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tv   House Speaker Election Coverage  CSPAN  October 19, 2023 11:45am-12:00pm EDT

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-- it is very low. there are some members who voted for him to come back. democrats are having second thoughts about removing him. host: aidan quigley, a reporter with cq roll call. follow his reporting on roll >> at mediacom we believe that whether you live here or right here or way out in the middle of anywhere you should have access to fast, reliable internet. that's why we're leading the way to bring you internet. mediacom supports c-span as a public service along with the other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy.
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>> welcome back to c-span's live coverage of the speaker election on capitol hill. the house will gavel back into session at 12:00 p.m. eastern time. plans have changed. we have learned in the last hour that jim jordan will no longer seek a third round of voting on his nomination. we want to get your reactions to the latest. phone numbers will be on your screen. start dialing. in joining us from capitol hill is mika sullner who reports on congress for punch bowl news. let's begin with this development. why has he decided not to seek the speakership in a third round of voting. he has not dropped out entirely, right? guest: that's right. we saw what happened the past
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few vote, he lost 20 or so people on the first ballot, he lost more votes yesterday. so i think it just kind of shows that he's not there yet with getting people on his side. what's going to happen is he's going to put his candidacy on freeze for about 80 days and it looks like they'll move to empower speaker pro tem mchenry. host: we understand behind closed doors right now the republican conference is meeting and jim jordan will endorse this idea of a speaker -- of a temporary speaker, patrick mchenry, in the post? guest: that's the plan right now. i will add this resolution, however is very unpopular on some republicans. especially in the conservative wing. we just talked to free come caucus chair scott perry who said this is not the way to set a precedent on getting a speerk. a lot of republicans are
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frustrated mchenry won't be an elected speaker. i think there's frustration there. but we also point out a lot of other moderate wing of the party is frustrated with the eight wh ousted mccarthy, the hardline republicans. there's not a lot of consensus on anything in the republican caucus. host: marge ry taylor greene is speaking to reporters. let's listen in. ms. greene: as some sort of short-term speaker i think that's the wrong thing to do. he wants to do that while he continues talking to people and finding a path. i completely disagree. i think that we should all be able to find a path in that room right there and that requires putting the egos down. it requires humanity. it requires the eight republicans that worked with democrats to put us here asking for forgiveness in the conference and people giving forgiveness and us moving forward. this is not a plan for a strong
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majority. reporter: will there with be a house speaker vote today? ms. greene: there's a resolution. reporter: what's wrong with giving mchenry more power to get back in business. ms. greene: i just stated all that it's just not right. reporter: do you have any confidence -- host: marge ry taylor greene telling reporters she's not in favor of the idea of giving speaker pro tem patrick mchenry powers to function as the speaker. guest: this is a sentiment we'll hear from a lot of the conference. people have been talking about it yesterday. warren davidson, one of jordan's top allieses on the hill, was saying this is some kind of power sharing agreement with democrats. i think that'll be a lot of the messaging that some of the conservatives are pushing. this will probably get democratic support which is part of the reason why a lot of republicans are opposed to it. a lot of people whoo just want
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to get back to work are say twoarveg remember there's a shutdown looming in about 30 days. they have to work on the appropriation bill process. they have to move forward with the work because the optics look quite unfortunate right now and a little bit messy for the republican party. also heading into a critical election year next year. there's a lot of frustration right now among republicans. host: you heard the congresswoman there say, when she was asked if there'd be a vote, a speaker vote, she said there'll be a resolution. was she referring to the resolution by david joyce to empower patrick mchenry in this position? guest: i believe that's the resolution he's referring. to again the situation is very fluid right now. it seems like that's probably going to come to a vote likely later today. i don't think anything has been announced since they're still working this out. as of right now there's no more votes on a speaker right now. host: what can you tell us more about how democrats might vote on that? guest: i think it's going get
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some democratic support for sure. that's way the resolution is going to pass the finish line. that said, with mchenry who has made it very clear he he doesn't want the speakership, i think that this puts him in a difficult position as well. kind of, he's being forced into this role he didn't want. but i think this is going to get bipartisan support with the house that's very eager to get back to work and move on from doing the roll call vote every day that just seems to go nowhere. host: understood we are learning as we go here. do you know if this resolution, does it come to the floor? does david joyce offer it right away when they come in at 12:00 noon after they go through their normal procedures? guest: i think it's still a little unclear what the schedule is going to be. i know that -- it should be sooner than later. i think, i believe, there will probably be a vote later today. i think they're working out
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those details right now in conference. host: we appreciate your reporting from capitol hill. thank you for talking with us today. we appreciate it. guest: thank you. host: we'll get to your calls here as well. your reaction to what you're learn right now happening on capitol hill. david joyce has a resolution that would empower the speaker pro tem, patrick mchenry farc certain amount of days, to bring legislation to the floor so that the house of representatives can move legislation. the first priority for many members of congress is aid to israel. the president, tomorrow, we learned, is going to be sending to congress and aid package of -- requesting $100 billion. $60 billion for ukraine. $40 billion for israel. taiwan. and the u.s. southern border. jake sherman earlier today tweeting out, david joyce will talk about his powers, his b to empower patrick mchenry at the closed door meeting that's
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happening right w with republicans on capitol hill. they can bring it up at any point and it would likely pass. he's been deferential to jordan in leadershipnt now. then this, prediction, we all ow where this always was going to land. the speaker p t mchenry being empowedn a short-term basis. he guessed that wouldapn, quote, in the next 48 hours. and then for "thwa street journal," shavonn houston, reported on thisdea by joyce. she notes th i mchenry recognizes david joyce with this proposal when he comes to the floor, it would trigger a snap vote. it would happen very quickly on the floor. we'll be watching when they gavel in here at noon eastern time. live coverage here on c-span. until then, karen in parkersburg, west virginia, republican, let's hear from you. hi, karen.
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caller: hi. thank you for taking my call. i am so disappointed in the republican representatives that -- that this this is dragging on and on and on. they ned to get their act in gear and get a speaker elected. caller: and -- host: and who should that be, karen? caller: i have no problem with jim jordan. i don't understand why he was even put up for speaker if they didn't have the support. he needs, what, 17 votes? and representatives were going in the opposite direction. nobody seems to have an answer. it's embarrassing. host: and he lost more votes yesterday. he needed 17 in the first round of vote, he lost even more on the second round of voting.
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manu raju of cnn tweeting out today, multiple g.o.p. sources sa jim jordan is bleeding votes and is poised to lose more republicans if he goes through with a third ballot one g.o.p. member who opposes jordan said there are about 30 no votes from republicans. congressman jim jordan not proceeding today with this third round of voting. we have learned from reports on capitol hill that behind closed doors, with his colleagues, he has proposed this temporary solution which is give the speaker pro tem the power to act, bring legislation to the floor. that's patrick mchenry. 47 years old. member of congress. republican from north carolina. roy in chester, virginia. independent. hi, roy. caller: yes. this is roy, independent voter from the state of virginia. i have given them a recommendation. i've given them five people that democrats would come over and help. those five people are,
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conservative, reagan conservative republicans, michael mccaul, from texas. ken buck from colorado. kelly armstrong from north dakota. mike gallagher from wisconsin. any of those -- and mike turner of ohio. any of those that they would put on the floor for nomination, the 212 democrats would come over and help support them. because they are -- they're not maga republicans. they are conservative republicans. host: all right, roy. let's listen to ralph norman talking to reporters on capitol hill. mr. norman: we have got to decide who we want as speaker. he's the designee now. for however long it takes. at the end they have day jim jordan will have to decide that.
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he has to decide what he wants to do. reporter: if he supports this, would that change your mind? mr. norman: no, whether he supports it or not i don't think it's the right way. reporter: do you think giving him two more months to get the votes is ok. mr. norman: his time is now. reporter: but you had another speaker designee. mr. norman: jim jordan is the right man for the right time to do the right job. he's the only one that's gotten 199 or 200 votes. it's up to him to get the 17 others. i think he probably will. i have another meeting. reporter: what about having a temporary speaker while this plays out.
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mr. norman: the speaker drama isn't going to continue. host: ralph norman, republican of south carolina there saying, it sounded like he's not endorsing the idea of giving patrick mchenry the temporary speaker more power to move on legislation. or he's not on board with giving jim jordan more time. he's supported jim jordan but he's saying the house should act now. that jim jordan is in there now. than in california, democratic caller what do you say? caller: one of the joys of retirement is i get to watch c-span more often. my first time calling here. i got three really quick points. you were in one, there are no moderate republicans left. they are crazy republicans. mchenry himself was the second generation firebrand coming in in the 2008 cycle. andall though she's now more
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of -- he's now more of an institutionalist he was part of the fire tbleefngd tea party in the early days there. so i don't see a moderate republican faction at all. as a result, republicans don't know how to compromise. they rely on their principles and they hold fast to them. which is one of the reasons why jim jordan was such a lousy choice. if you look at the way he's handled his chairmanship of committees he's a bully. he gives differential time to republicans. -- to republican witnesses, cuts off democratic witnesses. he's completely one-sided and unfire. he's a bad example of leadership. so thing we're hopeful that mchenry, even though he is in my mind still an extremist, i hope that he is enough of an institutionalist that he could actually get the work of congress done. i don't like his poll circumstances i won't like his choice of leadership, etc., etc. but if he gets work done that's
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enough. and he'll have my support in that regard. thank you, c-span. host: jonathan, a democrat in santa cruz, texas. robin in north carolina, independent. caller: hello. yes. this is robin. host: hi, robin. caller: i think for right now the best thing for the republicans to do is put up that resolution to give patrick mchenry more power. the country needs it. i think it's so shameful that it's such a diverse -- the republicans say no because democrats might vote for that. i mean, these people are working for the american people. and they've got to work with democrats. the democrats have to work with republicans. if not, our country is just going to fall apart. host: the house is about to gavel in. let's see what happens here on the


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