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tv   Oversight Ranking Member Raskin D-MD on Hunter Biden Interview  CSPAN  February 28, 2024 2:24pm-2:36pm EST

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thank you for trying to stop this cannotage industry of influence peddling. the purpose of this investigation if you go back to the first press conference is to get the truth to the american people. they don't have the truth. when we started the laptop had this information and the bidens had legitimate businesses. and all of that we have proven is false. we have been very effective in getting the truth to the american people and my job as chairman of the oversight committee is to prevent influence peddling from happening in the future. this is to create legislation that stops it from happening. we need to stop the menendez and bidens to continue to enrich themselves in our public offices. thank you very much.
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. mr. raskin: good morning, everybody. the constitutional standard for impeachment is treason, bribery, and other hig crimes and misdemeanors. we ar still waiting for our republica friends to articulate what they think the high crime and misdemeanor is in this case. w have gotten extremely far afiel from the constitutional standard. nobody can state on their side what they think joe biden did even as a private citizen that would constitute some kind of criminal offense. their most recent star witness, alexander smirnoff, is now in
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jail, being held as a flight risk after being indicted by th special counsel who was named b donald trump. david weiss, for lying to the f.b.i. and leaving a false documentary record. this has been a comedy of errors from the beginning. all of the revelations that are in the legal pleadings filed by david weiss now give a very strong whiff of russian intelligence operation. so i think that our colleagues would do best at thi point to fold up the circus ten mr. raskin: everyocus on other witness that we have spoken to has confirmed this basic conclusion, that joe biden was not involved in hunter biden's business ventures. he did not profit of cameras.
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where are you on that now? go mr. raskin: the majority has
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he is now on the lam being the most recent recent to implode is alexander smirnov with the false allege that burisma had given illegal bribes to hunter biden and now that has been proven the speaks man of classic disinformation and
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propaganda who donald trump appointed as special attorney and special counsel in the hunter biden case. there is an entire special counsel just to deal with hunter biden and his tax charges and his gun charges. all of this is a complete side show. if somebody thinks there is a high crime or misdemeanor relating to joe biden, they should tell us what it is but we haven't heard anything. [indiscernible question] >> i'm not quite sure i follow the question. [indiscernible] mr. raskin: well, impeachment like criminal prosecutions
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follow criminal conduct. donald trump had a violent snarks -- insurrection and he was impeached by the house of representatives and there was 57-43 vote in the senate to convict him. he escaped conviction by 10 votes and beat the constitutional spread of 2/3 but commanding bicameral majorities he engaged in insurrection. he didn't accept to this day and does not accept the fact that joe biden beat him by more than 7 million votes and so this impeachment investigation is a continuation of donald trump's refusal to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election. i think everybody can understand
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for what it is. 60 federal and state court decisions rejecting every claim of electoral fraud and corruption that were advanced by donald trump and yet still election denialism is at the heart of donald trump's political program and also at the heart of this attack on president biden today. so it's a shameful spectacle, i think. [indiscernible question] mr. raskin: i haven't seen any documents on that, but this is a convicted felon and in prison who they went to see. another star witness in the lineup of the alleged felons and fugitives who make up the lineup
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for the republicans. that's right. i don't know. i haven't seen any document based upon that. i'm happy to look at it. nobody can tell us what is the high crime or misdemeanor. we told them, sir, that donald trump incited a violent insurrection and mobilized the public evidence and all kinds of evidence that came out later in the bipartisan january 6 committee that documented exactly what donald trump had done. what did joe biden do? nobody can tell us. >> joe biden -- [indiscernible] do you think that's appropriate that vice president biden was a business partner? mr. raskin: the standard for impeachment is not what i think
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is appropriate or not appropriate. the standard for impeachment is high crimes and misdemeanors. felony offenses, major public offenses against the public good. you are talking about a time that joe biden was a private citizen and hunter biden was a private citizen and republican colleagues are the last ones to do anything about lobbying and the culture of political influence in washington. let's have serious hearings about that. i urged chairman comer about rampant violations about the he mol youments clause during the trump administration. we had documents that 8 million donald trump collected while in office including from china, from saudi arabia and other
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foreign governments. that raises a profound problem. hunter biden has never been in office and during the whole time focused on this investigation joe biden wasn't in office. he finished his term as vice president and had not announced plans to run for president. it is a wild goose chase related to the actions of private citizen. all right. thank you very much. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024],. captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit sec. adeyemo: -- >> book tv every sunday on c-span 2 features leading offers discussing their books. journalist looks at research done by government agencies and the scientific community into potential for ali life book "u.f.o." on "after words" a love story
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