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tv   Pres. Biden on Crime Public Safety  CSPAN  March 2, 2024 9:37pm-9:54pm EST

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swisher shares burn book, a tech love story. +%watch book tv every sunday on an2 anfind a schedule on your program guide or watch online anytime to c-span has your unfiltered view of government. >> friends don't have to be. giving you a front row seat to
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democracy. >> at the white house, president biden spoke about crime and his administration's effort to improve public safety. this is just under 15 minutes. sh>> good afternoon everyone.
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i want to thank president biden for the tremendous hon of being here today and inviting me once again to the white house it's my pleasure to be able to talk to you about the crime reductions in detroit. collaboration is our strength. it's the biggest reasons forury. the support of our mayor with his leadership and negotiations that gave officers a $10,000 deployed bringing partners to the table to reopen our courts. many of us saw courts close down as a result of covid. cases were backlogged. it was through his leadership
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an our partnership that we were able to get our courts back open and work collaboratively to get cases prosecuted. our u.s. attorneydous partner t. our one detroit initiative has focused on reducing crime in the most violent neighborhoods in detroit while providing resources to better quality of life for our most vulnerable residents. deputy mayor who leads our city innovative community violence initiative which is our cbi, the program is called shoti stoppers which is supported by american rescue plan dollars. we look forward to seeing the impact it will have to further reduce crime. partnerships with our local, state, federal prosecutors, our state police and certainly atf and fbi.
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our american rescue plan funds have been a game changer for detroit. it has helped us reach historic lows and crime. have an 18% reduction in homicides. our lowest since 1966 last year. i 34% reduction in carjackings. our american rescue funds have helped us retrain officers to develop our training centers to bring state-of-the-art training to our officers and build bridges in our community b■my looking at best practices around the country and deploying them in detroit. her investments in crime-fighting tools allowing officers to respond these prog. quality of life issues. blight■é and abandoned vehicles.
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we have used our american rescue funds to purchase speed signs. we are seeing an uptick in our community with dragracing and drifting. new job opportunities, we have hired a number of different new jobs that allow us to use civilian professionals, analysts, directors that were otherwise being filled by police officers. we are able to put those officers on the street and use civilian professionals to fulfill those rules. something near and dear to my heart is our mental health response. covid brought a tremendous uptick in mental health cris.ite officer trained on the street with an actual mental health
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professional to aid and assistance in responding to those runs. we have a mental health affectional our 911 dispatch center who is able to give immediate services to folks when they call in and they are in crisis. of detroit is looking at approximately 38 runs per day so we are on track to hit that number again. our mental health response unit works collaboratively with her mental health training center and handling those runs. 2024, we are building on that success, but we are not declaring victory against crime. we still have way too much violent crime in our community. we are going to continue to work collaboratively with our partners to fuhewe are going tok
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in our communities. every through the detroit police academy will work a community service program whether it is aiding -- we are going to continue to expand our mental hethwe are all grateful for the support of our partners at the white house. thank you on behalf of every member of the city oft. we work to reduce crime and improve public safety and we are going to continue. now, joeenpresident biden: thanr
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the introduction. s put on that shield, walk out the door and your families worry about receiving that phone call. thank you for your service and your sacrifice and that of your families. and thksrcement and community leaders who have helped bring down violent crime rates in their cities set to historic lows. we what's going to happen now. you just heard from the chief and they salute these cities are makinglast year the united statd one of the lowest rates of all vient crimes in more than 50 years. murder, rape, aggravated assault , burglary.
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and it matters. as president, public safety and crime reduction is a top priority for my administration and for me and has been for a long time back when i was chairman of the judiciary committee. since day one, my administration have been working with law enforcement, mayors and community leaders to do what we know works to keep people in communities safe. states and cities saw violent crime rising and their budgets were strained as they faced deep cuts on law enforcement and public safety. we stepped up thanks to my american rescue plan which not a single person on the other team voted for. we provided $350 billion. available to deal with these issues. the factourselves and could uses
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money to keep law enforcement on the beach. communities safe from violence. unities safer and we had billions more in grants to help. because the american rescue plan , we have the largest federal investment in fighting crime and preventing violent crime than any time in our history and that's a big deal. we know being in law enforcement is harder than ever. and we expect you to be everything to everybody. that's why we have invested in risis responders who work alongside police officers. more investment in recruiting, retaining and training officers. more investment to get guns off the street. on top of that, we are hiring more u.s. attorneys, recruiting
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more u.s. marshals and investing more in technology and training to clearourt backlog, solve murders. we are also working hard to ensure violence of officers andl serve. calls for more officers in the street trained in community policing. walking the beat, working hand-in-hand with community leaders and partners to gain public trust and advance public safety. chiefs in this room know that when their communities trust the police, we can solve more crimes a hell of a lot faster. that's why this executive order to advance executive and accountable community policing. it's very effective so far. i'm going to continue to call on congress to pass the george floyd injustice and policing act so we can make justice reform the law of theanwe also introduo
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prevent crime in the first place. these programseople in the neighborhood. people who have an incarcerated unreleased. people who have been through it. people whotalking about. and we have a track record of reducing violent crime by 30% to 60% where those programs exist. finally, my program because after the scourge of gun violence in america. i hav more executive actions to stop the flow of illegal guns and we beat the nra when i signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years. we are going to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines next time around because it haso i formed the fie house office of gun violence prevention and i thank vice president harris for overseeing
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this important effort. our plan is working. we still have much more to do as everyone in this table knows and that's why we are here today. my administration is going to choose progress over politics and communities are safer as a result. there is no greater responsibility than to e the safety of families and our nation. correct thank you. i would like to invite president to exit before we start our discussi. [overlapping chatter]
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is the other standardbearer. the fact that melania trump was doing this in our times as they are is almost radical. >> katie rogers with her book, american woman. sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's q&a. you can listen to q&a and all of our podcasts on our free c-span now radio app. >> a healthy democracy doesn't justook like this. it looks like this. where americans can see democracy at work. get informed straight from the source on c-span. unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. from then's erever you are. because the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like. ■pc-span, powered by


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