise, the very thing they were upset about amongst themselves, to elect another speaker. bottom line to me is that compromise is a good thing and needed. host: that is lawley in california. representative jordan on his twitter feed yesterday saying we must stop attacking each other and come together. there is too much at stake, he adds. let's get back to working on the crisis at the southern border,
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inflation and helping israel. that on his twitter feed yesterday. on the steps of the capitol, one of those supporting jordan was representative thomas massie, speaking about the state of affairs after that vote attempt yesterday and where to go from here. [video clip] >> we will get to a speaker soon. >> if jordan is not the nominee? >> there's no paul ryan in this race. if you remember back when kevin mccarthy decided not to run, they brought paul ryan up and he had a good brand nationally and had a decent inside game and could raise money but there is no paul ryan. there is no close second to jim jordan. >> if jordan does not make it, it gets more complicated. >> i do think jim jordan will make it this week. >> do you see mccarthy making a
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comeback or throwing his hat in the ring? >> about does not mean you will be speaker. >> mccarthy has eight people. >> kevin mccarthy is behind jim jordan. he has a lot of people who were going to vote for him today. i think he will talk to the ones who did. if scully's and kevin mccarthy is voting for jim jordan -- if school lease and kevin mccarthy is voting for jim jordan. >> tax relief, other things. >> this is the reason jim jordan is the only viable speaker we have -- viable speaker candidate we have.
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and i support kevin mccarthy. but he had so many arrangements and deals that they became almost mutually exclusive. jim jordan has gotten this far without a deal. he has a plan to keep us from getting into a shutdown. he is the only one who can reset the expectation that had been set earlier with conservatives. that's why i think he's the only viable candidate and i think you will get there this week. host: that process picks up today at 11:00 eastern. watch on our main channel at c-span. you can follow along on our app. the website is available to you at you can comment on the state of the speaker race, on president biden's trip to israel. in north carolina, democrats line. this is edwin. . hello. caller: i will predict that walking jeffries gets more votes
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than jim jordan and he becomes speaker, because if you handcuff yourself to jim jordan, in 16 years, let me tell you what his record as one who -- record is on voting, passing anything. if you hook yourself to jim jordan, it's nothing but one side of the party. they don't want to do anything that actually moves this country forward. they want to handcuff democrats to every kind of bill, conference. and let me tell you, the money that was running up and spent on the republican -- that was wrong up and spend on the republican administration to date, $2.6 trillion war, a trump tax cut, a 7.8, a one point $5 trillion
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tax cut and a $1.2 trillion stimulus, which 92 million americans went on medicare and 13 million americans went on food stamps. that is nikki haley. host: california, independent line. go ahead. good morning caller: -- caller: good morning. as far as house speaker, i do not get makes a different. i have been an independent and i'm tired of republicans and the democrats. as far as israel, biden should not be going over there right now for safety reasons because i believe that israel should do their best to evacuate all innocent civilians and they need to start using nuclear weapons on their terrorist enemies and be done with it because i'm getting tired of this.
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hamas is evil along with isis. host: nick from florida. caller: on the conflict in the middle east, the people who voted for the current administration, they are responsible for what's going on there because there vote led to the biden administration funding hamas and hezbollah through their policies. look how much oil they are selling because the sanctions were lifted. because of democratic voters, the terrorists are being funded. and on our southern border, drug cartels and sex traffickers are being funded by this
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administration. as far as people complaining about the trump tax cuts, i will say this again. i get paid by the hour. now, i don't work -- i work full-time but i don't work five days a week anymore because i live in florida. it's a low tax state. my house is paid off so i don't have to work five days a week anymore. host: let's hear from eugene in atlanta, independent line. caller: good morning. i have a comment, personal comment. i can speak for myself. at this time, i am happy and proud to say i'm a rino. thank you. host: that's eugene. comments on the president's trip to israel, on the house speaker election. you can make those at (202) 748-8000 for republicans, for democrats, (202) 748-8001, and
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independents, (202) 748-8002. the new york times broke down the republicans who voted against jim jordan into categories. one of those, biden district republicans, the republicans in the house of representatives district biden won in the last election, six of them who did not vote for jordan. another group, institutionalists, several republicans who serve on the appropriations committee and control federal spending expressing concerns about jim jordan's anti-spending past, worrying he might demand across-the-board cuts.
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then there are those loyal to kevin mccarthy, including doug lamalfa, john james, carlos gimenez, mike kelly. the wildcard category, victoria spartz and ken buck. he said there number of reasons he is not back mr. jordan -- he did not back mr. jordan but the main one is he played a role to overturn mr. buttons victory in 2020. 11:00 is when you can see this happen on c-span. another thing you want to look out for when it comes to policy to israel, a hearing today taking a look at jack lew, former treasury secretary, as ambassador. you could see that starting at 10 -- at 10:30 at c-span now. u can download it.
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it will be before the senate foreign relations committee. jesse is in michigan, democrats line. caller: good morning. how are you? host: go ahead. caller: i lost all respect i had for biden. what israel is doing to palestine is unbelievable. it was an occupation over there. all these people calling about terror. what about here? who did the insurrection of the capitol? it was not palestinians. it was americans. i have lost respect for the party.
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i will only vote for biden because i have no other choice. listen to this. look at what russia is doing to ukraine. host: that's jesse in michigan. some of you on facebook saying, ever notice thatn e eyes of democrats, democracy only seemso work when it goes their way? everytng else is a threat and daero our democracy. jake sherman from punch bowl saying that when it comes to the events of today, there is increased security at the capitol. this memo saying the office of the sergeant of armcoinues to work closely with law
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enforcement monitoring the intelligen rarding the conflict due to the potential for a donration on capitol grounds. a heavier police presence today. dave harrington, when it comes to that speaker's race, same we need more choices -- saying we need more choices. from montana, go ahead. caller: good morning. it's a shameful day for america that biden would go over there and support israel when israel is doing so many war crimes right now. it is shameful that he would do this. israel just bombed a children's hospital. he's supporting a country that's doing more crimes and is not doing enough to speak out for the palestinians who don't have a chance. host: both sides are blaming
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each other for the bombing of that hospital according to reporting. caller: of course. but palestine does not have the power. hamas does not have the power to do that. it was israel that did it. i don't think it was palestine, but they will blame each other, and it is israel's decision to say it was palestine, because they want to do a final solution on palestine. palestine will always be the aggressor and never the victim because that is what israel wants. host: ok. raymond in mississippi, republican line. hello. go ahead. caller: i had a question to ask. could anyone bring up liz cheney for speaker of the house and could we have a vote on it? host: why would you put her into the position?
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caller: democrats can work with her because she believes in the constitution. i believe a lot of my republican colleagues have lost that. i mean, we have lost it. the constitution to the american people. somebody that goes up there and ain't pass no laws. he ain't doing nothing. thank you. host: ok. aaron is next in south carolina, democrats line. caller: good morning. my question this morning is if the gop were to possibly try to vote for hakeem jeffries, what would mean for the status of the majority and minority leader of the house?
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host: good question. don't know. tell me more why you were thinking that way. caller: someone like don bacon or of the more moderate republicans may decide to vote for hakeem jeffries over jim jordan. that is what i have to say. host: ok. that is aaron calling from south carolina. it was after nominating hakeem jeffries for house minority leader yesterday. it was pete aguilar, democratic chair, talking about representative jordan's candidacy for the office and his problems with it. here's a portion from yesterday. [video clip] >> we are here because the house has been thrown into chaos by two dangerous forces, extremism and partisanship.
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the american people place their faith in us to tackle pressing issues, lowering costs, growing the middle class and standing up to those set on delivering a national abortion ban. the choice is come together on a bipartisan path forward or take us over the cliff, abandon the extremism or triple on division and dysfunction. a vote today to make the architect of a nationwide abortion ban a vocal election denier and insurrection insider to the speaker of this house would be a terrible message to the country and our allies. [applause] mr. speaker, it would send an
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even more troubling message to our enemies, that the very people who would seek to undermine democracy are rewarded with positions of immense power. we are talking about somebody who spent his career trying to hold our country back, putting our national security and danger, attempting government shut down after government shutdown, wasting taxpayer dollars on baseless investigations, authoring the very bill that would ban abortion nationwide without exception, and inciting violence on the chamber. even leaders of his own party have called him a legislative terrorist. host: that was the democratic caucus chair after placing hakeem jeffries name in for the nomination for speaker. you can watch along on c-span if you wish. let's go to mickey and minneapolis, republican line. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call.
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a lot of calls have come in in the last few days that iran is responsible for the hamas attack. i'm not in favor of the regime. i think they are dogs and terrorists but they have nothing to do with this. many people are calling them with lies about arabian oil production. iran's oil production is slightly over 1.1 million barrels per day, which is nothing, and most of this is going to china. iran is heavily sanctioned on exports of oil. it cannot receive currency in u.s. dollars they have a bartering system with china and india. people calling in -- the other guy called on sunday saying iran is exporting 70 million barrels of oil per day. that is ridiculous. a lie goes faster around the
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world and the truth is time to put it -- put its pants on. mark twain. host: the investor to israel and the problems -- on some of the problems some republicans might have with the nominee for ambassador to israel. he has been scrutinized for his approval of mr. obama's treasury secretary in 2014 of a cash transfer to iran. he has also faced accusations of lying to congress about the obama administration's nuclear deal and further criticism for not supporting a veto of the human resolution -- the u.n. resolution condemning israeli settlements in palestinian territory. jack lew is a iranian sympathizer, says tom
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kotten. the senate should not confirm him. the hearing for that said for today. if you want to see that starting at 10:30, you can follow at c-span now. jackie is next in michigan. independent line. >> hello. i think the less congress gets done the better. it is sad to say but that is the state of our country. our country has not been on the right side of a conflict since world war ii probably. in my opinion, there's no honor in the uniform anymore, because iraq, that was immoral and based on lies. afghanistan. that was a failed mission and it was based on a false pretext. i don't want to get into that.
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what happened to if you are in uniform you are not supposed to follow unlawful orders? if the president tries to send you to war in israel or ukraine and you don't have a vote, you are not supposed to follow an unlawful order. host: one story stemming from the administration. they are drafting a foreign aid package that would include assistance for israel and other security priorities. details on the spending requests are still being finalized. one person told abc the bulk of the assistance will likely go to ukraine. it may offer $10 million for israel. what's your from alana in new york. democrats line. caller: normally i would say good morning but i feel like we
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are in a bad morning for america. when i look at the gaza situation, they basically have been blockaded for over a decade. the only thing that goes in and out is controlled by israel. what you are seeing now is they have locked it down. no food, water, electricity. you have all his humanitarian aid they cannot get their. you have people that cannot even get out. i have been a supporter of the democrats my life. i voted for biden. and i really feel like him going there just to back up the israeli side of things when they have been consistently bombing the entirety of gaza, they tell people there's certain safe zones and the south -- zones in the south. so whether or not that one strike happens to be from israel, they have been doing a lot of strikes against
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hospitals, and for biden to go there and had -- and have this cowardly line in my opinion, for him to mumble to the prime minister in this very weak statement saying that we are taking these really live when it's obvious that what will come after that is more bombing and an invasion that will lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths, and most of those people are not hamas. host: c-span is your unfiltered view of government including these companies and more including charter communication. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers. we are just getting started, building 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those


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