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tv   Lawmakers React to State of the Union Address  CSPAN  March 8, 2024 2:52pm-3:55pm EST

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so now, it is our turn, our moment to stand up and prove ourselves worthy of protecting the american dream.waken the heroic spirit of a great nation. because america, we don't just have a rendezvous with destiny we take destiny's hand and lead it. our future starts around kitchen tables just like this, with moms and dads just like you. and you are why i believe with every fiber of my being that despite the current state of our union, our best days are still ahead. may god bless you and may god continue to bless these united states of america.
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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] >> c-span was on capitol hill to get reaction from lawmakers following the president's speech. here's what members from both political parties had to say as they were leaving the house chamber. on c-span here in cspan2 we are getting reaction from lawmakers >> we're getting reaction from lawmakers who were in the room for the president's speech. congressman andy ogles republican. what did you say to him w >> you know, i simply said, you know, laken riley, i pointed to my pin. he didn't have much to say to disappointed in his speech. a lot of blaming republicans. republicans. let's face the fact he owes the family of lakin a an apology for his border crisis pick what you said the name lakin riley what did you think of that exchange? >> again he could not get her name right. i am disappointed in the president, his i expected a lackluster speech. for joe biden had little bit of
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energy but is not enough. >> in terms of energy will be expecting to coming in? >> again as we huddled before we expect a lot of blame game not a lot of accepting the reality the fact russia invaded ukraine because of his failed policies. china looking to advance towards taiwan because of his policies own it and corrected for. >> thank you for the time this morning. quick senate richard blumenthal's next democrat from connecticut going to join us here on c-span2. what did you think of the president speech tonight question or. >> i thought it was dynamite, a lot of energy, humor but also toughness. very strategic in his choice of issues that really matter to people in their everyday lives. >> what did he need to do tonight coming into this? what's he needed to do exactly what he did which is to be authentic. that was joe biden angry at
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injustice sad about the heartbreak in israel. tough on ukraine and a fully devoted to working americans and the middle class. he is a part of the american middle class that built our great country. >> using a lot of the state of the units what you think about the back-and-forth with the crowd including republicans multiple times throughout the speech? >> president biden made the hecklers look very small. he made the opposition look timid and weak. i think he dared them to recognize the truth which is that we need a strong foreign policy against the greatest threat to democracy our own included in our lifetime. >> senator richard blumenthal democrat of connecticut. appreciate the time, thank you. joining us and next on cspan2,
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democrat of chairman of the congressional black caucus. stand right there what did you think of the speech tonight sir? look to his focus on the american people. our possibilities. but we can do to move our country forward and not backward. i was pleased the president focused on housing and ways we can help build wealth in this country, close the racial wealth gap help people build equity through homeoer a lowering costs and for rent the focus on healthcare as well as the focus on keeping our communities safe from gun violence from crime from anti- asian hate as well as anti-semitism. >> mentioning john lewis and civil rights what did you think of that moment of the speech? >> today's the 59th commemoration ability sunday. this is the actual day. so for the president to center the moment of that march the
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late congressman john lewis and all of the foot soldiers including those who were in the gallery it was truly an emotional moment. he also called on this congress to take action to pass the jon rlewis voting rights advancement act as well as the freedom to vote act to protect and defend our democracy at a time when it is under assaults because there's a lot of energy coming into this a questions about the presidents agent he addressed those in that speech? >> absolutely. he took it on he said when he came here he was criticized for being too young and i was now is criticized for being too old. but what is worse are those who are offering old ideas. i think that really resonates with the american people it is less about his he has been able to do for the american people job creation lowering costs creating safer communities j addressing border security. all the issues that matter to
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the american people he touched on tonight to go congressional black caucus chairman democrat of nevada thank you for your time sir. congressman brad schneiders next joining us this supposed estate of the unit on cspan2 with your guess that you brought who did you bring? >> abby is the niece ansari and introduce yourself question. >> abby poland from illinois. my nephew was subjected by a terrorist group taken into gaza on october 7. >> where is he now do you know? >> we have no information. >> what is lazy and heard? >> divert absolutely nothing. >> of what did you think of the present on that issue? >> he spoke about the need to bring the hostages home. 153 days these hostages have been held captive underground note notice to the families no
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idea of how they are doing note medicines or people are sick or wounded. we note from a video of october 7 lost his arm below the elbow. we need to have these hostages home today the president made a veryitvery clear is doing everything he can israelis work with cutter, egypt, hamas has to release the hostages. stop attac israel the desire to limit the state of israel the president said peace could be available tomorrow if hamas wanted peace because you nt present by doing everything he can? >> we believe the nonsense government is doing what they can we are appreciative to congressman s for the time thank you for joining us. next on cspan2 senator raphael warnock democrat good afternoon or evening i should say it has been a long day on capitol hill. what are your thoughts leaving the speech? >> listen i am a preacher i know a servant when i hear one and i heard one i think the president showed up really strong.
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hehe work we have been doing over the last three and half years. more importantly he laid out a way forward into the future. that is we are as americans we are eight forward facing people. i think he gave us all some hope. >> he told the story to that story or resignation with americans tonight? >> i think so. a sweetsweet talk to people back in georgia they are not interested in the politicians problems. they're winning wedding is thinking about them. to cut the cost of prescription drugs my own bill i am hopeful we move forward on my bipartisan bill as we cap the cost of in some for everybody. quick cheap talk about a bipartisan bill there's a lot of partisanship in the chamber tonight we do what did you think
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president and republicans in the chamber, more than usual? >> is a little bit spirited. but here is the thing. we need a return to dignity. and sometimes the debate in our country can be a bit caustic. but what is most concerning to me as those who are waving war against our democracy. dark money squeezing the people's voices out of their own democracy. but to have the rambunctious debates that we had but at the end of the day the fort most powerful words in the democracy are the people have spoken. run several times over the last few years we've seen the ways in which these voter suppression cut early voting. i think it is important the most important work we can do is to make sure we secure the democracy itself. pass the voting rights
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advancement act by. >> editor democrat from georg sir. joining us next on cspan2 democrat of new york. wearing the cease-fire pencil and start there. i wish he you would've called for a permanent that's exactly what we needed. need to free the hostages for sure we need humanitarian aid to come in right away. it is the situation is children starving to death. it is unbearable. i was happy he was critical of the israeli govnment. i think rightly so he should have been. but we need to stop what is happening now that is great speed that's going to bring in a lot of aid as well this seems to happen as quickly because we have children
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dropping dead. having said that the president was very strong on his domestic victories from the chips act to his visit for education his vision for health care, affordable housing the contrast with the former president trump is very strong on the domestic front. >> what did you think of his references to the former president? >> he thought it was good. go right after them. the former president is a lot of talk not much action as i people in the working poor and really uplifting the values of our country by investi marginalizemarginalized people and marginalized communities. president biden reminded me of how successful we were the first two years we passed the american rescue act the same first community act. the inflation democrats control the house the senate and the white house we've got big legislation done. like how they can continue to draw the contrast through remind
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the american people the success we had for. >> appreciate your time. let you introduce your gas for. >> he is a present of the pennsylvania farm bureau chairmanfarm bureauchairman of the house agricultural committee. seems like a good guess that you have agriculture is our number one industry not just in pennsylvania but across the country. pennsylvania farm bureau think about tonight's speech? >> speech? >> it was amazing to see my first state state of the union address. taking it all in's pretty awesome what you think of tonight speech? >> it was obviously an outstanding campaign speech. that was very clear. a lot of division, sort of subtle wheat need eight uniter in chief not a divider in chief. someone has is got to be doing the math on all of the platitudes in
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campaign promises i would not be shocked if that would push the debt north of $50 trillion. i do think the president passed the test in terms of the question we all had is he able to demonstrate energy? for that hour in five minutes he spoke i thought he did a good job of that. that means this november will come down to not so much a discussion of age or energy but rightfully so policies and outcomes. >> what did you think about the chair behind the president speaker johnson and the role he had to play in the chair tonight? lexi thought he played it well. quite frankly if i got to be the dictator i would ask everyone to stand up out of respect when the state of the union started. sit and listen attentively and stand up at the end to show your appreciation the president came and deliver the state of the unit that speaker johnson how he conducted himself he did it with grace.
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i mean i was very happy with how he conducted himself there. >> republican of pennsylvania always appreciate your time with c-span for. >> appreciate c-span thank you so much. >> thank you sir. >> congresswoman lot of pins tonight i will let you start put out a start of the topic that you want to talk about. >> this is my guest for the state of the union. tonight she came with me both she and i have been through my 24-year-old twins were born through the miracle of an in vitro fertilization. stacy also went through many cycles. both of us are lack of mutation carries a much higher likelihood of cancer i am a breast cancer survivor stacy did not have breast cancer. and our children when they want to have children may need ivf if they are carriers of the
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mutation. be able to end the generational cycle of cancer. republicans want to eliminate ivf and end that possibility and that possibility for families like ours. >> what did you speak of speaker johnson statements about ivf the other day? >> which one? [laughter] >> do you think there's going to be ivf legislation on the house floor at some point? what's all i know there is an opportunity for republicans in the senate to pass it tammy duckworth legislation actions speak louder's put a bill on the floor that absolutely unequivocably make sure ivf is protected as an option for all families. that is what they need to do that is not what they're talking about doing, one or 25 republicans are cosponsors of the bill that declares life begins at conception that ends the possibility of ivf are families like mine and stacy's. >> did you feel this topic was
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pushed high enough in the president's agenda tonight at of the topics he covered? what's was really impressed with president biden he address this topic at the very beginning of his speech and he made it very clear he supports ivf being available for couples who needed to have children. especially in the cases late congressman and me we carry a mutation that causes breast and ovarian cancer in our children hat mutation when they get married the only option for them to remove that generational risk of passing on a mutation that causes cancerous or ivf. all we want to have his healthy children. if people look at it that we think the president looks at way it's very easy for us to pass a bill that would keep it available for families. >> we talked before about u.s. israel relations. your thoughts on that part of the president's speech how he is handling his relatiohip with
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israel the war in gaza? >> i thought the president's speech was incredible tonight. he was robust clear it resolute whether it was building the economy for that middle out and not the top down. making sure people understood when he's up opportunities for everyone we need to preserve and protect our democracy preserve and protect reproductive freedom and people's rights. but, when it came to israel i have been and continue to be so proud he stood strongly by israel he has made it clear hamas threat needs to be eradicated and no country should have to live with the threat like hamas on its border the hostages need to be brought home and he made it clear it is hamas that started this and continues it. he mentioned the need for important as well we need to make sure we keep the focus on bringing the hostages home. >> congresswoman always appreciate that's our time nice you.
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>> congressman kevin republican of california joins us. your thoughts walking out of the state of the union address? >> my thoughts this guy's been a washington a long time i think like 50 years. >> how long have you been in washington? works of one year he's got a few years on me. the partisan rhetoric, the vitriol and there are some folks cheering him on he seemed to revel in it. it so far removed from what the american people are looking for what's on their minds right now with the folks at my district. the folks i represent are really concerned about the cost of living. i continues to be such a burden for so many families. they're extremely concerned about the situation of the border which is totally untenable as a threat to our national security. they are concerned about rising crime in our communities. we really did not hear much of anything from the president on those topics and how is going to
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address the real concern that folks across the country are seeing. i frankly did not care for the extreme partisanship and the scapegoating i would like to see a more action oriented set of any time he is willing to take a different approach to advance good economic policies to support our work force. i am ready to join him but unfortunately he did not turn the page on that tonight. >> congressman republican of california tor the time. >> you bet. >> congressman bob got his next house freedom caucus at jet republican of virginia walking out of that speech. congressman, your takeaways from tonight's address? >> the president was angry kind of screaming at half the country pretty offer very little in the way of hope or vision. he certainly did not take responsibility for the harm he is because of the last three years. america is a much worse off by any standard of the measurement then when they were he was sworn in office.
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>> house freedom caucus has a lot of influence on the republican conference. it's speaker johnson's job safe at this point? >> the speaker serves 218 members. i can't speak the 234 members of th chambers i should say. the best hope for the republican conference and for speaker johnson is to do what the
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american people elected us to do and they gave us the half ago. i will submit we are not doing that. we certainly didn't do that with the spending bill that we passed yesterday that democrats voted for, 207 to 2. can you imagine that nancy pelosi would have ever passed a major spending bill that republicans voted for 207 to 2 and the democrats were split on that but that's what we did yesterday. >> i want to get your exchange of riley and saying her name and the president holding that pen what was that part -- >> illustrated that we have angry elder gentleman with a poor memory because he called her lincoln riley. i think he thinks they were talk about the football coach. he said lincoln riley. a lot of time it was confusing hard to understand what he was saying mumbling. he certainly got through it, a lot of anger not much vision to
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the congress. >> always appreciate your time with c-span. >> congressman emanuel clever is next on c-span2 democrat from missouri. congressman, what did you think of the speec >> somebody is slipping into the president's food. he came out smoking. i think he did exactly what many americans wanted to man who is repeatedly called too old was on fire, there was nothing in his language that would suggest that he's anything but able. >> what did you think about him talking about january 6th and what happened here at the ca that chamber and -- and that coming so early if the president's address tonight? >> i think he wanted to make sure that tuned in who in some cases are -- have never watched a nonrepublican style tv station he wanted them
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to hear how people turned off people what tha start listening and as the speech goes on they'll move further and further away and i think he wanted to capture as many americans as possible with the truth of what is happening. i was here so i know he was right. >> some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6th and you can't love your country only when you win? >> well, i think losin not a happy moment but in a democracy when the -- the election day rolls around we are going to have a winner and a loser and historically for 243 years we've had presidents, members of congress members of the senate to lose and they lose gracefully. they call their opponent and congratulations. and so he was giving, i think a lesson in civics and civility and i'm not sure that, you know, the people in the chamber were
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listening but had a chance to hear the truth perhaps or some of them the first time. >> congressman emanuel cleaver thank you very much for c-span. house foreign affairs joins us democrat of new york. a lot of foreign policy in that speech from ukraine to israel, what did you think of how the president handled those issues? >> i thought he was fantastic. i think it was significant and important that he started with ukraine because the urgency of us passing the senate's bipartisan bill because every day that goes by it hurts moving forward for ukraine fighting for their own existence and it is important to understand that putin will not stop there if we allow him to win there and so ihat that message hopefully gives the urgency to the american people, to urge
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speaker johnson to put the bill on the floor so that we can keep ukraine the aid that it needs. >> what did you think about the president quoting ronald reagan to republicans in the chamber mr. gorbachev tear down that wall and encouraging them to continue in that >> it shows it's not the republican party anymore. it's the trump party. what he was pointing out what republicans did particularly against the soviet union and against when you say a russia, we see this moving forward that president reagan's view end it and to fight for democracy. and that's what was taking place at that regards and this brand of maga republicans is supporting basically mr. putin and russia by not coming to defense and aid of ukraine. i thought he was sending the message. the same message that i've seen from a lot of republican who is are now retiring or leaving
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congress or those that are left, this is not the republican party, it is basically the donald trump party because we saw how donald trump has crateled and said thing in positive nature about putin and in fact, when he was the president he called him, in fact he accepted the intelligence of russia than he did of the intelligence of the united states of america. >> i wanted to get the foreign affairs member's opinion of israel, war in gaza. >> i thought it was important significant. first, we are here right now because of what took place in october the seventh. wecreated horrific crimes, most death of israelis in one day since the holocaust rape of women, the horrendous torture and taking of hostages, that's the reason why we are here today and israel does have the right
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to defend itself and to go after those criminals and terrorists that is hamas but also that there is a responsibility on behalf of israel to make sure that we don't continue the starvation and the death of innocent women and children and men who have nothing to do what took place and we have to get humanitarian aid in there and we've got to make sure that -- that israel is helping to move ink this is what he's fighting for to a lot of folks. he doesn't want to go back to october 6th. he wants a better middle east where palestinians and israelis can live side by side and the only way that you can do that is have a two-state solution and we've got to fight and work collectively to make that happen and i thought that was a very
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important point. not the status quo not what only is but what could be and should be in the future. >> congressman gregory meeks congressman of new york, thanks for your time. >> thanks very having me. >> congressman glen ivy democrat of maryland. sir, there was a lot of questions coming in tonight about the president's energy levels questions about the president's age. >> yeah. >> did he address those questions tonight? >> yeah, i think so. i thought he was very energetic. the energy in the room was great. you know, i think he responded well to the republican silliness, you know, the shouts and the yells and all of the name calling. >> the shouts and the yells and the name calling is that going to be a staple of state of the union addresses from here on out? are you seeing more on that than we've seen in the past? >> that seems to be the republican playbook at this
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point. i hate to say that. it started when they yelled out e of one of obama's state of the union speeches and continues to grow and the tenure of all republicans there's a lot of folks in the chamber that i can talk with but there are some that are just out of control, you know, they didn't learn certain lessons in kindergarten apparently and can't control themselves even in a situation like this where literally the world is watching and seeing how we are going to manage ourselves. >> tweeted out during the speech, this sounds like you'd hear more at a democratic national convention than a state of the union. was it the right speech for the state of the union? >> i think he did a lot of good things as far as layings things that h and some people would
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remember the way and i thought he did a good job of laying where he wants to go and help people in the future especially people that don't feel they have benefited. some people buy their first house cutting junk fees, capping prescription drug costs things that regular people want to hear about and are going to hit them in the pocketbook. >> democrat of maryland, thank you so much for your time, appreciate it. >> all right. >> congressman elvy, republican of texas your thoughts on tonight's speech? >> the president of the united states had an opportunity to give an optimistic and united speech because it's the the union. instead what he gave was the state of television. it was divisiveness. you'll notice that most republicans didn't get up to clap and i as opposed to last year he gave a speech that was far more inclusive and far more optimistic than this and i understand it's an
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election year but sounded much more like a campaign speech appealing to -- to half of the country and spreading t to the wins. >> did you get up and applaud anything that he said tonight was there a moment that you agreed with him?greed with him on putin's aggressiveness and the evil of that man absolutely. that was about the only thing that i could think of and i am -- i am -- i feel very privilege to have been here tonight as elected representative it's an honor to be in there. i didn't hear anything from our want to clap other than that tonight. >> what do you think happens with ukraine funding here in congress? >> we will see. >> in terms of the president's energy levels tonight did you have questions coming into it, questions about his age? >> didn'te address those? >> he joked about them a little bit. that was a long speech. i don't care how young you are and how old you that would take it out of everybody. he started to slow down.
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it wasn't a unifying speech. that's what i wanted to hear from our president because the rest of the world is watching and i wanted a united states of america and not a divided one and he aimed to divide us tonight and that wasn't right. >> congressman jake elzey of texas, i did want to ask you about the border, the president's comments about the border the bill that was negotiated in the senate, what did you think he should have done? >> i think all of his comments on the border were disingenuous. the laws haven't changed. he hasn't enforced it and tried to gaslight the republicans that's just wrong. what i leader when you make a my take, this is what i learned in the military, fess up, ask for forgiveness. he gaslit us. he asked for it in the campaign, he got what he wanted
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say you're going to do better. we can do better. he gaslit us instead. >> one oen the moment where he held the lincoln riley button in exchange over saying her name. what did you think? >>ell, he mispronounced her name. it was -- it was -- that whole episode was unfortunate. i don't think that was decent. and i expect better from our president. >> congressman jake elzey republican of texas appreciate your time. >> thanks for having on c-span2 republican of virginia. walking out of that speech, what are you feeling? >> well, it was a disarming to hear such a shrill disjointed address that didn't address the issues that are concern to the american people but instead fell into the dc bubble dealing with
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gun control and abortion rights and, i mean, even talking about you know the civil rights act that were 50 years ago. really the issues that are important to the american people right now are the prices that are making housing housing unaffordable. >> you're talking about student loan forgiveness? >> continues to charge as much as they want because the federal government will help pay for as much as they need. and so students are squeezed, families are squeezed and the cycle never ends. >> did the president speak to anything that has to deal with your district, that beautifuldistrict the industry there or the outdoors there? >> very little to do with
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agriculture, farming challenges facing rural america very little for higher prices for families at the grocery store. you know, dealing with issues concerning education that's important but and we all want teachers to earn but the state of virginia is dealing with that because that's where the issue lies. it's not a federal issue. to raise taxes to spend more is just going to get us in that same inflationary cycle that we've been in for many -- for 3 years now. >> finally, your thoughts on the der portion of the president's address tonight? >> well, what joe biden wants to do with the senate bill would do is to cement in plabroken policies that joe biden has created over the past 3 years. what we need something alonghe house pass hr2, secure to border and for joe biden to say we need to come
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together well, the senate hasn't taken the bipartisan bill because they know it won't pass. we passed the bill in the house. >> congressman ben cline thank you for the time on c-span. appreciate it, sir. next on c-span2 a familiar face for c-span viewers congressman sheila jackson lee democrat of texas. you've seen a lot of these addresses over the years. i'm going to have you stand on the x. where does this rank in terms of the state of the uni addresses that you have seen? >> well, i am an antigun advocate in terms of -- but he came out with both handles going. he came out smoking. he came out strong, he came out thanked the american people, i'm ready for a second term, there's more work to be done. i was excited about being excited, about being in the room and i think he created that excitement for the american people. if you're on your coach at home,
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you jumped up and that was very important and one of the things that we want today have happen tell what we have done. we have created the 50 million jobs. we are the proponents and advocates for education we are helping roads change lead pipes, bridges when i say we, the president and democrats and i think he made that clear tonight. >> tell me what you tell me who you have brought to the state of the union address? >> i'm delighted. i believe teachers are the future of america and they teach and uphold public school system which really many leave their country because of the excellent, they believe in the excellent education system that is free. i have jackie anderson who is president of the houston federation of teachers, thousands of teachers who fighty day to teach our children and make their lives better. >> your thoughts on what the president had to say on education and teacher raises was the top that i can he talked about? >> i'm very excited. i'm very elated that the
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president recognized the importance of public education and he plans to do something to correct the atrocities going on in public schools today. >> congressman, it was super tuesday on tuesday tex the states with super tuesday race and you won your own primary. there was a tweet during the amy walter saying the speech sounded more like a speech for the democratic national convention than the state of the union. do you think the toneas more campaign speech than state of the union? >> we are in a campaign and the state of the union is a part of the campaign's message that i should be the next president of the united states. but i do believe tspeech gave facts. it gave a status of the economy it gave new proposals on taxes to ensure that the top 1% pay their fair share of taxes it
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proposals to ensure that there's money to preserve medicare, medicaid and social security, that there's money for education so i think the excitement, tone was to excite the american people. it was to penetrate the congress that was sitting there and go straight to those who are at home to say this is our president, he's got the strength and the capacity to be the next president of the united states. >> and then finally quickly your thoughts on his references to the former president many references tonight for the former president. >> he did not call the names and he called it from thef disrupting the governance of this nation. january 6th democracy calling legislators, we are at equal branch of government to get them to stop the work o border security and immigration reform. how unacceptable is that? he had the right to have it reference today someone who is creating a pathway of success and helping the american people
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but owning a pathway of disruption. it was right it was appropriate. again, he did not call his name but called the action that this person participated in. let's get going for the american people. let's do what is right and that is that we fix medicare, medicaid and social security, that we build on health care and expand, that we bring down prescription drugs and that we continue to bill with the inflation reduction act and the bipartisan bill and we build up america and create more opportunity. >> congresswoman sheila jackson lee, appreciate your time. >> my voice is raspy but my voice is strong. >> congressman john, republican ngressman, we will have you stand right here, your thoughts leaving the chamber tonight here in statuary hall? >> obviously we are going to have partisan differences with what the president says with us as republicans. what i'd hope he would have more
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outreach when we talk about border situation. house republicans passed hr2 which was a very strong border bill which would continue the work on building the fence. we just made a visit down there to tucson a few weeks agoor the fence federal is still laying there, the date of october 2020 is when it was dropped off and so that and some reforms. when we talk about the system being broken, it isn't so much broken as enforcement of the border is being cut so, you know, for us to continue to get blamed on, the democrats had the house, the white house and the senate for the first two years of his term. so it's really border enforcement that we need. >> w talking about blaming republicans they're blaming us, are you talking about the president referring to that bill that was negotiated in the senate --
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>> t that would let 5,000 people a day 1.8 illegal immigrants per year under that bill and it would codify that th is the 4,000 is the threshold. put that into law yes we are going to allow 4,000 per day before we think about acting, you know so peak is at 5,000 where they have to act. it's just absurd. >> finally, what did you think of the amount of interactiontween the president and republicans in the audience speaking some call them response? >> you know, it's not what the tradition had been years to have that much interaction. generally there used to be more politeness. i'm not part of the cat calling but he does want to mix it up a little bit you didn't like that, i don't know. >> somebody shouted lies and somebody was shouting say her name. >> i don't know how good or not good that is. >> are we going to see
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that in state of the unions do you think or unique for the president in this time? >> the sides are going totisanship is going to change. if you need to be treated well you need to treat the other side as well. i spoke to the president in the aisle and talked about forestry and the forestry to get moving in allowing timber and manag i showed him a gavel made by my constituents out of salvage logs people that lost lives and lost lands a million acres in one fire in my district. we talked about that and we had a good conversation, we are going to have a follow-up meeting. i'm here to try and get something done and i hope that he will listen to us on the rest of this year. >> republican of california, thank you for your time.
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>> joining us republican from virginia. virginia beach district, correct, armed services committee. i want to talk about the armed forces and specifically ukraine -- arming ukraine. the president making that a topic very high in his state of the union address tonight your thoughts on that? >> yeah i think one of the things the president did not do tonight wamen and women first and foremost. there was no -- no just appreciation no shout-outs to them. there was no recognition of them in the audience. so that was noted. we ask our military men and women, so it was noted that recognition of their service and their sacrifice tonight. >> viewers may not know virginia beach right next to norfolk virginia. >> they call the u.s. navy and all of the military and so much of the navy is in virginia's second district. special appreciation to those guys. as a military mom i worry about those guys.
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our president did not even recognize that tonight. it was a campaign speech, political rhetoric and we didn't get the actual state of the union and more importantly what's going on with our military the world is not safe, you mentioned ukraine. we need to be there for allies, we had weak leadership in the world stage for too long and we look at what is happening as a result of the weak leadership starting with afghanistan no recognition of that tonight and we see russia invading we see what is happening with hamas and israel and our military is asked every single day to do more and more. no recognition from the president. >> you're wearing a lot of pins tonight, explain what your pins are tonight? >> my special guest thisdent who was -- has epilepsy. the purple was for epilepsy. i'm a navy spouse, former f18 pilot. mom to future pilot who flight school, navy district, so
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that's in recognition of these guys. recognition of lincoln riley today who very little was spoke today and violent crimes committed byllegal immigrants due to joe biden's open border. he didn't talk about it. >> what did you think about the moment where he said lincoln riley's name? >> we are looking for answers to that. he can do things without border security. he can take executive action. we passed hr2 a long time ago. that was one of the first things we did as member of congress last year and there's been no action taken on that bill. he can do things. he's the one that stopped progress on that wall. he can get things started again and he refuses to acknowledge the crisis that it is. >> republican, virginia beach area. armed services committee thank you so much for your time.
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>> coming up next on c-span2 congresswoman kat republican of florida. thank you so much for joining us on c-span. give us your thoughts as yaw leave the chamber. >> tonight was not state of the union was a state of delusion in my opinion. there was yelling whispering, a little bit disorienting in the chamber just the sheer logistics of it all. rushed forced. overall seemed like they were trying too hard. this was more of a campaign speech than a state of the union that you would expect from a commander in chief. for me that was pretty disappointing because instead of getting unified speech that was focused on solutions it was about pointing the finger, placing blame and laying out a liberal progressive agenda at the expense of the working-class american that is have worked so hard for the last few years and seem to get nowhere and yet they are looking to congress and they
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hear the speech tonight. it's very disheartening. >> how many state of the unions have you seen? >> as a member this will be my third. but over the years of course, as an american tuning in, i wanted to see support for veterans. i wanted to see recognition of sacrifice of men and women in uniform see and i wanted to see as wife of first responder some -- some support for first responders for our law enforcement, firefighters, there was no mention of that and of course, there was one sentence dedicated to this fentanyl that is killing a hundred thousand americans but yet quickly deflected from the fact that it was democrats that have opted not to pass the halt fentanyl act. and so tonight we have people talking in the chambers that are walking, b failures of this seasonings and nothing was talked of solving it. of course, in my second
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term. so much to be done. even today in congress we had incredible bright spots bipartisanship where we are seeing where republicans and democrats can put our differences aside and come together to put america first. i know that despite the progressive speech that we heard tonight out of the president congress is willing and able to work together to get things done. >> younger generation in congress. is that voice being heard in congress and did this president speak to a speech? >> no you know, as a millennial, as someone who is one of the youngest members in congress today we are living with all of the consequences of his failed leadership. he talked about cutting the deficit but the fact remains at today is $532 billion. when the interest of our debt is
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outspacing expense. are at all-time high and so is spending. silly me, i'm just doing the on the back of the envelope and it's not adding. my generation is having to deal with the fallout and that's high inflation. i have friends who can't purchase their first h're looking at 8% interest rates. this is ridiculous. people on fixed incomes are feeling the squeeze. millennials are feeling the squeeze. this country is hungry for a leader that would put the country first. >> appreciate your time on c-span. >> victoria spark is our next guest, republican from indiana congresswoman, i'm going to we always do for the past couple of years talked about ukraine when you come on c-span. the president making that a topic very high in his of the union address tonight. did he hit the right note on it? >> well, listen, i wish the president would to as much action as he
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ukraine. the war can only be won with weapons and unfortunately the president has been slow-walking, he was very slow in approval and most of his package small percentage and a lot of -- we cannot win the war president obama with blankets. we are not going to win it with blankets. our sanctions have a lot of loopholes. serious sanction on oil. the war, democracies have advantages to fight this war with agility and speed. it should be as fast as you can and not as long as it takes. >> who does have the right plan, is it republicans in congress, is it former president trump? that can actually win the war for ukraine? >> well listen, if you look at
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actions, you know, president trump was the one who actually supplied lethal aid to ukraine. he put pressure on nato to increase, you know, their weapons to 2%. he put pressure, germany not to be stupid, dependent on russia. he forced china out of resources in ukraine. he did a lot of things that they were right to do that. unfortunately this war has been neglected by president obama and, you know, it's been really in a difficult situation but now we really have to -- all of the west get together and figure out what to do. i think the only country recently that is more decisive is uk and i hate to tell you i just went recently and i said they are not taking i serious. it's a bigger problem for them than for us and i think we have to do better and i think
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republicans will have to step up and help to put pressure on this president but i think at this point we just need to have ukraine to survive and will probably take somebody like president trump to be able to win the war. >> victoria spartz, republican of indiana. always appreciate your time. congressman dina titus democrat of nevada. congresswoman, thanks so much. your thoughts leaving the chamber tonight? >> i feel really good about the speech. a lot was riding on it. everybody was parsing every word. he started strong and he ended stronger. you can tell it came from the heart. >> your district in the nevada area in henderson as area. what is your district's most important issue right now and did the president address that tonight? >> well, he did you know, we ardest-hit district in the country. we had 35% unemployment because of hospitality nobody was traveling during covid. when he said we turned to
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setbacks into a comeback that really describes lags vegas because now we are the fastest recovering part of the country and we want to make sure that the recovery touches all people and it lasts. >> you talked about he began and ended the speech. what are your thoughts on his exchanges with the audience tonight, sort of becoming a new thing in state of the union addresses, a lot more intera crowds? >> it's true. at some point it sounded like a rally when we were going usa or four more years but you can blican party to shout-out or do inappropriate behavior that's been happening a good bit but he took it in stride and he kind of said something back to them and let them know he wasn't going to take any of their -- >> do you think that's something that is unique to this president in this time or do you think that is something that we are going see in state of the union addresses from here on out? >> i think you will continue to see. you can't unring the bill. once you start doing thinge road, there will be others who will pick up the mantle.
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>> anything else in the speech that you want today touch on? >> i was glad that he b talked about he would build on them and one important many my district is climate change, we are the hottest the sunnies and driest and we need investment in >> thank you very much for your time in c-span. pablo menriquez. artist tonight painting the chamber the statuary halls these are paintings, he was up in the upper balcony painting the scene here. this is something that is a side project of years? >> yeah, so i paint on the side. i oil paint i report by day. can i oil paint the state of the union by statuary hall and they are like, yeah, that sounds really cool. if anybody had asked permission to oil paint live here in the
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building in the last c an interesting question you get the sense when you're up there this was the old house chamber i'm sure there were people before photography that did this very thing that i was doing tonight so i was happy to do it, connect with the agents, everybody found it really novel they. the old medium going down in the state of the art kind of like event that we do nowadays over here. >> w do you do your reporting by day? >> vanity fair and new republic. i cover sort of daily news in daily republic. >> how did you get to oil painting in the side? >> i packaged the box oil painting kit. it was acrylic painting kit and over time i was having a look at the capitol and thinking man and a lot of egos so i started painting here. my first -- the first paintings mitch mcconnell 2 and 3 in his
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office. but never before have i don't a live painting here. i don't think i've ever seen anybody do a live painting. a little bit of history. >> why two and which one do you like better? >> i started out with this one for practice because i'm not a live painter. i'm somebody that paints from a photo. i evaluate what had i did right and did wrong. and then i added -- i did this one as my second one. speaker johnson's team came by while i was up there but i don't know if you can see right there the crucifix, it wasn't a from over there but i added the crucifix. they want today put it in the office once it's ready and i'm going to go up there and color correct it but you know, i'm pretty happy with the first try at this. i'm going to come back and dont bid th th to on c-span.
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