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tv   President Biden Announces Russia Sanctions  CSPAN  February 23, 2024 8:57pm-9:19pm EST

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a simulcast. then we will bring you primary results as they come in. candidate speeches and we will get your reaction on social media. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> ukrainian preside vodymyr zelenskyy posted on social di after meeting with the u.s. congressional delegation which included senatmarity leader chuck schumer and sat richard blumenthal, jack reed, maggie hassan and michael bennet. president zelenskyy writing the u.s. visitho support for
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ukraine in both countries share common values. he goes on to say, i thank our partners for helping us preserve democracy. majority leader schumer urged the house to pass an aid package for ukraine. president biden has placed a new sanctions on russia in response to the death of alexei navalny. he announced it at an event welcoming governors for the national governors association annual meeting. this is about 20 minutes. >> thank you. please, sit down. thank you. if i were smart, i would leave right now. folks, thank you very much. all the governors for being
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here. i now -- did jill already speak, my wife? what the hell am i doing here? she always enjoys traveling to your states. and thanks to kamala for her leadership and an incredible partnership across the board. and to the members of our cabinet including two former governors. are they both here today? governor raimondo? where's my secretary of agriculture? is he here? tom vilsack. he's going to be here tomorrow. my republican friends, i've got bad news for you. i actually like working with you. it reminds me of the days it was in the senate. we would argue like hell and then get things done. i want to say a few words about an important anniversary that we mark tomorrow.
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to go shortly before dawn the russian troops march across the border in ukraine. putin believes he can bend the will and break the resolve of the people of ukraine, that he can roll into ukraine and roll over them. two years later she remains wrong. kyiv is still standing, and the people of ukraine remain unbound and unbroken. this is dear -- due to their sheer bravery. the united nations put together 50 nations, with unified and expanded nato. we cannot walk away now, and this is what putin is betting on. i will be spoke -- speaking to g-7 folks and members of the european union. i am announcing 500 new sanctions in response -- [applause]
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in response to the brutal war of conquest, in response to alexei navalny's death. make a mistake, she is responsible for his death. yesterday i met with his wife and daughter in california where his daughter attends college. alexei was an incredibly courageous man, and his family as courageous as well. i assured them that his legacy will continue to live around the world and we will assure putin a surprise for his aggression abroad and repression at home. [applause] let me be clear. the house of representatives must pass of the bipartisan national security bill. the bill provides urgent funding for ukraine and passed overwhelmingly in the senate, and there is no question, none if the speaker called for a vote in the house it would pass
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easily today. instead they went on vacation. it is just -- anyway. look, folks, all kidding aside, kissed is watching. the clock is ticking. ralph ukrainian soldiers and civilians are dying. russia has taken ukrainian territory for the first time in many months. but here in america of the speaker gave the house a two week vacation. they have to come back. they have to go back and get this done, because failure to support ukraine in this critical moment will never be forgotten in history. it will be measured and have impacts for decades to come. i want to thank all of you governors here, and i urge you if you agree with me, and many of you do, urge your congressional representatives to force this bill to be brought up. america can prove america stands up for freedom.
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we never bow to anyone, particularly putin. look, folks, under their important work we are doing. i want to thank you all for delivering results to the american people. governors know the measure of success is not how many partisan points we scored. it is did we fix the problem? did we fix the problem? we disagree on how to fix the problem many times. we are all here for one reason, to fix the problem, to get things done for the communities and the country. that is why i kept my promise to all americans whether you voted for me or not. we passed more in red states than in blue states. billions dollars more was it invested in red states than in blue states. i came to office and the pandemic was raging and the economy was railing, but we have turn things around with your help. the american rescue plan
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provided $350 billion, and many of you put that money up for cops on the beat bringing violent crime done in the nation, to bring half a million teachers back into classrooms. the bipartisan infrastructure law made the most significant investment in our nation's infrastructure in our nation's history. [applause] the interstate i would go made have done as much, but over 46 1000 projects already, and we are just getting started. it is just the beginning modernizing roads, bridges, railroads, ports, public transport, public water, affordable high-speed internet everywhere. i stood with governors rebuilding the bridge.
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by the way, as you know over $1 billion, and it is important from wisconsin to minnesota. governor beshear and governor dewine, we are building a bridge called the brent spence bridge between kentucky and ohio. by the way, tens of thousands of trucks and commerce cross those bridges every day, and we are finally getting it done. we are building the nation's first high-speed rail line in california and nevada. i would to thank governor newsom for his leadership in that. and by the way -- [applause] i am not sure many people in l.a. who can leave in two hours whether or not you want to come back or not in las vegas, but all kidding aside we are making the biggest investment and climate change ever. i visited your states working together to respond to boost resilience on extreme weather.
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it spent a lot of time, and i'm not complaining about it, i am just pointing it out. i spent a lot of time with you governors over the last three years dealing with the impacts of bad weather. i have flown over your states particularly in the southwest and west and northwest i do not know how many times in helicopters looking at timber burnt to the ground. we have lost more for us to vent the entire state of maryland to make seven land in square miles. we are building cleaner, more reliable power grids, promoting clean energy and advanced manufacturing industries have future made in america. made in america. one of the things i did not know, maybe you knew, i did not know when they pass the legislation related to the rights of labor to organize in the 1930's that there was a provision that said if the president -- if congress gives the president money to invest in
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america to build things in america, to spend money in america, to spend money for america they should do two things. they should hire americans to do it and they should use american products. guess what? it did not happen in democratic or republican administrations for the longest time, so guess what happened? we no longer disclose. what was happening in the last 20 years and all of our states, including my state of delaware? people decided labor was cheaper overseas, so we export the factory and import the products. we are building the factories here in america now, not overseas. [applause] so far my investment in america has attracted $650 billion in private investments, bringing
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factories and jobs back home to your states and restoring a sense of pride. how many times have you seen people in your states come at factory employed 500 to 2000 people, and for generations people showed up and worked at the factory, and all of the sudden it is gone, it is overseas. now they are coming back and with it brought is coming back. governor hochul in new york, macron is investing $100 billion to build chip factories. and they are the size of 40 football fields. across the country over the next 20 years we will create 50,000 jobs across the semi conductor supply, 50,000 jobs. do you know how much you make? you do not need a college degree.
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$110,000 to $112,000 a year. all along the way with your help we have cut the federal deficit as well. we cut the deficit by $1 trillion so far, the biggest reduction in history and deficit reduction. i signed legislation that will cut the federal deficit by another $1 trillion over the next decade. it is clear we have the strongest economy in the world, and that is not hyperbole. we have the strongest economy in the world today. growth is strong, ratings are strong rising faster than prices, inflation is down but there is more to do, and folks are starting to feel it. positive consumer sentiment surged 30% the last three months, the biggest jump in 30 years. i am not suggesting it is done yet. america has filed a record 16 new million -- a record 16
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million new filings, and every one of those filings is an active hope. an active hope, they believe they can do something. and we are just getting started. we are going to keep fighting to lower the cost of families from everything from prescription drugs to housing. we kept insulin for seniors at $35 a month. let's make that available to everyone in your states. [applause] everybody. lowering prescription drug cost is not only good for the people. they save the taxpayers billions of dollars. the action on prescription drugs has already reduce the deficit by another $160 billion. do you hear me? medicare is not paying out $400.
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they are paying out $35. by the way, they are still making a profit. in some cases 300%. because we do not have to pay exorbitant prices we are also lowering housing cost of the supply. a record 1.7 million housing units are under construction. we know we need more, and i sent congress an ambitious plan to do more. i appreciate your help to get passed. we are partners in this work. there is one other piece of unfinished business i want to talk about. the border. my first day in office as president, the first but i sent, i set up a conference a plan to fix immigration, and i think you all have at your table if i'm not mistaken, because i do not want to go into all of the table, the fact sheet on a bipartisan border deal.
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it lays out all of the things that it does, that compromise. we introduced a comprehensive plan to fix the system and included funding for high-tech border security, legal pathways for dreamers, addressing the causes of why so many people are fleeting because southern border to avoid violence, corruption, natural disasters. congress has had a long, proud history on bipartisan immigration reform. these reforms made america a nation of laws, a nation of immigrants in the strongest economy in the world, but something changed. over time our laws. resources have not kept up with our immigration system, and it is broken, and our politics has failed to fix it. that is why months ago i instructed my team to begin a series of negotiations with a bipartisan group of senators,
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democrats led by a conservative republican who did a helluva job to fix our immigration system. i provided each of you with the fact sheet of the details of that bipartisan deal. the bipartisan agreement represented the most repair -- fair and humane reforms in a long time. it also includes the toughest set of reform to secure the border in history. the border patrol chief himself said we need more people. we need more agents on the line. our bipartisan bill got the border patrol agent's they need and funds the hiring of 100,000 more agents and officers, 100 more immigration judges, or hundred or 500 asylum officers. now they do not see an asylum officer. they get a bracelet and they get put in the country and they say
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come back in seven years when we are able to hear your case. it provides more detection machines to prevent fentanyl from getting across the border. funds for many of you governors to help shelter migrants. then, as we all know petty politics intervened. at the speaker of the house refused to vote -- vote on the bill even though there is significant support. talk to your republican colleagues. there are votes on the floor to pass that bill. all of the sudden people started to go silent, but they are in a tough spot. tell that to the border patrol that we cannot get this done. they support this bipartisan bill. tell that to the national chamber of commerce who supports that bill. tell that to the wall street journal, the editorial pages supports this.
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there were governors in this room and supported. strong minorities opposer, but a significant majority of the house and senate supported. doing nothing is not an option. compromise is part of the process. i didn't get everything i wanted and that deal. we didn't deal with dreamers and did not deal with a number of things i think we should do, but it is a positive step, a significant step. you know that. some of you deal with it every single day. you have real skin in the game, so if this matters to you and matters to your state, tell your members of congress who were standing in the way, show a little spine. past the bipartisan security bill not withstanding you may reap the wrath of one or more of your colleagues. it is the strongest border dealer country has ever seen and also includes the most fair and humane reforms for legal immigration in a long time. by the way, speak to your
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agricultural communities and asked them if they need temporary workers. why are we making the kinds of progress we're making economically when then the rest of the world is in a standstill? let's keep working to fix the entire system. i hope you will can help. let me close with this. i appreciate governor cox's effort to make the mission of the nga's and those of us who disagree to listen to one another, to treat one another with a sense of dignity and respect. that is what you guys and women do more than most. that is the essential part of america. that is how we get things done. that is how democracy works when it works. it needs to be able to have that kind of exchange, and when folks in your state look around and see more factories coming in, more shovels in the ground, more people going to work, or access to affordable internet, i hope they feel the pride in their
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hometowns making a comeback, the pride in america. folks, i know some people think i am a little too optimistic, but i am more optimistic about this nation's future than i've ever been. just remember who the hell we are. i mean this from the bottom of my heart. we are the united states of america for god sake. nothing is beyond our capacity. when we ever set a national goal where we have failed? when have we never come out of a crisis stronger than when we went into the crisis? nothing is beyond our capacity when we work together, so let's keep working together, because you were the best hope we have, the governors. god bless you all, and may god is our troops -- god bless our troops. thank you. [applause] announcer: "washington journal,"
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our live foreign and evolving you to discuss latest issues and government, politics, and public policy from washington d.c. and across the country. coming up saturday morning a tax foundation senior economist talks about tax policy and the 2024 tax filing season. gavin jackson previous south carolina's republican presidential primary, and a podcast host ryan evans discusses the two year anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine and the status of the war effort. "washington journal," join in the conversation lived at 7:30 eastern on c-span or on announcer: on saturday live coverage of the principal for some it focused on advancing center-right politics and
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featuring speakers critical of former president donald trump and his 2024 candidacy. speakers include michael steele and alberto gonzales. watch live at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile video app, or online at ♪ announcer: saturday watch c-span's campaign 20 24 coverage of the south carolina gop presidential primary unfiltered and uninterrupted beginning with the simulcast of south carolina educational television's coverage to hear from local analysts and reporters across the palmetto state. we will bring you primary results as they come in, candidate speeches, and we will get your reaction on social media and by taking your calls. watch live coverage of the gop south carolina presidential primary


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