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tv   Natl Security Adviser WH Press Secretary Hold Briefing  CSPAN  March 18, 2024 2:15pm-3:15pm EDT

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in pennsylvania. thcountry club hills, illinois, democrat. caller: good morning. good morning c-span. all right. i want to say that i am so surprised, i want to y wonder wl about this speech donald trump made about if he loses there will be a bloodbath. all i have to say. thank you. host: hold on, i want to read this to you. the editorial board of the wall etthe bloodbath quote. this is what they had to say about it. i wanted to get your reaction. ífthey note that at an ohio raly on friday mr. trump was talking about the peril facing the u.s. automobile industry from he said this, if i do not get
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elected, it will be a bloodbath for the whole. the least of it will be a bloodbath for the country. the press write say democrats jumped on those remarks as a donald trump was incitin violceno doubt his words were oe top as they often are, but his bloodbath context was clearly the u happy monday. >> i have two items at the top before i turn over to jake sullivan. we mark women's history month, alongside the vice president and the second gentleman signed■ a historic executive order that will direct the most comprehensive sets of executive actions ever taken to expand and improve research on women's health. directives will ensure that women's health is integrated and prioritized across the federal government and will galvanize new research on a wide range opi midlife health, the president and the
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first lady announced more than 20 new actions and commitments that includes the launch of a new nih effort that will direct the investment of $200 million towards this■thesee first lady's recent announcement that the advanced research projects agency forspread for ws committing $100 million towards transforming■opment in women's health. the president called on congress to invest $12 billion in new funding for women's health research and he laid out his bold vision for transforming women's health research. what's today's announcement he is -- announcement he is keeping that promise. they will convene a roundtable in president biden's efforts to supportealth. this will be moderated by the
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usa today anchor and features courtney rucker, recording artists, licensed psychologists, and publicanalyse abuse and mental administration. this is the third of his administration -- since the start of his administration, biden has tackled the mental health crisis. hey had atal health strategy designed to strengthen system capacity, connect more people to care, and create healthier environments. to support this work and how we transform as a health in the united states, the biden hertha minnis patient launched 988 hoin expanded community mental health centers, establish new centers of excellence to promote mental health. the biden-hertha administration has and will continue -- the biden-harris administration will
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continue the substance usesuppot biden's proposed fiscal year 2025. with that i will turn over to our national security advisor jake sullivan who has an update on the middle east region. jake sullivan: thank you. thank you everybody. i have a few opening comments and that i can take your question. president biden spoke with the prime minister netanyahu, the two leaders disss development in israel and gaza and they spoke about the state of israel's military operations. the president emphasized his commitment to ensuring the -term security of israel and he affirmed that israel has the right to go after the perpetrators of the■ worst massacre of the jewish people since the holocaust. israel has made significant
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progress against hamas and broken a significant number of s including senior commanders, hamas' number three was put in an operation last week. the top leaders are in hiding, deep in the hamas tunnel network. justice will come for them to and we hoping to ensure that. more innocent civilians have died in this conflict in this military operation than in all the wars in gaza combined. including thousands ofhumanitars descending across gaza. anarchy reigns in areas of israel's military has cleared. the first u.s. president to make a wartime visi israel, he said both privately and publicly that the united states has learned a vital lesson over the course of several wars. without an integrated humanitarian plan and political plan.
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the president has repeatedly made the military operations need to be connected to a clear strategic endgame. the president told the prime minister again today that we share the goal of defeating bela coherent and sustainable strategy to make that happen. now, instead■z reevaluating where things stand in the campaign and what adjustments are needed to achieve more long-term success, instead of a focus on stabilizing the areas of gaza that israel has cleared so that hamas does not regenerate and retake territory that israel has already cleared, the israeli government is now talking about launching a major military operation in rafah. the prime minister spoke at length about it today. that president explained why he is so deeply concerned about the prospect of israel conducting major military operations in rafah and in gaza city. first, more than one million people have taken refuge in
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rafah. they went froma city, to other areas and then rafah. they have nowhere else to go. the other major cities have been destroyed. israel has not presented us with a world with a plan for how or where they would safely move those civilians or let alone basic things like sanitation. second, rafah is a primary entry point for humanitarian assistance in thea area from egypt and israel. this shuts that down or at least puts in a great risk. right at the moment when it is most sorely needed. third, roth is on the border with egypt which has voiced its deep alarm over a major military operation there. it has raised its possible relationship with israel with future military operations. the president has rejected the
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strawman that raising questions about rafah isout defeating ham. that is nonsense. hamas should not be allowed a safe haven in rough oruld lead o more innocent civilian deaths in a more dire humanitarian crisis. isolate israel internationally. the key goals israel was to achieve can be done by other means. on the call today president biden asked the prime minister to send a senior team composed of military and humanitarian days to hear u.s. concerns about israel's current planning and layout an alternative approach that would target he hamas elements in rafah and secure the egypt-gaza border without a major ground invasion. e minister agreed he would send a team. he has his own point of view on the operation when he agreed he would send a team to washington
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to have this diswe look forwarde discussions. the president and prime minister discussed the ongoing negotiations for an immediate cease-fire for several weeks in return for releasing hostages currently being held by hamas in gaza. we look to build on that cease-fire into something more enduring and using the space created by hostility is to serve humanitarian assistance at any so far the steel has been worse than we have hope we will press hamas could have ended this crisis tomorrow if they chose to do so. as i've said before, far too little of the energy and pressure to end this conflict has been applied to hamas. we will keep pointing that out. ime minister agreed to stay in close touch in the days and weeks ahead on all of these issues and their teams
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are in daily contact on every crisis as well as the other threats that israel faces around the region. that shared threats of the united states and israel and others of our allies and partners face om its boxy wars across the middle east. i would be happy to take your questions. >> you mened the deal has been elusive. i understand hamas put a proposal forward. is that we are still working with and is not still alive? >> is but a proposal on the table after israel worked with egypt and the united states had indicated a willingness to move forward on a six week ceas■@fire in return for the release of a number of hostages. leading to further information and hamas not given us anything. if hamas just handed over the elderly women and wounded tomorrow there wou!qlde a six week cease-fire. they have added a series of other conditions as well.
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the israeli government has responded by saying they cannote conditions going too far but that is for negotiations. as we speak today in pain from israel, qatar, and egypt to arrive at an outcome over the next fewwe believe that those discussions are live and a deal as possible, we should be able toç< to get hostages home and alleviate the suffering of the civilians in gaza and from our perspective,ted states will keep pushing on that and the president had the opportunity to discuss that with the prime minister today. >> does the president feel this was an appropriate time for us to locate -- to delegate talks? with this rich the prime minister in ways it had not previously? >> we are partners. we have had many discussions
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between our military, intelligence, diplomats, we have not had the opportunity to have after comprehensive integrated strategic discussion about how to achieve two things. one is the ultimate defeat of hamas and two, the protection of civilians and stabilization of gaza in a way that will lead to the long-term security of israel as well as the production of innocent human life -- protection of innocent human life in gaza. we have arrived at a point where each side has been making clear to the other its perspective and now we need to get down to brass tacks and have the chance for th side on an integrated basis, everyone sitting around the same table talking through the way forward. from the u.s. perspectis not a g hamas, anytime i hear an argument that says if you do not smash into rafah, you cannot
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defeat hamasthere are ways for o prevail in this conflict and secure its long-term future and end the terror threat from gaza and into rafah. it will have a back and forth and we will let you know how that unfolds as we go forward. >> can you describe the reports that there have been that you characterize with the tone w alt saying an invasion of rafah his head redline -- is his red line? >> for me, i think that is declaration of our policy and we have made that clear. with respect to the call, i am not the best person to give an or tone, i confirm it did not end abruptly, it is in a totally normal way. i would sayhat it is
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businesslike, each of them recognized that we are a critical moment in this conflict and they share a common objective that is for israel to prevail over hamas. they have a different perspective on this operation and they went into some detail on tto elaborate each of their respective views in a full flooded we wait of they always donister talk. that call is much like a previous call. they each agree to have the aby to get together and the two would stay in touch as we go forward. >> the deadline for israel to comply with national security memorandum it is coming up on sunday. as israel responded in writing? >> they have to provide edible assurances that they will abide by their international obligations. obligations have freely respectl
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humanitarian law. it includes not arbitrarily impeding the flow of humanitarian assistance where they can control that. i cannot tell you today or confirm that they have provided that. as you have had■a days before they had to do so. we anticipate that they will. >> on march 1, president biden said that he was going let israel facilitate more trucks to get more people to help that they need. today, and the call, did he make that clear? >> before today, the result of the president that can this was a priority for him team working that in a detailed level operationally on the ground and in israel has resultedening of e have seen since the president gave the state of the union and working to flow more convoys to the north along the beach road■
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as well. in addition to other steps like the landing of the first ship through a maritime corridor on the beach of gaza and active war going forward to get that set up off the coast of gaza as well. we have taken steps, the need for israel to do everything in its power and even more than it has already done to address the humanitarian crisis and obviously we have seen you on reports which the director of u.s. id spoke to quite eloquently, an alarming report about possible impending famine if everyone does not do their responsibility to ensure that we address that. is our first and foremost,ore ir food to starving people in northern gaza. it is incumbent on us and the rest of the in community to step up as well. they are the largest all hands on deck effort. is
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>> given the alarming report that famine is imminent, there must be conditions in military aid? >> was not[ enough, the action that matters is flowing dashboards are not enough, the action that matters is flowing minute hearingood, water, medicine or people are in need of it and elaborated. we have seen some steps forward and we nee sustained and we need to see them built on. ultimately, our judgment comes down not to pledges or promises or worries, comedown to action and we will continue to press on israel and see the kind of action. we will take responsibility to do our part and that is the temporary -- >> people have been killed in a hospital attack.
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u.s. and israel that they are reducing civilian deaths? >> attack, israel states it was going after senior hamas commanders and hamas militants and it is clear that hamas fired back at israel from that hospital. second, we have seen hamas over the course of this conflict use civilian facilities including hospitalto store weapons for command and control and house fighters. that places an added burden on israel. few militaries have to deal with. encouraged insurgency and a terrorist group using the shield of civilians to protect themselves during a fight rather th m fields of battle. third, and tells her that i'm concerned -- it tells us something else. israel cleared hamas and hamas came back into shifa.
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it raises questions so that hamas cannot retake territory and acting israel's objectives to a sustainable strategy that is the final thing we need to focus on right now rather than have israel go smash into rafah. that is what the president talk to the prime minister about today. >> during the call, did the president recall military aid to israel if moves into rafah? >> the president do not make threats. when he said today was i want you to i am for the defeat of hamas, i believe that they are an evil terroristjust israeli but american blood on their hands. i believe that to get to that you need a strategy that works. thattrategy should not involve a major military operation that was thousands of lives, civilian, innocent lives at risk. there is a better way, and your
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team to washington and let us talk about it. i will leave it at that. >> schumer's election, what did he say about >> the prime minister raised his concerns about a variety of things that have come out in the american press not talk specifiy about anyone of them because i want the prime minister to speak for himself and protect the discretion of the call. i will say that from president biden's perspective this is not a question of politics, it is not a question oflic statements. it is a question of policy and strategy. that is what he focused on and that is what he is focused on in the call. >> the timing of the meeting in washington, is that the coming days and weeks? did israel commit to not invading rafah until that was cleared? >> we have every expectation they will not proceed with the monetary operation until we have the conversation and they talked
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about as soon as the end of this week, it could be at the beginning of next week. each side needs to prepare within that timeframe. on a longer timeframe. -- not a longer timeframe. i will not put words in their mouths. you can ask them. i think you will find they will indicate that they no ahead wite sit down and talk about it. >> vladimir putin in a press conference spoke about a possible prisoner swap. agreed to exchange prisoners in the west on condition that they never come back to russia again. is there any plans in place? >> we have spoken to russian officials over the course of months and years with respect to american detainees who are unjustly being in russia. we have not heard a russian official raise n as part
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of a prisoner swap. if this is something they were interested in, it sounds like it would come quite late, too late that from them before. having the supporter netanyahu of the majority of the israeli people for his politics including going into rafah. is there more the to speak to te israeli people directly so that they do not support this idea of going into rafah? >> inherent in the questio of ir just you have the prime ministers speaking on american television about his concerns about americans interfering in israeli politics and your question is should americans be speaking to israeli politics? we do not do nearly as much as they speakthat is not a construf answer to your question, an observation. again, as we have said perspects
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not about politics, this is about policy and strategy. and so, the president is not focused on what is popular and what is not popular and how do you shape public opinion? he is interested in how we get to the right rtsthe right resulg defeat of hamas, a two state solution, that has a secure and a palestinian state that indicates the aspirations of palestinian people. a broader normalization all of their neighbors. we need to drive to that outcome and while it is true that many voices in israel cannot see that today that is ultima -- alter te president's view that it is the only solution to israel's future as a democratic jewish state that is secure and at peace with its neighbors includi t he was o
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gaza, you mentioned in a report that northern gaza is facing imminent famine. this is you are raising with the israelis and another question, with 5000 prisoners that are being missing, nobody ow anything about them, they were captured by the israelis including doctors and journalists and we are hearing about that this morning as well. what can you do to push the israelis, or are these prisoners? -- where are these prisoners? they are to our information civilians. >>hearing an aid worker is denid access, we will inquire the circumstances of that. with respect to the detention of , i saw them
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recently before coming into this briefing room, and had the opportunity to race that with my israeli counterpbarts so. we believe in the capacity for journalists to do their job even in difficult circumstances and war■ zones must be procted. this administration takes this seriously in all contexts. we have regularly indicatoisraey have a responsibility under international humanitarian law and not just with respect to the literary operations but with respect to the treatment of and access to prisoners in their custody. that is something we will remind them of as we go forward. even out that the enemy they are fighting is not close to the same sport or the same ballpark of caring about humanitarian law. >> the president said he felt prime minister netanyahu had a come to dejesus moment about
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their conversation today on the rafah operations, was that hi it on behalf of the president. i would describe tyou draw your. [laughter] >> why is it that it is so hard for the administration to tell netanyahu he has been ignoring many of your requests? he has threatened toion into ra. the white house has been sending weapons? there is a big push from the white house? >> that is more of a statement than a question. >> president macron, what do you make of his statements? saying that he might send troops
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to ukraine? >> i cannot speak to him, he continues obviously has every right to do that. we have made our position clear which is that we are not intending to send u.s. troops to fight and reiterated that for the american people in the state of the end and we have not wavered from that today. >> [indiscernible] do you have any reaction to the treatment? we have seen the facebook posts from saturday night, we are in touch with them this follows discussions we have had with them about our concerns
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with their trajectory and aleta at that because that is discussions with the authorities and they are ongoing. pipes coming from israel and the humanitarian situation in gaza i am coming from israel and humanitarian situation in gaza, eight is not getting in aid is not getting in. who is responsible for that? is there more aid coming into gaza? >> the prime minister intends to push his government to have more ■ israel but as i have said to an earlier question, it is not statements, it is action,■=á! w■thaeee pasts that represent steps forward including the opening of a new convoy that has gone to the north includingah. we have seen that before and
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then numbers have dipped for variety of reasons. some to do the difficulty of moving aid around gaza once it gets inside once we have seen and tragic circumstances. and from o perspective the key thing is that we need to flood the zone. we need to use every tool in our disposal, every land route, every possible number ofú@ truc, sea routes, air drops, to get as much aid in as possible. israel has the responsibility to facilitate the aid and tinternay including the united states has a responsibility as well. we have done a significant number of things and we can do more. this is an■v■p undertaking and an urgent priority and we will keep at it. >> to follow up, i know you said when aske's comments that he hat heard of a russian official selecting navalny as part of a prisoner swap. they have come to the table too late.
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is that saying negotiations or reporters are not on the table? are there any active efforts going on right now for this? >> we have had a continuous effort to secure the release of both bob whalen and others. we will continue until they are free. that means regular communication at senior levels at the russian federation making a series of offers which we have gone over time and wilcowe have now slackn our zeal to get them out. and remaity of hours and that will continue notwithstanding the tragic death of alexi navalny. >>zt state department announced this weekend that more than 30 americans have been evacuated from haiti. they were evacuate city, not port-au-prince.
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more than 1000 u.s. citizens have reached out asking about their options eparting. the island. are there plans for the u.s. to support areas? >> more than 1000 americans have been in touch with the embassy to seek more information. some have asked for information about the porting and others have heard about■6 safely or if they choose to depart in the future, how they might do so. the 1000 is encapsulating a number of different categories. we did have our first evacuation flight out of cape patient more than 30 u.s.izens were on and we are looking to continue operating out of ca■■pe haitian. if people want to leave out of the port-au-prince air airport, there is active analysis of the risks of doing
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so. we will stay in close touch with every american citizen who wants to haiti and get you to look for office to ensure that they are safe and their passage out of the country if they choose to leave. >> why did president biden wait so long, 32 days pass between the phone calls with the prime minister netanyahu? >> our teams are in contact every single day at every level, president biden gets a daily twice daily sometimes nine times daily update on what is goingise prime minister when he believes there is a key strategic moment needs to come forward. point knows how to reach president biden. the prime minister felt he needed, he would have picked up the phone and called. president biden sdeclined a phoe minister netanyahu. the normal give-and-take from ies and working with their teams. the key inflection point in the
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dialogue between the two sides coming together and talking i woul more of it than that. >> when president biden was told his handling of the war between israel and hamas starting to affect his ownegan to shout and swear. when he does that, is he swearing about in hoo! o ■[ hamas or his poll numbers -- netanyahu or hamas or his poll numbers. >> this is kind of like when did ng your wife kind of question i had never seen him shout or swear. >> what can you tell us about the temporary timeline, how it will be secured? how soon aid will be delivered? >> they can into the operational details on it, what i can tell you is that our original
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timeline extended out something like 85 or 60 days to have it fully inwe are hoping to beat tt because we are moving heaven and earth to get all of the complex logistics associated with it fully the pipeline for aid going into gaza. ultimately, it will be a scenario where assets move the peer off of the coast and it will be the idf acid to secure it. there are no u.s. boots on the ground in gaza. ths and the commander feels good about the progress we are making and he will be able to moveexpedited be in the original timeline as they have provided. one more question? >> [indiscernible] >> first, nothing about the election outcome was unpredictable.
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putispace, had locked up politil opponents, or they had tragically died. there is nothing■[the outcome w. the reality is that president putin is the russia. we have had to deal with that reality throughout the war in ukraine, throughout the other aggression russia has undertaken, throughout the other steps cinterest we have seen frs president and from the russian federation under his leadership, we will continue to deal with that reality. that reality does notn was not something that met any benchmark being free or fair. thank you all. >> thank you. all right. [indiscernible] >> plans are taking shape over the weekend for the security buffer and want to make sure
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that that is included in the final legislation. >> point? >> i am not going to talk about reporting regarding ongoing negotiations because we need to be super careful of talking from the podium here. one thing i will make clear is that, dhs needs a bill that adequately funds operational pace. we have seen during those past fiscal years that it is what the administration is fighting for. we wanzt to make sure they have the operational funding to do the job that they need to be doing. that is what i can say. i want to also add■7, let us not forget the past 10 months. dhs has removed more people than during every fiscal year since 2013. they have maximized their operations and have done the work to do what they can at the funding levels that they operating in.
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we want to do everything that we can honal pace. i will not get into negotiations from here. >> there is a dollar figure? more money? >> will be mindful and negotiate from the podium. that should not negotiate from the podium. we believe needs additional money to deal with the security operations we are dealing with at the border and more broadly of the work that the dhs has to do. >> though, negotiations continue -- look, negotiations continue. working on reaching an agreement. they shut is set for our coming friday and we want to get to a point where we have dhs has the operational pace they have been having. >> the supreme considered a case about social media, misinformation, can you talk
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about what the administration believes is at stake in this case? >> this is an ongoing case. i will not comment. we have been pretty consistenthr so. i will be mindful on that. >> there is left over israel ane importance of freedom of the press. has he or any and the administration pushed israel -- in the administration pushed israel to allow more media into gaza? conversations that we have with the leadership of the israeli government. i do not have anything to share on that, you heard the president as it relates to protecting the freedom of the press and protecting journalists. we have been clear about that. the president has skei cannot st particular conversation on that issue, we want to make sure and
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we want to make sure that freem respected and that journalists are protected and that is something that the president has had conversations with leaders over the past three years as it relates to that. obviously, humanitarian issues as well. we have always had those conversations, it does not matter if it is our allies or friends or whoever, we have been consistent. i cannot speak to any conversations of the president has had on that issue. >> what are the remaining points on the dhs fundingil the white n at the 11th hour? >> when it comes to the funding of the government, it is the basic duty of congress to keep the governmentit is something co do on behalf of the american people. there are critical programs
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americans need and americans families need. it is being discussed. it is important to have dhs do the work of they are currently nd immigration system. it is their job and duty. i am not going to timeline as to when we have conversations about that were negotiations that are currently happening. s the critical and important continuing -- to continue the operational pace the dhs needs to do their job. we have been consistent as will over the past three years asking for additional funding. i'm going to be really mindful and not negotiate from the podium. as the administration of out contact with social media companies and are medications gaorganization information -- about organization and
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organization information? >> there is a particular missouri case i will be careful not to answer questions that are adjacent to what is happening with this particular case. i do not have speak to you or lo you about conversations with social media. the president tried to communicate wus do that consist. i want to be mindful as there is an ongoing case happening at this time. >> more broadly, can you talk about this administration's concern about the misinformation? >> we have been consistent about the importance of -- it is a responsibility of social media to make sure what is on their platforms is not
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misinformation or disinformation. we have been clear do not have s to layout or to speak to. we have been consistent for at least the past couple of years on that. >> a temporary pause on the controversial tech bill today i, it does not take action. what does the administration plan if that does go into effect? >> we have to be careful not to comment beyond what the doj filings have laid out.i have shf you. i will point out that the department of justice makes clear that sb four is inconsistent with the supreme court decision in 2012. more than a century of additional president, another example of what we have seen from the governor of texas, governor abbott and having to politicize what is happening at
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the border and politicize what the president is focused on making sure that there are need to secure the border and that is why he is going to continue to call on congressional republicans to pass theeement that came out of the senate a couple of months ago. the border control unions andd the u.s. chamber of commerce and we worked on it for months and we believe that it is going to meet the needsha border has challenges on and deal with the border policy. i have nothing else to share. been clear on their filings on sb4. >> two questions. the white house planning for its target year and what is your message to the americans about their difficult year?
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>> low, we are going to bash -- look, we have been very consistent and clear that ts conflict is personal and painful for many. as a president has been clear on that we have been clear from this podium. he respects l ericans to be speaking out and their voices to be heard as long as it is peaceful. we understand it is a painful time for a number of communities as you know, we have had white house officials meet with members of the different communities whether it is arab muslim, palestinian communities talking about theire welcome that. i do not have anything to share, any events or working on that. >>trikes
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over a hideout, was u.s. briefed on that? a of violence escalating in that region? >> all right. share with all of you we are aware of the report that pakistan carried out airstrikes in afghanistan in response to attacks in pakistan on sard■@ite regret the loss of life and injuries sustained during the attack in pakistan and the loss of civilian livesk during the strikes in lives during the strikes and afghanistan. we urge the taliban to ensure terrorist attacks are not lost from afghan soil we urge pakistan to exercise restraint and ensure civilians are not harmed in their counterterrorism efforts. to address any differences through dialogue. we remain committed to ensuring afghanistan never again becomes
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a safe haven for terrorists who wish to harm the united states or other partners or allies. we have made that very clear and will continue to be consistent. >> south korean reports that north korea sent 7000 containers of a munition to russia. if so, what are thensequences o? >> have not seen the report so i have nothing to share on that. i want to be mindful and careful on that one. >> update on the president's review of china -- >> asked the question all the time. don't have anything to share at this time on that. >> pivoting to the united health hack, the latesstration's view r that is nearing resolution, if we are still in the thick of it, whether you american health data was compromised by the attack? >> i would have to refer you to hhs.
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i have seen reporting, just don't have anything for you beyond the reporting. >> wonder if you could comment on the russian elections, whet■her you see prudent as aed? >> jake sullivan did a very good job speaking to this. one of the things he di mr. prur of russia. -- pno one is shocked by the res coming out of the elections there. i just don't have anything to ty well here. >> technically, is it still possible to avoid a shutdown given the 72-hour review window that has to happen? >> we have to be hopeful. this is an administration that is hopeful, hopes that c■wongres gets to the bottom of this, gets to a point where we keep the government open. again, it is their basic duty to do so.
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there are negotiations i've been asked about with dhs, will not speak to them from here, but it's critical that we keep the government open. it is not just dhs. there are a number of other programs that americans need that we have to continue. this has to get done. >> the israeli delegation coming, do we have a sense of who is leading that from their side or the u.s. side? >> i don't have anything to share on tas we get closer to an we can share information on when that meeting will happen, we will have more to share. just don't havenydetails than wd earlier. >> imperative to that biden is having with netanyahu and his government, does this mean that president biden feels that the government is legitimate and shoul continue, and that engagement with them can bear more fruit than in the past? >> say that again? >> that the netanyahu governnt m
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as a legitimate leader -- >> let's be clear. bibi netanyahu is the prime minister of israel. that is something that we know, that is fact. that dthat is the reason why wee been in constant communication with the israeli government from all levels. changed. >> i asked because schumer suggested -- >> as it relates to any elections or anything like that, that is up to the israel the government. that is up to them to decide. i cannot speak to that. i can speak to the president and his involvement and engagement. it's important he had this conversation with the prime minister today about rwy■]afah, about how we move forward. jake sullivan did a really good job laying that out, what that conversation went.
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the president doesn't want to see a military operation go into rafah. he has been clear about that. he wants to make sure innocent lives are protected, and has to be done in a way that we don't see palestinian lives- losing anymore palestinian lives. but understanding that israel has to go after hamas, a terrorist organization. we understthere will be a conven with both sides. it will happen. i just don't have anything to share further about that. >> the president has quite a bit of travel this week. i was hoping you would tell us more about what he is doing besides h activities, as well as how he will be engaged with these ongoing negotiations to avoid a shutdown? >>l talk about the last part of your question first. the president is always engaged, communicating with his team. it doesn't matter where he is,
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whether he is in the white house, anywhere else in the world, he is president where he is. the eshe will participate in a campaign event. i will refer you to the campaign for more details on thatjl particular■g event in las vegas. he will deliver remarks on lowering costs for american families, his priority as iton l be in phoenix, delivering remarks on investing in america agenda. this is part of a busy travel schedule following the state of the union where the president is hitting the road, meeting americans,bout how he sees his vision, future of the country for the american people. we will have more details to share. th the political parts of the trip, i would refer you to the campaign. >> next week, the president is
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going to new york, meeting with president obama, former president clinton. a report came out about president biden's president obad that might be some jealousy involved. >> let's be clear, biden have a very good relationship. you all have seen it over the past several years. they are like family to each other. i am just not going to speak to reporting that we don't believe to be true. >> on saturday in niger, decided to cut military ties with the united steed to this decision, w concerned are you that niger is now one of these african countries seeking cooperation with russia? >> a couple of things. jake spoke to this when he was here moments ago. let me say two top
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the situation in niger first. since the coup last year, we sought to work with the nigerian a toward a democratic transition and shared security interests. last week, the langley, assistant secretary of defense while under where therefore frank conversations with the cnfp to see how we can chart a common path forward, concerns about the lack of progress toward a democratic transition, maintain a long-term security partnership. as it relates to russia, the russian federation's repeated violations of international law to include its illegal invasion and ongoing war of aggression in ukraine represent a clear threat to thees-based international system. we are closely monitoring the russian defense activities. in and mitigate
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potential risks to u.s. personnel, interest, and assets. that is how we are looking at that relationship in particular. >> when will the president hold another news conference so we can ask questions of him without having helicopter or jet noises in the background? >> nothing to share with you. as you were just saying, the president takes questions pretty enjoys having engagement with all of you. i don't have a press conference to lay out for you at this time. >> is there talk of one? >> said, the president enjoys engaging with all of you on a regular basis and he will continue to do that. i have to go. your question is last. >> the north carolina tenant governor and others sent the white house a letter about someone -- say that one more time? >> in north carolina last week.
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information. >> i don't have anything to share on that particular letter. i'm happy to go back to the team and dy. see you on the road. >> thursday, white house budget director shalonda young and treasury secretary janet yellen testify on president biden's 2025 budget request and the economic outlook. watch the house appropriations subcommittee chairman live at 2:30 p.m. eastern on c-span three, c-span now, our free mobile video app, or online at >>n is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including mediacom. >> here, or right here, or way out in the middle of anywhere, you should haveccto■2 fast,
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that is why we are leading the way. >> mediacom supports c-span as e other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> celebrating the 20th anniversary of our annual studentcam documentary competition. yes year, c-span as middle and high school students across the country to look forward while considering the past, highlighting the milestone of the anniversary, each participant was given the option to look 20 years into the future or 20 years into the past. in response,d thought-provoking documentaries from more than 3002 hundred students across 42 states. through conducting in-depth research and conducting interviews with experts, students tackled critical topics like social media. >> it has started replacing
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humans in certain jobs, eliminating entire fields of work. >> challenges in climate. >> ourapestr the richness of diversity it once held. >> discussions about criminal justice. >>nd the american criminal justice system. >> we are excited to share the winners of studentcam cap edition. isaac graham middle school in mountain view, california. the documentary beyond just sci-fi, ai reshaping america's , delves into the evolving world of artificial intelligence. the high school eastern division first prize is awarded to dermot foley from emory blair high maryland, for his film the promise of the purple line, climate change, and reimagining the future of america' rena johnson and leah so really from troy, michigan claimed first prize in their high school central divisiowi tproduction, e
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caregivers of america. in the high school western division, brandon, ed max from palo alto senior high school in california. first prize for threads of change which takes a closer look at the fast fashion industry. our top award of $5,000 for a grand prize goes to nate coleman and jonah, 10thr8in connecticut. there compelling documentary, innocence held hostage, navigating past and future conflict with izjttn, deals wita timely and sensitive subject, and includes an interview with a former iranian hostage. >> instead of saying you are free to lea blindfolded, handcuffed, thrown into the back of the car and headed straight to prison. >> it of 3200 students that participated this year, you are the grand prize winners in studentcam 2024. >> thank you so m■xh. >> this is a huge honor.
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we are so grateful for this opportunity. >> educators, parents, and participants who supported each of these young filmmakers on their creative journey. s to all the winners. don't miss out. the top winning documentaries will be presented on c-span starting april 1. and you can keep each of the 150 studentcam films online anytime at into limiting the cynically engaged and inspiring young minds as they share their opinions on the issues that are important to them and affect our world. >> next, testimony on worldwide seri william burns, director of national intelligence avril haines, and fbi director christopher wray. they joined other leaders from the intelligence community to talk about the importance of continued support for ukraine.
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