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tv   U.N. Security Council Debates Israel- Gaza Ceasefire Resolution  CSPAN  March 25, 2024 5:09pm-7:01pm EDT

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and allow novices to replace experts. that's where it's dangerous. is helping experts be better experts. helping someone who knows their job well be better at their job that they know well. announcer: watch this subcommittee hearing on defense modernization tonight at 9 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now at -- ♪ uncer: c-span is your unfiltered view of government. funded by these television companies and more, including midco ♪including midco. ♪ >> ♪ no one can do it like we di♪ -- like we do ♪ ♪ announcer: midcthese other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. ♪ announcer: the united nations security council approved a cease-fire resolution for the israel-hamas war during the
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month release of all hostages taken during the october 7 terror attack. the u.s. abstained from voting on the measure declining to use its vetomeasure passed by a vote of 14-0 in a 15 member body. that vote and the following remarks lasted just under two hours and took place at the u.n. headquarters in new york city. ♪ >> the 9,586th meeting of the security council is called to order.
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at the outset of the meeting i should like, at the request of the delegation of the russian federation, and on behalf of the members of the security council, to ask that all those presentd join in observing a minute of silence to present its condolences and sympathy to the government and people of russia and in the memory of victims of the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack at the concert hall in the moscow region, the russian federation on the 22nd of march. i now invite you to stand and observe a minute of silence.
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i thank you. the provisional agenda for this meeting is the situation in the middle east, including the palestinian question. the agenda is adopted. in accordance with 37 of the council's provinal rules of procedure, i invite the representatives of israel and yemen to participate in this meeting. it is so decided.
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i propose that the counc invite the permanent observer of the observer state of palestine to the united nations to participate in the meeting in accordance with the provision rules of procedure and previous practice in this regard. there it is so decided. the security council will now begin its consideration of item two of the agenda. members of the council have before them document s-224-254, the text of the draftresolution submitted by algeria, ecuador, gana, malta, mosambi, republic of korea, slovenia and switzerland. the council is ready to proceed to the of the draft resolution before you.
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i now give the floor to those members of the council who wishs before the vote. i give the floor to the representative of mozambique. >> mr. president, i have the honor to introduce this draft resolution on behalf of the 10elected members of the security council. japan, malta, republic of korea, sierra leon, slovenia, switzerland, and my own country mozambique. the presidency of japan for convening this meeting in order to take action on this important resolution on the middle east, including the palestinian question.
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we express our deep appreciation to all members of this council for their efforts and inputs on this draft resolution aimed at ending the catastrophic situation in the gaza strip. mr. president, the situation in gaza is a matter of grave concern to the ente intey. indeed, the escalation of the conflict in the gaza strep and -- gaza strip consequences are a clear threat to international peace and security. in this context, the e10 felt compelled to table this draft resolution before you. 15 members of this
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council individually and collectively have a mandate@ under the charter to work for the maintenance of international peace and security, and their actions impact the entire international community. this is the strong conviction text that we are considering this morning. this council has been consistently unanimous in its obligation of the parties in conflict to respect international law, i international humanitarian law and international human rights law. d10 have always supported the call for an immediate ceasefire
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in gaza as a fundamental step. for this reason, and in respect for the holy month of ramadan, we have proposed the present resolution that demands an immediate ceasefire during this second period leading to a permanent and sustainable system. -- and sustainable cease-fire. at the same time, the draft resolution demands the immediate and unconditional relee hostages and emphasizes that humanitarian access must bes their medical and other humanitarian needs. our key demands for weeks. the draft resolution further
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demands that the parties comply with their obligations under international law, as we said before, including international humanitarian law and human rights law. the draft resolution also emphasizes the need for the pa pertinent resolutions adopted byouncil, including resolutions 2712 and 2720 of 2023.the 10 have a consultative -- have adopted a consultative approach during the negotiation process of this text. we have consulted extensively and in good faith with all members of this council
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manner with the aim of achieving a text that addresses situation in gaza. the adoption of this draft resolution will certainl another important step this council can build upon to comprehensively address the crisis in gaza. given the utmost urgency of the tuatn, we call upon all members of this council, all and each member of this council, to vote in favor of this resolution. while this resolution is crucial, it is essential that we continue working towards a comprehensive ceasefire and a lasting peace in thei thank you, mr.
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president. >> i thank the representative of mozambique for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of the russian federation. >> mr. president we are extremely stunned and disappointed about theresolution in the last 24 hours was done. the fact that the word permanent in op1 relating to a ceasefire is proposed to be replaced by a more weak wording was something we learned about a little morebe meeting. that is unacceptable. well received -- ctions for the vote on the text that contained the word permanent and we believe that that is of fundamental importance. all of the remaining wording leaves too broad an area for interpretation, which could allow israel to resume its military operation in thet any moment
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following the expiry of the ceasefire, which we today hope will be order to avoid this scenario, we would like to make an oral amendment to the text and return the word permanent in op1, in so doing, it would read as it read in the previously issued resolution namely. >> demands in immediate cease-fire for the months of ramadan respected by all parties leading to a pethe immediate and unconditional release of of all hostages as well as ensuring humanitarian access to address their medical and other humanitarian needs and further demands, that thely with their obligations under international law in relation to all persons. >> thaou>> i thank the representative of
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the russian federation for their statement. members of the council have before them a proposed amendment submitted by federation to the text of the draft resolution contained in the document s-224-254 submitted algeria, ecuador, guyana japan, malta, mosambik, republic of korea, slovenia and switzerland. rule 36 of the council's provisional rules of procedure state when an amendment adds to or deletes from the text of a motion or draftamendment shall be voted on first. accordingly, i intend to put the proposed amendment to the vote first. will those in favor of the their hand?
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against. abstentions.h& the result of the voting is as follows, three votes in favor, one vote against, 11 abstentions. the proposed amendment has not been adopted. having failed to obtain֎r of votes. i shall put the draft resolution to the vote now.
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favor of the draft resolution contained in document s-224-254 please there raise -- raise their hand? those against. abstentions. the result of the voting is as follows, 14 votes in favor, zero votes against, one abstention. [applause] the draft resolution has been adopted.
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i now give the floor to those members of the council who wish tostatements after the vote. i give the floor to the representative of algeria. >> thank you, mr. president. i would like to thank all the council members for their flexibility and the constructive way that allowed us today to adopt this long awaited resolution, a resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. in order to put an end to the
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massacres that unfortunately are still ongoing oveve months. over the past five months, the palestinian people have suffered greatly. this bloodbath has continued for far too long. s end to this bloodbath before it is too late. 7cfinally, the security council is shouldering its
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responsibility as the primary organ maintaining international peace and security. it is finally r cause of the international community. these repeated calls not only from the international community but also from the secretarygeneral, mr. antonio guterres, and once again we bring your support to the secretary-general for his noble position and for his support to this just because. -- this just cause. despite the heinous campaigns that were launched against him mr. president, when we voted on
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the draft resolution tabled by algeria last month, we promised that we will spare no we will continue to work hard to make sure that the security council is abiding by its full responsibility. we also promised that we welcome back once again -- will come back once again to knock on the doors of the security council, and de all 10 elected member states to convey a clear message to the palestinian people.
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this message is as follows the international in its entirety did not abandon you, feels your suffering. it did not abandon you. mr. president, adopting today's resolution is only the beginning to meet the aspirations of the palestinian people. we look forward to the commitment and the compliance ofthe
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israeli occupying power with this resolution for them to put an end to the blood bath without any conditions to end the suffering of the palestinian people. it is the responsibility of the security council to ensure the provision of this resolution. in conclusion, mr. president, i reaffirm the algeria will return once again before the security council under the instructions of his excellency, the president of the republic, to make sure that palestine returns to its natural status as a full-fledged
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member. a sovereign member state of the united nations. i thank you. >>algeria for their statement. i give the floor to the represented of of the united states. >> thank you, mr. president. at the top, i want to express my deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of last week's tritt terrorism in all its forms and stand in solidarity with the russian people in grieving the loss of life from this horrific event. colleagues, today, this council spoke out in support of the ongoing diplomatic efforts led by the united states, qatar egypt, to bring about an immediate and sustainable ceasefire, secure the immediatease
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of all hostages and help alleviate the tremendous suffering of palestinian civilians in gaza who are in dire lifesaving humanitarian assistance. the united states fully supports these critical objectives. in fact, they were the foundation of the resolution we put forward last week. a resolution that russia and china vetoed. but colleagues, the united support for these objectives is not simply rhetorical, we're working around the clock to make them real on the ground and through the policy -- and through diplomacy because we know that it is only through diplomacy that we can push this agenda forward. we're getting closer to a dealfor an immediate cease-fire with the release of all hostages but we are not there yet. e could have come about months ago if hamas had been willing to
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release hostages. months ago. instead hamas continues to stand in the way of peace. to throw up roadblocks cower in tunnels beneath gaza cities and behind under civilian the civilian population. so today my ask to members of this council and to member states in every region of the world, speak out and demand unequivocally that h accepts the deal on the table. now i hope i'm wrong. don't expect that from russia and china. especially because they still can't bring themselves to come dense -- to condemn hamasrist attack on october 7. just last week russia and china vetoed a resolution that condemned this horrific attack. a resolution the vast majority of this council supported. they have shown time and time again that they are not actually interested in advancing a durable peace through diplomatic
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efforts. nor for all their rhetoric are they interested in making any meaningful contributions to humanitarian efforts. instead they are using this devastating conflict to try to divide this council at a time when we need to come together. it is deeply cynical and we should all see through it. colleagues, we appreciated the willingness of members of this council to take some of our edits and improve on this resolution. still, certain key edits were ignored, including our request to add a condemnation of hamas. and we did not agree with everhing unfortunately not able to vote yes. however, as i've said before, we sume of the critical objectives in this nonbinding resolution and we believe it was important for the council to speak out and make cleaat must -- any cease-fire must come with
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the release of all hostages. indeed, as i've said fore, the only path to a durable end to this conflict is the release of all hostages. criticallysere and the release of hostages will allow much more humanitarian aid to get into gaza at a time when famine is looming large and provide an opportunity cessation of hostilities toward a future where hamas can no never repeat october 7th and no longer control gaza and use civilians as shields. toward a future where palestinians and israelis live side-by-side in peace in two own. something that will never happen with hamas, a terrorist organization dedicated to the destruction of israel and the killing organization this still fails to condemn
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hamas. we meet during the holy month of ramadan, this should be a reason of peace for muslim committees around the world. just as october 7 should have been a day of peace for jewish communities. this resolution rightly acknowledges that during the month of ramadan, we must recommit to peace. hamas can do that by accepting the deal on the table. a ceasefire can beginimmediately with the release of the first hostage. and so we must put pressure on hamas to do just that. this is the only path to release of hostages. as we have all called for today. that is whs resolution means. a ceasefire of any duration must come with the release of hostages. this is the only path. thank you very much, mr. president. >> i thank the representative of
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the united states for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of slovenia. >> thank you very much, mr. president. today is an important day. most of all, we hope it will signal an important day for the people of the middle east. a day that will help silence the guns, stop the killing, free the hostages as well as bring clear the skies over gaza. the day that marks the beginning ofhe endlians. this is a significant day for the elected members. we found our voice of an unifying force inside the council. this is the reason why we are on the council. we showed the leadership for peace, and it is a good day for the whole counsel, as we aligned our efforts and decision with the calls coming from the uneral assembly and the un secretary-general.
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from the humanitarian organizations and from the world public. we demonstrated th unity for peace, a small step in rebuilding trust in the counsel. today's resolution is just thebeginning. we will need more of this unity for gaza as well as for many other conflicts. and slovenia is ready -- and slovenia is ready. mr. president, i don't need but i wish to thank my colleagues the elected members as we went through the process together. this is slovenia's third month on the council. many more joint ventures together in search of peace. i wanted to thank the permanent members for giving us a chance the eu10 and for being patient during negotiations. mr. strongest signal thus far, we demand an immediate ceasefire for the month of
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ramadan, leading to lasting sustainable cease-fire. it is a call we have all been desperate to hear from the counsel. a short and focuseresolu that this conflict must stop. it offers an opportunity for peace for palestinnd an opportunity for diplomatic efforts, including those of egypt, qatar, and the u.s. to continue. we express our appreciation for the commitment of the secretary general. humanitarian coordinators as well as for the leadership of different u.n. agencies, humanitarian and health organizations including unra. we recall the binding nature of the security council resolutions and call for swiftclear resolution. in particular with regards to the ceasefire the unconditional release of hostages and the urgent need for flow of humanitarian aid. we also reiterate our call for
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full respect of international law including international humanitarian law and human rights law. thank you. >> i thank the representative of slovenia for their statement. representative of the republic of korea. >> thank you, mr. president. today's adoption of the resolution proposed by the e10 including the republic of very first resolution by this council that demands a ceasefire in gaza after numerous attempts by the council and consistent appeals by the u.n. secretary general and so on amid rising death tolls. it is also significant that this is the first ever resolution introduced by the e10 and adopted on a security council regional agenda item. as one of the e10, the republic of korea is pleased by
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today's adoption of the resolution and commends the dedicated efforts of all e10colleagues including mozambique, the coordinator epresenting the views of the arab world, and japan the presidency of the council in the process of drafting and negotiating the rin addition, we appreciate the cooperation of the p5 in particular the u.s. for its sincere and utmost coordination with the e10 in the spirit of compromise. in order for today's resolution to have concrete significance, beyond the internal politics of the security council, it must have a tangible impact on the situation in the gaza strip by saving the lives of innocent civilians and easing the humanitariantb crisis. the situation on the ground in gaza must be different before and after this resolution.
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this will only be possible when both israel and hamas respect and faithfully implement this resolution. even though it it coercive under chapter 7 of the charter, the parties to the conflict must bear in mind that th reflects the consensus of the international community forged through active discussion in the security council andgeneral assembly for more than five months. the most important thing is implementing the ceasefire starting right now. as defined in the resolution violence and firing must be ceased immediately. hostages taken by hamas and other groups must be returned to their families right away. barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance must be lifted. the entire international community must also actively cooperate to save civilian lives and overcome acute food
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insecurity through humanitarian aid at scale. restore basic public order and improve gaza's fundamental health and sanitation. and based on these achievements, preparations for redoubled political and diplomatic dialogue to resolve the palestinian question in the long term must commence stepstall parties will have to take a step back and respond to the global call to participate in the cause of restoring peace and humanity. i thank you, mr. president. >> i thank the representative of for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of marta. >> thank you, president. at the offset, i wish to express our condolences to the russian federation for the
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atrocious terrorist attack of last week. we condemn all terrorism in all its forms. malta was proud to resolution which we have just adopted which calls for a cease-fire for the month of ramadan, leading to a lasting sustainable cease-fire. with this resolution, the security council has clearly spoken out on the urgent and pressing need to stop the fighting. mrs. critical this is critical to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. this resolution must now be immediately and unconditionall implemented by all parties. the fighting needs to stop without further delays. all hostages must be safely released. on this occasion, we also express our appreciation and support for th qatar and the united states. we sincerely hope that these diplomatic efforts can lead to ngible results in the coming days. meanwhile, humanitarian access
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to the gaza strip is of critical importance to avthsk of famine. there is the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance and in demanding the barriers preventing the necessary humanitarian assistance as requested by this resolution. closing a sustainable ceasefire must also be accompanied by a political urgency to build a durable malta reaffirms its commitment to a just and comprehensive resolution of the conflict based on a two-ate solution along the pre-1967 borders addressing the legitimate aspirations of both sides with jerusalem as a future capital of two and palestine, living side by side in peace and securitywith the relevant security council resolutions and internationally agreed parameters. thank you. >> i thank the representative of malta for their statement. i give the floor to the represented above france --
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representative of france. >> mr. president, france welcomes the adoption of resolution 2728, more than 5 caused by the terrorists attacked waged by hamas it was high time fothe security council to act. it was high time for it to establish a ceasefire, it was high time for it to demand the it was high time for it to call for comprehensive humanitarian access and mass aid at a time when famine is resolution demonstrates that the security council can still act when all of its members make the necessary effort to discharge their mandate. i wish this connection to commend the permanent representative of the united states for the role played. security council's -- the council's
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silence on gaza was becoming deafening. it is high time now for the council to finally contribute to finding a solution to this crisis. this crisis is not over. our counsel will have to remain mobilized and immediately get back to work. it will have to following ramadan which finishes in two weeks. it will have to establish a permanent cease-fire. it will needo the recovery and stabilization of gaza finally and above all the security council will have to get a political process back on track. a political process aiming to bring about the two stthe only solution able to guarantee peace. our council of course cannot replace the will be a pivotal one. france will shoulder its response abilities and will propose in the coming days and initiatiitty council. i think you. -- i thank you. >> i thank the representative of france for their statement.
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i give the floor to the tive of switzerland. >> thank you, mr. president. switzerland voted in favor of the strap resolution and welcomes its adoption by the security council. this is at last a sign of hope. this vote should mark a return to greater humanity in the middle east conflict. human dignity and decency must define us as a global community. this is how the secretary general of the united nations who together with all of the humanitarians working i would like to thank. they underlined this yesterday at thetoday's vote demonstrates the importance and the weight that elected members can have when the council's blockage fulfillment of its mandate. switzerland worked tirelessly with all the council members who i would like to thank here to get this resolution adopted always in a spirit of solidarity
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and constructive, mindful of the mandate entrusted to us by the general assembly when it like that us -- elected us and our own priority which is to protect civilians. we had a clear common objective to send the parties to the conflict a clear and unequivocal request for an immediate ceasefire leading to a lasting cease-fire. a sustainable cease-fire. it was high time that the council agrees on this demand. an immediate ceasefire is a priority step, but it is only the firstrophic humanitarian situation in gaza. . for almost six months, civilians starting with children and hundredsf thousands of displaced persons have been facing deadly bombardments idemics instead of going to school or work safely. this must stop immediately. the implementation of this resolution must help to provide the civilian population with the humanitarian aid they need. through every possible means of access. as well as to provide medical
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care restore medical infrastructure, relieve the burden on medical personnel and enable them to carry out their mission without danger. the resolution also makes a clear demand for the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages. who they too along with theirfamilies must be allowed to return home safe and sound. their capture during the attacks of terror of october the 7th which switzerland strongly condemns contravenes international law. today's outcome is a clear call to all parties to cease hostilities and finally fully respect their obligations under international law. in particular international humanitarian and human rights law. for the resolution, we have just adopted to be effectively implemented the immediate ceasefire mu without delay to a lasting sustainable ceasefire, similarly given the catastrophic humanitarian consequences that a large scale operation in
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rafa would have on the civilian population and humanitarian operations such an the secretary general said yesterday at the rafa crossing it's time to silence the guns. hodarkness. with the adoption of the resolution today, it is now time to regain hope and to work together relentlessly towards a prospect of lasting peace, a two state solution where israelis and palestinians and security and dignity. thank you. >> i think the representative of switzerland for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of china. >> i thank you, mr. president. mr. president, china voted in n that has just been put to the vote. we thank algeria mozambique, and other elected council members for their efforts.
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last friday, the security council voted on the other draft resolution proposed by the united states on the situation in gaza. china together with algeria and russia voted against it. a comparison of the twaf the differences the current draft is unequivocal and correct in its direction. demanding an immediate cease-fire. while the previous one has been evasive and ambiguous. the current draft demands an cease-fire, while the previous one has set preconditions for cease-fire. the current draft reflects the international community and enjoys the collective support of the arabious one has been jointly rejected by the arab states.
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the differences between the two whether there should be an immediate and unconditional and whether the collective punishment of the people of gaza should be allowed to continue. on this issue, china like most members of the international committee has been very clear from the very outset. whether we voted against it last friday or in favor of it today vote was based on our consistent position and prepositions. after repeated vetos of the council actions, the united states finally decided to stopobstructing the council's demand for an immediate cease-fire. despite all this, the u.s. stilll kinds of excuses and made
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accusations against china. the eyes of the internationalmmunity are open and discerning. the acquisitions of the u.s. are untenable. on the contrary, it's because of china and other countries concerned, because of our ldho then we force the u.s. to realize that it cannot continue to obstruct the efforts of the council to move in the right direction and take decisive step. and justice will prevail in the end. mr. president nearly six months after the outbreak of the gaza conflict, over 32,000 innocent civilians have lost their lives. for the lives that have already perished, the council resolution today comes too late.
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but for the millions of in gaza who remain mired in an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, this resolution if fully and implemented wholly implemenouncil resolutions are binding. we call on the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the united nations charter and to take due action as required by the resolution . we expect the state with significant influence to play a positive role on the party concerned. including by using all necessary and effective means at their disposal to support the implementation of the resolution to cease all harm to civilians immediately. and the offensive against gaza must be prevented once. a cease-fire during the month of
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ramadan is only the first step that must serve as a basis leading to a lasting sustainable cease-fire. on the early return of the people of gaza who are forced to flee their homes. at the same time, the blockade of gaza and the man-made access of humanitarian supplies must be lifted immediately to ensure that humanitarian supplies enter gaza in sufficient quantities, expeditiously, to reach people in need in a safe and timely manner. we appreciate humanitarian agencies for their efforts. israel must cooperate to open rafah and other land crossings. is indefensible and replaceable for the people of
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gaza to improve steve humanitarian assistance. we urge all parties restore funding as soon as possible. we categorically reject israel's recent vicious campaign of attacks against the united nations system as a whole. we welcome the efforts of states and qatar to release the hostages and expect the release of all urging -- early return home. mr. president, the security council based on the adopted resolution today, continues to follow closely the situation in gaza and get ready for further actions when necessary. and ensure the timely and full implementation of its resolutions. china will continue to make unremitting urging to the ending of fighting in gaza and implement the two states
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solution. thank you, mr. president. >> thank you to the representative of china for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of ecuador. >> thank you mr. president. ecuador condemns the terrorist attacks in moscow. we express solidarity with the families of the victims the russian people. the resolution we have considered gives us an idea of how a text that it is acceptable to all members of the council. it allows the council to speak out in a timely fonassert -- to a humanitarian situation. this demands a cease-fire for ch will bring relief to the civilian population. at the same time it demands the immediate release of all hostagesres violence against civilians and all victims of acts of terrorism
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including thes committed by hamas in october. the text takes note of the assets egypt, -- the efforts egypt, qatar and the u.s. are making. we hope their efforts will bear fruit. ecuavodraft resolution and we are delighted it has been adopted. we value the flexibility shown on this allocation by alls to the situation as urgent as it is in gaza. we must together ensure this resolution is effectively and immediately implemented. thank you. >> i thank the representative of i give the door to the representative of guyana. >> thank you mr. president. condemns the terrorist attacks that occurred in moscow and extends condolences to the government and people of russia. mr. president, colleagues, guyana is pleased that the
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council has finally been adopt a resolution that demands an immediate cease-fire for the month of ramadan leading to a last and sustainable cease-fire. after more than five months of a war of terror and destruction, a cease-re is the difference between life and death for hundreds of thousands of palestinians and others. this demand comes after significant time, as palestinians are observing the holy month of ramadan. sadly thisr palestinians, fatally different. their observance began as people weep over the killings bullets fall indiscriminately around them. 17,000 children began ramadan as orphans due to the war. 70,000 families began ramadan without a home, on rubble. 290,000 homes, severely damaged.
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instead of being in their homes the sacred place where they usually pray break fast and commune with family and friends during this holy month, three quarters of the population of gaza are displaced. ramadan is a time for families to join for a nightly feast time to share food and blessings with the less fortunate. gaza, there is starvation and we are seeing evidence of a man-made famine. all of this when there is food available deliberately withheld. women and children are disproportionately impacted. they represent the majority of those killed. children and pregnant and lactating women are at higher risk of mortality due to lack of adequate nutrition. at the samethe families of the hostages held in gaza continues to mount with no clear prospect for the return of their loved ones. palestinians experience the same anguish waiting for their relatives who are illegally detained in israel to come home.
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they emphasize the demand for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. we demand the r of palestinians held in israeli jails without trial. mr. president and colleagues, the reality is that the popula o gaza has worsened as the occupying power continues atrocities. given these realities and the consensus by elected members of this council that we must act guyana collaborated with fellow elected members to put forward this draft resolution for immediate cease-fire, the unconditional release of hostages, and expanding u.n. humanitarian assistance. we thank the coordinator, the commissioner desert -- dedication of mozambique for leadership on the process. we thank our colleagues for
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finally, collectively doing right by the palestinian people. it is long overdue but still the right thing to have done, to stop the indignities against the palestinian people. this is just the beginning. the task before us is to secure full compliance with this resolution and its predecessors, including 2712 and 2720. in this regarda for full adherence to these resolutions. finally, mr. president, dear colleagues, the holy month of rama and in a mere 15 days. it is essential that this council and those with influence on theties immediately redouble efforts to bring about the lasting and sustainable cease-fire this resolution calls forrelease of hostages and massively scale up humanitarian assistance. this is absolutely necessary to save gaza, and create a free state
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of palestine with which israel peacefully coexist. thank you. >> i think the representative of guyana for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of sierra leone>> mr. president. sierra leoneernment and people of the russian federation following the heinous attacks last week. in all forms and manifestations are condemnable and unjustifiable. mr. president, the consideration of adoption of resolution 2728 was born out of the need to address the current plight of the palestinians in the gaza strip. especially d ramadan, a time traditionally feel -- filled with peace love and devotion am communities.
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we recognize the palestinian people's collective trouble facing each day hunger. with that in mind, the resolution adopted builds on the u.n. charter including the responsibility of the security council in the united nations collective security steam. to act as mandated and the establishment of a moral and clinicalmá. the security council demands an immediate cease-fire of the month of ramadan respected by all parties leading to a lasting, sustainable. the fighting must stop. the killings must stop. the suffering and punishment must and. the parties of the conflict are under obligation to respect the demand of the security council. the parties fully were -- implement the resolution, as well as others.
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states with influence will apply pressure on the parties to implement these resolutions. we continue to support the diplomatic efforts of egypt qatar and the united states is complementary to demands of the security council. the resolution just adopted demands the immediate and uncoitional release of all hostages as well as ensuring humanitarian access to medical and other humanitarian needs. taking of hostages is illegal under international law. mr. president, the resolution adopted demands the party to the conflict complied with obligations under international law. this isby the council's demand for the parties to comply with obligation of international law including humanitarian law to protect all civilians, deplore attacks against civilians and civilian
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objects, violence and hostility against civilians anall acts of terrorism. half the population in the gaza strip are facing acute suffering, with famine. the emphasis on the need to expand humanitarian assistance and enforce protection of civilians in the gaza strip is significant. this demand is enforced by the creation of the further demand for thelifting of humanitarian assistance at scale. the needs of the palestinians in the strip is restoring their human dignity. similarly the resolution recognizes the dignity of the hostages and detainees. mr. president the federation -- although not in the explanation, we are compelled to ensure the objective of a cease-fire is met
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. the conflict impacts more than palestinian civilians, therefore the demand for an immediate a lasting, sustainable cease-fire. it must lead to a permanent cessation of hostilities and for israel and palestine to live side-by-side in peace, security and stability. the cease fire must lead to a path of a two state solution. we will continue support for a two state solution, the only viable path to end the occupation and resolve this prolonged conflict. thank you. >> i think the representative from sierra leone for their emi give the floor to the representative of the united kingdom. >> i would like to start by offeringndolences for the terrorist attacks at the crocus city hall near moscow. our sympathy go to the filiespresident,
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the united kingdom has long been calling for an immediate humanitarian pause leading to a sustainable cease-fire without a return to -- destruction, fighting and loss of life is the fastest way to get hostages out and aid in,.that is what the resolution called for and why the united kingdom voted yes on this text. president, israel continues to reckon with the brutal the october 7 attacks. and innocent hostages continue to be held by hamas in gaza. israel has a right to defend itself and ensure such an attack can never happen again. we regret that this resolution has not condemned the terrorist attacks perpetrated by hamas on
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the seventh of october. the u.k. condemned these attacks unequivocally this resolution sets urgent demand for the unconditional release of all hostages, and we welcome the ongoing diplomatic efforts by egypt, qatar and the united states to this and. to this end. the intense suffering of palestinian civilians in gazansbaas a humanitarian catastrophe unfolds before our eyes. the clear and united message on the need for international humanitarian law to be upheld, and for aid to be scaled up urgently, including the lifting of all barriers impeding its delivery.
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president, the u.k. foreign secretary and prime minister have reiterated these messages in our contact with prime minister netanyahu and other senior israeli political leade)w in recentwe call for this resolution to be implemented immediately. president, we need to focus on how we chart the way from an immediate humanitarian pause to a lasting, sustainable peace without a return to fighting. that means the formation of a new palestinian government of the west bank and gaza, accompanied by international support package. it provides a credible and
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irreversible pathway towards a two state solution. of israel and palestine living side-by-side in security and peace. thank you. >> i for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of the russian federation. mr. president. distinguished colleagues. russia voted in favor of the draft resolution prepared by the 10 nonpermanent member is important the un security council for the first time is demanding the parties, the observance of an immediate cease-fire even if it is limited to the month of ramadan. unfortunately, what happened after that that -- what happens after that ends is unclear.
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the word lasting could be in that is very telling. thoset freehand. we very much want to believe this wording will be used in the peace rather than advancing the inhumane israeli operation against the palestinians. theorld be more precise and we are disappointed it did not make it through. nevertheless, we believe it does the mentally important to vote in favor of peace. the security council must continue to work on achieving a permanent cease-fire. we also notefor immediate and unconditional release of the hostages, on the 22nd of march there was another tragic day in the history of the security council when through
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intrigue and blackmail, they he wrong path and adopt a document that didn't contain a demand or at least a call for a cease-fire, butally was presented as the representative of algeria said, as a license for the rther killing of palestinians. neither we nor our algerian and chinese colleagues could allow for that. of the escalation in the conflict zone the russian delegation has been howling on the security council to responde unprecedented upsurge in violence with precise and unambiguous demand for a permanent cease-fin re iin so doing, fulfilling its mandate for international peace and security. du our amendment we once again saw the face of our colleagues on the security council and we realized who truly wants to end, rather than
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suspend, the inhumane israeli operation. we would like to point out the following. what took place today is a response to those who criticize the veto power of the permanent member security council, because if we haven't used it, on the 22nd of march, instead of a text that could end the violence in th strip, we could have ended up with a harmful text in the u.s. resolution that not only didn't demand a cease-fire buisrael a license to continue its actions against the palestinians, including an rafah. in conclusion i would like to remind the u.s. representative who time and again accuses the council of not being able to condemn attacks on israel and russia of not being able to condemn terrorist attacks, on the u.s. delegation had an opportunity to adopt the brazilian draft
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resolution with a clear condemnation of the seventh of october and with a humanitarian force. yet in that wording upon by washington, i remind you at that time the delegation of russia when but the united states vetoed the brazilian text, therefore you impede yourselves. we must not return to this moment endlessly. th actions have been repeatedly condemned by all members of the security company -- counsel. israel respondedcollective punishment of the palestinian people, the result of which, more than 32,000 innocent citizens have died. the majority of whom are women and children. think about those numbers. also like to remind you that immediately and
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unambiguously, russia condemned what place on the seventh of october and there is no need to speculate on that. you -- we know firsthand what international terror rib -- he is. we faced a monstrous manifestation of it. it is brutal, the brutal face of tethe 22nd of march terrorist attack on our country. it took at least 143 entirely innocent lives. least 143 innocent civilians who were shot in cold blood and we have ced such manifestations of terrorism in the 1990's and we suffered heavy losses as a result. we are grateful to all those who today express you. >> i thank the representative of
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the russian federation for their statement. i shall now make a statement in my capacity as representative from japan. the humanitarian situation in gaza is catastrophic, even during the holy month of ramadan. the imminence of famine, nearly 1.5 one million people in rafah struggling for survival. we deeply mourn the tens of thousands of lives lost in the conflict stemming from october 7 terrorist attack and thereafter on the ground. in this the security council to demand an immediate cease-fire for ramadan respected by all parties to lasting, sustainable cease-fire in gaza. all council members to demand an immediate and unconditional release of all hostages,
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ensuring humanitarian accessthis is why japan is one of the core pen holders and tabled the draft resolution. we welcome the resolution posed by the time today. we strongly support the ongoing efforts, including the talks towards a cease-fire in connection with the release of all remaining hostages. we believe the cease-fire could build a path towards stableon, which is what the international community voices to us every day. japan will continue to work to achieve that path. th resume function as the president of the council. i know give the floor to the observer state of palestine. >> mr.
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i wish to begin my statement by condolences of the government, people, and my goodour condolences to the russian federation following the horrific attack in moscow. we express our sympathy to the bereavednd in solidarity with our russian brothers and sisters in these difficult days. mr. president, it has taken six months. overtinians killed and maimed. 2 million displaced, and famine for the council to finally demand an cease-fire vote for humanity to prevail for life to prevail.
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the palestinians in gaza pleaded and appealed, shouted cried cursed prayed, defied the odds to again. and yet continue to face death destruction and displacement deprivation and disease and an occupation made famine. bombs besieged, people buried under the rubble ofey are killed in their homes in the streets, in hospitals and ambulances in u.n. shelters and even intense -- in tents. the ordeal must come to an end. it must come to an immediate and w. as we speak families prepare to
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break their fast, missing loved ones around th table. they may find nothing to put on their children's plate. in fact, there is no home sheltering them. there is no table to gather around and no plates to fill and no food to eat. they lost their homes. they loved ones. some of them are still trapped under the rubble. imagine being a parent with kids under the rubble and others alive. feeling broken, butce to go on for those who remain. yesterday, palestinian christians celebrated palm sunday in besieged and destroyed churches that have become shelters in gaza.
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they gathered, surrounded by death and praying for resurrecpalestinian families cannot mourn or heal. they have to find a way to survive and help what is left of their family survived. mr. president, when such atrocities are being committed in broad daylight against defenseless civilians, including women and children, the right thing to do, the only thing to do morally, legally, politically, is to put an end to it. there can be no justification for war. crimes against humanity and genocide. accepting any justification for such crimes is renouncing our humanity and destroying the rule
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of international law beyond repair president, two months ago the highest international court determined real and imminent threat of irreparable harm to the plausible rights of palestinians under the genocide convention. it ordered israel to undertake immediate measures in relation to its mass and indiscriminat to driving -- depriving palestinians of essential good for their survival, to the incitement t genocide. instead of implementing this mandatory order by the court, down in the commission of its crimes. your leaders havrms that israel is responsible for the famine and
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the war in gaza and they use starvation as a method of war. they have called on israel not tong chip. they spoke of a man-made disaster meaning the israeli disaster. they have called repeatedly on israel to stop its indiscriminate bombing and spare civilian lives to no avail. they have called repeatedly on israel give civilians safe haven. instead, it attacked them even in hospitals and u.n. shelters. it them in the very places it asked them to heed to. it has killed they stayed and killed them if they left. and now, it continues to threaten a ground operation in
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rafah, where it has pushed them and confined them at the very edge of the gaza strip in yet another attempt to forcibly displace our people. heating these calls israel has attacked those making them. it continues in particular it's incitement against the u.n. it secretary-general whom we salute him agencies, notably the lifeline the israeli prime minister wrote that they cooperate with terrorist and the you and -- this u.n. has become under the leadership of antonio guterres antisemitic and nt he is really body that shelters and emboldens terror.
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this outrageous incitement has real-life consequences for the u.n. and humanitarian staff. underground, who are targets for attacks, who are killed, arrested and tortured, humiliated and harassed. it has also realized consequences for palestinians and isrha it as a pretext to block humanitarian aid to be distributed by and more. it is time for israeli actions to trigger a serious internationaleaction, one that enforces consequences for these crimes rather than just pleas that israel continues to dismiss. there is no humanity when our lives are tated as expethere are no rules without
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enforcement. israel has been treated as a state of of the law for so long that it deals it no longer has to when acting as an outlaw state. from ethnic cleansing to genocide. agony is caused by israeli actions, but also by the impunity it has been afforded. by the fact that countries have not taken decisive measures to stop it, and many continue call it and treat it as an ally even while it is committing such mr. president, we expressur appreciation to all of you. for having put forward this resolution. and we welcome its adoption by the council.
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we thank algeria for representing us and all the arab countries in this endeavor. we salute arab unity and demand immediate cease-fire. this must be a turning must lead to saving lives on the ground. this must signal the end of this assault of atrocities against our people. a nation is being murdered. a nation is being dispossessed. a nation is being displaced. for decades now, but never at this scale. never this. from 1948 to 2024, we have
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injured. we have survived. we have resurrected. only to face death once again. life must prevail in gaza. must prevail. freedom must prevail in palestine. for six months now, every single palestinian in has endured untold suffering loss, pain and tragedy. this must stop now. palestinian h palestinian victims are not less deserving of compassion and empathy, of outrage andsolidarity.
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they must be flee from fear and want -- from siege and occupation from jeff and displacement. families must be reunited and start to heal, at least from the wounds that can actually be healed. they must be given chance to bury their loved ones, and mourn their loss, to rebuild, even if the cease-fire happened now and the siege was lifted now, it would take generations to deal with the trauma and the devastation. mr. president, now thatun has finally called for a cease-fire, all forces should coalesce to make sure it is in worst. apologies to those who the war has failed, to those that could
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have been saved and were not. save the lives of those who survive. against all odds. tell them, help is on the way. hold account those who inflicted such suffering upon them. end this injustice. end it now. all of this is long overdue and i thank you very much, mr. president. >> i thank the permanent observer of the observer state of palestine for his statement. i give the to the representative from israel. >> thank you, mr. president. president, at the outset i want to express my deepest condolences to the russian people and f the big terms of the heinous terror attack on friday.
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terror must always be in the harshest terms. the security council was justifiably quick, very condemn friday's terror attacks in russia. just as it was waiting no time to condemn the terror attack in an against a police station in december. yet still, to this day the council refuses tohe most widespread and barbaric massacre suffered by the jewish people since the holocaust. at least 137 people were murdered at the concert hall in russia on friday by radical . almost six months ago, nearly 400 people were murdered at music in israel by the radical jihadists of hamas. why does the security council discriminate between russian murdered at the concert and
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israelis murdered at the music festival? colleagues, no matter where they live, deserve to enjoy music in safety and security. the security councilhould have the moral clarity to condemn such acts of terror equally wicounsel refused to condemn the october 7 massacre. this is a disgrace. colleagues, it was the hamas massacre that started this war. i repeat, it was the hamas massacre that started this work. nearly six months of past and the security council still has not condemned the child murdering rapists that began this war. the resolution just voted upon makes it seem as if the war started by itself. let me set the record straight. israel did not start this war
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nor did israel want this war. israel disengaged and withdrew from gaza 18 years. we wanted a cease-fire and coexistence. you can repeat your slogans and to know for the palestinians what the palestinians seek, but this won't make it the truth or the reality. the palestinian representative is lying when he says his people want to live side-by-side with way, as you probably know, he doesn't represent hamas. he doesn't rep they did not choose him to speak for them. his leader refuses to even condemn the massacre ancontinued to -- after israel withdrew from gaza of palestinians elected hamas, a terrorist organization. they elected a terror organization.
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hamas convicted -- converted every inch o gaza into a terrible war machine under the u.n. knows. hamas initiated attacks on israeli civilians throughout the past 18 years. thousands and thousands of indiscriminate rockets and missiles at civilians. today, hamas is the most popular movement among palestinians. according to every poll, the vast majority of palestinians support hamas' massacre on october 7 and gaza and judea and samaria. this is the reality you should face and address. while the resolution fails to cut down hamas, -- condemn hamas, it should something that should be the driving moral words. it denounces the taking of hostages, recalling that it is in violaf international law. taking innocent civilians
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hostage is a war crime and there is no arguing this is what hamas committed. the release of the hostages should have been the number one priority. when it comes toringing hostages home, the security council must not settle her words alone but take action real action. it is unfathomable that when it comes to releasing the hostages, we still only see in action. not a single has been taken by the council aside from symbolic words or give yet when it comes to the situation in gaza, the council rushed to take you appointed a special coordinator and established a fayette to see aid shipments stand. the secretary-general -- has visited rafah crossings twice. why do our hostages not receive concrete action? what have you done to advance theircolleagues following this
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counsel's adoption of the bills co-for the release of all hostages, hamas didn't stop to even contemplate for one. it should be clear that as long as hamas refuses to release the hostages and the diplomatic chaner no other way to secure their return of their were done through a military operation. on the one hand, the resolution says taking civilian hostages is in violation of international law. yes. on the other hand, despite the you know hamas will listen to your calls and release the hostages, you demand a cease-fire -- will not listen to your calls and release the hostages, you demand a cease-fire and think about this moral contradiction. your demand for a cease-fire without conditioning it on the
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release of theostages not only is not helpful but it undermines, undermines the efforts to secure their release. it is har to these efforts because it gives hamas' terrible wrists, it gives hamas hope to get a cease-fire without releasing the hostages. all members of the council, all s should have voted against this shameful resolution . mr. president, where are thecouncil's actions? why don't you designate hamas as a terror organization? even if there are councilmembers here who would present this due to political alliances with hamas leadership where are the moral efforts to advance such a designation? i wish to suggest an alternative text that should have en adopted by the council if it
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wasn't so biased against israel. the security council strongly condemns and deplores all abuses of human right and where applicable, violations of humanitarian law by the terrorist group, including those involving populations, notably women and children, kidnapping killing, hostage taking pillaging, rapexe, s violence, recruitment of children and destruction of civilian property. the security council demands that the terrorist group immediately and unequivocally cease all hostilities and abuses of hum rights and violations of international humanitarian law and disarm and demobilize. the security council demands the l release of all those adopted -- abducted who remained in captivity. the security council recognizes
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some of s acts may be crimes against humanity. i didn't text. do you know who did? this counsel. this was adopted by the council 10 years agokidnapped the schoolgirls in nigeria. i ask again why can this counsel call on boko haram to lay down arms but the same cannot be demanded of the murderous hamas terrorists? is the life of this baby less than the life of a nigerian child? sadly, it is for the samey you can't condemned terrorist acts in russia and iran but not israel. israeli blood isthis is a travesty, and i am disgusted. thank you, mr. president. >> i finished the representative of israel there statement. i give the door to the
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representative of yemen. -- the floor to the representative of yemen. >> thank you mr. president. my honor to deliver the statement on behalf of the arab group. at the outset i would like to cond congratulate japan on presiding over the council for this month. i thank you for holding this session. like to express our condolences to our colleagues in the russian as the russian government and people for the terrorist act t clai lives of dozens of victims. we condemn this terro its arms. the arab group would like to thank the e 10 for tabling draft resolution that was adopted by
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the security council. the resolution expressly calls for an immediate cease-fire in gaza during the holy month of ramadan, leading to a permanent and sustainable cease-fire. given the urgency of this call from the arab group and the international community as a whole, especially in lht of the dangerous and catastrophic deterioration of the humanitarian situation in gaza which cannot be attacked then -- accepted or tolerated. the arab group would like to express appreciation to all members of the sick rarity counsel engage in a positive manner in negotiations on the draft resolution and we value the position of member states that voted in favor of this urgent humanitarian resolution. we also welcome the adoption of
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the resolution 2728 which gives priority to the humanitarian dimension in order to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of palestinians, to make sure the security council once again is shouldering its legal and moral r and maintaining international peace and security and to end the bloodbath in gaza. the arab group reaffirms we should consider this resolution as a first step leading to another binding resolution that stipulates the immediate cease-fire in the gaza to compel israel to immediately and without any preconditions peace -- cease the war it launched against the gaza strip. we reaffirm the efforts to on the exchange of prisoners and detainees and the execution of a truce, this does
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not run counter to the call for an immediates this call would contribute to facilitating and enhancing these efforts. mr. president, been the hostage of political calculations and narrow interests that disregard the humanitarian and legal right to save, stem the bloodshed and delivered urgent assistance to those in need without any obstacles. this lies responsibilities and functions of this counsel, adopting today's resolution comes as a response, albeit late, to palestinian victims and the calls of the international community for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. we do hope that you will continue to work seriously, and not just focus on a temporary cease-fire work on reaching a comprehensive and final cease-fire to allow the delivery of all humanitarian assistance to gaza without obstacle, to put an end to the crimo forceful
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displacement of palestinians that seeks t lands. this resolution reaffirms that the israeli occupation forces do not have free in perpetrating daily massacres against children and women and preventing the delivery of humanitarian assistance. the arab group calls for an immediate compliance with today's resolution, and we warn against the consequences of moving forward with the occupations plan ground offensive against the city of rafah, which is the last safe haven for more than one point 5 million palestinians displaced persons. this will cause an unacceptable humanitarian catastrophe. further, the arab group renews its that checks the policy of bias cover-up and protection for the plans of the israeli occupation of authorities at the expense of
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over 32,000 people who died and will be 72,000 injured, mostly women and children in the gaza strip over the past five months of this brutal israeli aggression. the -- arab group rejects the double standards that are prolonging this conflict in light of theilimplement any resolutions on palestine over the past 75 years. we all once again -- called once the complete implementation of all relevant security council resolutions including resolution 2712 and 2720 of 2023. mr. president. the israeli occupation forces continueith their crimes and aggression and genocidal war in the gaza strip since the seventh children or had they have even added yield to the buyer by
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adopt a policy of starvation -- fuel to the fire by adopting a policy of starvation against citizens. the arab group calls on this counsel to hold israel accountable for its crimes and impose strict sanctions on settlers in the occupied palestinian territory including in jerusalem. perpetrating acts of violence against the palestinian people are those who are inciting violence. the israeli occupation should bear the consequences of this brutal aggression and the brutal massacres against the residents of gaza. they should bear the responsibility of rebuilding what their monstrous military all victims that died as a result of this aggression, and in conclusion, the arab group reaffirms it will with its efforts at all levels and in all forms. to make sure this counsel
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shoulders its responsibility to make sure the provisions of this resolution are implemented ase-fire on the delivery of humanitarian assistance without obstacles, to put an end to the policy of forcible displacement of the palestinian people and to provide international protection to palestinians in the occupied palestinian territory and hold israel's occupying power accountable for all of its crimes against the palestinian people. the arab on all countries and international organizations to recognize without delay, an independent palestinian state along the lines of june 4 1967 with east jerusalem as its capital, to accept palestinef the united nations and its entities in order to end the suffering of these people and restore some of their inalienable rights they have been denied over the past decades so palestinians can live
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in their independent state that is recognized internationally, that is a full member of the united nations similar to other countries around the world. i thank y i thank the representative of yemen for their statement. there are no more names on the list of speakers. the meeting is adjourned. >> tonight look at digital modernization of the defense department with testimony from defense officials. the hearing will cover cybersecurity, benefits or potential dangers of implementing artificial intelligence. >> what can learn from the integration of gaming models, ai and military strategy? ask i'm not a go
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