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tv   Campaign 2024 Republican National Committee Elects New Leadership  CSPAN  March 8, 2024 9:02pm-10:07pm EST

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row seat to democracy. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] annocer:lican national committee today selected new leaders handpicked by former president donald trump. the new york times writes this is a move expected to tighten the nominee's hold on the party machinery i had of the general election. the committee unanimously elected michael watley as its share. laura trump was elected as coach or. we will hear from the next the rnc spring meeting in houston. first outgoing chair rhonda mcdaniel urging fellow republicans to unite, vote early, and improve messaging on abortion. >> there are no new members of the national committee ratified. it is my pleasure to welcome one german and congratulate him on his election.
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welcome as a new member. [applause] i also want to congratulate the many new national committeethrod territories. today, american samoa is the 25th state to cast votes in the republican process, thank you for your hard work to send our candidate donald j. trump to the white house and with that, join me in thanking president trump for his work for our party andfr the overwhelming success he has achieved earning the support of over 90%f and did the knowledget only our presumptive nominee, but will be the next president of the united states. [cheers and applause] ■3
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good morning fellow republicans, how are you? are you proud to be republicans today?t thank you all so much for everything you all do for our party and state level, national
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lerces you >> good morning fellow republicans, how are you? are you proud to be republicans dar everything you all do for our party and state level, national level and hours and resources you put in to do everything you do because you know just as i do that this matters, this makes a difference. this is important. live in the most blessed country on the face of the earth, would you all agree? and we have this wonderful thing in this country s us the opportunity to get involved and make change, but the first part of that phrase is the most important part of that phrase. self-government. that is what we are about. that's why we show up and get involved because we care, because as a member of this sain ellis policy and peron ell matters andf policy is important, that means the peron ell are important and that means the elections are important and that means what we do here is
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important. state level, local level, national level, everything that we are making from campaign finance laws to election laws, you name it. it still matters and we dot right and we work together and makes a bigger difference. this is not a spectator sport.
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in south carolina we won in four districts we hadn't won before. deep blue territory. we got people engaged and showed them that it matters. we showed them what our party believes and we get that message across and we can win. what we have to states, red states, etc., nothing is permanent in politics. nothing is permanent. there are no permanent red states. there are no permanent blue states, cities, counties, all there is the next election. we're one election away in the reyou're one election away in a blue state and being able to celebrate.
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what do we think of the people standing next to us at work or at church and getting them■l. you don't win, you can't govern. you can't govern if you don't win. those who lost don't getvl a phx rates ought to be or whether or not c.r.t. should be in the schools or d.e.i. and run down the alphabet soup we deal with today. they don't get those phone calls. we have to win. losers don't make policy. i hate losing. "told you a year ago, i hate losing more than i hate watching the lifetime channel. i hate losing. our job is to win. would you agree with that? our job is to win. winning is about preparation. what are we doing to prepare ourselves to win? we have fundamentals we lk
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message, how we get our message across and how we help people understand our message is relevant to them, that it matters, the manpower and organization we have to put together will actually turn out the votes we need to win and raising the money to make the first two things possible. 'sthose are the fundamentals of our job. sometimes it's easy for us to get distracted with other things that don't have anything to do with those fundamentals. that's our job. to ruthlessly focus on those things. then we have to build a team to make that possible. that's why we're here today. politics is about building a winning team. sometimes you need new people on the team. you have to bring in new folks to get t done. so if as i assume, the chair election makes me ineligible to serve as co-chair, then i will resign my position as but i'll still be here. i'm not going anywhere. i'll still be here to work with each and every one of you in any way i can thelp you and to
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make sure that we win up and down this ballot and we keep the house d win the senate and win the white house by putting donald j. trump back in as president of the united states. can we get excited about that? thank you all so much, god bless you. drew. good morning and welcome to houston. i love this city and i hope you have all seen why we've chosen this city to host our 2028 republican national convention. it is a little bittersweet to be with you as i step down as chair after seven years of working with you all.
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to elect republicans up and down the ballot. 10 years on the committee. as you know i have a tendency to get emotional sometimes. i t i won't, so it's a big bet and i'm going to really work hard not to. but i need to start with my thank yous and i want to get i want to thank all of you, thanks to the entire committee, the r.n.c., the volunteers, all of you leaders in your state. thanks for all you've done and thank for you voting for me a record four times. i appreciate you more than you know. you're my family. we don't always agree but we agree on the vision for our country and know we're doing the right thing to protect the american people so thank you. i want to thank the many, many -- not many, many, the men who served as co-chair during my co-chair, bob from ohio and tommy hecks and drew mckissic, let's thank him again from south carolina. i want to thank the r.n.c.
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staff, and you'll see them around this room. a lot of them are here for the past seven years. these■5 are young, bright, individuals who come to d.c. and work in the field because they love our party and love our country and they get their start in ouruilding and they're phenomenal and we couldn't do it without them. please join me in thanking the r.n.c. staff. along with all of them, i want to thank the two men who served as my chief o chair, richard walters and mike freed, they're phenomenal and appreciate you so much. know the chairman's office, the schedulers and women who traveled with me and worked so hard. in the states with you,
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i couldn't do without them. they know our family. shannon fisher who is not here, emma connell, rogers and emil who just got engaged, emily. we could not have been succsf finance chairs who are also volunteers who give so much time and i've been blessed to have three amazing finance chairs in steve wynn and todd and thank you to all of you. i also want to thank president trump. for giving me this historic opportunity after his win in 2016 and tapping me to be only the second woman in history to lead the republican national committee. om is here today, ronna romney and my stepdad, bruce. hi, guys. thank you for everything.
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[applause] we've got a lot of family watching online and our kids aren't here but i really want to give a shoutout to abigail you saw them when they came in, they were 11 and 13 when i started this job and they're the cutest kids still but just were in awe of all of you. you were so wonderful and they spent part of their lives, they love you. abigail is on study abroad in london, today(yinternational w'r birthday, happy birthday, abigail, we love you. nash is in school and could care less what's going on here but thank you. and my husband patrick who is right back there. i get emotional. i'm back with you, though. patrick is amazing, when president trump and the team came to me to do this job seven years ago, i said no. and patrick turned to me and said, honey, we can do anything for two years. it's only seven years later.
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he's the most amazing man and husband. as women and moms who work and on the road and do these things, your kids, when they're at the baseball game you're missing, they don't care you're on air force i with the president and they notice their mom's not there but pat was always there. pat is an amazing person. i love you, honey. happy 25th anniversary. [applause] pat's going to be seeing a lot more of me now. as this chapter ends in my life, i've had so t on what we've accomplished in the last seven years and hope you'll indulge me as i go through some of the amazing achievements we've made as a committee. when i won this gavel seven you've all supported to grow this party. we need to be bringing more people into the party because we about some
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of the ways we did that. first, we grew in our communications to voters. we grew our email list from three million to 50 million subscribers. we finally launched an online small dollar fundraising■bth at blue. we were getting trounced by the democrats over and over again for 15 years and finally we did it. and on that platform we've raised $1.5 billion and brought in 2.5 million new donors into our party. in the last midterm, the r.n.c. had 2.9 million contributionsh e history of the r.n.c. we orchestrated the creation¿ of a texting house file and didn't even exist previously because technology changed and become our highest grossing net revenue channel. we launched the grow program to help strengthen our state party.
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many people don't know what that is, but you do. we customize how to help you be successful in your state and it's been a tremendous success. one of my favorite opportunitie■ as chair was to go to israel to open the embassy in jerusalem under the leadership of president trump. and it was another honor to bring on the republican jewish coalition as a partner in our debate last november, the first time in history either party has partnered with a jewish organization for a presidential debate. we got into the election integrity space for the first time in 40 years because w't, wt degree and we recruited poll watchers and workers and put attorneys on the ground to ensure fair elections. our communications team who is great, they run the whitefavorir account, x account and it's
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called r.n.c. research, joe biden hates it and can't stand it and they find the pictures of him on the beach in■ delaware and all the things he does and they have been holding him accountable and why he's one of the least popar presidents facing re-election in history. something i'm most proud of that all of you know is near and dear to my heart is investment and engaging minority voters and bringing them into our party. for too long our party have ignored and ceded these votes. and we stopped dropping in before the election and opened sustained invested community centers and minority communities and it's changed our party. in 2022, we we up 17 pnt with asian voters, 10 points with hispanic voters and four points with black vors communities, they vote with us and they are becoming
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the rnc plays such a vital role. for those of you who do not kn'e , the nuts and bolts and the infrastructure and the turn out the votes and we're the committee everyone depends on to turn out republicans across the country. in 2022, we won the popular vote by four million votes and would have won the electoral college had it been a presidential cycle because of this organization's turnout operation which yes, did include ballot harvesting in states like nevada and california. i like to say we build the road and all the cars drive on it. you need a good road and great and the road we make up, the infrastructure we put together activates volunteers who knock doors and make pne calls and get every single republican to
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cast their vote for our candidate. not the ones driving on thewe're road. the candidates and the campaign de every candidate in 2022 made it to their destination. i want to talk about this only because it's pivotal as we head into 202 u 2022 to win. first, we cannot put our head in the sand and ignore abortion and the dobbs decision. many of our candidates cho toa ignore this issue and not talk about it. and the r.n.c. was a leading alk about this issue head on. go figure. i'm a suburban mom and might have some opinions on this issue. i authored a memo in the summern on this issue when voters are faced with the decision between a republican that supports exceptions and reasonable limitations when a baby feels pain and a democrat who supports
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no exceptions, no limits, not even when a baby feels pain. too many candidates and specifically their consultants scoffed at this advice and ended up paying the price on election day. in 2022, candidates mattered. candidates always matter. but the candidates who won were able to articulate a message on abortion and also attract and win swing and independent voters. we'll have to replicate that if we're going to win in 2024. our winning candidates realize we can't win by just speaking to an echo chamber of republicans. each other. we have to go out and engage independent and swing voters and se them onur vision for this country. additionally over the last seven years, we have elected the most republican women to congress in history.
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and as only the second woman to ever chair the r.n.c. in our entire 168-year history, that's a we also in 2018 bucked the odds and picked up senate seats. in 2020 we picked up 15 house seats. in 2021, in a purple state joe biden just won we invested millions and elected glenn lumpkin. and my mousse proud moment was in 2022 when we won back the house and finally fired nancy pelosi. [applause] and we accomplished all this while going through a russia hoax investigation, two impeachments, a once in a lifetime global pandemic and a dobbs decision that flipped the script on a 2022 election. they say campaigns are like a marathon but i view 2024 more like a relay race.
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the work of everyone in our headquarters and in the field hand the baton off to a new chair with a lead. the state of our party is strong. over the last year, the r.n.c. has been building the road for trump. we've made our own division for the first time in history and today we are engaged in 78 lawsuits in 23 states. this is critical to protecting our elections and we spent a lot of money on it and think it's the right thing for the n.c. to be doing. i just did a podcast with josh helm, the head of our election integrity division where we wen. in arizona they put together a noncitizens to vote.election that is why we sued.
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finally, we launched the bank your vote initiative. you all heard me talk about this a lot. please indulge me when i talk we need voters to bank their vote and vote early. we cannot continue letting democrats run up the score in critical states and we just wait to vote on election day. fan, right. we all know michigan won the national championship this year. yes. go blue.■. you cannot win a football game if you only start scoring in the fourth quarter. we all know this. if republins suc i getting republicans to vote early and ballot harvests were legal, donald trump will win in november. it really is that simple. we launched a website for all 56 states and territories in 16 different languages to inform voters where to vote, how toou a absentee ballot, how do you
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track your ballot, where is the polling location. this website is critical. it is called we ca'ke every one of you and take candidates up and down the ballot supporting this and it's going to take our nominee working with the r.n.c. to educate the voter why they need to bank their vote early. we have also hired election integrity and political state directors in 15 battleground states, including importantnatee arizona, new york, and montana. our political team has invested in opening minority community centers in states like north new york and our teams in theand field have already contacted 3.5 million voters across the country. we just posted our best fundraising of theyc january when we raised 12 million and followed it up with february raising nearly 11 million. our january and february reporting will be the best two months of fundraising the r.n.c.
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has ever had when we did not occupy the white house. our january and february fundraising are going to be the best two months of fundraising the r.n.c. has ever had. when we didn't have the white house ever and we didn't have a nominee yet. so why do we feel good about the position we're in and we know joe biden is floundering in the polls and we know he'sl good where we are right now. i want to say we're not done. we have a lot of work to do. and this same day, this same even had a pandemic yet. that hadn't even happened. of he trajectory of that election. we know the democrats are going to have a ton of money. they're going to have a ton of money. they're going to bring everything into this. they're going to have their media allies on their social media platforms. i think the thing i worry about
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the most is something we can control.g2 which is our internal cohesion. we want to make sure that we're united as we head into this next election. seven years ago i talked a lot about unity. i talk about it all the time. you guys hear me. we cannot win if we're divided. we can only win through addition. we cannot win through subtraction which is why i diligently to expand our tent. we have issues in our party. people are more intent on attacking other republicans, whether it be financially or cliches or anything as they attack joe biden and the democrats. and that has to stop. we have to stop attacking other republicans. if we spend our time attacking each other, we guarantee the i'm going to share a story i've shared many times, many have heard it about my mom.
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i shared it at the reagan library last year, when she ran for senate in 1994, it was a tough race. it literally divided my family, literally. my grandfather, governor george romney endorsed my mom's opponent. think about that. i loved my grandpa, he lived next door to me d i stillod hert in that race. my uncle mitt and my dad came in and campaigned for my mom. mitt was running for senate in massachusetts and it was tough. the toughest thing i ever dealt with politically is have your family literally divided. and my mom ended up losing that race 52-48. and the day after i remember being home and it was hard, i was young and watched it happen to my mom and they called her and said please, please come to a unity breakfast, we have to win the senate seat but we need to you come in and bring your supporters and show that unity.
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i bet you can't guess what my advice was to her.. mom, please don't go. they were so awful to you, how can you support this guy, look what they've done to our family. and she went. she went to that unity breakfast. she faked that smile which we■ all have to do time to time in our lives. and she held the opponent's baby up in the air and said i pledge i will do everything i possibly can to help you win this senate race. i cannot imagine how hard that must have been for her. but she put our party and our country above her personal pain and republicans won that seat [applause]
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i share that story again becau'm not just talking about it, i've walked the walk and seen my family walk the walk. we have to unite. just as my mom did 30 years ago, i will do everything possible to re-elect president trump in november. and i ask that all of you out there who work so hard during this primary season or supported another candidate that you come in and join me in supporting our president as well, our future president as well. we need you. we need you. now i'm stepping aside today because i have long promised to put the nominee and their plans for the r.n.c. first, winning the white house back is too important for me to do otherwise. president trump deserves to have the team he wants in place at the r.n.c. when i made the decision to step aside there was no one else. i supported to be the next chair more than michael whatley. [applause]
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michael and i had a very closeth carolina and i ran to be my co-chair last year and appointed him as general counsel and he will be phenomenal on i know an issue president trump cares deeply about, election integrity. i'm rooting so hard for michael and laura's success and offer all the help and guidance i can to help ensure you do succeed in your role and thank you for stepping up.leave you all with e final request, and i don't think it is going to shock you. join me in putting our country first.y day. i hear people every day are hurting. they are struggling and can't afford groceries and can't■ñenc@ their street and seeing fentanyl come across our border and are joe biden is a disaster for the american people. not just him but all the democrats. so i'm going to ask you to join
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months and committing everything you have to make sure we keep the house, win the senate and we take back the white house and send president trump there. thank you so much, god bless you and god bless the united states of america. [applause] !d>> thank you. thank you, and with that i will now hand the gavel to our co-chair drew mckissic. thank you so much. [applause] >> thank if you would all please rise again and give our madam chairman a round of applause and
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thank you for her service as we accept her resignation. [applause]w that we've acceptede resignation, pursuant to rule 4-c of the r.n.c. rules, the chairman shall be filled by the republican national committee in the same manner a chairman was elected in the first place. r.n.c. elections are governed by rule 5-b which reads in part, all officers accept the vice chairman, shall be nominated from the floor and have at least republican national committee members in each of three states in order to have their names placed in the nomination. only one candidate provided necessary documentat the office of chairman. the candidate nominating and seconding speeches will be
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allotted with five minutes. parliamentarian kaye cruz will keep time and nominating speeches will be made from the podium and the second speeches■a will be made from the microphone on the floor. only the members recognized for nominating and seconding candidates will be allowed to speak. the following closed nominations and voice vote wit be conducted. after the election the elected officer will have an opportunity to address these are the procedures we followed in the past for officer elections and without objection, these are procedures we'll follow again today. hearing no objection we'll proceed to election. michael whatly is the only candidate for chairman who demonstrated the required support for the nomination. the chair recognizes jim dickie, committeeman for the purposes of nominating mr. whatley.
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>> what a wonderful day and what a t ■h service to our great country. it's a special pleasure for me this morning to rise to offer the nomination of michael whatley. we all know michael and know been to this committee and to the party and to the nation. he's a lifelong republican who has worked for decades to support republican candidates at ever and in our party. he served with distinction as chairman of the north carolina republican party, general counsel of the r.n.c. where he's done absolutely stellar work. and as our chairman, michael will bring a focus and a dedication to the r.n.c.
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and he will work relentlessly elect donald j. trump as our 47th president of the united states, flip the senate, expand our majority in the house of representatives, and help us in our individual states win elections up and down the ballot. mr. co-chairman, it is my honor to place the name of michael whatley in nomination. [applause] >> the chair recognizes casey crosby, the treasure from kentucky and the gentleman from rhode island for seconding the nomination. casey? >> for all who know michael he has three priorities tlead us to victory in november, that is get out the vote, protect the ballot, and raise the money. in north carolina, we all know
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michael has built one of the most successful election day operations in the country and this time last year we asked michael a lot of questions because we wanted to do what he did in north carolina and kentucky and as we all know, he returns every phone call. he was so helpful to us and in fact some of the work he helped us lay the groundwork for helped us get a decision in our court of appeals that set precedent for future elections in kentucky. it was invaluable to us to have him as a resource. as general counsel, michael has been a machine with fundraising and i'm confident as your trearer every dollar michael raises is going to go towards winning in november. it's my honor to enthusiastically second the nomination for our next chairman, michael whatley. thank you. [applause] thank you, casey. >> as a new member to the 168, everyone understands what a daunting task it can be to
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such a prestigious crowd and can be very challenging. i for one being in this position for less than a year so far, one of the very first people who approached me in oklahoma city last year was mike whatley and he didn't know who i was and quite frankly if he had he probably wouldn't have started the conversation. the reason i say that is because i like to ask questions. if i don't know, i'm asking somebody a question. he's never been without an answer or if he didn't have an answer, he's asked others. he's always gotten back to me and always been open. so there are a lot of new chaied every one of you to stand by new chairman whatley, ask the questions you need to help you along the way. one of the things he said he was going to stand up for is election integrity and i think we can all get around that. along with president trump, we'll do everything we can to make sure we actually stand up for election integrity. it's no doubt that the reason why michael whatley is doing that is he created one of the
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largest election integrity campaigns in north carolina. he's done an amazing job there. also, too, those of us who know, we know it's a very purple state and the amount of work he's actually put together there has been nothing short of remarkable. he's actually taken the state and flipped the north carolina supreme court. he's actually had a supermajority in the state and the senate. he also elected two republican senators and will deliver four new republicans to expand the majority of the house. he knows what it takes to win. he's not going to give up. he's going to continue to work as hard as he has and i, too, along with casey and many of you, stand and would love to put f the r.n.c. [applause] >> thanks, chairman powers. the name of michael whatley for chairman of the national committee has been moved and seconded.s are
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qualified in rule 5-b, nominations are now closed. we'll now move to a vote. the question is on the election of michael whatley as chair of the republican national committee. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. congratulations, mr. chairman. the gavel is yours. thank you. thank you. and please join me in thanking co-chairman mckissic for his service to our party as we accept his resignation.
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[applause] i want to open this morning with several notes of gratitude. first, i want to thank the members of the r.n.c. for entrusting me with this position at this critical time. i have been ovwh support and encouragement that i've received over the past couple weeks as i've talked to the members of the committee. knowing i have the opportunity to work with and for all of you is both humbling and exciting. i want to thank ronna mcdaniel for her great envision for the past seven years. from the moment i stepped on this committee from 2019, she's been a friend and mentor and i'm grateful for her leadership and service to the republican party and our candidates across the country.
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family, suzanne, michael, george, and mary kate. although they could not be withl calls, they've been amazingly supportive and i could not even contemplate this journey without having them beside me. finally, i'd like to thank president trump for his trust and support. there is no one who has been american people, and i'm grateful for the opportunity to work with him to win and help revitalize our great nation. [applause] e meet here in houston today, we are already in the midst of one of, if not the most important election cycles this country has ever seen. four years ago, russia was in check. china was in check. iran was in check.■d
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energy and housing prices were low. our southern border was secure. and the world was a much safer place. look where we are today. russia is in ukraine. israel. and china is licking its lips thinking about taiwan. inflation is out of control. housing and energy prices are through the roof. and 8.5 million illegal immigrants have come across our southern border. we don't know who they are. we don't know where they are. and we don't know what they're doing., peace through strength is much more than just a great campaign slogan from ronald reagan. it is a recognition the world is a much more dangerous place when america is weak.
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entire world cannot take four more years of joe biden and democratic control. [applause] in less than eight months, we are going to determine the fate of not only the united states but of the entire world. and this body, the r.n.c. is going to be the vanguard of a movement that will work tirelessly every single day toe. trump as the 47th president of the united states, flip the senate, expand our majority in the house of representatives. [applause] now, the next time the r.n.c. will be gathering will be at our national convention in milwaukee. i'm extremely excited to work■h wi o arrangements led by chairwoman
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ann hathaway and vice chair david bossie along with our milwaukee host committee chaired by reince priebus to host a world class event when will he best ofominate mr. the republican party to the entire world. we've all seen time and again that the race for the white house will come down to a small handful of states, as will control of the senate. and control of the house of representatives will come down to a small handful of districts. the races in those states andwoy the narrowest of margins. in order for republicans to win, we must focus tworima missions, getting out the vote and protecting the ballot. which means that the republican national committee will be focused like a laser on getting out the vote and protecting the ballot. [applause]
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my favorite statistic in all of politics, if you have a five-minute conversation with an undecided voter, that voter is 6% more likely to vote and vote for your candidate. every year more and more voters are voting early or by mail. we want to make sure we're talking to those voters before we have millions of low propensity voters who will vote for republicans if we can turn them out in order to win, we must identify, target, and communicate with those voters. to do th, efforts to register new republican voters. we'll build our data program to target the voters we need to be reaching out to. we will recruit and train tens of thousands of volunteers to knock on doors and make phone calls in order to have those critical five minute
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conversations and get those voters to the polls. every one in this room and every voter across the country knows that we must protect the sanctity of their vote. as your general counsel, i've worked with mcdaniels to build our integrity program from scratch. we've hired attorneys across the country and filed more than 75 lawsuits in 23 states and are working closely with state legislators and election regulators to ensure state laws, rules, and regulations will ensure fair, accurate, secure and transparent elections. we've also hiin election integrity electors in battleground states recruiting and training tens of thousands volunteers to serve as poll judges, workers and obss who will act as real time monitors whenever votes are being cast and counted. and we will do more.
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if our voters don't have confidence that our elections are safe and secure, nothing else matters. we will work relenessly every state to ensure that it is easy to vote and hard to cheat. over the next eight months the r.n.c. will work hand in glove for president trump's campaign to deliver on these core missions. if a dollar we have is not directed towards winning this november, that dollar will not be spent. if a proposal or a request comen winning in november, it will not be considered. from now until november 5, we work to do in order to deliver the votes to return donald trump to the white house, flip the nd expand the majority in the house of representatives. i know that this committee is ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work. [applause]
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i am so proud to have this opportunity er chair of your republican national committee. i am grateful for your trust and your support, and i'm truly excited for the opportunity to■■ work with each and every one of you to win big this november. thank you. [applause] >> now, pursuant to the requirements of rule number 5, an election for office of co-chairman is now in order. without jection,■. we will follow the same procedures for this election as we just used for the chairman's election. laura trump is the onlycandidato has demonstrated the required
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support for her nomination. the chair recognizes beth block, national committee woman from west virginia for the purpose of nominating ms. trump for the office of r.n.c. co-chair. >> thank you, chairman whatley. ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the republican national committee and special guests, in west virginia, country roads take us home. today the road has led us to houston where we begin the journey home to the white house, together and united. today i'm incredibly proud to nominate without hesitation an exceptionally kind, smart, and capable individual for the position of republican national
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committee co-chair, laura trump. bornn wilmington, north carolina, laura was raised by parents who instilled in her the importance of family and fostered a deep appreciation for the values held close by many americans, faith, freedom and optimism and being able to achieve the american dream. in 2014, laura married a young businessman, eric. and in 2017, she began her most important role, as a mother to son luke and daughter carolina. presently and for many years, republicans and conservatives have been in a battle for our nation. while many people would shy away from the fight, laura has consistently been at the forefront, exhibiting the needed fortitude, campaigning the conservative message so often ignored by democrat politics and the bias media, disconnected
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from the hard-working americans, laura trump keanly represents the spirit and the unwavering commitment that defines the america first conservative movement. as a devoted wife, loving mother, and proud american the core values of our party and she's not afraid to express them. her dedication to our good work is not just commendable, it is thco leadership already in action. in a world where qualifications are often measured but titles and years of experience, we're reminded of a powerful truth.■ god does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. laura trump is the embodiment of this truth. her journey is a testament to the fact that passion, integrity, and a deep-seated love for one's country can indeed pave the way for transformative leadershias we saw in president trump in 2016.
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i would not let anybody define the republican national committee as an embattled party. we are an empowered party. dedication to the principles of conservativism is our greatest strength. in the face of challenge, in the d together, unwavering in our commitment to the ideals that have made america great. in nominating laura trump for co-chair, i'm nominating a leader who is ready to stand at the forefront of this battle. fellow republicans, the time is now. let us stand together and be united in our purpose and steadfast in our resolve to support laura trump for republican national committee co-chair. together we will forge ahead, championing the america first agenda and securing a brighter, more prosperous future for our
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party and our country. great again. may god continue to bless our country, our leaders, our members, and president donald j. trump. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, beth. the chair will recognize glenn mccaul of south carolina and david bossie, from maryland for the purpose of seconding the >> thank you, mr. chairman and members of the committee, i am honored to nominate laura trump to be the next co-chthe rl committee. laura trump began her career as a television producer. she was a contributor on fox she right view." she's an excellent businesswoman and entrepreneur, using her talent on the campaign
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trail. her work for charities has raised millions of dollars for those whose voices can't be heard. she brings to this role her heart defines. thank you. [applause] >> i'm proud to second the nomination of a leader, a fighter, and a patriot, laura trump. to be the next cochairman of the republican national committee.-n the golden escalator in trump tower in 2015, she rolled up her sleeves and joined the fight, and that's when i first met her. from day one, she was on the campaign trail supporting the greatest president our country has ever had, donald trump. laura is passionate about
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winning both in politics and in. like her and her incredible husband eric's important work for st. ju' hospital, something i've been fortunate enough to see personally. president trump has called laura his most valuable asset. and now we get the o to have her many talents at the r.n.c. working for us. she has laid out her optimistic vision for this or■:ga raise money and make sure we spend it to get out the vote and
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