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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trumps Remarks at Mar-a- Lago  CSPAN  March 4, 2024 4:15pm-4:36pm EST

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announcer: for c-span's voice is 2024, we are asking voters across the country, whatu in this election and why? >> the most important issue >> deficits. >> i think homelessness is an issue we should address. announcer: we invite you to share your voice by going to our website, select the rord your record an issue telling us why. be a part of the conversation. ♪ announcer: t ruled this morningn favor of donald trump in a case challenging his eligibility to be on the ballot in 2024. the court overturned a colorado court ruling that said former president trump was ineligible to run for office again because of his actions leading up to the january 6 attack on the u.s.
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capitol. in the unanimous decision, the court said the colorado supreme assumed that states can determine whether a presidential candidate is ineligible under a provision of the constitution's 14th amendment. can read the ruling our website, shortly after e supreme court's cisionthe former presidt weighed in on thcourt's rulin and criticized the justice department. during hisemarks at the mar-a-go resort, he called on president biden to close the southern border. >> thank you very much. i want to start by thanking the supreme court for its unanimous decision today. it was a very important decision. very well-crafted. and i think it will go a long way toward bringing our country needs. and they worked long, they
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worked hard, and frankly they worked very quickly on something that will be years from now and 200 years from now. extremely important. lly you cannot take somebody out of a race because the opponent would like to have it that way. and it has nothing to do with the fact that it is a leading candidate, whether it was a leading candidate or a candidate on the totem pole, you cannot take somebody out of the race. the voters can take a person out of the race very quickly. but a court should not be doing that and the supreme court's saw that very well. and i do believe that will be a unified factor -- unifying factor. because while most states were thrilled to have me, and they didn't want that for political reasons, because of poll numbers, because the poll numbers are very good. we are beating president biden inlmost every bull.
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the new york times came out yesterday with a very big poll. they didn't like that, and you can't do that. you can't do what they tried to do. hopefully colorado as an example will unify. there is tremendous support. people in colorado thought that was a terrible thing that theyidwhile we are on the subje, another thing that will be coming up very soon will be immunity for a president. not immunity for me. but for any president. if a president dsn't have full immunity, you don't really have a president, because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to, make in many cases, what could be the right decision, it could be in some cases the wrong decision, t they have to make decisions, and they have to make them free of all terror that c be rained upon them when they leave office or even before they leave office.
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some decisions are very tough. i can tell you that as a president, some decisions to make are very tough. i took out isis and i took out some very big people from the stannt of the world -- two of the leading terrorists. probably the two leading terrorists ever that we have ever seen in this world. and those are big decisions. prosecuted for it. another president wouldn't■s ted for it. it has a tremendously positive impact. it stopped everything cold. sometimes you have to make tough decisions. decisions like that. when you make a decision, you don't want to have your opponent's party, your opponent, or somebody you are wrong bring a criminal suit against you or any kind of suit, when you leave office. i have that right now at a level nobody has ever seen before. i have real prosecutors and real are
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out of control. it's a very unfair thing forbut serving perhaps as a sample to others of what should not be happening. when you make a decisions, in my case, the economy was eat, we didn't go into new wars, we totally defeated isis, we provided the largest tax cuts history, we provided the largest regulation cuts in history -- but think of it, no wars. we beat isis, 100% of the caliphate. we did a job that was great. but maybe i wouldn't vethe calis very tolerable. it didn't take me for years. it took four months. but it was a very strong victim that i gave. i said, get him. defeat him, end it. ting for 20 years against isis and we did it really quickly. i don't want to be prosecuted.
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in that case it worked out pretty well. there might be some things that perhaps don't work out very well but i don't to be prosecuted because i decided to do something that is you very much for the good of the country and actually for president shoue that on his mind and he has to have a free and clear mind when he makes a very big decisions. or it's going to be nothing more than aost. he will be president, it'll be a wonderful thing, and you won't do anything by your opponent or hit by somebody else, because who wants to leave office and go through what i've gone through? i'm being prosecuted by biden. my opponent. things, fan willis -- fani willis, they are in total communication with the white house. it shouldn't be done. in the occasion of the d.a.'s put one of the top
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people, the second person, in the manhattan da' they had a hillary clinton lawyer lead the law from. very prestigious, big law firm, go into the da's office toump. pomerantz, it's the pomerantzhee democratic party and hillary clinton, goes into prosecute trump at the local levels in department of justice, meaning biden, then you have fani willi s, and she hired somebody new, the person long before this horrible prosecution took place, and she went out and she paid an unbelievable amount of money, more money than he ever dreamt possible, much more money than other people that do that for a living, he never did
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it at all, he had no experience at all. they had obviously a conflict. we that. but they were able to get a lot of money because it was a very high-profile person, me. so they were able to pay him close to a million dollars when he was not equipped to do the job and she is not equipped to do the job and that case should have ended immediately. nobody's evereen■ anything like it. then you have mr. jack who is a trump aide are, and represents all the trump haters, and he is going, wow, overturned unanimously by the supreme court. is a great failure. he's mean, he's nasty, he is unfair. ■q we have maybe one or two that i think can be fair. but look at new york, what's happened. these pe ht do this to a president.
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i'm not talking about now, i'm talking in the future. free, a president has to be -- if the president does a good job, i did, some people would say a great job, but if the president does a good job, a president should be clear, and frankly, celebrated for having done a good job, not indicted four times and not gone after on a simple basis, and -- civil basis, and not amended to pay hundreds of millionsf dollars in fines on something that was absolutely perfect, where there were no victims and the financial statements were absolutely flawless. nobody has ever had a thing like this. i wasn't given a clubhouse judge just come up with this number -- judge just come up with this number. look, the language says, don't rely on the financial statements in any way, shape or
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form, go out into your own work. the thinkinguestion had the sopn the world. one of the top law firms anywhere in the country. and they can defend themselves, guys like bragg and letitia james and fani and mr. jack smith, what they should be doing is filing fighting crime, and that would lead me to the end, i will say that president biden, number one, stopped -- stop weapon is a, fight the fight yourself. -- stop weaponization. fight the fight yourself. stop trying this to win an election. our country is much bigger than that. another thing i say to president biden, close the borders now. this is not sustainable for our country. it's not sustainable for our cities. our country is under siege.
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this is a violent thing that you've done. many people are dying. many people are dying. they die in the trip up, going through the border, and they die in our country. but many of the people coming jm mental institutions an insane asylums, many are terrorists, you see it, many are ti believee have right now is probably closer to 15 million people. and by the time the term ends, the president's, i will believe you will be close to 20 million people. that is almost larger than any state in the union. our country, it is unsustainable. many of the people are bad. they come from some of the roughest countries in the world
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and some of the roughest presents. we have people coming from the congo, africa, from all parts of the middle east, from yemen. you have to stop. you have to close the border. you have absolute authorization. you don't need congress. i had tt country and i did not use congress. i built hundreds of miles of war. it an invasion of our country and i took the money from the military and the army corps of engineers did it with me and we did a great job. and we had the safest border we have ever had and now we have the most unsafe border anywhere in the world andô able to like n any country anywhere in the world. they would've fought with sticks and stones to stop the horrible situation that's occurring. are people can' in really can't --
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our people can't stand it and the people coming in really can't stand it. they are dying in the country. many are criminals doing tremendous harm. i call it migrant crime. it is a new categorycrime. they are hurting our country horribly. and we have become a laug say, respectfully, to president biden, you have the authorization right now -- i did it -- i didn't go to congress and say, do i have the right to close? i fought congress on it. close the borders. you can do it right now. you have everything. use my polics. my policies were great. everybody said it. use my policies. so, just to finish, i have great respect for the supreme court. and i want to for working so quy and so diligently and so brilliantly. and again, this is a unifying factor.
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they can go after me, as a politician, they can go with gloves, but they are not going to go afte me that kind of lawsuit that takes somebody out of the race, who is leading, but even if the person was not leading. thank you for being here. do we have any questions? reporter: phone numbers are massive going into super tuesday. -- po numbers are massive going into super tuesday. [indiscernible] people are feeding things against you. do you have independent voters? [indiscernible]>> interesting q, historically, a thing like i've been going through would have heard a political party or political candidate terrifically. you wouldn't even run. you wouldn'be run. you'd get out. this has happened over many years. many times.
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in this case, the show i am much more popular than i was before weaponization. is been weaponized like it's ever been -- it's been weaponized like it's ever been. for third world countries. this is not for us. people might say, that was very reasonable. the state, the city, and the federal, they are all coordinated. fani willis' lover spent hours and hours at the white house, with white house counsel or doj. nobody talks about that. they are all coordinated with the white house. it's weaponization. never been done in this country. in third world countries, but never in this country. i really believe what they should do is really go all stop all this nonsense. they are nonsense cases and everyone sees it.
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it is such an embarrassment to georgia. but jack s it's any better. letitia james is terrible. she campaigned on i will get trump. then goes before a trump hating judge. the whole thing is a rigged deal and the public understand luck'o the public. if we weren'tin it, they would believe what they see. i want to win based on my policies are better, we will cut taxes, get interest rates down, you will be able to get home. the interest rates are so -- i want to stop wars. i want to stop the war in ukraine with russia. i want to stop what's happening in israel. israel would have never been attacked if i were president. ukraine would president.
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. you wouldn't have had inflation. inflation was caused by high energy prices. i would have kept them low easily. it probably may be caused to war with ukraine because putin became rich all of a sudden. i watched preside biden talking about putin. putin became very rich because at $100 a barrel,money. at $40 a barrel, he doesn't have as much money to fight a war. i just want to thank all of you for being here. america. hi think it's a great day for liberty. i think it's a great day for this country. i hope it's unifying like i think. it's a big step towards unification. ithey will work on some other cases, but presidents have to be given total immunity. they have to be allowed to do their job. they are not allowed to do their
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job. it's not what the founders wanted but perhaps even more importantly, it will be terrible for the country. thank you very much. [crosstalk] >> in another court case related to former president donald trump, allen weisselberg, the former chief financial officer of trump's company, pleaded guilty to perjury in connection with he gave in the civil fraud case. mr. weisselberg pleaded guilty to two counts of perjury and will be sentenced to five months in jail. this is related to . he's accused of lying under oath that mr. trump lied about his wealth on financial statements given to banks and insurance companies. the plea agreement comes weeks before the former president will stand trial on unrelated
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criminal charges stemming from a hush money payment made on mr. trump's behalf to an adult film star during the 2016 presidential campaign. address, c-span encourages you to engage and express your opinions. we wan to know which issue is most important to you as the president's state of the union address approaches. >> i'm from new jersey and one of the most important issues for me i would like to hear prident bideto is the crisis@e and h i doing without. also the larger mental health crisis going on in this nation and what he will do to address those. >> i am a postdoc fellow at johns hopkins university. i research intellectual history and social theory. i think the most important issue i would love to see the president discuss at the state of the union is the danger that
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artificial intelligence poses to our vi particularly the way in which it might undermine our ability to have a fully employed economy and might threaten our culture. >> i'm from st. louis, missouri and i would likù the preside4nt to take care and close the border because we are getting too many, illegals in here. it is getting overwhelming and a lot of crime. >> i'm aisha from new jersey. the thing i would like to see the president addresses anything related to gaza and palestine. that's very important right now and i see people who are ignorant and choosing to think about it one way. >> watch the state of the union address thursday at 8:00 p.m.ea, or online at


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