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  Campaign 2024 Donald Trump Campaigns in Rome GA  CSPAN  March 10, 2024 5:00am-7:01am EDT

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usa usa! please welcome the next president of the united states, president donald j. and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free
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and i won't forget the men who died gave that rate to be and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain'god bless the usa from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas sea from the trait down to houston -- from detroit down to houston and new york to l.a. there is pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say
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that i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm freeand i won't forget the men who died gave that right to be next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today there ai' doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ ♪
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>> usa! usa! trump: hello, georgia. i am thrilled to be back in rome. we did very well in rome. you hard-working american patriots are amazing. you built this country. this has been a tremendous week for ourement. we won vague on super tuesday -- they call it super tuesday for a reason. now we are just days away from clinching the republican nomination for president of the united states of america. i want to thank the millions of incredible supporters of his
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artwork -- whose hard work has led us to this incredible moment in history. this is a movement the likes of which this country has never seen before. no movement even close. are republican, independent, or disillusioned democrat, of which there are many, all you have to do is watch that horrible state of the union. the worst president in history making the worst state of the union speech in history. but if you already disillusioned democrat, of which there are many, today i extend an open invitation and i ask you to join us on the noble quest of saving our country. together we will turn the page forever on being miserable nightmare of the biden presidency. what a presidency.
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most incompetent president we have ever had. the worst president, the most incompetent, and the most corrupt. other than that i think he is doing actually quite a good job. and we will make america great again. two nights ago, we all heard crooked joe's angry, hate filled rant of a state of the union address. that is it bring us together? i'm going to bring it together. no, no. he is a threat to democracy, i will tell you. weaponize government weaponize the fbi, weaponize the doj. he a threat to democracy for other reasons also. number one, he is grossly incompetent.
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joe biden gave the most divisive partisan, radical extreme speech ever delivered in that chamber. not even close. rather than trying to bring our country together, he tried to cling to power by tearing our country apart. their whole thing is, go after trump. we have no policanything. everything we did turned out so badly, go after trump. are we ready for it? we are ready. [boos] crooked joe biden talked about ukraine before he talked about america. he talked about the size of a snickers bar. is probably true, they probably throw less in. i would probably do the same if i owned the company. the hell cares? that is not the probleyou don't talk about snickers, you talk about inflation big
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league inflation, not that kind of stuff. yo no longer energy independent. we are going to be energy dominant. talk about the whole country as -- i think he took 41 minutes before he got to the border and then he covered it almost not at all. the border is i think the greatest threat to the history of our country. it took him 41 minutes and then he announced a plan to send our brave u.s. military men and women into gaza to resupply the terrorists of hamas. you know what's going to happen, he wants to build billions of dollars of a pier going way into -- what happened to the environmental when i wanted to build one, they tied it up forever. the bad guys will take over that
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pier and take every ounce of food and tell it to the bad guys. we have the stupidest people in the history of our country running things. i would like to use a more sophisticated word but there are some words that just -- these are stupid people. joe biden should not be shouting angrily at america. america should be shouting angrily at joe biden. and we should be saying, crooked joe, you are fired, get out of here. you are incompetent. you are destroying our nation, get the hell out of here. you are destroying our country joe. he doesn't have a clue. he has no clue. he has no clue, with the
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documents hoax. how about that? he is not competent to stand trial but he is allowed to be president. figure that one. we don't think he should be standing trial because he is not competent. the president's ok. figure that one out. i think we will be taking that on the campaign trail a little bit. only in america can this happen. ote, we are going to win georgia in an epic landslide. by the way, i have to tell you i have done it twice. you do greet the first time 2016. id much better the second time and it was rigged. there has never been the spirit i have seen this time. 2016 was great.
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2020 was better. we came from the airport, we are 15 min the minds of people standing along the streets coming up to this building are incredible. on november 5, the curtain closes on crooked joe's corrupt reign and the sun rises on a brand-new day for georgia and for america. by far the most disgraceful pa biden is the divisive and angry speech, so angry. our great first lady said, i think he is very angry. you know why? because he does not know what he is doing. screaming and then coughing. and he is always using the right hand.
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then he gets off the stagets to shake his hand. i don't know if i want to go there. he is always coughing into his hand and it's not a real cough it is a nervous habit. he just goes [imitatescoughing]. then you turn to fake news cnn -- oh, the light just went off. [boos] the red might just went off. -- the red light just went off. what do you think of that, jim? i waited too long. you have to hit them fast before they can turn it off. it just went off. that's all right. they will say the speech was brilliant, not since fdr -- fdr was a great orate or, tall and
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beautiful. he was born in a very patrician area to put it mildly. you do fora great speaker. and they said, not since fdr has a speech been so beautifully delivered. do you believe this? i think marjorie believes it because she was there. it's incredible, that dnc. i tell you what, you take a look at ms dnc, how evil they are. they are sick. they should not even be allowed to do what they do. they are fighting me. to think tha and i did so great for them. i said long before the election one thing for sure, i made so much money for nbc, they have
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not had a number one show in years. they were dying, and that idiot jeff zucker was running it to the ground. i came on and gave them ratings like i haven't had in yeawhen i said i am going to leave the show, they wanted me to extend. they got arnold schwarzenegger. uiet when you hear this one because you have not heard this before. this isn't part of the repertoire, right? you have not heard this line. you hear how quiet? it's almost like when i do the snake. you i said one thing that's going to happen, if i decide to leave the show -- and they were offering me three years, anything i wanted. i said no, i'm going to run for president. we did it for 14 seasons, that's enough. it's hard to give up prime time. the matter how rich you are, it's a lot of money. you give up prime time television, thursday nights, it
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was hard to do. i said no, i'm going to run for president. they were so upset and said no. i decided to delay. they said, who do you think we should use? i said, i have no idea, that's your business. id what do you think of arnold schwarzenegger? i said he's looking star, maybe he will do well. the guy got killed, he couldn't do anything. the show was canceled. they tried martha stewart too. she blamed me, she said if your fault that she fell doing the apprentice. she could not tell us why, she never figured that out. they used arnold schwarzenegger, big movie star, and he felt so badly. actually they asked me, because i mark burnett is great. they say you own it so you would like to have it do well. would you rather havstar, arnold schwarzenegger, or rather have it fail?
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i thought about it and said, i would rather have it fail because it makes me look better. i am not looking for him to top from from. d. total disaster. i did it for 14 seasons and i said to nbc, i respect you guys. i like them, but the bosses came up, they call them suits -- the top seats. i said i decided i'm going to run for president. you won't win it's impossible nobody has there has never been a person that ran for president that wasn't either a politician or general. did anybody know these facts? you have to be a general permit there were no admirals. 8% generals and 92% politicians. i said, i don't care, i'm going
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to give it a shot.i announced and immediately went to number one and stayed there for a long time. g said, i want to be in the center, i don't want to be tied for the center. those dies -- those guys don't come close. it had to be a different number, 9, 11, something, but it couldn't be anything number. they got angry and ended up doing what i said. then i got on television and they ask me thatqq horrible question, remember? that's the first question i ever got, megyn kelly, may she rest in peace. she started making a career by pretending she likes me. d me that horrible question about women. women love me. i protect women. [cheers]
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they talked about suburban housewives. these are suburban housewives from north carolina. they followed me. this is their 117th valley, you believe that? 117. i don't know what the hell their husbands are doing. they are home alone saying, is my wife ok? we are not so far. when they go out to texas and california, there is li they look great but i don't think their husbands can be too happy. are your husband's ok with this? you have very nice husbands. it was an amazing phenomenon and i do protect women. they talk about suburban housewivthe polls are already. lately they have not been because i am winning by so much. disregard that last sentiment, i love the polls so much. they always say suburban housewives.
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they want someone who is very important, security. they don't want illegal immigrants coming into our country, knocking on our front door and saying, i am going to use your kitchen and your bedroom. that's the nice ones. they want safety, security and that's what i provide. i had the safest border in the history of our country. now we have the worst quarter in the history of our world. we went to number one almost immediately. i think the first week, i wasn't given credit because it was only one day of the week. they said, you were only given credit for like a half day. we went to number one immediately. from the day we came down that beautiful escalator at trump tower, people love our first lady -- she says hello. we went to number one and we never left.
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i don't call it carpet anymore. i use that term for djokovic joe is crooked. i don't call hilary anything, i don't think about her anymore. we went to number one and were not supposed to win, and that's why they hate me, i won an election the republicans were not supposed to win. but we won it. jim jordan -- we love jim jordan, by the way. [cheers] every day joe biden is deliberately releasing gang members and military age men into our communities by the tens of thousands, knowing full well that his policies will cost . i'm not sure he does no, i don't. i don't think he is a good person. i think he is a corrupt it has nothing to do with age.
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i know people from 80 to 90. one man from 80, he was a loser all his life. when he turned 80, he made a billion dollars doing something from 80 to 90. i know people over 90. it's not an age thing, it is a competence thing. they do the age thing. i am four years younger. but it doesn't matter. they do the age thing to try to get trump.they never talk about his competence. he is grossly incompetent. the question is whether he is to get to the starting gate. i challenged him to a debate. they said this persona wonderful press secretary, how good a shape -- how good is she? [boos] u didn't know what to say, but i do. he is at another part of your state where he has said some bad things.
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he has said some really bad things. one of the lives that was taken from u 22-year-old nursing student right here in georgia. look at the signs, wow. from the time she was in the first grade, lincoln's dream was to spend her life caring for others. i met her beautiful mother and family backstage, sister friends, her roommate. they said she was always the best. . she was the best. she was first in her class, the best nursing student, always the best. the brightest light in every room, they tell me. she was the whole world to her parents and her sister, just before family, incredible. then the unthinkable happened.
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16 days ago, lincoln went out for a morning jog. she was in great shape, she wanted to keep herself that way. and she never came back. they knew something was wrong. an illegal alien criminal who joe biden intentionally released into our country -- the casinos released tens of thousands -- because he has released tens of thousands of people, because they come from jails and mental institutions. biden has implemented a formal policy that illegal aliens who intrude into the united states are granted immunity from deportation. thus when this monster showed up at our border, he was set free immediately under the program that crooked? created crooked joe created. i call it free to kill. when joe biden was confronted over this cruel policy, what did crooked job reply?
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marjorie, you were very brave trying to bring up a point. that takes courage. that is not easy to stand up and do that. that's not easy to do, marjorie, we understand that. he got lincoln's name wrong calling her linkin. no, mixing her up with the football coach. got the name wrong. lincoln. when he asked what about the legal citizens who kill people, that's what he said -- when he was asked, what about all the legal -- in other words, making excuses. then just mo ago, i don't know if you hurt because you have all been waiting on line for two days ago they told me prior to what i am doing right now, joe biden went
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on tv and apologized for calling lincoln's murder an illegal. he said he should have called him an undocumented, not an illegal,nd h wanted to apologize. he wanted to apologize. they have a new name too that's even worse. the new name is neighbor.they wanted to call him another name, new convert. the newcomer to our country. are we going crazy or what? how about that one? newcomer. no, he was illegal. he was an illegal alien, illegal immigrant, illegal migrant, and he should not have been in our
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country and he never would have been under the trump policy. apologizing for apologizing to this killer. joe biden and you understand what is happening here. joe biden has no remorse, no regret, no empathy, no compassion, and worst of all no intention of stopping the invasion. laken's beautiful american life. we are h to be joined by the family and loved ones of laken and some of her great friends. i have met them. of all groups incredible. the laken's parents, her roommate, her sister, and all
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those who laken, the hearts of hundreds and thousands and millions of americans road right -- worldwide, they are shattered alongside your beautiful hearts. we share your grief. we share your grief, thank you, darling. thank you very much. we appreciate it. i know how tough it is. we vowed to keep lake's memory alive as long as we are here on this earth, and be take comfort she has home. thank you for being here, incredible. i know how tough it is. biden has done on our border is a crime against humanity and the people of our nation for which he will never be forgiven. we are going to fix it fast,
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have the largest deportation in history. what tremendous shame that this could have happened in our country. what a shame. laken riley would be alive today if joe biden had 95th rated the borders nited states and set loose thousands of dangerous criminals into our country. to her family tonight, i promise you wi demand justice for laken. justice for laken. thank you. thank you very much. incredible. i will fight like no one has ever fought before to ensure that what happened to this american daughter, this incredib american, that this never happens to any other daughter or anyone else again.
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we will do anything so it never happens again. and you know it will because unfortunately we have so many peoplery. we are not going to let this go on. our country has been destroyed by an incompetent president and we are not going to let this happen. the good rent the other night, he probably did well enough that he is not going to be replaced on the ballot, because theybout replacing him. he got through it verily, but he got through it. he is possibly going to be gay. nobody thought he was. when that is the best a party can do, we are in big trouble. it is so interesting. i watch the criminals back there, the press. look how many of them. that's a lot of people. [boos] i always say they should endorse
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me because i am the best thing that happened to their ratings. they shoul endorse nate. -- endorse me.i say it all the time, we have to have a free and honest press. we need an honest press, free and fair elections. we don't have fair elections we have corrupt elections. we had the safest border in the history of our country, now we have the most unsafe order in the history of the world. we need a free and fair press. people are wise to these people. am saying about 94.2%. if you say to all americans, i am going to do it, and i will stop this invasion.
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i will stop the killing, stop the bloodshed, end the agony of our people, the plunder of our cities, the sacking of our town, the violation of our citizens, and the conquest of our country. these people are conquering our country. they are horrible people. we have china, russia, kim jong-un, all sorts of countries out there. you have a capable president like me -- you were very safe. problem is not from them. you are going to say, really you are going to do that to us? i had them all in good shape. you were never in any trouble. kim jong-un, tough guybut we had a great relationship. a lot of nuclear weapons. you have put in there now talking nuclear all thehe knew as
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we have an idiot as a president and he can get away with that. the biggest threat we have is the threat from within, the radical left lunatics we have in this country. that's a much bigger threat than outside threats i will tell you. we can handle easily if you are smart. the bigger threat is from what we have inside. i used to say if we don't start changing, we are going to be venezuela on steroids. trump was right about everything. i do want to be right about these things. you have to be careful. lord were three, i'm not going to let that happen. you are very close to a world war, this whole mess we are in. when i left, we had no problem. everybody was-- they were respecting
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the country, the president. i had dinner with the prime minister of hungary very, very tough.e him because he is very tough. they were interviewing him and we said it again will be running for office, i guess, but he said the problem with america is they need trump back. when he was president, there were none of these problems. israel would not have been attacked ukraine and russia would not be fighting. i knew very well that there is no way putin was going in. he never would have gone in under any circumstances, but then they gave him added incentive. the things biden said where the exact opposite things. you said -- i said, you know, he will talk thnto going in.he had no idea what he was doing. and then you look at what
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happened to energy. it went up so high. e of the biggest in the world for energy, so they had so much money to do it, they would not have had it at $40 a barrel, and the only one ever to make a fortune during a war, and that is what happened. this guy is a disaster, and he has to be taken out. if he is not relieved of his office on november 5, we have done one of theat services to humanity because he is not capable to be a president. not capable. war as sure as you are sitting or standing there. we have standing room only. the press used to say that you know? we have not had an empty seat in years. jim jordan knows that. a long time ago i did one in ohio and jim said, there are like 10,000 people outside. that was the beginning, right? and we saved whirlpool and great companies up there, now they are doing good. they were not allowed to have
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water going to their washing machines you know, minor problems. but we took care of it. we took care of the dumping they were dumping from south korea from china they were dumping washing machines dryers, and we took care of it and they love us up there. we love them and they love this whole family. they love this whole family up there, but we have to straighten out ourdo it faster. we don't have that much time anymore. seven months is a long time awaiting, and it is at the end of seven months. it is closer to eight than seven. and the destruction that they are doing to our country, this is a very risky time. geuse in the history of our country, in my opinion. it is the most dangerous, and that is because of nuclear weaponsndweapons that are so powerful but nuclear weapons -- but other types, too, that are so powerful. this is no longer army tanks going back and forth shooting each other. this is big stuff. we have a man who has no clue. if i said, give me the
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definition of maga, it is make america great again, joe. he would not be able to tell about where he goes, we have to stop maga. we will stop maga. i said, what does mean? make america great again. let's stop that. that is what they are doing, they are stopping it. they are a genius at cheating at elections and things, but they are not a genius on policy or common sense. they have no common sense, but if they use their ability and genius on make america great again, i probably never would have run. i would not have to. i would be lounging on some beautiful beach someplace or doing something like he does but he does it during his presidency. somebody said he looks great and a bathing suit right? and you know, when he was in the sand, having a hard his foot through the sand,
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because, you know, sand is heavy, three solid ounces per foot, but sand is a little heavy, and he is sitting in a bathing suit. at 81, do you remember cary grant? how good was he, right? i don't know what happened to movie stars today. we used to have cary grant, clark gable, and today -- i will not say names because we don't needes. i get enough enemies. cary grant was like michael jackson once told me, the most man in the world, cary grant, and we don't have that anymore. the cary grant at 81 or 82, going on 100, this guy, he is 81 going on 100, cary grant would not look too good in a bathing suit either, and he was pretty good-looking right? if this guy went to the beach and enjoyed himself, and he left our border policies alone, we had the strongest -- remain in mexico, catch and release in mexico, building the wall, the
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mexican army, 28,000 soldiers protecting our border -- if you left it alone, he could have stayed at the beach and everybody would have said he is looking good. but he does not look good. we all have consultants, but you have to think for yourself a little bit. some consultants said, you know, i think the president would look good onwednesday, and thursday. you don't go to the beach there. that doesn't look good. are the voters happy when they see a president all week long attypically, that isn't a good look. you like to see a president who works a little bit but if you would have left our pplace, and i will say that he brought them back because he was getting killed, so he let them drill more, but as soon as this election were over should the unthinkable happened, he will stop all of the drilling. he is only doing it because he was getting absolutely killed, so he went back to the trump drilling. even at that, he gave up the biggest site ever in the world probably bigger than saudi
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arabia. it is a shame what is happening to our country. it is so sad. when i am with people and we talk about it, and they are from other countries, it is embarrassing. on day one of my new administration, i will terminate every open border policy of the biden administration and we will use every tool at our disposal to rid our country of the monsters who joe biden set loose to threaten and kill innocent americans. because what we just discussed is happening to many people, many, many people. people are being killed every single day by these monsters. how about new york? they just put military on the subways. militarybecause the illegals, as he refuses to say, the migrants were harming passengers. think of it. you go to work for years and years, you are an accountant, lawyer doctor, you go to work on the subways, and now there is
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a military installation. you know why. the migrants are hurting people. it sounds so nice, like in a fairytale book, their dreams of migrants, but a big percentage of them are monsters. if you go to el salvador, honduras, numerous other countries, but we are only talking all over the world. the other day from africa, the congo, they had numerous prisoners caught from the congo. the good news is the prisoners look like very nice people because our prisoners horrible people in many cases, in most cases, perhaps. but you know what? when you look at the people who are allowed to come all over the world, the rmt in their prisons and mental institutions into the united states of america. whatan b is there any reason that that can be good? they are probably thinking they can vote, but they cheat, so they don't really have to do . they can do it without voting because they cheat so much.
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but what can be good about that? and how can that even be good politically? e of the reasons -- i think we had the greatest hat years, but, i think you like me the same. let's say you don't like me the same. they like to say, two very unpopular people are running. i am not unpopular. i and that 94% of the republican party. ronald reagan was at 86%. it is fake news. these are fake news people. is that right, marjorie? they like to equate me with this guy. two very unpopular people are running for office. i said why am i unpopular? i just knocked off 12 people in the quickest time that it has ever happened. i don't know if you know that. it has never happened in that time. in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina against a governor of south carolina.
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in nevada. every single city they are in, we wonhat was substantial. in iowa, we won by the highest margin in history times two, we were double the highest margin. new hampshire i got the most votes in the history of the state of new hampshire. inc. of this for a second. new hampshire, and it is up there, and kennedy territory right? jfk ran. i got more votes than jfk. a lot of great historic people ran, and that is in either party. i got more votes than either party than anybody. in nevada, i got 90% of the caucus votes and then won the primary, even though i was not running in the primary. i was not even running in it because it did not matter. because it did not equate to delegates. enemy go to other states, but we
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go to south carolina, and against a popular and competent but nasty person, but competent person we won in a record. it was not even close. it was not even close. and then we had this beautiful, magnificent couple of states which, by the way, we won but then we had our 15 states for super tuesday. every state was like a record. california was close to 90% to 9%, and 1% undecided. i said, who are the people who are under cited -- you are undecided? i always have 1% because they say, it does not work well. it was 90 to nine. no, some people are still undecided for the fake news. if i have fun and would like to be sarcastic because i am somewhat sarcastic. i have humor because if i did not, and i am looking at with this guy has into the country, you have to have a little humor.
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you know he can never find his way off the stage, you know that right? he makes a speech that lasts 2.5 minutes, and then, uh, huh and he goes -- it's the weirdest thing -- he goes, thank you. and he points. he always points he starts walking, and they are waiting -- waving, and he goes around and does not know what the hell he is doing. he is off the back of the stage with no stairs and falls down. no, i mean, you know, but here is the problem, when i imitate that, they put me on and say i cannot get off the stage so i have to be careful. when i substitute barack hussein obama -- has anyone heard of him? and i use his name instead and i say, our president barack hussein obama meaning -- does
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everyone sort of understand that? the fake news says, he does not know the name of our president. he does not know that it is joe biden. he must be cog impaired. you know what? when i am, you will know it. i know my a good job, get the hell out of here. that is it. these are very dishonest people. i called my wife and , baby how was that? how good was i tonight? she watches it like she loves it, right? but it is a little embarrassing because they showed you could not find the stairs on the stage. i said, they did that to me? they did that because it is almost impossible. in this case, we only have four stairs. it is a small platform. look, i won here and there. he has three, and he cannot find them, and they are all alongside each other. they all were. i don't know, government must have built it because you have one platform and then you have
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stairs one side over. built by the government. crazy, so i have to be careful. i cannot be sarcastic. you cannot mix names, purposely mixed names purposely. in the state of the union this week, crooked joe told a total fairytale about the econo, but the fact is under biden, we have a three-year inflation rate of almost 50% free under me, you had no inflation.under biden omnex -- bidenon mics the u.s. has lost thousands of good full-time jobs the past year and replace them with hundreds of thousands of part-time jobs government jobs. that is not fair. i could do that, too. let's hire more people to make me look good. in addition, virtually 100% oed under biden have gone to foreign-born workers. how do you feel about that good? [booing]
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and i will tell you this, the biggest problem that you are going to see from all of these millions and millions, i think it is 15 million people already, ill be 18 million to 20 million people by the time to get rid of this guy and think of it, that is bigger than new york state. i think it is going to be close to 20 million people area that's my prediction. but i think it is already 15 million people. black people, hispanic people asian people, and unions -- unions are going to suffer. i mean i am all for everybody. ifor the worker but unions should endorse trump because i am closing our border good and tight. and if you are going to come into our cntry, you are coming in legally. you are going to come into our country legally. in february alone, nearly one million jobsicans disappeared. think of that. you lost one million jobs. black people.
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that is who lost her jobs. hispanic people. that is who lost the jobs. we just had a poll come out, and it does not sound great, but it is great relatively. mitt romney had 4% of the black vote. as of this pole today, marjorie if that is the case, this election is over. if that is the case. if that is the case, i will ask some of our great congresspeople. we willt why don't we just call the election over? because at 28% -- you know what? and i hope it goes up higher. honestly, it should be 100% of the black people should vote for trump because i did more for black people than anr president other than abraham lincoln. it is true. more than any president
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other than abraham lincoln. thini took care of the black colleges and universities. they would come up to washington -- after three years, they said, why do you keep coming back? i got friendly with some of them -- really good people. he said, every year we come back looking for money. they do a great job. black colleges and universities they have very little money, and then you look at harvard and these maniacs and of dollars, very unfair. we will have to look into that whole situation. and police did a very good job when she destroyed -- elise did a very good job when she destroyed that plagiarizing from harvard. did she plagiarize every document she? ever wrote -- she ever wrote? the only thing she had going for her was look. she did a fantastic job. it really reveals what they are all about. but i took care of the black
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colleges universities, opportunities. does anybody know, tim scott? i should not say that she will get angry -- but i tell him this all the time. so, you know, when we win and many people come on, i have calls from people you would not believe, people who were so nasty to me and now they would like to come over. you know, i always thought you were the best candidate they say. i thought you were fantastic. let's call him ron desantis, people who were people who were with nikki haley, and now they say, congratulations, i have been so busy, i have not been able to make the call, but now would it be possible to support? i said, i thought you were desantis no, really, sir. those are false reports.
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great comprehension. always a great memory. i said, no with him. the great thing about -- one of the only good things about the internet you press a button, and it gives you the history of somebody. but they are all calling me jim and saying sir, i will give you names. i would love to reveal them right now, but i will give you names that you would notnd believe. we have got to stomp trump, he is an insurrectionist. two weeks later, we would love to be part of the campaign. these are funny people. so 90% of them we will not take back, and it could be 100. but with your vote, we will throw out bidenomics and reinstate maganomics! [cheering] [applause] mr. trump: you know, i have to
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explain to the audience because i figure what the hell? it is a saturday afternoon. we have a little time. nowhere i am going later? the ufc fights. you know why? it is the closest thing i can see that is really reflective of the election process that we have in this country, the ufc fights. tamer then the election business, but i will be going to the ufc fights with some friends, and i look forward to that, di look forward to that. i hope he does not run for office against me. he has done a fantastic job. he likes that because it is an easier business and politics. i have have a country with tremendous potential, terminus potential and if we turn that potential and use that potential, we are going to c far down the line and we can come back. it is not. if we don't win the election, it is. i don't think it can ever come back. it will never come back, it is
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too much. we have tremendous people in the country, tremendous spirit, the greatest i have seen, and i will have to win it three times. but we are going to turn it around, and we will cancel biden's work permits for illegals and protect american jobs for american workers. we will immediately and his war on american energy, and his inflation catastrophe, and we will drill, baby drill. all right? [applause] [cheering] mr. trump: i have to say, the fake news will say, you have to be very smart to do that or you s called? you are thinking about something, talking about something else, spot checking, and then they go back to the original and they go, holy shit
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--did you hear what he said? it is called intelligence, so i have a problem because we get so much television coverage. there have never been rallies like this. i had 100,000, 105,000 people read we wanted a much bigger room than this. this was the biggest room you could get. we do not want to have rain on u, and there are lots outside who wanted to get in but the place is packed. the problem is i have front-row joe's over here. and i haot the most beautiful women in the world in my opinion, from north carolina. these 40 incredible women, and they come to so many shows. they are up to 117. i will not even tell you -- front row joe is up to 200. and here's the problem. i feel i have an obligation to the super fans. marjorie, i have to make different speeches all the time. never really the same. to do that, you have to be very smart, and you have to have a great imagination for putting the right stuff and.
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-- stuff in. i know a politician is a good politician, he has made the exact same speech word for word for the exact 10 years. bah, bah bah bah, he cannot get himself into anyyou know people like that? too many. but we have to give an election for these people. so we are telling you some stories tonight because we have to do that. but they will say oh, he was wondering, he must be cognitively imbalanced. no. i woul2+d like to see these guys do it. let's do a little iq test. let's do an iq test. [applause] it before, for the good of our nation, it is time for crooked joe biden and it is for the good of our nation. [applause] i say that for another reason
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because i saw "the washington post" today. what a terrible paper. the good losing so much money that even a rich people is not that stupid that they will keep it going. but the washington post posts really lightweight "journalists" who said biden wants to debate trump, but he is not available and does not want to do it. can you believe it? officially to you, "washington post," and you know the reporterbout -- they make it up -- they say biden wants to debate but i don't want to do it. no, no. just the opposite, as he knows. these are very dishonest people. they are so bad i would like to debate biden because i think it is important for the american people to hear what is going on three how can you destroy our country like you are doing it -- going on. how can you destroy our country like you are doing it? officially, i would like to debate joe biden -- crooked joe biden anywhere, anytime anyplace. i will be there.
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[applause] but it is no wonder that joe biden and his thugs are so desperate to stop us. they know that we are the only ones who can stop them. there is nobody else. nobody else. we are going to stop people read we are going to turn our country around and make our country so powerful and great. that is why they are weaponizing law enforcement for high level election interference against joe biden and only political appointment, a guy named me. a guy named me. joe biden and the fascist -- they are fascists -- that controlled him are the real threat to democracy. remember that. i am not the threat to demo democracy. they are the threat to democracy. as an
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sometimes it is not good to be rich. i just posted a $91 million -- about $91 million on a totally made-up story. think of it. $91 million. i could say things about what it would cost normally. $91 million. based on false accusations made about me by a woman that i knew nothing about, did not know, never heard of, i know nothing about her. she wrote a book and sai things, and when i denied it, i said it is so crazy. it is false, and i get sued for defamation. that is where it starts. and this operatives. these are all her lawyers, big democrat operative. the judge was a operatives funding and directing her, they gave her the money to pursue the case. they changed the law -- new york is a very corrupt place. and this is killing new york because companies are leaving because they do not want to get
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caught in this. they changed the law that allowed women to go back like unlimited, unlimited, and she went back and she said,1990's may be -- i don't know? i have no idea. she knew nothing. she went to anderson cooper, she said all these wonderful things, and then on the commercial break, she said horrible things. i wonder what happened there. it w democrat trump-deranged judge named lewis kaplan -- an angry man who screamed at my lawye saying we are going to essentially put you in jail because she was incensed that this could be happening. he treated me like a common criminal. he is a terrible person, a terrible judge, and he is a disgrace to what is happening in new york. thing of it. i just posted an appealing, and in order to do so, i had to post a $91 million bond.
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normally, you can do that and then later on, if you go through an appeal process, which could take a long time, this woman is not a believable person. the judge knows this, but the judge, in my opinion, is a highly corrupt judge. you had to see the way he treated us in court. so i posted a $91 million bond, and the woman did not even know what had happened. and she admitted on anderson oper, she said, i think it was 60 it was this. can you believe this? $91 million. additionally, before another whacked out judge you have been reading about it in new york, companies do not want to go to new york anymore. it says -- listen to this 1 -- that i got fined 355 million dollars for having done absolutely nothing wrong. i did nonothing wrong. and it was proven. [booing] and it was proven. even claimed that lago, palm beach --
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mar-a-lago, palm beach is in a different stratosphere in terms of houses and values, and mar-a-lagos the biggest and best in the country, may be the world. magnificent mar-a-lago is worth $18 mworth 50 to 100 times that amount, but this was good for his falls and fake decision. before the trial started, before he knew anything about it or it he is guilty. we will only have a trial on how much, and this guy did exactly what the fascist and racist attorney gen letitia james. i call her peekaboo james who byheckled all over new york because they know it's a scam. but he did exactly what this racist, horrible human being told him to do. you know, she sued for 250 million, even though nobody. then she went. and later on, after losing every point, she said, we want 350. he said, oh, we'll give it to. this is unbelievable.
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over nothi nothing. and the business community is up in arms and they're going to leave new york over at this over that and crime and everything else. did not look in a crime. they only look at trump and just as an example, i borrowed money from a bank. i paid the bank back. there was never a default, never a problem, never a problem. i didn't even whatever the bank wanted me to have money because that's what they do. they loan money a small amount muchhan the amount you're talking about. the fine. i borrowed it. i paid it back. i paid it back early, actually because i didn't want it. i paid it back early. i had to pay a penalty f that? okay. i paid a penalty because i paid it back early. they didn't want the money anyway. the banker testified the bankers, but the banker testified no. the loan was perfect. what we don't know is that he didn't even know what what he was doing there. and this judge he levels of fine for $350 million, $55 million 355 million on a loan. that's a fraction of th size because he's a corrupt democrat
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clubhouse judge and he wouldn't allow a jury there was no jury. it was a statute that i was sued under that was never used before. it was a consumer fraud statute, never, ever used before. did you know that?never used only first time? anything. it was in the sole discretion of the judge and this corrupt judge ruled that i have to pay 355 because you know what they're trying to do? they're trying to take us out and it's not going to work. not going to work. not going to work. it's not going to work. but this is all crooked. joe biden has directed lawfare and weaponization against his political opponents. and that includes really all of us. it's what'sst an incredible thing. now, take a look at your own neighborhood. you have a woman named corrupt fannie miller's fannie fanny.
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you have a woman named funny. well, as now, even though it's, i believe it's spelled f a and i to my way of thinking, that's fannie. but once she became the district attorney, i think she put a little emphasis on theso corrupt fannie well has hired her lover nathan wade so they could fraudulently make money together let's make money darling let's see who do we go after? well, if we go after somebody that nobody ever heard of, we can't make much. i got an idea. let's do what? joe biden and everybody else want. let's go after trump and we did nothing wrong. perfect phoner than we challenge the honesty of this election. this election was rigged. rigged? let's go after. darling, i love you very much. i love you very much, darling. he said, even though he never did a case like this before, hegot almost $1,000,000.
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they targeted me to get the most dollars. and this guy with no experience at all can they give us prepared? almost $1,000,000. then they traveled all over the world together. isn't that romantic? is anybody? i mean, it's sort of a beautiful love story. these are beautiful people. to me, it's a magnificent love story. nothing like gone with the winds, you know, gone with the windllowed to watch it anymore, right? you know that, right? it's politically incorrect to watch gone with the wind. they have a list. what would the greatest movies usually number one or two or three. and then they have another list you're not allowed to watch anymore. gone with the screwed up? but think of it. they went on these magnificent cruise, these beautiful cruise lines,eautiful, beautiful cruise lines. and they got him because he's paying a fortune for taking more vacations than i've ever seen anybody in history take as anybody, she may set a record for the most vacations taken in
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the history of a job, but with money made wrongfully prosecuting me and other innocent american patriots, we have a couple of them here right now. head of the republican party, an an, they went after him. he's a very good person. we have a certain gentleman in very high office who they went after, too, but he beat them because everybody should beat them and it's too bad a couple of people took a plea deal because they got offered nothing. but, you know, now they want to renegotiate their plea deal. they said this whole thing was a scam, but think of it. so we have 40 and her lover. but then they got caut becauseit's hundreds of thousands of dollars. and what did they do? they paid it back. she said oh, man, i'm screwed. so just think of this. and th got me. they got me. i guess i got it. i paid my lover back in cash. i gave. and now i being a very good businessman, i said, now she's
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really in trouble because that somebody is going to say, where did he get the cash? but they didn't ask those questions, do they? but i think the judge is going to ask those questions. i think the judge is an honorablehis whole thing should be dropped because many, many innocent people their lives have been hurt. i've been you know, i've sort of gotten honest. it's like but these people they love, they get indicted. they never some of them were in their seventies and eighties. they got indicted. and they're great patriots and they were protesting a corrupt election. they were protesting a corrupt election, or at least in their opinion, it was a corrupt election. i have no doubt about it personally. but think of that. so now they have her because now she's taken money because she was a part of the trip and the went on so many of them. it was so romantic. a beautiful thing to watch right? nobody knew she was away. for most of the time and they went after me. but just think of it.
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so now she's in trouble because she's taken money that she just gave him. so she said she gaven cash. okay that's a lie. that's a total lie. and if it isn't a lie, then she's got a much bigger problem. okay. which she get the cash. so this whole witch hunt should be put out of its misery and dismissed immediately. this is a horrible thing that they've done.after a very highly respected united states senator and somebody used some common sense. i think somebody probably higher that, senator. that said, is everything being honest in georgia? are they having honest elections? let's indict him for asking that question. no they tried to go after a couple of people that you wouldn't even believe if you heard their name, their whole campaign plan is to attack me because they've done nothing else. that's all they have. and this is all coming out of washington. i don't know if you know, i call them lover wade.lover wade. lover wade spent days in the white house counsel's office. you know that, reggie know north
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and days in the doj. this is all a biden thing. this is the fannie is not a local state sthis is done in coordination with the white house. the dea in new york is done in coordination. they took their top person in the doj and put him in the manhattan district attorney's office to prosecute a gentleman named donald trump. isn't that nice? pomerantz, who is hillary clinton's lawyer, represented the democrat party. he left the law firm. big law firms, smart law firm very democrats. okay. he left the law firm to serve free of charge in the da's office prosecute donald trump. so he's a big name lawyer. palmer aunts, and he left think of this thinking represented hillary clinton in the dnc. a democrat and he left the law firm to goand prosecute. i won no salary. no salary.
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free of charge. trump. and then they said these charges are --. you can't do that. and he quit in a huff and he wrote a book about it before the case was even determined. he wrote a book a totally dishonest thing nobody's ever said. and even alvin bragg, the da said, this is the worst thing. this is terrible. you got to see the statements he made. they want to prosecute pomeranz now, but this is alloming from the white house. colangelo so is the lawyer's name and he comes from the white house. he was one of the top people in the white house, and they put him into the local manhattan da's office in order to prosecute donald trump. this is crooked joe biden and latisha james is totally controlled by washington. letitia peekaboo. james if anybody ever hear of her, she's control peekaboo. she's controlled. did you ever see the pictures of her campaigning? i will get donald trump. this is before she knows anything about me.
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she's going she's applying become the attorney general of new york. i will get donald trump. i will get him i will get the son of a --. i will get him. i'm going to get him. i think that's a fair prosecutor. new york state has got to clean up its act and by the way, fulton c clean up its act after trump. pundits and inside sources say that the attacks on me will be violent. they say that it's violent. the attacks. biden said it. he said, you know what their whole plan is? it was just released the other day. it was leaked by one of the many people that probably thought it was real. their whole plan is to go after trump in every way possible, especially criminally and legally. how would you like t m life, darling? i go home to our wonderful first lady. she never heard the word indictment. neither did i until i got indicted. so many times in the last few
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months, i got indicted more than the late, great al capone. did anyone ever hear of him? alphonse capone he was the meanest of them all. he was a gangster. if he had dinner with you and he didn't like you, you would be found dead the next morning. your wife would not talk either because she was. now, now, this was al capone. i got indicted when my parents are looking down on me right now, they're saying, oh, my son is such a good boy. he didn't do this -- that my father would say. he doesn't do this. he got sick of it. i got indicted more than alphonsehe meanest scarface. did anybody see the movie scarface? he was not a nice man. even jim jordan would be afraid ofcarface. everybody was afraid of scarface. but scarface had a different kind of a thing. did he go after him like they go aftehat we can't let this happen. this has never happened in our country before. this happens in third world countries. this happens in banana republics. we can't let it happen here. and it's going to start with
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finding and hopefully they're going to end the case. they're going to end the case, not get rid of her, because this thing and this affair was going on long before the case started. so the case is totally and then put somebody else in there. it's unfair to all those people that got indicted that list goes on and on and are good people. do they're american patriots. they were protesting a rigged election and it should start right here. they should throw out that fake deal from fulton county. what they should do, they should spend their fulton county. that's what they should do. but the attacks through various places and through the justice department the fbi, even if they have no evidence whatsoever because they don't care what happens after the election, they only care what happens before because they want to try and damage me. but here''m able to explain the
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situation, and if i was guilty of something, you'd know it. and the polls are all saying he's not guilty. it's a witch hunt and it is. i've gone through this witch hunt with russia. russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine. and i've gone through this witch hunt for so long. 51 intelli agents talking about the laptop from hell. they said it was from russia but they knew it wasn't from russia. you know, that and many other things, the fisa, fake signatures this is we're dealing we have a very corrupt country. i fired comey. i fired a lo people, but i didn't know it ran so deep. it runs deep. we're going to get rid of the rest of them. i know. i know who most of them are to. they raided my house in florida, mar a lago. they raided with no radar. they had no reasondo so. they violated my fourth amendment constitutional right. they can't read your house. they're not allowed to do it. they raided it. but a thing like this has never ever happened before. joe biden is out of control.
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but really the people out of control are the people that surround him. w merit garland. i really thought, you know, i always thinking about merrick garland because i came in and i put somebody else in there instead of him. and i was thinking aboutnd he's liberal, but i thought he'd be a high quality person. but the other day he said he doesn't want to have any voter id id. and he said it with a straight face because he thinks voter id is discriminatory. he said this you need voter id you need id for almost everything you do. but no, you know, in the democratic national convention ou had cards id cards that were bigger than a person's chest. the normal person, not a very big person, but a normal person like this. it had pictures from different angles. it had everything. it had everything. probably didn't have your social security number, but that was about it. and they had id, it was voter id in that case, it was party id. you had id cards all over
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people. but when it comes to vote, the most important thing we do is vote. when it comes to vote, no voter id, i don't think we're going to stand for that. but merrick garland said that and he said it with a straight face. we don't want voter i.d., though, because that's discriminatory. no, they don't want voter id because if you have voter id, it's much harder to cheat. very simple. biden is a wea flailing president. he's flailing and failing when you think of it. right. he's a flailing president and he's a failing president hoping that something sticks because they have nothing to campaign on. they have absolutely nothing. his administration has been a complete-8 and total failure whether it's afghan austin where we lost 13 soldiers, 38 wounded horrifically with the arms, the legs, $85 billion worth of equipment left behind and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars of harm. and we still have probably could be 1000 american hostages over
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that. nobody knows. but it should be attacking inflation or when you think of it, inflation wouldn't have happened. the attack on israel wouldn't have happened. the attack on ukraine with russia, russia, ukraine would have never happened. everything joe biden touches turns to --. everything. i tried, i, i tried finding a different word. but. there is some words that cannot be dup true. everything he touches all of this persecution is only happening because i am running for psident and leading big in all of the polls. every poll in the big news
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folklore poll, we're leading biden by eight points here in georgia. we're leading biden all over the country where leading him at numbers that the democrats have never seen before nationwide and we have the largest leads ever against crooked joe biden. all we've ever had, and we're just gettingoing to get worse for him because he can't go against his radical left. crazy movement, the radical left democrats rigged the esidential election in 2020. and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024. and if we do, we're not gry left. every time the radical left, democrats, marxists, communists and fascists indictider it a great badge of honor because i am being indicted for you. thank you very much. i appreciate that. never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away
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your freedom. i won't. they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you. and in the end they are not after me. thereafter you, i'm just stand in their way. i always will. we're delighted to be joined today by an outstanding american patriot who just announced that he is running for congress in georgia's third congressional district. and i have to tell you, he's worked for me since 2016. he's unbelievable. and he's always wanted tongressman. he wanted to grow up like some of his heroes in this room because you get a lot of great congresspeople in this room. he's a proud georgian, fayette county native, and he's been a loyal friend to the republic and party to me and to everybody. he's one of the most capable peopsee. and i'd like to invite where are you, brian? jack, where are you? oh there he is. brian. jack he's tough. smart, he's conservative he's a fighter, he's a fighter
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and he's a maga man. say hello, brian. come on. well, thank you very. thank you very much, mr. president. i am both humbled to earn your endorsement. and as one of your longest serving aides, i know better than most that these call up speeches are best kept short and sweet. after all, we're here tonight to celebrate the now official republican nomineed j. trump. so i'll keep it short.
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my name is brian jack. i'm from fayette county, and i'm running to represent georgia's third congressional district because i believe in first agenda that everyone in this room has propelled to enable president trump to make our country great again. and, mr. president, earlier today, we went through some of your record setting accomplishments. and because the cameras are now on. i thought it best we go through them just one more time. if y'all could enlighten me. which president delivered the most secure border in american history? which president gave us the best economy in american history? and 2020? which president earned the most votes in american history? and just earlier this year, who now holds the record for the most votes? and iowa caucus? new hampshire primary and super
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tuesday history? ladies and gentlemen, as george voters, i challenge each and every one of us. let's get out in november and let's reelect the greatest president and political athlete of all time. donald j. trump. he's great. so he's a great guy. he's a great gentleman.o down as a great, great congress man and whatever he does after that. but he's wanted this for a long time and he really sacrificed it because he wanted to stay with the campaign he was with with me right from the beginning. and he's as good as you get. so i hope you're going to go and vote for him and he's going to be there for a long time. and he loves your state and he loves our country. so brian, jack, thank you very much. appreciate. i want to do another thing because it's a saturday and you know, it's boring.
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there's nothing good on television. we'd rather do this anyway. wouldn't we? hasn't very much, a person who's got tremendous courage and, you know some people go after her because they're concerned about her. she's very popular, actually. they know that. but a lot of people don't. but she's a woman that showed herself the other night when the president was so disrespect, awful to so many millions and millions and millions of people. she was willing to shout out. now, sometimes you would say that's not nice. but in this case, it was very well needed because we have to shake this country up. this country has to come back and it's never going to come back unless we have people like marjorie taylor. greene please come up. come. come on up. on june. come on.
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thank you, mr. president. all right, georgia we know what we're going to do in 2024. we're going to reelect our favorite president. the greatest president in united states history. donald j. trump. right. geora. let's get it done. good people don't. got a lot of courage. that one. in addition and that and i spoke with jimzl jordan. i said, you know, jim, i'd like to invite this gentleman up because you don't hear as much about him, but he is a hero and he's one of yours. and what he's doing in congress now for exposing horrible horrible untruths and people that were really statements that
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were said about all of us. and i just think he's doing such an incredible job. i said, why do you think jimmy said, you got to bring them up? barrybarry loudermilk has come here. barry what a job he's doing. thank. please. i trust the american people. when kevin mccarthy asked me to chair a special committee to investigate what really happened on january six, sir it under one circumstance. that i just go to the truth. whatever it is, we'll find the truth and we'll expose it tamerican people and let the american people decide what really happened. and let me tell you, it's not easy. my dad, a world war two veteran combat veteran a medic, told me, he said, you an easy and sometimes it's not popular, but
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it's always the right thing to do. and people will always try to you from doing what's right. i've been shot at. i've been run over. i have been called a traitor to this country and i've been lied about. but we're not going to stop until you have the truth. god bless you and god bless donald trump. thank you very great guy. also with us are real patriots just heroes? i could bring every one of them up, but they wouldn't want to do it because they want to get back to some other things. but you have great people in this state michael flynn's representative friend of ours, true patriot. and thank you, mike. great job, andrew. clyde, andrew. where is andrew gray? great job, andrew. he doesn't stop a man who's, you
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know, people don't know who's a great wrestler. one of the best ever in the country. a lot of people don't know that. i got to know it by about seven i guess seven years ago. he's sitting in my office. i started to notice the ears a little action going on. he is. i said, jim, did you ever wrestle? !wth c r was a champion in college for three years. he was undefeated in high school. i heard he was undefeated. never defeated. think of it. i know a lot about sports to go as a freshman at the beat seniors is almost impossible. he was undefeated for four years. and something and oh, then he went to a great college where he wrestled and was the ncaa champion and everything else. and people don't know that have to know that about jim jordan. he's incredible. and his sons are here and they're also champion. so please stand up. the jordan family. great. and you know, in congress, he's
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just like he was in wrestling. there's a lot of there's a lot of similarities. i'll tell you, i have a greating a great job. also, champion top champion wrestlers, i don't know, are a hell of a lot bigger than you to jim, huh? i don't know. but i asked your boy. i said so. he's an all-america. and i said, are you as good as your father? he said, nope, not as good father. that's pretty good. you're an all-american, you say the father. see, i wouldn't have said that. i would say i was better then i'd have a problem with. but it's a great family. and to pauley and everybody thank you very much. great job what you've done. benjamin and isaac. benjamin and isaac, thank you for being here fellas. a friend of mine, somebody who is really going places. he already has, but he's really gone. his father was a fantastic man, so respected. and he is right now the lieutenant governor of your state. and he is with us all the way. thank you. and his great father. will you please stand up?
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i love his father. this is a tough cookie. that's a great family. thank you. what a great family. you didn't see crowds like this with all the years. this is incredible. isn't that right? never happened before. you know, they don't want to talk about the fact is there's never been a movement like this ever where you down, you know, look biden's here today. he probably has 100 people, legit people, i'd say 30. but they work hard and they probably have and that's where he made the statement about, you know apologizing for using the word illegal. but he had a very small crowd. but every every place we go, we never have empty seats. we have lots of people standing outside. sometimes in the rain, in the cold, but there's never been anything like it. and this iing america great again. so it's very important. a friend of mine and somebody that should have beeneally great senator, but he should have been senator. bad things happened. david perdue. david, thank
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he was on the front lines and he is a popular guy. people love him because he fights for justice. he got what was happening to the state very early on, and bert can say it very early on. brand and beach, what a great job you've done, brad. and what a thank you. and so many other politicians and representatives and people that love judges, so many that if i ever announced it would neveget off. but i just want to thank you all for being here. we have some great great people, great, great people here, all of the great orepresentatives that have worked so hard from the very first day that we take back the white house from crooked joe biden, i believe we're going to have the four great country. i believe that every problem joe biden has created can be fixed. every problem can be solved, and everyce can be set
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right. we will bring this country back together through success. the word is success. they said it's revenge. they said, i'm out for revenge. i'm not out for revenge. my revenge will be success. before i even arrive at the oval office shortly after we win the presidency, i will have the horrible war between russia and ukraine settled, and we will restore peace through strength. i. i will pass the trump reciprocal trade act. now, what that means is very simple. we get all these bad deals. we changed a lot oft of them, but still plenty of them out there. a lot of unfair deals. if china or any other country makes us pay a tariff or tax 100 or 200%, we will make them pay a reciprocal tariff of 100 or 200% right back. it's called you screw us and we screw you and everybody's happy
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and there's tariffs on foreign countries. go up taxes on american workers and families will come down. you know, we gave you the largest tax reduction in the history of ourry, and we're going still further. and yet we took in more revenue than ever before. and i've said for many years, i will always protect medicare and social security, which others are not able to do, like joe biden. you're not going to have it. it's going to be gone. it's joe biden who's destroying them. and he is doing it with a migrant invasion. this migrant invasion is much more dangerous than you think in so many other ways. it's going to have a huge impact on rights that your entitled to, and that includes social security and medicare. we will restore law and order to our country. i am going to indemnify all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the ited states to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions on crime. they can s problem. we are going to rebuild our cities into beacons of hope,
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safety and beauty better than they have ever been before. we will take over the horribly run capital of the united states of america. washington and d.c. clean it up, renovated, rebuild our capital city so that it is no longer a nightmare of murder and crime but rather it will become the most beautiful capital anywhere in the world. people from georgia go down to washington now and they get shot. horrible things are happening. beautiful columns built two, 200 years ago and 100 years ago. gorgeous columns, you say. how did they ever build them? how did they move them? they didn't have the equipment to move them. they moved them through force of will. they got them there through a force of will you look at these massive structures and you say how did they ever do that? they didn't have caterpillar tractors, they didn't have anything. they had their hands and their got it done. and now i see graffiti on it. it's not going to happen. we're going to take care of our capital. we're going to take care of our
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own. day one, i will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school, any school at all, pushing critica theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto theives of our children. and i will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate. and i will keep men out of women's sports. and i will fully protect and upho and very important under siege second amendment. we will protect we will protect innocent life and we will restore free speech. and i will secure our election. we will secure our elections if don't, we are a country in trouble. our goal will be one day voting
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with paper ballots and voter id. very simple. then, republicans must go out and we have to stop them. we have to go out and we have to get so many votes. we want this to be a landslide. that way it's too big to rig. we want to make it too big to rig. if you took the ten worst presidents into the history of the united states and added them up, they would not haveuntry as joe biden and the biden administration have done. so if you want to save america, then go vote. the georgia primary is this tuesday, march 12, than georgia could be the state that puts us. look, if we win georgia, we're going to win the election. let me put it that way. okay? we have to win georgia. so get everyone you know, and let's send crooked joe biden packing. let's send him out. so in conclusion, together we
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are taking on some of the most menacing forces and vicious opponents our people have ever seen. we've never seen anything like but no matter how hateful and corrupt the communists and criminals that we're fighting against are, you mu never forget this nation does not belong to them. this nation belongs to you. this is your home. this is your heritage. and our american liberty is your god given right. from atlanta to augusta, from savannah to columbus. beautiful columbus. we just left columbus, and it's quite a and from athens to right here in rome, we inherit the legacy of red blooded american patriots who gave their blood sweat and tears to defend our country and defend our freedom. we stand on the shoulders of
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american heroes who crossed the oceans, settle the continent tamed the wilderness laid down the railroads, raised up the skyscrapers, won two world wars, defeated fascism, saddam and communism, and made america into the nation in the history of the world. but now we aredecline. we are a failing nation. we are a nation that is the
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highest inflation in 50 years. collapsing and interest rates are skyrocketing. likewise, we are a nation where energy costs have reached the highest levels in our history. we are no longer energy independent or energy dominant as we were just a few short years ago. we are a nation that is begging venezuela, oil and others for oil. please please, please help us. joe biden's as yet we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other nation anywhere in the world. we are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will be reducing their oil production while at the same time substantially increased the price. and we met that threat by announcing that we will no longer be drilling for oil in large areas of alaska and elsewhere on our precious land. we are a nation that is consumed by the radical green new deal.
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yet everyone knows that the green new scam is fake and will lead to our destruction. we are a nation whose leaderare demanding all electric cars, despite the fact that they don't go far cost too much and whose batteries are produced in china where materials are only available in china when an unlimited amount of gasoline is available, an expense severely at the united states. but is not available in china. and now we are a nation that wants to make our revered and very powerful army tanks the best anywhere in the world. all electric. so that despite the fact. that they also are not able to go far fewer pollutants will be released into the air as we blast our way through enemy territory in an environment
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friendly way. and they also want to make our fighter jets with a green stamp of energy savings. the losing 15% efficiency, but allowing us to keep our enemies atmosphere clean of emissions as we viciously and unceremoniously attackever seen before, who are these people that would do this to us? who are these people who would destroy our country? who are these people who want our country to be destroyed? we are a nation that ended oil exploration and production in the us just as the price of oil reached an all time high. what are the country would do such a foolish thing? what are the country would be so self-destructive? can we be energy independent even dominant again? yes. so yes. and quickly says president trump. yes. so yes, we can. we are a nation afghanistan, leaving dead soldiers, american citizen is an
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$85 billion worth of the finest mibehind and also abandoning bagram, one of the biggest military bases anywhere in the world, and only one hour away from where china makes its nuclear weapons. and we are a nation that allowed russia and ukraine to killing hundreds of thousands of people. and it will only get worse. it would never have happened with me as your president. anddidn't happen. likewise, the horrifying attack on israel would never have happened. they wouldn't even have thought of doing such a thing if president trump was in the oval office. iran was broke under the trump administration. they didn't have the money t hamas or hezbollah and all of the other instruments of terror that they funded previouslyos lifted by a corrupt biden administration. and now iran is a rich country again, with $221 billion and
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another $6 billion that they got for hostages from us and $10 billion for electricity to iraq, all compliments of an incompetent biden administration. they gave them so many compliment they gave them so much money. and china with taiwan is next. we are a nation that allows radical left terrorists to violently attack our cities, leaving behind massive destruction and death. and nothing happens to the criminals that do these terrible things. there is no punishment. but when people who love our country protest on sn, they become hostages unfairly imprisoned for long periods of time. we are a third world nation that has weaponized law enforcement against opposing political party like never ever before has happened in our country. we've got a federal bureau of investigation that won't allow bad election charging facts to be present to the public and
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whichiter of fiction about donald trump to lie and say it was fact where hunter biden's laptop from hell was russian disinformation and the fbi knew it wasn't. but 51 intelligence agents said it was. and a department of justice that%0 refuses to investigate eight egregious acts of voting irregularity and fraud. and we have a man who is totally corrt and thwors history of our country who is connected, overly impaired and in no condition to lead. and is now in charge of dealing with russia and possible nuclear war, which would be world war three and far more devastating than any of the previous world wars because of the weaponry that no one even wants to think about. we are a nation that no longer has a free and fair press. fake news is all you get, and they indeed.
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oh, yes,of the people. they refuse to discuss the biden crime family but enjoy covering the false indictments of donald j. trump, who has done nothing wrong except win an election that was not supposed to be able to be won. we are a nationeech is no longer allowed and where crime is rampant and out of control like never, ever before. we are ao build a massive nuclear weapon and china to use the trillions and trillions of dollars it has taken from us to build a military to rival our own. and less than three years ago, we had iran, china, russia and north korea. unchecked, they respected us. they were afraid of us. they weren't going to do a thing against us and e russia and china are holding summits to carve up the world. and perhaps most importantly, we are a nation that is no longer admired or respected or listened
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to on the world stage. we are a nation that is in many ways become a joke, and we are a nation that is hostile to liberty, freedom, faith, and ev past filled to god. we are a nation whose economy is collapsing into to assess ball of ruin, whose supply chain is broken, whose stores are not stocked, whose deliveries are not coming, and whose educational system is ranked at the bottom of every single list. we are a nation that just sold a once great company, united states steel to we are a nation whose stock markets continued success is totally content urgent on maga winning the next election. that's why it's going up. we are a nation where large packs of sadistic criminals and thieves are allowed to go into stores and openly rob them, beat up and kill their workers and customers, and leave with armloads of goods, but with no
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retribution. with the authority of our great police has been taken where they are. families and pensions have been threatened and their lives would be destroyed. for the mere mention of the words law enforcement, we are a nation where fentanyl, oil and other forms of illegal drugs are easier than groceries to feed our beautiful families, we have become a drug infested nation. crime riwe have become a nation like nobody thought possible in many cases, we have become, quite horrible and unfair nation. we will institute the powerful death penalty for drug des where each dealer is responsible for the death during their lives of 500 people or more. mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming, what can i do? what can i do? what can i do?
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we are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty crowded mess. you sit and wait for hours and then are notified that the plane won't leave and they have no idea when they will where. ticket prices have tripled. they don't have the pilots to they don't have qualified air traffic controllers and they just don't know what the hell they're doing. we are a nation that citizens viciously at the ports. every single port. but if you are an illegal alien you are allowed to flow through our southern border by the millions. so sad. and look what has just happened great, great family with a magnificent daughter who is no longer with us. we are a nat confidence, its willpower and its strength. we are a nation that has lost its way, but we are not going to allow this horror to continue. three years ago, we were a great
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nation and we will soon be a great nation again. it was hardworking patriots like it is hardworking patriots like you who are going to save our country. we will fight for america like no one has ever fought before. 2024 is our final battle with you at my side. we will demolish the deep state. we will expel the warmongers from our government. we will drive out the globalist. we will cast out th fascist, and we will throw off the sick political class. that's what they are. they h the fake news media will drain the swamp, and we will liberate our country from these tyrants and villains. once and for all. like those patriots before us. we will not bend. we will not break. we will not yield.
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we will never give in. we will never give up. and we will never, ever back down. go on to victory, the likes of which no one has ever seen before. we will evict crooked joe back our country on november 5th, 2024. it will go down as the most important day in the history of our country. the great silent majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer. we are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under god. and together we will make america power fall make america wealthy
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again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will makeagain. thank you very much. thank you, george. and god bless you all. thank you. thankall. thank you. live in. my world.
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you still got. me on. top. oh. i love
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accura host: good morning. it's sunday, march 10, 2024. ahead, we will talk about border security and the
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