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tv   Russian President Vladimir Putin Delivers State of the Nation Address  CSPAN  March 1, 2024 5:40pm-6:07pm EST

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house speaker mike johnson has has announced he's releasing an additional 5,000 hours of video footage of the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol. scott haung from nbc news said it will continue be reviewed so it does. speaker johnson said he would blur some of the faces of those who participated in the attack. however, the congressional reporter dupree posted part of the statement which showed a change. which reads upon further consultation with my committee, the committee will no longer plan to blur the faces of individuals in the footage given the logistic hurdles involved and the importance of getting this workible. >> c-span is your unfiltered we're funded by these television companies and more, including sparklight. >> the greatest town on earth is a place you call it's our home,
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too. right now we're all facing our greatest challenge. that's why sparklight is working around the clock to keep you we're doing smart so it's easier to do supports c-span along with these other providers, giving you a front row seat to democra rumors about nato sending military troops to ukraine saying the consequence for these potential invaders will be much more tragic and must understand sooner or later we also have weapons that can hit on their territory. he made these national state of the nation address in moscow and criticized the united states and the west and nato saying they continue to lie without embarrassment saying russia allegedly intends to attack europe. this is about 25 minutes.
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>> president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. president putin: thank you. please.
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senators, the address to the federal assembly, first of all, is an attempt to look into the future. today we are not going to speak about our short-term plans, only the strategic objectives as well and the matters we believe are important for the confident long-term development of the country. and this kind of problem, this kind of concrete measures has been developed during my trips to the regions, my conversations with the workers, engineers of the civilian and military factories, with the doctors and teachers and scientists and with volunteers and entrepreneurs, and families with our front line heroes, we volunteer officers of the russian armed forces. we understand that one has to prepare for such events. but feel we hear about real
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problems of the people. suggested by the citizens, the restorations and hopes are the core of the initiatives of the projects we are going to discuss today. i hope the republic discussion will be continued in the future, too, because to implement everything that we have in mind will only be possible if we work together. we have already proven that we are able to carry out even the most difficult task to face the most difficult challenges. for example, we fended off the aggression of the international terrorism. we supported our brothers and sisters to be with russia. this year we're celebrating the 10th anniversary of the legendary russian spring. but today russian heroes of the people from crimea and danbas,
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they are the model they preserve is a matter of pride for us. all this serves as inspiration we can overcome anything. together we can do anything. and by standing together we did not just fend off the global pandemic but also shown in our society we have such values and mutual support, solidarity, mercy. and today when we are fighting for sovereignty and safety, protecting the lives of our people in danbas, the decisive role is played by our citizens. by loyalty to our moreland.
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and these qualities were shown in the very beginning of the special military operation when it was supported by the vast majority of the russian population despite all the tragedies that people saw with the country's choice and they are trying to do as much as they can for the benefit of the country. in the factories they are working as much as the front line needs. the entire economy, industrial work, technological has shown flexibility and perseverance. i would like to thank entrepreneurs, workers, farmers for their responsible hard work in the interest of russia. millions of people reunited by the campaign, we stand together and everything for the victory. over two years russian businesses sent billions of
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rubles to the volunteer organizations and foundations that support our soldiers and families. people are sending letters to the front line, warm clothes, camouflage netting. they're donating their modest savings to the front line and it's valuable assistance and everyone's contribution to our common victory. our heroes at the frontlines, in the trenches where it's the hardest, they know that the entire country stands with them. i would like to mention the foundation, the defenders of the moreland, the soldiers of the moreland and other civic organizations. i'd like to instruct all the bodies of the government to do everything to support the
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families of our soldiers and their parents, wives, children, that worry about their loved ones and want to see them back home. i'm grateful to the parliamentary for generating the political interest and we will continue to develop democracy institutions and we will not allow anyone to interfere with our domestic, national affairs. the so-called west with the colonial habits and to solve national conflicts across the world, they not want to hinder our development. instead of russia, they want independent dining out where they can do anything and basically be with one and to do with russia and many other regions of the world, including
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in ukraine, they would like to saw this cord and in our country make us weaker but they miscalculated which is already absolutely obvious and they are confronted by the firm position of our people, our soldiers and officers, muslims and christians, buddhists and followers of judaism. in practice, they have shown that the unity of russia is a colossal force that can overcome anything. by standing together, all of us, shoulder to shoulder, we fight for one moreland, all of -- mother land. all of us are citizens of russia and will stand together to ensure our freedoms. we will define our own path and
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we will preserve and cherish the connection between the generation and resolve the tasks that our country is facing based on the values and traditions that we are going to pass on to our children. strengthening of our sovereignty is an important task that everyone should take care of, and at the front line it's even more so where our soldiers fight heroically, i'd like to thank everyone fighting for the interests of the motherland and those going through wartime hardships, risking their lives on a daily basis. all the people, the entire population is bowing down to your exploits. russia will always remember its fallen heroes. i would like to declare a minute of silence.
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president putin: thank you. our armed forces have gained huge medal combat experience. all the units are now working great together and now we have seasoned veteran officers who take care of their soldiers, who know how to reach the objectives, how to use the new types of equipment and how to carry out the objectives given to them and it goes to all the levels from a platoon to the highest levels of leadership. yes, we understand there are still problems but at the same
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time we understand what has to be done, and we go on resolving these issues, both at home and at the frontlines. we aim to make our army stronger, make it more efficient, more technologically capable. we have multiplied the capabilities of our armed forces. our armed forces now have the initiative. they're on the offensive in a number of directions, liberating new territories. we aren't the ones that started the war in danbas. but as i said on many occasions we'll do everything to eradicate naziism and resolve all the tasks to reach all the objectives of the special military operation, to defend the sovereignty and safety of our people. our strategic nuclear forces are ready to implement their capabilities, what we have
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planned in the defense area, what i talked about in my address in 2019. we have done everything or we are about to finalize it. hypersonic missile complex has not been introduced to the armed forces already but it is being used to hit the target with strategic objectives during the special military operation. the hypersonic missile crisis has also been used. five years ago we have not even heard about this conflict but now we already used this weapon. we have intercontinental long range missiles in our armed forces. we are finalizing the testing of the missile complex poseiden. this system has proven to be highly efficient. they prove to be unique.
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and it's not an exaggeration to say that. they were delivered to the troops and soon we are going to demonstrate them. we continue to work on a number of other advanced weaponry and we will learn soon about the new accomplishments of our military engineers and scientists. i would like to emphasize the following, colleagues, i would like everyone to understand me in the right way. we are dealing with a state where they are openly hostile to us, and do we want to discuss strategic stability with us in ernest at the same time they want to deal russia as they say strategic defeat on the
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battlefield? i can give you one example of such hypocrisy. recently we hear more often accusations against russia that we plan to deploy nuclear weapons in space, and this kind of fake news is just a trick to drag us into negotiations on their conditions that would be beneficial only to the united states. at the same time, they're blocking our initiatives that they have on their table for 15 years, i mean the draft project to stop the deployment of weapons into outer space that we have drafted back in 2008. and we received no reaction. i don't really understand what they are talking about, so we have every reason to believe the words of today's american authorities about their interests to discuss strategic stability is nothing more than empty words before the
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presidential election in the united states, they want to show their citizens and everyone else that they are still the ones who rule the world and where it is beneficial for america to negotiate, they'll speak to russians. and where it's not beneficial to them, they do not want to discuss anything. as they say to themselves, it's business as usual. so we'll try to deal a defeat. but our position is clear, if you want to talk responsibly about the important issues of the stability and security for the entire planet, it must be done in conflict, including all those aspects that concern our national interests and have direct impact on the security of our country, on the security of russia. we understand that the west wants to drag us to a arms race
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and repeat the trick they successfully used in the associate union. i would like to remind new 1981, 1988, the military expenses of the soviet union were 13% of the g.d.p. so our goal is to develop our military, technical conflicts to develop our scientific and industrial potential. we need to be rational when we are distributing resources and we need to build an efficient economy of the armed forces. we would like to make every ruble spent as efficient as possible. we need to develop infrastructure and other facilities and we need to reach new level of the technological capacities of the armed forces. i'm speaking about the organization of the supplies of the unmanned vehicles to the
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armed forces, air defense and electric -- electronic warfare and other types of equipment. we need to strengthen our areas in the west which is a strategic area and neutralize the threats caused by the threats of the nato words when they drag sweden and finland into their alliance. the west continues to lie through their teeth without any shame. they say russia plans to attack europe and we all understand that it makes absolutely no sense. and at the same time they themselves are choosing targets to strike in our territory and they're trying to choose the most efficient ways to deal with damage. they are now speaking about sending to ukraine nato
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contingents but we all remember what happened to those who send their contingents to the territory of our country. but now the consequences for this potential invaders will be much more tragic. they should understand sooner or later that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. and they're scaring the whole world and really threatens the conflict using nuclear weapons and that means destruction of civilization. don't they realize that?
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and these are people who didn't go through other deals and know -- ordeals and know what war is and even we came through such ordeals on fighting international terrorism that's in focus and now with the conflict in ukraine the same is happening. they think it's in cartoons or animated movies, but what can we say? the phobia like any other ideology of national supremacy or exclusivity, it blinds. it makes one insane. the actions of the u.s. and their it basically dismantled the security system. we need to work in the foreseeable future to shape a new circuit of fair security in eurasia and we are ready for
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negotiations with all countries and blocs. and let me emphasize once again, i think it's important today for everyone, without a sovereign, strong russia, no firm world order is possible. we aspire to unite the efforts of the world majority in responding to global challenges including the transformation of world economy and world markets when many previous monopolies are crumbling as are stereotypes related to them. in 2028, brics country, considering the countries only recently joined the bloc, will account for 37% of the world's g.d.p., while the g-7 will dip below 28%. these figures are very
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convincing because just a dozen years ago the situation was quite the opposite. these are the trends, the tblebl trends that there's no getting away from. they are objective. the share of the world g.d.p. and pair i have to the g-7 in 1992 was 45.7% and brics even without its expansion in 1992, it wasn't there as an organization back then but brics countries were responsible for 16.5%. now in 2022, the g-7 is 30.3% and brics is 31.5%. by 2028, the situation is going to change even more drastically toward brics.
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36.6%. and for the g-7, the forecast of 2028 is 27.8%. there's no getting away from that. it's objective reality. whatever may happen, even in ukraine, this is how things are going to be. together with our friendly states we will continue to create an efficient and safe transfer corridor infrastructure. we'll build a new global financial architecture free of political agendas, especially given the fact that the west has discredited their own currencies. and financial systems. we and our partners interact on the principles of equal right, equality and fairness, including the s.e.o., brics and other unions involving russia. these unions are taking in more and more new member states. we see great future in building great eurasian partnership and
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blending integration processes within the eurasian economic union and the one belt, one road initiative. russia is growing positively, the russia africa summit became a real breakthrough with africa's voice getting louder and louder. we sincerely support their aspiration for true sovereignty. russia has long had great relationships with arabic country a great civilization in the middle east that's developing dynamically. we think it's important to find new points of contact with our arab i think counterparts. we're going to do the same on the latin american track and asking the government to increase financing for international programs pr moting the russian language and our multinational culture. especially on the territory of the former c.i.s. and the world
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in general. >> today, watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail. a weekly roundup of c-span's campaign coverage providing a one-stop-shop to discover what the candidates across the country are saying to voters along with firsthand accounts from political reporters, updated poll number, fun raising data and campaign ads. watch c -- watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail, today, 7:00 eastern on c-span, online at, or download as a podcast on the free c-span now mobile app or wherever you get your podcasts. >> a business minnesota h pd guilty to conspiring to bribe u.s. senator bob menendez with a mercedes-benz in exchange for favors. according to government reporter ck cohen.
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jose uribe admitted in court to brinthe democrat and his wife. he's the fir charged along with mr. menendez to admit his role in the case. mr. uribe is said to be helping prosecutors. senator neez and his wife are said to be to haved millions in cash, 3 gold bars and the mercedes-benz as bribes. >> sunday, on c-span's q&a. "new york times" white house correspondent katie rogers shares her book "american woman" and the modern evolution of first ladies of the united states and the impact and cricks by first ladies of both parties, going back to hillary clinton. >> melania trump really highlighted for americans the fact you don't have to do anything with this role if you don't want to. there have been first ladies
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throughout history who did very little compared to hillary clinton orel nor roosevelt who is always the other sort of standard bearer. but the fact that melania trump was doing this in our times, as they are, is -- is -- is almost radical. >> katie rogers with her book "american woman," sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's "q&a." listen to "q&a" and all our podcasts on the free c-span now app. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we're funded by these television companies and more including cox. koolen-de v rirvetion es syndrome is ex-troomly rare. >> hi. >> but good friends don't have to be. >> this is joe. >> when you're connected, you're not alone. >> cox supports c-span as public service along with


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